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streamdeck-clockify's Issues

Bug: Buttons stop working

Not sure what causes it. I have 14 buttons defined, all in same workspace with same API Key, with unique Titles (only on stopped state), some have same Project Name, but have unique Task Name and Timer Name and all in default server.

To get a button working when it happens, I have to modify the API Key field in some way. Just selectiing all, copy, paste, enter and the button works again until something causes it to stop working.

Please match the format requested

Hello! When I copy the API key from my profile into the plugin, I get the following error

"Please match the format requested" - how can I fix this?

Also, I get the same error if in any of the other fields there are upper case characters?

Option to have title text only be current time

I've just started using this plugin, and it's awesome.

One feature that I think would be really useful would be to have the option to have the title text on the button only be the current time being logged.

As far as I can tell, there are currently 4 options:

  1. Project Name, Task Name, Time
  2. Timer Name (if set)
  3. Title (if set)
  4. Nothing (if Show Title is turned off)

I've got my buttons set up with an icon to show what it is for, but it would be great to be able to also show the current time on this view, without also showing the Project Name and Task Name.


MacOS version

Hey Lukas,

thank's for your work! I hope you will continue to work on this plugin :)

Sadly, the plugin won't work on MacOS. Stream Deck Software reports, that "This custom action can't be installed on this operating system"


I'm happy to help developing an maintaining this plugin, if you need and want help :)

Project name does not need to be unique

I just learned about clients category and how you can have the same project name assigned to different clients.
This also applies to projects/clients that have been archived.

This violates the current assumptions that project names are unique and will cause a crash in the plugin:

2022-12-31 11:42:40.6582|FATAL|dev.duerrenberger.clockify|13|Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowMoreThanOneMatchException()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetSingle[TSource](IEnumerable`1 , Func`2 , Boolean& )
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 , Func`2 )
   at Clockify.ClockifyContext.GetRunningTimerAsync(String workspaceName, String projectName, String timeName) in D:\a\streamdeck-clockify\streamdeck-clockify\Clockify\ClockifyContext.cs:line 127
   at Clockify.ToggleAction.OnTick() in D:\a\streamdeck-clockify\streamdeck-clockify\Clockify\ToggleAction.cs:line 82
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object )
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

Clockify API Paging

When you have more than 50 projects in Clockify, the API call from the plugin won't find your project, due to the default paging being set to 50.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Have more than 50 projects in Clockify
  • Try to track project 51+

Actual Behavior

  • Project is never found and thus the tracking for the project doesn't work

Expected Behavior

  • Project is found and project can be tracked

Trouble setting up

New to Clockify, generated an API key. Log says:

2023-04-24 16:52:18.0585|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|32|API key successfully set

Set up a Workspace Name ("Axis"), but no matter what I'm trying:

2023-04-24 16:52:18.8601|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|1|Invalid settings for running timer Axis

Not sure how to troubleshoot. Ideas?

Perhaps the URL? Don't see where in Clockify there's a unique URL.

stops working after the 4th client added

Hi, firstly let me say what a great plug in this is. Thank you. It's been running mostly fine to track 4 client projects I have set up on it. Sometime they haven't been triggering when the button is pressed, but most of the time it does. Today I added a 5th client, and it all stopped working. The log screen shot attached is saying that AS01, the latest project can't be found, but I've checked and double checked it exists, and is identically named on clockify. Any idea how I fix this, other than deleting it and limiting myself to 4 clients?
Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 15 57 01

Need ability to specify self-hosted url

We need a way to specify to baseUrl if the user is not using the clockify cloud.

My suggestions:

\\In PluginSettings.cs - add a new property to hold base url/default to standard
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "baseApiUrl")]
public string BaseApiUrl { get; set; } = "";

\\change line 130: \\allow for new setting to be passed in
public async Task<bool> SetApiKeyAsync(string apiKey, string baseApiUrl)

\\line 141:  - use it when creating the client
 _clockifyClient = new ClockifyClient(_apiKey, apiUrl: baseApiUrl);

\\lines 80 & 89 - pass the settings to the setup method
await _clockifyContext.SetApiKeyAsync(_settings.ApiKey, _settings.BaseApiUrl);

I may have missed something important, but that seems like it should work

Tasks integration

Hi Lukas,
thanks for your work and sharing it. Was able to add it to Streamdeck right away.
However I´m missing a very important feature for timetracking in our company. For all projects you have to name a task to be able to stop the timer but tasks are not taken into account here. Are there any plans to integrate that feature?
Sadly I can´t use it for now, looking forward to your answer.
Cheers, Frederic

NullReferenceException in Clockify.ClockifyContext.SetApiKeyAsync

I think I configured it correctly but it seems like the _workspaces field is NULL after confirming the API Key.


2023-05-04 15:49:56.8758|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|1|Plugin version: 1.6
2023-05-04 15:49:56.8758|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|1|Connecting to Stream Deck...
2023-05-04 15:49:56.9686|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|1|Connected to Stream Deck
2023-05-04 15:49:56.9712|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|1|GlobalSettingsManager initialized
2023-05-04 15:49:58.4024|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|8|API key successfully set
2023-05-04 15:49:58.4024|INFO|dev.duerrenberg|13|API key successfully set
2023-05-04 15:49:58.5353|FATAL|dev.duerrenberg|4|Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Clockify.ClockifyContext.SetApiKeyAsync(String serverUrl, String apiKey) in /Users/runner/work/streamdeck-clockify/streamdeck-clockify/Clockify/ClockifyContext.cs:line 157
   at Clockify.ToggleAction.OnTick() in /Users/runner/work/streamdeck-clockify/streamdeck-clockify/Clockify/ToggleAction.cs:line 79
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object )
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()
2023-05-04 15:49:58.5353|FATAL|dev.duerrenberg|6|Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Clockify.ClockifyContext.SetApiKeyAsync(String serverUrl, String apiKey) in /Users/runner/work/streamdeck-clockify/streamdeck-clockify/Clockify/ClockifyContext.cs:line 157
   at Clockify.ToggleAction.OnTick() in /Users/runner/work/streamdeck-clockify/streamdeck-clockify/Clockify/ToggleAction.cs:line 79
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object )
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

Unable to start the timer on my new device

I startet at home with a mac mini and it worked perfectly fine with my stream deck mini. On the road i work on a m2 mac book (just got it some days ago) with the same stream deck but the timer wont start. (yellow triangle)

tried it with my hotspot and an other network

is there a setting problem i might not know about on my new device or could it be a network problem?

I'm not that experienced with such plug ins and the twerks they might have so i might oversee some dumb error.


Unable to retrieve project/workspaces

after upgrading StreamDeck to 6.5.0 and the plugin to 1.7 it keeps warning that it is unable to retrieve project and workspces. See:

2024-02-08 16:12:38.7054|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|31|Unable to retrieve project TechDD on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:38.7085|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|4|Unable to retrieve project KMU Basic on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:38.7093|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|4|Unable to retrieve project Pleen on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:39.7243|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|17|Unable to retrieve project digi.reporter on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:39.7334|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|17|Unable to retrieve project HL Dev on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:39.7380|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|30|Unable to retrieve project TechDD on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:40.3831|DEBUG|dev.duerrenberg|10|Key Pressed
2024-02-08 16:12:40.5380|DEBUG|dev.duerrenberg|10|Key Released
2024-02-08 16:12:40.5551|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|10|Unable to retrieve available workspaces
2024-02-08 16:12:40.5777|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|10|Unable to retrieve available workspaces
2024-02-08 16:12:40.6011|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|21|Unable to retrieve available workspaces
2024-02-08 16:12:40.7249|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|28|Unable to retrieve project KMU Expert on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:40.7313|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|21|Unable to retrieve project TechDD on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:40.7318|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|28|Unable to retrieve project HL Dev on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:41.7365|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|27|Unable to retrieve project KMU Basic on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:41.7418|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|27|Unable to retrieve project Birkmayer on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:41.7418|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|27|Unable to retrieve project SWK LoRa on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben
2024-02-08 16:12:42.7418|WARN|dev.duerrenberg|26|Unable to retrieve project KMU Basic on workspace Beratung für vernetztes Leben

The action button keeps "flickering". It shows the current running timecaption and then shows the button without the actual time.

Any idea what i could test or change?

Title Format doesn't work

The title formatting option doesn't work. Any information will be ignored.
I ran the content {timer} on Windows 10 with Stream Deck version 6.6.0

Possible issue with Stream Deck 6.3? Plugin keeps stopping

Sorry, new to Clockify and trying to get this setup. I keep getting the yellow exclamation mark so I regenerated my API key and carefully repasted (as I understand that's often the issue!) but no change.

Looking at the Stream Deck logs it looks like it keeps exiting - do you have any logging I can switch on to help you debug this, or is it something you've seen before?

22:08:21.770                     StreamDeck                        dbgcommand():                                   using log file 'C:\Users\EDIflyer\AppData\Roaming\Elgato\StreamDeck\logs\StreamDeck0.log'
22:08:21.774                     StreamDeck ESDSentryWrapper   inf ESDSentryWrapper::start():                      Sentry use environment 'production'
22:08:21.794                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Using preferences from \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Elgato Systems GmbH\StreamDeck
22:08:22.007                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Compiled with Qt 6.4.2 ; SSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1m  14 Dec 2021
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Runtime SSL Supported: 1
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Runtime SSL version used: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Deployed Qt Webengine version: 6.4.2
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Deployed Chromium version: 102.0.5005.177
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Deployed Chromium security patch version: 108.0.5359.94
22:08:22.017                     StreamDeck                        main():                                         Start Stream Deck App -> Version:
22:08:22.218                     StreamDeck                        EGQTCredentialStore::GetPasswordWithServerAndUserName(): CredRead() - GetLastError() 1168
22:08:22.218                     StreamDeck                        ESDVSD2Server::init():                          ### [VSD2 Server] init with workstationID=AQRWbVBhggc-_h1E71jK4w
22:08:22.218                     StreamDeck                        ESDVSDServer::init():                           ### [SERVER] init
22:08:22.218                     StreamDeck                        ESDCUEHub::init():                              ### [CUESDK] init
22:08:22.234                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::start():          Using port 28196 to communicate with plugins
22:08:22.234                     StreamDeck                        ESDPluginManager::LoadPluginsFromCore():        Load plugins from core...
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::InitializeAccountMgr():             AccountMgr initialized
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::ReloadAllAccountsFromPreferences(): Reload all accounts
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::RecreateServiceInstancesForType():  Recreate service instances for Twitter
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::RecreateServiceInstancesForType():  Recreate service instances for YouTube
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::RecreateServiceInstancesForType():  Recreate service instances for Streamlabs
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::RecreateServiceInstancesForType():  Recreate service instances for Twitch
22:08:22.501                     StreamDeck                        AccountMgr::RecreateServiceInstancesForType():  Recreate service instances for Facebook
22:08:22.598                     StreamDeck                        MainWindow::MainWindow():                       Running in high dpi mode: 1.00
22:08:22.886                     StreamDeck                        ESDVSD2Server::resume():                        ### [VSD2 Server] resuming
22:08:22.887                     StreamDeck                        ESDVSD2Server::resume():                        ### [VSD2 Server] port 28198 is available; starting Bonjour
22:08:34.033                     StreamDeck                        ESDVSD2Server::resume():                        ### [VSD2 Server] resumed
22:08:34.282                     StreamDeck                        ESDAppController::bootstrap():                  All object init done!
22:08:34.560                     StreamDeck                        ESDSharedFileServer::ESDSharedFileServer():     mapfile location C:\ProgramData\Elgato\StreamDeck\STREAMDECKINTERNALSHM
22:08:34.649                      ### DeviceManager: ping          check for pending attached devices
22:08:34.649                      ### DeviceManager: ping          opening device @(1)[4057/128/DL19L2A84572]
22:08:34.650                     StreamDeck                        MainWindow::event():                            Wake up keypad(s).
22:08:34.650                      ### DeviceComm [DL19L2A84572]      warming up unit: @(1)[4057/128/XXXX]
22:08:34.652                      ### DeviceManager                device status changed @(1)[4057/128/XXXX]: connected
22:08:34.673                     StreamDeck                        ESDAppStoreManager::UpdateAppStorePlugins():    Check for Plugin Store updates
22:08:34.673                     StreamDeck                        ESDAppStoreManager::UpdateAppStoreIconPacks():  Check for icon pack Store updates
22:08:34.673                     StreamDeck                        ESDAppController::onDeviceStatusChanged():      Device connected, id: @(1)[4057/128/XXXX], serial number: XXXX, firmware version: 1.01.000
22:08:34.689                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin F34B467C68A2F0A5C18F78C6FAE73BF3 is now connected
22:08:34.707                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin B7178B68138D35EB8CAA2A0AF2D97D3C is now connected
22:08:34.707                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 59B1EE56B9F780CBC4F25DBB8EFEC993 is now connected
22:08:36.287                     StreamDeck                        ESDElgatoDiscoveryService::onRequestFinished(): ### [ELGATO DISCOVERY] discovery posted successfully
22:08:36.365                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin BDE4F680652817B9E99BCB917C088BCA is now connected
22:08:36.474                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 4A7A048A0C5A7C782522FF385ADFC3E0 is now connected
22:08:36.774                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 6145B21C1DBA4FED9EC7B6E32F8F33A2 is now connected
22:08:36.804                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin CF0C1424BF68FDABEFE356D6E0156BD3 is now connected
22:08:36.815                     StreamDeck                        EGQTCredentialStore::GetPasswordWithServerAndUserName(): CredRead() - GetLastError() 1168
22:08:36.993                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 4B4D654C81B5FDB49C960CC2AA1688FA is now connected
22:08:37.104                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin B4542D6562B730763772F8D7963D79C6 is now connected
22:08:37.359                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 25D2964EC3FF8A73F557B554F89E67BC is now connected
22:08:38.095                     StreamDeck                        ESDObsConnectionManager::CreateSocket::<lambda_7ea60fb2e90cf27a563bb09880d6e501>::operator ()(): SLOBS returned error Connection refused
22:08:39.052                     StreamDeck                        EGQTSWUpdateDialog::checkForUpdate():           Check for update 2:
22:08:39.052                     StreamDeck                        EGQTSWUpdateDownloader::startDownload():        Download task name: Update File, file URL:
22:08:39.510                     StreamDeck                        EGQTSWUpdateDialog::shouldUpdate():             current SW Ver:, remote SW Ver:
22:08:39.510                     StreamDeck                        EGQTSWUpdateDialog::handleUpdateFileDownloaded(): No update available
22:08:47.161                     StreamDeck                        ESDObsConnectionManager::CreateSocket::<lambda_7ea60fb2e90cf27a563bb09880d6e501>::operator ()(): SLOBS returned error Connection refused
22:08:56.180                     StreamDeck                        ESDObsConnectionManager::CreateSocket::<lambda_7ea60fb2e90cf27a563bb09880d6e501>::operator ()(): SLOBS returned error Connection refused
22:09:05.243                     StreamDeck                        KA_Execute::execute():                          execute C:/Windows/explorer.exe
22:09:05.243                     StreamDeck                        ESDObsConnectionManager::CreateSocket::<lambda_7ea60fb2e90cf27a563bb09880d6e501>::operator ()(): SLOBS returned error Connection refused
22:09:46.842                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:09:46.842                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 0 seconds(s)
22:09:49.075                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin E6BFA993F867D2B69B749AB297CF99B2 is now connected
22:09:53.879                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:09:53.880                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 60 seconds(s)
22:10:23.531                     StreamDeck                        KA_Execute::execute():                          execute C:/Windows/explorer.exe
22:10:56.166                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 176CF4AE260C11708BD1C39DF40B5211 is now connected
22:11:01.233                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:11:01.233                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 0 seconds(s)
22:11:03.467                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 6C127D80214C801ED17A1894FDBF035B is now connected
22:11:08.506                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:11:08.506                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 60 seconds(s)
22:12:10.813                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 68351F952474A9DBE447EDE1957A9B85 is now connected
22:12:15.828                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:12:15.828                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 0 seconds(s)
22:12:18.061                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin 29C632A3036DAED71CCB7C216A08BF8A is now connected
22:12:23.032                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:12:23.032                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 60 seconds(s)
22:13:25.291                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin F86B31624FB83EFDEEE0C3E95D388829 is now connected
22:13:30.069                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:13:30.069                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 0 seconds(s)
22:13:32.355                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPluginCommunication::onMessageReceived(): Plugin D14778FE43B2ED8DD7E39D250B0EA4F0 is now connected
22:13:37.322                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::onNativeProcessFinished():     The plugin 'Clockify' exited normally with code -532462766
22:13:37.322                     StreamDeck                        ESDCustomPlugin::restartNativeProcess():        Restarting plugin 'Clockify' in 60 seconds(s)

Add support for client field

Can you add a client field? My company uses the same project name over and over, but the thing that changes things is the client name. If I have a unique project name, it works well, but if my project name is the same across multiple clients, it fails.

Originally posted by @ARegalbuto in #6 (comment)

Installtion under 6.5.0

I'm struggling to work out how, and if it's even possible to install this plugin under streamdeck OS 6.5.0

Have I missed something obvious? Thanks in advance!

doesn't work with multiactions

Great plugin. It works great as a regular button but I can't seem to search and add it with Stream Deck Multi Actions. Would be great if you can add that functionality. Thanks!

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