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ssh-tpm-agent's Issues

Cannot import ecdsa-sha2-nistp384

ssh-tpm-keygen fails to import a nistp384 key (created using ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 384).

$ ssh-tpm-keygen --import ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
Sealing an existing public/private ecdsa key pair.
/home/username/.ssh/ already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)?y
Enter pin (empty for no pin): 
Confirm pin: 
panic: math/big: buffer too small to fit value
goroutine 1 [running]:
math/big.(*Int).FillBytes(0xc00002e860?, {0xc000022360?, 0x20?, 0x20?})
        /usr/lib/go/src/math/big/int.go:540 +0xec{0x5647fc58cbc8?, 0xc00002c200}, {0x5647fc577440?, 0xc00011fd58?}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0xc000014520, 0xd, 0x10})
        /build/ssh-tpm-agent-git/src/ssh-tpm-agent.git/key/key.go:392 +0x165
        /build/ssh-tpm-agent-git/src/ssh-tpm-agent.git/cmd/ssh-tpm-keygen/main.go:309 +0xd55

Using ssh-tpm-agent-git 0.2.0.r0.25e8edb-1 from AUR.

host key functionality fails

everything seems to work ok but when I restart sshd:
Dec 10 01:08:32 host systemd[1]: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24703]: Unable to load host key "/etc/ssh/": error in libcrypto
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24703]: Unable to load host key "/etc/ssh/": error in libcrypto
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24704]: Unable to load host key "/etc/ssh/": error in libcrypto
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24704]: Unable to load host key "/etc/ssh/": error in libcrypto
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24704]: Server listening on port 22.
Dec 10 01:08:32 host sshd[24704]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Dec 10 01:08:32 host systemd[1]: Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.

Load key "/home/jc/.ssh/hh-8192_rsa.tpm": error in libcrypto

Went overtime and ran out of time to get ssh-tpm-agent working.

Mentioned this in #24:

... level=DEBUG msg="%s not a TPM sealed key: %v\n" /r/c/ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm="tpm-ssh: unsupported key type \"TPM EC PRIVATE KEY\"

^ fixed this by generating a key using trunk, not v0.1.0


$ ssh-tpm-keygen

ssh config:

Match OriginalHost
  IdentityAgent /run/user/1000/ssh-tpm-agent.sock
  IdentityFile /r/c/ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm
  IdentitiesOnly yes

$ ssh [email protected]
Load key "/r/c/ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm": error in libcrypto
Oct 14 17:03:20 hh-8192 ssh-tpm-agent[1984892]: time=2023-10-14T17:03:20.844+03:00 level=INFO msg="agent 25: agent: not implemented: \"[email protected]\""

This happens with RSA key as well.

0.3.0: absolute paths are rewritten

If an absolute path is specified for ssh-tpm-keygen -f, it becomes a relative path under ~/.ssh/:

$ ssh-tpm-keygen -b 256 -f /tmp/ec
Generating a sealed public/private ecdsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/grawity/.ssh/tmp/ec):

0.3.0: default key length not valid

Docs say that ECDSA P-256 is the default if neither -t nor -b is not specified, but that doesn't seem to be the case:

$ ssh-tpm-keygen
2024/02/26 11:12:10 invalid ecdsa key length: TPM does not support 0 bits

$ ssh-tpm-keygen -t ecdsa
2024/02/26 11:16:39 invalid ecdsa key length: TPM does not support 0 bits

Specifying -t rsa without -b seems to correctly generate a 2048-bit RSA key.

PCR binding support

It could be nice to support binding a key to the state of user-selectable PCRs at creation time, e.g. to restrict keys to be used only with some sort of verified boot. This can indirectly be achieved by storing the .tpm file on a filesystem backed by a LUKS partition which itself is then bound to PCR state, but for unencrypted systems it might still be nice to directly support this. Also, the .tpm files could theoretically be leaked into an unverified boot session and then used with incorrect PCR state, natively binding the key within the TPM would mitigate this.

Agent forwarding and adding key from stdin fails

I have an ansible playbook that adds an ssh key to the agent via stdin that fails with the ssh tpm agent. The ssh tpm agent is running with forwarding to another ssh agent, changing SSH_AUTH_SOCK to that agent and the ansible playbook works.

The playbook looks like this

- name: Add ssh key to ssh agent
  hosts: all
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Read ansible ssh key
        url: "{{ vault.url }}"
        path: secret/SOME_PATH
      register: vault_ansible_data
      no_log: true
      delegate_to: localhost
    - name: Add ssh key to ssh agent
        cmd: "ssh-add -"
        stdin: '{{ vault_ansible_data["data"]["data"]["ssh_private_key"] }}'
      no_log: true
      changed_when: false
      delegate_to: localhost

Error message from ansible is

Could not add identity \"(stdin)\": agent refused operation"

Integrity check failed

Symptom: agent 13: failed getting handle: TPM_RC_INTEGRITY (parameter 1): integrity check failed

Cause: Generated key on another machine, can't use it on this machine. OR TPM state got flushed by an update.

ssh-tpm-agent UX issues

I'm struggling to picture the UX on how we should handle multiple keys.

ssh-agent is not really made for key creating this way, so there needs to be a secondary control thing for this.

pinentry ERROR curses.isatty

Running Arch Linux, installed ssh-tpm-agent via pacman

I am able to use this successfully without PIN.
However, with a ssh key with a PIN, I try to clone a private, git repo, ssh-tpm-agent throws this error:

agent 13: pinentry: unexpected response: \"S ERROR curses.isatty 83918950 \"

Problem when proxying agent, breaks at one point

This problem occured (after a while):

2023/08/11 17:43:44 failed getting list from agent: agent: client error: write unix @->/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: write: broken pipe
2023/08/11 17:43:44 failed getting Signers from agent: &{%!f(string=agent: client error: write unix @->/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: write: broken pipe)}
2023/08/11 18:32:04 failed getting list from agent: agent: client error: write unix @->/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: write: broken pipe
2023/08/11 18:32:47 failed getting list from agent: agent: client error: write unix @->/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: write: broken pipe
  • After systemctl --user restart ssh-tpm-agent, the problem was resolved
  • Confirmed that ssh works when pointing $SSH_AUTH_SOCKET to gpg-agent

User systemd-unit:

Description=A ssh-agent compatible agent that support TPM keys

ExecStart=/home/user/bin/ssh-tpm-agent -A /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
SystemCallFilter=~@privileged @resources


Ed25519 key type support

I try to use ssh-tpm-keygen to import a ed25519 key, but this key type isn't support.

$ sudo ssh-tpm-keygen --import ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Sealing an existing public/private ecdsa key pair.
Enter existing password (empty for no pin): 
2023/12/26 15:46:10 unsupported key type

Is it possible to support ed25519?

ArchLinux package doesn't set the executable bit on install

Hi Morten,

I just installed the archlinux package extra/ssh-tpm-agent which correctly copies the files to /usr/bin but doesn't set the executable bit, thus throwing this error:

$ ssh-tpm-keygen
zsh: permission denied: ssh-tpm-keygen

setting the executable bit fixes this.

ssh-agent proxy support

A maybe common use-case is that you have one or more ssh-agent running. One key here, one key there.

ssh-tpm-agent can only support TPM sealed keys, but it could proxy requests to other ssh-agent sockets. This would allow you to rely on one socket for all of the key handling.

Clearly this should be an opt-in feature, but might make it a more valueable ssh-agent replacement.

Maybe bug: Crashed once when trying to log in

  1. First login was OK
  2. Second login failed with this error
  3. Subsequent logins OK

From agent:

2023/07/30 03:37:29 agent 13: failed to sign: initializing session 1: TPM_RC_VALUE (parameter 2): value is out of range or is not correct for the context

From ssh -v ...

sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed for ECDSA "/home/sgo/.ssh/" from agent: agent refused operation

ssh-tpm-agent --print socket prints value of $SSH_AUTH_SOCK and not its own socket

Hi, while setting this up I found that

ssh-tpm-agent --print-socket

does not return the correct value of /run/user/1000/ssh-tpm-agent.sock but rather the current value of $SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
which in my case pointed to the gpg-agent.sock.

I believe this should be fixed to correctly reflect the ssh-tpm-agent socket, so export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(tpm-ssh-agent --print-socket) works as expected.

Don't add suffix if user added it already

$ ssh-tpm-keygen
Generating a sealed public/private ecdsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jc/.ssh/id_ecdsa): /home/jc/.ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm
Enter pin (empty for no pin):
Confirm pin:
Your identification has been saved in /home/jc/.ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm.tpm

Expected. Your identification has been saved in /home/jc/.ssh/hh-8192_ecdsa.tpm

user key functionality fails

turns out I was wrong about host keys failing and I hope this is another one of those situations.
I followed the instructions for user keys and can't find any evidence that the key is being used, plus I get the libcrypto error again:

ssh host.local
Load key "/home/user/.ssh/": error in libcrypto
[email protected]'s password:

Error when running `ssh-tpm-keygen`: `open /dev/tpmrm0: permission denied`

Hello, when I try to run the ssh-tpm-keygen command, I get the following error: open /dev/tpmrm0: permission denied. Is the user executing the command expected to have some special permissions and / or is the user expected to belong to some group (e.g. tss group)?

Thank you very much and have a nice day!

agent-forwarding does not work with certificates

it will take me a few hours to get to the bottom of it, but it looks like when you use this agent with an ssh pki, agent forwarding appears to cause the pubkey itself, not the certificate to get forwarded.
here is a scenario.
I have User machine A, and hosts B and C
user A has tpm user keys while B and C trust the CA which has signed A's tpm pubkey

from my user on machine A I will ssh -Av B.local
i can confirm from the output that my certificate is approved and I login without a password. within this session I now
ssh -v C.local this authorization fails. If I move the pubkey to machine C as an authorized_key, then the forwarded agent works.
so it seems to me that ssh-tpm-agent needs to be modified to correctly forward the certificate, as this scheme works as intended when not using the tpm agent.


I would be nice if $SSH_ASKPASS could be used for TPM key PIN entry in place of pinentry.

Most ssh users are likely to be familial with ssh askpass programs, but may not be so familiar with pinentry from the GnuPG world.

Change PIN

Is it possible to change the PIN for a key, similar to ssh-keygen's -p? I don't see an option in ssh-tpm-keygen for this.

How to delete key?

I am trying to delete a key, but it does not work.
Key was added with ssh-tpm-keygen, and it shows up when I do ssh-add -L.
I tried ssh-add placeholder.tpm, which returns:

Bad key file tpm_hellesvik_gitlab.tpm: No such file or directory

And ssh-tpm-add -d placeholder.tpm, which returns:

2024/05/24 17:39:06 open -d: no such file or directory

ssh-tpm-agent.service gives me

agent 17: operation unsupported

Consider RSA key support

With EvictControl implemented in go-tpm we could in theory support RSA keys, but default to NISP P256 keys.

It will be super slow, but we can atleast persist the RSA key which should be there on systems running systemd.

The default should always be the most sane ECC thing we have available.

[0.3.0-1] TPM key is in an old format. Will not load it.

Since upgrading to version 0.3.0-1 from the archlinux repo, ssh-tpm-agent complains about the key being in an old format:

[2024-03-06T17:59:11+0100] [ALPM] upgraded ssh-tpm-agent (0.2.0-2 -> 0.3.0-1)
$ journalctl --user -u ssh-tpm-agent
Mar 09 09:18:06 sunny systemd[838]: Started ssh-tpm-agent service.
Mar 09 09:18:06 sunny ssh-tpm-agent[13577]: time=2024-03-09T09:18:06.309+01:00 level=INFO msg="Activated agent by socket"
Mar 09 09:18:06 sunny ssh-tpm-agent[13577]: time=2024-03-09T09:18:06.312+01:00 level=INFO msg="TPM key is in an old format. Will not load it." key_path=/home/knightshrub/.ssh/id_ecdsa.tpm error="old format on key"

The release notes for 0.3.0 mention this breaking change.
Is there a way to upgrade the key format or do I have to generate a new key?

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