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d-kmp-sample's Introduction

D-KMP architecture - official sample

This is the official sample of the D-KMP architecture, presenting a simple master/detail app, for Android, iOS and Desktop.
(the Web version will be added at a later stage, when "Compose for Web" and "Kotlin/Wasm" become more mature)

Key features of the D-KMP architecture:

  • it uses the latest declarative UI toolkits: Compose for Android and SwiftUI for iOS
  • it fully shares the ViewModel (including navigation logic and data layer) via Kotlin MultiPlatform
  • coroutine scopes are cancelled/reinitialized automatically, based on the current active screens and the app lifecycle (using LifecycleObserver on Android and the SwiftUI lifecycle on iOS)
  • it implements the MVI pattern and the unidirectional data flow
  • it implements the CQRS pattern, by providing Command functions (via Events and Navigation) and Query functions (via StateProviders)
  • it uses Kotlin's StateFlow to trigger UI layer recompositions
  • the navigation state is processed in the shared code, and then exposed to the UI layer:
    • on SwiftUI it seamlessly integrates with the new iOS 16 navigation patterns (NavigationStack and/or NavigationSplitView)
    • on Compose it's a "remembered" data class which works on any platform (unlike Jetpack Navigation, which only works on Android)

you can find more info on these articles:

Data sources used by this sample:

these are other data sources, not used by this sample, for which popular KMP libraries exist:

Instructions to write your own D-KMP app:

If you want to create your own app using the D-KMP Architecture, here are the instructions you need:


View Model

  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the viewmodel/screens folder: create a folder for each screen of the app, containing these 3 files (as shown in the sample app structure above):
    • screenEvents.kt, where the event functions for that screen are defined
    • screenInit.kt, where the initialization settings for that screen are defined
    • screenState.kt, where the data class of the state for that screen is defined
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the NavigationSettings.kt file in the screens folder, you should define your level 1 navigation and other settings
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the ScreenEnum.kt file in the screens folder, you should define the enum with all screens in your app
  • โœ… the ScreenInitSettings.kt file in the screens folder doesn't need to be modified
  • โœ… the 6 files in the viewmodel folder (DKMPViewModel.kt, Events.kt, Navigation.kt, ScreenIdentifier.kt, StateManager.kt, StateProviders.kt) don't need to be modified
  • โœ… also DKMPViewModelForAndroid.kt in androidMain and DKMPViewModelForIos.kt in iosMain don't need to be modified

Data Layer

  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the datalayer/functions folder: create a file for each repository function to be called by the ViewModel's StateReducers
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the datalayer/objects folder: create a file for each data class used by the repository functions
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the datalayer/sources folder: create a folder for each datasource, where the datasource-specific functions (called by the repository functions) are defined
  • โœ… the datalayer/Repository.kt file should be modified only in case you want to add an extra datasource



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Schermata 2021-06-26 alle 17 03 13

  • โœ… the App.kt file doesn't need to be modified
  • โœ… the MainActivity.kt file doesn't need to be modified
  • The composables are used by both Android and Desktop apps:
    • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ the Level1BottomBar.kt and Level1NavigationRail.kt files in the navigation/bars folder should be modified to custom the Navigation bars items
    • โœ… the TopBar.kt file in the navigation/bars folder doesn't need to be modified
    • โœ… the OnePane.kt and TwoPane.kt files in the navigation/templates folder don't need to be modified
    • โœ… the HandleBackButton.kt file in the navigation folder doesn't need to be modified
    • โœ… the Router.kt file in the navigation folder doesn't need to be modified
    • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the ScreenPicker.kt file in the navigation folder, you should define the screen composables in your app
    • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the screens folder: create a folder for each screen of the app, containing all composables for that screen
    • โœ… the MainComposable.kt file doesn't need to be modified



  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ the Level1BottomBar.swift and Level1NavigationRail.swift files in the composables/navigation/bars folder should be modified to custom the Navigation bars items
  • โœ… the TopBar.swift file in the composables/navigation/bars folder doesn't need to be modified
  • โœ… the OnePane.swift and TwoPane.swift files in the composables/navigation/templates folder don't need to be modified
  • โœ… the Router.swift file in the composables/navigation folder doesn't need to be modified
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the ScreenPicker.swift file in the views/navigation folder, you should define the screen composables in your app
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ in the views/screens folder: create a folder for each screen of the app, containing all SwiftUI views for that screen
  • โœ… the App.swift file doesn't need to be modified
  • โœ… the AppObservableObject.swift file doesn't need to be modified


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Schermata 2021-06-26 alle 17 03 13

  • โœ… the main.kt file doesn't need to be modified
  • The composables are used by both Android and Desktop apps:

Web (not yet implemented)

  • The best technology to implement a Web App in Kotlin will be Compose for Web backed by Kotlin/Wasm. However Kotlin/Wasm is still at a very early stage: the first version was just released in February 2023, with Kotlin 1.8.20.
  • Compose For Web and Kotlin/Wasm will allow us to build Compose projects seamlessly for the Web, using the same composables we are already using for the Desktop and Android.

d-kmp-sample's People


dbaroncelli avatar


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d-kmp-sample's Issues

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

How to solve this problem? i'm use AS Arctic Fox Canary 14.

Thank you

Some doubts

Hello, excellent initiative.

Could you give me any tips?, I have the following problems:

When I click on run desktop, nothing happens

Codes are hidden after gradlew sync

"Jvm target compatibility should be set to the same Java version" build error

After cloning the project, setting current java to version 18 and building it, I constantly get the error below. Any ideas what can cause it or what could be a solution for it?

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shared:compileDebugKotlinAndroid'.
> 'compileDebugJavaWithJavac' task (current target is 1.8) and 'compileDebugKotlinAndroid' task (current target is 18) jvm target compatibility should be set to the same Java version.
  Consider using JVM toolchain:

Result from other view/state

Fantastic framework, loving it thanks!!

Could you include a sample on how to get result from another view?
E.g.: From the Country detail screen, I would have a button that navigates to a Friend Picker screen where I can select who of my friends were there. Now after selecting some friends, how do I get that information back into the Country Detail screen/state?

many thanks again!

First run not working

Getting all kinds of issues after running for the first time. Is there a chance for this repo to be updated? It seems sooo nice!

iOS Native App

Thanks for this project - I love the idea of the business logic and view models in the Kotloin shared layer.

I am concerned about the iOS application - it does not feel like a native application due to the navigation style being employed. There are no animations. Is this by design? Can we use this architecture with the regular iOS Navigation, so it feels completely native?

Bad Gateway trying to get compose runtime

When trying to run the Android project I get the following error
Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway

Plans to include web version

Hey! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

First, thanks for your conf and blog posts regarding this architecture, they are really inspiring and I'm looking forward to having time and a project in which I can use this idea.

Do you have any plans to include the web version with Kotlin/React in this repo? In your posts you talked about being able to use Compose in web too. Do you know if this happening and how's that going?


App not working for android < 26.

dependencies {

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    // Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
    isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true

This is necessary as the app crashes in lower API versions due to as per

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/time/Instant;
at kotlinx.datetime.Instant.<clinit>(Instant.kt:93)
at kotlinx.datetime.Clock$

Due to GetCountriesList.kt
Line 13 -> val nowUnixtime =

Could not resolve ktor-client-js

When trying to build the Android app I get the following error:

Could not resolve io.ktor:ktor-client-js:1.6.0.
Required by:
    project :shared

Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1, KMM Plugin 0.3.0

Ios could not see getIosInstance()

I am trying to get work the repo. It is OK for Android and desktop, but in IOS I couldnt get DKMPViewModel by using getIosInstance() function. When I try with another simple class, I could reach the class and its functions, but after using Factory, ios could not reach the content. Any idea?

the architecture of D-KMP may be too complex?

if I just write a network request and update the UI. D-KMP has so many concepts:

  1. Events.kt
  2. KMPViewModel.kt
  3. StateManager.kt
  4. StateProviders.kt
  5. StateReducers.kt
  6. Repository.kt

and the relation between these concept is also complex. I think these are hard to maintain.


can you simple the architecture of D-KMP, make more less concepts, and less relationship between these concepts.

Navigation appears to be broken on iOS

When setting up Navigation deeper then Level 2 on iOS, it stops working. As soon as a Level 3 screen is opened, the Navigation jumps back to Level 1. On Android, this does not happen, the Level 3 screen is displayed correctly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a basic new screen in the shared library

NEW file: TestScreenState.kt:

data class TestScreenState (
    val isLoading: Boolean = false
): ScreenState

NEW file: TestScreenInit.kt:

data class TestScreenParams(val name: String) : ScreenParams

fun Navigation.initTestScreen(params: TestScreenParams) = ScreenInitSettings (
    title =,
    initState = { TestScreenState(isLoading = true)},
    callOnInit = {
        stateManager.updateScreen(TestScreenState::class) {
                isLoading = false


enum class Screen(
    val asString: String,
    val navigationLevel : Int = 1,
    val initSettings: Navigation.(ScreenIdentifier) -> ScreenInitSettings,
    val stackableInstances : Boolean = false,
) {
    CountriesList("countrieslist", 1, { initCountriesList(it.params()) }, true),
    CountryDetail("country", 2, { initCountryDetail(it.params()) }),
    TestScreen("testscreen", 3, {initTestScreen(it.params())}),
  1. Add the screen to the iOS App, so that it can be navigated to from within CountryDetailScreen

NEW file: TestScreen,swift:

struct TestScreen: View {
    var testScreenState: TestScreenState
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if testScreenState.isLoading {
            } else {
                Text("Hello, World!")


case .countrydetail:
        countryDetailState: self.stateProvider.getToCast(screenIdentifier: sId) as! CountryDetailState,
        ontestScreenOpened: {name in self.navigate(.testscreen, TestScreenParams(name: name))}
case .testscreen:
        testScreenState: self.stateProvider.getToCast(screenIdentifier: sId) as! TestScreenState


NavLink(linkFunction: {ontestScreenOpened("population")}) {
    DataElement(label: "total population", value: data.population)
  1. Start App and navigate to the newly created screen

[Question] Architecture and implementation details


First, thank you for the huge amount of work you put in defining a neat and future-proof architecture, and for making it publicly available. I've been waiting for something like this for months.

I have several questions about it (some of it may be exclusively related to Compose/SwiftUI as I'm quite new to native development):

  • Navigation:

    • How would you implement a second layer of navigation? e.g. A layer for onboarding unauthenticated users and another for logged-in users.
    • How would you handle actions depending on a screen's lifecycle? e.g. Doing something when the screen is rendered. Should lifecycle hooks be part of the architecture or should Compose/SwiftUI hooks be used to achieve this kind of action? e.g. A LaunchedEffect hook calls a function defined in the shared module
  • State:

    • Do you think this architecture is compatible with any kind of local cache as a single source of truth for the state? e.g. Apollo HTTP/Normalized GraphQL cache
    • If so, would you implement the caching behaviour inside the runtimecache or the localdb directory?
  • General:

    • Don't you think some of the unchanged files included in the sample should be upstreamed and packaged in a multiplatform library or some kind of DSL?

If it helps, here's more information about what I'm trying to build: apollographql/apollo-kotlin#3106

Thanks in advance for your time!

Error SockeTimeout when building `shared:runCommonizer` task

> Task :shared:runCommonizer
Failed building KotlinMPPGradleModel
org.gradle.internal.operations.BuildOperationQueueFailure: There was a failure while

Really unsure this is my internet connection or not, but it already 1h and failing twice.

When trying to download the yarn, does the project have pre-req setup that I'm not aware of? ๐Ÿ™

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