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qwery's Issues

Use root/context element for id selector

If you want to support the use of the root/context element to narrow the scope of a id selector then you could change this line of code in the boilerPlate function:

return (el = doc.getElementById(m[1])) ? [el] : [];

to this:

return (el = doc.getElementById(m[1])) ? (isAncestor(el, root) ? [el] : []) : [];

As it is now, an id selector invocation that includes a scoping element has the scoping element ignored, e.g.,

qwery("#myId", someAncestorNode);  // ignores someAncestorNode and doesn't scope the query to it

Maybe a weird use-case but the use-case is "I want to get this element X that I have an id for, but only if the element X is currently a descendant of element Y."

isNode (typeOf el === 'object') breaks compatibility with old browser

isNode (typeOf el === 'object') breaks compatibility with old browser

I use a browser written in java called ice browser and this check in the isNode function breaks compatibility with it. The type is coming across as a function for some reason. Any way this check can be removed or to also include typeOf el === 'function'.

function isNode(el) {
    return el && typeof el === 'object' && el.nodeType && (el.nodeType == 1 || el.nodeType == 9)

match method

Right now I'm using Sizzle as part of my event system. On my event system, you do not register an event to an existing node, but you register an event to a "selector" (so it does not matter if you modify the DOM, you don't need to re-attach events to nodes you may have removed/re-added).

To do so, I'm relying on the "match" method of Sizzle, that let me check if the element I clicked/hovered/etc. or any of its parents matches my selectors.

It is a possibility to add a match method to qwery?

_qwery "root" parameter is not used...

I noticed that the root parameter for the _qwery function on 81 is not used. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this function intends to use the root parameter on line 83, in the assignment of the current context? While the only usage of this function is within the qwery function, (which guarantees a value for root as at least the document), perhaps a proper fix would be:

currentContext = [root || doc];

? Otherwise the function would search through the document, even if a root were specified, no?

Improve IE8 performance

Leverage native qSA for more than just simple cases, perhaps first test for existence of non-CSS3 qSA and then regex the selector to see if it matches a broader range of non-CSS3 cases and can be handled by the native implementation. At the moment it's just tag and/or class (tag.class or .class) being given to qSA so performance is terrible across other common cases.

And, IE8 aint going away any time soon.

Error or undefined result from bad query

When selecting something that doesn't exist, why do I get back an object? Shouldn't I get back undefined or see an error?

For example, say I have an element:

<div id='awesome'></div>

I'll select it, but I accidentally mistype it:

var myDiv = qwery('#awesom');

It is really hard to debug this (especially in large applications), and this is one of the reasons why I switched from jQuery.

Errors are nice because they show line numbers and originating files. I think returning undefined in this case makes the most sense.

documentFragment query errors

cast TypeError error when query only tag on the DocumentFragment

var f = document.createDocumentFragment();
qwery( 'p a', f );    // success
qwery( 'p', f );      // TypeError: Object #<DocumentFragment> has no method 'getElementsByTagName'

Can't run tests in IE

Tests don't run in IE (IETester anyway).

I was using qwery as the selector engine for my new tiny framework, but was running into issues in IE < 8. Tried to run the tests in IE to see if they all pass or not, turns out you can't even run the tests, even in IE 8 :(

Bug fix for ie7 and ie8

I have a ie 7-8 bug fix

fix for getelementbyeclassname IE error

in qwery function

if (hasByClass && m[3]) return arrayify(rootbyClass)


if (hasByClass && m[3] && window.addEventListener) return arrayify(rootbyClass)

Simulate error with this bean integration, it does not like ".thumbClickItem" so when you try to delegate context for ajax content.

        $(".thumbViewerUL").on("click", ".thumbClickItem", function (evt) {

Unable to select elements by id in custom HTML elements


I have found a bug(?) in qwery when trying to select an element when using an custom HTML element as context. I noticed this while porting from Sizzle to qwery. Try the following code to reproduce.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xmlns:surf="">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
        <surf:container id="hello">
            <div id="world"></div>

            console.debug("Sizzle #hello", Sizzle("#hello"));
            console.debug("Sizzle #world", Sizzle("#world", Sizzle("#hello")[0]));
            console.debug("qwery #hello", qwery("#hello"));
            console.debug("qwery #world", qwery("#world", qwery("#hello")[0]));

I get the following console output (using Chrome):

Sizzle #hello [<surf:container id=​"hello">​…​</surf:container>]
Sizzle #world [<div id=​"world">​</div>]
qwery #hello [<surf:container id=​"hello">​…​</surf:container>]
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLUnknownElement> has no method 'getElementById'

As you can see Sizzle is able to handle this, but qwery is unable to select the inner element.

TODO: always return results in document-order

I'm just going to put this out there as something for someone to do at some point in the future if they feel so inclined. I don't think it'd be a particularly easy job, especially while maintaining current performance.

Native querySelectorAll() works, conceptually at least, by scanning all nodes from top to bottom and checking them against the selector, each match gets added to the return list and then we end up with a list of elements in proper document order. Qwery does this except in the case of grouped selectors because we split the selector up into component parts with selector.split(',') and process them separately with _qwery(). This split is also done for all browsers in the case of element-rooted queries with a relationship selector first (e.g. Q('>.yee, .haa', element)).

Take a fragment: <p><a/><b/><i/><em/></p> and query it for 'b,a'. qSA will give you [<a/>,<b/>] because this is document-order while Qwery will give you [<b/>,<a/>] because we first process the 'b' and then the 'a' and append the results together. Sizzle and NW manage to do this properly. There are some cases where it matters but it mainly matters because that's the de-facto standard that's emerged and been written into the actual standard.

Here's a snippet that you can run in the console of a modern browser to demonstrate the issue and could form the basis of a simple unit test:

var e = document.createElement('p');
e.innerHTML = '<a/><i/><b/>';
e.querySelectorAll = null; // comment this out to run with the native qSA
var r = qwery('b,a', e); // insert other selector engine here if you want to see if it works properly
if (r.length !== 2 || !/[aA]/.test(r[0].tagName)) console.log("Bzzt! Wrong answer", r);
else console.log('correct:',r);

This mainly matters for IE <= 7, it matters in IE8 when you're using CSS3+ selectors (otherwise it uses the in-built CSS2-compliant qSA) and I think it'll matter for all browsers with element-rooted queries with relationship selectors first (see above). IE6&7 will hopefully not matter soon so fixing it just for the CSS3 qSA case might be a bit simpler.

possible improvement in isNode()

I am not sure why there is a check for "el === window" in the isNode() function, it could be because it is use in other contexts elsewhere but it surely isn't needed for qwery.js. I don't see the need to convert nodeType to string and matching against 1/9 either. A simple OR expression will be shorter and faster too.

Current code:

function isNode(el) {
    return (el === window || el && el.nodeType && el.nodeType.toString().match(/[19]/));

possible improvement in speed and code size if the "el === window" is to be kept:

function isNode(el) {
    return (el === window || (el && el.nodeType == 1 || el.nodeType == 9));

alternative improvement in speed and code size if the "el === window" is not needed:

function isNode(el) {
    return el && el.nodeType == 1 || el.nodeType == 9;

happy coding.

.show() works a bit funny

When I want to show an element via $('some-selector').show(), I expect it to set the element's display property to block. It looks like the .show() function wants you to pass in the display type, which is fine. the problem is that if you fail to pass in a display type, the default is an empty string.

It may just be that I'm used to jQuery's behavior, but to me it seems like a more reasonable default, since setting an element's display to "" doesn't seem to show the element. I, for one, think it's confusing that I can call the function show and I get neither an error nor a visible element.


error in qwerty mobile

If you pass a non-existant node as root, as a string (so, for example qwerty("li[class='aClass']", "ul#two"), where there is no ul with ID two on the document) an error is thrown, since root returns undefined. A simple fix would be to add a root && ... to the line root = isFinite(root.length) && root[0] && !root.nodeName ? root[0] : root

Be able to query against html node


 $('#button').listen('click', function(e) {

This will work in jquery, but just throws an error here. It would be nice to get the same functionality.

dom context with html5 tag


It seems I have an issue on IE7 using a dom node context with a html5 tag, if that makes sense...

Note that if I change the tags from "section" to "div", it works.
Articles tags don't work either.

Is that a bug or I'm missing something?

See the code below.


<!doctype html>

<section id="main">
    <section class="test">

    <section class="test">


<script type="text/javascript" src="qwery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var main = qwery("#main")[0];
    var tests = qwery(".test", main);


Add a match method

Event delegation is awesome, and a big part of that is being able to match an element. A match API that may also hook into native match API supplied by some browsers would be nice.

published jamjs

Hi there, I published this as it is to the jamjs registry. Because this project has a package.json and also works with AMD, I had to do nothing.

If you want to own this package in the jamjs registry let me know your username and i will give you the rights.


root failing in IE8

Trying with rev dc2455332f6c03102da47aff44d9697da299e468:

<div id=fixture>
  <a>Should Match</a>

and the JS

qwery('a', '#fixture')

Getting "object does not support this property or method" in IE8, line 161 of qwery.js

return array((root || doc).querySelectorAll(selector), 0);

Will report any findings.

DOM Exception 12 Error

Attempting to create a second element in chrome response with the above error. The same code works fine in Safari. Doing the same with ender.js/qwery responds with Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nextSibling'.

$.domReady(function () {
  var table = $("<table>");
  var thead = $("<thead>");
  var th    = $("<th>"); 

Unintentional global var 'element' in 'select' function

The 'element' variable is not declared in the 'select' function so it becomes global.

It is in the last part of the ternary operator:

for (j = 0, m = collection.length; j < m && (element = collection[j]); j++) {
        // make sure element is a descendent of root
        isAncestor(element, root) && ret.push(element);

Selector strings with uncommon characters


This isn't a bug in the qwery code, but an issue with document.querySelector which I'm hoping you could code around.

$('foo') returns []


$('foo[') returns 'DOM Exception 12'

This obviously is an error with document.querySelector. Any chance you could put a try / catch around the document.querySelector line?

This error will only occur with browsers that have document.querySelector so I'd imagine this doesn't happen for non querySelector compatible browsers so the qwery interface will be inconsistent.

This will be affecting qwery-mobile too.


Put pseudos package in NPM for Ender

Time for a qwery-pseudos package eh?

$ ender build qwery qwery-pseudos bonzo bean

For an additional pseudos-only package or perhaps:

$ ender build qwery++ bonzo bean

For a full Qwery + pseudos package as an alternative to vanilla Qwery.

I don't mind putting in a PR in for this to prepare the groundwork if you want.

Throws error when attribute values are null

getAttribute(...), though defined by spec to return an empty string, may in most browsers return null. So somthing like qwery('[foo^="bar"]') will throw an error because you assume e.getAttribute(attrName) is a string.

Using an html form element as a root doesn't work

If I do this:

$('form').each(function () {
  var form = this,
      submit = $('button[type=submit]', form); () {
    // do stuff

It doesn't work. The problem is that (at least in Chrome) html form elements have a length. Therefore, when qwery is trying to determine the root element, it looks at the form element as a qwery selector and returns form[0], which in this case turns out to be an input element of the form. The temporary way around this is to wrap the bare html form element in a qwery:

// instead of
var form = this;
// do 
var form = $(this);

No catch for buggy QSA

querySelectorAll is buggy and may throw errors. Other engines like Sizzle, will wrap the call in a try-catch and then attempt a selector via it's secondary engine. Qwery will simply error.

selector quirks?


Let us collect here the subj. First,

<input data-id="1" type="text"/>

$('input[data-id=1]') results in Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12

What do I do wrong?



This is a feature request for adding support with a fallback for document.documentElement.matchesSelector (moz,webkit,ms prefixes available). The fallback provided in Sizzle is implemented by an optional argument on the main function that is a set of elements to filter with the given query. This would mean a filtering function would have to be added to qwery, but the loss to performance would not be more than an extra if statement in qwery to see if that set argument was present. The size added would depend on the brevity of the filter function.

The main advantage to this addition is that a method like this would be required in order to implement not only matchesSelector, but a filter method in ender.

Google group?

Awsome code! THANKS for sharing!!!

With that said...

Is there a Google group I could join to ask questions?

For example, I would like to use the mobile version, but I have some implementation questions... Is there an official Google group I could query?


Making qwery-mobile AMD compatible


I cloned qwery and have edited qwery-mobile to be AMD compatible in the same way as qwery, bonzo and reqwest are.

I'd like to run the tests before making a pull request. The mobile test page is referencing a build folder which doesn't exist in the project. Should I add this myself or is this supposed to point at the vendor directory?



The README gives an example of creating a custom pseudo selector :foo(bar), but no custom pseudo selectors can be added to qwery unless they are already supported by default in querySelectorAll. You do say later that querySelectorAll is used where supported, but it isn't very clear that custom pseduo selectors will not be supported in that case. If you wanted to implement this, I think you could with no performance loss and probably no more than three lines (I'm just picturing in my head). But if not, the README should probably be updated.

context behavior

I know querySelectorAll (QSA) will return a match document.body.querySelectorAll('body p') including the context when it evaluates the selector instead of just the descendants. Sizzle and other popular libs take a different approach where $('body p', document.body) would not return a match. Currently your lib follows the QSA behavior.

I see src/sizzlr.js attempts to simulate Sizzles context behavior. Maybe a doc note should be created for this.

only missing selectors: nth-child() nth-of-type()

those are the only selectors i would need... doesnt even has to be CSS3 compliant. something like ul>li[3] would be fine too.

any ideas where to hook this into?

as a start:
simple = /^([a-z0-9]+)?(?:([.#]+[\w-.#]+)?(?:(:nth-[\w-+()]+))?)/,

qwery is slow

var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<p>' + Array(16).join('<div>') + '<code></code>' + Array(16).join('</div>') + '</p>';
var selector = 'span > div div div div code';
var element = div.querySelector('code');
console.time('');, selector, div);

i believe, dynamic programming can be used to increase performance of "ancestorMatch"

What is wrong with this query?

I want to get p.p0 by doing this query but returns [ ].

qwery("#container p:first-child")

<div id="container">
    <div id="div">div#div</div>
    <p class="p0">The p0</p>
    <p class="p1">The p1</p>
    <p class="p2">The p2</p>
    <p class="p3">The p3</p>

Argument to only return first match

@benvinegar's query on Twitter about being able to return the first match only got me thinking that it may not be that difficult to implement and would actually be quite helpful in many situations.

So here's a first go at hacking a solution, no tests and begging for review by other eyes:

The basic idea is to use querySelector() where available, then we fall back to _qwery() for odd queries or where querySelector() isn't available. We then shortcut the various paths to matches when we have asked for a first and have found a result. There's a few places this needs to be done and my implementation isn't quite optimal because there's currently no way to halt an each() call so we end up doing a bunch of useless loops, but that could be easily fixed by special handling of return false.

Of course, there's still the document-order problem (see #63), so any documentation around use of this functionality would need to stress that you may not get the same result for queries with groups in old vs new browsers because of the differences between querySelector() and what selectNonNative does with splitting the query... Or, someone could fix #63.

Also put in a simple $.first('selector') to the Ender bridge.

In its current form it adds 109 bytes to minified gzipped Qwery.

And, FWIW, NWMatcher has a neat callback feature where you pass in a function that gets called on each match so you can process elements one by one but if you return a false then it'll halt processing so you can use it to implement a first() which halts on first match, see the NW Ender bridge.

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