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Support for HTTP streaming

Does Deepstream support HTTP streaming beyond

I ran into an online service: which supports it but response times are ~1 sec.

Why does we need

Hey there, you guys are doing a great job. I just curious what does at under the hood difference with or faye?

Rewritten Message Not Pushed to Originating Client Connection

In deepstream version 0.3.1:

When I rewrite a record message inside canPerformAction, the rewritten record data is seen by all clients except for the originating client. The only way to see the updated record is for the originating client to login again. I've also tried without the redis cache and message connectors.

For example, I'm inserting username into a record inside of canPerformAction. Regardless of whether I subscribe to record changes or not, I still don't see the username on the originating client.


Server accepts new clients after calling stop

After calling server.stop, and before stopped event, all clients are disconnected.

Some clients, however, immediately attempt to reconnect, and successfully do connect.

This prevents the server's stopped event from firing, and the process needs to be killed manually.

Any suggestions to resolve this issue?

User management?

Hi, this is not an issue but a question.

How would you handle user registration? I have two ideas about this:

  1. Use an Koa Server which handle user registration and login and then pass the user information to ds.login(). Problem here is that I need two records one for the auth data and a second record which can observe with deepstream.
  2. Use ds.login({user: anonymous, password: anonymous}) when the user visit the page. So the user can create an record with his username and password and if the user login i would change ds.login() to ds.login({user: someusername, password: somepassword}). The problem here is to allow the anonymous user the he can only create an user record.

What is the recommended way to achieve an user management system?

Taking full advantage of rethinkdb

I'd like to explore deepstream using rethinkdb for storage. There are a few aspects of rethinkdb that make it really appealing: support for joins, rich queries with ReQL, and changefeeds. Thinky takes these concepts to the next level by allowing you to elegantly define your models with relationships between tables, and even validate your data.

Since there are some overlapping concepts with the deepstream ecosystem (i.e. records and search), I'm wondering if there's an elegant approach to having the best of both worlds? I've been looking into creating a custom version of the rethink storage connector that would use thinky instead, and then hooking in the validation somewhere before it is propagated via cache + message bus.

But there are some gotchas. For instance, records are not stored in raw format, but rather { _v: 1, _o: {}, _d: {}, } which adds complexity for building out proper models and their relationships. Changing the format will no doubt have other implications throughout deepstream, which I'm still investigating.

Do you have any advice or recommendations for this approach?

Add option to disable TCP and HTTP server

Very good point made by @msoliter:

  1. Some environments (ie. PaaS) will only let you bind to a specific, preset port. In this situation, I would like to be able to disable the deepstream TCP port and only let in client connection via HTTP on that preset port. Is there a way to disable the TCP port altogether? I tried setting it to null, but it still prints that it's listening on "".

Let's add

server.set( 'tcpServerEnabled', true );
server.set( 'webServerEnabled', true );

both defaulting to true.

Loading multiple records

The current API appears to only allow individual records to be loaded. If you want to run a search for instance you create a dynamic list which returns the record ids which you then use to load the records individually. Is there any way to do this in one step?

The particular use case I'm thinking of is relationships between records, ideally I'd like to query rethinkdb for related records and have them all returned in one go and then subscribe to any changes.

Select records to automatically store within database

Given that some records can be updated multiple times a second, this can result in putting the database under a bit of stress from continuous writing.

As such it would be ideal to have a filter system where we can optionally specify what records to store and which ones to ignore.

This can be done on a per record basis via the metadata associated when created, or potentially via a regex.

The following is just for reference, and not the decided API.

For example globals ( not as fast, but alot easier and resistant to errors ):

ds.set( 'storage-options', {
 include:  [ /store-me\//, /store-those\// ], //Only save if matches
 exclude:  [ /disposable\//, /too-quick\// ]//Only ignore if matches
} );

and per record, which is quicker ( and the API for meta data is still in the works ):

ds.record.getRecord( 'a-record', {
   store: false
} );

Do Deepstream check if the value of a message is the same as before?

Example code:

// Client A
var record = deepstream.record.getRecord('user/johan');
record.set('testValue', 1);
record.set('testValue', 1);

// Client B
var record = deepstream.record.getRecord('user/johan');
record.subscribe('testValue', function (newValue) {
    console.log('Value changed to: ' + newValue);

The subscription on client B will only be fired once even though the value is set twice. Is this some kind of implementation to check that the new value set to a record is different then the one that is already set?

Bug in record deletion

TypeError: Cannot read property 'logger' of null
    at RecordDeletion._done (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at RecordDeletion._checkIfDone (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at try_callback (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at RedisClient.return_reply (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at ReplyParser.<anonymous> (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at ReplyParser.emit (events.js:107:17)
    at ReplyParser.send_reply (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at ReplyParser.execute (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at RedisClient.on_data (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/ds-server/node_modules/
    at Socket.emit (events.js:107:17)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:163:16)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:126:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:538:20)

handle version conflicts

Merge changes on top of incoming update and re-issue

What if both changes are for the same path? Set merge strategy as option? On Record or on client level?

WebRTC support

Web Real Time Communication

Setting up WebRTC calls is still a bit of a challenge- it requires a signalling server and a number of explicit steps on the client side. I'd like to abstract all of this away into a simple API that looks like that

* Register this client as a callable entity
* @param {String} calleeName
* @param {Function} onCall callback for incoming calls,
*                          will be called with a response object
ds.webrtc.register( 'userA', function onCall( remoteStream, respone ){
    response.accept( localStream );
    // or
    response.decline( reason );// optional reason

* Make a call to a registered callee
* @param {String} calleeName
* @param {MediaStream} localStream
*/ 'userB', localStream, function( error, remoteStream ) {


Race condition in _checkClosed

I have found a race condition in _checkClosed where the close event from the _tcpEndpoint fires before the callback for _server.close. The result is that server will never emit close.

This can easily be resolved with Promise.all, but I do not see the use of promises in this file.

The only other solution I can think of is to have the _server.close callback also call _checkClosed. SSL Support

Currently, it appears as though deepstream builds the server manually, as opposed to constructing server and binding it to This seems to prevent the ability to attach SSL certificates to the connection.

Using deepstream over HTTPS and WSS connections is required for us, as most browsers block insecure connections when the site is served over HTTPS.

Can HTTPS and WSS compatibility be implemented?

Docs & examples on error handling, callback parameters, etc.


docs are really no helping when you actually try to play with APIs :(
Like in this case when trying to getRecord() from a nodeJS REPL

> var record = ds.record.getRecord( 'someUser' );
> --- You can catch all deepstream errors by subscribing to the error event ---

Error: ACK_TIMEOUT: someUser (R)

Experimentally I got to this point

ds.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err) });

And now I'm getting someUser as an error. This isn't very useful, unless you try to print out the arguments object to get more info about params.

No way to know smth went wrong while waiting for 'ready' event on record

record.whenReady(function(record) {...}); // also no info in docs on callback params, need to guess

AnonymousRecord is confusing too.
Docs are saying that An anonymous record has all the methods, events and properties of a normal record plus a setName() method..

Although I get this in node REPL:

> var record = ds.record.getAnonymousRecord();
> record.whenReady(function(record) { console.log(record.get()); });
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'whenReady'

> record.set( {hi: 'there'} );
Error: Can`t invoke set. AnonymousRecord not initialised. Call setName first

Purpose of AnonymousRecord seemed clear to me until I got these errors.
I thought it is a holder for a bunch of values(like form fields input) but with no direct mapping to underlying backend(until everything is validated and I can do setName with some value that makes sense).
Seems like I was wrong :\

Want example for pushing a payload to specific users

If deepstream supports this, I would like an example in the tutorials section to cover this use case:

  • Say I have user A, connected to a server, and he emits an event with a payload.
  • This payload is transformed on the server, and then
  • The payload is pushed to users B and C, who are both also connected to this server.

( also asked on reddit )

Is RPC's response.error() really implemented?

Every time I try to use the error-callback I get undefined is not a function and when looking in the rpc-response.js-file I don't see an error-function in the prototype.

I tried to implement my own error-function but when I send the ERROR-action it seems like the entire connection is disconnecting. The code I'm trying to use:
this._connection.sendMsg( C.TOPIC.RPC, C.ACTIONS.ERROR, [ this._name, this._correlationId, typedData ] );

Is there something I'm missing?

feature req: Offline mode

Very interesting project. Kudos!

If you don't mind, I'm listing a couple of feature requests that might be discussion worthy.

First up: Offline mode -- allowing mobile devices to go offline, save to local storage and resync + patch when coming back online. client for iOS

Create a client for iOS (Swift / C#), that connects to deepstream via TCP and supports Authentication, Permissioning, Records, Events and RPCs. Additionally, for mobile it might make sense to emphasize on offline storage during connection drops.

Great resources to get started:
Writing a deepstream client
Deepstream Messaging structure
Detailed Cucumber Specs for Incoming and Outgoing messages (and associated behaviors)
Fully featured NodeJS Client as a reference

feature req: Role based access control

It seems currently permissions have to be set per each individual user. Access control based on roles would make management of these permissions a lot easier.

Be able to delete a record's value

Would be awesome if you guys could implement a way to remove a record's value. E.g.:

var record = client.record.get('user/jwanglof')
Console log:
    firstname: 'Johan',
    surname: 'Wanglof',
    pets: [
        {pet_id: 'roger_the_rabbit'},
        {pet_id: 'max_the_cat'},
        {pet_id: 'rosa_the_cow'}

Lets say that max_the_cat dies (sorry for being gruesome) and I want to remove it from the pets-list. It would be sweet if I could do a delete on just that record by index (or index-name perhaps?):


Getting a field that is null returns an empty object

I have the RethinkDB-connector activated. If I set a field to null with Deepstream and then tries to get it, it returns an empty object instead of null.


var record = deepstream.record.getRecord('user/1234');
record.whenReady(function () {
  console.log(record.get()); // Output 1
  record.set('field', null);

var record2 = deepstream.record.getRecord('user/1234');
record2.whenReady(function () {
  console.log(record2.get());  // Output 2
  console.log(record2.get('field'));  // Output 3

Output 1
{id: 1234, field: 'aField', field2: 'anotherField'}

Output 2
{id: 1234, field: null, field2: 'anotherField'}

Output 3

Alternatives to

I'm curious if there's any plans to make the transport layer pluggable with other websocket implementations besides I played around with swapping in, but had trouble since there are parts of deepstream that seem very coupled with, especially around connection semantics.


Hi there. Deepstream is really fantastic. I am curious if you'd ever considered using Rx.js and observables or at least adding some helper methods for people that would like to get an observable back instead of using callback and having to wrap then using Rx.js's .fromCallback method.? If not, no worries and thanks for the great framework.

Race condition under heavy load

If a client disconnects under extremely heavy load (bug was found at > 1,000,000 updates /sec) the following race condition can occur

this.subscriptions[ name ][ i ].send( msgString );
TypeError: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined
at SubscriptionRegistry.sendToSubscribers (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\deepstream.i
at RecordHandler.
$broadcastUpdate (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\r
at RecordTransition._onCacheResponse (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src
at LocalCache.set (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\default-plugins\lo
at RecordTransition._next (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\record\rec
at RecordTransition._onRecord (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\record
at RecordRequest._onCacheResponse (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\re
at LocalCache.get (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\default-plugins\lo
at new RecordRequest (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\record\record-r
at RecordTransition.add (c:\dev\\high-troughput\node_modules\\src\record\recor
d-transition.js:127:25) client for Android

Create a client for Android, that connects to deepstream via TCP and supports Authentication, Permissioning, Records, Events and RPCs. Additionally, for mobile it might make sense to emphasize on offline storage during connection drops. Also worth noting #66 (deepstream client for Java)

Great resources to get started:
Writing a deepstream client
Deepstream Messaging structure
Detailed Cucumber Specs for Incoming and Outgoing messages (and associated behaviors)
Fully featured NodeJS Client as a reference

Sanitize deserialized input

Check before using methods such as valueOf, toString etc. as it might be possible to overwrite them as part JSON.parse

Login() doesn't work with TCP

I'm using the same client/server code but it doesn't behave the same way in case of a TCP connection.

var DeepstreamServer = require( '' ),
server = new DeepstreamServer();

// Optionally you can specify some settings, a full list of which
// can be found here
server.set( 'host', 'localhost' );
server.set( 'port', 6020 );

// Set host and port for TCP connections
server.set( 'tcpHost', 'localhost' ); //default
server.set( 'tcpPort', 6021 ); //default 6021

server.set( 'permissionHandler', {
isValidUser: function( handshakeData, authData, callback ) {
console.log('auth now');
if( authData.username === 'rajan' ) {

        callback( null, authData.username );
    } else {
        callback( 'Invalid user' );


canPerformAction: function( username, message, callback ) {
    callback( null, true );


// start the server

Client HTML code below:

    <input type="text" />
    <script type="text/javascript">

        //ds = deepstream( 'localhost:6021' ).login();

        ds = deepstream( 'localhost:6020' ).login({
            username: 'rajan',
            password: 'sesame'
        }, function( success, errorCode, errorMessage ){
        record = ds.record.getRecord( 'someUser' );
        input = document.querySelector( 'input' );

        input.onkeyup = function(){
            record.set( 'firstname', input.value );

        record.subscribe( 'firstname', function( value ){
            input.value = value;

The error it shows in browser console:

Uncaught Error: ACK_TIMEOUT: someUser (R)Client._$onError @ deepstream.js:6470RecordHandler._onRecordError @ deepstream.js:8408Emitter.emit @ deepstream.js:2549Record._onTimeout @ deepstream.js:8996setTimeout (async)Record @ deepstream.js:8482RecordHandler.getRecord @ deepstream.js:8266(anonymous function) @ index.html:23

Am I missing something or need to handle a situation?

RPC functions routed through another deepstream server do not run second time around

I have a sample setup consisting of:

  • 1 redis server
  • 1 deepstream server listening on TCP 6021 (conductor1.js)
  • 1 deepstream server listening on TCP 6023 (conductor2.js)
  • 1 client, connecting to TCP 6021, and providing RPC functions testfn1 and testfn3 (functionhost1.js)
  • 1 client, connecting to TCP 6023, and providing RPC functions testfn2 and testfn3 (functionhost2.js)
  • 1 client, connecting to TCP 6021, and calling RPC functions testfn1, testfn2, and testfn3 (client1.js)

Simulatenously, I run node conductor1.js node conductor2.js node functionhost1.js and node functionhost2.js and all the connections are successfully established.

When I run client1.js the first time, it successfully finds the functions on both function hosting deepstream clients. When I run it any subsequent times, it only successfully runs the functions from the deepstream host it is connected to, and gets an ACK timeout for the function running on the other deepstream function-hosting server.

Output from first run:

› node client1.js
Processed testfn1. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn3. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn1. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn3. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn2. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn2. Response  Any Name processed

Output from second and subsequent runs:

› node client1.js
Processed testfn1. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn3. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn1. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn3. Response  Any Name processed
Processed testfn2. Response  undefined
Processed testfn2. Response  undefined

I have provided a test repository with all the code neccessary to reproduce this issue. This can be accessed at

I am running node v4.2.1


Swift/Java sdks for iOS/Android

Kudos for building first truly real-time framework using RethinkDB. A great initiative!
It'd be great to be able to easily build mobile apps using Firebase/Parse like SDKs.
What would be best approach to get started on this?

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