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fabulous.avalonia's Issues

Nuget package .targets file creates Platform structure before source files

The Fabulous.Avalonia nuget package (as of 2.0.0-pre10) contains the file Fabulous.Avalonia.targets which loads the Platform directory and file project items when the project is loaded. However, it appears these are created before the source files are loaded. So for a new project created from the fabulous-avalonia template part of the structure is like this:
The ordering of the items is wrong as some of the platform-specific files depend on App.fs.

In contrast, a project created from the xf-fsharp template in FSharp.Mobile.Templates has the equivalent of the .targets file inlined in the project fiile below the source files so the dependency order is correct.

Also, the samples in this project do something similiar with an Import of a targets file after the source files. However, I think the approach used by FSharp.Mobile.Templates is preferable as it easier for the user to change.

How to raise Notifications from async processes?

Hey fabulous, I've tried out the new Notifications API in 2.4.0-pre1 and it seems to work fine for synchronous messages, but when trying to notify from an async process, the Dispatcher throws one of these my way:

  Message=Call from invalid thread
   at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.<VerifyAccess>g__ThrowVerifyAccess|16_0() in Avalonia.Threading\Dispatcher.cs:line 182
   at Avalonia.AvaloniaObject..ctor() in Avalonia\AvaloniaObject.cs:line 96
   at Avalonia.StyledElement..ctor() in Avalonia\StyledElement.cs:line 218
   at Avalonia.Visual..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Layout.Layoutable..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Interactivity.Interactive..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Input.InputElement..ctor() in Avalonia.Input\InputElement.cs:line 507
   at Avalonia.Controls.Control..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.TemplatedControl..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Controls.ContentControl..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Controls.Notifications.NotificationCard..ctor()
   at Avalonia.Controls.Notifications.WindowNotificationManager.<Show>d__13.MoveNext()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()

A PR with reproducable examples on the NotificationPage in the Gallery follows.

It also includes some questions regarding the recent changes towards the concept of CmdMsg, which I don't understand, seemingly replacing Cmd<'msg>, which I think I understand by now.

Gallery app crash

Given that the repo is marked WIP, apologies if you didn't want any bugs reported yet!

Run the gallery sample project using dotnet run --framework net7.0. If you click any page besides AutoCompleteBox, and then click AutoCompleteBox, you hit an ArgumentOutOfRangeException at Fabulous.Avalonia.Attributes line 116 (let childNode = node.TreeContext.GetViewNode(box targetColl.[index])). I printed out the values and found that index was 0 and targetColl.Count was also 0. Here's the stack trace:

Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
   at Avalonia.Collections.AvaloniaList`1.get_Item(Int32 index) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Collections/AvaloniaList.cs:line 150
   at [email protected](a _arg1, WidgetCollectionItemChanges diffs, IViewNode node) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/src/Fabulous.Avalonia/Attributes.fs:line 118
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](a _arg1, WidgetCollectionItemChanges diffs, IViewNode node) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/src/Fabulous.Avalonia/Attributes.fs:line 120
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](a _arg1, WidgetCollectionItemChanges diffs, IViewNode node) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/src/Fabulous.Avalonia/Attributes.fs:line 120
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](WidgetDiff diff, IViewNode node)
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](WidgetDiff diff, IViewNode node)
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](a _arg1, WidgetCollectionItemChanges diffs, IViewNode node) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/src/Fabulous.Avalonia/Attributes.fs:line 120
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at [email protected](WidgetDiff diff, IViewNode node)
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at Fabulous.Avalonia.ApplicationUpdaters.mainWindowApplyDiff(WidgetDiff diff, IViewNode node) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/src/Fabulous.Avalonia/Widgets/Application.fs:line 67
   at [email protected](WidgetDiff diff, IViewNode node)
   at Fabulous.ViewNode.Fabulous.IViewNode.ApplyDiff(WidgetDiff& diff)
   at Fabulous.Reconciler.update(FSharpFunc`2 canReuseView, FSharpValueOption`1 prevOpt, Widget next, IViewNode node)
   at [email protected](Unit unitVar0)
   at [email protected]()
   at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.Job.Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.IJob.Run() in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 193
   at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 38
   at Avalonia.Native.PlatformThreadingInterface.SignaledCallback.Signaled(Int32 priority, Int32 priorityContainsMeaningfulValue) in /_/src/Avalonia.Native/PlatformThreadingInterface.cs:line 39
   at Avalonia.Native.Interop.Impl.__MicroComIAvnSignaledCallbackVTable.Signaled(Void* this, Int32 priority, Int32 priorityContainsMeaningfulValue) in /_/src/Avalonia.Native/Interop.Generated.cs:line 4586
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Avalonia.Native.PlatformThreadingInterface.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.Native/PlatformThreadingInterface.cs:line 90
   at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 61
   at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 120
   at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 209
   at Gallery.Desktop.Program.main(String[] argv) in /Users/nathanglenn/dev/workspaces/dotNET_workspace/Fabulous.Avalonia/samples/Gallery/Platform/Desktop/Program.fs:line 20

Documentation: Old APIs

Hi :)

I remember this project having two different APIs, one inspired by SwiftUI and the classical Elm Architecture.

I assume, you just went with the former, deleted the old repo, and set up a new project?
It seems a bit confusing for somebody, who wants to catch up, as it seems like I can't trust my memory anymore ๐Ÿ˜…

Add support for Multi Window

  • Custom FabAvaloniaApp
  • Make DestopApplication a CollectionBuilder
  • Create a custom window with an Id so we can look up it.


new Avalonia.Window().Show() -->  Application.Windows[1]


Application() {
    Window() --> Fabulous can not add to ReadOnlyList

Application() {
    // This is the main window

    // This is the second window
    Window(id = "secondWindow", content = ...)

type FabWindow() =
    inherit Window()

    member this.WindowId

type FabAvaloniaApp() =
    inherit Application()

    member this.InternalWindows = new List<Window>()    <--- this one

    override this.MainWindow = this.InternalWindows[0]

    member this.OpenWindow(id: string) =
        let window = this.InternalWindows |> List.find (fun w -> w.WindowId = id)

Button("Open second window", Clicked)

match msg with
| Clicked -> Application.Current.OpenWindow("secondWindow")

Tracking API Avalonia Widget support

In order to track Avalonia support, we need to make sure we have widgets and modifiers for the following controls


  • Inteactive
  • Layoutable
  • Visual
  • InputElement
  • Control
  • StyledElement
  • Panel
  • ContentPresenter
  • Animatable
  • RenderOptions
  • ContentControl
  • RangeBase
  • FlyoutBase
  • Transitions
  • Animations
  • PageTransitions
  • Styles


  • TemplatedControl
  • HeaderedContentControl (We won't support IDataTemplate for now. So no need to wrap those properties)
  • HeaderedSelectingItemsControl (We won't support IDataTemplate for now. So no need to wrap those properties)
  • SelectingItemsControl
  • UniformGrid
  • HeaderedItemsControl
  • Track Can not be wrapped as it is Xaml-specific and needs a Thumb Template to be rendered
  • Popup
  • TabStrip
  • Thumb Can not be wrapped as it is Xaml-specific and needs a Template to be rendered
  • AccessText
  • ScrollBar
  • TextElement


  • Canvas
  • DockPanel
  • Grid
  • StackPanel
  • WrapPanel


  • Shape
  • Rectangle
  • Ellipse
  • Line
  • Polyline
  • Polygon
  • Path
  • Sector
  • Arc


  • DashStyle
  • Pen
  • TextDecoration
  • Drawing
  • GeometryDrawing
  • GlyphRunDrawing
  • DrawingGroup
  • ImageDrawing
  • DrawingImage
  • CroppedBitmap


  • Brush
  • SolidColorBrush
  • TileBrush
  • ImageBrush
  • GradientBrush
  • ConicGradientBrush
  • LinearGradientBrush
  • RadialGradientBrush
  • VisualBrush


  • Geometry
  • LineGeometry
  • EllipseGeometry
  • RectangleGeometry
  • PolylineGeometry
  • PathGeometry
  • CombinedGeometry
  • GeometryGroup


  • Transform
  • MatrixTransform
  • SkewTransform
  • RotateTransform
  • TranslateTransform
  • ScaleTransform
  • TransformGroup


  • PathSegment
  • ArcSegment
  • BezierSegment
  • LineSegment
  • PolylineSegment
  • QuadraticBezierSegment
  • PathFigure


  • Run
  • Span
  • Bold
  • LineBreak
  • Italic
  • Underline


  • AutoCompleteBox
  • Border
  • Button
  • ButtonSpinner
  • Calendar
  • CalendarDatePicker
  • Canvas
  • Carousel
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • ComboBoxItem
  • ContextMenu
  • DataGrid is part of a separate package
  • DataGridCell is part of the separate package
  • DatePicker
  • DatePickerPresenter
  • Decorator
  • DropDownButton
  • Expander
  • ExperimentalAcrylicBorder
  • ExperimentalAcrylicMaterial
  • Flyout
  • GridSplitter
  • IconElement
  • Image
  • ItemsControl
  • ItemsRepeater ? in preview 5 this has been moved to a separate nugget package
  • LayoutTransformControl
  • ListBox
  • ListBoxItem
  • Menu
  • MenuBase
  • MenuFlyout
  • MenuItem
  • NativeMenu
  • NativeMenuBar
  • NativeMenuItem
  • NativeMenuItemBase
  • NumericUpDown
  • PathIcon
  • ProgressBar
  • RadioButton
  • RecyclePool in preview 5 has been moved to a separate package
  • RelativePanel Can not be wrapped easily as it depends on xaml name references
  • RepeatButton
  • ReversibleStackPanel
  • ScrollViewer
  • Separator
  • Slider
  • Spinner
  • SplitView
  • TabControl
  • TabItem
  • TextBlock
  • TextBox
  • TickBar
  • TimePicker
  • TimePickerPresenter
  • ToggleSwitch
  • ToggleButton
  • ToggleSplitButton
  • SplitButton
  • ToolTip
  • TopLevel
  • #120
  • TreeViewItem
  • UserControl
  • Viewbox
  • VirtualizingStackPanel
  • Window
  • WindowBase
  • WindowIcon
  • MaskedTextBox
  • SelectableTextBlock
  • TrayIcon
  • DragDrop ?
  • PseudoClasses
  • DrawingPresenter
  • Application
  • RefreshContainer
  • RefreshVisualizer
  • ThemeAware
  • ThemeVariantScope
  • TransitioningContentControl

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