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monorepo's Introduction

Freedom Combination Turborepo

What's inside?

This Turborepo includes the following packages/apps:



  • config: @fc/config Menus, Seo, Theme, Constants
  • context: @fc/context AuthContext
  • eslint-config-fc: Eslint
  • lib: @fc/lib Fetchers
  • mocks: @fc/mocks Strapi Mock Data
  • stripe: @fc/stripe Stripe
  • secrets: @fc/secrets Secret Env Variables
  • services: @fc/services Queries, Mutations, Fetch Functions
  • tsconfig: Tsconfig
  • types: @fc/types All Strapi Model Types
  • ui: @fc/ui Components, Storybook
  • utils: @fc/utils Utility Functions

Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.


You need to have a running PostgreSQL server locally on port 5432

Start Project

yarn install
# Start all apps
yarn dev

# Start Individual App
yarn dashboard
yarn foundation
yarn kunsthalte
yarn trend-rights
yarn storybook
# The backend (api) will always be accessible via localhost:1337 for dev mode.


yarn lint # Checks lint issues
yarn clean # Deletes node_module and build folders
yarn format # Formats all files

Install Packages

yarn add -W <package-name>

monorepo's People


7alip avatar bbluechip avatar bllakcn avatar dependabot[bot] avatar ertugrul-aydin avatar gozturk7 avatar hakanayata avatar hasancomce avatar mskose avatar mustafatrkylmz avatar myniqx avatar rakin-tanis avatar selimemre avatar selman-s avatar slymny avatar yhtyyar94 avatar yuskara avatar zahirekrem09 avatar


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monorepo's Issues

Move Components

Wsvvrijheid - Api Auth Serverless Pages

Move the following serverless pages from wsvvrijheid to monorepo.

  • api/auth
    • social-auth/[provider].js
    • forgot-password.js
    • login.js
    • logout.js
    • register.js
    • reset-password.js
    • user.js

Reference for API Routes in TypeScript:

Note: As we will be using some of these pages in other projects as well, I would recommend this approach:

We can import the request parts of the handler from services. For example

const loginRoute = async (req, res) => {
  const { identifier, password } = req.body

  try {
    // create getAuth in libs/services/auth/getAuth.ts
    const auth = getAuth(identifier, password)  // from service

    req.session = auth
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('error', error.response?.data || error)

Admin | ArtApprovalModal

This modal will be triggered when an editor clicks on an ArtCard.

Design link:



  • Create component in folder libs/ui/src/admin/ArtApprovalModal
  • Create ArtApprovalForm component in separate file in the same folder.
  • Image must be objectFit='contain', because editor should always be able to see whole image.
  • All actions should be given via props
    • onReject - onApprove - onDelete
    • onReject and onApprove mutations should receive art id, feedback, editor id parameters.
  • Create a component story and just show window.alert for each mutation. Just put a button in the story to open ArtApprovalModal

Admin | Login


  • Create AdminLoginForm in libs/ui/src/admin/AdminLoginForm
    It's a simpler version of shared LoginForm. We don't need SocialLogin
  • Create AdminLoginTemplate and story for it in libs/ui/templates/AdminLoginTemplate
    LoginForm + fullheight Image. Think about mobile size.
  • Move AdminLoginTemplate to login.tsx page

Important: Do not apply custom styles, colors for the buttons and inputs as we will later adjust the design through the global theme. You can just specify the variants as ghost, solid etc. We consider primary color as green for the admin theme.

Admin - NewsCard

Related: #37

We have NewsCardBase component. We need to add functionality based on this component. We can do it in 2 ways:

1. Create NewsCard component as a wrapper of the base component:

const NewsCard = ({ news, userId, }) => {
  const recommendMutation = useMutation({
    mutationKey: ['recommend-topic'],
    // can be passed as mutation body
    mutationFn: () => createMutation<RecommendedTopic, RecommendedTopicCreateInput>(`api/recommended-topics`, {, recommender: userId

  return (
    <NewsCardBase news={news} {} onRecommend={bookmarkMutation.mutate} />

2. Put all the functionality and mutations in NewsCardBase

<ActionButton onClick={recommendMutation.mutate}>

You can modify the component by adding all the functionalities needed. Then you need to rename NewsCardBase to NewsCard in this case.

In both cases you need to update the stories and especially in Grid view, we need to be able to use all the functionalities on the card.

We need to implement the following functionalities:

  • Share (onShare)
  • Recommend to admin (onRecommend)
  • Bookmark for yourself (onBookmark)
  • View in a window (onView)

Some suggestion Issues

1- Create News

2- Recreate twit

3- Create user for human right page


4- Create caps


5- Administrator page
No Design

6- Bookmark page (saved news and tweets)
No Design

7- Super Admin page
İncludes rolles and persons
No Design

Wsvvrijheid | Platforms Page


See the template is created libs/ui/templates/PlatformTemplate and how it is used in apps/foundation/pages/platform/[code]. You should do the similar thing.

Clicking on each card will go to the relevant detail page

  • academy
  • samenvvv
  • lotus
  • art-stop


  • Convert platform/inde.js to libs/ui/templates/PlatformsTemplate/PlatformsTemplate.tsx without Layout
  • Create PlatformsTemplate.stories.tsx and test it with
  • Create apps/foundation/pages/platform/index.tsx and put your PlatformsTemplate inside Layout

Wsvvrijheid - Club Page

Club page in the current site:



  • Create getArtCategories and useArtCategories in libs/utils/src/services/category
    This functions should return all the categories that are related to approved arts. We want to allow user to be able to filter the arts by category.
  • Skip useAuth for now. You can use auth as const auth = { user: null, isLoggedIn: false, token: null }
  • Create service instead of collection query useCollections and getAllCollections in libs/utils/src/services/collection
  • Create useArts in typescript.
    (This seems a bit complex. It can fetch arts by category, by artist name or art title, page etc)



  • Create CategoryFilterSkeleton and its story in libs/ui/src/components/CategoryFilter
  • Create ArtClubSidebar component in libs/ui/src/components/ArtsSidebar and create story for it
  • Create ArtClubTemplate and create story for it

Admin - ArtPage Header Sort & Search

In Admin layout, we have reusable PageHeader component in which we can render search, filter, sort and language swithc elements.

  • Review and try to get familiar with useArts and getArts functions.
  • Add extra filter (status). The field corresponding to status is approvalStatus in the backend.

Filtering in Strapi

1. Onboarding - Responsive Card



  • Create branch <username>/responsive-card
  • Create a single responsive card component matches the design above
  • Use packages/ui/src/examples/E0_ResponsiveCard.tsx
  • Use yarn storybook and check your result inResponsiveCard.stories.tsx.
  • Dimensions/spaces do not have to be the same as specified in the design. If you still want to apply exactly the same design, you can log in to be able to see more details on Figma

You can read #47 (comment) to learn more about how ChakraUI responsive styles are being used.

Admin - CollectionFrom


  • create collection
  • edit collection
  • delete collection
  • A form will be created to create and update the collection. Design and details will be added later

Admin - Sidebar



1. AdminNavItem

  • Create AdminNav components in libs/ui/src/admin/AdminNav and AdminNav folder includes
  • AdminNavItem.tsx
  • AdminNavItem.stories.tsx
  • AdminNav.tsx
  • AdminNav.stories.tsx
  • types.ts
  • index.ts
  • Create AdminNavItem component. If menu has submenu, the component can be an Accordion or the best using Collapse Transition
  • Nav Buttons are ghosts variant with gray.500 color (active button ise colorScheme='primary')
  • Bonus: You can investigate how to change colorScheme based on the current link with next/router (active state)
export type AdminNavItemProps = {
  label: string
  link: string
  submenu?: NavItemProps[]
} & ButtonProps // This will allow us to use `leftIcon` and other chakra props

2. AdminNav
You can create a navItems array to render NavItemProps in a map.

const navItems = [
    label: 'Dashboard',
    link: '/',
    icon: MdOutlineSpaceDashboard
  // ... other menu items

3. AdminSidebar

  • Create AdminSidebar component in libs/ui/src/admin/AdminSidebar. Use AdminNav in the sidebar component
  • Sidebar is a Stack with props w={300} py={8} px={4} bg="white" spacing={8}

Wsvvrijheid | Blog

Move blog page from wsvvrijheid to monorepo
current page :

Onboarding | Chakra Breakpoint & React Query


This issue is prepared in the branch feat/example-chakra-react-query. You need to rename the branch by adding your username before creating a pull request.


1. Chakra Playground

  • Pull the branch origin/feat/example-chakra-react-query
    (git checkout -q --track origin/feat/example-chakra-react-query)
  • Rename the branch with your username:
    git branch -m feat/example-chakra-react-query feat/example-chakra-react-query-<username>
  • Button sizes are md (default) in desktop and lg in small devices.
    (Keep in mind, responsive styling are only valid for plain css attributes, like width, margin, color etc. size is a custom non-css chakra prop. You can use useBreakpointValue to make non-css props responsive.
    const size = useBreakpointValue({ base: "md", lg: "lg" }) or
    const size = useBreakpointValue(["md", null, null, "lg"])
  • onSend action should be passed through prop. You will be testing onSend action in story.
  • Alert component will be shown after the form is submitted (error or success statuses).

2. React Query

  • Review how react-query useMutation is used in ChakraBreakpointReactQueryExample.stories.tsx

Wsvvrijheid - Volunteers

Move volunteer page from wsvvvrijheid to monorepo
current page :

  • Use VolunteerCard for UserCard component
  • Move useVolunteers and getVolunteers services in libs/utils/services/volunteer/getAll.ts
  • Create VolunteersTemplate.tsx in libs/ui/templates/VolunteersTemplate/VolunteersTemplate.tsx. Write volunteers.js page in TypeScript in VolunteersTemplate.tsx without Layout. (Layout will be wrapper in foundation/pages/volunteers.tsx)
  • In getStaticProps replace the following line with getVolunteers service:
// const volunteersResponse = await request({ url: 'api/volunteers', filters: { approved: { $eq: true } } })
const volunteersResponse = await getVolunteers()

Wsvvrijheid | Art Dynamic Page


See the template is created libs/ui/templates/PlatformTemplate and how it is used in apps/foundation/pages/platform/[code]. You should do the similar thing.


  • Convert club/art/[slug].js to libs/ui/templates/ArtTemplate/ArtTemplate.tsx without Layout
  • Write useGetArts in TS and move to libs/utils/src/services/art/getBySlug.ts
    • I included other arts (by category) into the current art like {, arts, . . . }. But it will be cleaner if you separate them out in different files (getArtBySlug and getArtsByCategory).
    • So I would move getArtsByCategory in a separate file and also I would add useArtsByCategory query in it. In the component you will fetch current art and category arts with different queries.
    • You should also prefetch getArtsByCategory in getStaticProps
  • Don't include useViewArt in this issue.
  • Create ArtTemplate.stories.tsx. (Story might not work if we can provide router.query.slug in the story in a proper way. So just create a query and we will figure out how can we provide router later)
  • Create apps/foundation/pages/club/art/[slug].tsx and put your ArtsTemplate inside Layout
  • Write getArtPaths function in TS and move it to libs/utils/src/services/art/getStaticPaths.ts. (Platforms service is an example)
  • You can test if the page is working by running yarn start

Wsvvrijheid | Join

Move Join Page from wsvvrijheid to monorepo


  • Use PlatformList.tsx component for project-list.js (Project is renamed to Platform)
  • Use JoinForm from ui components
  • Create JoinTemplate in libs/ui/templates/JoinTemplate/JoinTemplate.tsx. Move join.js page to JoinTemplate without Layout (Layout will be wrapper in apps/foundation/pages/join.tsx)
  • Create JoinTemplate.stories.tsx. Your mutations and queries should be inside the template. You can test them in story before using the template in app's join.tsx page.


 const projectsQuery = useQuery({
  queryKey: 'projects',
  queryFn: () => request({ url: `api/projects` }),

You can move it to services as getPlatforms and usePlatforms in libs/utils/services/platform/getAll.ts

Admin | artApprovalModal functions component


  • approve art

    • mandatory comment
    • sent email to user when approve
  • reject art

    • mandatory comment
    • sent email to user when reject
  • delete art

    • show dialog before the deleted (alert())
    • mandatory comment
    • sent email to user when delete
  • edit art content

    • sent email to user when edit art content
  • After the all of the event show dialog (You approved/rejected/deleted this art. Whould you like to go next art?(Button next art or cancel)) After the button pressed go to next artapprovalmodal

Admin | PageHeader


This component is considered to be a reusable header component for some table and grid pages.


Component has the following parts:

  • Title
  • Search bar
  • Filter menu button
  • Sort menu button
  • Action menu buttons
type PageHeaderProps = {
  title: string
  onSearch?: (value: string) => void
  filters?: Array<{ label: string; onClick: () => void }>
  sorts?: Array<{ label: string; onClick: () => void }>
  buttons?: Array<{ label: string; onClick: () => void }>


  • Show component parts according to given props.
    • For example, show the search bar only if there is onSearch prop.
  • Show menu list for filter and sort buttons. List array should be given as props. You can see an example filters prop for news page:
filters = [
    label: "Bold",
    onClick: () => alert("Filter Bold news")
    label: "Nos",
    onClick: () => alert("Filter Nos news")

Add zoom image feature to WImage

We want to have generic zoomable image component. For now it's going to be used in ArtApprovalModal but we may use it somewhere else too.

I found an example repo. But there are many alternatives. You need to find a NextImage compatible zoom library. Otherwise you can use ChakraImage (import { Image } from '@chakra-ui/react') for zoom option in WImage. Make a conclusion with @MustafaTRKYLMZ about which library will meet our needs before starting implementation.


  • Extend WImage component with zoom feature. Activate zoom option if hasZoom prop is provided.
  • Make sure if the zoom library is compatible with NextImage. We use NextImage in WImage. If the zoom library won't work with NextImage you should investigate to fix the problem. Two possibilities to fix it:
    1. Find NextImage compatible zoom library
    2. Use ChakraImage
  • Add Zoom option in WImage.stories.tsx
  • Update ArtApprovalModal with zoom feature
  • Add Grid example in story

Admin - CreateCollection


  • create collection
  • edit collection
  • delete collection
  • A form will be created to create and update the collection. Design and details will be added later

Admin - Art Pages


  • Art Page
    • Header
      • No button
      • Search
      • LocaleSwitcher
      • Filter (user)
      • Sort (time, title)
    • Content
      • Tabs (approved - pending - rejected)
      • Pagination


  • Collection Page
    • Header
      • Button: Create Collection
      • Search
      • LocaleSwitcher
    • Content
      • Collection List
      • Pagination



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