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hackpad's Issues

Importing documents from

My organization would like to be able to move our entire workspace to one that is self-hosted. What is the status of the ability export/import documents into the open source version, which I believe has been mentioned as a feature that will be made available as part of this effort?

installing on ubuntu

i followed INSTALL and got the error below, any idea?

bin/ line 27: /home/some_user/git/hackpad/bin/ no such file or directory
Maximum ram: 1656M
Maximum thread count: 276
Using config file: ./etc/
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap

endless redirection loops on accessing hackpad document

hi, I think this is an annoying bug and unfriendly experience.
I met that a couple times, it's easy to reproduce this bug.
Suppose you have two gmail accounts (one private and one company), A and B;
You get invited from account A, but when you access the link with B account, you get redirected loops without a clue... it seems like hackpad isn't functioning at all.
At least, the system should catch this issue and inform user that: he, are you using the correct invited email account?

Admin Access to Hackpad Account

I was granted admin access to a Hackpad account but never received a granting email from Hackpad. Our temporary solution was to invite me to each individual pad so I could edit and view the content. However, I still don't have direct access to this Hackpad account. Any advice?


Pasted images have vanished from page replaced by broken link sign, but no url or link. Help?

Hello, I use hackpad to serve as a wiki and archive for my image outputs from data, however I just found some images have vanished, and left sort of 'null' markers in their place.

There should be nine images on this page but there are only odd 'null' markers:

I've checked the pad history and they don't show up there either.

Any help or insight would be great! If they're "gone", I'm concerned they may have been the only copies I have, is there a way to scan archives and see if they are available somewhere?

Accidentally deleted a hackpad


Is there any way to recover an accidentally deleted hackpad (settings > delete) ? We do not have dropbox sync set up. Does hackpad have backups we can restore from?


CSS and images are not working properly

I have installed hackpad in a Ubuntu Server. But when I access home link, css and images don't appear. I thought that is a permission problem but I change this and it is not working properly.

Does anybody have ideas about this problem?


Sign in error: Error Domain=HPHackpadErrorDomain Code=0 "The server sent an invalid response."

2016-03-15 12:13:52:105 Hackpad[814:3079] Sign in error: Error Domain=HPHackpadErrorDomain Code=0 "The server sent an invalid response." UserInfo={HPURLErrorFailingHTTPStatusCode=404, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSUnderlyingError=0x15cfb1160 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=The server sent an invalid response., HPURLErrorFailingHTTPMethod=POST}
2016-03-15 12:14:09:578 Hackpad[814:3079] Sign in error: Error Domain=HPHackpadErrorDomain Code=0 "The server sent an invalid response." UserInfo={HPURLErrorFailingHTTPStatusCode=404, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSUnderlyingError=0x15e48b4b0 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=The server sent an invalid response., HPURLErrorFailingHTTPMethod=POST}

search url returns 404


For some reason nothing happens at the main page while entering something in the search field, although the url changed accordinly (i.e. http://site/ep/search/?q=searchword). it is understandable since direct opening this url returns 404 error: - - [13/Nov/2015:08:51:53 -0800] "GET /ep/search/?q=test HTTP/1.0" 404 15395 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36" 86


at the same time, live search at some pad is working fine: - - [13/Nov/2015:09:01:13 -0800] "GET /ep/search/autocomplete?q=test&limit=8&timestamp=1447434074040 HTTP/1.0" 200 152 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36" 44


and url search_live is OK too (although these results are not for direct opening): - - [13/Nov/2015:09:04:46 -0800] "GET /ep/search/search_live?q=test HTTP/1.0" 200 12385 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36" 91


while googling I found exactly the same problem at the itself which was solved somehow even before this repository was created here at github:

this is my environment:

a48@scan-mail:/usr/local/hackpad$ uname -a
Linux scan-mail 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u5 x86_64 GNU/Linux

a48@scan-mail:/usr/local/hackpad$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_36"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.8) (6b36-1.13.8-1~deb7u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.25-b01, mixed mode)


Full version history

Most of the changes happened in a single commit aptly named "Improvements", b03e832.
Do you plan on pushing the full history into this repository? It would be very helpful!

Can't compile with java 8

./bin/build returns the following lines when my java version is set to oracle-java8 on ubuntu,

$ ./bin/
unzipping JARs...
making cached JAR....
compiling with 'scalac'...
compiling common...
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
Note: net.appjet.common/util/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: net.appjet.common/util/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
4 warnings
error: error while loading AnnotatedElement, class file '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/rt.jar(java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement.                                                                                                                                         class)' is broken
(bad constant pool tag 18 at byte 76)
error: error while loading CharSequence, class file '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/rt.jar(java/lang/CharSequence.class)' is broke                                                                                                                                         n
(bad constant pool tag 18 at byte 10)
two errors found
cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/hackpad/infrastructure/build/appjet.jar’: No such file or directory

Changes lost, Revision History gone

Hi folks,

I used Hackpad to crowdsource notes at a recent event last week. Four days later I return to the document and found that it has reverted to its original state and the revision history is completely bare. The hackpad page shows that changes have been made by other people, but not what the content of those changes is.

Has this happened to anybody? what is a fix?

DOCS & FAQ: Architecture

First of all - thanks a lot for open sourcing Hackpad.

It would be nice if someone with deep insight would contribute architectural documentation of the Hackpad in the Wiki. Most of the questions I get when browsing the source are probably actually related to the AppJet engine, but the info is hard to find.

It would be nice if it answered following questions:

  • What components (libraries, technologies...) are involved and how they talk to each other?
  • How to extend the functionality? The in depth view how "task list" functionality comes together with all the FE and BE parts.
  • Architectural decisions:
    • Why is Hackpad built on top of Etherpad not for example Etherpad Lite? It might be as easy, as Etherpad Lite did not exists at the time. The problem with building on top of Etherpad which is on top of AppJet, which open source development seems to be discontinued and there are no resources available.
    • Is there any edge in using AppJet to plain (Node).JS solution like Etherpad Lite? From what I see AppJet is Java/Scala framework that runs the JavaScript code inside JVM using Rhino engine. Seems like a very fat stack. What are the benefits of the stack? More of a AppJet engine question, but the info is very hard to find.

If this should be discussed somewhere else, please let me know.

pads have no content, no tagging

Many if not most of my pads are empty with no tagging. All that's left is the title. It also seems like many are also missing but I can't confirm that. Where did all my data go? Here's a screenshot of what almost everything looks like now.


Trying to reach Hackpad team

Hi all, I'm trying to reach hackpad support for over a month with the [email protected] email address to no avail. Can someone from the team please reach out to me? Not sure where else to turn! (alex at tailwindapp dot com).

Thank you!

iOS Client building but not running on Simulator or Device


2015-10-17 12:09:01:020 Hackpad[28043:1803] TestFlight: Crash Handlers are installed
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: throwing 0x7ffc12d68348 (object 0x7ffc12d65c60, a NSException)
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: searching through frame [ip=0x110fb766f sp=0x7fff5022cef0] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: searching through frame [ip=0x11517f7ab sp=0x7fff5022d690] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: searching through frame [ip=0x112a19e97 sp=0x7fff5022e490] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x110fb766f sp=0x7fff5022cef0] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x110fb7dd5 sp=0x7fff5022cef0] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x11517f7ab sp=0x7fff5022d690] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x11517f80a sp=0x7fff5022d690] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x112a19e97 sp=0x7fff5022e490] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: handling exception 0x7ffc12d68328 at 0x112a19f38
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: rethrowing current exception
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: searching through frame [ip=0x112a19f53 sp=0x7fff5022e490] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: terminating
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: searching through frame [ip=0x11257300d sp=0x7fff5022e410] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: catch(id)
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: unwinding through frame [ip=0x11257300d sp=0x7fff5022e410] for exception 0x7ffc12d68328
objc[28043]: EXCEPTIONS: handling exception 0x7ffc12d68328 at 0x11257302c
2015-10-17 12:09:01.070 Hackpad[28043:225011] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '* -[**NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]'
* First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000112af8f65 __exceptionPreprocess + 165
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000112572deb objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001129fbf5e -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 318
3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000112a0e2ab +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 59
4 Hackpad 0x000000010f9d1bcf -[HPAppDelegate initializeUI] + 131
5 Hackpad 0x000000010f9d161c -[HPAppDelegate application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] + 268
6 UIKit 0x0000000110fb6469 -[UIApplication _handleDelegateCallbacksWithOptions:isSuspended:restoreState:] + 175
7 UIKit 0x0000000110fb7670 -[UIApplication _callInitializationDelegatesForMainScene:transitionContext:] + 3415
8 UIKit 0x0000000110fbde15 -[UIApplication _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 1755
9 UIKit 0x0000000110fbaff0 -[UIApplication workspaceDidEndTransaction:] + 188
10 FrontBoardServices 0x000000011517f7ac -[FBSSerialQueue _performNext] + 192
11 FrontBoardServices 0x000000011517fb1a -[FBSSerialQueue _performNextFromRunLoopSource] + 45
+ 17
13 CoreFoundation 0x0000000112a1afcc __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556
14 CoreFoundation 0x0000000112a1a483 __CFRunLoopRun + 867
15 CoreFoundation 0x0000000112a19e98 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 488
16 UIKit 0x0000000110fba98d -[UIApplication _run] + 402
17 UIKit 0x0000000110fbf676 UIApplicationMain + 171
18 Hackpad 0x000000010f9d14f0 main + 80
19 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000112fa492d start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Insert horizontal line

I'd find useful to be able to insert horizontal lines since it's a good way to separate content.

For instance, Github easily allows you to insert one just writing three hyphen symbols together, as shown below:

`Incorrect key file for table 'pro_accounts_auto_signin'; try to repair it` during `bin/`

I've been generally following this guide for installing hackpad on CentOS to install it on my Fedora box. Everything seems fine except for getting a Incorrect key file for table 'pro_accounts_auto_signin'; try to repair it error during bin/

Everything I've read seems to indicate this is either a probably with not enough disk space or with a corrupted table, but I have both plenty of free space and trying to repair that table doesn't work.



I meet a problem when I run /hackpad-master/bin/run.js

Here is the error info:
Startup execution failed with error. net.appjet.bodylock.JSRuntimeException: Error: Neither module exists: etherpad.collab.ace.easysync2, etherpad.collab.ace.easysync2.{AttribPool,Changeset} at net.appjet.bodylock.BodyLock$.unwrapExceptionIfNecessary(bodylock.scala:160) at net.appjet.bodylock.InnerExecutable.execute(bodylock.scala:80) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$$anonfun$newRunner$1.apply$mcV$sp(servermodel.scala:127) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$$anonfun$newRunner$1.apply(servermodel.scala:123) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$$anonfun$newRunner$1.apply(servermodel.scala:123) at net.appjet.oui.NoninheritedDynamicVariable.withValue(dynamicvar.scala:38) at net.appjet.oui.ExecutionContextUtils$.withContext(execution.scala:340) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$.newRunner(servermodel.scala:123) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$$anonfun$getRunner$1.apply(servermodel.scala:149) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$$anonfun$getRunner$1.apply(servermodel.scala:139) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$.readLocked(servermodel.scala:86) at net.appjet.oui.ScopeReuseManager$.getRunner(servermodel.scala:139) at net.appjet.oui.execution$.runOutOfBand(execution.scala:614) at net.appjet.oui.main$.runOnStartup(main.scala:114) at net.appjet.oui.main$.main(main.scala:292) at net.appjet.oui.main.main(main.scala) Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: foo (module preamble.js#200) at JS$module$preamble$js$2._c_importPath_12(module preamble.js:200) at JS$module$preamble$js$ preamble.js) at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.OptRuntime.callName( at JS$module$preamble$js$2._c_anonymous_16(module preamble.js:233) at JS$module$preamble$js$ preamble.js) at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray.iterativeMethod( at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray.execIdCall( at at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.OptRuntime.call1( at JS$module$preamble$js$2._c_runScheduledImports_15(module preamble.js:232) at JS$module$preamble$js$ preamble.js) at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.OptRuntime.callName0( at JS$module$preamble$js$2._c_anonymous_18(module preamble.js:272) at JS$module$preamble$js$ preamble.js) at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.OptRuntime.callProp0( at JS$module$postamble$js$253._c_script_0(module postamble.js:18) at JS$module$postamble$js$ postamble.js) at org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory.doTopCall( at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.doTopCall( at JS$module$postamble$js$ postamble.js) at JS$module$postamble$js$253.exec(module postamble.js) at net.appjet.bodylock.InnerExecutable$$anonfun$execute$1.apply(bodylock.scala:76) at net.appjet.bodylock.InnerExecutable$$anonfun$execute$1.apply(bodylock.scala:75) at net.appjet.bodylock.BodyLock$.runInContext(bodylock.scala:111) at net.appjet.bodylock.InnerExecutable.execute(bodylock.scala:75) ... 14 more

I find some solution in etherpad, it tell me to Rebuild the ace dependency.
But how can I do this work in hackpad?

Hackpad becomes whackpad

Whackpad is a community fork of the Hackpad web-based realtime wiki, based on the open source EtherPad collaborative document editor, which again is a fork of etherpad.

As Hackpad had been unmaintained by Dropbox since 2015, we decided to create a fork to allow contributions to be gathered to keep the codebase alive. If you wish to join the community, please join us on #hackpad on #freenode or on Matrix/Riot.

Deleting Hackpad

How do I get rid of the Hackpad folder in my dropbox? Each time I delete it, it reappears almost immediately…

A hackpad acts weird

The text from the hackpad disappeared, and instead it show some gibberish as a title and an empty body
any chance to restore it?

Heap size


Sorry to bother but I'm slow with Java.
After installing on Ubuntu 14.01 and ./bin/ I get:

Maximum ram: 428M
Maximum thread count: 71
Using config file: ./etc/
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Cannot open file ./data/logs/backend/jvm-gc.log due to No such file or directory

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Too small initial heap for new size specified

Let's update Hackpad!

Hackpad is great but needs some polishing for performance and security reasons.
I started to update some of the dependencies. Most of them where simple replacements without any modifications needed.
I recently tried to update jetty (from 6 to 9). Jetty 9 offers Http/2 support (up to x15 performance increase!) and it's been roughly 7 years since jetty 6. For this, major modifications are necessary as jetty has evolved / changed significantly. As one might guess, jetty deeply used in almost all AppJet components. Some functionality needs to be redesigned as jetty has dropped depreciated classes AppJet uses heavily.

Is anyone interested in collaborating on this? I'm happy to exchange progess.

When printing, code is displayed as <ul> instead of <code>

Take this example:

I can process the HTML using the following JavaScript, and it now displays as code, instead of an HTML list:

[]'ul.code li')).forEach(function (oldMarkup) {
    var newMarkup = document.createElement('div');
    newMarkup.innerHTML = oldMarkup.innerHTML;
    oldMarkup.parentNode.insertBefore(newMarkup, oldMarkup);

[]'ul.code')).forEach(function (oldMarkup) {
    var newMarkup = document.createElement('code');
    newMarkup.innerHTML = oldMarkup.innerHTML;
    oldMarkup.parentNode.insertBefore(newMarkup, oldMarkup);

Here is an example of it in action:

return 400 when access from a remote host

I have launched a hackpad server on my localhost, while it returns 200 only when accessing 9000 on my localhost. A remote access returned 400, just wondering, is there something else needing be configed in etherpad/etc/ Thanks

missing file

Try to run the bin/, find one of the file missing:

hackpad_1 | bin/ line 27: /hackpad/bin/ No such file or directory

Privacy and Admin Privileges Questions


I'm with a nonprofit called Worldreader and we have noticed that pads set to the "all workspace members can access" privacy setting are still viewable by anyone with access to the URL. While the "invitees only" setting removes this issue, it then requires everyone to be invited to each pad to view it, which is not ideal for a number of reasons (ex: large number of invitations, adding new users, etc.) Is it possible to have a sort of mid-level privacy setting that allows pads and their URL to be exclusively viewable to Worldreader users without being invited?

In addition, we have a large number of pads that have the "public" setting and it seems that only the creator/owner of the pad is able to change the setting. Thus, is there a way to bestow administrative privileges on a user so that they can correct this issue instead of having each individual user change the settings of the pads they own?

Thank you for your help in clarifying these issues.

Changing the identity Provider

Is there any know-how on how to change the identity provider from google to another idp?
I have an oAuth/OpenID provider, which should be used with the hackpad, but im having trouble on finding where the configurations and client adapters are setted up.

Amazon S3 - For Storing Images?

Are the Amazon S3 configuration options for storing images when a user uploads it to a pad? I added my Amazon S3 credentials to the configuration file but image uploads still don't seem to work. Using the image URL instead works fine though (although I assume it would since it's just a link to the image, and not uploading anything). I also didn't see any place to define a bucket.

Is it possible to change the subdomain name?


we created a workspace with a name with a typo :
So we would like to change it - I tried to change the workspace name in settings but the subdomain is not changed.

Is there any way to do that?

if not what is the best way to export the content and import back into a new workspace?


Can't log in or sign up

I've set up the open-sourced Hackpad on Debian Linux 8.1, using Sun Java 7 JDK 7u79, Scala 2.11.7, etc. I got it to successfully run and serve requests. I followed as closely as possible.

However, signup and login does not work. The /ep/account/login-or-signup URL that the signup form directs you to is 404 not found.

Also there was no superuser account created. says to get the validation token from the email_signup table, but that table contains no rows for me. etherpad.superUserEmailAddresses was properly filled out in


report closed.

How to set smtp server on ubuntu ?

I had an intranet server with Ubuntu 14.04 running on postfix

I wish to set up smtp in order to send notification to users when the pad contents had been changed , as below:

smtpServer = aaa.bbb.ccc:25
smtpUser = username
smtpPass = clearpassword

However, it didn't work, no email was sent.
Is the above setting wrong ? or because of the intranet smtp problem ?

mysql script error

My mysql version 5.6.27
when i run ./contrib/scripts/
ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'plugin' in 'mysql.user'

Unable to embed tables

It seems /ep/sheet responses have X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, which checks for rather than window.parent, making it embedded editable hackpads with tables not rendering properly.

Forking them Hackpads!

Hackpad is now forked as Whackpad!


Hackpad is unmaintained

As it seems from #51, Hackpad is been unmaintained since Dropbox launched Pages. Despite being grateful that they're still hosting the service and were so kind to Open Source it, having production-grade projects use products that are unmaintained is a bad idea.

Creating a community fork

This is why I'd like to suggest the creation of a fork, under a different name and community-maintained GH organisation, so we can maintain Hackpad without relying on Dropbox.

Like many of you, I still feel Hackpad is a great product which fills an important niche in the Open Source ecosystem. Basically, if you've ever had to use Etherpad-lite (from which Hackpad is a fork) you'll notice the significant UI improvements in Hackpad.

But comes the question: would some of you be interested in working, with me, on this?

Despite being an experienced Open Source web developer, my knowledge about the Hackpad/Etherpad codebase is limited and my personal availability is limited to discussing issues, reviewing contributions and release engineering.

Joining the effort

Would you be interested in joining? If so, what time, expertise and responsibilities could you contribute?

Also, feel free to retweet for endorsement.

Points of action

In order to provide a useable fork of Hackpad, it seems sensible that the following actions should be taken:

  • Find collaborators
  • Find maintainers (2 or 3 people)
  • Consensus on a name
  • Start a GH orga, add maintainers
  • Fork hackpad with new name
  • Communication infrastructure (i.e. IRC/Gitter/Slack)
  • Rename Hackpad in repository
  • Getting Hackpad to run (again) in Docker
  • MIgrate existing issues
  • Create a public web page
  • Provide hosted version of fork
  • Implement data import/export to/from Hackpad
  • Merge selective patches from existing forks (notably spikeekips/hackpad, kudelabs/collabpad, janprill/hackpad
  • Merge selective upstream patches from ether/etherpad-lite
  • Ask Dropbox for a redirect to the new fork

Name suggestions

Some ideas for names could be:

  • NuPad
  • OpenPad: +1
  • FreePad
  • whackpad
  • HackPad (IFF Dropbox is willing to release the trademark and domain name it's still an excellent name!)

References, mentions

SyntaxError: unreachable code after return statement

There are multiple instances of early returns. They show as warnings in FireFox. Perhaps I am missing something, but AFAIK they should all be removed or at least documented.


  function prefetchCollections() {

      url: '/ep/invite/recent-groups',
      data: {
        excludeIds: _getPadCollectionsIds()


Other examples:

Latex is not working


Not sure if this is the right place but Latex does not seem to work (using Windows 10, Chrome browser).

The command (ex: $$A=B$$) gives a turning icon but actually never produces an image.


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