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steel's Issues

Losing precision when encoding function literal

Pulse functions needlessly get encoded to the SMT solver producing warnings like so:

(Warning 249) Losing precision when encoding a function literal: fun _ ->
  Steel.ST.Array.pts_to a
    (FStar.Seq.Base.upd (FStar.Ghost.reveal s) (FStar.SizeT.v i) v)
(Unnannotated abstraction in the compiler ?)
ArrayTests.fst(250,13-251,29): (Warning 249) Losing precision when encoding a function literal: fun _ ->
  Steel.ST.Util.exists_ (fun s' -> (Steel.ST.Array.pts_to a Steel.FractionalPermission.full_perm s')
          (Steel.ST.Util.pure (ArrayTests.sorted (FStar.Ghost.reveal s) s')))
(Unnannotated abstraction in the compiler ?) (see also ArrayTests.fst(246,18-251,29))

The pulse plugin generates an attribute to instruct F* to not encode this to the SMT solver, but F* does not respect that attribute.

This F* PR tries to fix it, FStarLang/FStar#2940 ... but that leads to other F* regressions

SMT query batching

Pulse issues separate SMT queries for every proof obligation, effectively behaving like --split_queries always.
This can be needlessly slow when a program has many small queries.
We should add support to batch queries.

Confusing behavior when the last pulse block is not ended properly

The following code successfully verifies:

fn test_gtot_app_f (x:GR.ref int) (y:int)
  requires GR.pts_to x full_perm 0
  ensures GR.pts_to x full_perm y
  open GR;
  (x := y)
fn test_gtot_app (x:GR.ref int)
  requires GR.pts_to x full_perm 0
  ensures GR.pts_to x full_perm (f 0)
  test_gtot_app_f x 0

Even when the function f (used in test_gtot_app) is not around. The last pulse block is not terminated, and so perhaps it is ignored.

I was a little confused by this, what should be the behavior here?

Allow F* type abbreviations for Pulse function types (feature request)

Say I have some function type defined in F* to describe a low-level Pulse implementation function functionally correct with respect to high-level F* specification function:

let impl (f: high -> high) =
(l: low) -> (#h: high) ->
stt low (values_match l h) (fun l' -> values_match l (f h))

Then, when I want to implement a Pulse function of this type, I currently cannot use this type directly. I first need to spell out the pre- and post-resources again:

fn my_impl' (l: low) (#h: high)
  requires (values_match l h)
  returns l': low
  ensures (values_match l' (my_spec h))

and then, if I want to reuse this function with some combinator taking advantage of this type, I need to wrap it in a function defined in F*:

let my_impl : impl my_spec = fun l #h -> my_impl' l #h

which then causes issues at extraction (even if marked inline_for_extraction)

Is it possible to allow using the impl type constructor in Pulse, as is already possible in Steel, e.g.:

fn my_impl : impl my_spec = fun l h ->

@nikswamy suggested a first step covering only the computation type (the stt part) to abbreviate the requires, returns and ensures, but still leaving the binders out. This could be enough to define my_impl, since I cannot avoid those binders anyway. But then I hope these extra binders in the type will not be an obstacle for type unification when my_impl is used with (possibly higher-order) combinators.

Support universe polymorphism


assume val ty : Type

fn test (x : ty)
  requires emp
  returns x:int
  ensures emp

Fails with

Could not infer implicit arguments in x: ty -> stt int emp (fun _ -> emp) (in file <dummy>)

Uninformative error message for a write without full permission

The following Pulse program fails to verify, which is expected since we only have p0 permission to r0, but need 1 to be able to write:

module PM = Pulse.Main
open Steel.ST.Reference
open Steel.FractionalPermission
open Pulse.Steel.Wrapper

fn simple_write (r0: ref nat)
    requires pts_to r0 p0 0
    ensures pts_to r0 p0 1
    r0 := 1;

However, the error message we get is

"(Error 228) user tactic failed: Pulse checker failed (see also FStar.Tactics.V2.Derived.fst(447,4-449,16))
(Error) inference failed in building head, no solution for ?n_0"

which is not really helpful

Stack allocated arrays

Pulse supports let mut x for locally allocated references. But, we also need stack allocated arrays

Support for interfaces with Pulse

Interfaces and Pulse

Currently, a Pulse definition cannot be hidden in a module and only its signature visible in an interface. This is not specific to Pulse: The DSL mechanism doesn't yet allow this.

As we start building more useful Pulse libraries, we need a way to have them work with interfaces.

One possibility:

The current implementation of splice_t doesn't check anything: it simply takes the well-typed program produced by the DSL checker and slaps it into the module.

Instead, when splicing in a let f : t' = e into the program, it could check if a val f : t exists, and if so, check that t' <: t

@mtzguido mentioned that instead of this, there could be a new tactic primitive for splicing in well-typed solutions to goals, which could handle this scenario smoothly.

We should also add syntax for writing Pulse signatures, for use mainly in interfaces, i.e., you could write

fn f (...) 
 requires ..
 returns ...
 ensures ...

i.e., a fn without a body, where it gets elaborated to a val f ...

Bad error localization

The fold line 252 in the attached file makes verification fail (and commenting it out makes verification succeed). However, the warnings and errors reported are not really helpful. From the command line, I get

(Error 19) assertion failed; The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.
../../../../share/steel/examples/pulse/parallel/NewDomains.fst(68,5-68,29): (Warning 249) Losing precision when encoding a function literal: fun a -> NewDomains.unit_emp_stt_pure_pure u#0 a
(Unnannotated abstraction in the compiler ?) (see also ../../../../share/steel/examples/pulse/parallel/NewDomains.fst(65,2-68,27))
../../../../share/steel/examples/pulse/parallel/NewDomains.fst(68,5-251,24): (Warning 249) Losing precision when encoding a function literal: fun v ->
  Pulse.Lib.Reference.pts_to (Mkdtuple4?._3 u#1 u#0 u#0 u#0 (Mkdtuple2?._1 u#1 u#0 t))
    v **
  Pulse.Lib.Core.pure (Some? u#0 v)
  • The first problem is the range of warning 249, from line 68 to line 251, while it should only be localized on line 113
  • The second problem is that the actual error 19 (related to the fold on line 252), is reported in VSCode on line 1

Bad error localization on simple typing error

let f (b:bool) = if b then 0 else 1
fn shadow (x:ref bool) (repr:bool)
    requires pts_to x repr
    returns y:ref int
    ensures pts_to x repr **
            exists repr. pts_to y repr ** pure (repr == f repr)

Reports the following two errors, but blames the entire definition rather than a localized error.

  • Tactic logged issue:
  • Expected expression of type bool got expression repr of type int
  • See also (1,0-1,0)


  • Tactic logged issue:
  • Could not infer implicit arguments in
    x: ref bool -> repr: bool
    -> stt (ref int)
    (pts_to x repr)
    (fun x ->
    op_Star_Star (pts_to x repr)
    (exists_ (fun repr -> op_Star_Star (pts_to x repr) (pure (repr == f repr)))))

pure in assert_ does not work (Pulse)

Pulse treats pure (...) in asserts in an opaque way. As an example, Pulse is not able to verify a statement like assert_ (pure (5 = 5));. It fails with the following error message:

(Error) Failed to prove the following goals:
... Steel.ST.Util.pure (Prims.op_Equality 5 5)
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:...

This behavior also happens with with ... assert ..., as shown by the following example (that Pulse fails to verify for the same reason):

fn test_with_assert_pure(r: R.ref nat)
    requires R.pts_to r full_perm 5 
    ensures R.pts_to r full_perm 5
    with v. assert (R.pts_to r full_perm v ** pure (v = 5));

"with ... assert ..." in Pulse does not treat the separation conjunction correctly

with s. assert (A ** B) in Pulse is (informally) treated as with s. (assert A; assert B), which does not correspond to the separating semantics of the star, as shown by the following example (verified by Pulse):

fn test_assert_with_duplicates(r: ref nat)
    requires exists v. pts_to r full_perm v
    ensures exists v. pts_to r full_perm v
    with v. assert (pts_to r full_perm v ** pts_to r full_perm v);

Interpret `**` on both sides of `@==>` to allow inferring implicit arguments to stick lemmas

I am trying to use the "stick" (or magic wand-like view shift), with lemmas such as:

val stick_consume_l
(_: unit)
(#p #q #r: vprop)
: stt_ghost unit emp_inames
(p ** ((p ** q) @==> r))
(fun _ -> q @==> r)
val stick_consume_r
(_: unit)
(#q #p #r: vprop)
: stt_ghost unit emp_inames
(p ** ((q ** p) @==> r))
(fun _ -> q @==> r)
val stick_trans
(_: unit)
(#p #q #r: vprop)
: stt_ghost unit emp_inames
((p @==> q) ** (q @==> r))
(fun _ -> p @==> r)

While I can use stick_trans with Pulse successfully inferring implicit arguments, this is not the case for stick_consume_l or stick_consume_r, where I need to specify the two parts of the left-hand-side. From what I understood of @nikswamy 's interpretation, this may be because ** becomes an ordinary F* term as opposed to a Pulse Tm_star AST construct.

Making it easier to use such lemmas would be a first step towards further automation of reasoning about @==> (e.g. an automatic tautology checker)

Improper handling of the `$` qualifier on function arguments

Probably an F* issue

(Error 339) Internal error: unexpected unresolved (universe) uvar in deep_compress: 16
Domains.fst(47,51-47,58): (Error 12) Expected type "$f: Prims.unit
  -> Pulse.Steel.Wrapper.stt Prims.nat Steel.Effect.Common.emp (fun _ -> Steel.Effect.Common.emp)"; but "pth n" has type "_fret: Prims.unit
  -> Pulse.Steel.Wrapper.stt Prims.nat Steel.Effect.Common.emp (fun _ -> Steel.Effect.Common.emp)"
Domains.fst(47,13-47,58): (Error) Could not infer implicit arguments in Domains.spawn (Domains.pth n)
proof-state: State dump @ depth 12 (at the time of failure):
Location: Pulse.Typing.Env.fst(350,2-350,31)
Domains.fst(36,8-36,8): (Error 228) user tactic failed: `Pulse checker failed` (see also Pulse.Typing.Env.fst(350,2-350,31))
    module Domains
    open Pulse.Main
    open Pulse.Steel.Wrapper
    open Steel.Effect.Common
    assume val domain : a:Type -> (a -> vprop) -> Type
    assume val spawn :
     (#a:Type) -> (#pre : vprop) -> (#post : (a -> vprop)) ->
     ($f : unit -> stt a pre post) ->
     stt (domain a post) pre (fun _ -> emp)
    assume val join :
      (#a:Type) -> (#post : (a -> vprop)) ->
      domain a post ->
      stt a emp post
    let rec fib0 (n:nat) : nat =
      if n < 2 then n
      else fib0 (n-1) + fib0 (n-2)
    let just #a (x:a) : stt a emp (fun _ -> emp) =
      sub_stt _ _ (magic()) (magic ()) (return_stt x (fun _ -> emp))
    fn pth (n:pos) (_:unit)
      requires emp
      returns n:nat
      ensures emp
      fib0 (n-1)
    fn pfib (n:nat)
      requires emp
      returns n:nat
      ensures emp
      if (n < 20) {
        fib0 n
      } else {
        //let c = (fun () -> just #_ (fib0 (n-1))) <: unit -> stt nat emp (fun _ -> emp);
        // let th = spawn #nat #emp #(fun _ -> emp) c;
        let th = spawn #nat #emp #(fun (n:nat) -> emp) (pth n);
        let r = 123; // fib (n-2) + join th;

Move Pulse libraries to lib/steel/pulse

share/steel/examples/pulse/dice is using a lib directory, which is slated to become a Pulse library. That lib directory used to be located at share/steel/examples/pulse/lib, but the dice Makefiles were hardcoding the full path to that lib directory, so that broke the opam CI (i.e. made share/steel no longer work without the Steel source repository.) Thus, in 9cf5fda, I moved the latter under share/steel/examples/pulse/dice/lib.

Ideally, this lib directory should move under lib/steel/pulse, and suitable Pulse namespaces should be added to those file names. However, when trying that, I hit #18 .

Range information is lost on terms after subst_term

We currently use FStar.Reflection.Typing.subst_term to implement substitutions on embedded F* terms in Pulse.

However, this substitution resets all range information on the term, defeating precise error reporting.

Instead, we should use RT.subst_term as a spec for an compiler primitive that implements substitutions while preserving ranges.

For example, consider this range decorated term produced during desugaring:

((pts_to @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,9-14,17)) (x @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,18-14,19)) (p @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,20-14,21)) (b @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,22-14,23))) @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,9-14,23)

After we close the binders in the enclosing abstraction, the term becomes

(((((((pts_to @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,9-14,17)) (x @  dummy(0,0-0,0))) @  dummy(0,0-0,0)) (p @  dummy(0,0-0,0))) @  dummy(0,0-0,0)) (b @  dummy(0,0-0,0))) @ IllFormedVPropLocation.fst(14,9-14,23))

We preserve the outer range information on the Tm_FStar Pulse node, and on the fvar at the head. But range info on the other sub-terms is lost.

Unresolved uvar error on just using an unresolved identifier

fn test (x:ref bool)
    requires pts_to x true
    returns ctxt:some_random_identifier
    ensures pts_to x true

Fails with

  • Tactic logged issue:
  • Internal error: unexpected unresolved (universe) uvar in deep_compress: 10


  • Tactic logged issue:
  • Could not infer implicit arguments in
    x: ref bool -> stt some_random_identifier (pts_to x true) (fun _ -> pts_to x true)

Typing preconditions in F* reflection typing judgment

More of an F* issue, but since the main client of F* reflection typing is Pulse, and the F* change would require some churn in the Pulse checker, making an issue here.

In the typechecker callbacks to check equiv, subtyping, etc., we should require the caller to prove their typing. These calls are wired to the F* unifier that expects only well-typed F* terms.

Crash when last two implicit arguments have dependency

assume val p : x:int -> v1:int -> v2:int -> vprop

assume val f : x:int -> #v1:int -> #v2:int{v2 > v1} -> 
                stt unit (p x v1 v2) (fun _ -> emp)
fn test (_:unit)
  requires p 1 2 4
  ensures emp
    f 1


  - "uncaught exception: Failure("Failed to find v1@1\nEnv is (., dummy)\n")"

Support for predicate syntax in Pulse

I find it bothersome that we have two different syntaxes for vprops is Pulse.

When one writes a predicate (e.g., a representation predicate for some structure), one uses the the syntax of F*, e.g.,

let ha_val_core (core:ha_core) (h:hash_value_t)
  : vprop
  = A.pts_to core.acc full_perm (fst h) `star`
      exists_ (λ (n:U32.t) →
        pure (U32.v n == snd h) `star`
        pts_to core.ctr full_perm n)

Whereas, in Pulse itself, one would write this as

A.pts_to core.acc full_perm (fst h) **
exists (n:U32.t).
    pure (U32.v n == snd h) **
    pts_to core.ctr full_perm n

What do you think about a convention where all vprops in a Pulse program are written in Pulse-specific syntax.

For instance, rather than using an F* let for ha_val_core, one would write something like

predicate ha_val_core (core:ha_core) (h:hash_value_t) = 
  A.pts_to core.acc full_perm (fst h) **
  exists (n:U32.t).
    pure (U32.v n == snd h) **
    pts_to core.ctr full_perm n

which would elaborate to the original let ha_val_core.

I suppose, if at some point one wanted to write some F* lemmas about ha_val_core, one would eventually confront the fact that this is just an F* term for a vprop. But, if vprops relations are manipulated mainly in Pulse itself, using Pulse ghost functions rather than F* lemmas, then perhaps one wouldn't have to encounter the F* versions very often

Use substitutions rather than open (close c x) e

The typing rules in Pulse and Reflection were written when we did not have substitutions as first class entities. As a result, rules often say open (close c x) e to mean subst [NT x e] c etc. We should migrate to the latter version; one advantage is that the latter is directly amenable to substitution lemmas.

Preserve postconditions of lemma calls in tail position

When a Pulse (say ghost) function body ends with a pure lemma call, the postcondition of that lemma is lost, resulting in SMT failure when proving the postcondition of the Pulse function.

A workaround of the form let x = f (); () is currently necessary.

Inferring implicits arguments in return position (and error localization)

fn initialize_context' (sid:sid_t) (uds:A.larray U8.t (US.v uds_len)) 
                       (#p:perm) (#uds_bytes:Ghost.erased (Seq.seq U8.t))
  requires A.pts_to uds #p uds_bytes
  returns _:option ctxt_hndl_t
  ensures A.pts_to uds #p uds_bytes
  rewrite emp as (session_state_perm InUse);
  let st = take_session_state sid InUse;
  match st 
    None ->
      with s. rewrite (session_state_perm s) as emp;
      None //#ctxt_hndl_t
    Some st ->
  • We should pass the expected type from the annotation to F* when elaborating the returned None . Currently, we fail to infer that instantiation and report a peroperly localized error ( - Could not infer implicit arguments in None).
  • But, we also report an unresolved (universe) uvar in deep compress blaming the entire definition, which masks the localized error above.

Allow some subtyping for the return type of Pulse functions

The following code:

let mini_t = int

fn test (z: unit)
  requires emp
  returns y: int
  ensures emp
fn test2 (z: unit)
  requires emp
  returns y: mini_t
  ensures emp
  test ()

fails with the following error:

Tactic failed
Error in proving postcondition
The return type int does not match the expected mini_t
Pulse checker failed
See also Pulse.Typing.Env.fst:376,2-376,31

Currently, a workaround of the form let x = test(); x is necessary, with tedious rewrites needed if the return value appears in ensures.

General recursion in Pulse

  • Add support for Dv and general recursion in FStar.Reflection.Typing
  • Add a typing rule for Pulse recursion targeting the Dv rule in reflection typing.

Improve declaration of implicit binders, and implicit inference for stateful applications

Implicit arguments in Pulse whose resolution depends on the vprop context currently are required to be ordered last. They are also required to be annotated with their type.

It would be nicer to remove this ordering constraints, to infer their types, and finally, to avoid having to write the binders at all (i.e., in the style of the 'a implicitly bound implicits)

Failing smt queries

Nik observed that the Pulse checker is making smt queries that fail and then the checker sends a query that succeeds. This could be happening in the matcher, where we try to match vprops.

Starting this issue as a placeholder so that we remember to come back to it some time.


@bollu has been writing a data collection script on F* checked files. This uncovered that while we have:

lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Reflection.Util.fst:let return_stt_ghost_noeq_lid = mk_steel_wrapper_lid "return_stt_ghost_noeq"

and elaborate Pulse terms to actually use this symbol, the symbol doesn't exist in Pulse.Steel.Wrapper.

This would have been caught eventually by a check on the input environment in the DSL checker to make sure that all the symbols needed in the top-level environment are present. But, for now, in the absence of that check, this slipped through.

Thanks Sid!

Refining types with equalities interacts badly with lack of inductive subtyping

Since F* does not have subtyping on inductive arguemnts, the following fails to prove the assertion.

fn bug (p : (int & int))
  requires emp
  returns _ : unit
  ensures emp
  let a = fst p;
  let b = snd p;
  assert (pure (p == (a,b)));

This happens since the type of a is inferred to be x:int{x == fst p} and similarly for b. Then the equality occurs at type (x:int{x == fst p}) & (y:int{y == snd p}), which is not related to int & int.

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