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vue-currency-input's People


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vue-currency-input's Issues

Float values as Input are broken (in directive)

This is more or less the same issue as #6.

Passing a float value to an input field with v-currency directive formats the display value wrong:
Input: 4500.45
Display on blur: 450.045,00 €

I've seen that you are using Intl.NumberFormat for formatting, which actually seems to work quite well.
Just using:
new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(4500.45)
correctly returns:
4.500,45 €

Might there be an issue as the value is beeing formatted twice?

Option request: Hide negligible decimal digits when NOT focused

For example the number 200.00 could be displayed as 200, but the number 200.20 would still be displayed as 200.20. Basically what "Hide negligible decimal digits" currently does, but without focus. It would be useful for example for online stores where most prices (but not all) are whole numbers such as $7.

Feature request: integer model

Hi, thanks for creating this component.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add in a prop to specify that you want to pass in and retrieve the model as an integer, as usually when working with money it is considered best practice to work with the factional part of the currency and always store an integer. Something like :valueAsInteger="true".

I'd originally achieved this by wrapping the component and causing the set on a computed property to run the following code:

        let valueInCents = 0;

        if (value !== null) {
          valueInCents = Number.isInteger(value)
            ? value * 100
            : parseInt((`${value}`).replace('.', ''), 10);

        this.$emit('input', valueInCents);

But this was causing the components to enter an infinite loop growing this.value.

Screenshot 2019-10-02 at 18 29 46

Alternatively, perhaps you could give me some pointers on where to start if I were to try to attempt a PR that attempted this feature.

Thank you for your time.

Negative values not working when locale is set to nl-NL

Awesome package. But I just noticed negative values don't seem to work when the locale is set to nl-NL. It always returns the positive value.

I've tried with some other locales (be-NL, de-DE, es-ES...) and they all seem to work. The only difference I've found so far is nl-NL adds a space between the symbol and the value. For example: € 23,54.

I'm using the latest version (1.8.3). Thanks in advance!

Directive mode outputs wrong number for locales using comma as a decimal separator

Should you try to change the currency/locale to EUR/el in the directive example: the following happens:

Trying to enter the decimal digits, after entering a comma keystroke, will only accept the first digit correctly. If you enter a second one, the end amount (once you focus out of the input field) is wrong.

Type: 100,1 , tab out shows 100,10 €
Type: 100,15 , tab out shows 10.015,00 €

The issue doesn't occur when using locales based on the dot decimal separator.

Allow usage of parseCurrency without global Vue plugin installation

In our situation, we don't want to register the plugin globally as most of the pages are not using it. Therefore we go with directive solution which allows you to import this currency input on demand. However, this means we need to implement our own parseCurrency method and we can't config the default currency and locale (The default locale configuration is passed in as a parameter when the library is registered globally). When we creating our own parseCurrency function, we find that parse and createCurrencyFormat in the parseCurrency implementation is not exported.

I have created a pull request to export these two functions. #26

Input field value does not default to 0 when value is deleted and input field loses focus.

This is by far the easiest plugin I've tried so far for currency formatting so thank you for the time and effort you've put into it. With that said, I'm running into an issue where when I highlight a value and delete it or delete the value one character at a time until there's nothing left, then click out of the input, the input field is blank.

I'm using Vuex and I've tried multiple methods of trying to force the input field to maintain a 0 value when it has lost focus, but so far have had no luck. Is there a way to maintain a default value of 0 when the field is cleared?



Including vue-currency-input in vue project breaks IE 11 & Edge


First of all, thank you for providing this library.

I just found out that a Vue project created with @vue/cli that uses vue-currency-input breaks in Internet explorer 11 and in Microsoft Edge with the following error

"Expected identifier, string or number"

The way to reproduce the problem is simple.

create a new project with vue with the defaults. Follow the instructions in to add Vue Currency to the project, run the project with yarn serve and open the url with IE 11 or MS Edge.

This kind of errors is usually caused by a trailing comma somewhere, but wasn't able to find one.

Best regards,

Backspace won’t delete value if "currency: { suffix: ' $' }"

If a currency symbol is suffixed the field’s content cannot be deleted via the backspace key if the cursor is positioned to the right of the symbol and distraction-free is set to false. Ideally the backspace key would just ignore the suffixed symbol and delete the last digit of the input.

computed value

I'm using a computed value with get & set, whenever a set is done, the directive doesn't see the change (when the set is done outside the directive) and simply puts the value to the number without a format. Would it be possible to add a watch on the v-model of the directive that formats the value (if it isn't focused etc)?

Distraction Free mode not working ?

Hi, Vue Currency Input is awesome, but I've just noticed that passing distraction-free option into global configuration and component itself is not working . The one in the example doesn't also work or am I missing something ?

Bug on adding ","

If I type the value 2,22 the input is 22,2.

So my input is 2, comma, 2, 2. You can see the result on this little animation:

2019-09-16 16 25 58

Additional information:

  • vue-currency-input: 1.9.0
  • Config:
data: () => ({
		currency: 'EUR',

Turn formatting on/off

Would love to see a config option to turn the formatting on or off (like disable: true/false).

Vue is not defined

I tried using it via CDN link provided

<script src=""></script>

I am getting following error

Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined
at eval (eval at (eval at (dojo.js?v=1:341)), :7:15209)
at runFactory (dojo.js?v=1:1120)
at execModule (dojo.js?v=1:1249)
at execModule (dojo.js?v=1:1240)
at dojo.js?v=1:1284
at guardCheckComplete (dojo.js?v=1:1264)
at checkComplete (dojo.js?v=1:1279)
at onLoadCallback (dojo.js?v=1:1439)
at HTMLScriptElement.onLoad (dojo.js?v=1:1675)

It is pointing to this line
(r=i.currency),u(e,l(t,r))}}};"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.Vue&&window.Vue.use(x)}(Vue);

Decimal length

How can i set decimal place length default is 2 , i need to set it 4

Can not find variable "Vue"


I just switched from "vue-currency-input": "1.3.2" to "vue-currency-input": "1.5.0"

Now I am getting this error:

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Vue

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-31 um 00 11 30

Seems to be this line:

/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {!function(o){"use strict";o=o&&o.hasOwnProperty("default")?o.default:o;"undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&self;var e,t,r=(function(e,t){e.exports=function(r){function n(e){if(o[e])return o[e].exports;var t=o[e]={exports:{},id:e,loaded:!1};return r[e].call(t.exports,t,t.exports,n),t.loaded=!0,t.exports}var o={};return n.m=r,n.c=o,n.p="",n(0)}([function(e,t,r){function n(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var o=r(3);Object.defineProperty(t,"conformToMask",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n(o).default}});var i=r(2);Object.defineProperty(t,"adjustCaretPosition",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n(i).default}});var a=r(5);Object.defineProperty(t,"createTextMaskInputElement",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n(a).default}})},function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.placeholderChar="_",t.strFunction="function"},function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){var t=e.previousConformedValue,r=void 0===t?U:t,n=e.previousPlaceholder,o=void 0===n?U:n,i=e.currentCaretPosition,a=void 0===i?0:i,u=e.conformedValue,l=e.rawValue,s=e.placeholderChar,c=e.placeholder,f=e.indexesOfPipedChars,d=void 0===f?D:f,p=e.caretTrapIndexes,v=void 0===p?D:p;if(0===a||!l.length)return 0;var m=l.length,h=r.length,y=c.length,g=u.length,b=m-h,x=0<b,C=0===h;if(1<b&&!x&&!C)return a;var O=0,w=void 0,S=void 0;if(!x||r!==u&&u!==c){var _=u.toLowerCase(),T=l.toLowerCase().substr(0,a).split(U).filter(function(e){return-1!==_.indexOf(e)});S=T[T.length-1];var P=o.substr(0,T.length).split(U).filter(function(e){return e!==s}).length,k=c.substr(0,T.length).split(U).filter(function(e){return e!==s}).length!==P,E=void 0!==o[T.length-1]&&void 0!==c[T.length-2]&&o[T.length-1]!==s&&o[T.length-1]!==c[T.length-1]&&o[T.length-1]===c[T.length-2];!x&&(k||E)&&0<P&&-1<c.indexOf(S)&&void 0!==l[a]&&(w=!0,S=l[a]);for(var ${return _[e]}).filter(function(e){return e===S}).length,N=T.filter(function(e){return e===S}).length,V=c.substr(0,c.indexOf(s)).split(U).filter(function(e,t){return e===S&&l[t]!==e}).length+N+$+(w?1:0),F=0,M=0;M<g;M++){var j=_[M];if(O=M+1,j===S&&F++,V<=F)break}}else O=a-b;if(x){for(var I=O,A=O;A<=y;A++)if(c[A]===s&&(I=A),c[A]===s||-1!==v.indexOf(A)||A===y)return I}else if(w){for(var R=O-1;0<=R;R--)if(u[R]===S||-1!==v.indexOf(R)||0===R)return R}else for(var L=O;0<=L;L--)if(c[L-1]===s||-1!==v.indexOf(L)||0===L)return L};var D=[],U=""},function(e,t,r){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var D="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e};t.default=function(){var e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:B,t=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:q,r=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{};if(!(0,U.isArray)(t)){if((void 0===t?"undefined":D(t))!==W.strFunction)throw new Error("Text-mask:conformToMask; The mask property must be an array.");t=t(e,r),t=(0,U.processCaretTraps)(t).maskWithoutCaretTraps}var,o=void 0===n||n,i=r.previousConformedValue,a=void 0===i?B:i,u=r.placeholderChar,l=void 0===u?W.placeholderChar:u,s=r.placeholder,c=void 0===s?(0,U.convertMaskToPlaceholder)(t,l):s,f=r.currentCaretPosition,d=r.keepCharPositions,p=!1===o&&void 0!==a,v=e.length,m=a.length,h=c.length,y=t.length,g=v-m,b=0<g,x=f+(b?-g:0),C=x+Math.abs(g);if(!0===d&&!b){for(var O=B,w=x;w<C;w++)c[w]===l&&(O+=l);e=e.slice(0,x)+O+e.slice(x,v)}for(var S=e.split(B).map(function(e,t){return{char:e,isNew:x<=t&&t<C}}),_=v-1;0<=_;_--){var T=S[_].char;T!==l&&T===c[x<=_&&m===y?_-g:_]&&S.splice(_,1)}var P=B,k=!1;e:for(var E=0;E<h;E++){var $=c[E];if($===l){if(0<S.length)for(;0<S.length;){var N=S.shift(),V=N.char,F=N.isNew;if(V===l&&1!=p){P+=l;continue e}if(t[E].test(V)){if(!0===d&&!1!==F&&a!==B&&!1!==o&&b){for(var M=S.length,j=null,I=0;I<M;I++){var A=S[I];if(A.char!==l&&!1===A.isNew)break;if(A.char===l){j=I;break}}null!==j?(P+=V,S.splice(j,1)):E--}else P+=V;continue e}k=!0}0==p&&(P+=c.substr(E,h));break}P+=$}if(p&&0==b){for(var R=null,L=0;L<P.length;L++)c[L]===l&&(R=L);P=null!==R?P.substr(0,R+1):B}return{conformedValue:P,meta:{someCharsRejected:k}}};var U=r(4),W=r(1),q=[],B=""},function(e,t,r){function n(e){return Array.isArray&&Array.isArray(e)||e instanceof Array}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.convertMaskToPlaceholder=function(){var e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:i,t=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:o.placeholderChar;if(!n(e))throw new Error("Text-mask:convertMaskToPlaceholder; The mask property must be an array.");if(-1===e.indexOf(t))return{return e instanceof RegExp?t:e}).join("");throw new Error("Placeholder character must not be used as part of the mask. Please specify a character that is not present in your mask as your placeholder character.\n\nThe placeholder character that was received is: "+JSON.stringify(t)+"\n\nThe mask that was received is: "+JSON.stringify(e))},t.isArray=n,t.isString=function(e){return"string"==typeof e||e instanceof String},t.isNumber=function(e){return"number"==typeof e&&void 0===e.length&&!isNaN(e)},t.isNil=function(e){return null==e},t.processCaretTraps=function(e){for(var t=[],r=void 0;-1!==(r=e.indexOf(a));)t.push(r),e.splice(r,1);return{maskWithoutCaretTraps:e,indexes:t}};var o=r(1),i=[],a="[]"},function(e,t,r){function n(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function N(e){if((0,I.isString)(e))return e;if((0,I.isNumber)(e))return String(e);if(null==e)return R;throw new Error("The 'value' provided to Text Mask needs to be a string or a number. The value received was:\n\n "+JSON.stringify(e))}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var V=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=arguments,r=1;r<arguments.length;r++){var n=t[r];for(var o in n),o)&&(e[o]=n[o])}return e},F="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e};t.default=function(E){var $={previousConformedValue:void 0,previousPlaceholder:void 0};return{state:$,update:function(e){var t,r,n=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:E,o=n.inputElement,i=n.mask,,u=n.pipe,l=n.placeholderChar,s=void 0===l?A.placeholderChar:l,c=n.keepCharPositions,f=void 0!==c&&c,d=n.showMask,p=void 0!==d&&d;if(void 0===e&&(e=o.value),e!==$.previousConformedValue){(void 0===i?"undefined":F(i))===D&&void 0!==i.pipe&&void 0!==i.mask&&(u=i.pipe,i=i.mask);var v=void 0,m=void 0;if(i instanceof Array&&(v=(0,I.convertMaskToPlaceholder)(i,s)),!1!==i){var h=N(e),y=o.selectionEnd,g=$.previousConformedValue,b=$.previousPlaceholder,x=void 0;if((void 0===i?"undefined":F(i))===A.strFunction){if(!1===(m=i(h,{currentCaretPosition:y,previousConformedValue:g,placeholderChar:s})))return;var C=(0,I.processCaretTraps)(m);m=C.maskWithoutCaretTraps,x=C.indexes,v=(0,I.convertMaskToPlaceholder)(m,s)}else m=i;var O={previousConformedValue:g,guide:a,placeholderChar:s,pipe:u,placeholder:v,currentCaretPosition:y,keepCharPositions:f},w=(0,j.default)(h,m,O).conformedValue,S=(void 0===u?"undefined":F(u))===A.strFunction,_={};S&&(!1===(_=u(w,V({rawValue:h},O)))?_={value:g,rejected:!0}:(0,I.isString)(_)&&(_={value:_}));var T=S?_.value:w,P=(0,M.default)({previousConformedValue:g,previousPlaceholder:b,conformedValue:T,placeholder:v,rawValue:h,currentCaretPosition:y,placeholderChar:s,indexesOfPipedChars:_.indexesOfPipedChars,caretTrapIndexes:x}),k=T===v&&0===P?p?v:R:T;$.previousConformedValue=k,$.previousPlaceholder=v,o.value!==k&&(o.value=k,t=o,r=P,document.activeElement===t&&(U?W(function(){return t.setSelectionRange(r,r,L)},0):t.setSelectionRange(r,r,L)))}}}}};var o=r(2),M=n(o),i=r(3),j=n(i),I=r(4),A=r(1),R="",L="none",D="object",U="undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),W="undefined"!=typeof requestAnimationFrame?requestAnimationFrame:setTimeout}])}(e={exports:{}},e.exports),e.exports);(t=r)&&t.__esModule&&,"default")&&t.default;function h(e){return e.replace(/\D+/g,"")}function y(e,t){return t&&e.startsWith(t)?e.substr(t.length):e}function g(e,t){return t&&e.endsWith(t)?e.slice(0,-1*t.length):e}function u(e,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var r=t.prefix,n=t.suffix,o=t.thousandsSeparatorSymbol,i=t.decimalSymbol;if("number"==typeof e)return e;if(e&&"string"==typeof e){if(e.match(/^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/))return Number(e);var a=e.startsWith("-");e=y(e,"-"),e=y(e,r);var u=(e=g(e,n)).split(i);if(2<u.length)return null;var l=u[0].replace(new RegExp("."===o?"\\.":o,"g"),"");if(l.length&&!l.match(/^\d+$/g))return null;var s=l;if(2===u.length){var c=u[1];if(c.length&&!c.match(/^\d+$/g))return null;s+="."+c}if(s)return a&&(s="-"+s),s=Number(s),Number.isNaN(s)?null:s}return null}function b(e){return e.split("").map(function(e){return n.test(e)?n:e})}var i=r.createTextMaskInputElement,a=(r.textMaskCore,{locale:void 0,currency:"EUR",distractionFree:!0,min:null,max:null,validateOnInput:!1}),n=/\d/;function l(e,t){var r=new Intl.NumberFormat(e,{style:"currency",currency:t}).format(1234),n=(r.match(/0/g)||[]).length,o=0<n?r.substr(r.indexOf("4")+1,1):null,i=null!==o;return{prefix:r.substring(0,r.indexOf("1")),suffix:r.substring(r.lastIndexOf(0<n?"0":"4")+1),thousandsSeparatorSymbol:r.substr(r.indexOf("1")+1,1),decimalSymbol:o,decimalLimit:n,allowDecimal:i}}var s={bind:function(e,t){var n=f(e,t.value);o.nextTick(function(){n.value&&d(n)}),n.addEventListener("input",function(){p(n)},{capture:!0}),n.addEventListener("format",function(e){var t=e.detail;n.$ci.focus||(p(n,t.value),n.dispatchEvent(new Event("format-complete")))}),n.addEventListener("focus",function(){var e=n.$ci,t=e.options,r=e.currencyFormatConfig;n.$ci.focus=!0,t.distractionFree&&setTimeout(function(){var e=v(n);p(n,u(n.value,r)),n.setSelectionRange(e,e)},0)}),n.addEventListener("blur",function(){n.$ci.focus=!1,d(n)})},componentUpdated:function(e,t){if(t.value&&c(t.oldValue,t.value)){var r=f(e,t.value);d(r,r.$ci.numberValue)}}},c=function(t,r){return Object.keys(a).some(function(e){return t[e]!==r[e]})},f=function(e,t){var r=e.matches("input")?e:e.querySelector("input");if(!r)throw new Error("The directive must be applied on an element consists of an input element");var n=Object.assign({},o.prototype.$CI_DEFAULT_OPTIONS||a,t);if(null!=n.min&&null!=n.max&&n.min>n.max)throw new Error("Invalid number range");return r.$ci=Object.assign({},r.$ci||{},{options:n,currencyFormatConfig:l(n.locale,n.currency),textMaskInputElement:i({inputElement:r,mask:[]})}),r},d=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=u(e.value,e.$ci.currencyFormatConfig)),null==t||e.$ci.currencyFormatConfig.allowDecimal||(t=Math.round(t)),p(e,t),e.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"))},p=function(e,t,r){void 0===t&&(t=e.value),void 0===r&&(r=e.$ci);var n=r.options,o=r.currencyFormatConfig,i=r.textMaskInputElement,a=r.focus&&n.distractionFree;"number"==typeof t&&(null!=n.min&&t<n.min&&(t=n.min),null!=n.max&&t>n.max&&(t=n.max),t=new Intl.NumberFormat(n.locale,{minimumFractionDigits:a?0:o.decimalLimit}).format(t),n.distractionFree&&(t+=" ")),i.update(t,{inputElement:e,pipe:function(e,t){var r=t.previousConformedValue;if(n.validateOnInput){if(null!=n.min&&u(e,o)<n.min)return r;if(null!=n.max&&u(e,o)>n.max)return r}return e},mask:function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var u=e.prefix,l=e.suffix,s=e.thousandsSeparatorSymbol,c=e.allowDecimal,f=e.allowNegative,d=e.decimalSymbol,p=e.decimalLimit,v=u?u.length:0,m=l?l.length:0;return function(e){void 0===e&&(e="");var t,r,n=-1!==e.indexOf(d),o=e.startsWith("-")&&f;if(e=y(e,"-"),e=y(e,u),e=g(e,l),n&&c){var i=e.split(d);t=i[0],r=b(h(i[1]))}else t=e;t=(t=(t=h(t)).replace(/^0+(0$|[^0])/,"$1")).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,s);var a=b(t);return n&&c&&(a.push("[]",d,"[]"),r&&("number"==typeof p&&(r=r.slice(0,p)),a=a.concat(r))),0<v&&(a=u.split("").concat(a)),o&&(a=[/-/].concat(a)),0<m&&(a=a.concat(l.split(""))),a}}(Object.assign({},o,{prefix:a?"":o.prefix,suffix:a?"":o.suffix,thousandsSeparatorSymbol:a?"":o.thousandsSeparatorSymbol,allowNegative:null===n.min&&null===n.max||n.min<0||n.max<0}))}),e.$ci.numberValue=u(e.value,o)},v=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=e.$ci.currencyFormatConfig);var r=t.prefix,n=t.thousandsSeparatorSymbol;return Math.max(0,e.selectionStart-r.length-(e.value.substring(0,e.selectionStart).match(new RegExp("."===n?"\\.":n,"g"))||[]).length)};var m=function(e,t,r,n,o,i,a,u,l,s){"boolean"!=typeof a&&(l=u,u=a,a=!1);var c,f="function"==typeof r?r.options:r;if(e&&e.render&&(f.render=e.render,f.staticRenderFns=e.staticRenderFns,f._compiled=!0,o&&(f.functional=!0)),n&&(f._scopeId=n),i?(c=function(e){(e=e||this.$vnode&&this.$vnode.ssrContext||this.parent&&this.parent.$vnode&&this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext)||"undefined"==typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__||(e=__VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__),t&&,l(e)),e&&e._registeredComponents&&e._registeredComponents.add(i)},f._ssrRegister=c):t&&(c=a?function(){,s(this.$root.$options.shadowRoot))}:function(e){,u(e))}),c)if(f.functional){var d=f.render;f.render=function(e,t){return,d(e,t)}}else{var p=f.beforeCreate;f.beforeCreate=p?[].concat(p,c):[c]}return r}({render:function(){var e=this,t=e.$createElement;return(e._self._c||t)("input",e._g({directives:[{name:"currency",rawName:"v-currency",value:e.options,expression:"options"}],domProps:{value:e.formattedValue}},e.listeners()))},staticRenderFns:[]},void 0,{name:"CurrencyInput",directives:{currency:s},props:{value:{type:Number,default:null},locale:{type:String,default:void 0},currency:{type:String,default:void 0},distractionFree:{type:Boolean,default:void 0},min:{type:Number,default:void 0},max:{type:Number,default:void 0},validateOnInput:{type:Boolean,default:void 0}},data:function(){return{formattedValue:this.value}},computed:{options:function(){var t=this,r=Object.assign({},this.$CI_DEFAULT_OPTIONS||a);return Object.keys(r).forEach(function(e){void 0!==t[e]&&(r[e]=t[e])}),r},currencyFormatConfig:function(){return l(this.options.locale,this.options.currency)}},watch:{value:function(e){this.$el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("format",{detail:{value:e}}))}},methods:{listeners:function(){var e=this;return Object.assign({},this.$listeners,{input:function(){return e.emitValue()},"format-complete":function(){return e.emitValue()}})},emitValue:function(){this.$emit("input",u(this.$el.value,this.currencyFormatConfig)),this.formattedValue=this.$el.value}}},void 0,!1,void 0,void 0,void 0),x={install:function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var r=t.componentName;void 0===r&&(;var n=t.directiveName;void 0===n&&(n="currency");var o=t.globalOptions;void 0===o&&(o={});var i=Object.assign({},a,o);e.prototype.$CI_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=i,e.component(r,m),e.directive(n,s),e.prototype.$parseCurrency=function(e,t,r){return void 0===t&&(t=i.locale),void 0===r&&(r=i.currency),u(e,l(t,r))}}};"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.Vue&&window.Vue.use(x)}(Vue);

Version 1.3.2 still works fine.

This is how I implemented it:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueCurrencyInput from 'vue-currency-input'

Vue.use (VueCurrencyInput);

Global Options are not working

I am trying to use the global options like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueCurrencyInput from 'vue-currency-input'

Vue.use(VueCurrencyInput, {
	globalOptons : {
		currency        : 'USD',
		distractionFree : false,
		min             : 0,
		validateOnInput : true

I tried using both the <currency-input /> as well as the directive, but my input continues to use the default options:


If I set the options directly on the input, then it works properly:


Am I misconfiguring this somehow? I double checked and I am on version 1.4.1 which should have the ability to use the globalOptions.

Unable to select all input when it's focused by pressing tab

I'm using the v-currency directive with vue-material input components:

 <label>Home Price</label>
 <md-input v-model="price" v-currency @focus.native="$"></md-input>

with the v-currency directive added to the component, @focus.native does not work to select all text. If I remove the v-currency directive, the input selects all text as expected.

@click.native="$" does work correctly when clicking into the input to bring focus, all text is selected. It's only when pressing the tab key to bring focus.

Bug in in Chrome 76.0 ? (number disappears)

Hi, i would like to use your component, however i find the formatted number gets blank when it´s over 10k in Chrome latest 76.0>
This happends in your Example page, also in my project..
I found in firefox or safari it´s ok... Any ideas?


no default export

Simply getting this error message, might be a TS issue:

Module '"/node_modules/vue-currency-input/src/index"' has no default export.

v-model is setting value to `null`

Hello everybody,

I got this object, which is loaded via API before the page is rendered:

{ "id": 1, "title": "Test", "price": 9, "setup": 0}

Now if I add this to my Vue project:

<currency-input id="product-price"
                                            :class="{'form-control': true, 'is-invalid': errors.has('product-price')}"

I am getting no value - product.price is empty now:

{ "id": 1, "title": "Test", "price": null, "setup": 0}

If I remove the currency-input, the object is correct again:

{ "id": 1, "title": "Test", "price": 9, "setup": 0}

Could I use this as Directive?

Now I base on Element UI.
Could I use this as directive

<el-input v-model="value" v-currency="opts" />


import CurrencyInput from 'vue-currency-input'

export default {
  directives: { currency: CurrencyInput },
  data: () => ({
    value: 1000,
    opts: {
            currency: 'USD',
           decimal: .....,

$parseCurrency is not working with Nuxt

I live this plugin.
I try to using nuxt.js environment.

Everything is ok. But, $parseCurrency occur error.
The problem seems to be Vue.prototype.
How about using mixin.

Good decimal plugin. ^^

v-model doesn't change if I change the currency or reached the max value

I have a option to change the currency and a max value for my currency field.
If I change the currency or reach the max value, everything is working fine and looks good but it does not safe the updated data. Even with watch.
That's a big issue because It saves old and unusable data for me.

My field looks like this:
<input type="text" class="small" v-currency="{ currency: selectedCurrency, locale, distractionFree: false, min: currency.min, max: currency.max, }" v-model="$parent.$parent.fields.investmentAmount" />

my locale value is computed.

RTL support


Love your plugin, but I feel like a RTL option would make it perfect. Let me give you an example:

  • Input is empty
  • User types 1: Input now shows 0.01
  • User types 2: Input now shows 0.12
  • and so on...

Do you think it's possible to make this enhancement?

Extra `input` event in `onblur` event handler

I have a form with two inputs - min and max and an 'onInput' event handler, that calls an api to update data.

My issue is when i blurring input, the plugin dispatches additional input event and my api is calling twice.
I have several checks if values from input not changed, but in some cases that don't work.

I'm using plugin as a component.

Here is my configuration:

const pluginOptions = {
  globalOptions: {
    currency: null,
    distractionFree: false,
    decimalLength: 0

Vue.use(VueCurrencyInput, pluginOptions)

Example of using component

<currency-input type="tel" name="min"
       :placeholder="allFacets.price[1].value | thousandSeparator"

I notice in vue-dev-tools, that blurring input causes two 'input' events.

I think that in distractionFree: false mode is not necessarily dispatch input event in onBlur handler.
line 55 in directive.js

Vue - 2.6.10
vue-currency-input - 1.11.3

PS: if you want, i can create a minimal reproduction of this.

Return value as integer to simply work with e.g. Dinero.js or PHP Money

This would be a cool feature. You have to keep in mind that not every language has 2 fraction digits. Regarding to this list: there are several currencies with 3 or 4 fraction digits. A very nice feature would be to set the property valueAsInteger and parses it based on the minimumFractionDigit Option of the Intl.NumberFormat

        const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(number)
        const options = formatter.resolvedOptions()
        let valueInCents = 0;

        if (value !== null) {
            valueInCents = Number.isInteger(value)
                ? value * Math.pow(10, options.minimumFractionDigits)
                : parseInt((`${value}`).replace('.', ''), 10);

        this.$emit('input', valueInCents);

Edit: In addition it also needs to work the other way around.

Originally posted by @jonasesr in #37 (comment)

Handling currencies that are not a part of Intl.NumberFormat

Greetings and thank you for this sweet component.

I am having problems with cryptocurrencies. Some of them are handling well (BTC, ETH...), but test bitcoin (TBTC) is (obviously) throwing an error (Invalid currency codes at new NumberFormat).

Is there a way to manually bypass this validation?


Decimal zero

Hi. Is it possible to allow my input to be 10.05? At the moment when I typed to the point of "10." I can't put another "0". Thanks.

Formatting an initial/passed value

Hi there, great component!
I'm using the directive mode to build a wrapper component around yours, based on Element UI's input, so I can take advantage of Element's built in validator rules etc, and at the same time use a number in my VM.
It works fine, save for one detail: When I initialize the input/component with a value, e.g. 1500, I'd like it to be displayed formatted, i.e. 1.500,00 € (in the EUR/el locale case).
Tried by having currencyRef emit blur,change etc, to no avail.

An idea would be to expose a formatValue function, like you did with parseCurrency, which could easily be used to convert incoming number to the proper format.

        <el-input v-model="internalValue" v-currency="options" ref="currencyRef" class="currency-input"/>
    export default {
        props: ['value', 'currency'],
        components: {},
        data: function () {
            return {
                options: {
                    locale: 'el',
                    currency: this.currency,
                    distractionFree: true,
                    validateOnInput: false
                internalValue: null
        watch: {
            value(newValue) {
                this.internalValue = newValue
            internalValue(newValue) {
                this.$emit('input', this.$parseCurrency(newValue, this.options.locale, this.options.currency))

Feature Request: Min & Max Range

Would it be possible to add the ability to set a maximum and minimum accepted value? So that if a number is entered that puts the value over the maximum value or under the minimum value then the number is ignored and the current value is kept in the input.

For example, if the maximum value is 10 and the users enters 11, the second 1 is ignored so that the input only shows the first 1 entered. The ignoring behavior is similar to how letters are ignored on input.

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