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carla-collect's Introduction


Work to extend the CDC paper and the deep learning model Trajectron++, to motion planning in CARLA Simulator.


These steps are the necessary and sufficient steps to download all the dependencies, and load a trained model in the Jupyter notebook. It does not include steps to generate a synthetic dataset, run in-simulation prediction, or train a model.

Most of the instructions will be done in your console/shell/terminal from your home directory /home/your-username, or the repository directory /home/your-username/carla-collect denoted as carla-collect/ for short.

In these instructions, I may tell you to 'do' something, like do git submodule update. Do basically means execute a command in the terminal (aka. console, shell).

Step 1. Install system dependencies.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# dependencies for CARLA
sudo apt install libomp5
# dependencies for building Python libraries when calling pip install
sudo apt install build-essential gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev

Step 2. Download the repository from Github:

Step 2.1. git clone the repository carla-collect to your home directory, or any directory where you keep Github code.

Step 2.2. Got to the directory carla-collect/ of the repostory, do git submodule update --init --recursive to download the Git submodules carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus and carla-collect/python-utility.

Step 3. Install the Python environment and Python dependencies. I strongly suggest NOT using Anaconda/Miniconda as it does not work well with HPCs i.e. Compute Canada, and adds extra complexity to the project over the long term.

Step 3.1. Use Python venv to install a virtual environment for Python 3.7 (Python 3.8 causes incompatibility with CPLEX). The Ubuntu distribution may not provide this version by default. If so, please install the deadsnakes PPA:

# setup python
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3.7-venv
python3.7 -m venv 

Afterwards, go to the directory carla-collect/, activate the virtual environment, and update this environment by doing

python3 -m venv py37trajectron
source py37trajectron/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel

Step 3.2. Install the dependencies for carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus submodule by going to the directory carla-collect/ and doing:

source py37trajectron/bin/activate
pip install -r Trajectron-plus-plus/requirements.txt

Step 3.3. Install PyTorch version 1.7.1 (see previous PyTorch versions). The binaries should depend on your GPU card's CUDA compatibility, but most modern GPUs doing the below is sufficient:

source py37trajectron/bin/activate
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 -f

Step 3.4. Install the dependencies for carla-collect by going to the directory carla-collect/ and doing:

source py37trajectron/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4. Install CARLA Simulator. I used the B. Package installation method from this guide to download precompiled CARLA binaries to my local directory. carla-collect is set up to use CARLA versions 0.9.11 or 0.9.13. Ideally, you want to run CARLA 0.9.13 since it has the necessary Python API to run some experiments, but it takes more GPU memory to run. I installed CARLA 0.9.11 in directory /home/your-username/src/carla-0.9.11 and 0.9.13 in /home/your-username/src/carla-0.9.13. If you install it somewhere else please modify the following instructions accordingly. To run CARLA simply do something like

cd /home/your-username/src/carla-0.9.11

Step 4.1. Install the Python client for CARLA.

  • If you installed CARLA version 0.9.13, then pip install carla==0.9.13.
  • If you installed CARLA version 0.9.11, simply add $CARLA_DIR/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.11-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg to your PYTHONPATH. I've provided a way to do this automatically using the script described later.

Step 5 (optional). Install IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio V12.10.0. Skip this step if you don't want to run in-simulation experiments. It should be installed to /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210. The script should automatically export the installation path so it can be discoverable by the docplex library used in carla-collect.

Step 6. Edit the startup BASH script carla-collect/

  • If you installed CARLA version 0.9.13, uncomment export CARLANAME=carla-0.9.13.
  • If you installed CARLA version 0.9.11, uncomment export CARLANAME=carla-0.9.11.

Step 6.1. Double check that the path to CPLEX and CARLA is set correctly (i.e. CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR1210 and CARLA_DIR).

Step 6.2. Anytime you need to run something in carla-collect, please run the BASH script in your current terminal environment by doing source carla-collect/ This way your Python language interpreter will automatically "know" the locations of some of the codebase you need to run for programs without you having to manually set up your terminal environment.

Step 7 (optional). Download the datasets. Skip this step if you only want to run in-simulation experiments or synthesize your own dataset. It's necessary if you want to run the Jupyter notebooks in carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus.

Step 7.1. Download the .pkl files for the preprocessed CARLA v3-1-2 dataset from Google Drive into the directory carla-collect/carla_dataset_v3-1-2. This dataset is synthesized from CARLA 0.9.11 using

Cloud Link:

Step 7.2. Download the .pkl files for the preprocessed CARLA v4-2-1 dataset from Google Drive into the directory carla-collect/carla_dataset_v4-2-1. This dataset is synthesized from CARLA 0.9.13 using carla-collect/ The vehicles in the dataset behave quite differently because the vehicles were overhauled.

Cloud Link:

Note, you need Python 3.8 if you want to load this dataset to do model training, etc. Redo step 3 with Python 3.8 and create a virtual environment py38trajectron with the same packages installed.

Step 7.3. Download the .pkl files for the preprocessed nuScenes dataset from Google Drive into the directory carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/processed. This dataset is synthesized from the nuScenes dataset carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/python

Cloud Link:

Step 8. Download the models from Google Drive

  • models_17_Aug_2021_13_25_38_carla_v3-1-2_base_distmapV4_modfm_K15_ph8 trained on the CARLA v3-1-2 dataset into the directory carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes/models/20210816
  • models_27_Mar_2022_04_52_55_carla_v4-2-1_base_distmapV4_modfm_K15_ph8 trained on the CARLA v4-2-1 dataset into the directory carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes/models/20220326 Even though this model was trained using a Python 3.8 dataset, it is still compatible with 3.7.
  • models_19_Mar_2021_22_14_19_int_ee_me_ph8 trained on the nuScenes based dataset into the directory carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes/models/20210621

Cloud Link:

Step 9. You're done!


Development, codebase, and advanced documentation is found by reading carla-collect/build/html/index.html. To rebuild this documentation from source carla-collect/source, do source; make html.

In-Simulation Experiments

You need to start CARLA to run these, so do that first. In carla-collect, all tests are implemented using the testing library pytest. Please list all tests/experiments by doing:

pytest tests/Hz20 --collect-only

Here are the most relevant tests:

pytest tests/Hz20/[v8-scene4_ov2_gap55-ph8_step1_ncoin1_r_np5000]

Runs a scenario with a T-intersection and 2 OVs. The EV attempts to make a left turn while avoiding incoming OVs. This tests saves plots to carla-collect/out for predictions at each MPC step, plots for predicted/actual trajectory at each MPC step.

pytest tests/Hz20/[v8-scene4_ov2_gap55-ph8_step1_ncoin1_r_np5000]

Runs 100 trials on the same scenario as above, printing metrics including fraction of success, raction of infeasibility, and mean number of steps in simulation to the terminal.

pytest tests/Hz20/[scene3_veh4-ph6_np5000]

Runs autopilot OVs without the EV. For each OV at each 0.5s interval (MPC steptime) we plot convex hulls containing predictions to carla-collect/out. Each plot renders a convex hull for each predicted step in the future from the initial time the prediction is made. Similarly,

pytest tests/Hz20/[LABEL]
pytest tests/Hz20/[LABEL]

These tests are the same as the preceding ones where LABEL = MIDLEVEL-SCENARIO_PARAMS-CTRL_PARAMS and

  • MIDLEVEL is one of
    • v8 Planner solving original chance constrained problem in MPC. Optimizes a single trajectory avoiding collision at each step.
    • v9 Planner solving contingency planning chance constrainted problem in MPC. Optimizes multiple trajectories where at least one avoids collision at each step.
  • SCENARIO_PARAMS is one of
    • scene3_ov4_gap60 big 5-intersection with 4 OVs. There is a 60m gap between the 2 OVs in the front and 2 OVs in the back.
    • scene4_ov1_accel small T-intersection with 1 OV. OV is positioned so EV accelerates to overcome OV.
    • scene4_ov1_brake small T-intersection with 1 OV. OV is positioned so EV brakes.
    • scene4_ov2_gap55 small T-intersection with 2 OVs and 55m gap between them.
  • CTRL_PARAMS is one of
    • ph8_step1_ncoin1_r_np5000 Planning horizon 8; call MPC controller at each MPC step; coinciding horizon 1; randomized contingency planning if applicable; number of predictions 5000.
    • ph6_step1_ncoin1_r_np5000 Same as above, but with planning horizon 6.

Synthesizing CARLA Dataset

Collect data to train Trajectron++ using carla_collect/ Data consists of multiple scenes. Each scene contains and overhead map and vehicles nodes.

Step 1. Start CARLA. While CARLA is running, run the BASH scripts provided for convenience.

# to generate Trajectron++ data from maps Town03, Town04, ..., Town10HD
source 2>&1 | tee out/log.txt
# to generate Trajectron++ data from map in Town03 only
source 2>&1 | tee out/log.txt

Using pipe | and tee ensures the output of the program shows up in the terminal for debugging, and is logged to a file.

Step 2. Start CARLA. While CARLA is running, do python to save extract specific map data from CARLA to disk to be used later.

Step 3. Create (train, validation, test) sets from the data. carla-collect/ can create cross-validation splits be first creating --n-groups groups, selects a test set from one group, selects a validation set from another group, and selects a training set from the rest of the groups.

# get usage
python -h
# save one split with 500 training, 60 validation, and 60 test samples.
python --data-files $(ls out/*.pkl) --n-groups 6 --n-splits 1 --n-train 500 --n-val 60 --n-test 60 --label YOUR_LABEL_HERE
# use weighted sampling
python --data-files $(ls out/*.pkl) --n-groups 6 --n-splits 1 --n-train 500 --n-val 60 --n-test 60 --weighted-resampling --label YOUR_LABEL_HERE

Additional options:

  • --weighted-resampling use weighted sampling when sampling a set from groups instead of uniform sampling. Scenes with more nodes turning or crossing intersections are weighted higher.

Step 4. Trajectron++ preprocessing code frequency weights the vehicle nodes in training data so that nodes of turning vehicles are sampled more often (i.e. sampling at each stochastic gradient descent step in training loop). I found that updating the node weights improved model performance (e.g. you probably care more about vehicle behavior at intersections). You may want to update the vehicle node weights using carla-collect/ First get breakdown of the node counts by doing

python --data-path out/YOUR_LABEL_HERE_split1_train.pkl --dry-run

The terminal will display a breakdown with the classes:

  • complete_intersection: vehicle enters and leaves the intersection.
  • significant_at_intersection: vehicle is near an intersection and is not idle.
  • stopped_at_intersection: vehicle is idle near an intersection.
  • other_at_intersection: vehicle is doing something else at an intersection.
  • turn_at_other: vehicle is turning. Not at an intersection.
  • significant_at_other: vehicle is not turning or idle. Not at an intersection.
  • stopped_at_other: vehicle is idle. Not at an intersection.
  • other_at_other: vehicle is doing something else. Not at an intersection.

Modify carla-collect/modifier.json with the frequencies you want for the nodes in the respective classes (2:1 means twice as freqently sampled), and update the training set.

python --data-path out/YOUR_LABEL_HERE_split1_train.pkl --modifier modifier.json -v

This creates a new training set out/YOUR_LABEL_HERE_split1_train_modfm.pkl with updated weights.

Training/Evaluating Trajectron++ Model

The training code for Trajectron++ can be found in the directory carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/trajectron. If you completed Step 7 of installation then there are 3 training BASH scripts you can use to train the model:

  • train model on dataset synthesized by CARLA 0.9.11.
  • train model on dataset synthesized by CARLA 0.9.13.
  • train model on nuScenes preprocessed dataset.

Simply call them like so source Feel free to modify these scripts to train a model on your own dataset. See the README in carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus for more about the model.

Jupyter Notebooks

Run the Jupyter notebooks carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes/notebooks by going to carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes and doing jupyter notebook to start the Jupyter server.

The path carla-collect/Trajectron-plus-plus/experiments/nuScenes has the directory nuScenes, but it contains models and notebook results for both NuScenes and CARLA experiments.

You may have to modify code here and there to get some of them to work. The notebooks named inspect-*.ipynb and obtain-*.ipynb are the ones you most likely care about. The test-*.pynb notebooks are what I use for prototyping.

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