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socket_chat's Introduction

Websocket Chat

Websocket realtime chat application.


git clone


After cloning the repository, go to the backend folder, configure the virtual environment and install dependencies.

cd .\socket_chat\backend\

python -m venv env
pip install -r .\requirements.txt

You can specify the port and IP address in the configs.

IP = ""
PORT = 9000

There is an option to specify the storage solution. In the example below, the mock memory storage is used.

from storage.memory_storage import MemoryStorage

STORAGE_CLS = MemoryStorage

After the initial configuration, you will be able to run the backend part of the application.

python .\
2022-09-12 18:08:33,964 DEBUG   asyncio                 Using proactor: IocpProactor
2022-09-12 18:08:33,965 INFO    server                  starting server
2022-09-12 18:08:33,966 INFO    websockets.server       server listening on


The frontend configuration is more straight forward.

cd ..\frontend\
npm i

npm start


In a nutshell, it is a simple one-page application with a minimalistic design and a Two-tab layout: 01 homepage

The mobile version is also available but it lacks the functionality if compared to the desktop one: mobile

All of the changes, incoming messages and other things can be viewed in a realtime, as the application is based on websocket communication protocol.


Both frontend and backend provide verbose logging. The frontend one is visible by a user in the left tab and displays all of the communications between him and the server: 04 logs


The application does not require registration of any sort as the user name is generated at the start: 02 user

The application is completely anonymous and does not store any user data as it is not needed. Also, there is no form of roles or admin privileges, anyone can do anything.

Most of the names are changeable, the username as well.

All entities of the application are distinguished by their universally unique identifier (UUID), so all of the names initially have that 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 look.


The main objective of the application is to provide an ability to exchange messages between people, which takes place in rooms. The room can be created or deleted by anyone and it is fully customizable: 03 room

The room list is sorted by the room creation time, to solve the problem of navigating a potential overwhelmingly large number of them, the search is provided.


After the room is selected, the user is provided with an unlimited message history and an ability to create their own messages: 05 messages The amount of rooms and messages are NOT LIMITED.

Side tabs

When entered the room, there is still an option to see rooms, by switching the left tab to the room list: 07 roomMini Both left and right tabs can be selected. The one consists of logging and room list, the right one โ€“ a list of messages, a list of users entered the room and a drawing.


As a bonus, every room has a tab with a simple drawing board: 08 drawing

There is a simple selection of tools and colors that can be used. The drawing is shared between all of the room attendants. 09 amogus


Having a simple design allows the application to easily change its looks with a theme slider: 10 themes

There are 8 different themes available with the following color schemes: themes


The backend of the applications is written using WebSockets library. As it is a relatively simple demo, the application was written from scratch. The data travels through the internal structure: Func Scheme (1)

It is parsed with the Utils class, then goes to the Server class which decides what to do with it. All of the actions are done with the Model classes which are internally mapped with a database via the Storage class.


All of the communications of the applications are done in the following format:

    "type": "result",
    "payload": {
        "message": "user_created",
        "object": {
            "uuid": "02687b26-8620-4936-9675-00c2a06f43c8",
            "name": "user-02687b26-8620-4936-9675-00c2a06f43c8",
            "room_uuid": null

This statement comes first from the server and tells the client it's identity.

The statement has one of the following types:

  • result that comes from the server and tells a client what to do;
  • call that comes from the client and tells the server what to do;
  • error.

All of the statement have payload field. message specifies the type of actions that were or should be performed. Both the backend and frontend side have enumerations that list all of the available message types. To send a data, payload could have other fields, such as object, list.

The statement used to change a room color:

    "type": "call",
    "payload": {
        "message": "change_color",
        "uuid": "45843334-b2ea-4673-86d1-6c8aab920b74",
        "color": "#ff0000"

Utils class

All of the incoming messages are filtered and cleaned with the Utils class parse_statement method with the specified validators.

The prepare_statement method is on the other hand is used to construct a statement based on type, message and other additional parameters.

Server class

The main logic is done in Server class that based on the incoming messages. To avoid messiness, all of the callable methods are grouped in the dictionary:

self.call_methods = {
	RoomCallStatements.CREATE_ROOM: self.create_room,
	RoomCallStatements.DELETE_ROOM: self.delete_room,
	RoomCallStatements.LIST_ROOMS: self.list_rooms,
	RoomCallStatements.ENTER_ROOM: self.enter_room,
	RoomCallStatements.LEAVE_ROOM: self.leave_room,
	RoomCallStatements.CHANGE_ROOM_COLOR: self.change_room_color,
	RoomCallStatements.CHANGE_ROOM_NAME: self.change_room_name,

	UserCallStatements.CHANGE_USER_NAME: self.change_user_name,

	MessageCallStatements.CREATE_MESSAGE: self.create_message,
	MessageCallStatements.LIST_MESSAGES: self.list_messages,

	DrawingCallStatements.CHANGE_DRAW_LINE: self.change_draw_line,
	DrawingCallStatements.GET_DRAWING: self.get_drawing,
	DrawingCallStatements.RESET_DRAWING: self.reset_drawing

To handle the connection with a user, there is also self.connections dictionary, that maps user uuid with the corresponding websocket connection.

The websocket is based on a generator, so the for loop is used, to handle user statements:

async for raw_message in self.connections.get(user.uuid):
	method_type, payload = Utils.parse_statement(raw_message)
	method = self.call_methods[method_type]

	await method(user, payload)

In a case of calling the non existing method or not providing needed data, server sends the corresponding error statement.

Model classes

To divide the server logic and direct data manipulation, the Model classes are implemented.

As we can see from the AbstractModel all of the classes should implement the following class methods:

  • create to create a model instance
  • list to list all of the model instances
  • get to get a specific model instance (based on uuid)
  • delete to delete a model instance

And instance get_dict to construct a dictionary representation of an instance that is easily JSON serializable.

The models uses Storage class to save it's contents to the database. Since the websockets library is asynchronous, the Storage is made as well. That means that the model can not use default __init__() constructor to create an instance, so the create() class method is needed.

As said earlier, all of the Model logic is mapped with the Storage class, that is specified in the configs.

For example model class method get simply gets the model from the storage:

async def get(cls, uuid: str):
	cls.logger.debug(f"getting {cls.TYPE} ({uuid})")
	return await, uuid)

All of those methods are defined in the BaseModel class and overriden if needed in the other children classes.

The BaseModel also provides the uuid generation which defines instance uniquness:

class BaseModel(AbstractModel):
    def __init__(self):
        self.uuid = str(uuid4()) = f"{self.TYPE}-{self.uuid}"

All of the models should have a TYPE that is defined in the ModelTypes enumeration. This is crusial as it is used by the Storage class.

class ModelTypes(str, Enum):
    BASE = "base"
    USER = "user"
    ROOM = "room"
    MESSAGE = "message"
    DRAWING = "drawing"
    LINE = "line"
    COLOR = "color"

Storage class

To separate mandate file or SQL operaions from the Model class, the Storage class was implemented. It's created using repository pattern, as it provides only 4 methods:

  • get();
  • list();
  • put();
  • delete().

There are also 2 onetime-run static methods that are needed in some cases:

  • prepare();
  • close().

All of those method are defined in the BaseStorage class. The BaseStorage class implements those methods by using dictionary with the not yet implemented model type specific methods:

self._get_methods = {
	ModelTypes.USER: self._get_user,
	ModelTypes.ROOM: self._get_room,
	ModelTypes.MESSAGE: self._get_message,
	ModelTypes.DRAWING: self._get_drawing,
self._list_methods = {
	ModelTypes.ROOM: self._list_rooms
self._put_methods = {
	ModelTypes.USER: self._put_user,
	ModelTypes.ROOM: self._put_room,
	ModelTypes.MESSAGE: self._put_message,
	ModelTypes.DRAWING: self._put_drawing,
	ModelTypes.LINE: self._put_line,
self._delete_methods = {
	ModelTypes.USER: self._delete_user,
	ModelTypes.ROOM: self._delete_room,

So the child class should only implement those methods or the NotImplementedError will be used.


For testing and developing purpouses the memory storage was created. It uses 5 different dictionaries to store models in memory:

class MemoryStorage(BaseStorage):
    _users = {}
    _rooms = {}
    _messages = {}
    _drawings = {}
    _lines = {}

All of the methods are implemented by dictionary access or pop() method.


To store data properly the AlchemyStorage class was implemented that is based on the SQLAlchemy. The ORM models were used they are not the same models that were described previously. The ORM models provided by the library are then reconstructed in the appropriate Model classes.

That decision unsures that the project does not depend on the SQLAlchemy storage solution.

To store data in the specified way, the model tables were created using declarative mapping (the imperative mappings did not work for me with the asynchronous extension).

User model table for example:

Base = declarative_base()

class UserDB(Base):
	__tablename__ = "user"
	__mapper_args__ = {'eager_defaults': True}

	name = Column(String(64))
	uuid = Column(String(36), primary_key=True)
	room_uuid = Column(String, ForeignKey("room.uuid"))
	room = relationship("RoomDB", back_populates="users")
	messages = relationship("MessageDB", back_populates="user")

The primary key is uuid as it satisfies the uniqueness constraint. There are also relations with the other tables as should be.

All of the database manipulations are done with ORM Queries in 2.0 style using select, update and delete query factories that are used with the session. Results are converted to classes with scallars() method.

Method to query a room for example:

async def _query_room(self, uuid: str) -> RoomDB:
	query = select(RoomDB).options(selectinload(RoomDB.users), selectinload(RoomDB.drawing),
	result = await self._session.scalars(query)
	return result.first()

Considering the nature of asynchronous sqlachemy extension, we should specify loading of the related fields by calling options with the selectinload.

After the data is recieved from the DB, the Model from_data() methods come in handy. Exapmle of the _get_user() method:

async def _get_user(self, uuid: str) -> "models.user.User":
	user_db = await self._query_user(uuid)

	if user_db:
		user = models.user.User.from_data(,
		return user
		raise NotFoundException(uuid, ModelTypes.USER)


Given the ORM nature of SQLAlchemy, it is not that difficult to expand the previously mentioned AlchemyStorage class to the one that has an ability to connect to various "real" databases. In fact the only difference is the declaration of the database engine:

class PostgreStorage(AlchemyStorage):
    _db_credentials = {
        "user": "user_name",
        "dbname": "chat_db",
        "password": "passwd",
        "address": "localhost"

    NAME = "postgres_storage"
    _engine = create_async_engine(
    _session = AsyncSession(_engine, expire_on_commit=False)

Given the postgresql is installed, a database is created and the has STORAGE_CLS = PostgreStorage, the backend will attempt to connect to the local postgreSQL server with the provided credentials.


Forntend is based on the React framework. The looks and feels were designed from scratch.

Project structure

The project was written using TypeScript and follows the basic react project structure. All of the components are styled with sass.

All of the source files are located in src folder. The application is split into components:

  • Buttons that consists of the button template and all of the functional buttons, including navigation ones;
  • ColorPicker different custom color pickers for rooms and drawing
  • Drawing drawing component based on react-konva Stage;
  • Header that displays the heading of the application and username;
  • Input components related to input fields;
  • Log components related to logging;
  • Message components related to messages;
  • Room components related to rooms;
  • Spinner;
  • Tabs components that group other components into a layout.

Models and Enumerations

Considering that the project is written with TypeScript, there is Model folder that provides interfaces for the Drawing, Log, Message, Room and User interfaces.

Simple example of a user interface:

export interface UserModel {
    name: string;
    room_uuid?: string;
    uuid: string;

There are also Enumerations related to the statement types used to communicate with the server located in the StatementTypes folder.


Taking into account that the project has a complex internal state (message history, drawing, log lists, etc.), the redux state manager was used. For every model, the corresponding redux slice was implemented.

The application calls the reducers with dispatch to avoid infinite callback passing.

Libraries used

As mentioned previously.

The application relies on the websocket communication protocol. All of the communications were implemented using the library with the statement constructor prepareStatement() in the api.ts file.

To implement automatic scrolling animations on new messages, log items room etc.

The application has several lists that are potentially infinite in size. To avoid any lags related to it, this library was used to render only the viewed elements.

To have a drawing board

To have a theme switcher in the form of a slider.

To save a preferred theme in cookies, selected with a previously mentioned slider.

Only the theme number is stored in the cookies, there is no other data especially related to the user profile.

The application has sound notifications, so the appropriate library was used.

TypeScript does not recognize the mp3 format with the ES6 format, so the good old require was used for that.

Even though it is a one page application, it still uses sever routes such as homepage, room page, information page, etc.

Rooms have dynamic routing so it is possible to enter a room given its URL.

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