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amazingo's Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

Welcome to my ecommerce API built using Django and Django REST Framework. The API provides endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data related to products, product lines, categories, attribute values, product types, and attributes.

1.2 Specification

1.2.1 User Requirements

Return a single product and associated product lines Return a list of all products Return a list of products by category Return a list of products by product attribute Return a list of new products Sort a list of products by price

1.2.2 Low Priority

Add a review for a product Return a list of products on promotion

1.2.3 Business Requirements

Add, Update or Delete new products Add, Return or Update details related to product stock levels Report: Return a list of total products sold per product Report: Return a list of newly added products for a given timeframe Report: Return a list of low or not-in-stock products Sort a list of products by date Return the name of the user who entered the product into the database When was the product added to the database?

1.2.4 System Requirements

Return product data and images Return a single product and associated sub-product

1.2.5 User Story

Title Customer Product Browsing Behaviour
Description Identifying a basic customer behavioural interaction when browsing products
Actors and Interfaces Customer / Web User
Initial Status and Preconditions Assumption that customer enters from the root/homepage
Basic Flow Step1: Land on the homepage
Step2: Select a product category
Step3: Browse, select, and view individual products related to the selected category
Step4: Select and view individual product-line details
Alternate Flows - Customers may prefer searching for the product using keyword search features
- Customers may navigate to a product from an internal promotional panel

2. Getting Started

2.1 Tech Stack

Back-end frameworks: Django, Django REST Framework


Testing Framework: pytest

2.2 Installation

2.2.1 Install Python


  1. Go to the official Python website: Python
  2. Download the latest version of Python for Windows by clicking on the "Download Python" button. Choose the version that is appropriate for your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
  3. Open the downloaded installer and follow the installation wizard. Make sure to select the option "Add Python to PATH" during the installation process.


  1. Go to the official Python website: Python
  2. Download the latest version of Python for Windows by clicking on the "Download Python" button. Choose the version that is appropriate for your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
  3. Open the downloaded installer and follow the installation wizard. Make sure to select the option "Install for all users" and "Add Python to PATH" during the installation process.


  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Use the package manager for your Linux distribution to install Python. For example, on Ubuntu and Debian, you can use the command sudo apt-get install python3 to install Python 3.
  3. Verify that Python is installed by running the command python3 --version in the terminal. If Python is installed correctly, you should see the version number of Python that you installed.

2.2.2 Install & Activate Virtual Environment

Depending on how you want to use this project, you may want to run it locally on your machine. If so follow the steps on this section:

  1. Install virtualenv: Once you have installed Python, you can install virtualenv using pip. Open your terminal (Command Prompt for Windows) and type:
pip install virtualenv

MacOS & Linux

  1. Create a virtual environment: To create a virtual environment, go to the directory where you want to create it and run the following command:
virtualenv myenv

Here, myenv is the name of the virtual environment. You can choose any name you want.

  1. Activate the virtual environment: To activate the virtual environment, run the following command:
source myenv/bin/activate


On Windows, the command is slightly different:


2.2.3 Install Requirements

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the requirements.txt file.
  3. Run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt

2.2.4 Run on Local Server

Run inside the directory containing file:

python runserver

2.2.5 Run the migrations


python makemigrations


python migrate

3. Structure & Design

3.1 Folder Structure

3.2 Database Design

3.3 Design Outline w/ Records

Specific example, how the records might appear on the database.

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4. Models

4.1 IsActiveQueryset Custom Manager

defines a single method is_active that returns a filtered queryset containing only the active categories (those with is_active=True).

By using as_manager() on the IsActiveQueryset class and assigning it to the objects attribute of the Category model, we are creating a custom manager named objects that can be used to query the Category model with the is_active() method.

In other words, by using the custom manager in our queries, we can easily filter and retrieve only active categories without having to write the filter expression each time. In the next model, we can do Category.objects.is_active() instead of Category.objects.filter(is_active=True).

This approach promotes code reuse and improves code readability, making it easier to maintain and extend the codebase in the future.

4.2 Category Model

Field Parameters Type
name max_length=235, unique=True CharField
slug max_length=255, unique=True SlugField
is_active default=False BooleanField
parent on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True TreeForeignKey to self model

4.3. Product Model

Field Parameters Type
name max_length=100 CharField
slug max_length=255 SlugField
pid max_length=10, unique=True CharField
description blank=True TextField
is_digital default=False BooleanField
category on_delete=models.PROTECT TreeForeignKey to Category model
product_type on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="product_type" ForeignKey to ProductType model
is_active default=False BooleanField
created_at auto_now_add=True, editable=False DateTimeField
attribute_value through="ProductAttributeValue", related_name="product_attr_value" ManyToManyField to AttributeValue model

Note: Purpose of BooleanField is_active:

  • Product may be seasonal.
  • Product may be incomplete and until the docs/images/stock is ready, the product might have to stay offline.

Tip: Don't utilise primary key since it indicates how many products we have, auto incrementing, if someone scrapes our website, they can grab all the data.

4.4 Attribute Model

Field Parameters Type
name max_length=100 CharField
description blank=True TextField

4.5 AttributeValue Model

Field Parameters Type
attribute_value max_length=100 CharField
attribute on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="attribute_value" ForeignKey to Attribute model

4.6 ProductAttributeValue Model

Field Parameters Type
attribute_value on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_value_av" ForeignKey to AttributeValue model
product on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="producte_value_pl" ForeignKey to Product model

4.7 ProductLineAttributeValue Model

Field Parameters Type
attribute_value on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_attribute_value_av" ForeignKey to AttributeValue model
product_line on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_attribute_value_pl" ForeignKey to ProductLine model

4.7 ProductLine Model

Field Parameters Type
price decimal_places=2, max_digits=5 DecimalField
sku max_length=10 CharField
stock_qty IntegerField
product on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="product_line" ForeignKey to Product model
is_active default=False BooleanField
order unique_for_field="product", blank=True OrderField
weight FloatField
attribute_value through="ProductLineAttributeValue", related_name="product_line_attribute_value" ManyToManyField to AttributeValue model
product_type on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="product_line_type" ForeignKey to ProductType model
created_at auto_now_add=True, editable=False DateTimeField

4.8 ProductImage Model

Field Parameters Type
alternative_text max_length=100 CharField
url upload_to=None, default="test.jpg" ImageField
product_line on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_image" ForeignKey to ProductLine model
order unique_for_field="product_line", blank=True OrderField

4.9 ProductType Model

Field Parameters Type
name max_length=100 CharField
parent on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True ForeignKey to self model
attribute through="ProductTypeAttribute", related_name="product_type_attribute" ManyToManyField to Attribute model

4.10 ProductTypeAttribute Model

Field Parameters Type
product_type on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_type_attribute_pt" ForeignKey to ProductType model
attribute on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="product_type_attribute_a" ForeignKey to Attribute model

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5. API Endpoints

Go to:

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6. Testing

6.1 Model Testing

6.1.1 Category Model:


checks if the str() method of the Category model is implemented correctly and returns the category name as its string representation.


checks if the Category model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the name field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.

Note: previous tests do not test Django, they test the implementation of the developer.


checks if the Category model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the slug field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


checks if the Category model properly enforces the uniqueness constraint for the name field and raises an IntegrityError when a duplicate name is attempted to be saved.


checks if the Category model properly enforces the uniqueness constraint for the slug field and raises an IntegrityError when a duplicate name is attempted to be saved.


checks if the Category model correctly sets the default value of the is_active field to False when creating new instances.


checks if the Category model correctly enforces the PROTECT constraint on the parent field, preventing the deletion of a parent category when it still has child categories associated with it.


checks if the Category model allows the parent field to be None by default when creating a new Category instance. It ensures that a category without a specified parent is created with a parent value of None.


checks if the Category model's manager method is_active() returns only the active categories. It ensures that when calling Category.objects.is_active(), only categories with is_active set to True are included in the queryset.


checks if the Category model's manager method is_active() returns only the active categories. It ensures that when calling Category.objects.is_active(), only categories with is_active set to False are included in the queryset.

6.1.2 Product Model:


verifies that the str() method of the Product model is implemented correctly and returns the product name as its string representation.


verifies that the Product model correctly enforces the PROTECT constraint on the product_type field, preventing the deletion of a ProductType when it still has associated Product instances.


checks if the Product model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the name field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


checks if the Product model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the slug field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


checks if the Product model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the pid field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


verifies that the Product model correctly stores the value of the is_digital field when it's set to False during the creation of a new instance.


verifies that the Product model correctly enforces the PROTECT constraint on the category field, preventing the deletion of a Category when it still has associated Product instances.


verifies that the Product model's is_active() method correctly filters and returns only active products in the queryset.


verifies that the Product model's is_active() method correctly filters and returns only active products in the queryset.

6.1.3 ProductLine Model:


checks if the ProductLine model enforces the uniqueness constraint for the combination of its ForeignKey fields attribute_value and product_line. It ensures that a ValidationError is raised when trying to create a ProductLineAttributeValue instance with the same attribute and product_line values as an existing ProductLineAttributeValue.

In summary, this test verifies that the ProductLine model correctly enforces the uniqueness constraint for the combination of attribute_value and product_line fields, preventing the creation of duplicate ProductLineAttributeValue instances with the same attribute and product_line.


verifies that the str() method of the ProductLine model is implemented correctly and returns the SKU value as its string representation.


verifies that the ProductLine model correctly enforces the PROTECT constraint on the product_type field, preventing the deletion of a ProductType when it still has associated ProductLine instances.


checks if the ProductLine model properly enforces the decimal places constraint for the price field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


checks if the ProductLine model properly enforces the maximum digits constraint for the price field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.

6.1.4 ProductImage Model:


verifies that the str() method of the ProductImage model is implemented correctly and returns a string representation that combines the related ProductLine's SKU value and the "_img" suffix.


checks if the ProductImage model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the alternative_text field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.


verifies that the ProductImage model correctly enforces the uniqueness constraint for the combination of order and product_line fields, preventing the creation of duplicate ProductImage instances with the same order and product_line.

6.1.5 ProductType Model:


verifies that the str() method of the ProductType model is implemented correctly and returns the product type name as its string representation.


checks if the ProductType model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the name field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.

6.1.6 Attribute Model:


verifies that the str() method of the Attribute model is implemented correctly and returns the attribute name as its string representation.


checks if the Attribute model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the name field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.

6.1.7 AttributeValue Model:


verifies that the str() method of the AttributeValue model is implemented correctly and returns a string representation that combines the related Attribute's name and the attribute_value value.


checks if the AttributeValue model properly enforces the maximum length constraint for the attribute_value field and raises a ValidationError when the constraint is violated.

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6.2 Endpoint Testing

6.2.1 Category Endpoint:


tests the HTTP GET method for the category endpoint. It creates four categories using a fixture called "category_factory" and sends a GET request to the endpoint using an "api_client" fixture.

The test method then checks that the response status code is 200 (success) and that the length of the JSON content in the response is 4, which ensures that the endpoint returns the correct number of categories.

6.2.2 Product Endpoint:


uses a "product_factory" fixture to create a product with a specific slug and then sends a GET request to the product endpoint with the product's slug as part of the URL. The test asserts that the response status code is 200 and that the length of the JSON content in the response is 1, which means that the endpoint returns a single product.


uses fixtures called "category_factory" and "product_factory" to create a category and a product that belongs to that category. It then sends a GET request to the product endpoint with the category's slug as part of the URL. The test asserts that the response status code is 200 and that the length of the JSON content in the response is 1, which means that the endpoint returns a single product that belongs to the specified category.

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6.3 Notes on Tests

.clean() method inside the ProductLine model only applies within forms. When the developer tries to add a record from the terminal or by other means, the the method will not be applied. Hence, during testing, test_duplicate_order_values, the clean method is added at the end.

def test_duplicate_order_values(self, product_line_factory, product_factory):
    x = product_factory()
    product_line_factory(order=1, product=x)
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        product_line_factory(order=1, product=x).clean()

You may counteract this by applying the full_clean method inside the save method, as shown here:

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return super(ProductLine, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Now, the clean method is not required during the test:

def test_duplicate_order_values(self, product_line_factory, product_factory):
    x = product_factory()
    product_line_factory(order=1, product=x)
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        product_line_factory(order=1, product=x)

7. SQL Performance

class ProductViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
    """A simple Viewset for viewing all products"""

    queryset = Product.objects.all()
    lookup_field = "slug"

    def retrieve(self, request, slug=None):
        serializer = ProductSerializer(self.queryset.filter(slug=slug), many=True)

        # Insepection start:
        x = self.queryset.filter(slug=slug)
        sqlformatted = format(str(x.query), reindent=True)
        print(highlight(sqlformatted, SqlLexer(), TerminalFormatter()))
        # Inspection end.

        return Response(
SELECT "product_product"."id",
FROM "product_product"
WHERE "product_product"."slug" = p1

How many queries for this operation?

class ProductViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
    """A simple Viewset for viewing all products"""

    queryset = Product.objects.all()
    lookup_field = "slug"

    def retrieve(self, request, slug=None):
        serializer = ProductSerializer(self.queryset.filter(slug=slug), many=True)

        data = Response(

        q = list(connection.queries)
[10/Jan/2022 04:19:22] "GET /api/schema/ HTTP/1.1" 200 14844

List all the queries:

SELECT "product_product"."id",
FROM "product_product"
WHERE "product_product"."slug" = 'p2'       
SELECT "product_brand"."id",
FROM "product_brand"
WHERE "product_brand"."id" = 1
SELECT "product_category"."id",
FROM "product_category"
WHERE "product_category"."id" = 1
SELECT "product_productline"."id",
FROM "product_productline"
WHERE "product_productline"."product_id" = 2

That's too much for a simple LEFT (OUTER) JOIN. Let's add select_related method to specify the product's category while querying.

def retrieve(self, request, slug=None):
    serializer = ProductSerializer(
        self.queryset.filter(slug=slug).select_related("category"), many=True

Now we can see that JOIN inside our queries:

SELECT "product_product"."id",
FROM "product_product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "product_category" ON ("product_product"."category_id" = "product_category"."id")
WHERE "product_product"."slug" = 'p1'  

Using the second Foreign Key (brand) reduces another layer of query.

def retrieve(self, request, slug=None):
    serializer = ProductSerializer(
        self.queryset.filter(slug=slug).select_related("category", "brand"),

Now the number of queries are reduced to:

[10/Jan/2022 04:35:49] "GET /api/schema/ HTTP/1.1" 200 14844

Analysing the querysets within our views may be cumbersome. I have a specific middleware for this situation that you can use, here.

Use Prefetch to reduce the number of queries:

class ProductViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
    """A simple Viewset for viewing all products"""

    queryset = Product.objects.all().isactive()
    lookup_field = "slug"

    def retrieve(self, request, slug=None):
        serializer = ProductSerializer(
            .select_related("category", "brand")
        return Response(

Without prefetch:

                 [SQL Stats]
Total queries: 9
Total execution time: 0.0016ms
Duplicate queries: 0

With prefetch:

                 [SQL Stats]
Total queries: 4
Total execution time: 0.0002ms
Duplicate queries: 0

8. Future Work

  • Connect the project to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Deployment.

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9. Contributing

If you would like to add any extra features to the optimisation simulation, feel free to fork and create a pull request. Thank you!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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10. Contact

Erol Gelbul - Website

Project Link: Amazingo

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amazingo's People


erolgelbul avatar



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