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easygdf's Introduction

EasyGDF โšก

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EasyGDF is a python library that simplifies the loading and saving of general datafile format (GDF) files used in the particle accelerator simulation code General Particle Tracer (GPT).

How to Install

Find us on PyPI! ๐Ÿ˜€

pip install easygdf

Also available on conda-forge! Add the channel by following the instructions on their website and then install easygdf.

conda install easygdf


Let's look at a minimal example of reading and writing GDF files. GDF files are organized into blocks which each have a name, a value, and possibly some children. The children are also blocks.

import easygdf
import numpy as np

# Let's write an example file with a variety of data types
blocks = [
    {"name": "an array", "value": np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])},
    {"name": "a string", "value": "Hello world!"},
    {"name": "a group", "value": 3.14, "children": [{"name": "child", "value": 1.0}]}
]"minimal.gdf", blocks)

# Now we'll read it back and print out some info about each block
d = easygdf.load("minimal.gdf")
for b in d["blocks"]:
    print("name='{0}'; value='{1}'; n_children={2}".format(b["name"], b["value"], len(b["children"])))

EasyGDF returns data as python/numpy native data types. The file is returned as a dictionary containing all elements of the file header as well as the data itself. The blocks show up as a list under the key blocks in the returned dict. Every block contains the same three keys: name, value, and children. Children is a python list of blocks itself. This format (GDF file being returned as a dict) is meant to be fully compatible with the corresponding GDF save function. This makes quick modification of GDF files simple.

import easygdf

d = easygdf.load("your_file.gdf")
# Modify the data in "d" here"modified_file.gdf", **d)

When we're dealing with the output of GPT directly and not an abstract GDF file, we don't need to deal with raw blocks and can rely on easyGDF to return the data in a cleaner format. Let's try using one of the convenience functions for this task.

import easygdf

# Pull out an example screen/tout file from easygdf
filename = easygdf.get_example_screen_tout_filename()

# Load it and print the number of screens and time outs
d = easygdf.load_screens_touts(filename)
print("n_screens: {0}".format(len(d["screens"])))
print("n_touts: {0}".format(len(d["touts"])))

# Let's print some data from the first screen in the file
screen = d["screens"][0]
print("x: {0}".format(screen["x"]))
print("Bx: {0}".format(screen["Bx"]))
print("m: {0}".format(screen["m"]))

All data is again returned as a dictionary with the screens and touts showing up as lists of dictionaries under the corresponding keys.

Another common use of GDF files is in specifying initial particle distributions for GPT. Let's take a look at using the library's function for this task.

import easygdf
import numpy as np

# Save some data to an initial distribution file.  Unspecified required values are autofilled for us

You may notice, that we haven't specified all required particle parameters for GPT. Don't worry, EasyGDF will autofill those values with zeros for you to produce a valid output. Certain parameters (such as if you don't manually set ID) will be filled with appropriate non-zero values ([1,2,3,4,...] in this case).


This project uses the unittest framework. Please run the tests in this project by running the following command at the root of this repository.

$ python -m unittest

If you are contributing to the library (Thank you!) please make sure your PR passes the full test suite. In addition, please add unit tests during bugfixes that will fail on the bug being repaired. For feature additions please add test cases as reasonable.

Reporting Issues and Contributing

Errors are tracked on our github page. Please report your problems/feature requests there with as much detail as possible. Contributions are always welcome. Please open an issue on github and start a discussion there before working on a PR. Thanks!

Package Reference

load(f, ...)

All data in GDF file is loaded into python dictionary. Dict will have the following keys which include the data blocks as well as information from the file's header.

  • creation_time: datetime object
  • creator: string
  • destination: string
  • gdf_version: tuple (int, int)
  • creator_version: tuple (int, int)
  • destination_version: tuple (int, int)
  • dummy: tuple (int, int)
  • blocks: list of block dictionaries (see following description)

The main section of the file shows up in "blocks" which is a list of each hierarchical name-value pair. Blocks are returned as python dicts with the keys: name, value, children. The contents of children is itself a list of blocks with the same format. Array values in the GDF file are populated into numpy arrays of the correct data type.

  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while loading blocks in GDF file
  • max_block (default: 1e6): Maximum number of blocks that will be read in each GDF group

Dictionary of GDF data (see description)

save(f, blocks=None, ...)

Saves user provided data into a GDF file. Blocks is a list of python dicts with the keys: name, value, children. Name must be a string that may be encoded as ASCII. Values may be an int, a float, a string, None, a bytes object, or a numpy array. Most numpy data types are supported except for complex types. The contents of "children" is itself a list of blocks with the same format.

Function signature is fully compatible with load function to simplify the following example of editing a GDF file:

import easygdf

d = easygdf.load("your_file.gdf")
# Modify the data in "d" here"modified_file.gdf", **d)
  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • blocks (default: None): List of GDF blocks to be saved (see description)
  • creation_time (default: time when file is written): int/datetime object creation time written to header
  • creator (default: "easygdf"): string written to header
  • destination (default: ""): string written to header
  • gdf_version (default: (1, 1)): tuple (int, int) written to header. (Don't change unless you like messing with low-level stuff)
  • creator_version (default: (2, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • destination_version (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • dummy (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while saving blocks in GDF file


load_screens_touts(f, ...)

Loads screens and touts from a GDF file and returns them in a more friendly dictionary. Screens are in the list "screens" and touts in the corresponding list "touts". Root level parameters and header objects are returned in the root of the dictionary.

  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while loading blocks in GDF file
  • max_block (default: 1e6): Maximum number of blocks read from each GDF group

Dictionary with screens/touts and root level data

save_screens_touts(f, screens=None, touts=None, ...)

Saves user data into a file with the format of a GPT output. Signature is fully compatible with the output of the corresponding load function. Screens and touts are passed as a list of dicts with the following numpy arrays.

particle keys in tout: x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz, m, q, nmacro, rmacro, ID, fEx, fEy, fEz, fBx, fBy, fBz, G, rxy

scatter keys in tout: scat_x, scat_y, scat_z, scat_Qin, scat_Qout, scat_Qnet, scat_Ein, scat_Eout, scat_Enet, scat_inp

particle keys in screen: ID, x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz, t, m, q, nmacro, rmacro, rxy, G

Arrays don't need to be set in the dict if unused. The missing keys will be automatically filled in with zeros to the correct length. In the case of redundant keys (such as rxy, G, or ID) values are computed from provided data. Scatter keys and particle keys in tout are handled separately in filling out array lengths (IE: if x was set to an array of length 10, then y would be padded to that length in the output, but scat_x would remain empty). Any auxiliary keys in the dict will be saved to the screen/tout.

In addition to array elements, screen may contain the scalar "position" and tout can have the scalar "time" which will be used as parameters for the groups. Defaults are zero for each.

  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • screens (default: None): list of screen dicts
  • touts (default: None): list of tout dicts
  • logo (default: "B&M-General Particle Tracer"): string
  • scat_x (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_y (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_z (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Qin (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Qout (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Qnet (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Ein (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Eout (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_Enet (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • scat_inp (default: np.array([])): numpy array
  • numderivs (default: 0): int
  • cputime(default: 0.0): float
  • creation_time (default: current time): int/datetime object creation time written to header (default: time when file is written)
  • creator (default: "easygdf"): string written to header
  • destination (default: ""): string written to header
  • gdf_version (default: (1, 1)): tuple (int, int) written to header. (Don't change unless you like messing with low-level stuff)
  • creator_version (default: (2, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • destination_version (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • dummy (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while saving blocks in GDF file


load_initial_distribution(f, ...)

Loads GPT initial distribution file into dict. All arrays are loaded directly into the returned dict as well as the GDF header. See parameters in corresponding save function for list of all parameters.

  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while loading blocks in GDF file
  • max_block (default: 1e6): Maximum number of blocks read from each GDF group

dict of initial distribution data

save_initial_distribution(f, x=None, y=None, z=None, GBx=None, GBy=None, GBz=None, ...)

Saves GPT compatible initial distribution file. All array objects must be the same length (IE the number of particles). If required values (either {x, y, z, GBx, GBy, GBz} or {x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz}) are missing, easyGDF will autofill them with zeros. Only specify the momentum or the velocity of particles, not both. Any parameters no directly in the function's signature can be included as addition keyword arguments and will be added as well.

  • f: filename or open file/stream-like object
  • x (default: None): numpy array, particle position
  • y (default: None):numpy array, particle position
  • z (default: None):numpy array, particle position
  • GBx (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
  • GBy (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
  • GBz (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
  • Bx (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
  • By (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
  • Bz (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
  • t (default: None):numpy array, particle spawn time
  • G (default: None):numpy array, Lorentz factor
  • m (default: None):numpy array, particle mass
  • q (default: None):numpy array, particle charge
  • nmacro (default: None):numpy array, number of macroparticles
  • rmacro (default: None):numpy array, macroparticle size
  • ID (default: None):numpy array, macroparticle ID
  • creation_time (default: current time): int/datetime object creation time written to header (default: time when file is written)
  • creator (default: "easygdf"): string written to header
  • destination (default: ""): string written to header
  • gdf_version (default: (1, 1)): tuple (int, int) written to header. (Don't change unless you like messing with low-level stuff)
  • creator_version (default: (2, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • destination_version (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • dummy (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
  • max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while saving blocks in GDF file


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easygdf's Issues

Setting particle ID in save_initial_distribution

The new version looks awesome. One use case that looks like it might be missing is setting the particle ID numbers. This is actually used by people in BBL, when they are looking at core charges vs. shield charges and what have you. Its also useful for directly computing the particle trajectories (GPT has a method for that, but with easygdf, its basically just as easy to form the trajectories oneself in python). Can this be added? Or is it already there? I didn't see it in:

save_initial_distribution(f, x=None, y=None, z=None, GBx=None, GBy=None, GBz=None, ...)

Saves GPT compatible initial distribution file. All array objects must be the same length (IE the number of particles). If required values (either {x, y, z, GBx, GBy, GBz} or {x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz}) are missing, easyGDF will autofill them with zeros. Only specify the momentum or the velocity of particles, not both.


f: filename or open file/stream-like object
x (default: None): numpy array, particle position
y (default: None):numpy array, particle position
z (default: None):numpy array, particle position
GBx (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
GBy (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
GBz (default: None):numpy array, particle momentum
Bx (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
By (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
Bz (default: None):numpy array, particle velocity
t (default: None):numpy array, particle spawn time
G (default: None):numpy array, Lorentz factor
m (default: None):numpy array, particle mass
q (default: None):numpy array, particle charge
nmacro (default: None):numpy array, number of macroparticles
rmacro (default: None):numpy array, macroparticle size
creation_time (default: current time): int/datetime object creation time written to header (default: time when file is written)
creator (default: "easygdf"): string written to header
destination (default: ""): string written to header
gdf_version (default: (1, 1)): tuple (int, int) written to header. (Don't change unless you like messing with low-level stuff)
creator_version (default: (2, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
destination_version (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
dummy (default: (0, 0)): tuple (int, int) written to header
max_recurse (default: 16): Maximum recursion depth while saving blocks in GDF file

Easygdf Dict Interface

At the moment, blocks in the GDF file are returned as a list which mirrors how they are stored in the file. However, this does make it more difficult to index entries in the file as an end user. Assuming there are no duplicate keys in the blocks list, it could be nice to return the data as a dict instead of a list. Since I would just be calling the original code that handles list-type block data I can have it return an error in the case of duplicate keys and tell the end user to handle it on their own with the list version.

Incorrect usage of assert for error detection

Just to let you know in for example, this use of assert below is incorrect, if someone runs in -O or -OO mode (not entirely unreasonable) then these asserts will never be run, and the error will be handed in an unpredictable way. This is elsewhere in the code as well. There should be a class inheriting Exception like GDFIOError (say) and that should be raised instead, so the user can maybe catch this, whereas catching an AssertionError is not a good idea. assert should really just be used as an interactive comment/sanity check I would say. Just something I noticed. Thanks for writing this nice package anyway, saved me some time this week.

assert isinstance(f, io.BufferedReader)  # Trigger any IO errors here
assert is_gdf(f)

Initial Distribution Integer IDs Fail Silently

The following code using integer IDs saves an initial distribution file with an empty ID array.

easygdf.save_initial_distribution(distname, ... ID=np.arange(x.shape[0])+1)

It works correctly when called like the following which will pass an array of floats.

easygdf.save_initial_distribution(distname, ... ID=np.arange(x.shape[0])+1.0)

The expected behavior is that easygdf either saves the integers or converts to floats if GPT requires IDs in the distribution file to be floats.

Pandas Interface and Naming Conventions

A lot of the data stored in GDF files (for instance, the screens or initial particle distributions) is row-like. I think pandas would be useful here. I don't want to add it as a required dependency, however, so I am thinking of adding some functions to help with pandas import/export, but only have them show up if the user has installed pandas already.

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