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delight's Issues

Any way to declare and reuse colours by name?

In the XML, I tried "#ffffffde" but it seems to ignore the first two characters and sets the "de" to the B component.

On a close note, are there any way to declare colours to then reuse them by name? That would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance! Love your framework!

Add tooltips to Designer

Implement tooltips in the Delight Designer. Hovering over names of views and properties in the XML editor should show the docs/comment associated with the element.

Incorrect layout when using both left & right margin?

offsetMaxX - margin.Right.Pixels + offset.Left.Pixels - offset.Right.Pixels + offsetFromParent.Left.Pixels - offsetFromParent.Right.Pixels,

Should RectTransform.offsetMax actually read like this instead?
RectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2( offsetMaxX + margin.Left.Pixels - margin.Right.Pixels + offset.Left.Pixels - offset.Right.Pixels + offsetFromParent.Left.Pixels - offsetFromParent.Right.Pixels, offsetMaxY + margin.Bottom.Pixels - margin.Top.Pixels - offset.Top.Pixels + offset.Bottom.Pixels - offsetFromParent.Top.Pixels + offsetFromParent.Bottom.Pixels);

As in, adding margin.Left.Pixels and margin.Bottom.Pixels, otherwise setting a left margin on a rect with a fixed size within a group shrinks it instead of moving to the right.

<Group Id="MainMenu" Alignment="Left" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="300" Height="100%"> <Region Id="Meme" BackgroundColor="Red" Width="10" Height="100%" Alignment="Left" Margin="105,0,0,0"/> </Group>

No code generation for multiple groups using different collections on the same object

The below modified version of ModelBindingText:

  • Does create fully compilable code.
  • But the code it generates is missing all code that should have been generated for the HighscoreList related group.
<ModelBindingTest xmlns="Delight" BasedOn="LayoutRoot" SomeParentProperty="t:string">
  <Group Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Group Spacing="10" Width="500">
      <Button Text="Test 1" Click="Test1" />
      <Button Text="Test 2" Click="Test2" />
    <List Id="PlayerList" Items="{player in @Players}" Width="650" BackgroundColor="Green" 
      <Group BackgroundColor="Blue"> 
        <Label Text="{player.Name}" />
        <List Id="AchievementsList" Items="{achievement in player.Achievements}" 
              Orientation="Vertical" Offset="50,0,0,0" Width="300">
          <Label Text="{achievement.Title}" />
      <!-- No error but does not generate elements -->
      <Group BackgroundColor="Red" Offset="350,0,0,0" Width="300">
        <List Id="HighscoreList" Items="{highscore in player.Highscores}" 
              Orientation="Vertical" Offset="50,0,0,0">
          <Label Text="{highscore.ScoreText}" />

Rotation Property Doesn't Work

When I use the Rotation property, the input is supposed to take a Quaternion as an argument, but it takes 3 arguments. Also, when I type in a Vector3, it is converted into Quaternion before it is transferred into Euler angles again.

Here is an example:

<Button Rotation="90,0,0" />

turns into:

Delight.Button.RotationProperty.SetDefault(_mainMenuViewScrollUpButton, Quaternion.Euler(0.7071068f, 0f, 0f));

So the input is getting converted along the way somewhere. Quaternion.Euler(90,0,0,0) returns Quaternion(0.7071068f, 0 , 0 , 0.7071068f). , which is already the input here but also takes into account the first three variables.

Unity Addressables integration


I'm currently trying to understand whether we can use Delight together with Unity Addressables. I guess we can't add completely new views (as it requires the code generation in Unity Editor to run), but could it work for styles? Is there a way to dynamically load a style definition (from remote) and apply it to (all) views?

Thx for any hints! BR

Bug with data templates for derived views

Bug with data templates for derived views. E.g. NavigationButton sets NavigationButtonLabel template, but it's based on LabelTemplates.Label template, rather than ButtonTemplates.ButtonLabel (see NavigationButton_g.cs (108). See CodeGenerator.cs (788):
// initialize and instantiate template instance

The consequence of this bug is that all views that inherit from other views that has XML content - the content won't get their default values set.

Localization Does Not Parse Properly When Used Within A List Item

I have this code in xml, which is a list item within a list:
<ListItem Style="NoAnimListItemStyle">
<Label Style="CardListHeaderStyle" Text="{@Loc[h_other]}" />

Code generation does not parse it correctly and throws an error in UnityEditor:
Assets\Content\Views\SettingsView_g.cs(284,267): error CS0103: The name 'h_other' does not exist in the current context

What is generated is this line:

// binding <Label Text="{@Loc[h_other]}">
listItem9.Bindings.Add(new Binding(new List<BindingPath> { new BindingPath(new List<string> {  }, new List<Func<object>> {  }) }, new BindingPath(new List<string> { "Text" }, new List<Func<object>> { () => label11 }), () => label11.Text = Models.Loc[h_other], () => { }, false));

What it should look like is this:

// binding <Label Text="{@Loc[h_other]}">
listItem9.Bindings.Add(new Binding(new List<BindingPath> { new BindingPath(new List<string> { "[h_other]", "Label" }, new List<Func<object>> { () => Models.Loc, () => Models.Loc["[h_other]"] }) }, new BindingPath(new List<string> { "Text" }, new List<Func<object>> { () => label11 }), () => label11.Text = Models.Loc["[h_other]"], () => { }, false));

Seen on Unity 2020.3.15f2, Windows 11. This is especially frustrating because even if I manually fix them, when there is a change in the parent UI the generation also resets and throws these errors again.

Unity hangs after saving a View with embedded C#

This Issue took some time to understand and to find cause each try the process stopped working ๐Ÿ˜

System: Win10 - 20H2
Unity: 2020.3.17f1
Delight: current store version

When using this example view

<NewView AdjustToParent="Stretch" MyBool="t:Boolean" 
 <Grid AdjustToParent="Stretch"> 
<Group Spacing="10" Alignment="BottomLeft"
         BackgroundColor="Green" Orientation="Horizontal">

  <Group Spacing="10" Alignment="TopLeft" 
         IsVisible="$ {MyBool} != false " >
  <Group Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Label Text="Test: {MyBool}" /> 




This or other embedded C# Codes seems to break the process of creating the script files:
IsVisible="$ {MyBool} != false "


  1. Be in the designer, change anything in the view file

  2. Save and stop the running "game"

  3. You'll see something like this in the Console Log:

    Copying assembly from 'Temp/Assembly-CSharp.dll' to 'Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp.dll' failed. Detailed error: Sharing violation on path

  4. Unfocus Unity, and refocus it

  5. due to the issue in 3. - unity never comes back from

Nothing happens when you don't have the embedded C# code then it all "just works"

State Animations

Implement state animations.

  • Create tutorial for state animations
  • Allow runtime parsing of animations
  • Add XML and designer intellisense for state animations
  • Allow state animations to be defined in the style file through element

Add AutoComplete to Designer

Implement AutoComplete functionality to the Delight Designer. Support autocompleting:

  • Views
  • Property names
  • Enum property values
  • Asset property values

Using Layout Groups

Could it be possible to add Layout Groups and Layout Elements as components to some custom views, and setting their properties using XML? And extend some default views to have Layout Elements properties (like Buttons)? I'm think in an API something like

<VerticalGroup forceExpandWidth="false">
  <Button flexibleHeight="1" />
  <Button flexibleHeight="2" />

If it is feasible, where I could start? I don't mind doing extra work if it is necessary, but I would appreciate a lot some direction, examples or ideas.

Thanks a lot!

Code generation problem with multiple list in the same group block

When using the below ModelBindingText XML that adds a second List on the same nesting level the AchievementsList, the code generator creates invalid code as it attempts to reuse the local variable label2 (the Label used in the AchievementsList and declared locally in that loop) for the second list.

<ModelBindingTest xmlns="Delight" BasedOn="LayoutRoot" SomeParentProperty="t:string">
  <Group Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Group Spacing="10" Width="500">
      <Button Text="Test 1" Click="Test1" />
      <Button Text="Test 2" Click="Test2" />
    <List Id="PlayerList" Items="{player in @Players}" Width="650" BackgroundColor="Green" 
      <Group BackgroundColor="Blue"> 
        <Label Text="{player.Name}" />
        <List Id="AchievementsList" Items="{achievement in player.Achievements}" 
              Orientation="Vertical" Offset="50,0,0,0" Width="300">
          <Label Text="{achievement.Title}" />
        <!-- Causes compile error regarding label2 as the local label generated in the above List
         block is attempted to be reused for the HighscoreList -->
        <List Id="HighscoreList" Items="{highscore in player.Highscores}"
              Orientation="Vertical" Offset="50,0,0,0">
          <Label Text="{highscore.ScoreText}" />

Broken File Generation when Using namespace Delight.Models

I have an enum under Delight.Models :
public enum UpdateType{ ... }

When I want to reference it on my xml I am using this code:
<UpdateCard TypeOfUpdate="t:UpdateType"> </UpdateCard>

Then the code is generated with a "+" instead of a "."

  public readonly static DependencyProperty<Delight.Models+UpdateType> TypeOfUpdateProperty = new DependencyProperty<Delight.Models+UpdateType>("TypeOfUpdate");

    public Delight.Models+UpdateType TypeOfUpdate
        get { return TypeOfUpdateProperty.GetValue(this); }
        set { TypeOfUpdateProperty.SetValue(this, value); }

If anything else is needed, please let me know :)

Multi-level hard coded / binaryformatter serialized path...?

I downloaded and looked around package, but only realizing 'Getting started' is full of fixed-pathy autogenerations.
Delight editor plugin finds default paths from config file in specific path (asset root), and the path in config is fixed to specific structure (assets/Config/[subdirectories]), and its fallback paths is hardcoded in constant, and autogeneration tries to access template files from hardcoded fixed paths (assets/Delight/Content/Assets/[cs files], etc etc....

I thought I could modify a little to rearrange asset structure into comparted subdirectory, but it turned out like extremely hard.
It is disappointing If this structure is inevitable.

Background sprite not resizing correctly in Frame/Group ?

Hi there,

Maybe a misunderstanding on my part, but just want to clarify. I'm trying to make a Frame (or a Group) that resizes automatically to its content. According to the docs, it seems like the Frame component is meant for this.

<Frame Margin="0"
    <Label AutoSize="Width" Text="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdfasaadddddsdssdgdsfgsdfgsdfg" FontColor="White" Alignment="Top"/>

So I want the Frame to resize according to the content inside of it. This seems to be working, however, the background sprite is not being resized.

If I use a Group:

<Group Margin="0"
    <Label AutoSize="Width" Text="daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdfasaadddddsdssdgdsfgsdfgsdfg" FontColor="White" Alignment="Top"/>

It seems to be resizing the Group as well, but in this case the background image is stretched and not sliced.

Am I missing something? The only way I can get the frame to resize correctly with its background sprite is to explicitly set the width and height.

Enable Label in dinamically created Button

Hi! First of all, I want to thank you for making this tool, I'm still learning how to use it but it seems really helpful so far.

Now to my problem. I'm trying to create a button dinamically, but I couldn't find the way to activate the label's button. The label is always disabled, and it doesn't have any text. Other things I tried:

  • accesing Label properties directly, e.g.: button.Label.IsActive
  • accesing the label's GameObject, e.g.: button.Label.GameObject.SetIsActive(true)

I'm not even sure if I'm doing it in the right method (should it be BeforeInitialize? BeforeLoad?). I'm using TextMesh Pro, btw.

This is my current code. Thanks a lot!

namespace Delight
  public partial class MyPanel
    public override void AfterInitialize()
      var buttonGroup = this.Find<Group>("Buttons");

      new Button(buttonGroup, buttonGroup, "CloseButton")
        Text = "Close",
        DisplayLabel = true,
        LabelIsActive = true,
        Width = ElementSize.FromPercents(1),
        Height = ElementSize.FromPixels(100),
        Alignment = ElementAlignment.Bottom


Models not propagating update to view

Hi, first off, thank you for your effort, I'm having a lot of fun adding some menus to my learning game. It's proven to be super convenient and easy, but I did hit a snag.

I wanted to use a Models binding to be able to update the UX of my game, that I present through a ViewPresenter.


  <Group Spacing="10">
    <Label Id="TurnLabel"  Text="Turn {@TurnValue}" />


namespace Delight
    public partial class Models
        public static int TurnValue = 0;

I call it from a MonoBehaviour class attached to a game object.

Delight.Models.TurnValue = 1;

I validate that the Models value is updated, but it does not seem to update the text in GameInterfaceView. Are these bindings expected to be two way? I started reading the code a bit, but I can't quite figure out how it works and why I am having this issue.

Alternatively, there might be a way to do what I want differently. Am I using the correct approach here? I am simply trying to update the turn counter whenever the game turn changes.


Unity Addressables integration


I'm currently trying to understand whether we can use Delight together with Unity Addressables. I guess we can't add completely new views (as it requires the code generation in Unity Editor to run), but could it work for styles? Is there a way to dynamically load a style definition (from remote) and apply it to (all) views?

Thx for any hints! BR

Allow Nudging, Aligning, Sizing in Visual Designer

  • Nudging of views using arrow keys, allow greater steps through shift+arrow key
  • Aligning of views using alt+arrow keys (overrides offset if set)
  • Resizing of views by dragging borders
  • Color-picker in both XML and visual designer
  • Paint-bucket and eye-dropper tool for changing background colors (alt-click for eye-dropper when paint-bucket is active)
  • Multi-select and moving of multiple views
  • Multi-select and aligning views - e.g. left-align, center-align and right-align
  • Multi-select and evenly space views

Auto-Complete of Bindings in Designer

Implement AutoComplete functionality for bindings in the Delight Designer. Support autocompleting:

  • '{' Local data-binding objects and binding paths. <Label Text="{Player.Name}" />
  • Auto-complete bindings to local and global '@' collections. <List Items="{player in \@Players}">
  • '{' List Item bindings. <Label Text="{player.FirstName}">

List Paging

Implement list paging

  • List tutorial updated with information about paging
  • Default styles for navigation buttons
  • Page navigation buttons
  • Previous / Next navigation buttons through NavigationButton view
  • Page logic in List view

How to remove a view?


When you press 'Create view' whilst in the /content/views folder it keeps reloading, which means you cannot give the file a proper name.

Doing create view in any other location works correctly.

This however led me to create a view called 'Ma' - how do i properly remove this view? i tried deleting the files .cs/.xml/.g.cs but that keeps giving me errors, since then it cannot vind the class in viewactivators:

ViewActivators.Add("Ma", (x, y, z) => new Ma(x, y, null, z));

Refreshing unity keeps adding above line...

The "Open Editor" button is missing on the Delight panel

I am using the Delight asset available on Asset Store and could not make the "Open Designer" button to show on the Delight window (I have enabled TextMeshPro, rebuilt all and even restarted Unity).

So I took a look at the source code and found that the "Open Designer" button is commented out. I uncommented the code and had to change "DelightDesigner.unity" location to the "Content" folder inside the asset.

minor issue including Scene assets in application resources

I accidentally included some demo scenes from a plugin in the Content/Assets folder. This lead to the generation of this code in Assets_g.cs which breaks at build time due to missing UnityEditor namespace, though it runs fine in the editor. Not blocking for me as I didnt' need these scene assets but was a little confusing to track down.

    #region SceneAssets

    /// <summary>
    /// Manages a UnityEditor.SceneAsset object. Loads/unloads the asset on-demand as it's requested by views.
    /// </summary>
    public partial class SceneAsset : AssetObject<UnityEditor.SceneAsset>
        public static implicit operator SceneAsset(UnityEditor.SceneAsset unityObject)
            return new SceneAsset { UnityObject = unityObject, IsUnmanaged = true };

        public static implicit operator SceneAsset(string assetId)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assetId))
                return null;

            if (assetId.StartsWith("?"))
                assetId = assetId.Substring(1);

            return Assets.SceneAssets[assetId];

Scoped static Models possible?

From the data-binding documentation:

namespace Delight
    public partial class Models
        public static string MyModelValue = "Hello";

Is it possible to have multiple of these partial classes? We have around 4 UIs, and having all 4 UIs in one single state file gets a little messy. We are thinking of appending HUD_ and INVENTORY_ to each value, but is there a better way? Ideally separate model files or something.


Moving entire Delight into Assets subfolder and changing DelightPath in config.txt results in IO exceptions


First and foremost: thanks for the wonderful tool - I was about to implement something very similar by myself, until I stumbled to your solution :-)

For the bug:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download Delight-latest.unitypackage and open it in Unity 2020.1.10f1 (did not try other versions)
  2. Move Delight folder -> 3rdParty\Delight\Delight
  3. Move Content folder -> 3rdParty\Delight\Content
  4. Create Game/Delight folder for custom content
  5. Change config.txt:
UseSimulatedUriInEditor: true
BuildTargets: Dev
AssetBundleVersion: 1
DelightPath: 3rdParty/Delight/ 
DefaultContentFolder: Game/Delight/

Expected behaviour:

The config should be read properly

Observed behaviour:

On each asset change:

  • DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "D:\MyProject\Assets\Delight\Content\Config_g.cs".
  • FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "D:\MyProject\DelightConfig.bin"

The problem persist even after restarting Unity (I saw a few static fields for config)

Import problem: TMP

while importing Delight for the first time it causes complilation errors.

  • I Have TMPro installed in the project (prior to delight import)
  • I use Unity 2020.3.24f1
  • I tried removing all files, reopening unity, changing the config.txt file installing the TMP examples = no luck.
Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\Label_g.cs(242,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_ColorGradientAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\Label_g.cs(250,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_SpriteAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\Label_g.cs(240,62): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_ColorGradientAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\Label_g.cs(248,62): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_SpriteAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\InputField_g.cs(488,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_InputValidatorAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\InputField_g.cs(736,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_ColorGradientAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\InputField_g.cs(743,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_SpriteAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets\Delight\Content\Views\UI\TextMeshPro\InputField_g.cs(486,62): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'TMP_InputValidatorAsset' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

the config.txt in /content

## Configuration file. Available options:
##    ServerUri - URI that points to where remote asset bundles are stored
##    BuildTargets - controls which model data is included in build
##    ContentFolders - specifies where Delight content (views, models, etc) resides (besides the default folders)
##    DefaultContentFolder - specifies default content folder where new content is placed when created by the Delight Designer
##    StreamedBundles - specifies which bundles (by name) should be streamed locally rather than from remote URI
##    ServerUriLocator - name of class that locates server URI based on bundle name
##    UseSimulatedUriInEditor - set to true/false indicating if a simulated server URI should be used in the editor
##    Namespaces - Namespaces to be included in the generated code and prioritized when infering types
##    DelightPath - Delight framework root path
##    DefaultBasedOn - Default view all views are based on if the BasedOn attribute isn't specified (UIView if not specified)
##    BaseView - Custom view all views will inherit from.
##    AssetBundleVersion - Set to non-zero integer to enable caching of asset bundles. Increment to invalidate bundle caches and force new updates
##    Modules - List of modules to activate. E.g. To enable TextMesh Pro, download the latest package with the package manager and add TextMeshPro to config file.
## Example configuration, remove "#" to uncomment configuration options:

UseSimulatedUriInEditor: true
BuildTargets: Dev
AssetBundleVersion: 1
Modules: TextMeshPro

Because of this compilations error it is impossible to click on Window>Delight>Rebuild All : it does not even show in the window

Designer Text Editor issues with Tabs

The designer text editor appears to be incorrectly calculating the Text Cursor position when using Tabs rather than Spaces for indentation.

To Reproduce:

  1. Open an XML View File in another text editor (e.g. Visual Studio)
  2. Adjust your text editor config to "Keep Tabs" rather than convert them to Spaces
  3. Indent some lines & Save
  4. Run the Delight Designer, open the View, select some text - the text cursor will be misplaced.


This can make the designer very difficult to use for files using Tabs rather than Spaces, though it's easily worked around by changing your text editor config.

Run-time parsing outside editor

Currently run-time parsing is only possible within the editor. Implement run-time parsing of views outside the editor to allow things like applying new styles and creating new views outside the editor.

Nested Lists

Are nested Lists possible? I have a list of items which contains several properties and some of this properties are Lists too, and I want to render them using bindings if that's possible.

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