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ane-facebook's Introduction

Air Native Extension for Facebook (iOS + Android)

This is an AIR Native Extension for the Facebook SDK on iOS and Android. It has been developed by FreshPlanet and is used in the game SongPop 2.

Facebook SDK Versions

  • iOS: 4.19.0
  • Android: 4.19.0


The ANE binary (AirFacebook.ane) is located in the bin folder. You should add it to your application project's Build Path and make sure to package it with your app (more information here). See it within our sample project's app descriptor here.



Be sure to follow steps 1 and 4 of the Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for iOS guide.

Check out the sample project here for app descriptor inclusions.


You will need to add the following activities and permission in your application descriptor:

        <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" 

                <activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity" 
                          android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" android:label="{YOUR_FB_APPLICATION_NAME}" />

                <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.LoginActivity" 
                          android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" />

                <!-- If you're sharing links, images or video via the Facebook for Android app, you also need to declarthe   FacebookContentProvider in the manifest. -->
                <provider android:authorities="{YOUR_FB_APPLICATION_ID}" 

You can check out our example of this in our sample project here.

NOTE: It is important to prefix YOUR_FB_APP_ID with "fb" in <meta-data> (and ONLY in <meta-data>) tag, because obug in Android manifest file ( SDK code in this ANE was modified to recognize FB_APP_ID prefixed with "fb".

Using the ANE

Once installed you can initialize the ANE...

Facebook.instance.init("0123456789", _initCallback);

and it will be ready to go! Check out our sample code to aid you.

Build from source

Should you need to edit the extension source code and/or recompile it, you will find an ant build script (build.xml) in the build folder:

cd /path/to/the/ane

# Setup build configuration
cd build
mv build.config
# Edit build.config file to provide your machine-specific paths

# Build the ANE


This ANE has been written by Thibaut Crenn, Alexis Taugeron, Renaud Bardet, and Adam Schlesinger. Rewrites and modifications to version SDK 4.x were made by Ján Horváth.

ane-facebook's People


adamfp avatar alexish avatar ataugeron avatar dmytrooverchenko avatar florianbernard avatar freshtiti avatar iiilx avatar kirillkuvaldin avatar mateo-kozomara avatar nigamshah avatar nodrock avatar pnico avatar renaudbardet avatar rraway avatar shinyamos avatar


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ane-facebook's Issues


There is no documentation. How can I login, or do something else?


Packaged app with AirFacebook won't install on devices

When I include AirFacebook.ane in my app, it packages without error, but trying to install it on a device using adt gives "Installation Error: PackageInspectionFailed."

Installing the same .ipa with the Xcode organizer gives "There was an internal API error."

When I comment out com.freshplanet.AirFacebook in the application.xml everything works fine.

The error occurs on both iOS 5.1 and 6.0 devices

I'm using Air 3.4, but 3.3 gives the same problem.

Not redirecting back from Facebook App


I would like to implement your ANE in an app, but the focus does not return to the app (I'm testing on IOS 5). I am wondering whether I have missed something and hope that you can assist me.

I have created an app entry in Facebook Developer and have added your ANE to a very simple test app. I literally call init with my Facebook app id and then call login. Running the app, I am redirected to the Facebook app where I can login / allow permissions. However, it does not return to the app - it stays in the Facebook app. Am i missing anything here?

I know that when creating a native IOS app, you have to implement the handleOpenURL delegate - is there something similar here? Do I have to set up anything specific in the Facebook Developer app page? For instance, do I check the native IOS app integration?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Getting the Android key hashes from ANE

Firstly, thank you so much for sharing all your sources/ANE with the community! It's quite nice from you and we really appreciate that! 👍

I'm a bit stuck with the facebook login for now, i made my key hashes with the keytool+openssl from my AIR app certificate but am still stuck with that damn "app missconfigured" error in FB side. I hope i'll figure that out soon but that's not the purpose of this topic.

But generating the key hashes isn't the easiest thing, we have to download openssl, to get the keytool and to know the good command line to execute. It's totally doable but not simple.

I found this code snipet that can generate the hash from the JAVA code and though it would be cool to implement that inside the ANE :

Android Auth Dialog returns to black screen

When I integrate the latest ANE in my Android AIR app, then I try the Login function:

facebook.openSessionWithReadPermissions( permsArray, onLoginComplete );

the the auth dialog returns to a black screen, are you getting the same issue?

The value specified for argument extensionID is invalid.

I got your extension guys (unfortunatelly could build it by my self and got the one from master branch). I cannot use this extension a cause of this error. I'm using AIR 3.6

ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext(EXTENSION_ID, null) returns null. Checked everything. Extension id is the same in every config .xml file (extension.xml, appXml, Facebook.EXTENSION_ID).

Can you please make a build in develop branch. Will try it one more time (maybe version from master is broken).

App is misconfigured for Facebook Login

I'm getting this error when testing on samsung galaxy s plus, Android 2.3. And when I leave that screen by pressing OK my app stops for like 5 seconds. Any help will be appreciated.

Making requests to Graph Api

Great ANE! Compiles to Android just fine on Win7 with Flash Build 4.6 .

Could you explain how it is possible to make requests? Because requestWithGraphPath is a private function. I think all API requests should be made accessible to the app.

Could you make it public and update the ANE?

Callbacks not called when an error occurs.


After successfully logging in to Facebook, we make a bogus request for testing purposes:

Facebook.getInstance().requestWithGraphPath("/me/dfgdfg/", { "fields":"permissions,first_name,last_name" }, "GET", requestCallback);

We see the error is written to output:

[Facebook] INFO - Session closed
[Facebook] Request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.sdk Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)" UserInfo=0x8b2f10 {com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey=

    body =     {
        error =         {
            code = 2500;
            message = "Unknown path components: /dfgdfg";
            type = OAuthException;
    code = 400;
}, com.facebook.sdk:HTTPStatusCode=400}

but requestCallback is not called with the error.

ANE not working in FlashDevelop

Sorry guys I don't mean to be a bit of a noob here but I can't get this ANE to work in FlashDevelop. I don't have issues with other ANE's only this one.

I've copied the ANE file into a directory in my project entitled "ane"
I've set "extdir - ane/" for ADL
I've imported the ANE into the Library and set its source as external
I've changed the name of the ANE file to "com.freshplanet.natExt.FBExtension.ane"
I've added the extension to my Application.xml file:


I'm trying to run it in debug mode on my Samsung Galaxy Tablet but in the ADL output I'm getting the following:
"An implementation for native extension com.freshplanet.natExt.FBExtension' required by the application was not found for the target platform"

I've followed a lot of step by step instructions to get this to work to no avail. Any help would be great

Getting the Android key hashes

Sorry, I'm new to the android side of things. I have the ANE working fine on iOS, but can't figure out how to get it working on the Android. Firstly how do I generate the key hash's? I can't see where these are and they don't live in the .android directory.

I'm using flash builder to build my app.



examples using the new 3.1 changes?

Hi, I'm wondering if you have any examples using the new 3.1 SDK changes you made.

You guys are really awesome and I'm enjoying using any ANE's you produce. This time I'm trying to :
-ask for the friends, then invite them all
-post open graph stories about my gameplay


VerifyError: Error #1014 Class com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook::Facebook could not be found

I'm getting the following error while running my project with FB 4.6.

VerifyError: Error #1014 Class com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook::Facebook could not be found.
I added the .ane file using the builder path/native extensions and cleaned my project.
also tried it in a new project and tried restarting FB.

Anyone have any idea what is going wrong?


Android - Login screen doesn't appear

I read in one of the closed issues that in order to make the login screen display you need to add an activity into the app xml. Can someone please paste me the code for this cause I'm not getting it right. The application is launching and my output panel is displaying Facebook events but nothing displays on the screen which is why I'm thinking its an Activity issue

Random crashes when calling the singleton

Hi Guys,

I'm getting crashes when calling this bit of code:
if (Facebook.getInstance().isSessionOpen) {
trace("Session open"); // <- this does not even show up in the log

I wrapped it with the session test but closeSessionAndClearTokenInformation on itself crashes as well.

Any ideas? It seems like a lack of memory but I don't quite get why the Facebook ANE would need so much.



openSessionWithReadPermissions always return openSessionWithReadPermissions on ios6

Hi I running this code

var fb:Facebook = Facebook.getInstance();
fb.openSessionWithReadPermissions([], function():void {
on a button trying to login with FB, however I alway get this error

User cancelled when opening session

not sure what to do here, thanks for any help

Disappearing App Icon


I have a weird problem with the Facebook Ane, it works now well, but when I publish my application on GooglePlay site, the icon of my application becomes a grey rectangle. When I remove this line in my manifest, it is back :

Is it a known issue? How can I avoid this?



Android Library Files generating 29 Errors when I add the Project to Eclipse

When I add the Android Library Files into my Workspace, the "parser/validator" generates 29 Errors, all relating to the "@OverRide" statement before their functions. The error messages are like this.

The method call(FREContext, FREObject[]) of type AskForMorePermissionsFunction must override a superclass method  /com.freshplanet.natExt.FBLoginActivity/src/com/freshplanet/natExt/functions    line 18 Java Problem


Would you implement FQL requests? I somehow fancy FQL more than GraphAPI requests.

Air3.3 and armv6

I know little about making .ane files so i thought I would ask if any of the freshplanet .ane are using armv6. It seems to be depreciated in Air 3.3 (replaced by armv7) - if so is there a plan to migrate these to armv7 and re-release for Air3.3

I was hoping to use a few of them for an app.

Support for JDK 7

I changed the line in build.xml
<javac source="1.6"
<javac source="1.7"
to use Java 7 which I usually use, and the build process was OK. But when I use it in my code (Android),

var facebook:Facebook = Facebook.getInstance();

the call to init threw an exception. If I build it with Java 6, it's OK. Please add support for JDK 7.

Compatibility with iOS simulator?


I just tried this ANE and it works great on my iOS device. However I couldn't package my app on the iOS simulator (6.1 sdk), I get the following error:

Error occurred while packaging the application:

ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for __Unwind_Resume: non-standard register 0 being saved in prolog
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for __Unwind_ForcedUnwind: non-standard register 0 being saved in prolog
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for __Unwind_RaiseException: non-standard register 0 being saved in prolog
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for __Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow: non-standard register 0 being saved in prolog

Am I missing something or it's not even possible to use it on the iOS simulator?

Thanks :)

Error: Duplicate platform iPhone-ARM found for extension

When i want to test the application with the desktop simulator i get the this error: Duplicate platform iPhone-ARM found for extension com.freshplanet.AirFacebook

I am trying to debug the Android version on my desktop.

It works perfect when i debug it on a Android phone.

compiling happens on a macbook 17 inch, osX 10.8, fdt builder 5.5
tested on nexus s, nexus one, google nexus tablet

Token Expiration Causes Deadlock

There's a deadlock situation when a token expires. The as3 portion thinks that a token is expired (which it is, according to its expiration date), but the Obj-C part does not. The login function logs that the session is valid but doesn't fire any events, so the as3 code waits forever for some event. Perhaps there is some other check that needs to happen?

Here's a log:

[Facebook] Facebook is supported
[Facebook] Facebook is supported
[Facebook] load token info
[Facebook] loaded BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD 1339030800350
[Facebook] initializing Facebook Library 171126492943659 access BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD expires 1339030800350
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="AppId"]
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="accessToken"]
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="ExpirationToken"]
[Facebook] Facebook is supported
[Facebook] tokenInfo : BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD - 1339030800350 - 1339032266291
[Facebook] tokenInfo : BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD - 1339030800350 - 1339032266300
[Facebook] Facebook is supported
[Facebook] tokenInfo : BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD - 1339030800350 - 1339032269082
[Facebook] tokenInfo : BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD - 1339030800350 - 1339032269092
[Facebook] Facebook is supported
[Facebook] tokenInfo : BAACbo33S1SsBAC4LzeRiMdLWmOfHcc3S9oYw44hjQ5MXFoeB0PvrZClhguTKXeM1B1nyQTbRtbSconqqBI0dYWbdY1KuWTsrJU7sVxIFWUqmZCMSGUaxOSdoIA1esZD - 1339030800350 - 1339032285365
[Facebook] session invalid, calling login
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="login"]
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="permissions"]
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="call air facebook"]
call air facebook
[Facebook] status [StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code="LOGGING" level="Session valid"]
Session valid

Android / iOS ANE binary

Thanks for the great module, looking forward to the suport for the Facebook Android SDK 3.
That said, I hope the .ane module in the bin directory are separated in two, respectively for Android and iOS, rather than 2 in 1. The binary size over 3MB is not exactly small for a mobile application.

App Requests Dialog callback issue

Im trying to parse the result object of the App Requests Dialog callback, but i'm struggling to understand what this "%5B0%5D" means, between each UserID?

Im just trying to extract the UserID's from the result.


How should the Token be 'manually' invalidated?

I read the issue regarding Token invalidation but I am unsure about how best to handle the solution. with regards to issue: #6

Could you supply a code block please?

Im currently trying this:

                case FacebookEvent.USER_LOGGED_IN_SUCCESS_EVENT:
                    trace(" - Logged in to facebook!");
                    trace("Event Message: "+_event.message);

                    var sessionExpiration:Number = facebook.getExpirationTimestamp();
                    var theDate:Date = new Date();
                    var curUnixTime:Number = Math.round(theDate.getTime() / 1000);
                    if(facebook.isLogIn() && (sessionExpiration > curUnixTime)){
                        trace("SESSION IS VALID");
                        trace("SESSION STILL INVALID - revalidating");
                    dispatchEvent(new FacebookIntergrationEvent(FacebookIntergrationEvent.FACEBOOK_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED)); // for listeners somewhere else in the app

Examples request.

Hello, can you provide some examples of using that library. Just autorization and gathering user info. Thanks a lot.


I am using the ANE to integrate one of my games with facebook.
I followed the instructions, and I am getting an error after logging.
After logging, it says, "Safari cannot open open the page because the address is invalid".
and the address it is looking for is.. and it is not returning to the app.

Any Idea of what I am missing..

openSessionWithReadPermissions no callback


I have a strange behavior with openSessionWithReadPermissions.

When I call Facebook.getInstance().openSessionWithReadPermissions([], myCallback);
The Native Facebook App was open and my app was suspended (Background task suspended);
When I allow to use my Facebook application, nothing happens.

What I forget to do?

I test to an iPad1 (iOS5.1.1).

NullPointerException when the LoginActivity creating

Hi Guys,

Our app has been published in google play store, and today I found a crash log in my google play developer console, I don't know why it happens, maybe the ExtensionContext is not ready when the LoginActivity creating, here is the stacktrace:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.NullPointerException
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.LoginActivity.onCreate(Unknown Source)
... 11 more


question : how to get correct hash key for android SSO

I tried to get my hash key with this line :

keytool -exportcert -alias myAlias -keystore MyCertificat.p12 -storetype pkcs12 | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

I put the hash inside facebook configuration... but when I am trying the ANE I have got a message inside facebook login window : Application is misconfigured for Facebook login. Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting it to Facebook.

What am I doing wrong ?

Anyway, thanks for this great ANE !

dialog("apprequests", ...) showing "Post to Wall" dialog instead

I've just started doing some testing with this ANE on iOS, but I can't get the apprequests dialog to display.

Login, get user data, get friends, get app requests all work fine, but when I try to open the apprequests dialog to send a request, I get a "Post to Wall" dialog instead.

The parameters to'dialog', method, keys, values, callbackName, allowNativeUI);

all look correct and reasonable, and method = 'apprequests.'

After this call, I see a call to Facebook.onStatus() with the following in event.level:

displaying facebook feed dialog : allowNativeUI - YES, canPresentNativeDialog - NO, isFeedingDialog - NO, hasNoRecipient - NO

I have no doubt this is user error - any suggestions?

"app is misconfigured for Facebook login" when debugging

I keep getting the "app is misconfigured for Facebook login" error when debugging.

I understand that the key hash is based off of the .p12 cert and flash builder only signs the apk when exporting a release build. So yeah this ane works fine when I do a release build. But for obvious reasons it would be really nice to be able to debug. Are there any tricks to debugging with this ANE? Or forcing flash builder to sign debug apks?

Figured it out! First, add a "debug." in front of your in the package names on the facebook site. Then you put a break point in your callback, try and connect and then hit okay. WHen the error hits the callback breakpoint youll see a string that has your hash key in it you can use for debugging!

Facebook (web) Login popup white on NEXUS 7


  • Nexus 7 - Android 4.2.1
  • No Facebook App installed

What happens:
after calling "Facebook.getInstance().openSessionWithReadPermissions([], onAccessToken);" the login pupup appears but is completely white. Closing and retrying results in an endless "Loading".
Strangly it did work exactly one time, afterwards (also with different permissions, appids, ...) it doesn't anymore. It works if the facebook App is installed.
Everything seems to be setup correctly since it works fine on 3 other devices (android htc, samsung galaxy).

Any idea why this happens?

Android Setup

Could you give me some details on how to set up the Facebook ANE for Android please? I have managed to get it all working on IOS and works great. I have tried to run in debug mode but i keep getting a java.lang.NullPointerException error so i cant event trace out anything.

Any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance

iOS Strangeness

I have set up ANE-Facebook and on some devices it seems to work perfectly. I can detect if there is an open session or not, and show a Button to log in, or just automatically log in if there is a session.

but on some devices, the app seems to get stuck in a infinite loop of facebook requesting permissions. This is especially happening on my iPad 1. I get no session detected, so I show the button then call

Facebook.openSessionWithReadPermissions (['email'], onFacebookLogin);

where the onFacebookLogin is my callback. This launches safari or the FB App. In safari, it tells me that I have already given it permissions which I have. It then launches the app again, but when


is checked, it is false, and I then have to call openSession again. The app is stuck in this inifinite loop.

Any help on this would be great, as everything else works fine.

VerifyError: Error #1014

i keep getting this error when i try to create new Facebook object:

VerifyError: Error #1014: Class com.freshplanet.nativeExtensions::Facebook could not be found.

But that class is totally there !

I have linked .ane file in project build path/native extensions and i also have updated lines in app.xml
What am i missing ?

Why Facebook Hash Key required in android and how to use it after generated ??

My question is that ... i am devlopping client's android application .. i have to post on facebook behalf of loged in user... client have allready made a facebook APP on

I have a facebook App id also.. but it can post in android imulator but can not post using android real device ...

I think probelm of HASH key... how to use that generated Hash key..

thanks in advance .. if any one have suggestion that is accepted

Help in use...


Found this ANE and I wanted to try and implement it. I been reading the other issue posts and got to this stage..

trace("Facebook ANE supported?:"+Facebook.isSupported);
Facebook.getInstance().logEnabled = true;
trace("Facebook Log enabled?:"+Facebook.getInstance().logEnabled);
Facebook.getInstance().init("MY_APP_ID"); Facebook.getInstance().openSessionWithPublishPermissions(["publish_stream"], onFeed);
trace("We have session?:"+Facebook.getInstance().isSessionOpen);

I get the following result:

Facebook ANE supported?:true
Facebook Log enabled?:true
We have session?:false

All I want to do is pop dialogs to share to FB.

What am I doing wrong? Is my app configured wrong on Facebook's side?

I created an Android Native App on FB, generated a key-hash and put in my class names...

Am a little stumped as I followed the file for instructions...

Facebook SDK 3.0.1 Warning


today I received this message from Facebook on my app, any plans to upgrade to the new SDK?

Please upgrade to the Facebook SDK 3.0.1 for Android

This app uses an outdated version of the Facebook SDK for Android. Please download the latest version: Android SDK 3.0.1. You can also learn how the newest SDK makes it easier and faster to build great mobile apps.

We also provide an upgrade guide to make this process as easy as possible.

Facebook will stop supporting v2.0 of the SDK in June 2013, so you are advised to upgrade to the new SDK as soon as possible.

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