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rainy's Issues

Username field length validation lacks failure indicator

When I enter a three-character username (say, perhaps, "twm"), the submit button is disabled, but no validation error is shown when I blur the field. This is confusing, as there is no indication why the form can't be submitted.


The ng-invalid class appears to be present. Either it's missing a definition, or the ng-required-valid class has higher precedence. I notice that the ng-required-invalid class works properly (if the field is blank).

Rainy 0.5.0 binary (a.k.a. 0.5.1).

No sync error details

There is no way to see what the problem was when sync fails.

In the instance I ran into, my laptop had dropped its wireless connection, but there was no way for me to differentiate between that and something rainy-specific (e.g. a note conflict)

How to deploy Rainy behind nginx?

How to deploy rainy behind nginx? Preferably under alreadyexistingdomain.tld/rainy or similar?

I tried to proxy like this but it keeps redirecting me incorrectly which became more of an issue with the new webUI. Is there a better/canonical way?

Deployment behind nginx would be desirable since that way it handles real ssl certs in common format, runs on the default port, and generally acts more like a webserver.

How to migrate from filesystem to sqlite?

I've been running an old version of Rainy that used to support filesystem backend - what was useful since I had all my note files from the Tomboy application.

However, when trying to upgrade to the last nightly (besides #47) I noticed there's no explicit support for the filesystem backend anymore. Is it still useable? If not, how do I migrate?

wrong reference of tomboy-library submoudle

I tried to compile rainy today, using master branch. make doesn't get to compile because there's a wrong reference in the tomboy-library git submoudle:
fatal: reference is not a tree: c707dc647c42f6027b16574226ccf2d6c2589c44
Unable to checkout 'c707dc647c42f6027b16574226ccf2d6c2589c44' in submodule path 'tomboy-library'

Can you please push this commit to tomboy-library or correct the git submoudle?

tomboy-library git submodule references commit not in repo

This is what I get on a clean checkout (following hijinks to work around #30):

$ git submodule update
fatal: reference is not a tree: c707dc647c42f6027b16574226ccf2d6c2589c44
Unable to checkout 'c707dc647c42f6027b16574226ccf2d6c2589c44' in submodule path 'tomboy-library'

Cannot create new users

First of all: I'm amazed to see we now have a web interface!!!!

So, I'm trying to use Rainy 0.5.0 since suddenly 0.2.3 stopped working for me. I just downloaded the zipball.
However, I noticed the users are not created in the settings file anymore. Using the web interface, however, I can't add new users either. Here's the log with the request:

13/10/14_06:53:00.323 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /api/admin/user/
Deserialized data (JSV):
    Username: testuser,
    Password: 12345678,
    EmailAddress: [email protected],
    IsVerified: True,
    IsActivated: True
13/10/14_06:53:00.323 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

13/10/14_06:53:00.324 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Host:
13/10/14_06:53:00.324 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Connection: keep-alive
13/10/14_06:53:00.324 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Content-Length: 113
13/10/14_06:53:00.324 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
13/10/14_06:53:00.325 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Origin:
13/10/14_06:53:00.325 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
13/10/14_06:53:00.325 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36
13/10/14_06:53:00.325 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
13/10/14_06:53:00.326 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Referer:
13/10/14_06:53:00.326 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
13/10/14_06:53:00.326 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
13/10/14_06:53:00.326 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->HandleException - Error trying to resolve Service 'Rainy.WebService.Management.Admin.UserService' or one of its autowired dependencies (see inner exception for details).
13/10/14_06:53:00.327 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->LogExceptionDetails - at Funq.Container.ResolveImpl<Rainy.WebService.Management.Admin.UserService> (string,bool) <0x0010b>
at Funq.Container.ResolveNamed<Rainy.WebService.Management.Admin.UserService> (string) <0x00033>
at Funq.Container.Resolve<Rainy.WebService.Management.Admin.UserService> () <0x00027>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,Funq.Container) <0x00024>
at ServiceStack.ServiceHost.ContainerResolveCache.CreateInstance (System.Type,bool) <0x000f8>
at ServiceStack.ServiceHost.ContainerResolveCache.CreateInstance (System.Type) <0x00013>
at ServiceStack.ServiceHost.ServiceController/<>c__DisplayClass15.<RegisterNServiceExecutor>b__13 (ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IRequestContext,object) <0x0004e>
at ServiceStack.ServiceHost.ServiceController.Execute (object,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IRequestContext) <0x0009b>
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.EndpointHost.ExecuteService (object,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.EndpointAttributes,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpRequest,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpResponse) <0x000a1>
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.EndpointHandlerBase.ExecuteService (object,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.EndpointAttributes,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpRequest,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpResponse) <0x0002b>
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.RestHandler.GetResponse (ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpRequest,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpResponse,object) <0x0006b>
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.RestHandler.ProcessRequest (ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpRequest,ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IHttpResponse,string) <0x002b0>

And my settings.conf:

    ListenUrl: "",
    DataPath: "/var/tomboy/",
    Backend: "filesystem",
    Postgre: {
        Username: "rainy",
        Password: "rainy",
        Host:  "localhost",
        Port: 5432
    AdminPassword: "tomboyadmin",
    AllowSignup: false,
    RequireModeration: true,
    Development: false

Rainy's HTTP-responses are lacking "Content-Length"-header

The responses by the Rainy-server don't have a "Content-Length"-field in the HTTP-header.

While this is not a problem for some clients (e.g. the Tomdroid client), it is a problem for others.
E.g. it is NOT possible to sync the Windows version of Tomboy (using .NET, not Mono) with Rainy. Whenever I try to sync that Tomboy version with my own Rainy server OR with the official demonstration server (e.g., I will get a Tomboy error message: "Server not responding".
This is the detailed error message in the Tomboy logfile (for Tomboy v1.14.0):
28.04.2013 16:48:20 [ERROR]: Failed to get auth URL from Exception was: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (411) Länge erforderlich.
bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, List1 parameters, String postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 266. bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.WebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, String postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 212. bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.Post(String uri, IDictionary2 queryParameters, String postValue) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 126.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.GetAuthorizationUrl() in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 55.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncPreferencesWidget.OnAuthButtonClicked(Object sender, EventArgs args) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\WebSyncPreferencesWidget.cs:Zeile 165.

The English version of the above error message is: "The remote server returned an error: (411) length required"

This is most likely related to the fact, that Rainy's headers are missing the "Content-Length" field.

Fix: Add header.

Cant run on Fedora 17

Hi Timo... i tried to run the server on my working machine today and failed...


jango@schaklin:/scratch/jango/rainy-0.1.3$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 2.10.8 (tarball Mon Apr 16 21:49:41 UTC 2012)
Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Novell, Inc, Xamarin, Inc and Contributors.
TLS: __thread
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none
Misc: debugger softdebug
LLVM: supported, not enabled.
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)

Do you need further information?

Certificate issues while using Apache as a reverse proxy

I'm trying to use Apache as a reverse proxy to easily access the Rainy server through a subdomain. However, enabling the SSL in a virtual host is not that easy, since Apache is used to different types of certificate files.

Rainy apparently generates a DER certificate, but apache expects PEM certs. I found a way to easily convert from DER to PEM, but I have no idea what to do with the PVK file. It apparently is a proprietary format that is not possible to be converted in an Unix box.

Is it possible for Rainy to generated unix-compatible files? Or is there another way to fiddle with the problem?

HTTPS support ?

It would be nice to have the SSL support for Rainy even with auto-signed certificate just in order to avoid plain notes text passing through the network. The main reason to host your own data is about confidentiality so I guess this feature would be appreciated.
Thank you for this, you did a great job !

sync issue across different linux and tomboy versions

Sync worked between one machine and server but when I set up a second machine to sync with the same database it fails to sync all notes. Perhaps there is a quick answer in that linux and tomboy versions need to be at a certain level? If so I will upgrade where needed. If not is there more information I can/should provide?

DellServer / ToshibaLaptop / SilverstoneDesktop
Linux 3.2.0-38 / Linux 3.0.0-32-generic / Linux 3.5.0-21-generic
n /a Tomboy 1.8.0/ Tomboy 1.12.0
Rainy 0.2.3/ n/a n/a

many thanks for any support

Support for Conboy (Tomboy client for N900)

Hello there,

I have successfully installed Rainy and I am capable of synchronizing my notes in my different machines using Tomboy as client.

But in my N900 I have a client for Tomboy called Conboy, which it was working great with UbuntuOne:

but I have troubles to do the same with Rainy. When I put the sync URL to:

I get the next error:
Could not connect to host.
Error Message:
Server reply was no valid JSON string.

Anyone has some experience with this issue?

Thanks ;O)

Caught exception: The object was used after being disposed.

13/05/10_16:45:48.282 [DEBUG] Main->SetupLogging - Writing all log messages to file: debug.log
13/05/10_16:45:48.291 [DEBUG] Main->ConfigureSslCerts - using SSL cert ./data/ssl-cert.cer with private key file ./data/ssl-cert.pvk
13/05/10_16:45:48.694 [DEBUG] Rainy.RainyStandaloneServer->Start - starting http listener at:
13/05/10_16:46:11.466 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /jjennings/none/api/1.0
Data received:
Username: jjennings,
Password: none
13/05/10_16:46:11.487 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ApiService->Get - ApiRequest received
13/05/10_16:46:11.499 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Sending response:
api-ref: "",
href: ""
oauth_request_token_url: "",
oauth_authorize_url: "",
oauth_access_token_url: "",
api-version: 1.0
13/05/10_16:46:11.566 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthService->Any - granting request token oauth_token=b22e2e11-f2bd-4837-879f-5778031b1808&oauth_token_secret=281fd4db-8797-47dc-8b69-a3cd344d2dd8&oauth_callback_confirmed=true to consumer
13/05/10_16:46:11.574 [ERROR] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthService->Any - Caught exception: The object was used after being disposed.


screen shot 2013-05-10 at 11 48 55 am

Rainy does nothing after Tomboy passes oAuth

I launch Rainy, and it brings up the Admin panel, I create a user, then launch tomboy and try to do a first sync and it launches this url:

and then nothing happens.

debug log:

14/09/09_19:33:50.429 [DEBUG] Main->SetupLogging - Writing all log messages to file: debug.log
14/09/09_19:33:50.432 [DEBUG] Main->ConfigureSslCerts - using SSL cert ./data/ssl-cert.cer with private key file ./data/ssl-cert.pvk
14/09/09_19:33:50.629 [DEBUG] Rainy.RainyStandaloneServer->Start - starting http listener at:
14/09/09_19:33:51.825 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /api/admin/alluser/
Deserialized data (JSV):

14/09/09_19:33:51.825 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept: /
14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
14/09/09_19:33:51.826 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
14/09/09_19:33:51.827 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Referer:
14/09/09_19:33:51.827 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Connection: keep-alive
14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /api/admin/status/
Deserialized data (JSV):

14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept: /
14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
14/09/09_19:33:53.759 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
14/09/09_19:33:53.760 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
14/09/09_19:33:53.760 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Referer:
14/09/09_19:33:53.760 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Connection: keep-alive
14/09/09_19:33:53.828 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Unserialized response data to send (JSV):
Uptime: 2014-09-09T19:33:50.664432Z,
NumberOfUser: 1,
NumberOfRequests: 0,
TotalNumberOfNotes: 0,
AverageNotesPerUser: 0
14/09/09_19:33:53.903 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /api/admin/alluser/
Deserialized data (JSV):

14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept: /
14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
14/09/09_19:33:53.904 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
14/09/09_19:33:53.905 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
14/09/09_19:33:53.905 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Referer:
14/09/09_19:33:53.905 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Connection: keep-alive
14/09/09_19:33:53.939 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Unserialized response data to send (JSV):
Username: ,
Password: ,
IsVerified: True,
IsActivated: True
14/09/09_19:34:06.101 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: ///api/1.0
Deserialized data (JSV):
Username: ,
14/09/09_19:34:06.101 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:34:06.102 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:34:06.104 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ApiService->Get - ApiRequest received
14/09/09_19:34:06.109 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Unserialized response data to send (JSV):
api-ref: "",
href: ""
oauth_request_token_url: "",
oauth_authorize_url: "",
oauth_access_token_url: "",
api-version: 1.0
14/09/09_19:34:06.170 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->HandleException - When obtaining a request token, you must not supply the oauth_token parameter
14/09/09_19:34:06.170 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->LogExceptionDetails - at DevDefined.OAuth.Framework.Error.RequestForTokenMustNotIncludeTokenInContext (DevDefined.OAuth.Framework.IOAuthContext) [0x00001] in /home/timo/Rainy/tomboy-library-websync/DevDefined.OAuth/src/DevDefined.OAuth/Framework/Error.cs:201
at DevDefined.OAuth.Provider.OAuthProvider.AssertContextDoesNotIncludeToken (DevDefined.OAuth.Framework.IOAuthContext) [0x00014] in /home/timo/Rainy/tomboy-library-websync/DevDefined.OAuth/src/DevDefined.OAuth/Provider/OAuthProvider.cs:107
at DevDefined.OAuth.Provider.OAuthProvider.GrantRequestToken (DevDefined.OAuth.Framework.IOAuthContext) [0x00001] in /home/timo/Rainy/tomboy-library-websync/DevDefined.OAuth/src/DevDefined.OAuth/Provider/OAuthProvider.cs:54
at Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenService.Get (Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenRequest) [0x00029] in /home/timo/Rainy/Rainy/WebService/OAuth/OAuthService.cs:52
at Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenService.Post (Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenRequest) [0x00001] in /home/timo/Rainy/Rainy/WebService/OAuth/OAuthService.cs:62
at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,object,object) <IL 0x00007, 0x00074>
at ServiceStack.ServiceHost.ServiceRunner`1<Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenRequest>.Execute (ServiceStack.ServiceHost.IRequestContext,object,Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenRequest) <0x002af>

14/09/09_19:34:07.751 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: ///api/1.0
Deserialized data (JSV):
Username: ,
14/09/09_19:34:07.752 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:34:07.752 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:34:07.752 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ApiService->Get - ApiRequest received
14/09/09_19:34:07.752 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Unserialized response data to send (JSV):
api-ref: "",
href: ""
oauth_request_token_url: "",
oauth_authorize_url: "",
oauth_access_token_url: "",
api-version: 1.0
14/09/09_19:34:07.868 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenService->Get - granting request token oauth_token=26ef1c044269716922bbf93c27da6768&oauth_token_secret=480dfe080adb31dd981275d2c5d02cff&oauth_callback_confirmed=true to consumer
14/09/09_19:34:07.944 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /oauth/authorize///?oauth_token=26ef1c044269716922bbf93c27da6768&oauth_callback=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8002%2ftomboy-web-sync%2f
Deserialized data (JSV):
Username: ,
14/09/09_19:34:07.944 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request headers:

14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Host:
14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
14/09/09_19:34:07.945 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Connection: keep-alive
14/09/09_19:34:08.078 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthAuthenticateService->TokenExchangeAfterAuthentication - created an access token for user : 26ef1c044269716922bbf93c27da6768
14/09/09_19:34:15.540 [DEBUG] Main->Main - received signal, exiting

Mobile styles for OAuth login flow

The login page displayed when entering the OAuth flow looks silly in a mobile browser: the content of the page is tiny, in the upper-left corner of the screen. It needs a meta viewport tag at the least.

Firefox for Android 27.0a2, Chrome for Android 31.0.1250.59
Rainy 0.5.1 (a.k.a. 0.5.0 binary)

Tomboy on Windows Authentication Error with Rainy


Today I tried to setup Tomboy 1.14.0 on a Windows 7 machine and unfortunately got an error when trying to connect to the public demo server.

Any suggestions? Is it a bug? Thanks a lot!
Here is the stacktrace:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Tomboy>[WARN 16:54:03.265] Preference key '/apps/tomboy/g
lobal_keybindings/open_search' does not exist, using default.
[INFO 16:54:03.763] Initializing Mono.Addins
[WARN 16:54:20.794] libproxy not installed
[ERROR 16:54:21.417] Caught exception. Message: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehle
r zurückgegeben: (411) Länge erforderlich.
[ERROR 16:54:21.417] Stack trace for previous exception: bei System.Net.HttpW
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url,
List1 parameters, String postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\W ebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 259. [ERROR 16:54:21.432] Rest of stack trace for above exception: bei System.Envi ronment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) bei System.Environment.get_StackTrace() bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, List1 parameters, String postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\W
ebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 265.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.WebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, Str
ing postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth
.cs:Zeile 212.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.Post(String uri, IDictionary2 queryParameters, String postValue) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\O Auth.cs:Zeile 126. bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.GetAuthorizationUrl() in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnom e\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 55. bei Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncPreferencesWidget.OnAuthButtonClicked(Object sender , EventArgs args) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\WebSy ncPreferencesWidget.cs:Zeile 165. bei System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments , Signature sig, Boolean constructor) bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Obje ct[] parameters, Object[] arguments) bei System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) bei GLib.Signal.ClosureInvokedCB(Object o, ClosureInvokedArgs args) bei GLib.SignalClosure.Invoke(ClosureInvokedArgs args) bei GLib.SignalClosure.MarshalCallback(IntPtr raw_closure, IntPtr return_val, UInt32 n_param_vals, IntPtr param_values, IntPtr invocation_hint, IntPtr marsha l_data) bei Gtk.Application.gtk_main() bei Tomboy.WindowsApplication.StartMainLoop() in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tom boy\WindowsApplication.cs:Zeile 87. bei Tomboy.Tomboy.StartTrayIcon() in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Tomboy.c s:Zeile 200. bei Tomboy.Tomboy.Main(String[] args) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Tomb oy.cs:Zeile 158. [ERROR 16:54:21.448] Failed to get auth URL from https://rainy-demoserver.latecr Exception was: System.Net.WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehle r zurückgegeben: (411) Länge erforderlich. bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, List1 parameters, String postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\W
ebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 266.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.WebRequest(RequestMethod method, String url, Str
ing postData) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth
.cs:Zeile 212.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.Post(String uri, IDictionary`2 queryParameters,
String postValue) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\O
Auth.cs:Zeile 126.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.GetAuthorizationUrl() in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnom
e\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\Api\OAuth.cs:Zeile 55.
bei Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncPreferencesWidget.OnAuthButtonClicked(Object sender
, EventArgs args) in C:\Projects\tomboy-gnome\Tomboy\Addins\WebSyncService\WebSy
ncPreferencesWidget.cs:Zeile 165.

Make use of polyper-project scaffold for UI


I think it would be little work and much improvement, if we make use of the core-scaffold and the core-toolbar features of the polymer project instead of the bootstrap header. It looks much more like a great app :-)
DEMOS and code here:

Should I try to implement it?
What do you say?

Couldn't add user with alphanumeric password

I do not know what the exact reason is, but I tried to add a user "user" with proper email and alphanumeric password (numbers, letters and special character "!"), however it would only allow me to add the user after I removed the "!" from the password.

Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -        Pragma: no-cache
14/03/18_01:50:55.484 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter -        Cache-Control: no-cache
14/03/18_01:50:55.484 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->HandleException - found unsafe/unallowed characters
14/03/18_01:50:55.484 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->LogExceptionDetails - at Rainy.WebService.Management.Admin.UserService.Post (Rainy.WebService.Management.UserReques
t) <0x0063f>

Missing method .ctor in assembly rainy-nightly-a3962b/Rainy.exe

This is what I get after running the last nightly:

root:/opt/rainy# mono --debug Rainy.exe -c settings.conf -vvvv
Missing method .ctor in assembly /opt/rainy-nightly-a3962b/Rainy.exe, type System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute
Can't find custom attr constructor image: /opt/rainy-nightly-a3962b/Rainy.exe mtoken: 0x0a000152

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'Rainy'.
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'Rainy'.

White space after bullet list lost in notes editor

When I add text after a bullet list, the first blank line is lost. It looks fine in the web editor, but on tomboy and tomdroid the text is appended to the last line in the list. This seems to only happen with bullet lists - text after regular text looks just fine.

The work-around is to simply add a second blank line when adding text after a bullet list.

Login button is disabled when username and password are remembered

Enviroment: Ubuntu 12.04, Firefox 25.0.1 (32-bit).


  1. Go to Your rainy server.
  2. Log in. Firefox will prompt about password saving.
  3. Log out.
  4. Go to Your rainy server one more time.
  5. You will see Your username and password filled in. But You can't login because login button is disabled.

Cant run on Debian Wheezy

Hi Timo!

Rainy also does not start on debian wheezy. here the logs and mono version:

~/Downloads/rainy-0.1.3$ mono Rainy.exe -c settings.conf
Missing method Convert in assembly /home/jango/Downloads/rainy-0.1.3/Rainy.exe, type Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
~/Downloads/rainy-0.1.3$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version (Debian
Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Novell, Inc, Xamarin, Inc and Contributors.
TLS: __thread
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none
Misc: softdebug
LLVM: supported, not enabled.
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)

Debian server -- mono lib issues

Guys, I'm very new to running my own server, so please sorry if I'm asking something that's obvious.

Did libmono-complete install, tried runtime 4, 2, and no runtime specification. I still get the same errors shown below... no matter what. Any ideas?

joni@1datapoint:~/rainy$ mono --runtime=v2.0 Rainy.exe -c settings.conf
WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v1.1.4322

** (Rainy.exe:7601): WARNING **: The class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 could not be loaded, used in mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Rainy.MainClass' from assembly 'Rainy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Support POST for OAuth

I installed Rainy from git and tried connecting Tomboy 0.14.1 and Tomdroid 0.7.2 to it. Both fail with an error message saying that the server didn't answer. On server side, when running in verbose mode, I get the following

13/06/07_15:01:22.350 [DEBUG] Rainy.ErrorHandling.ExceptionHandler->HandleException - Usage of POST for OAuth authorization is currently not supported. Use GET instead.

I found that error message in the Rainy code, read the comments and understand, that this is normal and POST is going to be added some day later. So basically you can see this issue as a reminder.

Nevertheless though... I don't really get this: How can anyone else connect their tomboys/tomdroids? I must be missing something really simple and stupid here... any ideas?


Crash with Mono


I am getting a crash with Mono, this is running on Arch.

This is the stdout

15/07/15_01:57:02.148 [DEBUG] Main->SetupLogging - logsystem initialized
15/07/15_01:57:02.183 [DEBUG] Main->SetupLogging - Writing all log messages to file: debug.log

Unhandled Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldvirtfn (object,intptr)
  at Rainy.AppHost.Configure (Funq.Container container) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.HttpListenerBase.Init () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Rainy.RainyStandaloneServer.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Rainy.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldvirtfn (object,intptr)
  at Rainy.AppHost.Configure (Funq.Container container) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.HttpListenerBase.Init () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Rainy.RainyStandaloneServer.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Rainy.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

It was working fine until an update was applied.

Sync failure with Tomboy 1.15.4

Ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 Tomboy has failed to sync with Rainy (0.5.1). It appears to be failing with a JSON decode error. This is a log of running Tomboy and selecting "Synchronize Notes" from its system tray icon menu:

$ tomboy
[INFO 17:34:48.468] Initializing Mono.Addins
[WARN 17:34:48.566] No GUI 'su' tool found

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 385 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 13 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 47 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 11 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 55 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 409 was not found when attempting to remove it

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 397 was not found when attempting to remove it
[ERROR 17:35:14.707] Synchronization failed with the following exception: Invalid syntax: Unterminated string, expected '"' termination, got 'e' at [1:2049]
  at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.InvalidSyntax (System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.LexString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.InnerScan () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.Scan () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.CheckScan (TokenType expected, Boolean eofok) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.CheckScan (TokenType expected) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Parse (Hyena.Json.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseArray () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Parse (Hyena.Json.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Deserialize () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.ParseJsonNotes (System.String jsonString, System.Nullable`1& latestSyncRevision) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.GetNotes (Boolean includeContent, Int32 sinceRevision, System.Nullable`1& latestSyncRevision) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncServer.GetNoteUpdatesSince (Int32 revision) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager.SynchronizationThread () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

(Tomboy:5017): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion 'tag > 0' failed

Running Rainy with -vvvv doesn't show the JSON-encoded version of my notes so I'm not sure what it's failing on (but does show their complete text, which I don't want to post it here).

This failure is consistent and reproducible. I am also syncing Tomdroid 0.7.5 to Rainy's database without issue.

Rainy dosn't run ARM hard-float arch (armhf) like Raspbian

I tried to build Rainy on my Raspberry Pi:
Linux raspberrypi 3.6.11+ #387 PREEMPT Sun Mar 3 23:54:39 GMT 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux

It fails with
/usr/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.Common.targets: error : Error executing task ResolveAssemblyReference: Division by zero

There are quite some references to "x86". Like in "Rainy/Rainy.csproj", "JsonConfig/JsonConfig.sln", "Rainy.sln" etc.
Unfortunately, I have never worked with C#/.Net/Mono. But wasn't the whole point that its supposed to be platform independent?

Anyways, running the "Rainy.exe" from the downloads section, as expected, also fails:
log4net:ERROR Error occurred while converting date.
System.DivideByZeroException: Division by zero

...and some more.

Synchronization failed with the following exception: Invalid syntax: Unterminated string, expected '"' termination, got 'a' at [1:4097]

Just installed Rainy v0.5.0, it was working for a day and now I am getting the following error on sync:

[ERROR 12:03:58.695] Synchronization failed with the following exception: Invalid syntax: Unterminated string, expected '"' termination, got 'a' at [1:4097]
at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.InvalidSyntax (System.String message) [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.LexString () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.InnerScan () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Tokenizer.Scan () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.CheckScan (TokenType expected, Boolean eofok) [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.CheckScan (TokenType expected) [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseObject () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Parse (Hyena.Json.Token token) [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseArray () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.ParseObject () [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Parse (Hyena.Json.Token token) [0x00000] in :0
at Hyena.Json.Deserializer.Deserialize () [0x00000] in :0
at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.ParseJsonNotes (System.String jsonString, System.Nullable1& latestSyncRevision) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.GetNotes (Boolean includeContent, Int32 sinceRevision, System.Nullable1& latestSyncRevision) [0x00000] in :0
at Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncServer.GetNoteUpdatesSince (Int32 revision) [0x00000] in :0
at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager.SynchronizationThread () [0x00000] in :0

(Tomboy:25874): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion `tag > 0' failed

I was also getting this error and a different computer but after a while the sync did work.

Makefile should include a install and uninstall section

for example:

install: pack
@echo "Installing Components..."
mkdir -p /usr/share/rainy
sed -n s/./data///usr/share/rainy//g $(RELEASEDIR)/settings.conf
cp $(RELEASEDIR)/settings.conf /etc/rainy.conf
cp $(RELEASEDIR)/$(PACKED_EXE) /usr/sbin/Rainy.exe
cp Rainy/rainy /etc/init.d/rainy
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/rainy
update-rc.d rainy defaults
@echo "Installed!"

@echo "Removing Components..."
rm -Rf $(datarootdir)/rainy
rm -f $(sysconfdir)/rainy.conf
rm -f $(sbindir)/$(PACKED_EXE)
update-rc.d -f rainy remove
rm -f /etc/init.d/rainy
@echo "Complete!"

this already includes a initscript I wrote (and its registration), however it does not work yet due to another issue with mono-service

not able to bind to one address

rainy allways binds to all available addresses even if you specify "ListenAddress".
i found that if you for example define ListenAddress: "" rainy binds to all addresses so you can't bind apache (Listen directive) to another address with the same port on the same host.

Rainy shoud accept DateTime.Min (1970/1/1) as valid date

Do you have an idea what goes wrong here?

80 [DEBUG] Logsystem->SetupLogging - logsystem initialized
100 [DEBUG] Logsystem->SetupLogging - Writing all log messages to file: debug.log
409 [DEBUG] Rainy.RainyStandaloneServer->Start - starting http listener at: http://*:8080/
Press RETURN to stop Rainy
5577 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: /api/1.0/jango
Data received:
Username: jango
5598 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - trying to acquire authorization
5599 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - Received headers:[
5635 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - authorization granted for user jango
5688 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.ResponseLogFilterAttribute->ResponseFilter - Sending response:
user-name: jango,
first-name: Not,
last-name: Important,
api-ref: "",
href: ""
latest-sync-revision: 1,
current-sync-guid: 62fed4c3-be59-407c-86df-a9ac34db863f
5836 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.RequestLogFilterAttribute->RequestFilter - Received request at: //api/1.0/jango/notes
Data received:
Username: jango
5836 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - trying to acquire authorization
5836 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - Received headers:[
5845 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.OAuth.OAuthRequiredAttribute->RequestFilter - authorization granted for user jango
5941 [DEBUG] Rainy.WebService.NotesService->Get - CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Argument is out of range. at System.DateTime.op_Subtraction (DateTime d, TimeSpan t) [0x00000] in :0
at System.DateTime._DoParse (System.String s, System.String firstPart, System.String secondPart, Boolean exact, System.DateTime& result, System.DateTimeOffset& dto, System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, DateTimeStyles style, Boolean firstPartIsDate, System.Boolean& incompleteFormat, System.Boolean& longYear) [0x00000] in :0
at System.DateTime.CoreParse (System.String s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles, System.DateTime& result, System.DateTimeOffset& dto, Boolean setExceptionOnError, System.Exception& exception) [0x00000] in :0
at System.DateTime.Parse (System.String s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles) [0x00000] in :0
at System.DateTime.Parse (System.String s, IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] in :0
at System.DateTime.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in :0
at Tomboy.Sync.DTO.NoteConverter.ToTomboyNote (Tomboy.Sync.DTO.DTONote dto_note) [0x00000] in :0
at Rainy.Db.DbStorage.m__B (Rainy.Db.DBNote n) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[DBNote,String,Note](IEnumerable1 source, System.Func2 keySelector, System.Func2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer1 comparer) [0x00000] in :0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[DBNote,String,Note](IEnumerable1 source, System.Func2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector) [0x00000] in :0
at Rainy.Db.DbStorage.GetNotes () [0x00000] in :0
at Tomboy.Engine.GetNotes () [0x00000] in :0
at Rainy.WebService.NotesService.GetStoredNotes (INoteRepository note_repo) [0x00000] in :0
at Rainy.WebService.NotesService.Get (Rainy.WebService.GetNotesRequest request) [0x00000] in :0

log from tomdroid
02-24 12:24:36.713: V/SnowySyncService(19888): contacting
02-24 12:24:37.473: I/WebConnection(19888): Response status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
02-24 12:24:37.473: I/WebConnection(19888): Received : {"user-name":"jango","first-name":"Not","last-name":"Important","notes-ref":{"api-ref":"","href":""},"latest-sync-revision":1,"current-sync-guid":"62fed4c3-be59-407c-86df-a9ac34db863f"}
02-24 12:24:37.473: V/SyncService(19888): sync progress: 30
02-24 12:24:37.643: I/WebConnection(19888): Response status : HTTP/1.1 400 ArgumentOutOfRangeException
02-24 12:24:37.653: I/WebConnection(19888): Received : {"ResponseStatus":{"ErrorCode":"ArgumentOutOfRangeException","Message":"Argument is out of range.","Errors":[]}}
02-24 12:24:37.653: V/SyncService(19888): sync progress: 35
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): Problem parsing the server response
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): org.json.JSONException: No value for latest-sync-revision
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at org.json.JSONObject.get(
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at org.json.JSONObject.getLong(
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at org.tomdroid.sync.web.SnowySyncService$
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at org.tomdroid.sync.SyncService$
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
02-24 12:24:37.653: E/SnowySyncService(19888): at
02-24 12:24:37.653: V/SyncService(19888): sync progress: 100

Feature request - log file generation for fail2ban to monitor


I'm running a dedicated VM for rainy, which is publically visible on its own port, of course. I would like to protect it with fail2ban. Is there a way to monitor failed connection attempts other than using "Mono --debug"?

Also from a security perspective, can I ask if there's a way for users to change their own password, or indeed for admin to change the password for a given user?

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