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arcgis-powershell-dsc's Issues

Support AD-UserStore

There should be a possibility to connect ArcGIS Enterprise with an Active Directory in an automated way.

server-log not writeable by domainaccount

If the domainaccount which runs ArcGIS Server (RunAsServiceAccount) is NOT in Domain-Group Domain-Users or Domain-Administrators ArcGIS Server is not able to read/write logfiles which are located at c:\arcgisserver\logs due to insufficent permissions on this directory.

SSL/TLS secure channel failure

Module Version

ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'

Affected Resource(s)


Configuration Files

ArcGIS_DataStore arcgisDatastore {
    Ensure = 'Present'
    ServerHostName = $env:COMPUTERNAME.Substring(0,$env:COMPUTERNAME.Length -5) + "ags01"
    ContentDirectory = $dataStoreContentLocation
    DataStoreTypes = 'relational'
    RunAsAccount = $serviceAccountCredential
    SiteAdministrator = $psaCredential
    DependsOn = @('[xFirewall]arcgisDatastoreFirewallRules')

Expected Behavior

Datastore should be configured with the ArcGIS Server site.

Actual Behavior

The standard output shows

... failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message: Register Data Store Failed after multiple attempts.

Checking the dsc logs, found the following error

[WARNING]:- The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Important Factoids

  • Using Esri 10.6.1 image in Azure Marketplace
  • Digging into the ArcGIS_DataStore module, found that the issue is located in the Register-DataStore function, specifically when setting the certificate callback to $true. To get around the issue, I added the following line immediately below the callback.
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls11, tls12"

I am sure there is a more appropriate solution but this is what I came up with. Issue does not seem to occur when using the Esri 10.6 image in the Azure Marketplace which likely means this is related to changes in ArcGIS 10.6.1.

Test for non-HAPortal always false

The Test for Correct Portal Configuration is always false. As Test checks of wrong loglevels on Catalina which are only set for HA-Portal.

Installation of root certificate

I still have problems with the installation of the root certificate (see also issues thread #90, question #7).
My test was to install a single machine image server including the ssl root certificate (as shown in BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine-10.6-ssl-per-Node.json). The installation finished without errors (see attached configuration file and log file). I would have expected to find the root certificate installed on that server, but it is not.


  1. Actually, where should the root certificate be installed in general, especially in a multi machine environment?

  2. The ssl root certificate part is configured in the "ConfigData" - "Credentials" section of the configuration file. Where will this certificate be installed, eventually?

  3. Do I also need to configure an intermediate certificate as well (as provided in the sample) or can I just omit the intermediate certificate part?

  4. I want to install the root certificate on every server machine (Portal, hosted Server, Data Store, GeoEvent Server, Image Server) of my multi machine environment. What do I need to do?

Thank you very much, best regards,

Consider AdminAccessEnabled on Federation

Consider the Flag AdminAccessEnabled set in config.
On Federation the private URL is set to [machinename]:6443/ArcGIS
If the Flag AdminAccessEnabled is set to true the WebAdaptor-URL should be used instead.

Portal-Firewall rules diff from documentation

The Firewall Rules for Portal seem a little bit messed up according to this Documentation:
compared with

$IsMultiMachinePortal = (($AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.Role -icontains 'Portal' } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1)
if($IsMultiMachinePortal -or ($ConfigData.PortalEndPoint -as [ipaddress]))
xFirewall Portal_FirewallRules
Name = "PortalforArcGIS"
DisplayName = "Portal for ArcGIS"
DisplayGroup = "Portal for ArcGIS"
Ensure = 'Present'
Access = "Allow"
State = "Enabled"
Profile = ("Domain","Private","Public")
LocalPort = ("7080","7443","7654")
Protocol = "TCP"
$Depends += @('[xFirewall]Portal_FirewallRules')
{ # If single machine, need to open 7443 to allow federation over private portal URL and 6443 for changeServerRole
xFirewall Portal_FirewallRules
Name = "PortalforArcGIS"
DisplayName = "Portal for ArcGIS"
DisplayGroup = "Portal for ArcGIS"
Ensure = 'Present'
Access = "Allow"
State = "Enabled"
Profile = ("Domain","Private","Public")
LocalPort = ("7443")
Protocol = "TCP"
xFirewall ServerFederation_FirewallRules
Name = "ArcGISforServer-Federation"
DisplayName = "ArcGIS for Server"
DisplayGroup = "ArcGIS for Server"
Ensure = 'Present'
Access = "Allow"
State = "Enabled"
Profile = ("Domain","Private","Public")
LocalPort = ("6443")
Protocol = "TCP"
xFirewall Portal_Database_OutBound
Name = "PortalforArcGIS-Outbound"
DisplayName = "Portal for ArcGIS Outbound"
DisplayGroup = "Portal for ArcGIS Outbound"
Ensure = 'Present'
Access = "Allow"
State = "Enabled"
Profile = ("Domain","Private","Public")
RemotePort = ("7654","7120","7220", "7005", "7099", "7199", "5701", "5702") # Elastic Search uses 7120,7220 and Postgres uses 7654 for replication, Hazelcast uses 5701 and 5702 (extra 2 ports for situations where unable to get port)
Direction = "Outbound"
Protocol = "TCP"
$Depends += @('[xFirewall]Portal_Database_OutBound')
xFirewall Portal_Database_InBound
Name = "PortalforArcGIS-Inbound"
DisplayName = "Portal for ArcGIS Inbound"
DisplayGroup = "Portal for ArcGIS Inbound"
Ensure = 'Present'
Access = "Allow"
State = "Enabled"
Profile = ("Domain","Private","Public")
LocalPort = ("7120","7220", "5701", "5702") # Elastic Search uses 7120,7220, Hazelcast uses 5701 and 5702
Protocol = "TCP"
$Depends += @('[xFirewall]Portal_Database_InBound')

From my perspective following Things should be reviewed:

  • Open 7080 in first else branch as well.
  • Don't open 6443 on any part as it is ArcGIS Server Port and is only necessary if ArcGIS Server is installed on that machine.
  • Port 5703 is missing for HA-Portal (IsMultimachinePortal)
  • According to Docu Ports 7120, 7220 and 7654 are only local ports (so Outbound should be sufficent)

Could you please advise on these findings?

Problem with federation

I have two configuration files to set up a three machine environment. The only difference between the two configuration files are the “ssl per node” sections in the “AllNodes” part (one file with, one without this sections). (Still trying to get the server certificate installed on the portal machine and the root certificate on portal and server machines. 😊)

With ssl sections

Without ssl sections

In my opinion, both files should run without errors for the same (i. e. physically identical) environment. Running the configuration file WITHOUT the “ssl per node” sections, the federation of sever (vsdev2371) with portal (vsdev2370) works fine


The token for the federation is requested from the portal machine vsdev2370.

But, running the configuration file WITH the “ssl per node” sections, the routine tries to get a portal token from the server machine vsdev2371:


Any idea, why the configuration file WITH the “ssl per node” sections is requesting a token from the wrong server machine?

Thank you very much, best regards,

TLS only works if webadaptor and server/portal are on the same machine

Webadaptor and Server or Portal can be on different machines. Therefore it will be necessary to Support different certificates for Webadaptor and Server or Portal. Furthermore it could be necessary to Import Root or intermediate Certificates to Portal and Server.

I'll provide PR on this soon.

The Module uses unapproved Verbs

On Import of the Module there is the following warning:

parameter. For a list of approved verbs, type Get-Verb.
VERBOSE: The 'Configure-ArcGIS' command in the ArcGIS' module was imported, but because its name does not include an approved verb, it might be difficult to find. The suggested alternative verbs are "Set".
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Configure-ArcGIS'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FQDN'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Publish-WebApp'.

There are also some functions using unapproved verbs which are not exported.

Relational DataStore cannot connect to Server

There is no check for Relational DataStore Type to open the Server Firewall.

To reproduce see the following deployment:

    "AllNodes":  [
                         "NodeName":  "[Machine Name 1]",
                         "DataStoreTypes":  [ 
                         "Role":  [
                         "NodeName":  "[Machine Name 2]",
                         "Role":  [
                         "NodeName":  "[Machine Name 3]",
                         "Role":  [
    "ConfigData":  {
                       "Version":  "[Version of ArcGIS Deployment]",
                       "ServerContext":  "server",
                       "PortalContext":  "portal",
                       "FileShareLocalPath":  "[File Share Local Path]",
                       "FileShareName":  "[File Share Name]",
                       "ServerRole": "GeneralPurposeServer",
                       "Credentials":  {
                                           "PrimarySiteAdmin":  {
                                                                    "UserName":  "[PrimarySiteAdmin Username]",
                                                                    "Email":  "[PrimarySiteAdmin Email]",
                                                                    "Password":  "[PrimarySiteAdmin Password]"
                                           "ServiceAccount":  {
                                                                  "Password":  "[ServiceAccount Password]",
                                                                  "UserName":  "[ServiceAccount Username - Can be a Domain Account]",
                                                                  "IsDomainAccount": false
                       "Server":  {
                                      "LicenseFilePath":   "[License File Path - Server ]",
                                      "Installer":  {
                                                        "Path":  "[Server Installer Path]",
                                                        "InstallDir":  "[Server Install Dir - Ex. C:\\ArcGIS\\Server]",
                                                        "InstallDirPython":  "[Python Install Dir - Ex. C:\\Python27] "
                                      "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation":  "\\\\[Fileshare Machine Name 1]\\[Fileshare Name]\\arcgisserver\\directories",
                                      "ConfigStoreLocation":  "\\\\[Fileshare Machine Name 1]\\[Fileshare Name]\\arcgisserver\\config-store"
                       "Portal":  {
                                      "LicenseFilePath": "[License File Path - Portal ]",
                                      "Installer":  {
                                                        "Path":  "[Portal Installer Path]",
                                                        "InstallDir": "[Portal Install Dir - Ex. C:\\ArcGIS\\Portal]",
                                                        "ContentDir": "[Portal Content Dir for Install- Ex. C:\\portalforarcgis\\content]"
                                      "ContentDirectoryLocation":  "\\\\[Fileshare Machine Name 1]\\[Fileshare Name]\\portalforarcgis\\content\\arcgisportal\\content"
                       "DataStore":  {
                                         "ContentDirectoryLocation":  "[Content Dir DataStore - C:\\arcgisdatastore]",
                                         "Installer":  {
                                                           "Path":  "[DataStore Installer Path]",
                                                           "InstallDir":  "[DataStore Install Dir - Ex. C:\\ArcGIS\\DataStore]"
                       "WebAdaptor":  {
                                          "AdminAccessEnabled":  true,
                                          "Installer":  {
                                                            "Path":  "[WebAdaptor Installer Path]"

To fix this ArcGISConfigure.ps1 should remove the check of DataStoreType SpatiotTemporal

                    $HasSpatioTemporalNodes = (($AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.Role -icontains 'DataStore' -and $_.DataStoreTypes -icontains 'SpatiotTemporal'}  | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                    $OpenFirewallPorts = (-not($IsWebGIS) -or ($ConfigData.ServerEndPoint -as [ipaddress]) -or $HasSpatioTemporalNodes -or $IsMultiMachineServer)


                    $HasDataStoreNodes = (($AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.Role -icontains 'DataStore' }  | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                    $OpenFirewallPorts = (-not($IsWebGIS) -or ($ConfigData.ServerEndPoint -as [ipaddress]) -or $HasDataStoreNodes -or $IsMultiMachineServer)

WMF-Version fails on PSRemoting

If you call the script via PSRemoting (Enter-PSSession) the script Fails.
You could provide -Credential to run the script but, Invoke-Command on ArcGIS.psm1 gives still error. Credential should be passed to it.

Setup Portal to use LDAP login


Is there a way to also configure the Portal Identity Store for users and groups to use LDAP login within a PowerShell installation of ArcGIS Enterprise?


ArcGIS Server D Drive Site Creation


The ArcGIS Server installed but failed on the site creation. The error was:

Failed to create the site. Configuration store error. File system 'D:\arcgisserver\local\config-store' connection failed. The specified location is not accessible. ....

There is no mention of D drive in my configuration file (C drive for everything), so I am wondering why it tried to configure on D drive? I went into ArcGIS Server Manager and tried to manually configure it. The arcgisserver directories were defaulted to D drive and even when I changed them to be C drive the site creation failed with the same error as above.

I solved this by uninstalling ArcGIS Server and then reinstalling it manually, rather than using the script. The site creation did not default to D drive and created the site under C drive as specified.

Perhaps there is something in the scripts that defaults some ArcGIS Server configuration to D drive. Either that or there is a bug in the command line ArcGIS Server installation that causes the D drive default.


Support installation of Patches

It would be helpfull to Support the possibility to install given Patches.
The implemented Feature should also Support disconnected Environments which cannot use actual Version of patchnotifaction-tool.

The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed

I am facing an issue with the ArcGIS DSC and I was wondering if somebody else also struggled with it...

I have a coupe of fresh boxes (W2012R2 with WMF5) and I have installed AGS (General purpose single machine) 10.4.1 from scratch using a Push from Machine A to Machine B. Everything worked like a charm. Then I wanted to update this box where I had just install to a newer ArcGIS Server version, but I get an error (below). The upgrade JSON is quite similar to the install one, I have just updated the paths and added the old version parameter.

[]Exception calling "DownloadString" with "1" argument(s): "Unable to connect to the remote server"
[]The PowerShell DSC resource '[ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade]ServerConfigureUpgrade' with SourceInfo 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPo
werShell\Modules\ArcGIS\Configuration\Upgrades\ServerUpgrade.ps1::85::9::ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade' threw one or more non-ter
minating errors while running the Test-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called M
icrosoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.
[]The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.

Upgrading the server fails, and later on, when the web adaptor is installed, it cannot connect to the server. Leaving the system in an inconsistent state.

I attach the Powershell output, and the verbose for the WA Install and server upgrade.
Powershell Upgrade LOG.txt

The Windows event viewer logs for DSC show this description:

Job {F6626FDA-88E7-11E8-80D1-080027D91466} :
This event indicates that failure happens when LCM is processing the configuration. Error Id is 0x1. Error Detail is The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.. Resource Id is [ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade]ServerConfigureUpgrade and Source Info is C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\Configuration\Upgrades\ServerUpgrade.ps1::85::9::ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade. Error Message is The PowerShell DSC resource '[ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade]ServerConfigureUpgrade' with SourceInfo 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\Configuration\Upgrades\ServerUpgrade.ps1::85::9::ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Test-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details..

Do you have any suggestions?

Multi machine setup - issues


I've set up a five machine environment (Portal, hosted Server, Data Store, Image Server, GeoEvent Server). I used three configuration files:

  1. BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine-10.6-ssl
  2. GISServer-GeoEvent
  3. GISServer-GeneralPurpose

During and after the installation, I see two issues:

  1. Configurations 2. (GeoEvent Server) and 3. (Image Server) display incomplete server URLs.

  2. The various servers are federated in portal with different ports (443 and 6443 respectively), although in all three configuration files I declared port 443 as "Federation - PortalPort".

Any idea or explanation for these issues?

Thank you very much, best regards,

Issues related to proxy/http error, blocked files, and Install-PreReqs1.ps1

We wanted to use those PowerShell scripts to upgrade our six standalone ArcGIS Server machines. They look really promising, but we have encountered a few issues and were only able to finish one server partially. We are running on Windows Server 2012.

  1. The Install-PreReqs.ps1 (Appendix B) did not work for us. It recursively created ArcGIS folders on the remote machine, which lead to this structure: "\ArcGIS\ArcGIS\ArcGIS\ArcGIS...\ArcGIS"

  2. Initially, the local Windows user was not able to connect to the Internet in order to download 7-zip and to licence the software. We had to set a proxy to do that. This helped to download 7-zip, but later in the process the script failed again with the error message: "The WinRM client sent a request to an HTTP server and got a response saying the requested HTTP URL was not available. This is usually returned by a HTP server that does not support the WS-Management protocol". The strange thing here is that we did the installation locally on the server. It would be useful if a proxy could be set in the command line, but it would need to deal with this http error.

  3. On our test machine, the files of the ArcGIS Module could not be executed for security reasons because they origin from a different computer. We could use a PowerShell command to unblock all of them recursively. It would be useful if this unblock process could be included in Install-PreReqs.ps1.

Thanks for the great product, hopefully we will be able to use it in production soon!


Check for Registered Directories always fails

The check if a Directory is already registered to the server always fails, because the token is missing. Test-TargetRessource needs a token to ask for the already registered directories...

Check for ssl-binding fails

If you have a CA-signed cert and it is already deployed to the Webadaptor/IIS-Machine the check for the correct binding gives always true.

Errors when running install command

I am receiving the following errors when running the install. The web server is in in the DMZ on a different domain. I have added a record in the host file, but it still cannot access it via IP or name. Secondly, I don't need a FileShare as I am not setting up a HA environment, but I don't see how to get around that requirement. Any thoughts?

[MACHINENAME] Connecting to remote server MACHINENAME failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process
the request. The following error occurred while using Kerberos authentication: Cannot find the computer MACHINENAME.
Verify that the computer exists on the network and that the name provided is spelled correctly. For more information,
see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (MACHINENAME:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NetworkPathNotFound,PSSessionStateBroken
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\1.0.1\ArcGIS.psm1:630 char:13

  •         $ConfigurationParamsHashtable.AllNodes[$i].WMFVersion = [ ...
  •         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

FileShare not present required for HA Setup!
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\1.0.1\ArcGIS.psm1:726 char:17

  •             throw "FileShare not present required for HA Setup!"
  •             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (FileShare not p...d for HA Setup!:String) [], RuntimeException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : FileShare not present required for HA Setup!

Allow to set Webadaptor Context via config

Allow the Webadaptor context (e.g. server / portal) to be set by config.
Right now it's hardcoded.
Therefor it's not possible to install a Webadaptor for Hosting-Server and GeneralPurpose-Server on the same machine.

datastore waits endless for serverconfigtocomplete

if there is the following configuration

  • machine 1
    • WebAdaptor Server
    • WebAdaptore Portal
  • Machine 2
    • Server
  • Machine 3
    • Portal
    • DataStore

DataStore waits endless for Server to Complete. Most probably Server is already finished with everything and therefore released by DSC, when DataStore starts to WaitForAll Server.

Three machine setup fails - some questions


I have (tried to) set up a three machine ArcGIS Enterprise environment using configuration file “BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine-10.6-ssl.json”. The setup was not successful and left me with a bunch of questions:

Is it correct that the PowerShell ArcGIS module is needed on every server that is part of the deployment?

Compiling the configuration raises a “deserializing” error (see PowerShell output). Nevertheless, the installation seemed to proceed correctly. What is this error and is it a critical one?

The federation of server with portal fails (see PowerShell output). Why and what needs to be done?

The portal and server URLs listed in the PowerShell output (see PowerShell output) are missing the domain names “”. Why (since in the single machine deployment they are listed “correctly”)?

Although certificates are provided for both, portal and server (see configuration file), the portal still uses a self-signed certificate (see screenshot of portal certificate configuration). Why and can the portal certificate be configured with PowerShell?

The alias for the server certificate is given as “vsdev2371” in the configuration file. Nevertheless, it is named “” in the final configuration. What is the purpose of the “Alias” parameter in the configuration file?

Neither portal nor server have a root certificate imported. Can this also be done with PowerShell?

Neither server nor data store can be reached via the “localhost” URL (e. g. for server -> “https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager”). Why is that?

-> vsdev2370_BaseDeployment-ThreeMachine-10.6-ssl.txt -> Configuration file
-> PowerShell_Install_BaseDeployment_Output.txt -> Complete PowerShell output in -DebugSwitch mode
-> vsdev2370_ssl_certificate.jpg -> Screenshot of portal certificate configuration
-> vsdev2371_ssl_certificate.jpg -> Screenshot of server certificate configuration

Thank you very much for your help and expertise, best regards,


user feedback\questions


I've been having a play with these scripts to deploy clones of some of our existing portal and server architectures in Azure. Very impressed so far! Here is some initial feedback on my brief journey so far.

I decided to use the esri 10.6 enterprise Azure marketplace images as the base, not sure if this was the intention?

I found webadaptors didn't work when installed on the image above, IIS 500 internal server errors even when installed manually, haven't investigated this further as using a marketplace ws2016 for my webadaptors worked fine.

The dependency on 7-Zip tripped me up. The DSC scripts got stuck in a loop waiting and it wasn't obvious until debugging that the download link was blocked by our firewalls.

Odd licencing issue, When I attempt to build more than one Arcgis server the second one always fails during licencing. I'm currently working round this by manually licencing one server before running the DSC scripts.

Hope to contribute to this project in the future.


GeoEvent federation error message


I've created a single machine Enterprise environment (BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json) with GeoEvent Server (GISServer-GeoEvent.json). The installation executed without problems but for the federation of the GeoEvent Server with Portal. This final step raised an error (see attached screenshot). Also, the server URLs in the PowerShell output are not complete.
Nevertheless, the GeoEvent server seems to be federated with Portal correctly for when I access the GeoEvent manager I am redirected to the Portal login page.

Any idea what's wrong?

Thank you very much, best regards,


Set-up of image server


I want to set up an image server in a multi machine environment. Since there is no specific sample configuration file I will use the GISServer-GeneralPurpose.json template. Is this the correct way and if yes, is there a way to directly configure this new server as image server in portal with PowerShell?


RegisterDirectories does not implement Key Parameter

[]The command Get-TargetResource of the PS resource ArcGIS_Server_RegisterDirectories does not implement the key property Directories mentioned in the corresponding MOF schema file C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArcGIS\\DscResources\ArcGIS_Server_RegisterDirectories\ArcGIS_Server_RegisterDirectories.schema.mof as a mandatory parameter. All key parameters mentioned in the schema file must be implemented by the command Get-TargetResource as mandatory function parameters.

Portal not HTTPS only

Setup: Portal and PortalWebadaptor are deployed at different machines.

The Webadaptor of Portal is configured through Port 7443 and Firewall Opens only Port 7443, which is SSL Port.
If you try to Access Portal Website through WebAdaptor it switches to HTTP (no SSL) at several sites (e.g. after Login). The Webadaptor then tries to reach the Portal by Port 7080 (HTTP) which is not open and states
Could not Access any Portal machines

Therefor the Portal should be configured to use HTTPS only.

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