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hugo-theme-dream's Introduction


👋🏽 Hi, I'm Yue Yang ( A software engineer currently exploring freelancing. Former @PingCAP.


TypeScript JavaScript Clojure Rust

If you like my work or find it helpful, please consider buying me a cup of coffee ☕️.

Thank you all for your support, it inspires me to create and maintain more projects in the future. 🦾


🔭 Currently working on

A Chaos Engineering Platform for Kubernetes called Chaos Mesh. Feel free to give it a try and give us feedback.

🌱 Currently learning

  • OCaml

    Why? Because I want to delve deeply into the type system.

🌝 Favorite motto

  • “Elegance and familiarity are orthogonal.” ---  Rich Hickey

🤔 Inspired me (share with u)

📫 How to reach me

  • My email, can be seen on the left.

hugo-theme-dream's People


0x4c4a avatar achingyo avatar archandha avatar contributorpw avatar darthagnon avatar dependabot[bot] avatar enkaito avatar fabienli avatar fhightower avatar g1eny0ung avatar haogis avatar kuole-o avatar lupa18 avatar matthewturk avatar petipandarou avatar raiden076 avatar rigann avatar savedkriss avatar sertangulveren avatar sp-cy avatar st0rmingbr4in avatar techmagus avatar utkarshverma avatar yashyoshida avatar


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hugo-theme-dream's Issues

2 more questions: image and date


  1. Is it possible to show posts image at individual post view?

  2. How can manage date format to fit language configuration? ie: Spanish date is different from English and I supposed is different to Chinese too.

Thanks in advance !


本地图片地址 /xxx/123.jpg
同样 码云也有这个文件 /xxx/123.jpg
还请大佬指点指点 感谢!

切换主题时同时切换背景 以及关于暗色主题的一些小问题






  1. 如何设置初始的主题配色为暗色?第一次打开博客的时候默认是亮色的
  2. 暗色下Markdown的表格颜色能否修改?表格是灰白色的,和暗色的主题不太搭配





Add highlightjs for code syntax; possibly pick a light and dark theme as well

Love the theme! I have a few posts that involve some code, I find syntax highlighting makes the code more engaging and easier to read. I have found out that Hugo can easily implement highlightjs. I have been able to get any theme I want working with your theme, but, I cannot figure out how to switch between two different highlightjs themes when toggling the theme. In Params I currently have:

  highlightjsVersion = "10.1.2"
  highlightjsCDN = "//"
  highlightjsLang = ["r", "yaml"]
  highlightjsTheme = "github"
  background = "#252323"

I would like:

highlightjsThemeDark = "rainbow"
highlightjsThemeLight = "github"

Example for code highlighting in my post:

I have tried setting up a light/dark variable, however, I have no experience with Hugo code so I have had a hard time trying to get this to work with your theme. Here is a link to my current work on the partials. I got the highlight js Hugo code from here.

Can I get some help implementing this?

Tiled layout for loveit

I like the tiled layout for your theme. Could you let me know how one would go about such a layout for the loveit theme. I require it for a collaboration and love everything else about loveit theme. Any advice would be appreciated.
Note: only the arrangement of posts is what i am asking about. I think it should be pretty simple, but due to my inexperience with web development, Im not able to do it without some help
The related issue in loveit repo
dillonzq/LoveIt#332 (comment)


作者你好,我才开始用 Hugo,发现你做的 Theme 很好看,所以尝试了一下。




Is it possible to get links working in description (summary) at frontpage?

Also is it possible to link image's post to url's post in frontpage?




1. 文章图片更改的话图片要放在哪里?怎么更改?

2. 分类设置在哪里?设置成你那样

enter description here
enter description here

3. 文章长度显示怎么设置?(不要让它像这样?)

enter description here

4. 如果不想显示任何图片,怎么设置?

enter description here



Avatar not displayed after a category/tag is selected

I noticed that the avatar is shown nicely on the start page.
However, if I filter articles by category or tag the avatar is not shown anymore and the small image not found icon appears.

My avatar image is in the /static folder and the config.toml parameter is like this
avatar = "raspberry-logo.jpg"

Any idea how to solve that ?

Hugo 0.31.1
Theme download from 7 Jan 2018

Home button link to the root "/" dir instead of sub dir

My site is and all the page, css and js are working well with the adding option "CanonifyURLs = true". but the issue is on the home button on the top left corner is link to the root dir instead of my sub dir /demo/ when i check in the index.html or 404.html i find out that it used javascript to link (onclick="window.location.href = '/'), so how to fix it without custom edit line by line and page by page?

New social

Ciao, could you please add these new social?
I've already added them in partials:

     {{ if .Site.Params.twitter }}
        <div class="item">
          <a href="{{ .Site.Params.twitter }}" target="_blank">
            <i class="large twitter icon" title="twitter"></i>
      {{ end }}

      {{ if .Site.Params.facebook }}
        <div class="item">
          <a href="{{ .Site.Params.twitter }}" target="_blank">
            <i class="large facebook icon" title="facebook"></i>
      {{ end }}

      {{ if .Site.Params.facebook }}
        <div class="item">
          <a href="{{ .Site.Params.twitter }}" target="_blank">
            <i class="large instagram icon" title="instagram"></i>
      {{ end }}

Also, I've added all social under the categories and tags button, it's looks great, it could be a new features.

shuffled images remain

I removed the markup that shuffles images in list pages.

But, when terminology is selected, the shuffled images reappear.

I can't find the layout that controls this.

broken style

I have to refresh many times to get the site to render correctly. Most of the time, the site renders like this:

I think it has something to do with CDN failing to load.

Linking issue

I am now running a site called

When I run hugo everything that needs to be in my public folder is there, but some of the links are incorrect.

links such as /post/gettingstarted/ end up in the html as /

Any idea why this might be ?

Fully support tags with Capital letters and spaces

Tags with Capital letters and spaces partially work now:

One post pages, they work as desired:

  • Displays with desired capitals and spaces on post pages
  • Links correctly to lowercase / hyphen URLs

In header bock and /tags page, display is also lower-case with hypens:

  • header tag block
  • /tags page

From looking at layouts/partials/header.html it seems like it's designed to work as the URL includes {{ $name | urlize }} but the link title and innerHtml are simply {{ $name }}. It looks like the tag has already been urlized before being added to Site.Taxonomies. Removing this looks like it should work.

It looks like they display correctly on posts pages because posts is reading them from the post without modification, but the header is reading them from a processed Site.Taxonomies list.

I still getting up to speed on Hugo. Is this something this theme can resolve or is this a Hugo level issue?

layouts/_default/single.html - displays correctly

  • {{ $tag }} shows upper case and spaces as desired
  • {{ $tag | urlize }} uses lower case with hyphens as desired
    <footer class="ui attached segment dream-tags" data-html2canvas-ignore>
      {{ if isset .Params "tags" }}
        {{ range $tag := .Params.tags }}
          <a class="ui label" href="{{ "tags/" | relLangURL }}{{ $tag | urlize }}" title="{{ $tag }}">{{ $tag }}</a>
        {{ end }}
      {{ else }}
          <a class="ui label">{{ i18n "noTag" }}</a>
      {{ end }}
        class="ui label"
        style="float: right; cursor: pointer;"
        <i class="save icon"></i>{{ i18n "saveAsImage" }}

layouts/partials/header.html - displays with "URL slugs"

  • {{ $name }} uses lower case with hyphens - would like to change this to original tag name with upper case and spaces
  • {{ $name | urlize }} uses lower case with hyphens as desired
  {{ if .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
  <section class="ui attached center aligned segment dream-tags">
    {{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
      <a class="ui label" href="{{ "tags/" | relLangURL }}{{ $name | urlize }}" title="{{ $name }}">{{ $name }}</a>
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

Question: more default (random) covers possible ?

Hi @g1eny0ung.

A great theme, thanks for creating this.

I have a question. I like that the default covers are getting randomly assigned to the articles on the main page.
Is it possible to add more cover images that get randomly assigned?

I have see the parameter in the front matter to assign a specific image to a specific article, but is it possible to keep the random assinment with my own pictures ?

not showing posts

I did the following:

snap install hugo
hugo new site
git clone themes/dream
echo 'theme = "dream"' >> config.toml
hugo new posts/
hugo server -D

and then browsed http://localhost:1313/ but the new post is not showing up.


$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.50 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-10-29T12:39:37Z



Netlify CMS

Hi, how are you?
This theme is great.
Could you kindly add Netlify CMS?
It would really help with workflow.
I am an avid blogger and would love to move from wordpress to jamstack and use this theme.

[Feature Request] Youtube previews as cover images.


1.- Is it possible to use youtube video previews as cover images? Right now i copy the static image thumbnail that youtube generates for it's site and use it as cover image but everything would look much cleaner if it was just the video with a description.
2.- Can the icon for Mastodon be added to the fonts file?
3.- If you add a tweet preview iframe to a post, the preview card may not resize to the card making it look bigger than the post tile.


I'm not sure how this could be adjusted. Since i'm guessing it's an issue with the tweet shortcode.

Love your theme, Thanks for your work and help.

Reduced Mobile View

Hello g1eny0ung. I am learning HUGO and web dev with your theme because it was one of the best documented, has multilingual support and it looks good too! I've been having a couple of issues and questions in which I hope you can help me and or guide me.

  1. When viewing the site from a mobile phone the grid column with and the grid container padding size make the area of the content to be reduced which is causing the words in the content files to be cut in my languaje when displayed in the grid but not in the specific view of that site. Can the text in the homepage behave identical to the post page formatting?

  2. Another similar issue is happening with emoji where they are not displaying in the grid but they do in the post view as visible in the screenshots.

  3. Dates are having a similar problem where they don't display in some posts and in others it's in english instead of spanish in the case of my site.

These are more Feature Requests and questions than issues:

  • Can a site params be added to control de grid tightness or column with? Or how can this be done in the theme files? I understand that this can change the theme and you may not want to implement but since I don't know web development I'm lost about how to do this properly.

  • How should i change the reading minutes area at the bottom of the post container in the homepage to display the post's tags instead just like in the post view?

  • What does the showcase feature in the front matter do? I couldn't find any reference in the documentation and i'm not sure if you removed it in recent updates.

Sorry for the extensive post, I hope you can guide me and I hope you have a good day!

Edit: Removed picture overload. And the social sharing cards in 4 are not a problem anymore. I'll update on that later.





title: Ceshi
date: 2020-04-17T17:29:33+08:00
lastmod: 2020-04-17T17:29:33+08:00
author: Author Name
cover: ceshi1/static/white-rose-1713953.jpg
categories: ["category1"]
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
# showcase: true
draft: false




jquery version has vulnerabilities

Hi there! I forked this theme and when I checked for vulnerabilities during deployment I found some, all related to the version of jquery

6:33:18 PM: ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
6:33:18 PM: │ 3. onSuccess command from netlify-plugin-is-website-vulnerable │
6:33:18 PM: └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
6:33:23 PM:   Libraries:
6:33:23 PM:     [*] jQuery 3.3.1
6:33:23 PM:     [*] AMP 2005150002001
6:33:23 PM:   Vulnerabilities:
6:33:23 PM:     ⎡ ✖ [email protected]
6:33:23 PM:     ⎜ ■■■  3  vulnerabilities
6:33:23 PM:     ⎣ ▶︎
6:33:23 PM:   [3] Total vulnerabilities
6:33:23 PM:   [2325.06ms] execution time
6:33:23 PM:   vulnerabilities powered by (
6:33:23 PM: ​
6:33:23 PM: ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
6:33:23 PM: │ Plugin "netlify-plugin-is-website-vulnerable" failed │
6:33:23 PM: └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
6:33:23 PM: ​
6:33:23 PM:   Error message
6:33:23 PM:   Error: site is vulnerable
6:33:23 PM: ​
6:33:23 PM:   Plugin details
6:33:23 PM:   Package:        netlify-plugin-is-website-vulnerable
6:33:23 PM:   Version:        1.0.8
6:33:23 PM:   Repository:     git+
6:33:23 PM:   npm link:
6:33:23 PM:   Report issues:
6:33:23 PM: ​
6:33:23 PM:   Error location
6:33:23 PM:   In "onSuccess" event in "netlify-plugin-is-website-vulnerable" from netlify.toml

I dropped the latest version into place and it's working without issue for me. I wanted to let you knwo and say thanks again for the lovely theme :)

The "Split css" commit from Jul 18 has caused our images to exceed window width

We built a hugo server on our home network earlier this year and had found your theme to be very nice, so thank you.

Question: your commit 9acb03e named "Split css" has changed the behavior of how our images are displayed. Wonder if we're doing something wrong. Now our jpg images are displayed at full resolution rather than being sized to fit the width of the desktop window or the mobile screen. They used to be sized to fit the available view port width.

We run the hugo server behind our home firewall so can't show the results, sorry. It's a project for the family. The pages all have the same problem for us. Each typically has a reference to a jpg file like
![Picture name](/img/photo.jpg)

I can see the file changes this commit made, but I don't understand hugo well enough to know where to start in narrowing things down easily. Can you offer a suggestion?


Vertical scroll is hidden

How to have vertical scroll ?
On small computer screen size i need to have vertical scroll to allow users to have whole content.

Best regards

Blog title

You always use name's blog as the title.

I found this and use .Parameters.title instead.

But, the change only appears on the home page.

When the navigator appears to the right, the blog name is changed. I can;t find the layout.

I think you have some layout definitons embedded in your js. You shouldn't do this.

Firefox issue.

On latest firefox when you click the top left button to show the about page the view of it flipped still stays obstructing the view of the out page.

Images won't appear

I have images in the same directory as each posts
cover: front matter refers to the local image file.

They never appear.


hello 题主, 很喜欢你的主题。

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