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gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter's Introduction

๐ŸฆŠ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter

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gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter allows you to monitor your GitLab CI pipelines with Prometheus or any monitoring solution supporting the OpenMetrics format.

You can find more information on GitLab docs about how it takes part improving your pipeline efficiency.


Here are some Grafana dashboards I was able to craft using those metrics. Otherwise, the detailed list of exported metrics is maintained here.


grafana_dashboard_pipelines dashboard #10620


grafana_dashboard_jobs dashboard #13328

Environments / Deployments

grafana_dashboard_environments dashboard #13329

If you want to quickly try them out with your own data, have a look into the examples/quickstart folder which contains documentation to provision test version of the exporter, prometheus and also grafana in ~5min using docker-compose



~$ go run


~$ snap install gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter


~$ brew install mvisonneau/tap/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter


~$ docker run -it --rm
~$ docker run -it --rm
~$ docker run -it --rm


~$ scoop bucket add
~$ scoop install gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter


~$ nix-env -iA nixos.prometheus-gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter

Binaries, DEB and RPM packages

Have a look onto the latest release page to pick your flavor and version. Here is an helper to fetch the most recent one:

~$ export GCPE_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
# Binary (eg: linux/amd64)
~$ wget${GCPE_VERSION}/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz
~$ tar zxvf gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin

# DEB package (eg: linux/386)
~$ wget${GCPE_VERSION}/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_386.deb
~$ dpkg -i gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_386.deb

# RPM package (eg: linux/arm64)
~$ wget${GCPE_VERSION}/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_arm64.rpm
~$ rpm -ivh gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter_${GCPE_VERSION}_linux_arm64.rpm


If you want to make it run on kubernetes, there is a helm chart available for this purpose.

You can check the chart's values.yml for complete configuration options.

# Add the helm repository to your local client
~$ helm repo add mvisonneau

# Configure a minimal configuration for the exporter
~$ cat <<EOF > values.yml
    # You can also configure the token using --gitlab-token
    # or the $GCPE_GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable
    token: xrN14n9-ywvAFxxxxxx
    - name: foo/project

# Release the chart on your Kubernetes cluster
~$ helm upgrade -i gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter mvisonneau/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter -f values.yml

Configuration syntax

The configuration syntax is maintained here.


# Write a minimal config file somewhere on disk
~$ cat <<EOF > $(pwd)/config.yml
  # You can also configure the token using --gitlab-token
  # or the $GCPE_GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable
  token: <your_token>
  - name: foo/project
  - name: bar/project
  - owner:
      name: foo
      kind: group

# If you have installed the binary
~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter --config /etc/config.yml

# Otherwise if you have docker available, it is as easy as :
~$ docker run -it --rm \
   --name gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter \
   -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/etc/config.yml \
   -p 8080:8080 \
   mvisonneau/gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter:latest \
   run --config /etc/config.yml

You should then be able to see the following logs

INFO[0000] starting exporter                             gitlab-endpoint="" on-init-fetch-refs-from-pipelines=true pulling-pipelines-every=60s pulling-projects-every=15s pulling-refs-every=10s pulling-workers=2 rate-limit=10rps
INFO[0000] configured wildcards                          count=1
INFO[0000] found new project                             project-name=foo/project wildcard-archived=false wildcard-owner-include-subgroups=false wildcard-owner-kind=group wildcard-owner-name=foo wildcard-search=
INFO[0000] found new project                             project-name=foo/bar wildcard-archived=false wildcard-owner-include-subgroups=false wildcard-owner-kind=group wildcard-owner-name=foo wildcard-search=
INFO[0000] configured projects                           count=3
INFO[0000] started, now serving requests                 listen-address=":8080"
INFO[0000] found project refs                            project-path-with-namespace=foo/project project-ref=main
INFO[0000] found project refs                            project-path-with-namespace=bar/project project-ref=main
INFO[0000] found project refs                            project-path-with-namespace=foo/bar project-ref=main

And this is an example of the metrics you should expect to retrieve, the detailed list of exported metrics is maintained here.

~$ curl -s localhost:8080/metrics | grep gitlab_ci
# HELP gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds Duration of last pipeline run
# TYPE gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds gauge
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds{project="foo/project",ref="dev",topics="",variables=""} 81
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds{project="foo/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 420
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds{project="bar/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 334
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_duration_seconds{project="foo/bar",ref="main",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 55
# HELP gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id ID of the most recent pipeline
# TYPE gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id gauge
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id{project="foo/project",ref="dev",topics="",variables=""} 4.0059611e+07
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id{project="foo/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 1.25351545e+08
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id{project="bar/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 1.33308085e+08
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_id{project="foo/bar",ref="main",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 1.40420947e+08
# HELP gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status Status of the most recent pipeline
# TYPE gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status gauge
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="canceled",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="failed",topics="",variables=""} 1
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="manual",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="pending",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="running",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="skipped",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="dev",status="success",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="canceled",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="failed",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="manual",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="pending",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="running",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="skipped",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/project",ref="main",status="success",topics="",variables=""} 1
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="canceled",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="failed",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="manual",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="pending",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="running",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="skipped",topics="",variables=""} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="bar/project",ref="main",status="success",topics="",variables=""} 1
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="canceled",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="failed",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="manual",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="pending",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="running",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="skipped",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 0
gitlab_ci_pipeline_last_run_status{project="foo/bar",ref="main",status="success",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 1
# HELP gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count GitLab CI pipeline run count
# TYPE gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count counter
gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count{project="foo/project",ref="dev",topics="",variables=""} 1
gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count{project="foo/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 2
gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count{project="bar/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 1
gitlab_ci_pipeline_run_count{project="foo/bar",ref="main",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 2
# HELP gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds Elapsed time since most recent GitLab CI pipeline run.
# TYPE gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds gauge
gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds{project="foo/project",ref="dev",topics="",variables=""} 4.3368877e+07
gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds{project="foo/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 4.151883e+06
gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds{project="bar/project",ref="main",topics="",variables=""} 1.907042e+06
gitlab_ci_pipeline_time_since_last_run_seconds{project="foo/bar",ref="main",topics="",variables="FOO:BAR"} 65456

HA implementation

It supports running multiple instances of the exporter in an HA fashion leveraging redis as storage middleware. You simply need to set a redis URL in the config.yml or using the --redis-url flag or $GCPE_REDIS_URL env variable. A quick example using docker-compose is also available here: examples/ha-setup

How it works

  • Pulling of all of the GitLab resources (projects, refs, pipelines, jobs, etc..) is spread evenly across all the running instances
  • Rate limit is global across the workers. eg: 3 workers at a 10 rps limit will result in a ~3.3rps limit/worker
  • Exported metrics are fetched from the shared storage layer on each call to ensure data integrity/consistency of the requests across the instances

Push based implementation (leveraging GitLab webhooks)

The exporter supports receiving project pipeline events through GitLab webhooks on the /webhook path. This feature is not enabled by default and requires the following parameters to be set in the config.yml:

      enabled: true
      secret_token: <a_secret_token>

A complete example is available here: examples/webhooks. You can also refer to the configuration syntax for me information.


~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter --help
   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter - Export metrics about GitLab CI pipelines statuses

   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   run      start the exporter
   monitor  display information about the currently running exporter
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --internal-monitoring-listener-address value, -m value  internal monitoring listener address [$GCPE_INTERNAL_MONITORING_LISTENER_ADDRESS]
   --help, -h                                              show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                                           print the version (default: false)


~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter run --help
   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter run - start the exporter

   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter run [command options] [arguments...]

   --config file, -c file        config file (default: "./gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter.yml") [$GCPE_CONFIG]
   --redis-url url               redis url for an HA setup (format: redis[s]://[:password@]host[:port][/db-number][?option=value]) (overrides config file parameter) [$GCPE_REDIS_URL]
   --gitlab-token token          GitLab API access token (overrides config file parameter) [$GCPE_GITLAB_TOKEN]
   --webhook-secret-token token  token used to authenticate legitimate requests (overrides config file parameter) [$GCPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET_TOKEN]
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)


~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter monitor --help
   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter monitor - display information about the currently running exporter

   gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter monitor [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

Monitor / Troubleshoot


If you need to dig into your exporter's internal, you can leverage the internal CLI monitoring endpoint. This will get you insights about the following:

  • Live telemetry regarding:
    • GitLab API requests
    • Tasks buffer usage
    • Projects count and schedules
    • Environments count and schedules
    • Refs count and schedules
    • Metrics count and schedules
  • Parsed configuration details

To use it, you have to start your exporter with the following flag --internal-monitoring-listener-address, -m or the GCPE_INTERNAL_MONITORING_LISTENER_ADDRESS env variable.

You can whether use a TCP or UNIX socket eg:

~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter -m 'unix://gcpe-monitor.sock' run
~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter -m 'tcp://' run

To use the monitor CLI, you need to be able to access the monitoring socket and reuse the same flag:

export GCPE_INTERNAL_MONITORING_LISTENER_ADDRESS='unix://gcpe-monitor.sock'
~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter run &
~$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter monitor

Develop / Test

If you use docker, you can easily get started using :

~$ make dev-env
# You should then be able to use go commands to work onto the project, eg:
~docker$ make fmt
~docker$ gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter


Contributions are more than welcome! Feel free to submit a PR.

gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter's People


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