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sleeky's Issues

Thank you

was trying to work out a way of messaging you sorry for opening it as an issue as it's not. Just wanted to say thank you for the Sleeky design.

I saw it a couple of days ago but needed a responsive version so built a new one from scratch but used some of your code for styling etc.

Thank you once again.

Frontend shortner doesn't work


Thank you for your themes, very good job but frontend shortner doesn't work if i disable reCaptcha in config.php.

When I try it and click on Shorten, nothing append.

No problem in backend.

I use the lastest versions of your themes and yourls.

You can try it by yourself here :

Problem in Bookmarklets page

Hi :) Thanks for the great theme!

I noticed that when creating links from the bookmarklets, the page doesn't account for the pop up at the top of the page, which will appear behind the "shorten URL" top bar. Also that "shorten URL" bar looks different than in the admin interface …
I don't care too much, but wanted to let you know.

Backend plugin seems to break link previews (imessage / ios sharing previews) when enabled

Hey there,

Should preface by saying that everything about this theme is spectacular. Blown away by the quality of your work mate. Looks & works like a dream.

The only issue I've hit is that link previews stop displaying the moment I enable the backend Sleeky plugin. Is there anything specific in the Sleeky settings I've missed or need to change to fix this?

Cheers for all your hard work so far. Hope this one is just a PEBKAC & easily fixed. Let me know your thoughts.


2.2.1 still showing for version 2.3.0

Just updated to version 2.3.0 by following the same installation process as 2.2.1 but overwriting files

The version 2.2.1 is still showing in the plugins list for version 2.3.0

Did I do something wrong?


Backend: statistics for anonymous users

I've added today Sleeky backend theme to my YOURLS. It's great, but I have seen that anonymous users cannot access to URL statistics, even if they create the shortened URL.

Is there a way to enable this feature?

Thanks for the theme and help!

old style tabs in backend for plugin admin pages

I wrote a good handful of plugins to work with the stock backend and used the infos.css and infos.js in order to create nice tabbed

sections in my plugin admin pages. In the stock interface this works as expected, however with sleeky backend enabled the tabs look like the old style, and not like the updated sleeky backend style. Any pointers on how to achieve making these tabs take on the sleeky style? Everything else works like a charm.

Custom public pages

It would be cool to include some documentation on how to include our own public pages (terms and conditions, privacy policy etc...)

Also, a separate public stats page would be awesome, don't really want users being shown a link to the admin panel and yourls documentation

Title not loading (duplicate definitions)

When investigating a separate issue, I enabled errors to display. I then found that my page title wasn't loading properly. This was because 'title' was defined in both the /user/config.php and in the sleeky /config.php.

This is actually quite confusing so I have removed the sleeky config and opted for all my settings to be defined in the user/config.php only.

My solution to this was to:

  • delete /config.php,
  • remove the include 'config.php'; line from header.php,
  • move the require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/load-yourls.php' ); statement above include 'header.php'; in index.php, and
  • keep all define() statements inside user/config.php

This works because /includes/load-yourls.php 's task is to load the user/config globally and initialize the engine. With the require_once above the header include, header.php can access the same definitions without conflict.

I figured I should share if someone else is finding warnings of duplicate definitions or just want to keep all their settings in one place. It's a pretty quick fix.


Frontend doesn't load when I drag it into my main file can anyone help?

this is awesome

I know I'm supposed to put a bug report here, but this went in really smoothly.... and as far as I can tell it's exactly what I needed.

So the only issue is.... I have to say thank you, and great work!

Install instructions (point 4) not clear

  1. Open the config.php file and change the values to suit. Sleeky frontend is now installed a ready

Not clear which config.php. If this is the main config, what settings are related to Sleeky

Can not edit the images

I am trying to edit the images on sleeky so I can customize it to what I want. But, It (for some reason) always defaults to the regular Sleeky images. I have even over written them and it is still the same images. Also, how can I add custom HTML to it?

Add a simple log in page to frontend

The Sleeky front page would be perfect for team members being confused by the complex admin page. It'd be great if you could add a simple log in freautre to the frontend so we can limit access.

Great work, keep it up!

Conflict with IQRCodes and U-SRV plugins when logged out.

I am having a problem using Sleeky and trying to generate QR codes using the IQRCodes plugin when logged out as a public user would be.

My current configuration is:
YOURLS v 1.7.9
YOURLS-IQRCodes v 2.1.2
YOURLS-U-SRV v 2.1.0
Sleeky v 2.4.1
PHP v 7.2.3
MySQL v 10.3.23

(For those unfamiliar with this plugin: IQRCodes uses the U-SRV plugin to serve the QR code image when .qr is added to the short link, through a helper file called srv.php located in the pages folder.)

When I'm logged in, everything works fine, the QR code displays centered on it's own page on a black background.
However, when logged out the image does not render, no CSS loads and it looks likes this...

Screenshot 2020-05-21 at 14 26 04

When I check the error logs I am getting,

PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/USERNAME/public_html/user/plugins/sleeky-backend/plugin.php:145) in /home/USERNAME/public_html/user/pages/srv.php on line 40

followed by the same for lines 156, 157 and 158 of the srv.php file.

In the Sleeky backend plugin file, if I block, (line 145)

// Hide admin links for non-authenticated users
if (yourls_is_valid_user() != 1) {
	echo <<<HEAD
		<style>ul#admin_menu li:not(.frontend_link) {display: none}</style>

from loading, the QR code displays as expected.
However, this is not a fix as I need these lines to load to hide the admin links from my public users.

In srv.php line 40 sets a cookie to help with javascript calls, and lines 156 to 158 set the content types which is why the QR code won't load without them.

header('Content-type: ' . $ctype);
header('Expires: 0');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

I have tried merging the above code with the Sleeky code but couldn't get it to work.
I also tried adding a php.ini file to public_html containing buffer_output = on and then adding,

<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/USERNAME/public_html

to htaccess to make it apply to sub directories, but this didn't work either.

I'm only a novice when it comes to PHP so have no idea what to try next.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Backend footer breaks with Cloudflare

I have recently enabled Cloudflare on my YOURLS site, with Sleeky backend theme installed.

The problem is that the footer breaks when you install Cloudflare protection on the website (I think). Here is a screenshot of the broken footer:


How can I solve it? Thanks.

Probably no CSS on frontend

Just setup Sleeky together with the current YOURLS v1.7.4.
Backend looks great but frontend doesn't seem to have any CSS on it. The configurations made in config.php work but all elements are just listed in the top left in front of the standard blue background. I was able to set a background image but it still looks kind of shitty.

How do I customize and recompile the CSS?

Server: Ubuntu 18.04 (already has node and lessc installed for another Web package)

This is not a bug as such, but a request for info.
I have installed Sleeky on my YOURLS and have it working OK.
But I want to change the color scheme for the Dark theme.

For the front end, I want to tweak values in /var/www/yourls/frontend/assets/less and recompile to a new set of CSS files.

For the back end, I want to tweak values in /var/www/yourls/user/plugins/sleeky-backend/assets/css and recompile a new set of CSS files.

Please could you give me a talk through on how to do this?
Very many thanks if so...

sleeky breaks wget command

Yourls is fundamental in Linux system because it solves the wget issues of long URLs with special flags like ? and &
But with the last version of the plugin the unique file that wget catch is:

<style>ul#admin_menu li:not(.frontend_link) {display: none}</style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location="_URL_SHORTENED_"; </script> <small>(if you are not redirected after 10 seconds, please <a href="_URL_SHORTENED_">click here</a>)</small>

I love the purpose of this the new feature, but there should be the option in the admin mode to disable it.

Thanks for your awesome work.
All the best

Support Google Analytics in the backend

Sleeky is a GREAT theme, but we can't use it until it supports the Google Analytics plugin for the UTM parameters. That's a big reason why we use YOURLS in general.

This is the Google Analytics plugin we use specifically

Specifically, these fields are added to the Generate Shortlink form:

I might dig into it a bit to see if I can create a PR, I hope it's straight-forward because I'd love to be using Sleeky full-time.


Incompatibility with QR codes plugin?

First of all, it's an awesome theme, but I'm experiencing some kind of incompatibility with some QR codes plugins as SmartQR (v 1.2-drg-git) or Sean's QR Code Short URLs (v 1.1).

When I activate Sleeky Backend cant access to QR code image with .qr added to the end of the keyword as fun the main theme.

Bug with backend

Hello, backend works only with password locked admin page.
If you want a free admin page without password everything crushed!

YOURLS user/config.php
/** Private means the Admin area will be protected with login/pass as defined below.
** Set to false for public usage (eg on a restricted intranet or for test setups)
** Read for more details if you're unsure */
define( 'YOURLS_PRIVATE', true ); <------------ false everything crushed!

Dark mode

Will there be dark mode for sleeky?

How to change the homepage address?

Because I use the website for another purpose, it is not index.php. I changed it to url.php, but I found the code after shortening the address:

<div class="close noselect">
<a href=""><i class="material-icons">close</i></a>

SO,how can I change to ""

Weird Lastpass Bug


Just put in the sleeky-backend on our YOURLS website and it is working well, the only issue we are having is an unexpected behaviour with the Lastpass browser extension. You can see what happens in the attached image.
Wondering if you have encountered this and if you have any idea how to fix the issue. Thanks.

Custom short url

I really love the look of sleeky, but I also really miss the option to choose a custom short url.
Is it possible to make that field optional?

Thank you so much

Frontend CSS failed

The link to the CSS on header is defined this way

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo siteURL ?>assets/css/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo siteURL ?>assets/css/mobile.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo siteURL ?>assets/css/tablet.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo siteURL ?>assets/css/desktop.css">

However, the console says those are all 404
Which I assume, the Gruntfile.js failed to create those files.

On the occasion it successfully creates the files however, I got another issue about Resource interpreted as stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html which caused by https://DOMAIN/assets/css/base.css redirects to https://DOMAIN/

Any help on this please?

I am using YOURLS 1.7.2 on nginx

Issue with Frontend reCaptcha v3

Hi all,

I have an issue with the Frontend reCaptcha v3.

When I set it on as define("enableRecaptcha", true); in the config.php in the Frontend folder.

When I put the link and custom link, hit the shorten link, the page is just frozen. It did not go anywhere. I also refreshed the page but it did not help either.

However, when I defined the Recaptcha back to false. Everything works fine.

Is there anyone have the same issue? And how to fix this please? Thanks so much.

Please note: I already tried to reset with the new sitekey and secretkey from Google. But it did not help.

Kind regards,

Index redirect not working

The index redirect Plugin is not working with the current release. When I click the link to the frontend in the sidebar, it works. When I try to open the frontend link direktly, it displays an empty page. When I deactivate the Sleeky Backend plugin, it works correctly.

https (SSL) issues

I'm using https for the frontend and it doesn't load all assets properly.
I've tried defining the siteURL as http and https, but it doesn't work neither way.


On the other hand, backend is working correctly.


Is it possible to disable the frontend page or lock it behind a login?

Unable to close reCAPTCHA


As we all know, reCAPTCHA is not accessible in China. I tried to turn off reCAPTCHA, but it seems to have no effect. Is define ("enableRecaptcha", true); set to false? Still commenting it out has no effect.

Bug with backend 2

If you log out from admin page and you try to log in again there is only a WHITE page.

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