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express-template's Introduction

Express template

This project try to illustrate some usual structures, features and applications examples to serve as future consultation and template for new projects. Also provides api gateway structure examples with docker-compose + nginx as container and kubernetes + nginx as ingress service.

Project environmennt

  • Eslint - Dev-dependency Linter(Airbnb base) for code standardization (vscode extension should also be installed)

    *To apply to all subdirectories(like in monorepo situation), configure linter in root folder

    npm init
    npm install eslint --save-dev
    npx eslint --init

    Setup a .vscode folder with settings.json like in .vscode/settings.json for autoformatting.

    Can also setup eslint as default formatter in VS Code settings -> formatter.

  • VS Code debug - With Nodemon

    Setup a .vscode folder with configuration like in .vscode/launch.json should enable the debug mode in VS Code to be attached to a running process defined with --inspect in package.json scripts alongside nodemon. In this project, starting the server with npm run dev should enable nodemon wathcing source folder and the inspector on a random port, on which can be attached the debug mode by clicking the play button in VS Code debug tab.

  • Postman - Testing requests

    • Saving environment and collection, which can be easily imported for testing or documentation purposes.
    • Environment setup with common variables, making easy modifying host, port, route and token.
    • Authorization setup in headers configuration and automatically saved in the environment with the use of scripts in stratetic requests(like login/logout).
  • Siege - for stress testing

    Useful tool for stress testing urls with performance feedback.

    sudo apt-get install siege

    Common usage:

    siege --verbose --concurrent=<concurrent_number> --reps=<requests_number> <url>
    • TODO: Find load/stress/performance robust testing tool.(maybe jmeter?)

Template services

  • TODO:
    • Provide examples of unit testing with mocha, chai and sinon as dev dependencies packages
    • Cron job examples
    • Study pub/sub and dependency injection architecture usecases and a refactor possibility in this projects

  • base-js: This service contains only basic functionalities and another projects/examples should extend it's structure(or base-ts structure preferrebly).

    • Contain simple examples: simple examples covering routing and controllers(upload and email examples, in addition to errors demonstration);
    • HTTPS Structure: Structure provided alongside http server at index.js. Not used because https connection can be handled by a reverse proxy server(nginx) and another encrypted connection between proxy and back-end may cause unnecessary resources consuption from the servers. So this may be enabled when as a standalone server and, when with a reverse proxy, block access to external world leaving the http connection with the proxy;
      • TODO: Generate valid ssl certificates(using letsencrypt) instead of self signed certificates.
    • Decoupled packages: they are simply imported and used, all it's configurations are made inside a proper file at /src/services/;
    • Loader structure: a more modular way to import and setup modules at /src/loaders/, which are imported at /src/index.js before setup servers and start listening;
    • 3 layer architecture: clear separation of routing, business logic in controllers and data access in dao with their models. Middlewares added to provide request adjust and validation;
    • Router construction: express router demonstration with subrouters at /src/api/routes/, with server status check and custom not found response;
    • Nodemon: nodemon dev-dependency which can be used with vscode debug configuring package.json with --inspect. Also configured to modify node_env=development for testing in;
    • Environment variables: setup with dotenv package at file /src/services/env/dotenv.js, template configuration file at /config/.env. Enables configuration of ports, node_env, logging, email credentials, etc. The configuration file should not be commited with sensitive information;
    • Loggers: morgan package at /src/services/log/morgan.js responsible for logging requests and winston package at /src/services/log/winston.js responsible for another kinds of logging. Logs can be enabled/disabled at .env configuration file
    • Centralized error handling: file handler /src/services/error/error-handler.js put at the bottom of node call stack that handles possible errors, tracing errors for debugging using the package stack-trace at /src/services/error/stack-trace.js and logging with winston;
    • Standartized errors: possibility to structure error responses at file /src/services/error/structure/error-codes.js and call them manually. Also possible to test unexpected errors at file /src/services/error/structure/error-response.js in runtime and build a proper error response;
    • Easy async handling: drying code with async handler at file /src/services/async/async-handler.js dispensing the use of try/catch blocks in async functions at files like /src/api/controllers/*. Using function at /src/services/async/wrap-async.js it's possible to wrap async handler in every function inside the file;
    • Security: few packages like cors, helmet, hpp, express-rate-limit, xss-clean to apply some security with headers or as middleware at file /src/services/security/*. ps: May be disabled due to an intermediary element(nginx container/ingress) that already configures these features;
    • Email template: simple email example using nodemailer at /src/services/email/nodemailer.js which can be improved to send customized html emails with dynamic data;
    • Upload template: simple upload example using formidable at /src/services/upload/formidable.js which can be improved to support multiple files in custom directories. Currently able to validate uploaded files names and MIMEs, separating them as accepted or rejected;

  • base-ts: Same as base-js, modified to Typescript.

    Changing .js to .ts when migrating a project can be done executing the following script at the root folder:

    find ./src -name "*.js" -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.js}.ts"' {} \;

    Typescript projects require some extra configuration and this project handle it with:

    • Essential dev packages: typescript to transpile, @types/node and @types/express to enable essencial properties in editor;
    • Eslint config: some new configurations for eslintrc.json with typescript. Also @typescript-eslint/(parser and eslint-plugin) automatically installed;
    • Tsconfig: Basic configuration for transpiling which should be aiming for the latests features and versions of the language;
    • New Scripts: The code need to be transpiled to javascript code, so a build script(npm run build) was created to transpile typescript code(to a dist folder) with the command tsc. The regular start script is executed with the javascript code inside the dist folder;
    • Auto reload without transpiling: Using ts-node with nodemon it's possible to run npm run dev and test just like a javascript project, without needing to transpile first, also it's possible to attach the debugger;

    A typescript project is commonly useful because of the types definition, but variables and functions don't need to specify the type every time due the type inference which tests the code and apply a type automatically if not defined.

  • user-mongoose (js): Example service using MongoDB with mongoose for user data manipulation, authentication and authorization.

    This service requires the creation of a mongodb cluster(local or remote) before running.

    • Middlewares usage demonstration: usability example of middlewares for request handling at /src/api/middlewares/*;
    • Dao usage demonstration: usability of dao at /src/database/dao/*, which should only access the ODM/ORM model to manipulate/search data and leave business logic to the controllers;
    • Easy dao logger: dao functions in dao files wrapped in logger with the help of a IFFE at /src/services/log/wrap-logger.js built to work with winston logger;
    • Mongodb connection with mongoose: connection example at /src/loaders/mongoose/mongoose.js, which also could connect to a local mongodb;
    • Mongoose model: mongoose user model at /src/models/* with useful examples for validation using regex and data transforming. Schema middleware example used for password encryption using bcrypt before storing in database. Schema methods definition example used for validate incoming passwords, encrypting them and comparing;
    • Custom mongoose errors handling: testing unexpected mongoose errors at /src/services/error/structure/error-response.js and providing proper reponses with new registred errors at /src/services/error/structure/error-codes.js that are modified to provide dynamic feedback of with which field/value the error was triggered;
    • Mongo input sanitize: added package express-mongo-sanitize that provides extra security for mongoose, disabling inputs with forbidden characters;
    • Authentication/Authorization using tokens: auth made with jsonwebtoken package at /src/services/auth/jwt.js using configuration at /config/.env file. The authentication is made through login/logout function in controller file /src/api/controllers/auth.js and authorization is required in every route that not contains the /public/ keyword at /src/api/routes/router.js. Postman auth requests automatically stores authorization tokens for future private requests;
    • Cookie integration: package cookie-parser that enables login/logout to generates/removes cookies with authorization token, at file /src/services/parser/cookie-parser.js used in /src/api/controllers/auth.js login/logout functions;
    • Restore user password example: functionality that sends an email to user containing a token that can be used to restore user's missing password. The implemented approach in forgot password and restore password functions at file /src/api/controllers/auth.js dont use any extra field in the database, instead it generates a token with user's email in the payload with a secret that is composed by the client ip and email(could be improved through encryption and other strategies), that way the token can only be used for that specific email for the designed user(ip address) within expiration time.;
    • Simple user data manipulation: simple crud functions for user data and user utilities at /src/api/controllers/user.js;
    • Picture upload example: Simple picture upload example that validates file type and assign it to a username when uploaded which also can be downloaded, at file /src/api/controllers/user.js;

  • TODOS:

    • product-service-mongoose: Example service using MongoDB alongside mongoose for product data manipulation, illustrating more complex mongoose queries and schemas relationships, using configuration for a Typescript project.

    • chat-service-mongoose-socketio: Example service using Redis(redis) and illustrating a realtime chat with websockets.

    • user-service-sequelize: Example service using MySQL alongside sequelize for user data manipulation in a simple structured database with relationships, in a multi level authentication and authorization(using passport auth0 or Oauth2 strategy) level.

Deployment features

  • Nginx - Load balance / Reverse proxy server API Gateway

    /deployments/nginx folder has a Dockerfile configuration that creates a nginx image, copying the /nginx/config/* files inside the container with the desired configuration and generates a self signed ssl certificate to the /etc/nginx/ssl folder inside the container.

    The current nginx.conf file defines the worker's capacity and loads the following incomplete configurations which may be improved:

     - basic:    setup some basic configurations like buffer sizes, timeouts, etc;
     - cache:    currently disables all cache;
     - gzip:     setup some gzip configuration and enable compression for some files;
     - log:      define log directories, but may also configure custom logging;
     - security: configure default security headers, cors and rate limit for requests;
     - ssl:      defines certificates directory and some configurations.
       - ~~(TODO: improve configuration)~~

    Besides the above configuration it is defined a http server that redirects all traffic to another https server, which the exposed ports are defined by docker-compose.yml and redirected to the default(80 and 443) nginx ports.

    This https server has routes for each back-end, which does a reverse proxy http request to the correspondent service removing the leading route name and forwarding the client information. Every request uri defined at the back-end services must come with the respective leading route name while using this nginx configuration due the only entry point for the system is through nginx and it is needed to have a distinction between the services that the client wants to access, categorizing this server as some sort of api gateway with centralized authentication.

    These reverse proxied routes have load balance with health check configured by their upstreams, which due the shared connection are referenced by the service name defined at docker-compose.yml and don't need to specify the replicas number or names.

    Also, every request not marked as /public/ in the uri passes through a subrequest authentication to the user-mongoose server upstream, that validates the authentication header with the jwt token.


     - Building manual load balancing, each service container has to remove the `--publish` option from `docker run` and provide the container IP address to the upstream servers in `nginx.conf` file.
     - Using nginx as ingress crontroller for kubernetes, but it's configuration is made within `ingress-service.yml` file with another syntax.
    • TODO:
      • Generate valid ssl/tls certificate
      • Improve configurations for cache, gzip and security headers
      • Firewall
      • GeoIP
      • Websockets
      • Bandwidth limit
      • Video streaming
      • server push(http2)
      • another useful dynamic modules

  • Docker - Services containerization (vscode extension should also be installed)

Provides isolation and a standard system in a container for applications to run.

Each service has a Dockerfile and with a few configurations to create a node js container image and copy the server inside of it,for production and development consecutivelly(.dev is useful for automatic changes and testing).

A .dockerignore is also set to filter files copied to the container.

The files are configured to build a standalone server.

To speed up the build process and illustrate, each service also has a bash script that stop/remove any existing image/container and build/run it with a few configurations like forward publishing port to host, autorestarting and running in background.

docker common CLI:

build image: 	                docker build --tag <image-name:tag> --file <dockerfilePath/Dockerfile> <projectRootPath>      //.dockerignore must be at context root
snapshot container img:         docker commit <containerId> <image-name:tag>
run img container:		docker run [options] --name <container-name> <image-name:tag> [optional cmd override]
  options:  --publish <host_port>:<container_port>                          ->  forward host port to container port
            --restart <always/unless-stopped/on-failure>                    ->  restart policy
            --detach                                                        ->  run container in background
            --volume <absolute/$(pwd) hostPath>:<container absolutePath>:ro ->  use volumes to share host dir as readonly in the container      
            --volume <container absolutePath>                               ->  blacklists container folder, preventing volume changes from above option

start/stop container:		docker <start/stop> <container-name>

list images:			docker images
list containers:	        docker ps --all

remove image:		        docker rmi <image-name:tag>
remove all images:		docker rmi -f $(docker images -a - q)
remove dangling images:     docker rmi $(docker images --filter 'dangling=true' -q --no-trunc)
remove container:		docker rm <container-name>      
remove all containers:		docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q)
remove stopped containers:      docker system prune -a

container logs:                 docker logs <container-name>
execute command in container:	docker exec --privileged -it <container-name> <command>         // may not work with replicas
explore running container:	docker exec -it <container-name> </bin/bash or sh>
copy container file:		docker cp <containerId>:/from/root/file/path /host/path/target      
get container ip:		docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container-name>

login/logout hub/server:     docker login/logout
tag img before push:        docker tag <image-name:tag> <username/image-name:tag>
push image do hub/server:     docker push <username/image-name:tag>

Building multiple containers may be hard, so a docker-compose is required to handle this kind of situation.

Inside /deployments folder there is a docker-compose.yml file describing the construction of each service inside this project for production.

Also has a describing the same construction but for development(the difference is that .dev file configures a volume to share host source folder to the container and make automatic changes when update files and restart server with nodemon)

Containers built with this file share the same network, connections between containers must be made referencing by service name(usually assign to a env variable that is used inside server). This solution is only viable for non-distributed containers/network, for distributed containers/network see Kubernetes below.

docker-compose common CLI:

*if [<services>] not provided, all services declared in docker-compose file will be affected by the following commands
**if out of docker-compose file context or with multiple files, it should specify including --file before docker-compose command.
compose commands general options(before commands):   
  --file <dockerComposefilePath/docker-compose.yml>   ->  specify docker-compose file
  --compatibility                                     ->  useful to run deploy.replicas in compose files
  --project-name <name>                               ->  
  --log-level <level>                                 ->  


parallel build:                     docker-compose build --parallel
build and run compose containers:   docker-compose up [options] [<services>]
  options:  --build       ->  build images
            --detach      ->  run on background
            --no-start    ->  create containers without starting
            --scale <service_name>=0    -> up all containers except service_name

start/stop compose containers:      docker-compose <start/stop> [<services>]
pause/unpause compose containers:   docker-compose <pause/unpause> [<services>]
restart compose containers:         docker-compose restart [<services>]

list all compose containers:        docker-compose ps --all
stop and remove everything:         docker-compose down --rmi all --volumes --remove-orphans && docker volume prune

execute command in container:       docker-compose exec --privileged <service> <command>
containers logs:                    docker-compose logs --tail="10" [<services>]            // last 10 lines of each service
display running processes           docker-compose top

login/logout hub/server:            docker login/logout
push compose images:                docker-compose push [<services>]              //templates inside compose file must have username tagged

Due to the current lack of support for automatic restarting on container's unhealthy status, to perform this feature it's being used an extra container

docker reference:

  • TODO:

    • find a way to handle sensitive data and configure containers in configuration files more easily

    • find a way to configure ssh and ssl into containers

  • Kubernetes - Containers Orchestration (vscode extension should also be installed)

Kubernetes requires images already built with docker or docker-compose tools(and pushed to a registry like docker hub to make things easier).

A Kubernetes cluster is a set of Virtual Machines, called Nodes, hosting a group of objects, that may host containers, and are managed by a Master. The containers inside objects are easly scalable to a number of replicas and have other tools to maintain their funcionality.

With a descritive approach, the desired state of a system is enforced to the master throught a .yml config file or folder containing theses config files. Examples of these configuration files are in /deployments/k8s, which builds a basic architecture for some services in this project.

The master works to build and maintain the system desired state with it's objects.

The most common kinds of objects are:

- pods        ->  containers set strongly tied. They may be highly dynamic and replacable, which only makes them viable defining through deployments.
- deployments ->  define a template for a set of pods to master process achieve the system desired state, replacing them whenever is needed.
- services    ->  provide connection to other objects(needed because objects may not be static, changing name/IP often). There are some types of services:
  -- nodeport:  provides a access port to other objects inside the node and a port for outside(not usually used in production)      
  -- clusterIP: provides a access port only to other objects inside the node.
  -- ingress:   expose access to objects from outside. Currently using nginx ingress controller from
- pv          ->  persistant volume outside a pod lifecycle, which doesn't make it mutable. Useful to save data and it's created using a pvc.
- pvc         ->  persistant volume claim, wich are storage requirements for a PV, carrying the storage information for master process to allocate.

Testing is made using minikube and a Virtual Machine, hence localhost it's not accessible and the application should be accessed through minikube ip after starting it with minikube start.

There is a minikube dashboard allowing take actions over the running cluster, to access it run the command minikube dashboard. Remember to avoid create objects or do any sort of imperative action and prefere the descritive approach.

Some imperative commands are used to get information about the objects inside the running system or perform some actions that aren't achieavable only with the config files. These commands are made throught the command-line tool kubectl

kubectl common CLI:

  apply desired state to master:                  kubectl apply -f <folder/configFile.yml>          // apply --recursive flag to fild subfolders

  generic commands:
  kubectl <command> <object-type> [<object-names>] [<flags>]
    - commands:   get ... [-o wide]
                  delete [--all]
    - types:      pods

  extra commands:
  get logs from pod container:                    kubectl logs <pod>
  execute command inside pod/container:           kubectl exec -it <pod-name> <command-in-container>  
  create secret manually:                         kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal key=value 
  redirect local docker commands to VM docker:    eval $(minikube docker-env)

  kubernetes ignore unchanged files, even when images are updated. So to update a modified image it is needed to apply some tag version and update imperativelly:
  modify deployment image manually:               kubectl set image deployments/<object_metadata_name> <template_spec_container_name> = <image_name_pushed_to_hub:tagname>    
  imperative cleanup:
  kubectl delete deployments --all
  kubectl delete services --all
  kubectl delete pods --all  
  kubectl delete pv --all
  kubectl delete pvc --all


  • TODO:
    • Customize nginx ingress controller and ssl certificates
    • Create and handle secrets
    • Cluster security/auth credentials/health
    • Cloud provisioners examples for deployment
    • Test distributed nodes and multi clusters

  • Travis - Free CI for Open source

Travis CI is a free tool of continuous integration for open source projects, cloning the repository after a push trigger and running a series of tasks to test and build the code. It requires to sync git and repository with travis account and build a .travis.yml file with the build steps. A commented template of this build with GKE is provided at /deployments/.travis.yml.

Miscelaneous utilities

  • Changing git repository to ssh

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<label:email?>"

    copy the generated .ssh/ into git account

    git remote set-url origin <ssh_url>
  • Forwarding local port to a server local port using ssh:

    ssh -L <remoteuser@hostaddress> -N

    If the forwarded port is already in use, find the running process with the following and kill it

    sudo netstat -apn|grep -w PORT
  • Self-signed ssl certification(not valid yet: search for letsencrypt):

      openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 \
              -x509 \
              -sha256 \
              -days 3650 \
              -nodes \
              -out certificate.crt \
              -keyout certificate.key \

subj is optional and its used to create directly without typing every field

express-template's People


esteveslima avatar


 avatar Eduardo Tamaki avatar

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