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moore's Issues

Use slog to print trace output for debugging

Make use of the slog create (already there as a dependency) to emit contextual information during compilation. Currently this is enabled with the --trace-scoreboard option, but there are probably better ways to enable/disable these messages on-demand. By using the ability to nest the loggers, it should be possible to represent the dependencies that lead to calculations in the scoreboard as indentation.

Properly lower the LHS of signal/variable assignments

Currently the representation of signal/variable assignment lvalues is fairly simple:

pub enum SigAssignTarget {

Note that the Aggregate variant is not even implement, nor are the cases of indexed, sliced, or selected signals. This needs to change. There needs to be code that explicitly unpacks the following AST nodes as potential lvalues:

  • aggregates
  • sliced name
  • selected name
  • indexed name

Make sure that most of the code can be reused between signal and variable assignments.

Implement array constraints

Array constraints are properly lowered to HIR. However, the compiler fails during typeck with the following message:

error: Array constraints on subtypes not yet supported
  --> tests/vhdl/type_array.vhd:18:34-42:
   |     type T0 is array (1 to 10) of F (1 to 0);
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^ 

Fix this by properly applying the constraint to the subtype.

Implement all VHDL types

Verify that we impl the full set of VHDL types, and define some reasonable means to display them in a human-readable way. This should allow them to be printed in diagnostic messages.

The list of types as per IEEE 1076-2008 section 5 is:

  • enumeration type, e.g. (A, B, 'C', 'D')
  • integer type, e.g. range 0 to 42 or foo'range
  • floating type, e.g. range 0.0 to 4.2
  • physical type, e.g. range 0 to 42 units ns; us = 1000 ns; end units
  • array type
    • unbounded, e.g. array (integer range <>) of std_logic
    • bounded, e.g. array (31 downto 0) of std_logic
  • record type, e.g. record A,B : integer; C : bit; end record
  • access type, e.g. access integer
  • file type, e.g. file of string
  • protected type
    • declaration, e.g. protected ... end protected
    • body, e.g. protected body ... end protected body

Type check subprograms

Properly type check subprograms. This requires some form of incarnations to be in place, mainly if generic parameters are part of the function. This requires #41 to be done.

Rework the way scopes are created and populated

The code that gathers the definitions in a scope and populates it with use clauses is pretty messy and incomplete. There is a DefsContext which takes a first step in the right direction. But there is a lot more to do. Especially the code that just populates a scope is pretty much the same for every single entity. Surely this can be optimized.

It might also be possible to completely detach scopes from nodes, and just have scopes be a NodeId that can never be asked for an HIR, type, or similar. This would allow scopes to remain quite general. The question then becomes: How do we know what node is needed to populate a scope with definitions.

Implement pretty printing of VHDL types

VHDL types do not implement the Display trait, nor any other means of pretty printing. This makes it hard to display types to the user, e.g. during typeck. Implement such a thing.

Remove node IDs from AST

Since we're now generating the node IDs in the scoreboard when we lower things to HIR, remove the corresponding id fields from the AST.

Lower subprograms to HIR

Lower subprogram declarations and bodies to HIR as described in IEEE 1076-2008 section 4.2. This will pave the way for type checking, code generation, and constant value calculation of subprogram and function calls. Furthermore, this is an important first step towards the implementation of incarnations.

The following is required:

  • subprogram declarations
  • subprogram bodies
  • subprogram instantiations

Refactor VHDL Scoreboard

Move the src/vhdl/ file into src/vhdl/score/ and factor the HIR lowering, definition/scope population, type calculation, etc. out into separate files.

Type-check everything

At the moment only things that are actually used in the elaborated entity are type-checked, due to how the scoreboard is designed. It's not clear to me whether this is the best course of action in the long run. It would be better to have a type-check function also defined on entire entities, architectures, packages, etc., which calculate the types for the declarative items and statements contained within. This makes debugging easier, since the entire entity/architecture/package will be type-checked rather than just the ones that are used. At a later stage we can always introduce a flag that limits type-checking and codegen to the things that are actually used.

Fails to find package imported with use

The following snippet does not elaborate with cargo run -- score tests/vhdl/select_into_used_pkg.vhd -e A:

-- tests/vhdl/select_into_used_pkg.vhd
package pkg is
	type BIT is range 0 to 1;
end package;

library work;
use work.pkg;

entity A is
	port (CK: out pkg.BIT);
	--            ^^^ this fails at the moment

architecture empty of A is begin end;

The compiler complains about not being able to find the pkg in pkg.BIT. But clearly this should be in scope due to the use work.pkg above.

Implement record constraints

Record constraints need to be properly lowered from terms to HIR. Then typeck needs to apply them properly to the subtype.

Implement mapping of NodeId to Span

The scoreboard, or rather the scoreboard context should provide a function

fn span(&self, id: NodeId) -> Span

that maps any node reference to a span. This will make it easy to emit diagnostic messages, e.g. during typeck.

This function could make use of a hash map that is filled whenever set_ast is called on the scoreboard. Or it could resort to requesting the HIR of a node and use the HasSpan trait to get the span. The latter might be less work.

Generate code for process statements

Implement code generation for process statements in architectures. In LLHD processes have an explicit port list and need to be explicitly instantiated. Therefore we need some means of gathering all signals read and written by a process. If that information is available, the mapping to LLHD becomes as simple as generating a new process and instantiating that in the surrounding entity.

svlog: Enum Typedef elaboration error

For the following example containing a typedef enum

module typedef_enum (
    input logic clk_i,
    input logic rst_ni
    typedef enum logic [1:0] { IDLE, BUSY, FAILED } state_t;
    state_t state_d, state_q;

    always_comb begin
        state_d = state_q;
        case (state_q)
            IDLE: begin
                state_d = BUSY;
            BUSY: begin
                state_d = FAILED;

    always_ff @(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni) begin
        if (rst_ni == 1'b0) begin
            state_q <= IDLE;
        end else begin
            state_q <= state_d;

name resolution fails for the defined enum literals during elaboration:

error: `IDLE` has not been defined
   |             IDLE: begin
   |             ^^^^

error: `BUSY` has not been defined
   |                 state_d = BUSY;
   |                           ^^^^

error: `BUSY` has not been defined
   |             BUSY: begin
   |             ^^^^

error: `FAILED` has not been defined
   |                 state_d = FAILED;
   |                           ^^^^^^

error: `IDLE` has not been defined
   |             state_q <= IDLE;
   |                        ^^^^

fatal: name resolution failed

If lines 5 and 6 are replaced by

enum logic [1:0] { IDLE, BUSY, FAILED } state_d, state_q;

the module gets elaborated just fine.

Fix unused doc comments under rust 1.23.0

Fix the following warnings about unused doc comments that occur when compiling with a reasonably recent version of rust:

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
    --> src/vhdl/syntax/parser/
1973 |  /// Parse the entity aspect.
     |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = note: #[warn(unused_doc_comment)] on by default

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
    --> src/vhdl/syntax/parser/
2006 |  /// Parse the generic map aspect.
     |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
    --> src/vhdl/syntax/parser/
2009 |  /// Parse the port map aspect.
     |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
    --> src/svlog/syntax/
2058 |  /// Streaming concatenations have a "<<" or ">>" following the opening "{".
     |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = note: #[warn(unused_doc_comment)] on by default

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
   --> src/vhdl/score/
247 |   /// Literals
    |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: #[warn(unused_doc_comment)] on by default

warning: doc comment not used by rustdoc
  --> src/vhdl/score/
37 |   /// For range constraints, we first have to check if the constraint is
   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Should be an easy fix.

Ensure every AST node has a span

Make sure that every AST node keeps track of a span in the source file and implements the HasSpan trait. Wrap things in Spanned where appropriate and/or necessary.

Use bitflag to configure verbosity

Use the bitflags crate to configure what additional debugging and logging messages to emit. The session could keep a set of verbosity flags which are inherited by the language-specific scoreboards. We may even want to have language-specific sessions, e.g. VhdlSession wrapping around Session.

The following debug output could be added:

  • termification
  • types assigned during typeck
  • constant value assigned during cval

Impl entity instantiation

The compiler currently throws up when it sees an entity instantiation. To implement these, the instantiation should be lowered to HIR, typechecked, and have its generics bound to their constant values. This latter part is likely to require the incarnation concept from the svlog crate to keep track of different values and types

Don't upload doc if cargo doc failed

Make sure that the CI build does not upload the result of a failed cargo doc run. In the Travis configuration, combine the doc and upload command on the same line with &&.

Make root a lib crate

The root moore crate is a binary at the moment. This is a bit inconvenient since the compiler itself should be as reusable as possible. Therefore the src/ file should go into src/bin/, and a new top-level src/ file should be created:

// src/
extern crate moore_common;
pub use moore_common::*;

extern crate moore_svlog as svlog;
extern crate moore_vhdl as vhdl;

Theoretically this should already be enough. Not sure if there will be a naming conflict because both the binary and the library will be called moore. Can be fixed somehow.

Add macro to declare arenas

Add a trait ArenaAllocator<T> that provides an alloc function for a specific type. Add a macro make_arenas! that creates a struct containing a typed arena for each of the provided types, plus an additional list of sub-arenas / public members. The macro shall implement the ArenaAllocator trait for each of the types. This simplifies code from;


and makes it easier to add new types to the arena.

Lower all expressions to HIR

Implement lowering of all expressions defined in IEEE 1076-2008 section 9.1 to HIR. Use termification to do so, which should make handling of aggregates and other rather wild syntactic issues easier. Then go from the Term and map that to an expression. The building blocks are all there.

Make sure that hir::Expr really only accepts what the aforementioned section of the standard defines as an expression. That is, get rid of all the weird range expressions. Maybe we can drop hir::Expr and replace it directly with hir::ExprData, since the only additional information that the former carries is a span. That span can be retained via Spanned<T>.

Add rustfmt to CI

Run rustfmt on the entire project during the CI build. This requires a nightly compiler, which might be available on Travis.

Type check expressions

Perform a proper type check of expressions. This will require proper resolution of overloaded function calls and enum variants. Requires #40 and #41 to be done.

Ensure every HIR node has a span

Make sure that every HIR inherits the span information from the AST node upon lowering. Implement HasSpan for every HIR node.

Lower all type declarations to HIR

Not all type declarations are currently being lowered properly to HIR. Defining an array type for example yields the following error:

compiler bug: lowering to HIR of array type declaration not implemented
  --> tests/vhdl/seq_signal_assignment_2.vhd:7:15-35:
   |     type bits is array (index) of bit;
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

This should be a straight-forward fix, but requires extending the vhdl::ty module with the missing types.

svlog: Type Casting compile errors

For the following (dummy) module

module type_cast;
    typedef logic [47:0] some_type;
    some_type some_signal;
    int some_int;
    assign some_int = int'(7.0);
    assign some_signal = some_type'(some_int);

the compiler fails at the first type cast with

error: Expected expression, found int instead
   |     assign some_int = int'(7.0);
   |                       ^^^

Without the assignment to some_int and with an immediate value in the second type cast instead, the compiler fails there with

error: Expected , or ; after continuous assignment
   |     assign some_signal = some_type'(7);
   |                                   ^

Predefine package STANDARD

Add the predefined package STANDARD as per IEEE 1076-2008 section 16.3. Likely many of the functions need not be implemented directly, but are a result of the default function implementations that are generated for each type declaration.

Package STANDARD defines the following:

  • type BOOLEAN
  • type BIT
  • type CHARACTER
  • type INTEGER
  • type REAL
  • type TIME
  • subtype DELAY_LENGTH
  • function NOW
  • subtype NATURAL
  • subtype POSITIVE
  • type STRING
  • type BIT_VECTOR
  • type REAL_VECTOR
  • type TIME_VECTOR
  • attribute FOREIGN

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