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advanced-react-bootcamp's Introduction


Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,

Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Softwares Required:

Visual Studio Code. Chrome Web Browser NodeJS Latest LTS


React with Webpack

  • CSR and SSR --> Rendering [data to presentation]

JavaScript build tools

  • Grunt
  • Gulp
  • Webpack [ ng new / npx create-react-app ]
  • vite ...

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, E2E, and linting.

Code: Latest version of JS [transcompiler {babel, Tracuer}], Typescript, Dart, LiveScript, Coffeescript tsc a.ts --> a.js

50+ components

<script src="user.component.js"></script> <script src="users.component.js"></script>

bundle index.html

<script src="bundle.fdsdf#2c2.js"></script>


React code without react libraries

React Demystify

Initialize a node project: npm init --y

Babel is a free and open-source JavaScript transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into backwards-compatible JavaScript code that can be run by older JavaScript engines. Babel for JSX --> JavaScript object

Adding dependencies:

npm i webpack webpack-cli babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react html-webpack-plugin css-loader style-loader -D

not installing: npm i react react-dom

import UserComponent from './UserComponent'

NodeJS understands CommonJS module system const UserComponent = require('./UserComponent');


const data = new Map();



import './style.css'

<style> </style>

npm i webpack-dev-server -D

npm i clean-webpack-plugin -D

// XML Code



JavaScript is dynamically typed var name = "Sam"; // string name.toUpperCase(); var age = 24; age++;


  • Optional TypeSystem to JavaScript
  • Statically typed
  • code quanlity and understandablity
  • early detection of errors

TypeScript Compiler npm i -g typescript tsc --version Version 5.2.2


  1. string
  2. number
  3. boolean
  4. any
  5. unknown
  6. type
  7. interface
  8. class

Basic types: string, number, boolean

let name:string = "Peter";

function doTask() {
    return "data";
    return 404;
    return {


let data:any = doTask();

Type type is to declare shape of object ? --> optional

type Product = {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    price?: number

function addProduct(product:Product) : void {

addProduct({id: 1, name: 'P1', price: 311.11}); //valid
addProduct({id: 1, name: 'P1'}); // valid

interface can be used instead of 'type' to define a shape

  • can be also used for realization relationship
  • can extend
interface Product {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    price?: number
// inheritance
interface Mobile extends Product {

interface Tv extends Product {
    screenType: string

interface Renderer {

// Realization
class TvRenderer implements Renderer {
    render() {
    other code
// Realization
class DomRenderer implements Renderer {
    render() {
    other code

let course: string|number;

course = 234; course = "ReactJS";


Keywords: "as", "is", "in"

Type Predicate functions

tsc typepredicate.ts

node typepredicate.js

tsc lib.ts node lib.js instead:

npx ts-node lib.ts



  1. webpack: babel-loader, @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, @babel/preset-react html-webpack-plugin webpack.config.js babel.config.js/ .babelrc / babel.config.json
  2. Typescript: string, number, boolean, any, unknown, type, interface , class "as" , "in" and "is" HOF: functions which accept function as argument/function which returns a function filter, map

Day 2

JavaScript in TypeScript

  • react, react-dom, jquery, .... are all written in JavaScript

tsproj % npm init --y tsproj % npm i typescript -D tsproj % tsc --init tsproj % npm i lodash


"rootDir": "./src", "outDir": "./dist",


JS in TS --> types definition

typings.d.ts declare module 'lodash' { export function random(min:number, max:number): number }


npm i @types/lodash -D

npm i react react-dom npm i @types/react @types/react-dom -D


Decorators --> metadata @ A Decorator is a special kind of declaration that can be attached to a class declaration, method, accessor, property, or parameter.

  • Specialization pattern

class Product { members } class Mobile extends Product {


class Tv extends Product {


React Components: class UserComponent extends Component { render() {} }

  • Decorator pattern Angular approach:
    template: `
class UserComponent {
    firstName:string ="";
    age:number = 18;


every instance of UserComponent contains: firstName, age, selector, template

    templateUrl: 'templates\product.html'
    stylesUrl:['./styles.css', './product.css']
class ProductComponent {
    title:string ="";
    price:number = 0;


  1. class level function classDecorator(constructor:Function) {} Example: function Component(constructor:Function) {}

  2. method level function methodDecorator(target:any, methodName:string, descriptor?:PropertyDescriptor){}

function log(target:any, methodName:string, descriptor?:PropertyDescriptor){ console.log(methodName + " called "); }

class Demo { @log doTask() { // code } }

let d = new Demo(); d.doTask();

  1. property level function propertyDecorator(target:any, propertyKey:string){}

function min(target:any, propertyKey:string){ // logic }

class User {

  1. parameter level function parameterDecorator(target:any, methodName:string, parameterIndex:number){}

Requirement: "experimentalDecorators": true,


@observable class BookStore { books:Book[] = []; }


function update(name) { = name;

let product = {
    name: 'A',
    price: 122;

let user = {
    email : "[email protected]",
    name : "Larry"
}, "iPhone");
update.apply(product, ["iPhone"]);, "Peter");

TypeScript Utility:

  1. Partial
  2. Readonly
  3. Omit
  4. Pick

interface Product { id:number, name: string, price: number, description: string }

function printProduct(product:Readonly) { product.price = 99999; // error }

function addProduct(product:Product) {

} function updateProduct(product:Partial) { Object.keys(product) }

updateProduct({id: 1, price: 8000});

type ProductDTO = Omit<Product, "description">; type json = { product:Product[] } json: Partial

  1. Record --> Dictionary key-value pairs, fixed number of keys

type Course = "React" | "NodeJS" | "Angular"

interface CourseInfo { duration: number, trainer: string }

const courses: Record<Course, CourseInfo> = { "React": { duration: 48, trainer: "A" }, "NodeJS": { duration: 48, trainer: "B" }, "Angular": { duration: 48, trainer: "C" },


  1. ReturnType

function getData(a) { return parseInt(a); }

async function getUser(): Promise<{ id: number, name: string }> { return { id: 12, name: 'Peter'} }

type A = ReturnType; // number

let data:A = getData("65");

type P = ReturnType; // Promise type User = Awaited<ReturnType>; // {id: number, name: string}


  1. Create React Application using TypeScript with hooks, React Context for State management, react-router-dom, react-bootstrap, Spectrum, React WebComponents, ...
  2. State management --> Context to Redux Toolkit
  3. State Management --> Context to Mobx
  4. State management --> Context to MST


axios for Api call

React Context: Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.


npx create-react-app productapp --template typescript

// hook useState

 const [count, setCount] = useState<number>(0);

class App extends Component {
    state = {
        count: 0

    this.state.count = 100; // 
    setCount(no) {
            count: no

React 18 concurrency uses Fiber architecture instead of Stack

performUnitOfWork beginWork 21516 completeWork 22064 completeRootImpl



function App() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState<number>(0);
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Counter Example</h1>
      <span>Count {count}</span>
      <button type="button" onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>

export default App;

npm i react-router-dom axios bootstrap react-bootstrap @fortawesome/react-fontawesome @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons

react-specturum / react web components


Day 3:

App and it's children can be Consumer of Context

A and B are children, they can be Cosnumers or its Children

``` class ProductList extends Component { render(): JSXElement { return { value => { } }


href ==> Server side Routing ==> Whole page is reloaded
as={Link} ==> Client Side Routing


FCP --> Web Vitals

Context --> remove props-drill
react-router-dom --> SPA
index.html --> many views
lazy() and Suspense

Day 4
1) useState()
2) useEffect()
3) useContext()
4) useReducer() 
use this instead of useState() if
a) conditionally mutate the state
b) mutation depends on previous state


State: { count: 100 }

{ cartItems: [], total : 0 } ADD_TO_CART, INCREMENT, DECREMENT, CLEAR_CART

Case 1: INCREMENT by 10 { count: 110 } Case 2: DECREMENT { count: 109 } case 3: RESET { count: 0 }

Requirements for useReducer()
1) we need Action Object
    type: 'INCREMENT',
    payload?: 10
2) reducer function
(state, action) => new state;
returned new_state will update previous "state"
3) useReducer

const initialState = {
    cartItems: [],
    total: 0

let [state, dispatch] = useReducer(cartReducer, initialState);

dispatch({type:'ADD_TO_CART', payload: {....}})

===================== ==> Path Parameter
useParams() ==> Query Parameter


Controlled Components and Uncontrolled Components

Controlled Components:
export default function ProductForm() {
    let [title, setTitle] = useState();
    let [price, setPrice] = useState();
    function submit() {

    return <>
        Title : <input type="text" 
            onChange={(evt) => setTitle(}/> <br />
        Price : <input type="text"
            onChange={(evt) => setPrice(} /> <br />
        <button type="button" onClick={() => sumbit()}>

UnControlled Components:
export default function ProductForm() {
    let titleRef = useRef();
    let priceRef = useRef();
    function submit() {
        let product = {
            title: titleRef.current.value,
            price: priceRef.current.value
    return <>
        Title : <input type="text" ref={titleRef}/> <br />
        Price : <input type="text" ref={priceRef}/> <br />
        <button type="button" onClick={() => sumbit()}>
React Spectrum:

npm i @adobe/react-spectrum

For Web Components npm i @lit/react npm i @swc-react/Card

import { Card } from '@swc-react/Card';

Demo Image

Rs. {price}


React 18:

  1. concurrency
  2. AutoBatching
  3. useDefferedValue useDeferredValue is a React Hook that lets you defer updating a part of the UI it prempts to any other high priority thread [ user interactions]
  4. useTransition() similar to useDefferedValue

======== Context --> to avoid props-drill. can be used for state management for smaller application Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

Predictable State Managment:

  1. Flux Architecture
  2. Redux Advantage : a) state managment --> module integrate with react, Angular, Server Side apps, plain vanilla JS

    b) Time Travel Debugging c) Can be used in MicroFrontend
  3. Mobx

===================== react-redux HOC connect

connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(App);

state = { user: { avatar: '...', name: '... }, cart: { cartItems: [], total: 2323 } } Redux:

function mapStateToProps(state) { return { profileImage: state.user.avatar, products: state.cart.cartItems } }

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { addToCart: (item) => dispatch({type:'ADD_TO_CART, payload: item}), increment: (id) => dispatch({type:'INC', payload: id}) } }

props.addToCart({..}) props.increment(3);


Redux Toolkit immerjs immutablejs

npm i @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux

Remove all references to CartContext and CardProvider:

  1. index.tsx
  2. ProductCard
  3. CartComponent.tsx ========================

export interface CounterState {
  value: number

const initialState: CounterState = {
  value: 0,

export const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  reducers: {
    increment: (state) => {
        state.value += 1
    decrement: (state) => {
      state.value -= 1
    incrementByAmount: (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
      state.value += action.payload

useSelector() Hook: The selector is approximately equivalent to the mapStateToProps argument to connect conceptually.

useDispatch() Hook: This hook is approximately equivalent to the mapDispatchToProps argument to connect conceptually.

  1. redux folder
  2. index.tsx
  3. ProductCard.tsx
  4. CartComponent.tsx


Async logic in Redux

Redux is Synchronous, for Async it needs 3rd party libraries like : Thunk, Saga, ObservableJS, ...

Thunk dispatch(fn) ==> thunk middleware intercepts dispatch(action) ==> thunk delegates to RootReducer --> Reducer



reducers: { purchase: (state, action) => { // dispatch(..) }, clearCart: (state) => {


} dispatch(purchase({...})); // Redux --> State if(state condition) { dispatch(clearCart()); }


RTK Query: instead of createAsyncThunk advanced data fetching, pre-fetching and caching tool

npx json-server --watch data.json --port 1234

const AddCustomer = () => {
    const [addCustomer] = useAddCustomerMutation();
    const {refetch} = useCustomersQuery();
    const customer = {
        firstName: 'Peter'

    const addHandler = async () => {
        await addCustomer(customer);
        refetch(); // API call

    return <button type='button' onClick={addHandler}>Add</button>

Polling: useCustomerQuery({ pollingInterval: 2000 });




Recap: Predictable State Managment using REDUX

  • Store --> Single Store per redux module
  • State resides in Store
  • actions are dispatched to store, store passes state and action to root reducer
  • Root Reducer passes state, action to each and every reducers
  • Any reducer interested in action type, clones the state, mutates and returns new state
  • Store updates the state
  • mapStateToProps() React View Component can subscribe for state changes
  • mapDispatchToProps() used to dispatch actions to store

RTK --> redux toolkit simplifies using Redux

  • createSlice() --> to define actions and reducers in one place

  • RTK handles immutable collections using 3rd party library like immer.js reducers:{}

  • createAsyncThunk() ==> Thunk middleware for Async action dispatch dispatch(fetchCustomers()) fetchCustomers.pending, fetchCustomers.fullfilled, fetchCustomers.rejected extraReducers: {}

  • createApi() ---> RTK Query caching, pooling, pre-fetching generates hooks for every endpoint

  • useCallbackHook

function SomeComponent() { let [state, setState] = useState(); const fn = () => { // code }

function fn2() {



Whenever state changes, component re-loads and all functions are re-loaded.

let MemoCardComponent = React.memo(CardComponent); // memoize CardComponent // store state and props of CardComponents in Cache // memo() checks new state and props with cached data // decide if it needs to render or not

Day 5

MobX Cleaner, simpler alternate to Redux Observer Observable design pattern

State: * Observable * Properties you want to observe or change over time * similar to useState()

Action: * functions that changes observable state * similar to useState's setter function

Derivations: * anything that can be derived from observable state 1) Computed Valies 2) Reactions

--> Action --> updates Observable State --> notify Computed Values and reactions

npm i mobx

productapp-mobx --> all files from productapp-rtk

  • delete redux folder
  • remove entries of redux in "index.tsx"
  • remove Customers.tsx and Posts.tsx
  • remove @redux-toolkit and react-redux entries

productapp-mobx % npm i mobx mobx-logger mobx-react-lite

mobx-react-lite --> helps make react components as Observer

"experimentalDecorators": true

mobx/CartStore.ts index.tsx ProductCard.tsx

export default observer(CartComponent); export default observer(NavbarComponent);


  1. Without Decorators:

class CartStore { cart:CartItem[]= []; constructor() { makeObservable(this, { cart:observable, addToCart: action, count: computed }); } /// };

  1. Without Decorators: makeAutoObservable ==> fields --> observable, methods becomes action, getters becomes computed class CartStore { cart:CartItem[]= []; constructor() { makeAutoObservable(this); } /// };


Mobx State Tree MobX-State-Tree (also known as MST) is a state container system built on MobX

  • MST provides centralized stores for your data
  • runtime type checking
  • Every update to your data is traced and you can quickly generate snapshots of your state at any time
  • Using snapshots, you can do time-travel debugging


  1. types --> actions, views [computed values]

export const Book = types.model("Book", {
    id: types.identifier,
    name: types.string,
    author: types.string,
    series_t: types.optional(types.string, ""),
    sequence_i: types.number,
    genre_s: types.string,
    pages_i: types.number,
    price: types.number,
    isAvailable: true

export const BookStore = types
    .model("BookStore", {
        isLoading: true,
        books: types.array(Book)
    .views((self) => ({
        get shop() {
            return getParent(self)
        get sortedAvailableBooks() {
            return sortBooks(values(self.books))
    .actions((self) => {
        function markLoading(loading) {
            self.isLoading = loading

        function updateBooks(json) {
            values(self.books).forEach((book) => (book.isAvailable = false))
            json.forEach((bookJson) => {
                self.books.get( = true

        return {

function sortBooks(books) {
    return books
        .filter((b) => b.isAvailable)
        .sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : === ? 0 : -1))

copy productapp-mobx --> productapp-mst npm i mobx mobx-state-tree mobx-react-lite

advanced-react-bootcamp's People


banuprakash avatar

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