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recently-viewed-section-dawn's Introduction


How To Show Recently Viewed Items in Shopify Store Using Dawn Theme?

The Recently Viewed Items section allows you to show your visitors the products they’ve viewed while browsing your site, offering you an opportunity to increase your sales by showing them the items they’ve already shown interest in. Getting started is easy.


This version of Recently Viewed items use jQuery. If you don't use jQuery in your theme you shouldn't install it for just one section (this one). It loads a lot of additional scripts, so perfomance of you site will be slightly decreased.

In the future I'm planning to make a new version of recently viewed section with no jQuery, just plain JS. I'm not sure yet it will be open source or not, so any feedback appreciated Updated: 1 Jul 2023.

Create recently-viewed.liquid file

Go to sections folder and create recently-viewed.liquid file. Put the code below inside the file:

{{ 'section-recently-viewed.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

<div class="recently-viewed-wrapper page-width">
    <ul class="recently-viewed-grid">
    <!-- Recently viewed products will appear here -->

function setRecentlyViewedProducts() {
  const productData = {
    productTitle: "{{ product.title }}",
    productImg: "{{ product.featured_media | img_url: '300x' }}",
    productPrice: "{{ product.price | money }}",
    productUrl: "{{ product.url }}",
    productImageAltText: "{{product.featured_media.alt | escape }}"
  const productList = [];
  let jsonResp, jsonRespArr, jsonRespArrStr;
  const numberOfProducts = 8;
  const currProductPageTitle = productData.productTitle;
  const productDataString = JSON.stringify(productList);
  const localData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");

  if (localData === null) {
    localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", productDataString);
  } else if (localData) {
    const oldProductData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");
    const countProductData = (oldProductData.match(/productTitle/g) || []).length;
    const sameProduct = oldProductData.includes(currProductPageTitle);
    if (countProductData < numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
      jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
      jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
      jsonRespArrStr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
      localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArrStr);
    } else if (countProductData >= numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
      jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
      jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
      jsonRespArr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
      localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArr);

const localViewed = localStorage.recentlyViewedProduct;
function getRecentlyViewedProducts() {
  const productData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct"));
  const recentlyViewedHtml = []; => {
    <li class="recently-viewed-grid-item">
      <a href="${item.productUrl}"> 
		<img class="recently-viewed-img" src='${item.productImg}' loading="lazy" alt="${item.productImageAltText}"/>
       <h3><a class="recently-viewed-a" href="${item.productUrl}">${item.productTitle}</a></h3>
  const newProductData = `${recentlyViewedHtml.join("")}`;
  const fullContent = document.getElementsByClassName("recently-viewed-grid");
  fullContent[0].innerHTML = newProductData;

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {


{% schema %}
    "name": "Recently Products",
    "settings": [
          "type": "text",
          "id": "heading",
          "default": "Recently Viewed",
          "label": "Heading"
{% endschema %}

Create a stylesheet file

Navigate to assets folder and create section-recently-viewed.css file, paste the code inside. By the way you can paste CSS into section file. If so, don't forget to delete first line from the section file and use liquid tags {% style %} your styles here {% endstyle %} to wrap your styles. More about liquid you can read here.

Put the styles below inside the file:

.recently-viewed-wrapper {
    margin: 1rem auto;

  .recently-viewed-img {
    width: 100%;

  .recently-viewed-grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-gap: 1rem;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(min(100%, 260px), 1fr));
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;

  .recently-viewed-grid-item {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    text-align: center;

  .recently-viewed-a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #000;

Create jquery.product.min.js file

It needs to collect and store cookie data. Go to assets and create jquery.product.min.js file and paste the code into it.

Copy and paste code inside the file:

 * Cookie plugin
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 jQuery.cookie=function(b,j,m){if(typeof j!="undefined"){m=m||{};if(j===null){j="";m.expires=-1}var e="";if(m.expires&&(typeof m.expires=="number"||m.expires.toUTCString)){var f;if(typeof m.expires=="number"){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+(m.expires*24*60*60*1000))}else{f=m.expires}e="; expires="+f.toUTCString()}var l=m.path?"; path="+(m.path):"";var g=m.domain?"; domain="+(m.domain):"";var"; secure":"";document.cookie=[b,"=",encodeURIComponent(j),e,l,g,a].join("")}else{var d=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!=""){var k=document.cookie.split(";");for(var h=0;h<k.length;h++){var c=jQuery.trim(k[h]);if(c.substring(0,b.length+1)==(b+"=")){d=decodeURIComponent(c.substring(b.length+1));break}}}return d}};

  * Module to show Recently Viewed Products
  * Copyright (c) 2014 Caroline Schnapp (
  * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 Shopify.Products=(function(){var a={howManyToShow:3,howManyToStoreInMemory:10,wrapperId:"recently-viewed-products",templateId:"recently-viewed-product-template",onComplete:null};var c=[];var h=null;var d=null;var e=0;var b={configuration:{expires:90,path:"/",domain:window.location.hostname},name:"shopify_recently_viewed",write:function(i){jQuery.cookie(,i.join(" "),this.configuration)},read:function(){var i=[];var j=jQuery.cookie(;if(j!==null){i=j.split(" ")}return i},destroy:function(){jQuery.cookie(,null,this.configuration)},remove:function(k){var;var i=jQuery.inArray(k,j);if(i!==-1){j.splice(i,1);this.write(j)}}};var f=function(){;if(a.onComplete){try{a.onComplete()}catch(i){}}};var g=function(){if(c.length&&e<a.howManyToShow){jQuery.ajax({dataType:"json",url:"/products/"+c[0]+".js",cache:false,success:function(i){d.tmpl(i).appendTo(h);c.shift();e++;g()},error:function(){b.remove(c[0]);c.shift();g()}})}else{f()}};return{resizeImage:function(m,j){if(j==null){return m}if(j=="master"){return m.replace(/http(s)?:/,"")}var i=m.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|bitmap|tiff|tif)(\?v=\d+)?/i);if(i!=null){var k=m.split(i[0]);var l=i[0];return(k[0]+"_"+j+l).replace(/http(s)?:/,"")}else{return null}},showRecentlyViewed:function(i){var i=i||{};jQuery.extend(a,i);;d=jQuery("#"+a.templateId);h=jQuery("#"+a.wrapperId);a.howManyToShow=Math.min(c.length,a.howManyToShow);if(a.howManyToShow&&d.length&&h.length){g()}},getConfig:function(){return a},clearList:function(){b.destroy()},recordRecentlyViewed:function(l){var l=l||{};jQuery.extend(a,l);var;if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/products/")!==-1){var k=window.location.pathname.match(/\/products\/([a-z0-9\-]+)/)[1];var i=jQuery.inArray(k,j);if(i===-1){j.unshift(k);j=j.splice(0,a.howManyToStoreInMemory)}else{j.splice(i,1);j.unshift(k)}b.write(j)}}}})();

Add the section in product.json file

Don't forget about this step. It's super important! Go to templates folder and then click on product.json file, paste the code where you would like to show a recently viewed section.

    "recently-viewed": {
        "type": "recently-viewed",
        "settings": {

Don't forget to indicate this section in order, like so:

    "order": [

You can see a little bit different product page layout. It's okay. Hope it helps :)


You can faced with possible issues. For example, the code won't work in your theme. That's okay and no worries. Every store can have different settings like integrations or whatever. If so, reach me by email I'll help you.


If you find this useful you can support me to keep this section open source:


Как Добавить Секцию Недавно Просмотренных Товаров в Шопифай тему Dawn?


Эта версия Недавно просмотренных товаров использует jQuery. Если вы не используете jQuery в вашей теме, вы не должны устанавливать его только для одной секции (для этого). Он загружает много дополнительных скриптов, поэтому скорость вашего сайта будет немного снижена.

В будущем я планирую сделать новую версию недавно просмотренного раздела без jQuery, на ванильном JS. Я не уверен, будет ли она с открытым исходным кодом или нет, так что любой фидбэк приветствуется. Обновлено: 1 июля 2023 года.

Создайте recently-viewed.liquid файл

Перейдите в папку sections и создайте recently-viewed.liquid файл. Поместите код ниже в созданный файл:

{{ 'section-recently-viewed.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

<div class="recently-viewed-wrapper page-width">
    <ul class="recently-viewed-grid">
    <!-- Recently viewed products will appear here -->

function setRecentlyViewedProducts() {
  const productData = {
    productTitle: "{{ product.title }}",
    productImg: "{{ product.featured_media | img_url: '300x' }}",
    productPrice: "{{ product.price | money }}",
    productUrl: "{{ product.url }}",
    productImageAltText: "{{product.featured_media.alt | escape }}"
  const productList = [];
  let jsonResp, jsonRespArr, jsonRespArrStr;
  const numberOfProducts = 8;
  const currProductPageTitle = productData.productTitle;
  const productDataString = JSON.stringify(productList);
  const localData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");

  if (localData === null) {
    localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", productDataString);
  } else if (localData) {
    const oldProductData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");
    const countProductData = (oldProductData.match(/productTitle/g) || []).length;
    const sameProduct = oldProductData.includes(currProductPageTitle);
    if (countProductData < numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
      jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
      jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
      jsonRespArrStr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
      localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArrStr);
    } else if (countProductData >= numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
      jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
      jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
      jsonRespArr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
      localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArr);

const localViewed = localStorage.recentlyViewedProduct;
function getRecentlyViewedProducts() {
  const productData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct"));
  const recentlyViewedHtml = []; => {
    <li class="recently-viewed-grid-item">
      <a href="${item.productUrl}"> 
		<img class="recently-viewed-img" src='${item.productImg}' loading="lazy" alt="${item.productImageAltText}"/>
       <h3><a class="recently-viewed-a" href="${item.productUrl}">${item.productTitle}</a></h3>
  const newProductData = `${recentlyViewedHtml.join("")}`;
  const fullContent = document.getElementsByClassName("recently-viewed-grid");
  fullContent[0].innerHTML = newProductData;

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {


{% schema %}
    "name": "Recently Products",
    "settings": [
          "type": "text",
          "id": "heading",
          "default": "Recently Viewed",
          "label": "Heading"
{% endschema %}

Создайте файл стилей

Перейдите в папку assets и создайте section-recently-viewed.cssфайл и вставьте код внутрь файла. Вы можете использовать CSS код и на странице секции. Для этого не забудьте удалить первую строчку из файла секции и используйте liquid тэги {% style %} ваши стили будут тут {% endstyle %} чтобы обернуть ваши стили.

Скопируйте стили и вставьте в ваш файл:

.recently-viewed-wrapper {
    margin: 1rem auto;

  .recently-viewed-img {
    width: 100%;

  .recently-viewed-grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-gap: 1rem;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(min(100%, 260px), 1fr));
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;

  .recently-viewed-grid-item {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    text-align: center;

  .recently-viewed-a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #000;

Чтобы почитать больше про liquid перейдите по этой ссылке.

Создайте jquery.product.min.js файл

Он нужен для сбора и хранения куки продуктов. Перейдите в папку assets и создайте jquery.product.min.js файл и вставьте код:

 * Cookie plugin
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 jQuery.cookie=function(b,j,m){if(typeof j!="undefined"){m=m||{};if(j===null){j="";m.expires=-1}var e="";if(m.expires&&(typeof m.expires=="number"||m.expires.toUTCString)){var f;if(typeof m.expires=="number"){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+(m.expires*24*60*60*1000))}else{f=m.expires}e="; expires="+f.toUTCString()}var l=m.path?"; path="+(m.path):"";var g=m.domain?"; domain="+(m.domain):"";var"; secure":"";document.cookie=[b,"=",encodeURIComponent(j),e,l,g,a].join("")}else{var d=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!=""){var k=document.cookie.split(";");for(var h=0;h<k.length;h++){var c=jQuery.trim(k[h]);if(c.substring(0,b.length+1)==(b+"=")){d=decodeURIComponent(c.substring(b.length+1));break}}}return d}};

  * Module to show Recently Viewed Products
  * Copyright (c) 2014 Caroline Schnapp (
  * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 Shopify.Products=(function(){var a={howManyToShow:3,howManyToStoreInMemory:10,wrapperId:"recently-viewed-products",templateId:"recently-viewed-product-template",onComplete:null};var c=[];var h=null;var d=null;var e=0;var b={configuration:{expires:90,path:"/",domain:window.location.hostname},name:"shopify_recently_viewed",write:function(i){jQuery.cookie(,i.join(" "),this.configuration)},read:function(){var i=[];var j=jQuery.cookie(;if(j!==null){i=j.split(" ")}return i},destroy:function(){jQuery.cookie(,null,this.configuration)},remove:function(k){var;var i=jQuery.inArray(k,j);if(i!==-1){j.splice(i,1);this.write(j)}}};var f=function(){;if(a.onComplete){try{a.onComplete()}catch(i){}}};var g=function(){if(c.length&&e<a.howManyToShow){jQuery.ajax({dataType:"json",url:"/products/"+c[0]+".js",cache:false,success:function(i){d.tmpl(i).appendTo(h);c.shift();e++;g()},error:function(){b.remove(c[0]);c.shift();g()}})}else{f()}};return{resizeImage:function(m,j){if(j==null){return m}if(j=="master"){return m.replace(/http(s)?:/,"")}var i=m.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|bitmap|tiff|tif)(\?v=\d+)?/i);if(i!=null){var k=m.split(i[0]);var l=i[0];return(k[0]+"_"+j+l).replace(/http(s)?:/,"")}else{return null}},showRecentlyViewed:function(i){var i=i||{};jQuery.extend(a,i);;d=jQuery("#"+a.templateId);h=jQuery("#"+a.wrapperId);a.howManyToShow=Math.min(c.length,a.howManyToShow);if(a.howManyToShow&&d.length&&h.length){g()}},getConfig:function(){return a},clearList:function(){b.destroy()},recordRecentlyViewed:function(l){var l=l||{};jQuery.extend(a,l);var;if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/products/")!==-1){var k=window.location.pathname.match(/\/products\/([a-z0-9\-]+)/)[1];var i=jQuery.inArray(k,j);if(i===-1){j.unshift(k);j=j.splice(0,a.howManyToStoreInMemory)}else{j.splice(i,1);j.unshift(k)}b.write(j)}}}})();

Добавьте секцию в product.json файл

Не забудьте об этом шаге, если вы его пропустите, то ничего не будет работать. Перейдите в папку templates и войдите в product.json file, вставьте код туда, где хотите показывать секцию недавно просмотренных товаров. Код секции:

  "recently-viewed": {
        "type": "recently-viewed",
        "settings": {

Не забудьте указать секцию в объкте order:

    "order": [


Вы можете столкнуться с возможными проблемами. Допустим, код из этого репозитория может не работать в вашей теме. Это нормально, т.к каждый магазин настроен по-разному. Если вы столкнулись с какой-либо проблемой напишите мне на почту, я постараюсь вам помочь.


Если это секция оказалась вам полезна, вы можете поддержать автора чтобы секция оставалась бесплатной:

Sincerely, moek

recently-viewed-section-dawn's People


devmoek avatar


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recently-viewed-section-dawn's Issues

Add possibility to change text align of the section heading

Here's the code

<div class="recently-viewed-wrapper">
    <h2 class="{% if section.settings.heading_position == 'left' %}
    {% elsif section.settings.heading_position == 'center' %}
    {% elsif section.settings.heading_position == 'right' %}
    {% endif %}">
    <ul class="recently-viewed-grid">
    <!-- Recently viewed products will appear here -->
    "name": "Recently Products",
    "settings": [
	   "type": "header",
            "content": "Heading"
          "type": "text",
          "id": "heading",
          "default": "Recently Viewed",
          "label": "Text"
           "type": "select",
            "id": "heading_position",
	    "label": "Text align",
             "default": "center",
          "options": [
            "value": "left",
            "label": "Left"
            "value": "center",
            "label": "Center"
            "value": "right",
            "label": "Right"

Not firing....

Hi, we're just getting a single empty return, with no data so we're just seeing a Shopify blank holding image. I think it may be to do with the jquery.product.min.js. You reference it as both jquery.product.min.js and jquery.products.min.js but also i cannot see anywhere this is being called? I have created both but no improvements...

You can see the output here:


Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 20 02 11

Thanks, Dave

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