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higher-order-heaps-laws's Introduction

The dynamics of higher order novelties (by G. Di Bona, A. Bellina, G. De Marzo, A. Petralia, I. Iacopini, and V. Latora)

In this repository we provide all the necessary code and instructions to analyse both datasets and model simulations. References to data repositories and code to simulate the models are provided below.

In this analysis, we analyse the number $D_n(t)$ of novel combinations of $n$ = 1, 2, 3, or 4 consecutive elements in a ordered sequence of items/concepts/songs/words/events. This way one can define the n-th order Heaps' laws as the power-law behavior of $D_n(t)$ as a function of the number of combinations $t$ in the sequence.

One can also study the distribution of the appearance of different combinations throughout the sequence through the calculation of the Shannon entropy of each label.

In the rest of this repository, we refer to the root folder ~/ as the main folder where all the content of this repository is contained.

More thorough details are shown in the related paper, accessible at


If you use any of the material here provided, you must comply to the license of this code and the third-party terms and conditions of the data sets used here. Moreover, you must cite our work using the following bibtex entry:

  title={The dynamics of higher-order novelties},
  author={Di Bona, Gabriele and Bellina, Alessandro and De Marzo, Giordano and Petralia, Angelo and Iacopini, Iacopo and Latora, Vito},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.06147},

Get and prepare data

All data and analysis must be saved into the subfolder ~/data/

The dataset can be downloaded from In order to get the data in the right folders, use the following commands.

mkdir data
cd data
mkdir ocelma-dataset
cd ocelma-dataset
tar -xzvf lastfm-dataset-1K.tar.gz 

Now, the path of the file to analyse should be ~/data/ocelma-dataset/lastfm-dataset-1K/userid-timestamp-artid-artname-traid-traname.tsv.

This file is processed in a related section of the jupyter notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/prep_data.ipynb, in which a dataframe is created including the timestamp, track and artist name and MBID, for a total of 19150866 records.

The df is hence time ordered and cleaned, excluding outliers (two records are outside the date ranges), and only users with at least 1000 records have been retained (890 out of 992). Moreover, tracks and artists are remapped to integer indices. The final df contains data related to 890 users from 2005-02-14 to 2009-06-19.

Finally, in the same notebook, the sequences of each user are analyzed, calculating $n$-th order Heaps' laws fits, with $n$ = 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as shannon entropies of the artists in the sequences.


The Gutenberg dataset can be downloaded using the github repository Clone this repository into ~/data/. This will create a new subfolder ~/data/gutenberg/. Use the of that repository to download all the books from Gutenberg.

All texts to be analyzed should now be in ~/data/gutenberg/data/text/ as .txt files. Similarly to, these file are processed in a related section of the jupyter notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/prep_data.ipynb. Here, the book is first lemmatized, discarding all books with less than 1000 words. The language of the book is assessed using Google's cld3 package, and then words are also stemmed using the SnowballStemmer. In this case, we retain books with at least 1000 words, for a total of 19637 books.

mkdir data
cd data
mkdir ocelma-dataset
cd ocelma-dataset
tar -xzvf lastfm-dataset-1K.tar.gz 

Now, the path of the file to analyse should be ~/data/ocelma-dataset/lastfm-dataset-1K/userid-timestamp-artid-artname-traid-traname.tsv.

This file is processed in a related section of the jupyter notebook, in which a dataframe is created including the timestamp, track and artist name and MBID.

The df is hence time ordered and cleaned, excluding outliers (two records are outside the date ranges), and only users with at least 1000 records have been retained. Moreover, tracks and artists are remapped to integer indices. The final df contains data related to 890 users from 2005-02-14 to 2009-06-19.

Finally, in the same notebook, the sequences of each user are analyzed, calculating $n$-th order Heaps' laws fits, with $n$ = 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as shannon entropies of the artists in the sequences.

Semantic Scholar

WARNING: the guide in this subsection has been written in early January 2022. Since then, the Semantic Scholar website has changed. The full corpus can still be downloaded, but it requires you to submit a form to obtain an API key. As of February 2023, it seems like the present guide still works for the 2022-01-01 release.

Download data

For this project, we use one of the releases of the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph dataset (S2AG), which can be downloaded from

Release used in the paper: 2022-01-01 release.

In order to download the selected release, from the root folder of our repository, run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/data
mkdir -p ~/data/semanticscholar
mkdir -p ~/data/semanticscholar/2022-01-01
mkdir -p ~/data/semanticscholar/2022-01-01/corpus
cd data/semanticscholar/2022-01-01/corpus/
wget -B -i manifest.txt

WARNING: The downloaded corpus (made of 6000 zip files) weighs about 192GB.

Preprocess data

In the notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/semanticscholar_dataset_creation.ipynb we create the sequences of words to be examined in the paper. We run through the corpus looking at the journals with the highest number of english papers in each field. The language of the book is assessed using Google's cld3 package. For each field of study (total of 19), we obtain a list of 1000 journals. For each journal, we create a sequence containing, consecutively, the words in the titles of the papers, temporally ordered, of that journal. Each title is indeed first lemmatized, and then words are also stemmed using the SnowballStemmer. . Finally, for this dataset of 19000 sequences, we index all words and stems.

All this preprocessed data can be found in the created folder ~/data/semanticscholar/2022-01-01/data. Here you can find the list of fields of study (all_fieldsOfStudy.tsv), the dictionaries to convert indices to words and words to their setms, as well as the folder journals_fieldsOfStudy containing 19 subfolders, one for each field, with the sequences of indexed words. A similar folder exists for the stems.

Analyse data

Finally, similarly to the previous data sets, the preprocessed files are analysed in a related section of the jupyter notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/prep_data.ipynb.

Each sequence of words is loaded and analyzed, calculating $n$-th order Heaps' laws fits, with $n$ = 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as shannon entropies of the stems in the sequences.


UMT and UMST model

This model has been proposed in Tria et al. (2014), "The dynamics of correlated novelties" (Scientific Reports). Other details about this model can be found in the paper.

Here we create UMST simulations through the python script ~/python_scripts/ with related bash script ~/bash_scripts/ These run simulations through the command of the type:

python -ID 1 -rho 20 -eta 1 -starting_nu 1 -ending_nu 20 -Tmax 100000 -putTogether False -save_all True

The script not only runs the simulation, but also calculates pairs and higher-order Heaps' laws, and entropies. The results are saved into a file depending on the parameters chosen. The complete file of a simulation with all the information can be found for example in ~/data/UMST/simulations/raw_sequences/rho_20.00000/nu_1/Tmax_100000/eta_1.00000/UMT_run_0.pkl, where run_0 in the file name is the run of the simulation, depending on the ID and the parameters. In the same folder, one can also found smaller files, one with entropy calculations (UMT_entropy_run_0.pkl) and one with the main results in a lighter version (UMT_light_run_0.pkl). Moreover, the original sequences of colors drawn and related labels can be found in other directories, for which a separate analysis can be done in the future, without need to store all the analysis results. For example, the related raw sequence can be found in ~/data/UMST/simulations/analysis/rho_20.00000/nu_1/Tmax_100000/eta_1.00000/UMT_run_0.pkl

In order to calculate averages over multiple runs across the same set of parameters, launch the bash script ~/bash_scripts/ The output is saved into the related folder (same as the light folder of the individual simulations), with name of the file average_UMT_light_results.pkl.

Analytical results of the UMT

The numerical integration of the differential equations found in the main paper has been done using the function NIntegrate of Mathematica 12, using a fine logarithmically spaced grid of N=1601 points $1 = t_0 < t_1 < \cdots < t_N = 10^{16}$. Such analysis is done in ~/data/UMST/Analytic_UMT/AnalyticExp_final.nb and ~/data/UMST/Analytic_UMT/AnalyticExp_triplet.nb. The fit of the integrated points has instead been done in the Jupyter notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/figures.ipynb.

ERRW model

This model has been proposed in Iacopini et al. (2018), "Network Dynamics of Innovation Processes" (Physical Review Letters). Other details about this model can be found in the paper.

You can use ~/jupyter_notebooks/run_ERRW_on_SW_nets.ipynb to generate some sequences of this model on a small world network (Watts Strogatz model). You can do the same by using the python script ~/python_scripts/ and its related bash script ~/bash_scripts/ to run multiple runs of the model separately. You can also modify the network, either using the same graph model with different parameter $p$ or $K$, or changing the model.

In this paper, we use sequences obtained from ERRWs on Small World networks with average degree $k=4$. Raw sequences are saved into ~/data/ERRW/SW/raw_sequences/, with different parameters of $p$ (for the small world network) and for dw (the reinforcement parameter in the ERRW). These sequences are analysed through the python script ~/python_scripts/ and related bash script ~/bash_scripts/ to launch them separately on each different sequence for all datasets and models through the cluster. The syntax is at follows.

python ~/python_scripts/ -ID N -folder "SW"

Adding the argument -order False, it considers the pairs BA and AB as the same, so order is not considered. More info can be found in the python script. The results of such analysis are saved into ~/data/ERRW/SW/analysis/ with the same file name.

New model

In this manuscript we propose a new model that extends both the UMT and ERRW. The model works as follows. A random walker (RW) moves onto a network that evolves and expands, with weighted links that change over time. At every time step, the RW moves from its current node, say $x$, to one of his neighboring nodes, say $y$, with probabilities depending on the weight $A_{x,y}$ of the outgoing links from $x$. The link just explored $(x,y)$ gets reinforced with a weight $\rho$, i.e., $A_{x,y} \to A_{x,y} + \rho$. If the chosen following node $y$ has never been explored before, then $y$ triggers the appearance of $\nu_1+1$ new nodes $z_i$ in the network attaching to $y$. In other words, we are adding the links $(y,z_i)$ with unitary weight. If the link $(x,y)$ we have moved has never been explored before, then it triggers the appearance of $\nu_2$ links never explored between already explored nodes.

You can find the translation of the model into code in ~/utils/ It can be called from another script to run multiple runs with different parameters, by using the python script ~/python_scripts/ or ~/bash_scripts/ This script runs the model with the given parameter rho, varying nu_1 and nu_2. If fraction_nu_2_cut_nu_1 is 0, nu_1 and nu_2 go from their starting to ending parameters (extremes included). Otherwise, nu_2 is upper bounded by min(ending_nu_1, fraction_nu_2_cut_nu_1 * nu_1). With N_0=1 and M_0=0 you start from a single node considered explored (and triggered), with his children not explored added in the initialization. With 1<N_0<100 and M_0=0 you start from a single node and its nu_1 + 1 children considered explored, with the roots children that are also triggered but their children are not explored. With N>100 and M_0=0, the second layer of children are also triggered and considered explored. Imposing the parameter directed to be True, you can choose to have your network directed. Imposing the parameter do_non_overlapping_simulation to be True, you can choose to pick random links in the whole network, not just outgoing links. Imposing the parameter trigger_links_with_replacement to be True, you can choose the new links between already explored nodes to be random, allowing replacement (you can add the same link more than once). Otherwise, you can only trigger links that do not exist between nodes that you have already explored. In practice this has little effect. In the bash script, you can also impose putTogether to be True. With this, you don't run any simulation, but you collect all simulations within the same set of parameters, and put the results together, doing some further analysis on the averages. Furthermore, if delete_files_put_together is True, the files of each simulation are deleted, and only the created files with all simulations together are kept. Finally, if you need to debug, turn do_prints True.

Other scripts to analyse data

Analyse sequences

We provide another script to run the analysis of a sequence either of a dataset or of a model. Notice that, for the dataset, this doesn't do anything more that it is not already done in the related notebook to prepare the data. However, if one prefers to run the analysis in parallel, one can use this script instead.

The python script is ~/python_scripts/ and gets some arguments, as can be seen in the related bash script ~/bash_scripts/ to launch them separately on each different sequence for all datasets and models through the cluster.

To run the code on the N-th sequence of a specific dataset D (1 ->, 2 -> Project Gutenberg, 3 -> Semantic Scholar, 4 -> UMST, 5 -> ERRW) with 10 reshuffles, just run

python ~/python_scripts/ -ID N -number_reshuffles 10 -dataset_ID D \
    --consider_temporal_order_in_tuples True --analyse_sequence_labels False \
    -save_all True \
    -rho 4 -starting_nu 1 -ending_nu 40 -eta .1 -Tmax 100000 \
    --folder_name_ERRW "SW"

Adding the argument --consider_temporal_order_in_tuples False, it considers the pairs BA and AB as the same, so order is not considered. If the data saved occupies too much space, one can consider to save only the light version of the results, with -save_all False. The parameters -rho, ... , Tmax refer only to UMST, while --folder_name_ERRW refers only to ERRW. More info can be found in the python script.


All data and models are loaded and further analysed in the Jupyter notebook ~/jupyter_notebooks/figures.ipynb. All the figures, tables and measures found in the paper related to this repository has been made through this notebook.

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