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ost's Introduction

OST documentation

1. Component diagram

Backend, frontend and database can be launched by one docker compose. Backend can connect with Testbed (Kafka) and with Keycloak (system to authorization).

Figure 1. Component diagram of OST.

2. User Manual

User can login to server as admin or observer. Admin can manage trials, session, stages, roles, add question to roles and stages, add and edit users and control active session. Observer can answer on question and comment it.


Goal of admin is creating working session for observers. This process contains three stages: creating trial with questions, creating roles and assign them to question set and preparing session with users. To create questions admin should create trial, stages in trial, question sets in stages and question in question sets. Description can be find in subsection named ,,Creating trial with questions". Second part is creating roles and assign them to question set (which already are assign to stage). It means, that question, which are available for observer, depends on stage and on role of logged observer. Last step is creating session with observers. Observers in other sessions can have other roles, so assignment user to role in session. Admin needn't create new users, if observers have their account in system. Description of this step can be find in subsection ,,Managing users and sessions".

Creating trial with questions

Trial list

If we choose "TRIALS" from launch window we will be redirected to Trial List.

There is a list of trials, which can be managed also we can upload after choosing "Import trial" button.

Figure 2. Trial list view

Trial details

After choosing trial from trial list and click edit or after double clicking left mouse button on trial from trial list, system redirects to trial details. There are basic details about trial and data about sessions, stages and roles in trial.

Also trial can be edited and removed there.

Figure 3. Trial detail view

Stage details

After choosing stage from trial details and click edit or after double clicking left mouse button on stage from trial details, system redirects to stage details. There are basic details about stage, which can be edited. Also stage can be deleted by admin. Question set list of chosen stage is below basic stage details. You can redirect to trial by clicking trial name above save button.

Figure 4. Stage detail view.

Question set details

In question set details windows admin can change name or description also list of questions of this question set is shown. User can redirect to the chosen question by double clicking on question or clicking question and edit. You can redirect to trial or stage by clicking trial name or stage name above save button. Figure 5. Question set detail view.

Question details

In question details admin can modify question, description or type of answer. Also admin can add new options of choice, show them or remove. In question details parameters like commented and required can be set. You can redirect to trial, stage or question set by clicking trial name, stage name or question set name above save button.

Question option can be add after saving question.

Figure 6. Question detail view.

Creating roles and assign it to question set

Role details

After choosing role from trial details and click edit or after double clicking left mouse button on role from trial details, system redirects to role details. There are basic details about role, which can be edited. Also in role details we can manage of user assignment to role and question set, which should be show, when right stage is chosen. You can redirect to trial by clicking trial name above save button.

Figure 7. Role detail view.

Managing users and sessions

Session details

New session can be created by clicking +New, when session window in trial detail is active.

After choose session from trial details and click edit or after double clicking left mouse button on session from trial details, system redirects to session details. There are basic details about session, which can be edited or deleted, also data from session can be downloaded. In the user role table admin can assign role to user in this session. User can answer on question only if session is active.

Figure 8. Session details view.

Session tracking details

After clicking session from launch window, system redirects to session tracking detail. In session tracking details admin can control active sessions. There are informations, which trial is currently used, if session is controlled by testbed or manually (manual column) and which stage is active at this moment.

Figure 9. Session tracking details view.

User list

If we choosing "USERS" in launch window we will be redirected to User list. There are some basic data about user there.

Figure 9. Session tracking details view.

User details

After choosing user from user list and click edit or after double clicking left mouse button on user from user list, system redirects to user details. There are basic details about user and data about sessions, stages and roles in trial.

Also user can be edited and removed there.

If we want to add new user, we should click +New on User list. Then system redirects to user detail and after filling data, system create new user. All fields are required.

Figure 10. User overview.

Figure 11. User details view.


Observer can login to server, when admin send him his login and password. After it he can login to system.

Question Set view

Observer after login to system can choosing from question set from active sessions (if question sets, during present stage in active session, are available to logged user). Figure 12. Question set view.

Question view

Observer after choosing question set is redirected to questions from chosen question set. Observer can answer to question from this question set by writing text (textfield) or choosing option (checkbox, radiobutton, slider).

Figure 13. Question view.

3. Deployment Manual

  1. Download docker from
  2. Create file and name it docker-compose.yml
  3. Open this file and paste to this file text below:
version: 3
    image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest
    hostname: zookeeper
     - "3500:3500"

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest
    hostname: broker
      - zookeeper
      - "3501:3501"
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:3500
      KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: EXTERNAL://localhost:3501,PLAINTEXT://broker:9092
      KAFKA_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES: 100000000

    image: confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:latest
    hostname: schema\_registry
      - zookeeper
      - broker
      - "3502:3502"
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST\_NAME: schema_registry

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:latest
    hostname: kafka\_rest
      - zookeeper
      - schema_registry
      - broker
      - 8082:8082;
      KAFKA_REST_HOST\_NAME: kafka_rest
      KAFKA_REST_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:3500
      KAFKA_REST_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: http://schema\_registry:3502&#39

    image: landoop/kafka-topics-ui:latest
    hostname: kafka_topics_ui
      - kafka_rest
      - 3600:8000;
      KAFKA_REST_PROXY_URL: http://kafka\_rest:8082
      PROXY: "true" 

    image: landoop/schema-registry-ui:latest
    hostname: kafka_schema_registry_ui
      - schema_registry
      - 3601:8000
      SCHEMAREGISTRY_URL: http://schema_registry:3502
      PROXY: "true"

    image: postgres:9.6
    hostname: postgres
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
       - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
_#  restart: unless-stopped_
    image: drivereu/test-bed-admin:latest
      - postgres
      - broker
      - schema_registry
      - 8090:8090;
      - ./admintool-config/gateways.json:/opt/application/config/gateways.json
      - ./admintool-config/solutions.json:/opt/application/config/solutions.json
      - ./admintool-config/topics.json:/opt/application/config/topics.json
      - ./admintool-config/standards.json:/opt/application/config/standards.json
      - ./admintool-config/testbed-solutions.json:/opt/application/config/testbed-solutions.json
      - ./admintool-config/testbed-topics.json:/opt/application/config/testbed-topics.json
      - ./admintool-config/configurations.json:/opt/application/config/configurations.json
      KAFKA_BROKER_URL: broker:9092
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: http://schema\_registry:3502
      zookeeper_host: zookeeper
      zookeeper_port: 3500
      schema_registry_url: http://schema\_registry:3502
      testbed_secure_mode: DEVELOP
      testbed_init_auto: "false"
      management_ca_cert_path: http://localhost:9090
      cert_handler_url: https://localhost:8443
      cert_pem_handler_url: https://localhost:8443
      security_rest_path_group: https://localhost:9443
      security_rest_path_topic: https://localhost:9443

    image: drivereu/after-action-review:latest
      - postgres
      - broker
      - schema\_registry
      - 8095:8095
      KAFKA_BROKER_URL: broker:9092
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: http://schema_registry:3502
      zookeeper_host: zookeeper
      zookeeper_port: 3500
      schema_registry_url: http://schema_registry:3502

    image: fenglc/pgadmin4
      - postgres
      - 5050:5050
_#   restart: unless-stopped_

    image: drivereu/test-bed-time-service:latest
      - broker
      - schema_registry
      - 8100:8100
      KAFKA_BROKER_URL: broker:9092
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: http://schema\_registry:3502

    image: drivereu/large-file-service:latest
      - 9090:9090;
      HOST: localhost
      PORT: 9090
    image: drivereu/trial-management-tool:latest
      - broker
      - schema_registry
      - 3210:3210
      CLIENT_ID: TB-TrialMgmt
      KAFKA_HOST: broker:9092
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY: http://schema\_registry:3502
      PRODUCE: system_request_change_of_trial_stage,system_tm_phase_message,system_tm_role_player,system_tm_session_mgmt
      SSL: "false"
      SSL_PFX: certs/TB-TrialMgmt.p12
      SSL_PASSPHRASE: changeit
      SSL_CA: certs/test-ca.pem
      - trial-data:/app/trials
     image: drivereu/ost_database
       - 5437:5432
       - database-OST:/var/lib/postgresql/data
_#    restart: always_
    image: drivereu/ost_frontend:without_keycloak
      - ost_api
_#        restart: always_
    image: drivereu/ost_backend:without_keycloak
      - ost_db
      - 8080:8080
_#    restart: always_

    image: silent-producer
      - broker
      - schema_registry
      KAFKA_HOST: broker:9092
      SCHEMA_REGISTRY: http://schema_registry:3502
      PRODUCE_TOPICS: simulation_request_unittransport,simulation_request_startinject,simulation_entity_item,sumo_AffectedArea,standard_cap,system_timing,system_topic_access_invite

  1. Go back to the required folder.
  2. If you are windows user
  3. 1.Press Shift + right click mouse button anywhere on the folder window (this folder must have file docker-compose.yml).
  4. 2.Choose open powershell
  5. 3.Write in terminal docker-compose up and press enter
  6. If you are linux/ubuntu user
  7. 1.Press right click mouse button anywhere on the folder window (this folder must have file docker-compose.yml).
  8. 2.Choose open terminal
  9. 3.Write there docker-compose up and press enter
  10. Congratulation, your application has been just turned on.

4. API

  1. Get /api/answers

Api let us see answer of trial session including some text inside.

@RequestParam("trialsession_id") long trialSessionId,

@RequestParam("search") String text

Produces Json

** ** TrialUserDTO.ListItem user

        String Name

String observationTypeName

String observationTypeDescription

  1. Get /api/answers/csv-file

        Api let us load CSV file with answers of session.
        @RequestParam(value = "trialsession\_id") long trialSessionId

Return null

  1. Delete /api/answers/{answer_id:\d+}/remove

Api let us delete answer.

@PathVariable(value = "answer_id") long answerId,

           @RequestParam("comment") String comment

Return null

  1. GET /api/answers-events

Api let us see all answers and events in session of current user.

@RequestParam(value = "trialsession_id") long trialSessionId

Produces JSON

long id;

long observationTypeId;

String name;

String description;

ZonedDateTime time;

ZonedDateTime trialTime;

String type;

  1. Get /api/event/search

Api returns list of events in session.

@RequestParam(value = "trialsession_id") long trialSessionId

Produces JSON

public String firstName;

public String lastName;

public String trialRoleName;

  1. GET /api/observationtypes

Api returns list of question


@RequestParam("trialsession_id") Long trialSessionId

Long answersId

String name

String description

  1. GET /api/observationtypes/form

Api returns roles, which can answer on question set.

@RequestParam("observationtype_id") Long observationTypeId,

        @RequestParam("trialsession\_id") Long trialSessionId

Return json

List<TrialRoleDTO.ListItem> roles

JsonNode jsonSchema,

         where in roles are two variables:

          long id,

         String name
  1. /api/observationtypes/admin/addNewQuestionSet


String name

String description

long trailStageId;

long trailId;

boolean multiplicity;

boolean withUsers;

int position;

List<AdminQuestionDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>();

** Return response with http status and json**

long id

String name

String description

long trailStageId;

long trailId;

boolean multiplicity;

boolean withUsers;

int position;

List<AdminQuestionDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>();

  1. GET /api/observationtypes/admin/getNewQuestionSet

Api let us get question set from chosen stage.

@RequestParam(value = "id") long id

** Return response with http status and json**

long id

String name

String description

long trailStageId;

long trailId;

boolean multiplicity;

boolean withUsers;

int position;

List<AdminQuestionDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>();

  1. PUT /api/observationtypes/admin/updateQuestionSet

Api let admin update question set.


String name

String description

long trailStageId;

long trailId;

boolean multiplicity;

boolean withUsers;

int position;

List<AdminQuestionDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>();

** Return response with http status and json**

long id

String name

String description

long trailStageId;

long trailId;

boolean multiplicity;

boolean withUsers;

int position;

List<AdminQuestionDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>();

  1. DELETE /api/observationtypes/admin/deleteQuestionSet

     Api let admin delete question set from a stage.

@RequestParam(value = "id") long id

Return response with http status and string

  1. GET /api/questions-answers

Api returns data about answer and question.

@RequestParam(value = "answer_id") long answerId

@Produces JSON

     long answerId

    String name (of observatory type)

    String description (of observatory type)

    String time

    String trialTime

    JsonNode questionSchema

    JsonNode formData

     JsonNode trialRoles
  1. POST /api/questions-answers/{answer_id:\d+}/comment

Api let observer add comment to answer.

@PathVariable(value = "answer_id") long answerId,

@RequestParam("comment") String comment

Return null

  1. Get /api/trial-time

Api let us know server time.

Return String with date

  1. Get /api/time-elapsed

     Api let us know local time.

Return String with date

  1. GET /api/role

Api shows all roles in chosen trial.

        ** Return list of roles with:**

        long id

       String name

       String roleType
  1. GET api/stages

Api shows all stages

      **  Return list of stages with:**

** ** long trialId

       String name

       LocalDateTime simulationTime
  1. POST api/stages/admin/addNewTrialStage

Api let us add stage to chosen trial.


long id

long trialId

String name)

Return response with http request status and in body are:

Long trialId

Long id

String name

  1. GET api/stages/admin/trialStageWithQuestions

Api returns stage with id

@RequestParam(value = "id") long id

Return response with http request status and in body are:

Long trialId

Long id

String name

LocalDateTime simulationTime;

List<AdminObservationTypeDTO.ListItem> questions = new ArrayList<>()

  1. DELETE api/stages/admin/deleteTrialStage

Api delete a trial's stage.

@RequestParam(value = "id") long id

Return response with a http request status and a String

"Trial Stage id =" + id + " is deleted".

  1. PUT api/stages/admin/updateTrialStage

Api update a trial's stage.

long id

long trialId

String name


** long id**

** long trialId**

** String name**

  1. GET /api/role

Api shows all roles in chosen trial.

        ** Return list of roles with:**

        long id

        String name

        String roleType
  1. GET /api/trialsessions/{trialsession_id:\d+}

Api shows data about chosen trial session.

@PathVariable(value = "trialsession_id") long answerId

Return json with:

long trialId

String trialName

String trialDescription

String lastTrialStage

  1. GET /api/trialsessions

        Api shows list of trial session.

Api shows all trials, which are available for logged user.

Return list of trials with:

long trialId

String trialName

String trialDescription

String lastTrialStage

  1. GET /api/trialsessions/active

Api shows list of active trial session avaiable from logged user.

Return list of trials:

long trialId

String trialName

String trialDescription

String lastTrialStage

long initId

Boolean initHasAnswer

String name

  1. PUT /api/trialsessions/{trialsession_id:\d+}/changeStatus

Api let us change status of trial session.

@PathVariable(value = "trialsession_id") long trialSessionId,

@RequestParam(value = "status") String status

Return null

  1. GET /api/trialsessions/manual/{trialsession_id}/{is_manual}

Api let us choose if stages of trial will be change manually or automatically.

@PathVariable long trialsession_id,

@PathVariable boolean is_manual

Return String

"current stage in session " +trialSession.getId() + " is: " +trialSession.getLastTrialStage().getId() + "/"+trialSession.getLastTrialStage().getName()

            + "  manual mode is " +isManual
  1. PUT /api/trialsessions

Api let change stage of trial session

@PathVariable(value = "id") Long trialSessionId,

@RequestBody @Validated TrialStageDTO.MinimalItem minimalItem,

Where minimalItem is json {id:value}

Return json

long trialId;

        Long lastTrialStageId;

LocalDateTime startTime;

LocalDateTime pausedTime;

  1. POST /api/trialsessionscreateNewSessionFile

Api let administrator create new session users and create file with their usernames and passwords.

@RequestBody NewSessionForm newSessionForm,

Where newSessionForm is a json

{long trialId

String initialStage

String prefix

String status

List<UserForm> users}, where

UserForm is a json

{String email

List<String> role}

Return null

  1. GET /api/trialsessions/trials

Api shows all trails, which current user is a session manager.

Return Map(Id : Long, name : String)

  1. POST /api/trialsessionsnewSessionValues

Api returns data about trial.

@RequestParam(value = "trial_id") long trialId

Return trial node , in trial node we can find

trialStages, trialRoles, authUsers

  1. POST /api/trialsession/admin/addNewUserRoleSession

Api let us add user to role in trial's session.


long trialUserId

long trialRoleId

long trialSessionId

Return adminUserRoleDTO

  1. DELETE /admin/deleteUserRoleSession

Api let us delete user from trial's session.

@RequestParam(value = "trialRoleId") long trialRoleId,

@RequestParam(value = "trialUserId") long trialUserId,

        @RequestParam(value = "trialSessionId") long trialSessionId

** Return Response with http status and string "Trial user session is deleted"**

  1. GET /api/ostAllQuestionsForMobile

Api returns data about questions set.

Return List<ObservationTypeDTO.SchemaItem>

List<Long> answersId

String name

String description

long id

List<TrialRoleDTO.ListItem> roles

JsonNode jsonSchema, where jsonSchema is schema of all questions in question set.

  1. GET api/ostTrialId

Api returns id of Trial.

Return Long

  1. GET api/ostTrialSessionId

Api returns id of Trial Session.

Return Long

  1. GET api/ostTrialStageId

Api returns id of Trial Stage.

Return Long

  1. POST api/admin/addNewTrial

Api let user create trial with name and default parameters

   private long trialIdString


    String trialDescription

    String lastTrialStage

    private Boolean archived

Return json

** ** long trialIdString


    String trialDescription

    String lastTrialStage

    Boolean archived
  1. POST api/admin/updateTrial

     Api let edit trial.

Request Body AdminTrialDTO.ListItem

long trialId;String trialName

        String trialDescription

        String lastTrialStage

        Boolean archived

** Return json**

** ** long trialId

        String trialName

        String trialDescription

        String lastTrialStage

        Boolean archived
  1. GET api/ostTrail

Api returns active Sessions and their actual stages.

RequestParam(value = "trial_name") String trialName

Return String of actual sessions and stages.

  1. GET api/stages

Api returns stages of chosen session.

@RequestParam(value = "trial_id") long trialId, Pageable pageable)

Return PageDTO<** TrialStageDTO.ListItem>.**

In the json are:

long trialId

String name

LocalDateTime simulationTime,

long id.

  1. GET api/user

        Api shows users in chosen trial session.
        RequestParam(value = "trialsession\_id") long trialSessionId, Pageable pageable

** Return PageDTO<TrialUserDTO.ListItem>**

** ** In the json are:

        long id

        String firstName

        String lastName
  1. GET api/user/version

        Api shows actual version of application.

** Return String**

  1. POST api/questions/admin/addNewQuestion

Api let add question to question set.


String name

String description

long observationTypeId

AnswerType answerType

int position

String jsonSchema

boolean commented

Return response with http status and json

** ** long id;

     String name;

    String description;

         long observationTypeId;

AnswerType answerType

         int position

         String jsonSchema

         boolean commented
  1. GET api/questions/admin/getFullQuestion

Api let us get details about question.

@RequestParam(value = "id") long id

Return response with http status and json

** ** long id;

     String name;

    String description;

         long observationTypeId;

AnswerType answerType

         int position

         String jsonSchema

         boolean commented
  1. DELETE api/questions/admin/deleteQuestion

Api let us delete question from question set.

(@RequestParam(value = "id") long id)

Return response with http status and string

"Question id =" + id + " is deleted"

  1. PUT api/questions/admin/updateQuestion

Api let us update question.


String name

String description

long observationTypeId

AnswerType answerType

int position

String jsonSchema

boolean commented

Return response with http status and json

** ** long id;

     String name;

    String description;

         long observationTypeId;

AnswerType answerType

         int position

         String jsonSchema

         boolean commented

5. Database

This database is used in OST system.

Figure 14. Schema of database

In this model ObservationType=Question Set.

ost's People


erikvullings avatar gawronn avatar itti-driverfe avatar jkwiktorowski avatar kochanski avatar mateuszmiko avatar napeithe avatar pbartkowiak avatar piotr-paul avatar robertau avatar


 avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar



ost's Issues

Add docker-compose.yml file

Show how you can run your service on Docker. Also make sure that important variables, such as the location of the Kafka broker, or the port in use by the server or database, can be specified in the docker-compose.yml file.

OST communication

Testbed communication mechanisms (block change notification, simulation time synchronisation and answers sharing)


There is an online ebook (book.json) file - update the documentation and publish (offer for download) the resulting ebook as pdf, epub and mobi.

  • How to build the project (web GUI, PWA, server)
  • How to use the OST for basic tasks
    • User mgmt
    • Trial creation and execution
    • Making questionnaires
  • Guidelines for creating good questionnaires

OST testbed integration

Developing and finalizing the full integration with the testbed environment via the provided adapters and testbed interfaces

T3 support

Technical and observers support during Final Demo

T3 checklist

Implementation of the checklist for trial 3 in the OST

FD checklist

Implementation of the checklist for trial 3 in the OST

OST offline

Working of application partially without contact with the OST server

OST improvements

Adding of session cloning; Flexible justification label (not hard coded),
any other possible small changes

FD support

Technical and observers support during Final Demo

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