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multi-geth-fork's Introduction

Go Ethereum

A "swiss army knife" distribution of go-ethereum, with support for many species of Ethereum networks.

OpenRPC API Reference Go Report Card Travis Gitter Code Shelter

Binary archives are published at

Upstream development from ethereum/go-ethereum is merged to this repository regularly, usually at every upstream tagged release. Every effort is made to maintain seamless compatibility with upstream source, including compatible RPC, JS, and CLI APIs, data storage locations and schemas, and, of course, interoperable client protocols. Applicable bug reports, bug fixes, features, and proposals should be made upstream whenever possible.

Network/client comparison

Networks supported by the respective go-ethereum packaged geth client.

Ticker Network/Client multi-geth etclabscore/go-ethereum ethereum/go-ethereum
ETH Ethereum (Foundation) ✔️ ✔️
ETC Ethereum Classic ✔️ ✔️
ETSC Ethereum Social ✔️
ESN EtherSocial ✔️
MIX Mix ✔️
EXP Expanse
ELLA Ellaism 🚫1
MUSIC Musicoin ✔️
Mordor (Geth+Parity ETH PoW Testnet) ✔️ ✔️
Morden (Geth+Parity ETH PoW Testnet) ✔️
Ropsten (Geth+Parity ETH PoW Testnet) ✔️ ✔️
Rinkeby (Geth-only ETH PoA Testnet) ✔️ ✔️
Goerli (Geth+Parity ETH PoA Testnet) ✔️ ✔️
Kotti (Geth+Parity ETC PoA Testnet) ✔️
Kovan (Parity-only ETH PoA Testnet)
Tobalaba (EWF Testnet)
Ephemeral development PoA network ✔️
Private chains ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

1: This is originally an Ellaism Project. However, A recent hard fork makes Ellaism not feasible to support with go-ethereum any more. Existing Ellaism users are asked to switch to Parity.

Managing versions

multi-geth is a fork of ethereum/go-ethereum, but build dependencies have been upgraded to use Go modules. You can clone it anywhere in your filesystem (either inside or outside of $GOPATH).

Building the source

For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read the Installation Instructions on the wiki.

Building geth requires both a Go (version 1.11 or later) and a C compiler. You can install them using your favourite package manager. Once the dependencies are installed, run

make geth

or, to build the full suite of utilities:

make all


The go-ethereum project comes with several wrappers/executables found in the cmd directory.

Command Description
geth Our main Ethereum CLI client. It is the entry point into the Ethereum network (main-, test- or private net), capable of running as a full node (default), archive node (retaining all historical state) or a light node (retrieving data live). It can be used by other processes as a gateway into the Ethereum network via JSON RPC endpoints exposed on top of HTTP, WebSocket and/or IPC transports. geth --help and the CLI Wiki page for command line options.
abigen Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy to use, compile-time type-safe Go packages. It operates on plain Ethereum contract ABIs with expanded functionality if the contract bytecode is also available. However, it also accepts Solidity source files, making development much more streamlined. Please see our Native DApps wiki page for details.
bootnode Stripped down version of our Ethereum client implementation that only takes part in the network node discovery protocol, but does not run any of the higher level application protocols. It can be used as a lightweight bootstrap node to aid in finding peers in private networks.
evm Developer utility version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that is capable of running bytecode snippets within a configurable environment and execution mode. Its purpose is to allow isolated, fine-grained debugging of EVM opcodes (e.g. evm --code 60ff60ff --debug).
gethrpctest Developer utility tool to support our ethereum/rpc-test test suite which validates baseline conformity to the Ethereum JSON RPC specs. Please see the test suite's readme for details.
rlpdump Developer utility tool to convert binary RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) dumps (data encoding used by the Ethereum protocol both network as well as consensus wise) to user-friendlier hierarchical representation (e.g. rlpdump --hex CE0183FFFFFFC4C304050583616263).
puppeth a CLI wizard that aids in creating a new Ethereum network.

Running geth

Going through all the possible command line flags is out of scope here (please consult our CLI Wiki page), but we've enumerated a few common parameter combos to get you up to speed quickly on how you can run your own geth instance.

Fast node on an Ethereum network

By far the most common scenario is people wanting to simply interact with the Ethereum network: create accounts; transfer funds; deploy and interact with contracts. For this particular use-case the user doesn't care about years-old historical data, so we can fast-sync quickly to the current state of the network. To do so:

$ geth [|--classic|--social|--ethersocial|--mix|--music|--testnet|--rinkeby|--kotti|--goerli] console

This command will:

  • Start geth in fast sync mode (default, can be changed with the --syncmode flag), causing it to download more data in exchange for avoiding processing the entire history of the Ethereum network, which is very CPU intensive.
  • Start up geth's built-in interactive JavaScript console, (via the trailing console subcommand) through which you can invoke all official web3 methods as well as geth's own management APIs. This tool is optional and if you leave it out you can always attach to an already running geth instance with geth attach.

A Full node on the Ethereum test network

Transitioning towards developers, if you'd like to play around with creating Ethereum contracts, you almost certainly would like to do that without any real money involved until you get the hang of the entire system. In other words, instead of attaching to the main network, you want to join the test network with your node, which is fully equivalent to the main network, but with play-Ether only.

$ geth --testnet console

The console subcommand has the exact same meaning as above and they are equally useful on the testnet too. Please see above for their explanations if you've skipped here.

Specifying the --testnet flag, however, will reconfigure your geth instance a bit:

  • Instead of using the default data directory (~/.ethereum on Linux for example), geth will nest itself one level deeper into a testnet subfolder (~/.ethereum/testnet on Linux). Note, on OSX and Linux this also means that attaching to a running testnet node requires the use of a custom endpoint since geth attach will try to attach to a production node endpoint by default. E.g. geth attach <datadir>/testnet/geth.ipc. Windows users are not affected by this.
  • Instead of connecting the main Ethereum network, the client will connect to the test network, which uses different P2P bootnodes, different network IDs and genesis states.

Note: Although there are some internal protective measures to prevent transactions from crossing over between the main network and test network, you should make sure to always use separate accounts for play-money and real-money. Unless you manually move accounts, geth will by default correctly separate the two networks and will not make any accounts available between them.

Full node on the Rinkeby test network

The above test network is a cross-client one based on the ethash proof-of-work consensus algorithm. As such, it has certain extra overhead and is more susceptible to reorganization attacks due to the network's low difficulty/security. Go Ethereum also supports connecting to a proof-of-authority based test network called Rinkeby (operated by members of the community). This network is lighter, more secure, but is only supported by go-ethereum.

$ geth --rinkeby console

This command will start geth in a full archive mode, causing it to download, process, and store the entirety of available chain data.


As an alternative to passing the numerous flags to the geth binary, you can also pass a configuration file via:

$ geth --config /path/to/your_config.toml

To get an idea how the file should look like you can use the dumpconfig subcommand to export your existing configuration:

$ geth --your-favourite-flags dumpconfig

Note: This works only with geth v1.6.0 and above.

Docker quick start

One of the quickest ways to get Ethereum up and running on your machine is by using Docker:

docker run -d --name ethereum-node -v /Users/alice/ethereum:/root \
           -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 \

This will start geth in fast-sync mode with a DB memory allowance of 1GB just as the above command does. It will also create a persistent volume in your home directory for saving your blockchain as well as map the default ports. There is also an alpine tag available for a slim version of the image.

Do not forget --rpcaddr, if you want to access RPC from other containers and/or hosts. By default, geth binds to the local interface and RPC endpoints is not accessible from the outside.

Programmatically interfacing geth nodes

As a developer, sooner rather than later you'll want to start interacting with geth and the Ethereum network via your own programs and not manually through the console. To aid this, geth has built-in support for a JSON-RPC based APIs (standard APIs and geth specific APIs). These can be exposed via HTTP, WebSockets and IPC (UNIX sockets on UNIX based platforms, and named pipes on Windows).

The IPC interface is enabled by default and exposes all the APIs supported by geth, whereas the HTTP and WS interfaces need to manually be enabled and only expose a subset of APIs due to security reasons. These can be turned on/off and configured as you'd expect.

HTTP based JSON-RPC API options:

  • --rpc Enable the HTTP-RPC server
  • --rpcaddr HTTP-RPC server listening interface (default: localhost)
  • --rpcport HTTP-RPC server listening port (default: 8545)
  • --rpcapi API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (default: eth,net,web3)
  • --rpccorsdomain Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
  • --ws Enable the WS-RPC server
  • --wsaddr WS-RPC server listening interface (default: localhost)
  • --wsport WS-RPC server listening port (default: 8546)
  • --wsapi API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (default: eth,net,web3)
  • --wsorigins Origins from which to accept websockets requests
  • --ipcdisable Disable the IPC-RPC server
  • --ipcapi API's offered over the IPC-RPC interface (default: admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,shh,txpool,web3)
  • --ipcpath Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)

You'll need to use your own programming environments' capabilities (libraries, tools, etc) to connect via HTTP, WS or IPC to a geth node configured with the above flags and you'll need to speak JSON-RPC on all transports. You can reuse the same connection for multiple requests!

Note: Please understand the security implications of opening up an HTTP/WS based transport before doing so! Hackers on the internet are actively trying to subvert Ethereum nodes with exposed APIs! Further, all browser tabs can access locally running web servers, so malicious web pages could try to subvert locally available APIs!

OpenRPC Discovery

MultiGeth supports OpenRPC's Service Discovery method, enabling efficient and well-spec'd JSON RPC interfacing and tooling. This method follows the established JSON RPC patterns, and is accessible via HTTP, WebSocket, IPC, and console servers. To use this method:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"","params":[],"id":1}'
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",                                                                                                                                       
  "id": 1,                                                                                                                                                
  "result": {                                                                                                                                             
    "openrpc": "1.0.10",                                                                                                                                   
    "info": {                                                                                                                                             
      "description": "This API lets you interact with an EVM-based client via JSON-RPC",                                                                  
      "license": {                                                                                                                                        
        "name": "Apache 2.0",                                                                                                                             
        "url": ""                                                                                         
      "title": "Ethereum JSON-RPC",                                                                                                                       
      "version": "1.0.0"                                                                                                                                  
    "servers": [],                                                                                                                                      
    "methods": [                                                                                                                                          
        "description": "Returns the version of the current client",                                                                                       
        "name": "web3_clientVersion",                                                                                                                     
        "params": [],                                                                                                                                     
        "result": {                                                                                                                                       
          "description": "client version",                                                                                                                
          "name": "clientVersion",                                                                                                                        
          "schema": {                                                                                                                                     
            "type": "string"                                                                                                                              
        "summary": "current client version"                                                                                                               


Operating a private network

Maintaining your own private network is more involved as a lot of configurations taken for granted in the official networks need to be manually set up.

Defining the private genesis state

First, you'll need to create the genesis state of your networks, which all nodes need to be aware of and agree upon. This consists of a small JSON file (e.g. call it genesis.json):

  "config": {
    "chainId": <arbitrary positive integer>,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0
  "alloc": {},
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "difficulty": "0x20000",
  "extraData": "",
  "gasLimit": "0x2fefd8",
  "nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
  "mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "timestamp": "0x00"

The above fields should be fine for most purposes, although we'd recommend changing the nonce to some random value so you prevent unknown remote nodes from being able to connect to you. If you'd like to pre-fund some accounts for easier testing, create the accounts and populate the alloc field with their addresses.

"alloc": {
  "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": {
    "balance": "111111111"
  "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": {
    "balance": "222222222"

With the genesis state defined in the above JSON file, you'll need to initialize every geth node with it prior to starting it up to ensure all blockchain parameters are correctly set:

$ geth init path/to/genesis.json

Creating the rendezvous point

With all nodes that you want to run initialized to the desired genesis state, you'll need to start a bootstrap node that others can use to find each other in your network and/or over the internet. The clean way is to configure and run a dedicated bootnode:

$ bootnode --genkey=boot.key
$ bootnode --nodekey=boot.key

With the bootnode online, it will display an enode URL that other nodes can use to connect to it and exchange peer information. Make sure to replace the displayed IP address information (most probably [::]) with your externally accessible IP to get the actual enode URL.

Note: You could also use a full-fledged geth node as a bootnode, but it's the less recommended way.

Starting up your member nodes

With the bootnode operational and externally reachable (you can try telnet <ip> <port> to ensure it's indeed reachable), start every subsequent geth node pointed to the bootnode for peer discovery via the --bootnodes flag. It will probably also be desirable to keep the data directory of your private network separated, so do also specify a custom --datadir flag.

$ geth --datadir=path/to/custom/data/folder --bootnodes=<bootnode-enode-url-from-above>

Note: Since your network will be completely cut off from the main and test networks, you'll also need to configure a miner to process transactions and create new blocks for you.

Running a private miner

Mining on the public Ethereum network is a complex task as it's only feasible using GPUs, requiring an OpenCL or CUDA enabled ethminer instance. For information on such a setup, please consult the EtherMining subreddit and the Genoil miner repository.

In a private network setting, however a single CPU miner instance is more than enough for practical purposes as it can produce a stable stream of blocks at the correct intervals without needing heavy resources (consider running on a single thread, no need for multiple ones either). To start a geth instance for mining, run it with all your usual flags, extended by:

$ geth <usual-flags> --mine --miner.threads=1 --etherbase=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Which will start mining blocks and transactions on a single CPU thread, crediting all proceedings to the account specified by --etherbase. You can further tune the mining by changing the default gas limit blocks converge to (--targetgaslimit) and the price transactions are accepted at (--gasprice).


Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!

If you'd like to contribute to go-ethereum, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base. If you wish to submit more complex changes though, please check up with the core devs first on our gitter channel to ensure those changes are in line with the general philosophy of the project and/or get some early feedback which can make both your efforts much lighter as well as our review and merge procedures quick and simple.

Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
  • Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
  • Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the master branch.
  • Commit messages should be prefixed with the package(s) they modify.
    • E.g. "eth, rpc: make trace configs optional"

Please see the Developers' Guide for more details on configuring your environment, managing project dependencies, and testing procedures.


The go-ethereum library (i.e. all code outside of the cmd directory) is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, also included in our repository in the COPYING.LESSER file.

The go-ethereum binaries (i.e. all code inside of the cmd directory) is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, also included in our repository in the COPYING file.

multi-geth-fork's People


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multi-geth-fork's Issues

Structured Logging for Multi-Geth

Although the standard log system installed uses log15 key/value log lines, notably lacking is:

a reliable API for log lines
... and documentation for them
optional JSON log line formatting
The comparison might be made here to ethereumclassic/go-ethereum's mlog feature.


Should use the pre-existing log system (which it's set up for; just add a log Handler)
Should support options for key/value and JSON formats
Should NOT write to any file; output should go to stdout (different from existing log lines which rightfully use stderr). They should use stderr because they can be considered "intended and purposeful program output" rather than incidental since turning them on requires an opt-in flag and the information they contain can be considered "program output" (as opposed to the existing logs' "incidental" nature). I'd like to have a discussion about this point and be sure to walk all the way around the reasoning here before diving in.
Should use a prefix to identify structured log lines from "normal" log lines, enabling simple grepping and piping
Should be able to provide thorough and accurate documentation for themselves (self-discovering/documenting code, eg. mdoc)
I think in general the scope of mlog is adequate, and I can't think of anything I'd prefer to leave out.

For reference this is a repost of this issue: multi-geth#33

Multi-Geth Builds ARM releases $1500 Bounty

Prize Bounty

$1500 ETC

Challenge Description

Currently, Geth builds ARM processor releases and we do not. This is somewhat limiting because it is useful for a developer to be able to deploy ARM builds directly to ARM devices.


This would improve our stance for IoT device support. I believe this to not be a terribly complicated problem.

Acceptance Criteria

Multi-Geth is able to build for at minimum ARMv5 and possibly ARMv4

Submission Requirements

Work on your fork of this repository, implement features, test features, then PR.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submissions is November 11, 2019.

Judging Criteria

The prize will be awarded to the first valid submission.

Winner Announcement Date

The submission will be reviewed by November 18. Winner announcements and prize payouts will occur before November 31, 2019.

fix readme source links

The source links on the README reference multi-geth/multi-geth. They should be changed to etclabscore/multi-geth.

`morden` support

multi-geth is not able to connect to morden, and classic geth is not able to connect to kotti. Right now, the only client that can access all testnets is parity.

Re-adding morden support to multi-geth should be quite easy.

readme: client comparison table?

rel #2 , adding a table showing client/network support

this is intended to visibly demo that multi-geth supports a bunch of networks, more than ethereum/go-ethereum. this is a major value proposition and one of the big reasons people should use it.


  • should it truly be a client/network comparison?
  • should it just essentially be a list of networks supported by multi-geth?

parity supports a lot of networks, more than multi-geth

Trouble getting passed DOS blocks and finding peers

I believed my DB might have been corupted. So i

  • deleted Library Ethereum/ethereumClassic files
  • did a brew uninstall ethereum
  • pulled from etcLabsCore/multigeth/master
  • ran acchive node freom scratch on mac with the following command
multigeth  --classic --syncmode full --bootnodesv4 enode://158ac5a4817265d0d8b977660b3dbe9abee5694ed212f7091cbf784ddf47623ed015e1cb54594d10c1c46118747ddabe86ebf569cf24ae91f2daa0f1adaae390@ --rpccorsdomain '*' --gcmode archive --rpc  --cache 2048 --nat extip:

I got to about ~block 2.5Million. started seeing errors like this and i could not get past them:

a few days later i

  • deleted Library Ethereum/ethereumClassic files again
  • did a make geth
  • make all

restarted the chain, and spent at least a day with no peers. Here is what that looked like on --verbosity 5:

Finally it just found a single peer and started to download. However I only have one. Was hoping there was a way to get a lot more than one.

(develop): classic chain config at LES protocol includes wrong chts

> admin.nodeInfo
  name: "MultiGeth/v1.9.7-unstable-bf0a2965-20200108/linux-amd64/go1.13.5",
  protocols: {
    eth: {
      config: {
        chainId: 61,
        disposalBlock: 5900000,
        ecip1010Length: 2000000,
        ecip1010PauseBlock: 3000000,
        ecip1017EraRounds: 5000000,
        ecip1017FBlock: 5000000,
        eip100FBlock: 8772000,
        eip1014FBlock: 9573000,
        eip1052FBlock: 9573000,
        eip1108FBlock: 10500839,
        eip1344FBlock: 10500839,
        eip140FBlock: 8772000,
        eip145FBlock: 9573000,
        eip150Block: 2500000,
        eip152FBlock: 10500839,
        eip155Block: 3000000,
        eip160Block: 3000000,
        eip161FBlock: 8772000,
        eip170FBlock: 8772000,
        eip198FBlock: 8772000,
        eip2028FBlock: 10500839,
        eip211FBlock: 8772000,
        eip212FBlock: 8772000,
        eip213FBlock: 8772000,
        eip214FBlock: 8772000,
        eip2200FBlock: 10500839,
        eip2FBlock: 1150000,
        eip658FBlock: 8772000,
        eip7FBlock: 1150000,
        ethash: {},
        networkId: 1,
        requireBlockHashes: {...},
        trustedCheckpoint: null,
        trustedCheckpointOracle: null
      difficulty: 830397369187773200000,
      genesis: "0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3",
      head: "0x761ec0e928df3379063ef37d668d7e653cd2a7335f58aeb6c824f32700050cc1",
      network: 1
    les: {
      cht: {
        bloomRoot: "0xc95f554b35610efe11571e2b1801486c471b155eeb04b462c93d77feb4f26b1c",
        chtRoot: "0xb2ceab13650e5d255cc0760bdb22a9dcb23e7d9ab3bab4976cb04f1d59398746",
        sectionHead: "0x7175df31e8667be2cb5a1ac3d62c5b7428a11625ecc5dfb73a8f80430d5987b8",
        sectionIndex: 290
      config: {
        chainId: 61,
        disposalBlock: 5900000,
        ecip1010Length: 2000000,
        ecip1010PauseBlock: 3000000,
        ecip1017EraRounds: 5000000,
        ecip1017FBlock: 5000000,
        eip100FBlock: 8772000,
        eip1014FBlock: 9573000,
        eip1052FBlock: 9573000,
        eip1108FBlock: 10500839,
        eip1344FBlock: 10500839,
        eip140FBlock: 8772000,
        eip145FBlock: 9573000,
        eip150Block: 2500000,
        eip152FBlock: 10500839,
        eip155Block: 3000000,
        eip160Block: 3000000,
        eip161FBlock: 8772000,
        eip170FBlock: 8772000,
        eip198FBlock: 8772000,
        eip2028FBlock: 10500839,
        eip211FBlock: 8772000,
        eip212FBlock: 8772000,
        eip213FBlock: 8772000,
        eip214FBlock: 8772000,
        eip2200FBlock: 10500839,
        eip2FBlock: 1150000,
        eip658FBlock: 8772000,
        eip7FBlock: 1150000,
        ethash: {},
        networkId: 1,
        requireBlockHashes: {...},
        trustedCheckpoint: null,
        trustedCheckpointOracle: null
      difficulty: 830397369187773200000,
      genesis: "0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3",
      head: "0x761ec0e928df3379063ef37d668d7e653cd2a7335f58aeb6c824f32700050cc1",
      network: 1

travis release deploy key

travis ci build failing at release stage:

in order to get travis release artifacts deploying, we need to fix this line

rel #25

imo the best way to do this is to set up an oauth key for etclabscore/ and use that so that the key is not tied to any personal account. @chunfuyang, I cannot view etclabscore/ admin settings -- can you make and privately share one of these to me so I can continue with this?

feat: implement RPC Discover dynamically

Currently the API method returns a static string, fitting the spec documented here:

This spec represents a minimum sufficient interface that clients should support.

However this spec does not limit the client from supporting further methods or documenting them via this method.

Instead of multigeth returning a static minimum-viable string at this endpoint, it would be really great to be able to have multigeth actually return a complete representation of the methods that it is making available, which are a lot.

"Handrolling" a specification object to this purpose costs technical debt in the short and long terms, is prone to error, and generally an inelegant way of solving the challenge.

Better, to devise a system that can be applied at the RPC server level, which can programmatically generate an OpenRPC schema fitting the actual API available. This would work, then, hand-in-hand with (that codebase can consume schemas but not generate them).

network id not properly initiated for `version` command

root@etclabs-kotti:~# /root/go/src/ --kotti --networkid 6 version
Version: 1.9.4-unstable
Git Commit: b0c64213331f67fe4d3e6b251f87c777a4261f1e
Git Commit Date: 20191019
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [63]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.11.5
Operating System: linux

feat: chainconfig iface use array to represent feature enablement

ECIP1078 proposes to Disable EIP2200. Disabling features happens more rarely than enabling them, but this will not be the first case (nor likely the last).

The current interface here and in other clients treats Fork Features as one-time-on values, and disabling them requires adhoc one-time-off configuration and supportive business logic. This is pretty ugly.

Proposing here to use instead an idea of "Feature Enabled Ranges" which would be arrays of block numbers, rather than lone number values.


FeatureATransitions = [1420000] // Enable feature without (ever, yet) disabling
FeatureBTransitions = [1420000, 1950000] // Enable feature from blocks 1420000 through 1950000
FeatureCTransitions = [1420000, 1950000, 2120000] // Enable, disable, then reenable the feature.

All mod%1=1 index array values are enabling feature, all ==0 are disabling.

Rel #137

make client classic first

renaming and releasing allows us for a breaking change we should consider:

  • default chain should be classic (i.e., running without any flags)
  • default testnet should be kotti (i.e., running --testnet)

--mine flag seems not to start mining automatically

  1. Run with --mine

See logs as below, but never win a block. For instance, I failed to win a block for more than a week on the Mordor net, which has very low hashrate.

Commit new mining work                   number=478565 

... But never see logs like:

Started ethash search for new nonces
  1. Enter console
  2. Run miner.stop(); miner.start(); Geth will generate DAG.
  3. Start winning some blocks.

nondeterministic test(s)

Here's an example of one. I believe there are others.

System and Version Info

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (bionic)
  • Git HEAD: [release/v1.9.8-etclabscore] 0a3644b2c00a05d17f4f2d681c2ac59bba8d3d06
go version go1.13.5 linux/amd64
node version: v13.1.0
npm version: 6.12.1
Python 3.6.8
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux-gnu]


> go test -run OldVsNew ./core/... && for i in {1..10}; do echo "Test Again Set $i"; go test -count 100 -run OldVsNew ./core/...; done &> test.out

> cat test.out
Test Again Set 1
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	37.981s
ok	0.035s [no tests to run]
ok	0.033s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.041s [no tests to run]
ok	0.033s [no tests to run]
ok	0.039s [no tests to run]
ok	0.021s [no tests to run]
ok	0.019s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 2
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.41s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.41s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.45s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	38.741s
ok	0.043s [no tests to run]
ok	0.032s [no tests to run]
ok	0.022s [no tests to run]
ok	0.031s [no tests to run]
ok	0.042s [no tests to run]
ok	0.028s [no tests to run]
ok	0.022s [no tests to run]
ok	0.019s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 3
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	38.150s
ok	0.021s [no tests to run]
ok	0.034s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
ok	0.039s [no tests to run]
ok	0.036s [no tests to run]
ok	0.034s [no tests to run]
ok	0.032s [no tests to run]
ok	0.017s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 4
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	37.593s
ok	0.032s [no tests to run]
ok	0.026s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.022s [no tests to run]
ok	0.022s [no tests to run]
ok	0.036s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 5
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	37.569s
ok	0.032s [no tests to run]
ok	0.031s [no tests to run]
ok	0.017s [no tests to run]
ok	0.046s [no tests to run]
ok	0.024s [no tests to run]
ok	0.026s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 6
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	38.260s
ok	0.026s [no tests to run]
ok	0.055s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
ok	0.028s [no tests to run]
ok	0.032s [no tests to run]
ok	0.039s [no tests to run]
ok	0.023s [no tests to run]
ok	0.017s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 7
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	37.863s
ok	0.030s [no tests to run]
ok	0.036s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
ok	0.023s [no tests to run]
ok	0.035s [no tests to run]
ok	0.037s [no tests to run]
ok	0.021s [no tests to run]
ok	0.022s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 8
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	37.779s
ok	0.030s [no tests to run]
ok	0.030s [no tests to run]
ok	0.019s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.030s [no tests to run]
ok	0.049s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 9
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.42s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.44s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	38.967s
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.029s [no tests to run]
ok	0.020s [no tests to run]
ok	0.023s [no tests to run]
ok	0.029s [no tests to run]
ok	0.023s [no tests to run]
ok	0.021s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
Test Again Set 10
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.40s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.38s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.36s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.41s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.39s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
--- FAIL: TestSetupGenesisBlockOldVsNewMultigeth (0.37s)
    genesis_test.go:105: incompat conf mismatching incompatible fork value: GetEIP160Transition in database (old: 8772000, new: 3000000, rewindto 2999999)
FAIL	38.111s
ok	0.037s [no tests to run]
ok	0.026s [no tests to run]
ok	0.018s [no tests to run]
ok	0.035s [no tests to run]
ok	0.029s [no tests to run]
ok	0.021s [no tests to run]
ok	0.019s [no tests to run]
ok	0.031s [no tests to run]

> cat test.out |grep FAIL | wc -l

Ropsten difficulty tests fail for multigethv0 chain config

This isn't a critical issue since the multigethv0 data type isn't used in production, but means that there is an interface implementation (probably w/r/t difficulty, eg. MuirGlacier) that isn't resolved properly.

The command to run I've added in a forthcoming branch and PR. Will update this issue when I push it.

        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest888 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest889 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest89 (0.00s)             
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest890 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest891 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest892 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest893 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest894 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest895 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest896 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest897 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest898 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest899 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest90 (0.00s)             
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest900 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest901 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest902 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest903 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest904 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest905 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest906 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest907 (0.00s)            
        --- FAIL: TestDifficulty/difficultyRopsten.json/DifficultyTest908 (0.00s)           

feat: bootnodes healthcheck CI (& generator/aggregator?)

Bootnodes are nodes that "cold" clients (protocol providers) use to establish a connection with the peer-to-peer network. Inadequate bootnodes for a network can cause either slow or impossible network connections.

Bootnode lists are currently hardcoded for each supported network. But liveness (useability) checks are never systematically undertaken, which can cause p2p issues if the lists get invalidated. The current system for bootnode addition is essentially that a node or nodes are proposed, a developer reviews the proposed enodes by pinging them manually (over an arbitrary and variable time course), and then approves the addition. Same, but backwards, for removal.

This feature prop wants to establish a system for

  • bootnode list health checks to be undertaken systematically via a CI environment, where given parameters, inadequate bootnode lists can be flagged for review, purging of dead nodes, and addition of new ones
  • ideally, an environment which could not only provide a health check, but also provide information that could be used in the generation of healthy lists

This would remove tedious developer burden, reduce connection failures, and, in essence, move toward systematizing variables for a critical first process for all devp2p networks.

my kotti authority node keeps falling out of sync

This is the latest case, the mismatching block (my current head which is different than canonical):

> eth.getBlock("latest", true);
  difficulty: 1,
  extraData: "0x455443204c616273204b6f74746900000000000000000000000000000000000063bfd5ae04df0435987ef8928aaa6c3882d591b70c3344c51db40c273c59352d6e818826fd03f35a5c44c2ab49c446acd051d9b34504d851fbb7a5b7590cbd3c00",
  gasLimit: 8000000,
  gasUsed: 0,
  hash: "0x4497aa8619d3ec1ae177ffa12d9e65b94975e50f8a866621ee653987c4ad33ea",
  logsBloom: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  miner: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  mixHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  nonce: "0x0000000000000000",
  number: 1265038,
  parentHash: "0xc695c15cebb690cffa48e27c310f8738450e100b19e3f2d3b0c94458e8416221",
  receiptsRoot: "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
  sha3Uncles: "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
  size: 609,
  stateRoot: "0x8627b1972780da86ab7781cb8cb97a8756e83040f110b0e1f2cc45e4fcd33ff8",
  timestamp: 1572865977,
  totalDifficulty: 1957838,
  transactions: [],
  transactionsRoot: "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421",
  uncles: []
> web3.toAscii(eth.getBlock("latest", true).extraData);
"ETC Labs Kotti\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00c¿Õ®\x04ß\x045\u0098~ø\u0092\u008aªl8\u0082Õ\u0091·\f3DÅ\x1d´\f'<Y5-n\u0081\u0088&ý\x03óZ\\D«IÄF¬ÐQÙ³E\x04ØQû·¥·Y\f½<\x00"

Visible in this screenshot:

  • The block authorities are different; my block has ETC Labs as the block signer (via block extra data), while canonical reports notti-kotti-... as the block maker.
  • Canonical includes a transaction, mine does not.

Mismatch block JSON comparison


  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "id": 1, 
  "result": {
    "difficulty": "0x1", 
    "extraData": "0x455443204c616273204b6f74746900000000000000000000000000000000000063bfd5ae04df0435987ef8928aaa6c3882d591b70c3344c51db40c273c59352d6e818826fd03f35a5c44c2ab49c446acd051d9b34504d851fbb7a5b7590cbd3c00", 
    "gasLimit": "0x7a1200", 
    "gasUsed": "0x0", 
    "hash": "0x4497aa8619d3ec1ae177ffa12d9e65b94975e50f8a866621ee653987c4ad33ea", 
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 
    "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 
    "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 
    "nonce": "0x0000000000000000", 
    "number": "0x134d8e", 
    "parentHash": "0xc695c15cebb690cffa48e27c310f8738450e100b19e3f2d3b0c94458e8416221", 
    "receiptsRoot": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", 
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347", 
    "size": "0x261", 
    "stateRoot": "0x8627b1972780da86ab7781cb8cb97a8756e83040f110b0e1f2cc45e4fcd33ff8", 
    "timestamp": "0x5dc007b9", 
    "totalDifficulty": "0x1ddfce", 
    "transactions": [], 
    "transactionsRoot": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", 
    "uncles": []

Canonical (via

    "difficulty": "0x1",
    "extraData": "0x6e6f7474692d6b6f747469000000000000000000000000000000000000000000224d7eced4ee3a781babd1ecc138e045b1a3c07768e6f199aa09ec97168355942c1ab0fe32e0e7ad6230378ae49bf7d4c220635a275fcee592da7eedea4e219601",
    "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
    "gasUsed": "0x5208",
    "hash": "0xcaebe0b74c52658891a318bb0ecd6e08fb2c9ada52fd8499ec05dc783a7928c0",
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "nonce": "0x0000000000000000",
    "number": "0x134d8e",
    "parentHash": "0xc695c15cebb690cffa48e27c310f8738450e100b19e3f2d3b0c94458e8416221",
    "receiptsRoot": "0x056b23fbba480696b65fe5a59b8f2148a1299103c4f57df839233af2cf4ca2d2",
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
    "size": "0x2d0",
    "stateRoot": "0xacd47979435487a7d071e92d49fb288a3b0adf6ab104d391bd28058df6cacc54",
    "timestamp": "0x5d89cab1",
    "totalDifficulty": "0x1ddfce",
    "transactions": [
            "blockHash": "0xcaebe0b74c52658891a318bb0ecd6e08fb2c9ada52fd8499ec05dc783a7928c0",
            "blockNumber": "0x134d8e",
            "from": "0xc58299aa649ae63d3362a6fb6b19946a36746d61",
            "gas": "0x877f8",
            "gasPrice": "0x77359400",
            "hash": "0xece844c6f45c812ab33ba6800c47727c2f976cf657cbe8d6cc082a2c207933e1",
            "input": "0x",
            "nonce": "0x0",
            "to": "0xab8137f2a142b7fb615d7f41fff95e6a36772c4e",
            "transactionIndex": "0x0",
            "value": "0x5af3107a4000",
            "v": "0x30",
            "r": "0x5be1535281cff6ffe6608be828061c538c72790fe08cf75662b2cf77bc96dcad",
            "s": "0x15b4553ab3642933a80f12eeb7e7ef41f27a232675ec70160cd7d04732d790c4"
    "transactionsRoot": "0x043d6ed6fdb463918ff42cc0935db64cb6a52b4f87c77a7f78413cfebe9efc2f",
    "uncles": []

Environment and parameters

I am running geth with the following command:

/root/go/src/ --kotti --networkid 6 --lightserv 50 --miner.etherbase 0x009bd67e2d46db4e2c948d89dfdc511723495e55 --miner.extradata "ETC Labs Kotti" --mine --unlock 0x009bd67e2d46db4e2c948d89dfdc511723495e55 --password /root/kottipassword.txt --bootnodes enode://06333009fc9ef3c9e174768e495722a7f98fe7afd4660542e983005f85e556028410fd03278944f44cfe5437b1750b5e6bd1738f700fe7da3626d52010d2954c@ --ethstats "ETC Labs Kotti #0, meow":password@wss://
$ geth version
Version: 1.9.4-unstable
Git Commit: b0c64213331f67fe4d3e6b251f87c777a4261f1e
Git Commit Date: 20191019
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [63]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.11.5
Operating System: linux
root@etclabs-kotti:~# uname -a
Linux etclabs-kotti 4.4.0-141-generic #167-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 10:40:15 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

un"hardcode" setting chain configuration

this needs improving:

having "hardcoded" switches for default chain configs everywhere is too complex and too redundant and leaves too many opportunities for errors and inconsistencies:

much of this is because of crufty, brittle code (inheriting code where these cases have been carelessly hardcoded with approaching infinite opinionation).

I'm not sure the best pattern for approach yet. Big global? Moar interfaces? Mmmm..

Rel #63

move multi-geth to own repository; consider rebrand

this should be a top level repository to indicate the state of the code.

upstream compatibility with multi-geth and foundation geth can still be maintained.

we should consider a rebrand to distinguish from multi-geth releases that eventually will happen. what about phoenix-geth with client identifier phoenix?

CPU mining bogs down (hashrate falls toward 0 over time)

I start mining. miner.getHashrate() is between, oh, 50000 and 70000. A week goes by, and I find hashrate down barely scraping 1000 if not 0.

I have somewhat limited logs, due in part to limited patience and in part to journalctl rotation limits, but here's a kind of "upside down" log of the issue. You can see the "end of week" section on top. Then, I restart the client, restart mining, and those logs are underneath. You can see the difference of attempts in general.

> miner.getHashrate()
> miner.getHashrate()

# 1 week later...
> miner.getHashrate()
> miner.getHashrate()
root@hostess:~/go/src/ journalctl -u multigeth_ethereumclassic_mordor.service --since '1 week ago' | grep attempts | gr
ep -v too |& tee miner_attempts.log                                                                                                                       
Jan 09 17:17:02 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:02.540] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=422                             
Jan 09 17:17:02 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:02.571] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=413                             
Jan 09 17:17:06 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:06.618] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=160                             Jan 09 17:17:06 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:06.618] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=155                             
Jan 09 17:17:15 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:15.746] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=418                             
Jan 09 17:17:15 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:15.763] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=452                             
Jan 09 17:17:17 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:17.236] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=77                              
Jan 09 17:17:17 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:17.258] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=73                              
Jan 09 17:17:43 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:43.282] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=1425                            
Jan 09 17:17:43 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:43.305] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=1439                            
Jan 09 17:17:44 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:44.372] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=52                              
Jan 09 17:17:44 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:44.373] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=56                              
Jan 09 17:17:51 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:51.341] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=344                             
Jan 09 17:17:51 sf-etclabs sh[10933]: TRACE[01-09|17:17:51.361] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=324                             Jan 09 17:18:40 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:40.001] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=280407                          
Jan 09 17:18:40 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:40.035] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=276196                          
Jan 09 17:18:42 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:42.033] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=30256                           
Jan 09 17:18:42 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:42.033] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=33134                           
Jan 09 17:18:42 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:42.250] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=1 attempts=3854   nonce=5241881277459086967Jan 09 17:18:42 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:42.251] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=3860                            
Jan 09 17:18:45 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:45.927] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=56553                           
Jan 09 17:18:45 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:45.927] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=54616                           
Jan 09 17:18:48 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:48.694] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=44928                           
Jan 09 17:18:48 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:48.710] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=42226                           
Jan 09 17:18:55 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:55.990] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=111029                          
Jan 09 17:18:56 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:56.002] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=108714                          Jan 09 17:18:56 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:56.680] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=9924                            
Jan 09 17:18:56 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:56.680] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=11570                           
Jan 09 17:18:57 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:57.792] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=17366                           
Jan 09 17:18:57 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:18:57.807] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=17574                           
Jan 09 17:19:02 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:02.899] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=70371                           
Jan 09 17:19:02 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:02.899] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=65415                           
Jan 09 17:19:03 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:03.695] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=0 attempts=10907  nonce=5081695854271724204
Jan 09 17:19:03 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:03.696] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=11070                           
Jan 09 17:19:05 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:05.824] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=0 attempts=31661  nonce=8405810286462023217Jan 09 17:19:05 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:05.825] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=35346                           
Jan 09 17:19:15 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:15.592] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=0 attempts=158761 nonce=8407955903244848098
Jan 09 17:19:15 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:15.599] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=158142                          Jan 09 17:19:24 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:24.768] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=141533                          
Jan 09 17:19:24 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:24.770] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=141219                          
Jan 09 17:19:35 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:35.577] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=166616                          
Jan 09 17:19:35 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:35.613] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=174460                          
Jan 09 17:19:41 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:41.245] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=91526                           Jan 09 17:19:41 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:41.245] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=89261                           
Jan 09 17:19:48 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:48.819] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=1 attempts=123166 nonce=6322267920637101883
Jan 09 17:19:48 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:19:48.819] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=119838                          
Jan 09 17:20:32 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:32.984] Ethash nonce found and reported          miner=0 attempts=689656 nonce=3789431768198540595
Jan 09 17:20:32 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:32.990] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=695456                          Jan 09 17:20:34 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:34.960] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=30422                           
Jan 09 17:20:34 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:34.999] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=28477                           
Jan 09 17:20:39 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:39.468] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=69885                           Jan 09 17:20:39 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:39.513] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=68418                           
Jan 09 17:20:40 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:40.030] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=8803                            
Jan 09 17:20:40 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:40.030] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=8575                            
Jan 09 17:20:44 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:44.002] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=60810                           
Jan 09 17:20:44 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:44.002] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=62729                           
Jan 09 17:20:49 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:49.376] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=87559                           
Jan 09 17:20:49 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:20:49.376] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=85580                           Jan 09 17:21:06 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:21:06.711] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=260419                          
Jan 09 17:21:06 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:21:06.711] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=267318                          
Jan 09 17:21:18 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:21:18.716] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=0 attempts=195479                          
Jan 09 17:21:18 sf-etclabs sh[15162]: TRACE[01-09|17:21:18.716] Ethash nonce search aborted              miner=1 attempts=186745     

Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: gap (#9651538) in the chain between ancients and leveldb

System information

Geth version: geth version

> ./.builds/systemd/classic/geth version
Version: 1.9.9-stable
Git Commit: ffdc07878b7ea9bffd0cb3a9dea90a1494b99c52
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [64 63]
Go Version: go1.13.5
Operating System: linux

System and Version Info

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (bionic)
  • Git HEAD: [feat/cmd-devp2p-findnode] dfacdbed000b3464d30aa80c2091358314cbcc85
go version go1.13.5 linux/amd64
node version: v13.6.0
npm version: 6.13.4
Python 3.6.8
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
> cat multigeth.SAMSUNG_T5_2.classic.service
Description=Multigeth classic Service

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/home/ia/go/src/ --classic --rpc --rpcport 8061 --rpccorsdomain=* --port 30361 --verbosity 5 --datadir /home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic --ethash.dagdir /home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/.ethash --miner.gaslimit=100000000 --miner.gastarget=64000000 --ipcpath /tmp/multigeth_classic.ipc --lightserv 10 --keystore /home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/keys/classic --preload /home/ia/go/src/ --miner.gasprice=0'


Expected behaviour

Geth starts and runs (recovering/rewinding chaindb to resolve issues automatically).

Actual behaviour

Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 systemd[1]: Started Multigeth classic Service.
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.495] Bumping default cache on mainnet         provided=1024 updated=4096
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.495] Sanitizing Go's GC trigger               percent=25
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.497] Maximum peer count                       ETH=50 LES=100 total=150
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.497] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.497] FS scan times                            list=67.106µs set=513ns diff=604ns
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: TRACE[02-10|07:53:03.497] Started watching keystore folder         path=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/keys/classic
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.507] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=MultiGeth/v1.9.9-stable-ffdc0787/linux-amd64/go1.13.5
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: WARN [02-10|07:53:03.507] Sanitizing invalid miner gas price       provided=0    updated=0
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.507] Allocated trie memory caches             clean=1024.00MiB dirty=1024.00MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.507] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata cache=2.00GiB handles=2048
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.601] Chain freezer table opened               database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient table=bodies items=9651538 size=252.33MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.605] Chain freezer table opened               database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient table=receipts items=9651538 size=402.19MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.608] Chain freezer table opened               database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient table=diffs    items=9651538 size=90.56MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.614] Chain freezer table opened               database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient table=headers  items=9651538 size=928.51MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: DEBUG[02-10|07:53:03.618] Chain freezer table opened               database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient table=hashes   items=9651538 size=294.54MiB
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: INFO [02-10|07:53:03.618] Opened ancient database                  database=/home/ia/SAMSUNG_T5_2/e/clients/multigeth/classic/geth/chaindata/ancient
Feb 10 07:53:03 ubp52 sh[17284]: Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: gap (#9651538) in the chain between ancients and leveldb

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Unsure. Maybe start and stop geth a couple times and get (un)lucky?

Feature: ChainConfigurator, use interface for chain configuration

Interfaces are currently used for several important data types:

  • ChainReader (implemented by core.HeaderChain and core.BlockChain)
  • Engine
  • core.BlockValidator, etc.

We should use an interface for chain configuration as well (eg type ChainConfigurator interface {...}. This is of particular importance for our growing chain config which has now far-overgrown the upstream implementation. The effort would be in order to establish common patterns of configuration implementation, to enable translation/conversion between configuration data types, and to further un-hardcode some of the configuration opinions.

Doing so would enable various Chain Configurations (ethereum/go-ethereum, parity, multi-geth, even Aleth, PyEthereum, Besu??...) to run "natively" w/o awkward adhoc conversion methods (, It would also greatly simplify and validate some testing workarounds (

Essentially this helps us pay back some of the technical debt we've inherited from upstream opinions.

Rel #67

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