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Comments (63)

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024 1

Hi @bengelj,
I actually got the Cannot access 'r' before initialization error message while working on an issue from another customer, so I have some questions for you:

  1. Where are you seeing that error message? Is it in Developer: Toggle Developer Tools?
  2. When does that error message show up? Is it after you cancel your retrieve?

If the above two answers are both yes, then the issue you're seeing after you downgrade to v59.15.0 of the extensions is the same issue as the one from the other customer. But the issue with setting a default org is very weird... so I'd still like you to try the steps in my previous message to get your VSCode and extensions into a very clean state.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024 1

Hi all,
@daphne-sfdc and @diyer: I'll be sure to prioritize this next week when I'm back "in (virtual) office", but presently I'm in the middle of moving, and my work computer isn't set up. I'm quote sure I have email from both Salesforce and Formstack about open issues I have with them too, but this all happens on its own schedule.

Going from memory, though, the Cannot access 'r' before initialization shows up as the extension was loading (I think). I saw it in the details page when looking at the Salesforce CLI Integration extension. It only happened once that I recall, and it was the version that I initially started having problems with. (v59.16.0) I never saw it again after, in any version.
@diyer: I started having trouble with the VS Code version in my initial report:
VS Code version:
Version: 1.86.0 (user setup)
Commit: 05047486b6df5eb8d44b2ecd70ea3bdf775fd937
Date: 2024-01-31T10:28:19.990Z
Electron: 27.2.3
ElectronBuildId: 26495564
Chromium: 118.0.5993.159
Node.js: 18.17.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045

and there's been one update since then, but until I get my work computer up again, I won't be able to look it up.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024 1

@bengelj I apologize for testing your patience on this issue, it is frustrating and if I were in your position I would also be ready to through in the towel.

With your permission I ask one more favor that will allow us to get a peek into what is happening in your environment.

Upgrade to latest version of Salesforce CLI extensions v60.2.3
Open settings for workspace and search for SF_LOG_LEVEL
Change the log level to debug
Restart the workspace
Run the retrieve again

I realize that the command will not complete, but please let it run for a while.

Once you are satisfied that the command has stalled, cancel the command.

The debug logging can be found in your HOME directory under the folder .sf. The name of the log file is based on current date, i.e. sf-2024-03-04.log. Please capture the file and share it on this issue.

To better isolate the log records, you could remove the current log file before restarting the workspace.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024 1

@bengelj I did a search on the TypeError: cb.apply is not a function error that's showing up in your log file. It looks like that might be a Node issue - can you try uninstalling and reinstalling Node? (No need to update to the latest version unless you want to, just uninstall and reinstall.)

No, the console.log() statements not going to be in our v60.5.1 release going out tomorrow πŸ˜† They're just extra logging that we specifically added into the code for the purpose of diagnosing your issue - we add these custom log statements where users face issues and generate custom VSIXs for each individual use case. But we do plan on making improvements to our telemetry in general in the future.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

acmenezes1 avatar acmenezes1 commented on July 19, 2024

Same here, after the update the commands suddenly stop working

from salesforcedx-vscode.

acmenezes1 avatar acmenezes1 commented on July 19, 2024

I just had checked and sure that has some problems with the latest Salesforce CLI Package extension update. I've tried to back to older version (v59.15.0) and now all is working properly.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@acmenezes1 Thanks for the tip. Surprised this hasn't come up more. You'd think it would've.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Tried rolling back the extension pack to v59.15.0 with mixed results. Still can't get retrieve source from org to run to completion, but at least now it's setting the default org from the config.json file. at v59.16/0 sf config list showed both the default dev hub and default org, but the default org was not set in the IDE, and couldn't be set using the command palette.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

git2gus avatar git2gus commented on July 19, 2024

This issue has been linked to a new work item: W-14990874

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Would you mind sharing the relative shape of the org you are working with?

Such as number of custom objects, apex classes, lwc components, etc.

Could I also get the orgId of your sandbox org?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Would you mind sharing the relative shape of the org you are working with?
Such as number of custom objects, apex classes, lwc components, etc.
Could I also get the orgId of your sandbox org?

Org Id is easy enough: 00D3J0000008rTx
One custom Lightning App, and 4 unlocked org dependent packages. (Plus some happy soup still hanging around.)
Apex classes: 72 (excluding Test classes)
Custom objects: 31 (excluding managed packages)
Roughly 24 LWC (custom)
~150 Flows (excluding Process Builders)
8 Active Process builders (2 in the process of being replaced -- all of them in planning for replacement)
~35 VF pages
1 Actual experience site (Aura) and one that appears to only be there to support surveys (Also Aura, but no content that I can find).
That's all the etc's I can think of.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Updating the extension pack to v59.17.0 and the CLI to 2.27.6 does not appear to have made any difference. But one odd thing did surface that I hadn't detected before.
The command sfdx force:config:set target-org sandboxAlias appeared to successfully set the default org, but in fact it did not. (Changing the default org in VS Code still does not work, and runs forever like everything else.)

What does work is to manually edit the .sfdx/sfdx-config.json file in the project. What's curious about this is that making the same change in the .sf/config.json file does not have any effect, and if there is a difference between the two files, the sfdx-config.json file is where the default org and dev hub are set. (Also, even when the default org is set, the Org Browser won't refresh.)

This is making me wonder if the problem isn't in my configuration, even though that hasn't changed in any meaningful way since moving from sfdx to sf. I did that sometime last year, and it's so long ago that I can't recall exactly when it was, but if the newest changes to the extension pack are enforcing something they didn't before, that could be a factor.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj the sf cli provides a set of config commands

sf config -h
Commands to configure Salesforce CLI.

  $ sf config COMMAND

  config get    Get the value of a configuration variable.
  config list   List the configuration variables that you've previously set.
  config set    Set one or more configuration variables, such as your default org.
  config unset  Unset local or global configuration variables.

They have essentially have the same syntax as the sfdx versions of these.

As you point out, the CLI is maintaining two top-level configs, for the time being, one in .sf and the other in .sfdx. This is to help during the transition from old sfdx to sf, just in case someone is using both. Entries in your stored off you home directory are considered global.

You will also find "local" config files in your workspace root in folders, .sf and .sfdx. These represent configs values that apply to the workspace.

When you run sf config list in a workspace (contains sfdx-project.json) the command will first look localy and then globally. This is how having a different scratch org is possible across multiple projects. Running sf config list outside of a workspace will only show configs from the global set, if any.

I have been unable to reproduce any of the issues presented in this report.

I would ask that you make sure that the configs are set properly with respect to local and global by first unsetting and default orgs, both dev hub and scratch orgs.

sf config set target-org and sf config unset target-dev-hub

Then reestablish each using vscode command palette commands for default dev hub and default scratch org.

Confirm with sf config list that the correct orgs are associated with the correct setting value.

Retry one of the commands you are having difficulty with.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

diyer avatar diyer commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Have you been able to try what @peternhale suggested?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@diyer: I tried all of that and more. With little success on some commands, and none on the rest. I got Retrieve Source From org to (sort of) work -- in that it did retrieve the source I was asking for, but the banner kept churning and the command never actually stopped (until I finally cancelled it). There was nothing on the output tab other than the log entry that the command had started. And it only worked once. I'm now back to having to retrieve and deploy from the command line. I can authorize an org form the command palette, and successfully authenticate it, but can't set a default that way. And about a third of the time, the status bar doesn't show a default org, and usually when that happens the Org Browser won't refresh either. This happens even if I set the configs from the command line. But if I manually edit the config.json and sfdx-config.json in the project folder, it will set the default org on the status bar as soon as I save.

I finally uninstalled the entire extension pack and reinstalled v59.17.0, and updated the CLI to the latest version, and it didn't change anything. And it seems like it's just my instance of VS Code -- one of my teammates says he had a problem about 2 weeks ago but it resolved on its own. But he also said he usually does what he does for the command line, so he may not have been attempting the same things I was.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

Hi @bengelj,

Have you tried getting your extensions and project to a very clean state yet? Try the following:

  1. Open a new Terminal window and cd .vscode/extensions
  2. Run rmdir /s salesforce.salesforcedx-vscode* to delete all the data about Salesforce extensions that are on your computer, including older versions. (If that command doesn't work, delete those files one by one manually.)
  3. Go back to VSCode and delete the .sfdx and .sf folders in Explorer view
  4. Run Developer: Reload Window from command palette
  5. Reinstall the Salesforce extensions (latest version is v60.0.0)
  6. Run Developer: Reload Window from command palette again
  7. Re-authorize to your developer sandbox
  8. Try the commands that you were having trouble with again

from salesforcedx-vscode.

diyer avatar diyer commented on July 19, 2024

In addition to what @daphne-sfdc suggested, can you please also let us know what version of VSCode are you using?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

OK, to answert the last question this is th eVS Code About:
Version: 1.86.2 (user setup)
Commit: 903b1e9d8990623e3d7da1df3d33db3e42d80eda
Date: 2024-02-13T19:40:56.878Z
Electron: 27.2.3
ElectronBuildId: 26908389
Chromium: 118.0.5993.159
Node.js: 18.17.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045

Now to get to the list of instructions from @daphne-sfdc:

Open a new Terminal window and cd .vscode/extensions
(took a minute to work out that this was in the ~/.vscode folder, but since there's no extensions subfolder at the prohject level, I figured it out.)
Run rmdir /s salesforce.salesforcedx-vscode* to delete all the data about Salesforce extensions that are on your computer, including older versions.
(If that command doesn't work, delete those files one by one manually.)

Go back to VSCode and delete the .sfdx and .sf folders in Explorer view
I didn't realize that this was ALSO supposed to happen in the global directory, and probably should have. But in VS Code Explorer view is showing you the project... And I recognized that this was only going top imp[act on project in one branch, so I went out and removed it from all of the OTHER projects in the Windows file explorer... which totally blew up what was supposed to happen next.

Run Developer: Reload Window from command palette
Reinstall the Salesforce extensions (latest version is v60.0.0)

Installing v60.1.2

_Starting SFDX: Refresh SObject Definitions

08:35:44.535 sfdx sobject definitions refresh
Unable to process sObjects when not in an SFDX project c:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\NCRAN\SalesForce\CoreObjects.sfdx
08:35:44.539 sfdx sobject definitions refresh
ended with error Unable to process sObjects when not in an SFDX project c:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\NCRAN\SalesForce\CoreObjects.sfdx
08:35:44.539 sfdx sobject definitions refresh
ended with exit code 1_

There's no .sf folder, and the .sfdx folder only contains 3 subfolders -- indexes, tools and typings... and since thi sis listed inthe .gitignore, I have no copy of it in the repo.

So off to the Recycle Bin, and hopefully I can recover enough to make things work.
Several restores later...
This might be a problem... "Destination Folder Access Denied" You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder... 248. And our security chief (supposedly on "orders" from the state CISO) revoked local admin privileges for everybody, which is dumb and at time like this, downright crippling because there's no way to do this remotely. As I found out when they broke Git trying to remote install it. I digress. Anyway, I appear to have a folder called 248, with a file called apex.db and a folder called StandardApexLibrary which has a bunch of subfolders under it with a bunch of classes in said subfolders, so hopefully that's enough.

No back to the global /.vscode/extensions and re-delete all the stuff I deleted the first time, and then the **/.sf** and ~/.sfdx folders.

Logged out of all orgs, and nothing in the local config.json or sfdx equivalent...
So let's try that installation again. Hopefully I have enough of a project for it to finish.

While we're waiting, this happened yesterday when I was attempting to update the CLI. It may or may not be relevant here, but
@salesforce/cli: Updating CLI from 2.2.7 to 2.29.5-06cd97f... !
Β» Error: this.config.getPluginsList is not a function

going from 2.2.7 to 2.29.5-something seems like a pretty big jump to me, but that's what it said. And it didn't complete the update, I'm still on 2.2.7.

Okay, ,installation of v60.1.2 appears to have completed successfully.

Run Developer: Reload Window from command palette again
Doesn't look like it changed anything but...

Re-authorize to your developer sandbox
Okay, Authorizing the Dev Hub worked fine. But trying to authorize the sandbox from the command palette (as the default org at least) sends me to a login page where I get "Please check your username and password. If you still can't log in, contact your Salesforce administrator." I'm using the same credentials I do when I log in normally -- filled in form a password manager, and if I go back and launch this org from the password manager, it accepts the local credentials and gives me the MFA challenge, and logs me in without issue. On the output tab we see:

_Starting SFDX: Authorize an Org

10:29:10.510 sfdx org:login:web --alias devtest1 --instance-url --set-default
Warning: Ignoring extra certs from null, load failed: error:80000002:system library::No such file or directory_

Aha! The instance url is for a production org. I was tryign to authorize the Project Default, and it was assuming ... production?
Anyway, if I select Sandbox everything works normally. and the org is authorized.
But this probably explains why I can't set the default org from the command palette.
Set a default org.
select devtest1 (the sandbox I just authorized)

10:37:12.688 Starting SFDX: Set a Default Org
... and nothing happens. And this will go on in perpetuity until I close VS Code and restart it, at which point I might get it to work if I set the target org from the CLI.

This is one of the commands that was causing a problem. But here's the punch line -- in the status bar, I now see devtest1 as the default org. And if I click Open Org (right next to it)
_Starting SFDX: Open Default Org

10:42:04.377 sfdx org:open
Warning: Ignoring extra certs from null, load failed: error:80000002:system library::No such file or directory
Opening org 00D3J0000008rTxUAI as user [email protected]
Waiting to resolve the Lightning Experience-enabled custom domain...... done
10:42:15.835 sfdx org:open
ended with exit code 0_

So the command ran, but the IDE isn't aware of it. I've seen the same behavior intermittently in Retrieve/Deploy Source From/To Org if I try to do it from the Org Browser or right clicking on the file in the project explorer. The command appears to be stuck, but has actually run, but just hasn't cleaned up the hanging chads (I guess). Trying nit just now though it's just stuck.

Try the commands that you were having trouble with again
So those are the two commands that I've noted problems with -- they probably aren't the only ones, but they're consistenly problematic (still).
Screenshot 2024-02-27 091614

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

It occurs to me that starting over with a new workspace might be the best route to take, but there are a couple of problems with that.

  1. I would almost have to begin with the existing repo, because there's work in progress that I don't want to lose.
  2. I actually tried it with a clone of the repo as a starting point, but sf project generate with the --name set to an existing folder (from the repo) caused a bunch of conflicts and didn't create the .sf folder (for some reason it did create .sfdx). I might have missed something in the process though. I didn't specify a template for one thing. I also got an error form Git that there were "too many active changes" and only a subset of git features would be enabled as a result. Not sure what that was about.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

github-actions avatar github-actions commented on July 19, 2024

This issue has not received a response in 7 days. It will auto-close in 7 days unless a response is posted.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc , @diyer , @peternhale (or anybody else who might know) So I'm only seeing one real option left -- burn it all down and start over. Uninstall everything -- VS Code included -- and start over from a fresh install. Any additional places besides the ones already noted that I should make sure to burn out? Because at least part of this I'll have to hand off to our IT Services crew, now that everyone else's local admin rights have been revoked. All in the name of something-something. And that means driving into town for the rebuild. Which I would like ot only have to do once.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@peternhale: I was already on the latest version of the Extension pack and CLI,

I let it run for almost an hour and a half, and there wasn't much in the log but what was in there was illuminating. Not sure how it happened, but there wasn't a global config in the ~/.sfdx folder.
Ran sf config set target-dev-hub prod --global and
sf config set target-org devtest1 --global then repeated the debug process. This didn't seem to change much, except it got rid of the ENOENT error


I think the first attachment has the original log in it. The -1 has the second try, but it appended to the existing log, which I wasn't expecting or I'd have renamed the earlier one. I didn't let the second pass run for as long, but it appears that it gave up way before i cancelled the command. If it's an authentication error, which is the feeling I get, then that would track, but why it just keeps running and never stops is what's puzzling.

I have seen it actually retrieve the file, but continue running the command, with nothing in the output tab except the start event -- eg: 11:08:23.355 Starting SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org That hasn't happened recently, but it's happened.

Hopefully this is enlightening. I'd really love to not have to start from scratch.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Looking at the logs I am not seeing any data that indicates the md api (sf:MetadataApiRetrieve) has been called.

I ran a retrieve using a manifest file from the explorer tree.

{"level":20,"time":1709744064989,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Pending"}
{"level":20,"time":1709744065643,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Pending"}
{"level":20,"time":1709744066286,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Pending"}
{"level":20,"time":1709744066925,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Pending"}
{"level":20,"time":1709744067580,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Pending"}
{"level":20,"time":1709744068285,"name":"sf:MetadataApiRetrieve","msg":"MDAPI status update: Succeeded"}

I used a sandbox org, but one that is not configured for source-tracking. I assume your sandbox is enabled for source-tracking, because I do not see a reference to using manifest files.

I was wondering if you could the exercise again, with these changes.

With SF_LOG_LEVEL set to debug
Start vscode
In a separate editor, open the current log file, remove all of the contents and save.
Run the retrieve
Shutdown vscode.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

This is a source tracked sandbox, yes. And it appears that all but the last 2 lines of the log file dealt with initializing the workspace -- or attempting to.
I see this on the Output tab:
12:39:50.759 Starting SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org

But nothing in the log file suggests that the retrieve ever did anything.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Can you share the results of sf org display -o <username for the sandbox org> --verbose. Please remove the access token, refresh token (if present) and sfdx url entries before you post.

Can you try sf project retrieve start in vscode terminal of your workspace.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

$ sf org display -o [email protected] --verbose
Warning: This command will expose sensitive information that allows for subsequent activity using your current authenticated session.
Sharing this information is equivalent to logging someone in under the current credential, resulting in unintended access and escalation of privilege.
For additional information, please review the authorization section of the

=== Org Description

──────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Alias devtest1
Api Version 60.0
Client Id PlatformCLI
Connected Status Connected
Id 00D3J0000008rTxUAI
Instance Url
Username [email protected]

Not sure how useful the project retrieve will be. I created a new branch to retrieve into, because there's work in there I didn't want to retrieve yet. I would ave expected that the new branch would be based on the one I was working in, but maybe not, because there certainly seem to be a lo t of conflicts. I suppose it's possible somebody else has work in this sandbox, though.

$ sf project retrieve start

──────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.PE_Approval_Sponsor ApprovalProcess C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\approvalProcesses\hed__Program_Enrollment__c.PE_Approval_Sponsor.approvalProcess-meta.xml
Conflict enrollContact AuraDefinitionBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\aura\enrollContact\enrollContact.cmp-meta.xml
Conflict enrollContact AuraDefinitionBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\aura\enrollContact\enrollContact.cmp
Conflict enrollContact AuraDefinitionBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\aura\enrollContact\enrollContact.css
Conflict enrollContact AuraDefinitionBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\aura\enrollContact\enrollContactController.js
Conflict enrollContact AuraDefinitionBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\aura\enrollContact\enrollContactHelper.js
Conflict StringifyFlowCollectionAction ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\StringifyFlowCollectionAction.cls-meta.xml
Conflict StringifyFlowCollectionAction ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\StringifyFlowCollectionAction.cls
Conflict StringifyFlowCollectionActionTest ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\StringifyFlowCollectionActionTest.cls-meta.xml
Conflict StringifyFlowCollectionActionTest ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\StringifyFlowCollectionActionTest.cls
Conflict programEnrollContrHelper ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\programEnrollContrHelper.cls-meta.xml
Conflict programEnrollContrHelper ApexClass C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\classes\programEnrollContrHelper.cls
Conflict Educ_Code.Master_s_Degree CustomMetadata C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\customMetadata\
Conflict NCRAN_Program_Enrollment_Request FlexiPage C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flexipages\NCRAN_Program_Enrollment_Request.flexipage-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Record_Page FlexiPage C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flexipages\Program_Enrollment_Record_Page.flexipage-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program FlexiPage C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flexipages\Sponsored_Program.flexipage-meta.xml
Conflict Account_Copy_Address_From_Lead Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Account_Copy_Address_From_Lead.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Attribute_Sum_and_Count_FA_Awards Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Attribute_Sum_and_Count_FA_Awards.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Find_or_Create_Participant Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Find_or_Create_Participant.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Lead_Copy_Account_Shipping_Address_to_Dummy_Fields Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Lead_Copy_Account_Shipping_Address_to_Dummy_Fields.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Delete_In_Progress_More_Than_15_Days Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Delete_In_Progress_More_Than_15_Days.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Record_Changes Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Record_Changes.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Request_RC_1 Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Request_RC_1.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Send_In_Progress_Warning_Email Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Send_In_Progress_Warning_Email.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Set_Creation_Date Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Set_Creation_Date.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Set_Expected_End_Date Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Set_Expected_End_Date.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Set_Initial_Wage_Rate Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Program_Enrollment_Set_Initial_Wage_Rate.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Publish_PE_In_Progress_Warning_Events Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Publish_PE_In_Progress_Warning_Events.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program_Actions_1 Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Sponsored_Program_Actions_1.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program_Appendix_A_Async_Merge Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Sponsored_Program_Appendix_A_Async_Merge.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program_Approved_Reminder_Flow Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Sponsored_Program_Approved_Reminder_Flow.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program_RC_1 Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Sponsored_Program_RC_1.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program_Submit_for_Approval Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Sponsored_Program_Submit_for_Approval.flow-meta.xml
Conflict User_Batch_Deactivate Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\User_Batch_Deactivate.flow-meta.xml
Conflict Users_Inactivity_Warning_Email Flow C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\flows\Users_Inactivity_Warning_Email.flow-meta.xml
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Conflict Account-NCRAN Account (Consortium) Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Account-NCRAN Account %28Consortium%29 Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Account-NCRAN Account (Department) Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Account-NCRAN Account %28Department%29 Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Account-NCRAN Account (Education) Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Account-NCRAN Account %28Education%29 Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Account-NCRAN Account Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Account-NCRAN Account Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Account-NCRAN External User Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Account-NCRAN External User.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Lead-Lead Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Lead-Lead Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Lead-NCRAN Lead Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Lead-NCRAN Lead Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN Ext PE Auto Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN Ext PE Auto Layout.layout-meta.xml
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Conflict Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN Ext PE Revision Request Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN Ext PE Revision Request Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN PE Auto Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN PE Auto Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN PE Log Admin Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Program_Enrollment_Log__c-NCRAN PE Log Admin Layout.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program__c-NCRAN External User Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Sponsored_Program__c-NCRAN External User.layout-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program__c-Sponsored Program Layout Layout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\layouts\Sponsored_Program__c-Sponsored Program Layout.layout-meta.xml
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Conflict contactProtectPii LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\contactProtectPii\contactProtectPii.html
Conflict contactProtectPii LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\contactProtectPii\contactProtectPii.js
Conflict peProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peProgressionBar\peProgressionBar.js-meta.xml
Conflict peProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peProgressionBar\peProgressionBar.html
Conflict peProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peProgressionBar\peProgressionBar.js
Conflict peRequestProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peRequestProgressionBar\peRequestProgressionBar.js-meta.xml
Conflict peRequestProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peRequestProgressionBar\peRequestProgressionBar.html
Conflict peRequestProgressionBar LightningComponentBundle C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\lwc\peRequestProgressionBar\peRequestProgressionBar.js
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address_City__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_City__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address_Country_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Country_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address_Postal_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Postal_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address_State_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_State_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address_Street__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Street__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Account_Shipping_Address__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Account_Shipping_Address__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.Lead_Source__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\fields\Lead_Source__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Account.BillAddrFldsReq ValidationRule C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\validationRules\BillAddrFldsReq.validationRule-meta.xml
Conflict Account.ShipAddrFldsReq ValidationRule C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Account\validationRules\ShipAddrFldsReq.validationRule-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.Highest_degree__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\fields\Highest_degree__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.LEAD_Educ_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\fields\LEAD_Educ_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.Participants ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\listViews\Participants.listView-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.Participant RecordType C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\recordTypes\Participant.recordType-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.Professional RecordType C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\recordTypes\Professional.recordType-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.EmailRequiredIfNotExempt ValidationRule C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\validationRules\EmailRequiredIfNotExempt.validationRule-meta.xml
Conflict Contact.MailAddrReqParticipant ValidationRule C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Contact\validationRules\MailAddrReqParticipant.validationRule-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_City__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_City__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_Country_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Country_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_Country__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Country__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_Postal_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Postal_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_State_Code__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_State_Code__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_State__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_State__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address_Street__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address_Street__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Account_Shipping_Address__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\fields\Account_Shipping_Address__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Lead.Complete_Lead_List ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Lead\listViews\Complete_Lead_List.listView-meta.xml
Conflict PE_In_Progress_Warning__e CustomObject C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\PE_In_Progress_Warning__e\PE_In_Progress_Warning__e.object-meta.xml
Conflict PE_In_Progress_Warning__e CustomObject C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\PE_In_Progress_Warning__e\fields\Program_Enrollment__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Program_Enrollment_Log__c.occupationRequiresWageScale ValidationRule C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Program_Enrollment_Log__c\validationRules\occupationRequiresWageScale.validationRule-meta.xml
Conflict SP_Approval_Completed__e CustomObject C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\SP_Approval_Completed__e\SP_Approval_Completed__e.object-meta.xml
Conflict SP_Approval_Completed__e CustomObject C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\SP_Approval_Completed__e\fields\Sponsored_Program__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program__c.Days_Since_Approval__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Sponsored_Program__c\fields\Days_Since_Approval__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict Sponsored_Program__c.All_Sponsored_Programs ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\Sponsored_Program__c\listViews\All_Sponsored_Programs.listView-meta.xml
Conflict User.Sponsor_external_Users ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\User\listViews\Sponsor_external_Users.listView-meta.xml
Conflict User.UI_Internal_Users ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\User\listViews\UI_Internal_Users.listView-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.NCRAN_Program_Enrollment_Compact_Layout CompactLayout C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\compactLayouts\NCRAN_Program_Enrollment_Compact_Layout.compactLayout-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.Creation_Date__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\fields\Creation_Date__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.Days_Since_Approved__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\fields\Days_Since_Approved__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.Days_Since_Creation__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\fields\Days_Since_Creation__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.USDOL_education__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\fields\USDOL_education__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.WIOA_Eligible__c CustomField C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\fields\WIOA_Eligible__c.field-meta.xml
Conflict hed__Program_Enrollment__c.All_Part_Reg_SponComm ListView C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\objects\hed__Program_Enrollment__c\listViews\All_Part_Reg_SponComm.listView-meta.xml
Conflict SponsoredProgramDocs ApexPage C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\pages\
Conflict SponsoredProgramDocs ApexPage C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\pages\
Conflict Sponsored_Program__c.Merge_Appendix_A_Async QuickAction C:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\force-app\main\default\quickActions\Sponsored_Program__c.Merge_Appendix_A_Async.quickAction-meta.xml
Preparing retrieve request... Error
Error (1): There are changes in your local files that conflict with the org changes you're trying to retrieve.

Try this:

To overwrite the local changes, rerun this command with the --ignore-conflicts flag. sf
To overwrite the remote changes, run the "sf project deploy start" command with the --ignore-conflicts flag.

bengelj@BENGELJ-LT2 MINGW64 ~/OneDrive - NCCCS System Office/EconomicDevelopment/SalesForce/CoreObjects (sfdx-troubkeshooting)

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Thanks, so CLI works and issue appears to reside solely in our extension. One more question. When running retrieve source from org, is it all launch locations exhibiting the issue; single file in explorer, folder in explorer, command palette...?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Yes, CLI has (almost) always worked, as long as I was connected to the org (which sometimes proved to be a good trick in itself, but one thing at a time).

I don't know that I've ever tried launching a retrieve form the command palette, but I have had a problem with setting the default org form there. Different command, i know, but it was part and parcel of the same thing. Typically, I just right click and retrieve the component I'm currently working on, but I'm trying it with a folder in Explorer now, and the log only shows one line:
{"level":20,"time":1709750021920,"name":"sf:connection","method":"GET","url":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","user-agent":"sfdx toolbelt:"},"msg":"request"}

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Command Palette seems to return pretty much the same thing.
{"level":20,"time":1709750214813,"name":"sf:connection","method":"GET","url":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","user-agent":"sfdx toolbelt:"},"msg":"request"}

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj one experiment if you don't mind.

Shutdown vscode
Remove the current log file
Open a terminal and CD to your workspace

run sf doctor -c "sf project retrieve start"

The doctor command runs the target command and when complete will produce three files; one for console output, one for diagnostics and the third is the debug logging from the command. Would you mind zipping those up and passing them along?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024
I'd tried that one at some point, but couldn't get it to work... now I know why. I was trying to run it in a terminal in VS Code.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

Good day @bengelj so it appears that the last thing happening in your logs is a check we make to determine if the default org supports source tracking. This is done by doing a sobject describe on SourceMember, which is only visible if source tracking is enabled.

We can run the same check from the command line. I would like to see if we encounter the same behavior as you see in vscode.

In a command terminal

  • set SF_LOG_LEVEL to debug
  • run sf sobject describe -t -s SourceMember -o <username name for sandbox>

The command should complete pretty fast, for me its about three seconds.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@peternhale: I missed this until just now. Sorry to keep you wairting.

Well this is curious. I got output form the command, but the log file was empty. I was assuming you wanted to start with an empty file, so I cleared it out before running the describe.

Not sure what behavior you're looking for (or if I followed what you were going for right), but this was the output form the describe.

$ sf sobject describe -t -s SourceMember -o [email protected]
"actionOverrides": [],
"activateable": false,
"associateEntityType": null,
"associateParentEntity": null,
"childRelationships": [],
"compactLayoutable": false,
"createable": true,
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"customSetting": false,
"deepCloneable": false,
"defaultImplementation": null,
"deletable": true,
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"extendedBy": null,
"extendsInterfaces": null,
"feedEnabled": false,
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"aggregatable": true,
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"autoNumber": false,
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"calculated": false,
"calculatedFormula": null,
"cascadeDelete": false,
"caseSensitive": false,
"compoundFieldName": null,
"controllerName": null,
"createable": false,
"custom": false,
"defaultValue": null,
"defaultValueFormula": null,
"defaultedOnCreate": true,
"dependentPicklist": false,
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"digits": 0,
"displayLocationInDecimal": false,
"encrypted": false,
"externalId": false,
"extraTypeInfo": null,
"filterable": true,
"filteredLookupInfo": null,
"formulaTreatNullNumberAsZero": false,
"groupable": true,
"highScaleNumber": false,
"htmlFormatted": false,
"idLookup": true,
"inlineHelpText": null,
"label": "Source Member ID",
"length": 18,
"mask": null,
"maskType": null,
"name": "Id",
"nameField": false,
"namePointing": false,
"nillable": false,
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"formulaTreatNullNumberAsZero": false,
"groupable": true,
"highScaleNumber": false,
"htmlFormatted": false,
"idLookup": false,
"inlineHelpText": null,
"label": "Deleted",
"length": 0,
"mask": null,
"maskType": null,
"name": "IsDeleted",
"nameField": false,
"namePointing": false,
"nillable": false,
"permissionable": false,
"picklistValues": [],
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"sobject": "/services/data/v60.0/tooling/sobjects/SourceMember"

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Thanks for getting back to me. Nothing in the log file, that's strange, but the proof is in the pudding. I see the results from the request.

I am running out of ideas here, but we may have arrived at the "burn it down" option and start over for vscode. I would not touch the current workspace, nor the org auths you have already done.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@peternhale: Well, I don't know enough about what I'm looking at to have any kind of a-ha moments based on that, and I ran out of ideas a while back. One thing I have noticed, though, sometimes I'll start up VS Code or switch to a different project the default org doesn't initialize. And nothing I do, except close down and restart VS Code (sometimes multiple times) will get it to wake up and smell the config file. I can run sf config or sf login with the default option and get nothing. And I've heard people in other forums (r/salesforce for one) say they run across this sometimes too. I don't know if this is connected to the other stuff I'm seeing or not.

IN any case, it may be another week before I can deploy the nuclear option. So if anything else comes to mind, I'm all ears. If not, thanks for all your work on this. I've probably learned something along the way, but it may not be clear what that was until later.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj thank you for your patience with me and all the experiments. I'll keep noodling on this to see if anything else comes to mind.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Well now I got a new symptom. I can't get VS Code to connect to the org. It sits and spins, and if I look at the log file it reads like it managed to figure out the auth info, but...
"There is no data provider registered that can provide view data."

Not knowing what to expect to see in the log file, I don't know how different this is from the expected, but there's nothing here that jumps out at mea as a problem. All these "because hasRead is false" entries make me wonder if there's a permission problem, but this is not different form what we were seeing yesterday, and eventually I'd get the default org to connect. Today? Crickets. Which means I can't even use the CLI to do the things that need doing.

{"level":20,"time":1709933324089,"name":"sf:Config","msg":"Reading config file: C:\Users\bengelj\.sf\config.json because hasRead is false"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324544,"name":"sf:Config","msg":"Reading config file: c:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\.sf\config.json because hasRead is false"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324580,"name":"sf:Config","msg":"Reading config file: C:\Users\bengelj\.sf\config.json because force parameter is true"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324615,"name":"sf:Config","msg":"Reading config file: c:\Users\bengelj\OneDrive - NCCCS System Office\EconomicDevelopment\SalesForce\CoreObjects\.sf\config.json because force parameter is true"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324641,"name":"sf:crypto","msg":"retryStatus: undefined"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324641,"name":"sf:keyChain","msg":"platform: win32"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324645,"name":"sf:AuthInfoConfig","msg":"Reading config file: C:\Users\bengelj\.sfdx\[email protected] because hasRead is false"}
{"level":30,"time":1709933324656,"name":"sf:AuthInfo","msg":"Returning fields for a connection using OAuth config."}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324661,"name":"sf:connection","msg":"API version cache last checked on 3/7/2024, 9:27:08 AM (now is 3/8/2024, 4:28:44 PM)"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324661,"name":"sf:connection","msg":"API version cache expired. Re-fetching latest."}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324663,"name":"sf:MyDomainResolver","msg":"Attempting to resolve url:"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324731,"name":"sf:MyDomainResolver","msg":"Successfully resolved host: result: {"address":"","family":4}"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324731,"name":"sf:connection","msg":"Fetching API versions supported for org: [email protected]"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324731,"name":"sf:connection","method":"GET","url":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","user-agent":"sfdx toolbelt:"},"msg":"request"}
{"level":20,"time":1709933324846,"name":"sf:connection","msg":"response for org versions: 31.0,32.0,33.0,34.0,35.0,36.0,37.0,38.0,39.0,40.0,41.0,42.0,43.0,44.0,45.0,46.0,47.0,48.0,49.0,50.0,51.0,52.0,53.0,54.0,55.0,56.0,57.0,58.0,59.0,60.0"}
{"level":30,"time":1709933324847,"name":"sf:AuthInfo","msg":"Updated auth info for username: [email protected]"}

from salesforcedx-vscode.

github-actions avatar github-actions commented on July 19, 2024

This issue has not received a response in 7 days. It will auto-close in 7 days unless a response is posted.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Okay, I burned everything down and started over, and got back to the point where a retrieve run in the project explorer (right click) would actually pull the source down, but the command would continue running until it was cancelled. So I backed up the CLI Integration extension to v 59.13.0. then finally to 59.9.0 where it actually worked as expected.

BUT at this point I have it recognizing my default org at startup (though it sometimes requires me to reauthorize it at random intervals -- which I'm sure are not actually random, they just seem like it). and the CLI commands still work (as far as I can tell) though I had to install with npm. because the standalone installer didn't want to cooperate with the login credentials I gave it (long story). This ended up with the install location being /c/Users/bengelj/AppData/Roaming/npm/sf (??) Which struck me as odd, but as long as it works? I'm fine with it. Just seems like a strange place for it. Also updated my Java to Zulu 17 (though I still have 11 installed if I need to go back).

NodeJS is still at v 18.16.0. Could that be what's causing the problem? And if so, is updating it going to have a ripple effect on everything else I just did?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

peternhale avatar peternhale commented on July 19, 2024

Hi @bengelj thanks for giving this a try.

The location where npm installs global modules is not under our control. If you would like these things installed elsewhere on your machine have a look at npm config prefix. This allows one to to tell npm where to store global modules.

I assume you are using the latest version of sf, so that is a good place to be.

Node 18.16.0 should be ok. The minimum we support is 18.11.0.

JDK 17 should be fine, as well.

We recently added some additional debugging capabilities to vscode in v60.2+, which may help diagnose where the retrieve is held up.

If you want to try that then follow the steps in this post to gather the needed debug logs so they can be shared with us.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Hi back @peternhale! I'll give it a shot, but if past is prologue, the retrieve never actually completes. Or, at least the command keeps running indefinitely. I have seen ti actually retrieve the thing I'm trying to pull down to the project, but the command keeps running and there's nothing on the Output tab until I cancel the command. Until today, I never got any additional output once the Cancel happened, but today I got the confirmation message. Only problem is I can't remember which version I was running at the time.

Okay, so I'm back on v. 60.4.1, and what I see and what's in the log file are at odds. Sort of.

The retrieve appeared to still be running, but the file was showing as Modified in the project explorer, and Git was announcing it had a new file in the mix to be committed (which was, in fact the flow I'd retrieved). A quick look at the file itself, shows that the comment I added to alert me t the change was in the file, so the retrieve happened, but all the Output tab shows is that the command started -- 12:27:36.723 Starting SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org. This is as good as I've gotten from anything later than 59.9.0 since this odyssey began.

When I say the log file differs from my observations, it's because the log file shows that the retrieve succeeded -- which is true as far as it goes, but not the whole story.

And I assume this is the latest version of the CLI, but I'm taking npm's word for that.
$ sf version --verbose --json
"architecture": "win32-x64",
"cliVersion": "@salesforce/cli/2.32.8",
"nodeVersion": "node-v18.16.0",
"osVersion": "Windows_NT 10.0.19045",
"rootPath": "C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@salesforce\cli",
"shell": "C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe",
"pluginVersions": [
"@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 3.0.12 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-commands 3.2.0 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-help 6.0.17 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-not-found 3.0.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-plugins 4.3.2 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-search 1.0.20 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-update 4.2.0 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-version 2.0.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.0.13 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-which 3.1.3 (core)",
"@salesforce/cli 2.32.8 (core)",
"apex 3.0.26 (core)",
"auth 3.3.21 (core)",
"data 3.1.7 (core)",
"deploy-retrieve 3.2.27 (core)",
"dev 2.1.13 (user)",
"info 3.0.28 (core)",
"limits 3.1.13 (core)",
"marketplace 1.0.26 (core)",
"org 3.4.1 (core)",
"packaging 2.1.10 (user)",
"schema 3.1.7 (core)",
"settings 2.0.31 (core)",
"sobject 1.1.17 (core)",
"source 3.1.18 (core)",
"telemetry 3.1.15 (core)",
"templates 56.0.21 (core)",
"trust 3.3.16 (core)",
"user 3.3.1 (core)"

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Another item that I missed before. I hadn't set my default dev hub (it got lost in the uninstall) before I ran this, so that may explain the message about source tracking. I don't know if that impacts retrieval of specific metadata files or not (seems like it wouldn't, but what do I know?).

I can back out the change in the flow (I haven't committed it so I can just discard the change in Git) and run it gain. I've created the .sfdx-config.json file in the global folder too, so that would eliminate that variable.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Okay, I ran everything again now that the global configs are set and the dev hub is authorized
Log file looks a little more sensible, but the behavior is still the same.
runningRetrieve.png is showing the command running well after the file has been retrieved (not the "M" and color change on the file name). The cancelRetrive.png is what I see when I hit Cancel on the command. In both cases, nothing appears to be getting reported back to VS Code to tell it that the job is finished.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj One thing that stands out to me, and which you correctly pointed out - when you hit Cancel, you are seeing the warning notification in the bottom right corner but the Output tab is missing the 08:53:28.515 ended SFDX: Retrieve Source from Org message. This was fixed in v60.1.2, so if you're running the latest version of the extensions like you said, that's unusual.

What's in your .sfdx/sfdx-config.json currently? And what about your .sf/config.json?

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

You commented as I was writing my latest tale of woe, but to answer your question, this is what's currently in those 2 files.
"target-dev-hub": "prod",
"target-org": "fullSB"
"defaultdevhubusername": "prod",
"defaultusername": "fullSB"

Yesterday when I was working on the comment you responded to, you can replace fullSB with devtest1. But there's more of the same weirdness this morning, so there might be an answer there?

Sadly, I only managed to get back to the state where Retrieve/Deploy and Set Default Org only work in the CLI. Though setting the default org might actually work -- it just appears not to. My plan was to set the default org to the full copy sandbox and deploy a flow I've been working on there for UAT. I was able to successfully authorize the org, and if you look at the Output tab, it ran the command with the --set-default option, which should have updated the default org when the authentication completed. And I have to confess, it might have update the config.json file, but I can't confirm or deny because I didn't look. What it didn't do is update the status bar in the UI, so it appeared that the default org was still set to devtest1.
Also when I ran Set a Default Org form the command palette, it didn't appear to do anything, and since there's no Cancel button, I had to quit VS Code to stop it. But when I started back up again? It read the config file as expected, and set the default org to fullSB. So I'm assuming that the --set-default actually worked, but the config file wasn't reread -- or at the very least the information didn't make it to the status bar until VS Code restarted.
I can reliably reproduce this, even if nobody else can, because it's been happening since this whole business started. At its worst, getting the status bar to update would require multiple restarts, and it would fail to set a default org at all which meant nothing could be retrieved or deployed from the org, because it didn't know what org I was trying to exchange with. Even setting the default in the CLI quit working at the last, which is when I finally burned it all down and started over. Thankfully, that seems to be resolved now, but trying to deploy from the project explorer still fails. And if the log is to be believed the deploy never actually starts, because the last entry is:
{"level":30,"time":1710850356328,"name":"sf:AuthInfo","msg":"Updated auth info for username: [email protected]"}
But if I deploy from the command line, it works as expected.


So with all that done, I decided to find out for sure if the config.json was being updated by the Set a Default Org, and it doesn't appear to be. You can't see it in the first screenshot because the command palette dialog overlays it, but the target-org is set to fullSB.
But when we widen the view while the command is (supposedly) running, we see that it's not changing. (I've watched this when setting a default from the command line, band you can see the change in real time.)

Now I'm curious what's been added to the log file since the last time we looked, and one line stands out, but I'm not sure if it's important.
{"level":20,"time":1710852556592,"name":"sf:SandboxAccessor","msg":"No auth file found for 00D6g000001W8VDEA0"}
00D6g000001W8VDEA0 is the dev hub -- our production org. which according to sf org list, is duly connected and authorized, even though I didn't do it in this session.

Actually, make that two lines, because I didn't see this one before:
{"level":20,"time":1710852530271,"name":"sf:SandboxAccessor","msg":"No auth file found for 00D3J0000008rTxUAI"}

00D3J0000008rTxUAI is devtest1, which is the org I'm trying to set as default.
I don't really know what I'm looking at in the logs, but what I'm picking up as we go along makes me think this might be relevant. I'm not entirely sure what file sf:SandboxAccessor is looking for, but something else just entered the frame as I was puzzling over this:

The .sfdx orgs folder has a folder for devtest1 and devtest2 (another sandbox that I haven't been connected to since the rebuild) -- but it doesn't have a folder for fullSB, which I would expect to see since that's actually connected to the project right now.

And for what it's worth, when I updated the default at the command line, it set everythign correctly righ toff:

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

Hello @bengelj, To help diagnose your issue, our team has generated a set of custom VSIX files that contain extra logging for the authorize an org commands. Unfortunately, Github has a file size limit of 25MB for attachments to Github Issue comments and the zip file of VSIXs exceeds that size, so I'm unable to attach the VSIXs to this message and will have to share them with you via Google Drive. Can we get your email address to share the Google Drive files with you? (If you would prefer not to put your email address on a public forum, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get your email from there instead.) After you receive the VSIXs, below are instructions for how to install and use them.

How to install the custom VSIXs: Please uninstall all your current Salesforce extensions and install the custom VSIXs (click the 3 dots in Extensions view and click Install from VSIX, screenshot attached).

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 10 05 28β€―AM

After installing the VSIXs, run Developer: Reload Window from the command palette and run Developer: Show Running Extensions - make sure the Salesforce extensions are at v60.5.0 and all of them got installed and activated.

How to use the extra logging: Run Developer: Toggle Developer Tools from the command palette - the extra logging should be located there. With that panel open, run your typical authorization commands (SFDX: Authorize an Org, SFDX: Authorize a Dev Hub, SFDX: Set a Default Org) and send the contents of Toggle Developer Tools to us. (Since you were complaining about commands not being executed to completion and commands not working as expected, we want to use our extra logging to capture additional info about the behavior from your side.)

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc I've emailed and uninstalled the SF extension pack. If installing form VSIX requires running as admin, I'll need to get temporary credentials which will take a while depending on what else the group that holds those keys has going on. I've never needed elevated permissoins to install the extensions before, but you never know.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj I have shared the Google Drive folder of VSIXs with you. If you do need admin permissions, no rush - we'll still be here to help once you're ready. πŸ™‚

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc Unfortunately, there's nothing in the zip file I downloaded, and I suspect there could be a block on Google Drive implemented by our security team because they (or the state CISO) view Google Drive as a threat vector. I know our CISO isn't a fan, but I'll have to check with them to see if there's a way to get that archive. (That's life in the public sector, right?)

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc @peternhale So I rolled back the extensions to the last known version that worked for me (59.9.0) and get the same error(s?) when attempting to authorize an org.

Recapping briefly for those who missed yesterday's episode, we finally got the experimental VSIX files installed, and right out of the gate Authorize an Org started doing something new. The authentication appeared to work, but then we got the Page of Doom from Chrome


This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

There's nothing that looks especially odd about that, except the use of port 1717... which seems like an odd choice, but whatever.

Attempting to authorize the same org at the command line (which has always worked even when the extensions didn't) exhibited the same behavior, but with slightly more information to work with on the Output tab:

In the terminal window, we see
$ sf org login web --alias devtest3 --instance-url
Error (1): Invalid request method: OPTIONS

On the Output tab:
Starting SFDX: Authorize an Org

13:42:45.518 sfdx org:login:web --alias devtest3 --instance-url --set-default
Warning: Ignoring extra certs from null, load failed: error:80000002:system library::No such file or directory
Error (1): Invalid request method: OPTIONS

13:43:08.974 sfdx org:login:web --alias devtest3 --instance-url --set-default
ended with exit code 1

I suspected at the time that this was not the fault of the extension pack, but possibly the CLI itself, though more likely a config file that had been corrupted since the CLI hadn't been updated (by me anyway) recently enough to have been relevant. Since we're seeing the same problem with the extensions rolled back, I think that lets v 60.5.0 off the hook, so at least we know (one thing) what it's not.

I tried updating the CLI just for general purposes, but if it did anything (which is says it did) it didn't fix it.
$ sf version --verbose --json
"architecture": "win32-x64",
"cliVersion": "@salesforce/cli/2.33.3",
"nodeVersion": "node-v18.16.0",
"osVersion": "Windows_NT 10.0.19045",
"rootPath": "C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@salesforce\cli",
"shell": "C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe",
"pluginVersions": [
"@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 3.0.13 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-commands 3.2.0 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-help 6.0.18 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-not-found 3.0.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-plugins 4.3.5 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-search 1.0.20 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-update 4.2.0 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-version 2.0.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.0.14 (core)",
"@oclif/plugin-which 3.1.4 (core)",
"@salesforce/cli 2.33.3 (core)",
"apex 3.0.30 (core)",
"auth 3.3.23 (core)",
"data 3.1.9 (core)",
"deploy-retrieve 3.2.31 (core)",
"dev 2.1.13 (user)",
"info 3.0.31 (core)",
"limits 3.1.13 (core)",
"marketplace 1.0.27 (core)",
"org 3.4.3 (core)",
"packaging 2.1.10 (user)",
"schema 3.1.7 (core)",
"settings 2.0.31 (core)",
"sobject 1.1.18 (core)",
"source 3.1.20 (core)",
"telemetry 3.1.16 (core)",
"templates 56.0.21 (core)",
"trust 3.3.16 (core)",
"user 3.3.3 (core)"

These are the logs form yesterday's adventures. One if the usual sf log file, the other is the supplemental log from the developer console made available by the new debugging options in 60.5.0.


Oops... I just figured out that something set the log level back to "warn". Oh, wait, that was the wrong setting. but this just got a whole lot weirder...
Screenshot 2024-03-21 091352

Okay, putting the extension pack back to 60.4.1 fixed THAT problem. but it didn't do anything for the OauthRedirect issue. BUT, in the now, updated sf-2024-03-21.log file, I see:
{"level":20,"time":1711027137588,"name":"sf:WebServer","msg":"socket connection initialized from ::1"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137589,"name":"sf:WebServer","msg":"socket connection initialized from ::1"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137591,"name":"sf:WebServer","msg":"socket connection initialized from ::1"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137594,"name":"sf:WebOAuthServer","msg":"processing request for uri: /OauthRedirect"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137601,"name":"sf:WebOAuthServer","msg":"error reported, closing server connection and re-throwing"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137601,"name":"sf:WebOAuthServer","msg":"closing server connection"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137602,"name":"sf:LoginWebCommand","err":{"type":"SfError","message":"Invalid request method: OPTIONS","stack":"invalidRequestMethod: Invalid request method: OPTIONS\n at Server. (C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@salesforce\cli\node_modules\@salesforce\core\lib\webOAuthServer.js:216:32)\n at Server.emit (node:events:513:28)\n at parserOnIncoming (node:_http_server:1091:12)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:119:17)","name":"invalidRequestMethod","exitCode":1},"msg":"Invalid request method: OPTIONS"}
{"level":20,"time":1711027137606,"name":"sf:WebServer","msg":"number of connections open: 0"}


Which looks like one of the node modules is where the problem is originating -- or at least being triggered.

So with the CLI itself seemingly innocent what's left is a setting/configuration file that's corrupted OR possibly a network problem -- the latter of which which seems unlikely since I'm not seeing any other general network problems.

I've got end-of-sprint meetings starting in a few (and not a lot to report, sadly) so I'll be oput of pocket for a while, but I'm hoping

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Have you tried restarting your computer yet? If not, I would do that and then try again with the v60.5.0 VSIXs.

1717 is the port used for the authorization commands. It's possible that you have an authorize an org command running in the background that did not complete, which jams up the port and blocks the authorize command the next time you run it. But that's a weird error message - not the same one as I see when I have two authorization jobs running at the same time.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc I've not only restarted, I've powered down (which I do at the end of the day anyway) and the error persisted on both sides of the restart. I also had a restart for a Windows update, but I think that was before this weirdness began.

And I saw a lot of conversation online about phantom processes hanging on and how to kill them ones that were hanging up port 1717, but using the directions usually provided for Windows (kill Node.exe in Task manager) was a non-starter, because there was no such process running.

The corrupted HTTP request method is like a big flashing red light, but I don't know what it's flashing on. I'd guess it's a config file or a setting, but where that might be I have no clue.

Much as I hate to do it, I may have to try uninstalling the CLI and reinstalling it it again.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

Hi @bengelj, I just learned from CLI Team that this is an incompatibility between the CLI and Chromedriver v123. I also see the issue now after my Google Chrome updated itself from v122 to v123. The workaround here is to downgrade your Google Chrome version to one that uses Chromedriver v122 or below, or use a different browser. Sorry for the inconvenience!

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc That tracks with the Chrome update that I had run automatically yesterday. Our browsers are managed so I can't roll Chrome back, but I can switch the default to one of the others.
The CLI auth commands with the --broswer option in both Firefox and edge both worked exactly as advertised, so Edge doesn't have enough Chrome in its DNA to be affected by the bug (or it just hasn't been up dated with that "feature" yet). I'm back on v60.5.0 for the SFDX extensions, so now I'm back to only having the problem(s) I had before.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Now that you're back to having only the problems that you had before, can you run SFDX: Authorize an Org and send us the contents of Developer: Toggle Developer Tools? We would like to see what our additional console.log() statements say about your issue.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

Well the good news is that Authorize an Org appears to (a) work, and (b) set the default correctly -- which makes me wonder if there wasn't a Chrome issue all along, because it was getting through the authentication portion of the programme fine before, but failing to set the newly authorized org as the default.

The bad news is that attempting to retrieve source form org with a right click in the project explorer still fails, but there should be something in the log about that, because when I cancelled the command after ~5 minutes, everything in red shown here immediately popped up in the console. including our old friend "Cannot access 'r' before initialization"

Screenshot 2024-03-21 171254

I finished up by trying to set the default org using the org name in the status bar, which just sat there doing nothing until I saved the log and quit VS Code. There's no Cancel button for that one, so there may not be anything in the log about that. The output tab was just showing that the command started, but nothing more. There's a little bit that looks like it might be related to what I was doing when I selected which org to set as default (devtest1), but I'm just basing that on what looks like a call to something called orgPicker. But there could be something useful there.

Is this console going to be part of the official release in 60.5? Because it looks like it could be wicked useful.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc That's too bad. Uninstalling and updating Node (20.11.1) doesn't appear to have had any discernible effect, but while I was doing that SFDX 60.5.1 installed itself, so I'm going to have to revert it from the VSIX's to get you anything more in the way of log info.

Okay, that was weird. I thought I rolled back the extensions, but when I reloaded the window, they updated to 60.5.1 again.

So reinstalling form the VSIX's without uninstalling appears to have worked... everything says it's back on 60.5.0. Tried to set the default org from the command palette, and ended up in the same place as before.
Screenshot 2024-03-22 145345

There's the old cb.apply is not a function error again. I'm wondering if we were in the right church, wrong pew with the Node installation. Could it be one of the node modules that's causing it to hack up a hairball? Anyway, here are the new log files. I didn't attempt a retrieve, but if you think ti would be illuminating, I will.


from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

Can you try this solution? nodejs/help#2874 (comment)

It's possible that it's an npm issue and not a Node issue.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc Pardon the stream of consciousness, and irritability that follows, but I think something in this finally did the trick. I was taking ontes as aI went, and they may reflect some annoyance. But thanks for all your effort, I DO appreciate it, and the annoying bits were actually not caused by the extension pack (or I don't think they were anyway). Some of it may not even be Salesforce at all (I suspect Azure). But assuming I didn't destroy my laptop in the process, I think we have SFDX working now. And I'm going to go make dinner and watch the hockey game and try to forget the frustration until Monday.

I can probably do Option 1, if I have to go to Option 2, it'll probably be Monday because it'll require getting another temp admin password to reinstall.

Or maybe not. I was able to remove the ~/AppData/Roaming/npm directory, but when I got to the next step
$ npm clean cache --force
npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.
Unknown command: "clean"

Ah... that's because it's npm cache clean, not npm clean cache.

Okay, that caused an error in a different extension, but I'm not sure it's relevant to this. But something was definitely bothered by that folder being missing.

An error occurred while Azure-Node-Essentials was installing dependencies. Error: Command failed: npm ls --depth=0 -g npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall lstat npm ERR! path C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Roaming\npm npm ERR! errno -4058 npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Roaming\npm' npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. npm ERR! enoent npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\bengelj\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2024-03-22T20_54_47_884Z-debug-0.log

But the error "cb.apply is not a function" is coming form VS Code's extension handler. Sorry, mainThreadExtensionService.ts. And it appears that Azure Node Essentials might be what's throwing that error to begin with:

**[azuresdkteam.azurenodeessentials]**cb.apply is not a function
$onExtensionRuntimeError @ mainThreadExtensionService.ts:81
S @ rpcProtocol.ts:458
Q @ rpcProtocol.ts:443
M @ rpcProtocol.ts:373
L @ rpcProtocol.ts:299
(anonymous) @ rpcProtocol.ts:161
y @ event.ts:1127
fire @ event.ts:1158
fire @
V.onmessage @ localProcessExtensionHost.ts:376
mainThreadExtensionService.ts:82 TypeError: cb.apply is not a function
**at c:\Users\bengelj.vscode\extensions\azuresdkteam.azurenodeessentials-0.2.6\node_modules\npm**node_modules\graceful-fs\polyfills.js:287:18
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:213:5)

I uninstalled Azure Node Essentials and reloaded the window, and that appears to have got rid of the cb.apply error (though it's hard to tell) and it also seems to have fixed the set default org problem. AND the Retrieve source from org issue. At least in the project explorer. I can switch back to my original default org using th estatus bar too. Now I'll see if I can retrieve form the org browser (if it ever refreshes).

Okay, Org browser is still having a snit, but it hasn't actually failed, it's just taking forever to refresh the view in the new default org. Hmm... maybe the authentication has expired?

Uh oh...
Starting SFDX: Authorize an Org

17:16:50.256 sfdx org:login:web --alias devtest1 --instance-url --set-default
'sfdx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
17:16:50.374 sfdx org:login:web --alias devtest1 --instance-url --set-default
Salesforce CLI is not installed. Install it from

I installed the CLI with npm because the installer kept giving me a fit. Let's see if I can get past that -- hopefully my temporary password hasn't expired yet.

First, let's see if we can uninstall the version installed with npm. Looks like that's working (so far) okay, looking at the screen it looks like it installed it, but sf version gives me sf command not found, so I'm guessing it was successful. So lets' try the Windows x64 installer (I think that's the one I need anyway).

Okay, it wants an install location... NOT Program Files... I need to be able to update it. How about ~/AppData? It seems okay with that. Guess we'll find out. It installed...

OKay, apparently that's not in my $PATH. But oddly enough both of these are, and I was always able to update before... Hmm...
/c/Program Files/sfdx/bin
/c/Program Files (x86)/sf/bin
But neither of these folders exist.

Alright... lets uninstall from where we put it, and hope we don't shoot ourselves in the foot putting it under Program Files...

Oh dear. this looks very bad. I'm seeing file names going by that have nbothing to do with the salesforc eCLI... like it's deleteing the entire AppDat folder. And it just deleted the TypeScript folder from AppData Local and now it's working on Mozilla. SO maybe I should hurry up and post this and hope I'm still here when okay, I managed to kill it, but who knows what state it left things in.

Well... let's see what happens when we install it to Program Files. What've I got to lose, right?

Okay, it's in Program Files/sf but I still get command not found. Guess that answers the previous question. Oh... that's probably because the PATH variable is looking for it in Program Files (x986)... Great. If I had any sense I'd quit while I'm ahead, but I'm kinda scared of running the uninstaller in it's present location. Looks like AppData being nuked (partially anyway) is survivable, but Program Files I'm not so sure about.

Okay, I seem to have survived the uninstall, but now I'm wondering if I used the wrong installer. There's an x64 and an x86 and while I'd expect x64 to be the one I need, there's an sf directory in Program Files x86 in my path, and there must've been something in there at some point else why would it be there? I suspect this is why I used npm to install it before.

Okay, looks like third time's the charm, I can execute sf version... and sf update. With the x86 installer. Go figure. You would think that when there are two options, there's be something in the documentation to let you know how to pick the one you need. But no. At least not anywhere obvious. If it were me, I'd put it on the download page. Or in the "Install Salesforce CLI" article. But while everyone seems to be eager to offer a short history of the entire evolution of the product, nobody felt it necessary to include that detail.

But back to the issue at hand, now that I have the CLI successfully installed, I can retrieve from the org browser, which was the thing I was trying to figurine out.

So apparently the thing to do was uninstall Azure Node Essentials, install and uninstall the CLI 3 times (hopefully not wreck my laptop in the process), and clean pout an npm folder...

Seems excessive, but it appears to have worked. I think.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

Hi @bengelj,
I'm very happy to hear that your environment issues are now resolved! That was a complicated set of steps that you did - glad that you didn't break your computer πŸ˜‚

As for the x86 CLI that you installed... I do believe that your case is the exception and not the norm. Your computer is a 64-bit Windows machine, as you pointed out in your initial report - thus, you made the right choice to try the x64 version of the CLI installer first. It's weird that the x86 version worked for you and not the x64 version - but we really shouldn't try to fix something that is no longer broken.

I'm going to close this Github issue now. If you run into any more problems with your setup, feel free to reopen it.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj One more thing - Can you open up a new Command Prompt and run wmic os get osarchitecture? Given the fact that you are using a 32-bit CLI and a 64-bit VSCode, our team would like to confirm with you about the type of machine you are using. (We think it's likely 64-bit but would really like a sanity check because of your unusual configuration!)

You should get something like this when you run the command:
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10 06 28β€―AM

from salesforcedx-vscode.

bengelj avatar bengelj commented on July 19, 2024

@daphne-sfdc Your suspicions are correct,
$ wmic os get osarchitecture

But I should add that I tried installing the Windows x64 CLI, and ended up with the x86 version (32-bit) because nothing I did with the PATH environment variable made sf.exe "visible" and by that time I was about 2 clicks form homicidal, and decided if that wasn't working do the other thing. Oddly enough, /c/Program Files (x86)/sf/bin was already in my PATH, so I must've had the x86 version installed at some point -- or the installer set both paths (/c/Program Files/sfdx/bin is also in the PATH variable). But by the time I was done, I'd made so many changes in the course of last week, I couldn't' tell you which of them had any effect and which were just no-ops. Updating Java to 17 or Node to v.20 might have had an impact -- or not. Reinstalling VS Code? Who knows? getting that rogue npm directory out of AppData/Roaming probably had an impact, but I suspect it was uninstalling the Azure Node Essentials extension that finally did the trick. But I'm not gonna reinstall it to test the theory.

It appears I lost some settings, and by bookmarks in Chrome (which I'd imported to Firefox when I switched default browsers, but apparently some of them didn't make the translation), and for some weird reason the desktop icon for Edge -- though the browser itself seems to be working well enough. So unless something I haven't seen yet comes up and cripples me I'll just wait until I'm due to have this laptop replaced or upgraded to Win 11. 'Cos I'm getting way too old for this sh...tuff.

from salesforcedx-vscode.

daphne-sfdc avatar daphne-sfdc commented on July 19, 2024

@bengelj Thank you for the confirmation that it's a 64-bit computer. Sorry about the loss of your settings and bookmarks, and good luck until you get your laptop replacement/upgrade!

from salesforcedx-vscode.

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