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hyphenator's Introduction

Hey friends

I am Dominic Böttger and I am working in the IT space for over two decades now. My main work is to enable humans to enjoy their digital workplace. This could be done with code or by infrastructure optimizations with ☁️ solutions.

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hyphenator's Issues

Hyphenator overacts on CMS

It seems that on some CMS hyphenated text is stored in the DB.
In this case shy'ed text is served to the client. This is evil!

I still need some tests but possible solutions are:
- Document the issue and give it to developers hands
- exclude input und textarea form hyphenation

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Mar 2009 at 10:57

Interesting bug (proud of having found it!)

What happened?
When I ran Hyphenator as Bookmarklet on it ran very slow and finally 
stopped by 
throwing a "to much recursion error".
Using Venkman  I found that the hyphenateWord-function hyphenates a javascript!!
The hyphenated javascript was a part of prototype.js...


The problem was this part of code:
for(var w in parts) {

Since prototype applies a function 'each' to all arrays, w is set to this 
function an Hyphenator tries 
to hyphenate the function-code.

There may be similar issues - being on alert!

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 9 Feb 2008 at 10:01

Incompatibility with Joomla!

S.R. wrote on 29.10.2008:
Ich habe das ganze mal in ein Joomla!-Template einzubauen versucht, 
funktioniert aber nicht so 
richtig, obwohl kein Error kommt. Vielmehr bringt es das ganze 
Joomla!-Javascript (vor allem die 
Joomfish-Komponente) durcheinander. Hast Du da Erfahrungen bezüglich 
Hyphenator und Joomla! ?

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Oct 2008 at 3:47

Grammar error in french in Hyphenator-PROMPTERSTRINGS


  'fr': 'La langue de cette site ne pouvait pas %EAtre d%E9termin%E9e
automatiquement. Veuillez indiquer une langue: \n\n'

should read instead

  'fr': 'La langue de ce site n'a pu %EAtre d%E9termin%E9e automatiquement.
Veuillez indiquer une langue : \n\n'

please note that there should be a non-breaking space ( ) before the
column (:)

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 9 Nov 2008 at 4:23


The "Hyphenator.setDisplayToggleBox(false);" doesn't work in Beta 11.

Instead you need to change from the current:


in Hyphenator.js

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 9 Jan 2009 at 8:56

Implement an On/Off-switch

Switch that temporarly turns off and back on hyphention if e.g.
  * Text is selected
  * a page search is invoked
  * ...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Jan 2008 at 11:55

Need versioning

Sometimes I get Mails from users of older versions of Hyphenator reporting bugs 
that have already been fixed in more recent versions.

Thus I need a versioning system.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Jan 2009 at 11:58

Language not inherited from a predecessor

In the following html a prompt will be displayed:

<body lang="en">
<p class="hyphenate">Text</p>

Define lang in <html>-Tag.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Nov 2008 at 2:57

Ideas by Nico

Ich fasse mal zusammen, was ich grundsätzlich für dringend 
verbesserungsbedürftig halte:

1. Das "Mitschleppen" des Trennwörterbuches.
2. Die "Textanimation", wenn die Silbentrennung gestartet wird.
3. Das Mitkopieren des Trennzeichens.
4. Die fehlende (?) Möglichkeit, die Silbentrennung im professionellen 
Publishing kontrollieren zu 
können. Einfach eine automatische Silbentrennung über den Text zu bügeln, 
ist eher weniger zu 

Zu 1: Ich habe es mit mehreren JS-Packern versucht. Größtes Ersparnis: ca. 
1kB. Das bringt also 
nichts. Vielleicht lässt sich das Wörterbuch aber reduzieren, indem man nicht 
jede Silbe 
aufnimmt, sondern nur solche mit mindestens 3 oder 4 Zeichen? Ich denke, wenn 
wir das auf 50 
oder sogar 30 kB begrenzen können, wäre das akzeptabel.

Auf helfe ich bei einem 
Projekt mit, 
das sich zum Ziel gestetzt hat, eine Wortliste mit Trennungen nach aktueller 
Regelung zu 
erstellen und daraus neue Trennmuster für (La)TeX, oOO und somit auch für 
mich zu erzeugen.
Im Moment weiss ich aber nicht, wie gross die resultierende Musterdatei sein 

Man kann viel Platz sparen, wenn man statt der JSON-Notation ("_aal":"00060") 
die originale 
Notation (_aa6l) verwendet und diese dann zur Laufzeit in ein Objekt 
verwandelt. Bis und mit v2 
hatte ich das noch drin, dann habe ich es rausgenommen, weil die Konversion 
auch 2sec 
beanspruchte, was zusammen mit dem Laden der Datei länger dauerte, als eine 
grössere Datei 
zu laden.

Es ist auch möglich die Trennmusterdatei komprimiert zu senden und im Browser 
zu cachen:
    header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8');
    header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate');
    $offset=604800; //=7*24*60*60
    $ExpStr='Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',time()+$offset).' GMT';
am Anfang der Trennmusterdatei und diese auf de.php umbenennen. Dies ist die 
beste Variante.

Zu 2: Ich arbeite gerade an einem anderen Projekt, bei dem ich ebenfalls das 
DOM mit JS zur 
Laufzeit verändern lasse. Die Lösung hier ist, die Elemente auszublenden und 
erst nach 
erfolgreicher Silbentrennung anzuzeigen. Das entspricht eher der Sehgewohnheit 
im Web, 
ähnlich dem Laden von Bildern.

Mich stört die Animation nicht, im Gegenteil: man sieht die Verbesserung. Aber 
das ist subjektiv. Dein Ansatz ist aber zweifelsohne elegant! Ideal wäre ein 
Switch, um diese Funktion ein-

Zu 3: Das Mitkopieren habe ich bei "hyphr" erst einmal damit umgangen, dass die 
Silbentrennung ausgeschaltet wird, sobald Text markiert wird. Nicht gerade 
schön, aber vielleicht 
erst einmal besser als nichts.

Bei mir funktioniert das ganz und gar nicht, da beim Ausschalten der 
Silbentrennung der Text 
unter dem Cursor verschoben wird und ich dann die Auswahl wiederholen muss.
Es ist auch zu beachten, dass das Mitkopieren des Trennzeichens gängiges 
Verhalten ist und die 
Trennzeichen korrekt als softhyphen kopiert werden und beim Ausdruck nicht 
angezeigt werden 
(Opera kopiert nur angezeigt soft hyphens, andere Browser alle). Störend sind 
die soft hyphen 
nur, wenn man den Text in einen reinen Texteditor kopiert. OpenOffice und 
wahrscheinlich auch 
Word, interpretieren es richtig.

Zu 4: Das sollte sich leicht umsetzen lassen. In "hyphr" ist ein fertiges 
Skript dafür eingebaut. 
Leider ist PHP notwendig, da man dem Benutzer irgend eine Form von Eingabemaske 

Der für mich einfachste Weg besteht darin, kritische Wörter von Hand zu 
trennen, indem man 
statt Urinstinkt in HTML einfach Ur&shy;instinkt schreibt. Wörter, die bereits 
mindestens ein 
&shy; enthalten, werden von hyphenator nicht mehr getrennt.
Weiter könnte am Anfang des Script eine Ausnahmenliste geladen werden, wo man 
Ur&shy;instinkt nur einmal einzutragen braucht, wenn das Wort mehrmals im Text 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 26 Jan 2008 at 2:21

Implement a method to explicitly exclude elements from hyphenation

Daniel Luckhardt mailed me:

[…] Leider gibt es noch ein lästiges Problem beim Bearbeiten, da durch das 
Anzeigen der Vorschau 
die Trennzeichen in den Quelltext eingefügt werden. Gibt es eine (eingebaute) 
bestimmte Elemente von der Bearbeitung durch das Script auszuschließen?

This may be a good idea. I have to test, if it is really necessary and to 
decide how this could be 
done (maybe: class="donthyphenate" or "hyphenatenone")

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Jun 2008 at 8:39

Hyphenator doesn't work on

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. open
2. run the bookmarklet
3. executions stalls filling the console with errors

At a first glance, the problem is a script called json.js that is included. 
This script adds a method 
toJSONString to object.prototype.
-> Hyphenator.js fails at line 861 because it doesn't check for 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Feb 2009 at 5:03

Implement a switch to turn on/off remote pattern loading

Manu Sridharan wrote me a mail. He uses Hyphenator.js for his Firefox 
Greasemonkey script:

To simply include the script without updating any code he requested to 
implement a switch to turn 
on/off remote loading of pattern files.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 Apr 2008 at 7:53

Enhance possibilities to activate/desactivate hyphenation for elements

Benedict B. wrote:
"Außerdem habe ich heute folgende E-Mail erhalten:
> [...]
> Zweitens: Wäre es möglich, Bereiche mittels class auszuschließen? Z.B.
> „p.bildbeschreibung“ innerhalb von „div.entry“.
> [...]
Wäre bestimmt auch ein nettes Feature für die Zukunft."

I answered:

Ich denke gleich ein Stück weiter:
hyphenclass : wie bisher
donthyphenclass : neu (einstellen was _nicht_ getrennt wird)
hyphenclasses : eine Liste von Klassen, die getrennt werden
donthyphenclasses : eine Liste von Klassen, die _nicht_ getrennt werden
plus eine Möglichkeit um, analog zu selectorfunction, eine berechnete NodeList 
für den 
Ausschluss zu bestimmen.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Feb 2009 at 2:03

Use DOM Storage to store (cache) the patterns

Newer browsers support the html5 dom storage API. 

This could boost performance since patterns haven't to be loaded.

May write a test...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 Mar 2008 at 10:31

A 4-letter-word isn't hyphenated.

The Problem is:
    for (i = Hyphenator.leftmin[lang]; i < (hypos.length - Hyphenator.rightmin[lang]); i++) {
        if (!!(hypos[i] & 1)) {
            s.splice(i + inserted + 1, 0, hyphen);
in the hyphenateWord-function.

If leftmin+rightmin equals the length of the word (e.g. 2+2=4) the block isn't 
executed and thus 
hyphenation-points not inserted in the word -> no hyphenation.

Thats why I changed the first line to
    for (i = Hyphenator.leftmin[lang]; i <= (hypos.length - Hyphenator.rightmin[lang]); i++) {

That produced a new error:
In the word 'letters' the rightmin is't respected and 'letters' is hyphenated 

hypos are created as follows:
0L1E2T3T4E5R6S7 (hypos.length=8)
0A1F2F3E4 (hypos.length=5)

Thus, I changed the line to
    for (i = Hyphenator.leftmin[lang]; i <= (word.length - Hyphenator.rightmin[lang]); i++) {

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 13 Nov 2008 at 12:30

Performance tweaks

Optimize for Performance

  # Redraw after all elements have been hyphenated
  # while instead of for
  # faster hyphenateWord()-Function!
  # …

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Jan 2008 at 2:50

TypeError in Safari

1. Use latest source of Hyphenator.js in Safari 4 and run normally
2. No text will be hyphenated

Expected: hyphenation points inserted in text.
I see nothing done.

Using trunk of Hyphenator.js and en.js. Safari 4 on Mac OS X at

It works on Firefox, and was working this morning in Safari 4. Probably some of 
the more recent 

Safari debugger says the issue is at line 1324 of Hyphenator.js: "TypeError: 
Result of expression 
'lo.exceptions' [undefined] is not an object."

Original issue reported on by aphahn on 14 Mar 2009 at 9:53

Enhance URL-Hyphenation

1. URLs aren't hyphenated properly in Safari (zerowidthspace is only defined 
for FF and IE7)

2. Also take care of pathnames and mail-adresses

3. Use the same rules as the LaTeX package "breakurl" (
bin/ does.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 May 2008 at 7:01

Use native getElementsByClassName

Upcoming Browsers (Safari, Opera, Firefox) will have a native and fast 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Jan 2008 at 11:53

How to deal with catched errors?

What to do, if an error occurs?

  * alert()?
  * floating div?
  * do nothing?
  * status-line?
  * ...

Should there be error-reporting levels?

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 4 Jan 2008 at 2:41

shortestPattern and longestPattern not accurate

Patterns submitted by third-party developpers do not always contain right 
values for 
longestPattern and shortestPattern.

The hyphenation-algorithm is not optimized for speed with those wrong values.

There are two possible solutions:
a) setting this value at reading the patterns
  + easy to handle
  - takes computing time, each time!

b) write a tool to check the values
  - has do be done
  + is done only once

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 Dec 2008 at 5:31

Safari doesn't recognize words with umlauts

Safari doesn't get the Hyphenator.specialChars[lang] properly.
So a word containing special chars isn't hyphenated correctly.
This issue doesn^t apply to FF but maybe to other browsers...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Feb 2008 at 11:57

wrong preset

unfortunately you suggest a char which will not work correctly.

in the WorkingExample.html you set:


this is wrong! As the script adds the hyphenchar to ALL
hyphenation-locations (active and inactive ones) in a correct browser you
see these dots everywhere

only the shy-character works correctly:


and then you will only see hyphenation at the end of line where it is needed

unfortunately the hyphen-char is very ugly in the usual fonts

and more unfortunately you deliver a NonWorkingExample.html

that is a real pity!!!!!!

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Dec 2008 at 9:44

using arguments fir addExceptions-Function

Christoph on 
to use the arguments-Object of the function as a vector for the exceptions 

addExceptions: function() { //each word a new argument
    for(var i=0, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++) {
     var key=arguments[i].replace(/-/g,'');
    if(!HYPHENATION[key]) {
by Christoph

A good idea (in general). But is there a maximum number of arguments? I asked 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 18 Feb 2008 at 7:42

Copy & Paste and Search broken on Safari

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Hypenate a text for example "example"
2. Search for "example"
3. Copy it, Paste it in TextEdit or some other Text editor

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
 2: example found
 3: Text "example"
Actual Result:
 2: example not found
 3: Text "ex amp le"

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
.10b OSX 10.5 Safari 3.2

Please provide any additional information below.
Firefox on OSX doesn't have this problem. I don't know if it is an issure of 
the hyphenator script 
or an issure of Safari

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Nov 2008 at 2:26

Single letter surrounded by soft hyphens can disappear

There's a Bug in Safari (3.0.4) where a single letter surrounded by soft 
hyphens can disappear, when  
the line break occurs at this position.

I filed this bug to and it has 
been solved with 
changeset 30644 (Nightly Build 29. 2. 08).

Just for completness.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Feb 2008 at 6:02

Glitches when class="hyphenate" set to the body

When class="hyphenate" is set to the <body>-tag the script doesn't work 
- the ToggleBox is somehow broken
- IE doesn't hyphenate at all

I've already begun to fix this (rev 277), but it still needs some testing and a 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 9 Jan 2009 at 9:30

Hide text before it is hyphenated

Hyphenator takes some time to load an hyphenate words. This leads to a sort of 
"animation" may be 
good for developping but to ugly for deploying.

The idea is to hide text and only show it, when hyphenator has done it's work.

1. css:
.hyphenate {display:hidden}

2. if hyphenation is done:

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Feb 2008 at 10:43

Can't hyphenate <body> in Opera

It seems like you can't hyphenate a whole document in Opera using
<body class="hyphenate">

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Open the HTML-file in the attachment in Opera.
2. No hyphenation appears.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
In Opera, there is no hyphenation. In Firefox, there is.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Opera 9.27, on Linux (Ubuntu 8.04)

Please provide any additional information below.
Hyphenation on single elements (like <p>'s) works fine. I tried wrapping 
the whole body in a <div class="hyphenate">, and that works fine too: the 
whole document gets hyphenated. However, when using <body 
class="hyphenate">, nothing happens. (Note: the bookmarklet works though.)

Original issue reported on by jw00000 on 22 Nov 2008 at 6:07


hyphenator not working in opera 9.51

I have followed the procedure defined in wiki, but the hyphenation does not
works in opera. Even the example given in wiki does not work in opera 9.51.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 4 Mar 2009 at 10:42

Script not using all available patterns

> w2a, c4h, 4hs, 5stub, 1tu, 2u1b -> W2ac4h5s1t2u1be 
> Da ja an Stellen mit ungeraden Ziffern getrennt wird ergibt das bei 
> mir die Trennstellen Wach-s-tu-be. 

Na, da hast Du ein paar Trennmuster übersehen: 
  w2a c4h 
       4h s 
           1t u 
               1b e. 
     4c h s 
           2t u b 
              u3b e 
         5s t u b 
  w4a4c4h5s2t2u3be  -> Wach-stu-be 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 18 Jun 2008 at 4:32

hyphenation doesn't work if page contains unsupported language

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. go to e.g.
2. click on the h5-Bookmarklet
3. nothing happens

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The page is expected to be hyphenated

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.
tbd: check if lang is supported

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 3 Jan 2008 at 6:06

Hyphenation in portuguese

I have read the documentation at

to see how to build a dictionay of patterns for another language. Unfortunately 
I was unable to figure out how to build the hyphenator patterns knowing those 
present at (size = 3Kb)

Whould it be possible to add portuguese support to Hyphenator.js?

If I understood well, Hyphenator.js relies on soft hyphens so it do not work on 
Gecko browsers yet. I don't know if you are aware of this site:

The script is here:

and it do not use soft hyphens to solve this problem, so it also work on Gecko 
browsers and it also uses Liang's algorithm, I guess.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 Feb 2008 at 4:03

Content loaded by AJAX not hyphenated

As hyphenation is run onContentLoaded, text that has been loaded by AJAX isn't 

Theoretically, this would be possible, but I have to try and check it out...

-> may be just document how to?

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 Mar 2009 at 4:12

IE 6 and 8Beta1 doesn't support zerowidthspace

zerowidthspace (Code 8203) is as UrlHyphenChar to hyphenate URLs and 
IE 6 and 8b1 (but not IE 7) are displaying a square instead of nothing.

It's a bug in IE, but I'll have to circumvent it!

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 22 Jun 2008 at 6:15

Implement a JS-Trie and load patterns in their original format

If finally got it!

It's not yet implemented in the CVS but I got a working copy. After tweaking 
and checking the code 
this will most probably be a new branch.

With this method pattern files are half of their size (costs about a half a 
second to build the trie).
Searching for patterns can be stopped, when there is no following pattern.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Jul 2008 at 10:08

Hyphenation not done

If patterns are loaded manually and RemoteLoading is set to off (false) and a 
not-loaded language is 
needed, nothing happens (text stays invisble!)

There should at least be a message.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 10 Nov 2008 at 3:43

Maybe the RegEx finding words could be improved

hyphr.js e.g. makes a negative approach: looking for chars that are not part of 
a word: /[^\w]/g and 
then going through the results using lastIndex.

This could probably be faster.

Needs testing, benchmarking and coding

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 Jan 2008 at 7:44

Hyphenator and Prototype framework incompatibility

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. include prototype js framework in html
2. include Hyphenator.js in html
3. test hyphenation

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Including/using prototype and hyphenation at the same time seems to be
impossible. Hyphenation does not work, unless prototype is excluded.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
HyphenatorBeta10 on Firefoy and Safari for Mac OS 10.5, IE7 on Windows Vista

Please provide any additional information below.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 15 Dec 2008 at 1:53

Add possibility to define exceptions that are not language specific

I got this mail from Benedict who works on

"Schön wäre es, wenn man weiterhin Ausnahmen sprachunabhängig festlegen 
könnte. [...] Vielleicht 
lässt sich dies ja zusätzlich zu den sprachabhängigen Ausnahmen, die auch 
sinnvoll sind, 

Good idea!

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Feb 2009 at 2:01

Incompatibility with prototype.js

When the same pages uses prototype.js, Hyphenator.js doesn't work neither as 
Bookmarklet nor as 
Script in the page.

Console says:

JavaScript -
Das verlinkte Skript wurde nicht geladen.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 7 Jan 2008 at 4:01

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