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stalkerhek's Issues



can you post a little more how to about install and setup? missing stalkerhek.yml. thanks :)

MAC and URL only?

Hello. is it possible to use this with accounts that are URL and MAC address only?


Does it work for you?

Simple question - does it work for you?

I wrote this application so I can see IPTV on PS3 and VLC, and it did work for me at some extent. I tried to make it as perfect as I could, but I only had a single box to test it. I have no clue if it works for anyone else.

Let me know in the comments if this app does work for you. I did not expect any stars or forks for this project, but seems there is a demand for this app :D

No passwd in the GET request but passed in the json in hexadecimal


I am using stbemu on firetv stick. I don't see any login/passwd being passed to the server in the GET request from the stbemu.
I do see it in the response to get_profile GET request in form of json. The login name is in clear text but the passwd is in hexadecimal. Any idea how its getting decoded? I tried using the hex string as passwd but I get "User not exist or login-password mismatch".


Usage using ARMV7

I see that you have ARMV6 and ARMV8. Can any of the two be used on an ARMV7?

Find out 'logoff' request


Stalker client (e.g. Kodi Stalker PVR addon) in certain scenarios is sending a special HTTP request that tells Stalker middleware to disconnect other devices that are using the same credentials.

I have no STB box with me right now and cannot find it by myself, therefore looking for testers who can try to find what sort of request it is. Expect some action=logoff in URL or something.

How to

Scenario would be like this:

  1. Start recording network activity of both devices.
  2. Configure 2 devices to use identical Stalker middleware, with identical account/portal.
  3. Start first device, while second is powered off. Swatch watching IPTV...
  4. Start second device while first one is being used.
  5. First device should stop working right away.

If device stopped working, it means such request has been sent. Find it in Wireshark logs and share with me.

More info

For more information, see

./stalkerhek_linux_x86_64 2021/03/21 09:36:03 main.go:46: invalid credentials

need help please, dont know why i am getting this error msg

device_id=4427E82C0C0ECD9B451F5F6FBBBFBF853363D21975808A97AC55EA6FA69D6ED2&device_id2=A211D5558B5F4B378E78310AA12D7502BF38CE49B5ACC25AE9FD013AAA501048&signature=vsYtYYLrAuylw3IqOoEIb5XbrujdsQdAR/AxyO1ZRiQ=&auth_second_step=1&hw_version=1.7-BD-00&not_valid_token=0&JsHttpRequest=1-xml HTTP/1.1
Cookie: __cfduid=ddca3b6d4ceee39e20e5c20de1bb01fca1616242567

model: MAG250
serial_number: yes13 numbers
device_id: 4427E82C0C0ECD9B451F5F6FBBBFBF853363D21975808A97AC55EA6FA69D6ED2
device_id2: A211D5558B5F4B378E78310AA12D7502BF38CE49B5ACC25AE9FD013AAA501048
signature: vsYtYYLrAuylw3IqOoEIb5XbrujdsQdAR/AxyO1ZRiQ=
mac: yes valid mac
username: yes login
password: yes pass
time_zone: America/Toronto

error while installation

stalkerhek-master# go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o "stalkerhek" ./cmd/stalkerhek/main.go
cmd/stalkerhek/main.go:7:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go-1.10/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
cmd/stalkerhek/main.go:8:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/lib/go-1.10/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Couple of suggestions

Thanks for creating this. I was able to make it work after a couple of workarounds that I would like to highlight

    Unfortunately my provider was using token instead of Token, so even though new Token was being returned it was not being used as it didn't match the field.

    I think links should be made absolute rather than relative. I found no app on IOS that would respect relative links except VLC. Once I changed this to absolute it started working with all of those apps.

I might have more suggestion as I start rolling back the changes I made to make it work. I will keep you updated.

got channellist, but video is 404


thank you for this cool tool, but i have a problem

it seams that i got the right authentication details, because the tool fetches the channellist, but then i always got error 404

can you please help me

ps: why do we have to sniff the authentication details, and don't do it like the stalker pvr kodi plugin?

Fail to update channel

request_iptv.go:25: Failed to update channel: Stalker portal returned invalid link to TV Channel: stalker portal returned invalid link to tv channel: http///xxxxxxxxxxxxx ............... although the link works

Authentication (observation)

After log into multiple iptv service provider hosts (thorough this script) what I have observed is,
only 3 things matter for successfully login : host, mac and token (Bearer). You can put whatever in sn, device_ids, signature.
For token, we have to rely on 'stalker portal mac' based apps like stbemu and ott navigator. First we need to authenticate through one of these apps and obtain (only) the token (and mac and host as usual) then put it in 'stalker.yml' config file and voila HLS service starts.
If I change one character from the token, the service fails to login. Generated token does not work.

Problem is, if someone uses the same portal host and mac to log into portal through stbemu or ott navigator or whatever 3rd party apps, the token changes and then we need to re-authenticate and obtain the token once again. Otherwise it shows an error while trying to stream a channel : invalid character 'A' found in .....

(help) Mac based login STB configuration

Straight to the point, So, mac based stb doesn't require username password and I did sniff http packet from my mac based iptv, Can someone please give and idea to modify the script and make it work for my iptv portal? (This would help many cause most of them use this type iptv)

GET /stalker_portal/server/load.php?type=stb&action=handshake&token=&prehash=9c42ac937c6bc42ba21b45b853bfc020b013f8f6&JsHttpRequest=1-xml HTTP/1.1
Cookie: mac=00%3A1A%3A79%3A22%3A00%3A12; stb_lang=en; timezone=Europe%2FLondon; adid=7be88d36cf378912b9216ba1373ec958
Accept: /
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (QtEmbedded; U; Linux; C) AppleWebKit/533.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) MAG200 stbapp ver: 2 rev: 250 Safari/533.3
X-User-Agent: Model: MAG250; Link: WiFi
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip

There is no GET named "do_auth" as seen in "authetication.go" file. After handshake direct channel list showing

Kindly help me to make a proper stalkerhek.yml configuration.

Channel list load

Hi I have a problem when loading the channel list:

2021/09/09 11:23:45 main.go:34: Retrieving channels list from Stalker middleware...
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

goroutine 1 [running]:*Portal).RetrieveChannels(0xc0000d82c0)
        /home/username/stalkerhek/stalker/channels.go:121 +0x4c5
        /home/username/stalkerhek/cmd/stalkerhek/main.go:35 +0x15c

I added an extra debug line in loop:
log.Println("parsing channel", v)
2021/09/09 11:23:45 channels.go:113: parsing channel {CHANNELNAME ffmpeg http:///ch/1111/1/ 1 []}

So my understanding is that is crashing because the CMDs struct is empty [] and cannot get v.CMDs[0].ID is it expecting a different structure for channels list ?

All channels appear like this in my case "cmds": [],

I can see the fields populated on the channel level
"id": "1"
"ch_id": "1111",

So changed

        type tmpStruct struct {
                Js struct {
                        Data []struct {
                                Name    string `json:"name"`        // Title of channel
                                Cmd     string `json:"cmd"`         // Some sort of URL used to request channel real URL
                                Logo    string `json:"logo"`        // Link to logo
                                GenreID string `json:"tv_genre_id"` // Genre ID
                                ID      string `json:"id"`    // Used for Proxy service to generate fake response to new URL request
                                CH_ID   string `json:"ch_id"` // Used for Proxy service to generate fake response to new URL request
                        } `json:"data"`
                } `json:"js"`


        // Build channels list and return
        channels := make(map[string]*Channel, len(tmp.Js.Data))
        for _, v := range tmp.Js.Data {
                log.Println("parsing channel", v)
                channels[v.Name] = &Channel{
                        Title:     v.Name,
                        CMD:       v.Cmd,
                        LogoLink:  v.Logo,
                        Portal:    p,
                        GenreID:   v.GenreID,
                        Genres:    &genres,
                        CMD_CH_ID: v.ID,
                        CMD_ID:    v.CH_ID,

It seems to be working but I am not sure what the expected structure is.

Streams stopping every 15 sec

Hi man, the streams are stopping on still image every 15 sec for 5 sec, and then starts playing. Is this somthing i can do to fix in the config or Go file :) ?

INFO: STBEMU authentication method on fire tv


I am running stbemu on firetv stick. Using the macbook as access point and running wireshark, I found the way in which the stbemu authenticates. Here is the python code, the following needs to be filled in though, base_url, serial number and the mac address. All can be found on the Settings menu. The base_url is the location referred by 301 status code. Do modify your timezone if needed.

Now, I am not a golang programmer or even a python programmer but I will try to give it a go (pun intended) if/when time permits. I am attaching code here if anyone who knows the goland can have a crack at it. This python code is not optimized or anything. Just a crude way to login and dump the stb profile info. Its supposed to be a starter point for modifying stalkerhex code.

import requests
import json
import sys
import urllib.parse
import time

debug = False
nl = "\n"
base_url = "XXXXXX"
stb_type = "MAG250"
stb_mac = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
stb_timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"
stb_prehash = ""
stb_adid = ""

headers = {
	'User-Agent':  'Mozilla/5.0 (QtEmbedded; U; Linux; C; Emulator/1.2.12) AppleWebKit/533.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) MAG200 stbapp ver: 2 rev: 250 Safari/533.3',

def dump_url_response(r):
    if debug:
        print ("\n")
        print ("===Status Code", r.url, r.status_code)
        print ("===Headers", r.url, nl, r.headers)
        print ("===Cookies", r.url, nl, r.cookies.get_dict())
        print ("===Text", r.url, nl, r.text)
        print (nl)

r=requests.get(base_url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
location = ""
if (r.status_code == 301):
	location = r.headers['location']
	base_url = location
	print ("New base_url ", base_url)
	r=requests.get(location, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, cookies=r.cookies)
	#remove /c/
	if "/c/" in base_url:
		base_url = base_url.replace("/c/","")
	print ("Modded New base_url ", base_url)

stb_cookies = { "mac" : urllib.parse.quote_plus(stb_mac), "stb_lang" : "en",  "timezone" : urllib.parse.quote_plus(stb_timezone), "adid" : stb_adid}

token = ""
load_php_url =  base_url + "/server/load.php?type=stb&action=handshake&token=" + token + "&prehash=" + stb_prehash + "&JsHttpRequest=1-xml"
this_url = load_php_url
r=requests.get(this_url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, cookies=stb_cookies)

load_php_dict = json.loads(r.text)
if debug:
    print ("load_php_dict ", load_php_dict)
if  ('token' not in load_php_dict['js']):
    print ("load_php_dict failed, key not found", nl, r.text)

token =  load_php_dict['js']['token']
stb_random = load_php_dict['js']['random']
if debug:
    print ("token  ", token)
    print ("stb_random  ", stb_random)
if 'not_valid' in load_php_dict['js']:
	not_valid = load_php_dict['js']['not_valid']
	if not_valid == 1:
		print ("not_valid is 1")

stb_timestamp = str(int(time.time()))

get_profile_url = base_url + "/server/load.php?type=stb&action=get_profile&sn=" + stb_sn +  "&timestamp= " + stb_timestamp

this_url = get_profile_url
r=requests.get(this_url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, cookies=stb_cookies)

stb_profile = json.loads(r.text)
print("stb_profile", nl, json.dumps(stb_profile, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

error with this version, old one working fine with same yml

~/stalkerhek# ./stalkerhek
2021/03/25 13:46:36 main.go:28: Connecting to Stalker middleware...
2021/03/25 13:46:36 main.go:30: Get "?type=stb&action=handshake&prehash=0&token=0DEF849B0E17E8D8D9060F879BBEC665&JsHttpRequest=1-xml": unsupported protocol scheme ""

envo go : no such directory or file


I know 'go' programming language must be installed. i am receiving the following error when I try to build:

env: 'go': No such file or directory

I then install the golang using apt-get install golang , once I try rebuilding with ./ I receive the following error:

I get several errors like below:

$GOPATH not set

cmd/stalkerhek/main.go:11:2 cannot find package "" in any of /usr/lib/go-1.6/src/" (from $GOROOT).

Can you please advise?

Happy Christmas.

How to

how to use this. please help.

Failed to update channel

request_iptv.go:25: Failed to update channel: invalid character 'A' looking for beginning of value

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