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.spacemacs.d's Introduction

My personal-layer based Spacemacs configuration.

I focus on customizing Emacs’s display in unique ways and making the most out of Spacemacs’s config framework.


See display layer for screenshots.

See config layer for keybindings.

Typical Emacs configurations.
Houses my pretty packages and display-related configuration updates.
Personal non-display packages.

See Migrating to Spacemacs Layers for further material on Spacemacs’s configuration system.


Backup and remove your .spacemacs file and clone to your home directory.

Icons, fonts, and ligatures require additional steps or you likely will experience strange unicode characters all-over.


The pretty-fonts pkg requires the Fira Code Symbol (download link) font installed. Any font can be used in-tandem, the link above is an extract of just the ligatures.


In the layers/display/packages.el, I make heavy use of all-the-icons. The easiest way to install it is running M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts. In that file you can customize which icons to include and change.


If you use Emacs as a daemon, have server? true in the leading lines of init.el. It is nil by default for users other than myself.


Style your font in dotspacemacs-default-font in init.el as normal.

Check out and modify theming changes in layers/display/config.el. I have Zenburn and Solarized-light themes enabled and configured already. Cycle themes with SPC T n.

.spacemacs.d's People


ekaschalk avatar


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.spacemacs.d's Issues

Unconsistent behaviour with pretty outlines


My .emacs.d/init.el reduced to the minimum (I have auctex and use-package installed)

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("org" . "") t)

(use-package outline
  :hook (text-mode . outline-minor-mode)

(use-package outshine
  :hook (outline-minor-mode . outshine-mode)

(use-package pretty-outlines
  :defer t
  :load-path "custom/"
  :hook ((outline-mode . pretty-outlines-set-display-table)
         (outline-minor-mode . pretty-outlines-set-display-table)
         (LaTeX-mode . pretty-outlines-add-bullets)

pretty-outlines needs to be in .emacs.d/custom


If I have the following LaTeX file:

% * Test

% test

I get the correct display (don't mind the airplane, that's because I should tell my emacs what font to use for this range):


But if I uncomment the third line

% * Test



I can't figure out what's happening here, looks like there's something messing with some regexps but I really don't understand.

Help with pretty outlines

Hello, I'm trying to use your pretty-outlines in outshine buffer and it is simply not working. There is no error message no matter if I load pretty-outlines-add-bullets with hook or manually, heading still looks same.

I even tried to load almost default spacemacs (develop) config so I can rule out some conflict with my configuration but result is the same.

Can you think about some simple way how to find what I'm doing wrong? I tried to warp my head around the code but I'm not up to the challenge with my current elisp level.

accessing package specific functions in other layers

I've been analyzing and emulating your layer setup for spacemacs configuration.

I've noticed that you added macros you defined in the macros layer's funcs.el file.
What if I wanted to install a package with macros instead?
Two of the macros you use -- the macro for an anonymous function xi and evil-define-keys-- have already been written.
If instead of writing those macros you added these packages to the macros layer, how would you make the macros in these packages available for other layers?

Other layers can't see the methods of installed packages in the macros layer, they can only see the functions in its funcs.el

Right now I the only way I can think of doing that is copying the functions from the packages and pasting them in to funcs.el in the macros layer. Do you know of a better way?

can not start ?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function configuration-layer/package-used-p)
(configuration-layer/package-used-p (quote outshine))
(if (configuration-layer/package-used-p (quote outshine)) (progn (defalias (quote outshine-fix-narrow-pos) (function (lambda (&rest args) "Narrowing works within the headline rather than requiring to be on it." (if (outline-on-heading-p t) nil (outline-previous-visible-heading 1))))) (defalias (quote outshine-fix-insert-pos) (function (lambda (&rest args) "Advise outshine heading insertion newlining to my organization workflow.\n\nNewline insertion now won't match org-mode, will act like block insertion.\n\nIf on a heading, insert on new next line.\nIf not on a heading, insert newline before current-line first." (if (outline-on-heading-p t) nil (forward-line -1) (end-of-line) (newline)) (end-of-line) (newline)))) (defalias (quote org-fix-heading-pos) (function (lambda (&rest args) "Advise org heading insertion, on heading -> no roll-over text after point." (if (outline-on-heading-p) (progn (end-of-line)))))) (defalias (quote outshine-insert-subheading) (function (lambda nil "A subheading variation on outshine-insert-heading'.\n\nDue to a bug with outline-demote', this function only inserts\nthe subheading, rather than the heading, correctly when the\nsubheading level already exists within the buffer." (interactive) (evil-with-single-undo (outshine-insert-heading) (set-mark (line-beginning-position)) (goto-char (line-end-position)) (outline-demote (quote region))))))))
eval-buffer(#<buffer load-930223> nil "c:/Users/yxson/.spacemacs.d/layers/config/funcs.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 2344
load-with-code-conversion("c:/Users/yxson/.spacemacs.d/layers/config/funcs.el" "c:/Users/yxson/.spacemacs.d/layers/config/funcs.el" nil nil)
(if (file-exists-p file) (load file))
(let ((file (concat (eieio-oref obj (quote :dir)) file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file)))
(while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((file (concat (eieio-oref obj (quote :dir)) file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
(let ((--dolist-tail-- files) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((file (concat (eieio-oref obj (quote :dir)) file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
(progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- files) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((file (concat (eieio-oref obj ...) file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))
(if obj (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- files) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((file (concat ... file))) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))
(let ((obj (configuration-layer/get-layer layer-name))) (if obj (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- files) file) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq file (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((file ...)) (if (file-exists-p file) (load file))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))))
configuration-layer//load-layer-files(config ("funcs.el"))
(while --dolist-tail-- (setq layer-name (car --dolist-tail--)) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layer-name files) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
(let ((--dolist-tail-- layer-names) layer-name) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq layer-name (car --dolist-tail--)) (configuration-layer//load-layer-files layer-name files) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
configuration-layer//load-layers-files((spacemacs-bootstrap spacemacs-org spacemacs-ui-visual spacemacs-ui spacemacs-misc spacemacs-language spacemacs-evil spacemacs-editing-visual spacemacs-editing spacemacs-layouts spacemacs-completion spacemacs-base spacemacs config auto-completion better-defaults git ivy org shell syntax-checking version-control graphviz ranger ibuffer csv html markdown yaml clojure emacs-lisp haskell c-c++ python mu4e display theming personal) ("funcs.el"))
(if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (error (concat "Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " "Spacemacs requires Emacs version %s or above.") emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (load-file (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name) "core/core-load-paths.el")) (require (quote core-spacemacs)) (spacemacs/init) (configuration-layer/sync) (spacemacs-buffer/display-startup-note) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (require (quote server)) (if (server-running-p) nil (server-start)))
eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil "c:/Users/yxson/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 1264
load-with-code-conversion("c:/Users/yxson/.emacs.d/init.el" "c:/Users/yxson/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
load("c:/Users/yxson/.emacs.d/init" t t)
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1000baab9>)()

How to by-passing the aspect of using special fonts?

This is not really a bug, but rather a question for my own situation. Sorry to bother you.

In my office environment of Windows 7, I don't have administrator privileges, thus I can't install special ttf fonts. Thus the display aspect of your excellent package is not usable, causing very poor display with not legible icons.

So I'd like to seek your advice on how I can disable or by-pass the display functionalities requiring special fonts.


How can I add additional package?

This is not related to a bug. But a request for help.

I really enjoy using your .spacemacs.d

Now, I want to add a package that I used to put by the following code:
dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(pandoc-mode interleave cdlatex org-brain realgud realgud-pry realgud-byebug)
I wonder how I can add them in your system?

I tried to add one to layers/config/packages.el:

`(setq config-packages
;; Owned packages

    ;; Elsewhere-owned packages with trivial config
    cdlatex ; try to add

    ;; Elsehwere-owned packages
    (avy-config      :location local)
    (eshell-config   :location local)
    (evil-config     :location local)
    (gnus-config     :location local)
    (ivy-config      :location local)
    (org-config      :location local)
    (treemacs-config :location local)

But I got the error:
(Spacemacs) Warning: package cdlatex not initialized in layer config, you may consider removing this package from the package list or use the :toggle keyword instead of a `when' form.
org-cdlatex-mode: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, cdlatex

Thanks a lot for your help!

table outline on org mode

When including a line below the row then the + signs no longer align with the respective rows, this is caused by the pretty fonts package (it displays fine when I disable the package) but I am not sure of how to solve it.
screenshot from 2018-03-04 13-24-42

scrolling up and down lag

I have a scrolling up and down lag after adding a snippet from your config relating to display layer.
Do you have a lag while scrolling up and down ?

Error when start your config

In my country, melpa is not so stable, so i just want add a mirror site for melpa, where should i put it? Hope for your suggestion, thank you!

Ligatures not displaying

This is how typescript functions are showing in my emacs: take note of the symbol (bin) it shows for semicolons and the fat arrow becomes just a box

OS: arch Linux
emacs: 25.2.1
spacemacs: 0.200.9

I have also installed the Fira code in my system and it works perfectly fine on my Gedit
screenshot from 2017-07-23 18-18-39

How to use your display packages in spacemacs

I see your blog, and the displays are really amazing.
I want to use it as my private layer. But I see there are some variables depend on other layers in your spacemacs.d, is that possible that I only use your display package, while keep my settings for other things?
BTW, I use macOS.
Thanks a lot!

Completely disable redo-spacemacs-bindings

In your .spacemacs.d/init.el

The following function, I suggest to add the guard of redo-bindings?:

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config/post-layer-load-config ()
  "Configuration to take place *after all* layers/pkgs are instantiated."
  (when (and redo-bindings? ; suggest to add
    (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'redo-spacemacs))

  ;; While toggling with `toggle-frame-fullscreen' works, I could not get
  ;; it to work as a hook attached to the frame-make or window-setup.
  ;; Depending on your OS, you may need a different/not-at-all need this.
  (when (and mac? server?)
    (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(fullscreen . fullboth))))

To achieve the intended effect of disable redo-spacemacs-bindings for those who desires so.

‘dap’ layer is not installed, please add ‘dap’ layer to your dotfile.

Hi Eric,

I just pulled your latest, when starting a python file, I got the following errormessage:

(New file)
LSP :: No LSP server for python-mode.
‘dap’ layer is not installed, please add ‘dap’ layer to your dotfile.

How can I fix it?

It seems related to your change of using Python Language Server from using Anaconda.

Folding comments in Haskell mode make ghc unhappy

ghc doesn't seem to like the --* syntax for headings in haskell files, this seems to be a parse error.

I'm not sure if this is related but -- is getting rendered as two shorter dashes. I guess it's triggering a ligature rule, but I don't know which one.

Can not enable ligatures

Went through blog post

Hacked around, searched your code base. How to enable ligatures?
What does:

;; To enable them, you need to add:

'((pretty-fonts-fira-font prog-mode-hook org-mode-hook)))

Means. There is no pretty-fonts-set-kwds function, there is no pretty-fonts-fira-font. I can not decipher what these instructions are and where to apply them.

I added org-gcal support

Hi Eric,

I'm absolutely loving .spacemacs.d, thank you so much for sharing! I've added some stuff, most notably this morning support for org-gcal and syncing all my google apps calendars with my org agenda. I've also imported much of the workflow from and have multi account support from gmail via mu4e and isync.

This has all been a lot of fun, but I've realized that I could be contributing much of this stuff back to other folks using .spacemacs.d if I could factor out the changes a bit better. If you're interested in having some of these changes come back upstream the comparison is here:


I suppose the first thing to figure out how to separate the changes that are specific to me in config/layers.el and config/packages.el. Perhaps the personal layer could be a place for that?

Any thoughts?

crashed when emacs --daemon

spacemacs develop branch
seems it is crashed when config the pretty font. If I comment the display layer, the emacs can run in daemon mode.

emacs -nw --debug-init --daemon
Configuring package pretty-eshell...done
Loading package pretty-eshell...done
(Spacemacs) pretty-fonts -> init (display)...
Loading package pretty-fonts...
Configuring package pretty-fonts...


Process: Emacs [18891]
Path: /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/26.1/
Identifier: Emacs
Version: Version 26.1 (9.0)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Emacs [18890]
Responsible: Emacs [18891]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2018-08-06 00:55:48.214 +0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.6 (17G2112)
Report Version: 12
Bridge OS Version: 2.4.1 (15P6613)
Anonymous UUID: 7969FE2E-BF8E-D2B6-657A-924E6213A68C

Sleep/Wake UUID: A648CA36-420C-46E3-BA63-3650C501EB2D

Time Awake Since Boot: 42000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 4000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000000000cc

VM Regions Near 0xcc:
__TEXT 0000000100000000-00000001001e3000 [ 1932K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/26.1/

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff57ac2b66 __pthread_kill + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff57c8d080 pthread_kill + 333
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff579d06fe raise + 26
3 org.gnu.Emacs 0x00000001000a15b2 terminate_due_to_signal + 152

Overwrite outshine defined regexps

I'm 99% sure this is my fault but I can't actually find how to define my own outline-regexp before pretty-outline reads the one already defined by outshine. Here are the important parts of my config file:

Use package for outline and outshine:

(use-package outline
  :hook (prog-mode . outline-minor-mode) ; globally at startup

(use-package outshine
  :hook (outline-minor-mode . outshine-mode)

(use-package pretty-outlines
  :defer t
  :hook ((outline-mode . pretty-outlines-set-display-table)
         (outline-minor-mode . pretty-outlines-set-display-table)
         (tuareg-mode . pretty-outlines-add-bullets)

If I open an OCaml file:

outline-regexp is a variable defined in ‘outline.el’.
Its value is "(\\* [*]\\{1,8\\} "
Local in buffer; global value is "[*^L]+"

Now I tried to write:

(use-package tuareg
  :hook (tuareg-mode . my/tuareg-mode-outline-regexp-setup)
  (defun my/tuareg-mode-outline-regexp-setup ()
    (setq-local outline-regexp "(\\*[;]\\{0,8\\}[^ \t]"))

And I have the following result for this file:

(* ** Pretty *)

(*; Outshine *)
let f x = x


Even though I have the correct regexp defined:

outline-regexp is a variable defined in ‘outline.el’.
Its value is "(\\*[;]\\{0,8\\}[^ 	]"
Local in buffer; global value is "[*^L]+"

And indeed, outshine sees the correct regexp but pretty-outlines sees the first one defined by outshine.

Is there a way to tell this mode to reload its regexps after tuareg has been loaded?



no worries, I just don't know how to contact you otherwise. I wrote a very similar tool like your outline-ivy.el, but for IDO: outshine-ido.el. I already asked the current outshine maintainer to add it, but he declined. Now I discovered your work and I wonder if it might make sense to merge them into a library or something.

What do you think?


Trouble getting outline-ivy working

Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm having trouble getting outline-ivy running and I can't seem to understand what the problem is due to my lack of elisp experience.

oi-jump correctly displays a list of headings in the current buffer, but the jump itself does not work.

Here's the relevant portion of the backtrace:

  cdr(#("1Config" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 7 (face oi-face-1)))
  (let* ((marker (cdr input0))) (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-with-selected-window (ivy--get-window ivy-last)))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (select-window (car save-selected-window--state) 'norecord) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (recenter 2)) (internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state)))))
  (lambda (input0) (let* ((marker (cdr input0))) (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-with-selected-window (ivy--get-window ivy-last)))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (select-window (car save-selected-window--state) 'norecord) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (recenter 2)) (internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state))))))(#("1Config" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 7 (face oi-face-1)))
  ivy-read("Outline " (nil (#("1Config" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 7 (face oi-face-1)) . #<marker at 146 in outline-ivy.el>) (#("1Utils" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 6 (face oi-face-1)) . #<marker at 680 in outline-ivy.el>) (#("1Outline Jump" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 13 (face oi-face-1)) . #<marker at 2531 in outline-ivy.el>) (#("1Binding" 0 1 (invisible t) 1 8 (face oi-face-1)) . #<marker at 3601 in outline-ivy.el>)) :preselect "Outline Jump" :update-fn oi--remap-ivy-match-face :action (lambda (input0) (let* ((marker (cdr input0))) (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-with-selected-window (ivy--get-window ivy-last)))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (select-window (car save-selected-window--state) 'norecord) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (recenter 2)) (internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state)))))))
  (let ((ivy-height oi-height)) (ivy-read "Outline " (oi-collect-outlines) :preselect (oi--preselect) :update-fn 'oi--remap-ivy-match-face :action (function (lambda (input0) (let* ((marker (cdr input0))) (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-with-selected-window (ivy--get-window ivy-last)))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (select-window (car save-selected-window--state) 'norecord) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (recenter 2)) (internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state)))))))))

I understand that the lambda is supposed to essentially get a marker as an argument and then jump to it, but I'm unfamiliar with dash, and I also don't understand why (_ . marker) is used.

If I can solve this issue I'd be happy to help make outline-ivy a standalone package so that it's easier for others to use. I think it's a really good idea.

Edit: Looking at the ivy docs it appears that ivy read should return a string but is instead returning text properties? I'm still trying to understand what that means.

Still missing some fonts?

After installing fonts-firacode, and all-the-icons, for org-mode mode indicator on the mode line I still saw
some unexpected characters:


I have not selected the alternative to "operator mono" though.


Extract outline-ivy


I wanted to test outline-ivy but it is apparently bundled with the rest of your config. Could you please extract it to a separate package?


How do I choose alternative to "operator mono"?

I'm really interested in your approach of personal-layers for spacemacs customization.

But I have a question of how to choose the alternative to "operator mono", based on the following statement:

"You won’t have the font operator mono installed so make sure to select your font of choice."

C-c C-c broken for notes

I've raised an issue with spacemacs here syl20bnr/spacemacs#11844 because my C-c C-c keybinding doesn't do anything in *Org Note* buffers. I suspected something to do with ivy or counsel as explained in the issue, but I think that was a red herring.

Just as a sanity check I switched back to vanilla spacemacs and the C-c C-c keybinding works. Do you have any problems saving a note (, i n, type something, C-c C-c) in org mode?

Please review receipts for additional customization

I found your latest .spacemacs.d as of Dec. 2018 has much improved and easier to understand. I'm trying to follow your example to add lsp-dart support. In the process, I wrote receipts of adding layers, packages and configure packages. I hope to get your help to review and confirm. The receipts might be part of your repository for future users, once you correct my understanding.

spaceline-all-the-icons-separators-type not working


Since spaceline-all-the-icons messed up my spaceline big time, I finally found the error that was causing the problem.

spaceline-all-the-icons-separators-type 'arrow

should be called

spaceline-all-the-icons-separator-type 'arrow

The s at the end of separator was too much. Now my separators are actually arrows.

error when start up "Symbol’s function definition is void: redo-spacemacs-bindings"

Erro when start up the emacs, with emacs 26.3 spacemacs develop branch.

Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘mu4e-headers-mode-map’:

  • ‘mu4e-headers-query-prev’ originally mapped on ‘\’
    Auto-evilification could not remap these functions in map ‘mu4e-headers-mode-map’:
  • ‘mu4e-headers-query-prev’ originally mapped on ‘\’
    Package html2text is obsolete!
    Spacemacs is ready.
    (Spacemacs) Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: Symbol’s function definition is void: redo-spacemacs-bindings

[yas] Prepared just-in-time loading of snippets successfully.
Starting new Ispell process /usr/local/bin/ispell with default dictionary...

Error when starting up

Thanks so much for this, really helpful. I am using it though I dont understand the configurations much hence it is hard to troubleshoot some issues. Currently when I start up it displays the following error
Error (use-package): org-projectile :config: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-projectile:per-repo

Setting to org-structure-template-alist causes error

The following code at ~/.spacemacs.d/layers/config/packages.el

(setq org-structure-template-alist
        '(("n" "#+NAME: ?")
          ("L" "#+LaTeX: ")
          ("h" "#+HTML: ")
          ("q" "#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n\n#+END_QUOTE")
          ("s" "#+BEGIN_SRC ?\n\n#+END_SRC")
          ("se" "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n\n#+END_SRC")
          ("sp" "#+BEGIN_SRC python\n\n#+END_SRC")))

Got the following complaint:

Warning (org): 
Please update the entries of `org-structure-template-alist'.

In Org 9.2 the format was changed from something like

    ("s" "#+BEGIN_SRC ?\n#+END_SRC")

to something like

    ("s" . "src")

Please refer to the documentation of `org-structure-template-alist'.

The following entries must be updated:

(("n" "#+BEGIN_NOTES\n?\n#+END_NOTES")
 ("n" "#+NAME: ?")
 ("L" "#+LaTeX: ")
 ("h" "#+HTML: ")
 ("q" "#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n\n#+END_QUOTE")
 ("s" "#+BEGIN_SRC ?\n\n#+END_SRC")
 ("se" "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n\n#+END_SRC")
 ("sp" "#+BEGIN_SRC python\n\n#+END_SRC"))

When I use command ,ib (org-insert-structure-command) with your configuration.

Please advise. Thanks!

mode line is empty

My mode line is completely blank (it's there, just apparently empty). I've called M x all-the-icons-install-fonts but it doesn't seem to have made any different (I'm also using spacemacs-dark as my default theme).

I'm not that experienced with poking around in emacs guts, but happy to try anything to debug!

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