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jcomponent's Introduction

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jQuery reusable component library

Download: more than 70 jComponents for free for everyone.



jComponent offers 3 libraries for development rich web applications:

If you want to use jComponent on your presentation website - use jcomponent.min.js only. If you create a rich web application, then use jcta.min.js because it contains template engine and for SPA use jctajr.min.js because it contains template engine and HTML 5 history API.

The components work is the browser window. scope. So each path in the form of is automatically routed into The library automatically creates values according the binding path.

The library can be loaded with async attribute.

HTML definition

The library searches all components according data-component attribute which must contain a component name and the component must be defined in JavaScript.

IMPORTANT: +v8.0.0 supports shorter names of attributes e.g. data-jc="" instead of data-component="" or data-jc-path instead of data-component-path.

IMPORTANT: +v8.0.0 supports declaring of multiple components like this <div data-jc="component1,component2,component3" ....

Simple declaration of the component

<div data-component="textbox">Name</div>

<!-- OR -->
<b data-component="timer"></b>

<!-- OR -->
<span data-jc="email-decoder">your(AT)mail(DOT)com</span>

<!-- OR -->
    <tbody data-jc="pricelist"></tbody>

<!-- OR multiple declaration of components +v8.0.0 -->
<div data-jc="binder,exec"></div>

Declaration with binding

Binding is represented as data-component-path attribute. jComponent has own buil-in mechanism for binding values to/from component (you can rewrite it).

<div data-component="textbox" data-component-path="">Name</div>

<!-- empty "data-component" can write only raw output according binding path -->
<div data-component="" data-component-path=""></div>

The value is linked to (window is meant as a browser window instance). The library automatically creates value in window scope if the value doesn't exist.

HTML attributes

<element data-component="" />
    Must contain a component name. If the value of this attribute is empty then jComponent
    writes only raw output according binding path attribute.

<element data-component-path="" />
    It's not required. The attribute contains the binding path for binding values between
    the component and a model, e.g. `` (is binded to ``) or
    `user.age` (is binded to `window.user.age`).

<element data-component-type="" />
    It's not required. The attribute can contain a type of the component and you must define
    own types manually e.g. `date`. jComponent internally supports `number` and `currency` type, so each string value is automatically converted into the `Number`.

<element data-component-id="" />
    It's not required. This attribute is an identificator of the component for the searching.

<element data-component-class="" />
    When is the component ready then the library automatically toggles the element
    `class` according this attribute. It's not required.

<element data-component-import="" />
    Must contain a valid URL address and the element must contatin data-component="" attribute. This attribute download HTML or JS content and evaluates its. E.g. jComponent downloads
    the content !!! only onetime !!! but the content can be used in many components.


    // First component
    <div data-component="editor" data-component-import="/editor.html"></div>

    // Second component
    <p data-component="editor" data-component-import="/editor.html"></p>

    // etc..

<element data-component-init="" />
    It's not required and must contain name of the function which is executed when the
    component is ready. `function init(component) {}`.

<element data-component-template="" />
    It's not required and can contain only URL address to the component template. The
    library automatically downloads the content and sends it to the component (into
    the `make` delegate). IMPORTANT: uf the value starts with `.` or `#` or contains `[` then
    jComponent uses DOM selector and the HTML of the selector will be the template.

<element data-component-dependencies="" />
    Can contain multiple [path] or [component-id] or [component-name] divider with comma ",".
    This feature is only for broadcasting. Look to: BROADCAST() or component.broadcast();
    E.g. data-component-dependencies="#component-id,, component-name"

<element data-component-scope="" />
    A scope attribute updates the `data-component-path` in all nested components.
    With the scope works `data-component-init` and `data-component-class`.
    If the scope value `data-component-scope` is `?` then the `data-component-path`
    is generated automatically. IMPORTANT: this element MUST CONTAIN some jComponents,
    otherwise the scope won't be initialized.

    ::: E.g.:
    <element data-component-scope="users">
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" />

    <element data-component-scope="?">
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" />

    <element data-component-scope="?">
        disables scope manually
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" data-component-noscope="true" />

    ::: Result for imagination:
    <element data-component-scope="users">
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" />

    <element data-component-scope="scope343983">
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" />

    <element data-component-scope="scope584948">
        <element data-component="textbox" data-component-path="" data-component-noscope="true" />

<element data-component-noscope="true" />
    Disables main scope for this component.

<element data-component-value="" />
    This is an initial value (NEW: and default value) for the component or scope. Value is evaluated as JavaScript.

    ::: E.g.
    <element data-component-scope="?" data-component-value="{ name: 'jComponent', tags: ['node.js', 'jComponent', 'total.js'] }">

    <element data-component="a-component-string" data-component-value="'String value'">

    <element data-component="a-component-number" data-component-value="10">

    Look into `DEFAULT()`, `component.default()` or `$.components.default()` functions.

<element data-component-controller="CONTROLLER_NAME">
   +v3.9.0 - automatically calls the controller initialization. Look into the
   controller section in this manual.

<element data-component-singleton="true" />
   +v3.9.3 - sets the current component as singleton. Singleton can be set manually in
   the component instance like this: `instance.singleton()`.

<element data-component-released="true" />
   +v7.0.0 - sets state of this current component as released.

Special HTML attributes

<element data-component-url="" />
    The library downloads a full HTML template with the component and its JavaScript
    declaration. The content will be inserted into the current element and then will
    be evaluated.

    This attribute can be used with `data-component-path`: the library automatically
    rewrites `$` char in all attributes [data-component-path] of all injected components
    according to `data-component-path`.

    If the URL starts with `ONCE http://...` then the content will downloaded only one time.

<element data-component-bind="" />
    This attribute can be used only in `<input`, `<textarea` and `<select` tags. If the
    component contains a said tag then the attribute ensures two way binding between
    the input (in component) and the model. You don't need to declare `setter` and
    `getter` because the library to create it automatically. The value of this attribute
    is empty like this `data-component-bind=""`.

<element data-component-keypress="" />
    Works only with `<input` and `<textarea` tags and enables/disables keypress real-time
    bindings of values. Default: `true` and the tags must have `data-component-bind`

<element data-component-keypress-delay="" />
    It's delay / sleep time for real-time bindings of values in milliseconds.
    Default: `300`.

<element data-component-keypress-only="" />
    This attribute can enable only real-time bindings. That means: `blur` and `change`
    event is skipped in `<input`, `<textarea` tags. Suitable for autocomplete fields.
    Default: `false`.

Component definition

The definition of the component must be defined in JavaScript. You can define the component in a HTML template (in <script> tag) or in your own JavaScript libraries.

Simple example:

COMPONENT('my-component-name', function() {

    // A component instance
    var instance = this;

    // component definition
    this.make = function(template) {
        this.element.html('Hello world!');



COMPONENT('my-component-name', function() {
    var instance = this;;
    // Returns {Object}. The global object is the shared object for all instances
    // of this component.;
    // This property contains the component name, e.g. my-component-name.
    // If you use multiple // same components then this value will be same like other.

    // This property contains a binding path, it's read-only. The library
    // binds value between component and the scope / model according this path.;
    // This property contains the component identificator from 'data-component-id`
    // attribute. By default contains internal ID of the current component instance.

    // This property contains the component type from `data-component-type` attribute.
    // Default: ""

    // This property contains the current `String` template. You can change the value
    // of this property for anything. This property can contain URL address and the
    // library download the template automatically.

    // The HTML element of this component.

    // String Array. Can contain multiple [path] or [component-id] or [component-name].
    // Only for broadcasting.

    // This property contains the brodcast caller (e.g. other component)
    // Works only with broadcasting.

    // This property affects trimming of string values and works only with [data-component-bind]
    // and default `.instance.setter`. Default value: true.

    instance.usage = { init: 0, manually: 0, input: 0, default: 0, custom: 0, valid: 0, dirty: 0 };
    // Component last usage, the number is
    // The object has a prototype .convert(type)
    // instance.usage.convert('minutes')
    // instance.usage.convert('seconds')
    // instance.usage.convert('hours')
    // instance.usage.convert('minutes')
    // The property contains data-component-scope element if exists.
    // The property contains value of data-component-scope element if exists.
    // Returns {Boolean} and it indicates whether the element contains multiple
    // declaration of components.


COMPONENT('my-component-name', function() {

    var instance = this;
    instance.init = function() {
        // Is executed onetime for all same components.

    instance.prerender = function(template) {
        // A prerender delegate is executed when the `data-component-template` attribute
        // contains URL to template. Is executed once.

        this.template = Tangular.compile(template);

    instance.make = function(template) {
        // This delegate is executed when the component is creating an own instance.
        // Is executed once.

        // if instance.prerender is not defined then the template will be {String}
        // (only when the template will be defined).
        this.template = Tangular.compile(template);

        // If you return "true" then jComponent compiles new components now.
        // return true;

    instance.done = function() {
        // This delegate is executed when the component is ready to use
        // (after the making).

    instance.destroy = function() {
        // This delegate is executed when the component is destroyed.

    instance.validate = function(value, isInitialValue) {
        // Very important degelate for the validation of values. The library executes
        // this delegate when the value is changed in the current component
        // with `<input data-component-bind` or `<textarea data-component-bind`
        // or `<select data-component-bind` elements. Otherwise you must call
        // this delegate manually.

        if (isInitialValue)
            return true;

        return value.length > 0;

    instance.state = function(type, who) {
        // This delegate watches the value state. In this delegate you can change
        // the `design` of the component according the value state.

        // type === 0 : init
        // type === 1 : manually
        // type === 2 : by input
        // type === 3 : by default

        // who  === 1 : valid
        // who  === 2 : dirty
        // who  === 3 : reset
        // who  === 4 : update
        // who  === 5 : set

        instance.element.toggleClass('error', instance.isInvalid());

    instance.setter = function(value, path, type) {
        // This delegate is executed when the value in the model is changed.
        // This delegate has an own implementation for the components which
        // contain `<input data-component-bind` or `<textarea data-component-bind`
        // or `<select data-component-bind` elements. If the value is changed
        // according `data-component-path` then the library executes this delegate.

        // Argument: value
        // value === new value

        // Argument: path
        // Which path has been changed in the model?

        // Argument: type
        // 0 : init
        // 1 : manually
        // 2 : by input
        // 3 : default

        // Example:

    // This method is called when the component uses built-in `setter`
    // +v6.0.0
    instance.setter2 = function(value, path, type) {

    instance.getter = function(value) {
        // The library executes this delegate when the `<input data-component-bind`,
        // `<textarea data-component-bind` or `<select data-component-bind` change
        // the value in the current component. `getter` means --> get value
        // from the input. This delegate has an own implementation, but you can
        // rewrite it like that:

        // Sets a new value to the model according the binding path:

    // This method is called when the component uses built-in `getter`
    // +v6.0.0
    instance.getter2 = function(value, path, type) {

    // This method is called when the component has modified `released` state
    // +v6.0.0
    instance.released = function(is) {
        // is {Boolean} == Is released?



COMPONENT('my-component-name', function() {

    var instance = this;

    // This method sets a new path for this component.

    // Removes current instance of this component.

    // Gets the value from the model.

    instance.set([path], value, [type]);
    // Sets the value into the model.
    // path {String}: default: instance.path
    // type {Number}: default 1

    // Updates current value.
    // if "updatedPath" (default: false) then the library notifies all components which listen on the path. Otherwise the method performs "component.setter()" automatically.[path], value, [type]);; // example
    // Increments the value in the model.
    // path {String}: default: instance.path
    // type {Number}: default 1

    instance.extend([path], value, [type]);
    instance.extend({ price: 0, name: 'jComponent' }); // example
    // Extends the value in the model. Only for objects.

    instance.push([path], value, [type]);
    instance.push(1); // example
    instance.push([1, 2, 3]); // example
    // Push the value (can be an Array) in the model. Only for arrays.
    // path {String}: default: instance.path
    // type {Number}: default 1

    instance.attr(name, [value]);
    // Gets or Sets an attribute in the component element.
    // jQuery.attr();

    // Gets or Sets inner HTML in the component element.
    // jQuery.html();

    // Removes whole content.
    // jQuery.empty();

    // Appends a content into the inner HTML in the component element.
    // jQuery.append();

    instance.toggle(className, [visible], [timeout]);
    // Toggles a class name.
    // jQuery.toggleClass();

    // Toggles classes "+classname" adds and "-classname" removes
    // Example: instance.classes('+selected -hidden +animate');
    // +v8.0.0

    // Finds a content in the component element.
    // jQuery.find();

    // Disables setting "dirty" state within all components.

    // Disables own validation within all components.

    // Is combination: component.noDirty(), component.noValid(), component.getter and component.setter sets to `null`
    // and it's meant as read-only data from the model.

    // Resets `instance.dirty(false)` and `instance.valid(false)`.

    // Sets a default value from [data-component-value]. [reset] attribute
    // resets the component state (default: true).

    // Contains `instance.dirty()` and automatically refresh all watchers.
    // This method means: the content of this element is `changed` or `unchanged`.

    // Returns `{Booelan}` returns `fasle` if the component is not valid.

    // The component will be invalid.

    // Disables scoping paths `data-component-scope`.

    // This method guarantees only one instance of the component. Other instances wont' be
    // initialized and their elements will be removed from the DOM.

    // The component will disable path listening.
    // +v4.1.0

    // Sets the current time into the `instance.usage.custom` property in this component.

    instance.emit(event_name, [arg1], [arg2])
    // Emits event for all components.

    instance.broadcast('set')('new value for all dependencies');
    instance.broadcast('*', 'set')('new value for all nested components');
    instance.broadcast([selector], method_name);
    // This method executes [method_name] in all dependencies and
    // returns function for additional arguments. You can get a caller object
    // in the called components via `component.caller`.

    instance.evaluate([path], expression, [path_is_value]);
    console.log(instance.evaluate('value.age > 18')); // example
    console.log(instance.evaluate('', 'value === "Peter"')); // example
    // Evalutes string expression. Default path is the component path.

    console.log(instance.evaluate('Peter', 'value === "Peter"'), true); // example
    console.log(instance.evaluate(true, 'value === true'), true); // example

    instance.formatter(function(path, value, type) { // example
        return value.format('dd.MM.yyyy');
    // Appends a new formatter. The formatter formats the model value for the render.
    // E.g. date. Works only with components which contain `<input data-component-bind`,
    // `<textarea data-component-bind` or `<select data-component-bind`.

    // Formats value trough all "formatters" (private and global)

    instance.parser(function(path, value, type) { // example
        var dt = value.split('.');
        return new Date(parseInt(dt[2]), parseInt(dt[1] - 1), parserInt(dt[0]));
    // Appends a new parser. The parser parses the value from the `input`, `textarea`
    // or `selectfor`. E.g. date. Works only with components which contain
    // `<input data-component-bind`, `<textarea data-component-bind` or
    // `<select data-component-bind`.

    // Parses value trough all "parsers" (private and global)

    // +v8.0.0
    // Returns all nested jComponents as Array of Objects

    // +v8.0.0
    // Compiles nested uncompiled components[path], function(path, value, type));, value, type) { // example
        // type === 0 : init
        // type === 1 : manually
        // type === 2 : by input
        // type === 3 : by default
        // watch for changes
    });'', function(path, value, type) { // example
        // type === 0 : init
        // type === 1 : manually
        // type === 2 : by input
        // type === 3 : by default
    // This delegate watches all changes according the model.
    // This method releases this component and all nested components.
    // +v7.0.0

    // This method returns the current state: Is this component released or no?
    // +v7.0.0


COMPONENT('my-component-name', function() {

    var instance = this;

    instance.on('#component-id', function(component) {
        // This event is executed when is ready a new component
        // with the `data-component-id` attribute.

    instance.on('@component-name', function(component) {
        // This event is executed when is ready component.
        // If the HTML contains multiple components with the same name then
        // the event is executed more times.

    // Watchs all changes
    instance.on('watch', '*', function(path, value, type) {
        // type === 0 : init
        // type === 1 : manually
        // type === 2 : by input
        // type === 3 : by default

    // Watchs all changes
    instance.on('watch', '', function(path, value, type) {
        // type === 0 : init
        // type === 1 : manually
        // type === 2 : by input
        // type === 3 : by default
    }, true); // true === evaluates now

    // OTHER
    // Custom events
    instance.on('an-event', function() {


    // Call custom event

Global helpers


// {Number} returns the current version of jComponent.

// {Number} sets the delay for keypress real-time binding, default `300`.

// {Boolean} enables / disables keypress real-time binding, default `true`.

// {Boolean} enables / disables localstorage for cache mechanism, default `true`.

// {Object} can sets AJAX headers for all requests

$.components.defaults.devices = {
    xs: { max: 768 },
    sm: { min: 768, max: 992 },
    md: { min: 992, max: 1200 },
    lg: { min: 1200 }

$.components.defaults.jsoncompress = false;
// {Boolean} sets JSON compression (`null`, `false` and `empty strings` are removed)
// in all AJAX operations (when an object is serializing to JSON)
// +v8.0.0

$.components.defaults.jsondate = true;
// {Boolean} sets auto-parser in all AJAX operations (when is JSON deserialized to Object)
// +v8.0.0

// {String} appends the value to each URL address `?version=$version`
// called via jComponent, default: "".

// {String} appends the value to each URL address `?language=$language`
// called via jComponent, default: "".

$.components.localstorage = 'jcomponent';
// {String} is a prefix for all cache keys.

$.components.parser(function(path, value, type) { // Example
    // this === component
    // type === [data-component-type]
    if (path === 'model.created') {
        var dt = value.split('.');
        return new Date(parseInt(dt[2]), parseInt(dt[1] - 1), parserInt(dt[0]));
    return value;

var value = $.components.parser('a-value', 'my.custom.path', 'number');
// value will be contain parsed `a-value`
// jComponent executes all parser functions to a value

$.components.formatter(function(path, value, type) { // Example
    // this === component
    // type === [data-component-type]
    if (path === 'model.created')
        return value.format('dd.MM.yyyy');
    return value;

var value = $.components.formatter('a-value', 'my.custom.path', 'number');
// value will be contain formatted `a-value`
// jComponent executes all formatter functions to a value


// Runs the compiler for new components. jComponent doesn't watch new elements in DOM.

$.components.rewrite(path, value);
$.components.rewrite('', 'Peter');
// +v4.0.0 Rewrites the value in the model without notification

$.components.set(path, value, [reset]);
$.components.set('', 'Peter'); // Example: sets the value
$.components.set('+model.tags', 'HTML'); // Example: appends the value into the array
$.components.set('+model.tags', ['CSS', 'JavaScript']); // Example: appends the array into the array
// Sets the value into the model. `reset` argument resets the state
// (dirty, validation), default: `false`.

$.components.push(path, value, [reset]);
$.components.push('model.tags', 'HTML'); // Example
$.components.push('model.tags', ['CSS', 'JavaScript']); // Example
// Pushs the value in the model, only for arrays. `reset` argument resets
// the state (dirty, validation), default: `false`.

$, value, [reset]);
$'model.age', 10); // Example
$'model.price', -5); // Example
// Increments the value in the model, only for numbers. `reset` argument
// resets the state (dirty, validation), default: `false`.

$.components.extend(path, value, [reset]);
$.components.extend('model', { age: 30, name: 'Peter' }); // Example
// Extends the value in the model, only for objects. `reset` argument resets
// the state (dirty, validation), default: `false`.

$.components.get(path, [scope]); // default scope is `window`
$.components.get('model.age'); // Example
$.components.get('model.tags'); // Example
// Gets the value from the model.

$.components.findByName(name, [path], [fn(component)]);
$.components.findByName(name, [path], [returnArray]);
$.components.findByName('my-component'); // Example: Returns only one component
$.components.findByName('my-component', true); // Example: Returns array with multiple components
$.components.findByName('my-component', function(component) { console.log(component); });  // Example: Crawls all components
$.components.findByName('my-component', 'model.*', function(component) { console.log(component); }); // Example: Crawls all components according the path
// Finds components by `data-component` attribute.

$.components.findById(name, [path], [fn(component)]);
$.components.findById(name, [path], [returnArray]);
$.components.findById('my-component'); // Example: Returns only one component
$.components.findById('my-component', true); // Example: Returns array with multiple components
$.components.findById('my-component', function(component) { console.log(component); }); // Example: Crawls all components
$.components.findById('my-component', 'model.*', function(component) { console.log(component); });  // Example: Crawls all components according the path
// Finds components by `data-component-id` attribute.

$.components.findByPath([path], [fn(component)]);
$.components.findByPath([path], [returnArray]);
$.components.findByPath('model'); // Example: Returns only one component
$.components.findByPath('model', true); // Example: Returns array with multiple components
$.components.findByPath('model', function(component) { console.log(component); });  // Example: Crawls all components
// Finds components by `data-component-id` attribute.

// Returns array of invalid components.

// Sets the invalid state to all components according the binding path.

// Removes all components according the binding path.

$.components.import(url, [target], [callback], [insert])
// Imports a HTML content (with components) into the `target` (by default: `document.body`)
// or can import scripts (.js) or styles (.css). `insert` arguments (default: true) wraps
// new content into the <div data-component-imported="RANDOM_NUMBER" element otherwise replaces
// content of target element. 
// If the URL starts with `ONCE http://...` then the content will downloaded only one time.

$.components.dirty(path, [value]);
$.components.dirty('model.isDirty'); // Example: Checker.
$.components.dirty('model.isDirty', false); // Example: Setter.
// Checks or sets a dirty value.
// Returns {Boolean}.
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.valid(path, [value]);
$.components.valid('model.isValid'); // Example: Checker.
$.components.valid('model.isValid', false); // Example: Setter.
// Checks or sets a valid value.
// Returns {Boolean}.
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.can(path, [except_paths_arr]);
// Combines the dirty and valid method together (e.g. for enabling of buttons)
// Returns {Boolean}.
// Opposite of $.components.disable()
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.disabled(path, [except_paths_arr]);
// Combines the dirty and valid method together (e.g. for disabling of buttons)
// Opposite of $.components.can()
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.cache(key); // Example: Getter.
$.components.cache(key, value, expire); // Example: Setter.
// Gets or Sets the value from the cache. `Expire` in milliseconds or can be a string `5 minutes`.
// Returns {Object}.

$.components.cachepath(path, expire);
// +v8.0.0
// The method creates watcher for `path` and stores values into the localStorage
// Returns {Components}.

$.components.validate([path], [except_paths_arr]);
// Validates all values according the path.
// Returns {Boolean}.
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.reset([path], [timeout]);
// Reset the dirty and valid method together (Sets: dirty=true and valid=true)
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.each(fn(component, index, isAsterix), path);
$.components.each(function(component) { console.log(component); }); // Example: All components.
$.components.each(function(component) { console.log(component); }, 'model.*'); // Example: According the path.
// Components selector.
// Supports wildcard path, e.g. `model.*`.

$.components.update(path, [reset]);
$.components.update('model.*'); // Example
$.components.update(''); // Example
// Executes `Component.setter` for each component according path. `reset` argument resets
// the state (dirty, validation), default: `false`.

$.components.notify([path1], [path2], [path3], [path4], ...);
$.components.notify('model.age', ''); // Example
// Executes `Component.setter` for each component according path (only fixed path).

$.components.emit(name, [arg1], [arg2]);
// Triggers event within all components.

// Parsers `document.cookie` and returns {Object}.

$.components.parseQuery(); // Example: Returns parsed values from the current URL address.
// Parsers query string (from URL address) and returns {Object}.

$.components.createURL([url], values);
$.components.createURL({ sort: 1, pricefrom: 300 }); // append values into the current URL
$.components.createURL('/api/query/?priceto=200', { sort: 1 }); // /api/query/?priceto=200&sort=1
// +v4.0.0 Updates or creates URL from the current URL address and QueryString

$.components.UPLOAD(url, formdata, [callback or path], [sleep], [progress(percentage, speed, remaining) or path], [error(response, status, type) or path]);
$.components.UPLOAD('/api/', formdata, 'form.response'); // Example
$.components.UPLOAD('/api/', formdata, 'response.success-->form.response'); // Example with remapping.
$.components.UPLOAD('/api/', formdata, function(response, err) { console.log(response); }); // Example
// Uploads formdata and receive `JSON` from the server. When is throwed an error then
// "response" is the empty object {}

$.components.TEMPLATE(url, callback(template), [prepare(template)]);
// Downloads the HTML content and caches it per session. This method is adapted for multiple
// executing. The content is downloaded only once. `prepare` argument is optional
// (and executed once), but if it's declared then must "return" template (e.g. compiled template).

$.components.removeCache(key, fulltext);
// Deletes cache according to the key. If @fulltext {Boolean} is `true` then the method removes
// all items with their keys contain this key.

$.components.REMOVECACHE(method, url, data);
// Deletes cache (AJAXCACHE).

// +v3.7.0
// AJAX calls
$.components.AJAX('METHOD URL', data, [callback(response, err, headers) or path], [sleep], [error(response, status, type, headers) or path]);
// Is same as GET(), POST(), PUT(), DELETE(). When is throwed an error then
// "response" is the empty object {}
$.components.AJAXCACHE('METHOD URL', data, [callback(response, isFromCache) or path], [expire], [sleep], [clear]);
// Is same as POSTCACHE, GETCACHE and now supports PUT, DELETE. If the callback is the
// function then the second argument will be `fromCache {Boolean}`.

// +v3.9.1 supports CORS with credentials
// CORS by default is enabled if the URL starts with `http://` or `https://` and credentials are
// added when the METHOD contains `!`, e.g. `!GET`.

// +v4.4.0 supports custom headers
// AJAX('GET /api/ { customheader1: "value1", customerheader2: "value2" }', ...);

$.components.broadcast(', #a-component-id, a-component-name')('say')('hello');
$.components.broadcast(', #a-component-id, a-component-name')('set')('new value');
$.components.broadcast(['', '#id', 'name'], 'set')('new value');
$.components.broadcast(selector, method_name, [caller]);
// Executes the method in all components by selector. [selector] can be jQuery
// element or jComponent --> then the method searchs all nested components.
// IMPORTANT: selector can be jQuery element or jComponent.

$.components.evaluate(path, expression, [path_is_value]);
$.components.evaluate('model.age', 'value > 20 && value < 30'); // Example
$.components.evaluate(25, 'value > 20 && value < 30', true); // Example
// Evaluates the expression. The value in the expression is value according the path.

$.components.blocked(name, timeout, [callback]);
if ($.components.blocked('submitted', 1000)) { // Example.
    alert('Try later.')
// Prevention for some operations. It's stored in `localStorage` according
// `$.components.defaults.localstorage`.

$.components.ready(function(count) { console.log('Components ready:', count); }); // Example.
// Are the components ready? Has a similar functionality like $.ready().

// Cleans all unnecessary components.
// IMPORTANT: The cleaner is started each 5 minutes.

$.components.usage(property, expire, [path], [callback]);
$.components.usage('manually', '5 seconds');
$.components.usage('input', '5 seconds', 'form.*');
$.components.usage('custom', '5 seconds', 'form.*');
$.components.usage('init', '5 seconds', function(component) {
    // All components initialized 5 seconds before
// +v4.0.0
// Reads all components according their usage
// @property is meaned as component.usage = { init: 0, manually: 0, input: 0, default: 0, custom: 0, dirty: 0, valid: 0 };
// Returns Array when is not defined callback.

// +v4.0.0
// Sets `instance.usage.custom` usage according to the path.

$.components.schedule(selector, type, expire, callback);
// Schedule executes timeout when is valid `selector` and `expire`.
// Scheduler checks all tasks each 2 seconds (it has an internal optimalization for good performance).
// types: `input` (affected by HTML inputs), `manually` (affected by developer), `init`

$.components.schedule('.find-by-path', 'input', '5 minutes', function(component) {
    AJAX('GET /api/refresh/', component.path);

$.components.schedule('#find-by-id', 'manually', '3 seconds', function(component) {
    AJAX('GET /api/refresh/', component.path);

$.components.schedule('find-by-name', 'init', '1 hour', function(component) {
    AJAX('GET /api/refresh/', component.path);


$.components.on('watch', 'path.*', function(path, value, type) {
    // type === 0 : init
    // type === 1 : manually
    // type === 2 : by input
    // type === 3 : by default
    // Watchs all changes according the path.

$.components.on('component', function(component) {
    // New component is ready to use.

$.components.on('#data-component-id', function(component) {
    // New component with `data-component-id` attribute is ready to use.

$.components.on('@data-component', function(component) {
    // New component with `data-component` attribute is ready to use.

$.components.on('destroy', function(name, component) {
    // Is emitted before is a component destroyed.

Additional methods / helpers

// Alias for $.components()

// Alias for $.components.get();

// Alias for $.components.import();

// Alias for $.components.reset();

// Alias for $.components.cache();

// +v8.0.0
// Alias for $.components.cacheapath();

REWRITE(path, value);
// +v4.0.0 alias for $.components.rewrite();

SET(path, value, [sleep], [reset]);
// Sets the value into the model. `reset` argument resets the state
// (dirty and validation).

EXTEND(path, value, [sleep], [reset]);
// Extends the value in the model. `reset` argument resets the state
// (dirty and validation).

PUSH(path, value, [sleep], [reset]);
// Push the value in the model (array). `reset` argument resets the state
// (dirty and validation).

UPDATE(path, [sleep], [reset]);
// Updates components setter according the path. `reset` argument resets the state
// (dirty and validation).

NOTIFY(path1, path2, ...);
// Notifies components setter according the path (only fixed path).

DEFAULT(path, [timeout], [reset]);
// The method sets to all components start with the path an initial value from
// [data-component-value] attribute. [reset] by default: `true`.

// Alias for $.components.on();

// Alias for $.components.on('watch', ...);

// Creates a hash from the value.

// Creates random string value (default size: 10)

// Alias for $.components.change();

STYLE('.hidden { display: none; }'); // Example
// Creates inline style.

FIND(value, [returnArray]);
FIND('data-component') // Example: Returns one component.
FIND('data-component[data-component-path]') // Example: Returns one component.
FIND('#data-component–id') // Example: Returns one component.
FIND('.data-component-path') // Example: Returns one component.
FIND('#data-component–id[data-component-path]') // Example: Returns one component.
// Finds the components. When the value starts with `#` then the library will be
// search components according the `data-component-id`;

// +3.9.0
// The component might not exist.
// The method waits for it.
FIND('data-component', function(component) {

FIND('data-component', true, function(component_array) {

FIND('data-component', function(component) {
}, 5000); // +4.0.0 --> 5 seconds timeout

FIND('data-component', true, function(component_array) {
}, 5000); // +4.0.0 --> 5 seconds timeout

BLOCKED(name, timeout, [callback]);
// Alias for $.components.blocked();

// Alias for $.components.invalid();

EVALUATE(path, expression, [path_is_value]);
// Alias for $.components.evaluate();

NOTMODIFIED(path, [value], [fields]);
if (NOTMODIFIED('model', newvalue)) return; // Example
if (NOTMODIFIED('model')) return; // Example
// Method checks whether the value was not modified. If the value is not defined as argument,
// then the method reads the value from the scope. The method creates hash from the value for
// further usage. The "fields" argument can contain only string array value.

// +v3.7.0
AJAX('METHOD URL', data, [callback or path], [sleep], , [error(response, status, type) or path]);
AJAXCACHE('METHOD URL', data, [callback or path], [expire], [sleep], [clear]);
// Aliases for $.components.AJAX(), $.components.AJAXCACHE()

// +v8.0.0
AJAXCACHEREVIEW('METHOD URL', data, [callback or path], [expire], [sleep], [clear]);
// Aliases for $.components.AJAXCACHEREVIEW(). This method loads a content from the cache and
// then performs AJAX() call again with a simple diff.

// +v4.0.0
UPLOAD(url, formdata, [callback or path], [sleep], [progress(percentage, speed, remaining) or path], [error(response, status, type) or path]);

// +v3.7.0
PING('METHOD URL', [interval], [callback or path]);
// Ping pings an URL in the specific interval (default: 30000 (30 seconds)).
// The function returns setInterval identificator.
// A ping request contains custom header `X-Ping`: `CURRENT RELATIVE URL ADDRESS`

// +v4.0.0
// Middleware

// Registers MIDDLEWARE
// MIDDLEWARE(name, fn(value, [path]));
MIDDLEWARE('A-NAME', function(next, value, path) {
    this.customvariable1 = true;
    // or for non-object values e.g. String, Number, Boolean
    // next(NEW_VALUE);

MIDDLEWARE('B-NAME', function(next, value, path) {
    this.customvariable2 = true;
    // or for non-object values e.g. String, Number, Boolean
    // next(NEW_VALUE);

// Executing middleware
// MIDDLEWARE([String Array], [value], [callback])
MIDDLEWARE(['A-NAME', 'B-NAME'], { count: 0 }, function(value, path) {

// Alias for $.components.schedule();
// +v4.0.0

SETTER('#loading', 'hide', 1000);
SETTER('textbox', 'set', 'NEW VALUE')('dropdown', 'set', 1)('checkbox', 'set', true);
SETTER(selector, propORmethodName, [valueA], [valueB], [valueN]);
// Returns SETTER.
// +v4.0.0

EXEC('', 'hide', 1000);
// Returns EXEC. Can execute a function according to the path.
// +v4.7.0

// Registers a new workflow. Each workflow can have multiple implementation
// and each implementation will be executed after another.
// +v4.1.0
WORKFLOW('name', function() {
    // The function can have arguments

WORKFLOW('name', function() {

WORKFLOW('name', function() {

// executing
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3

// OUTPUT: nothing (without exception)

// Creates a singleton instance.
var obj = SINGLETON('name'); = 'Peter';

obj = SINGLETON('name');
// --> { name: 'Peter' }

// +v6.1.0
var arr = SINGLETON('myarr', '[]');

console.log(SINGLETON('myarr', '[]'));
// [1, 2]

// TRY(fn, [onErr])
// Creates safe scope
TRY(function() {
    // safe scope

// OR

TRY(function() {
    // safe scope
}, function(e) {
    // unhandled exception

// MAKE([obj], fn);
// Creates object scope
var someobject = MAKE(function(obj) { = 'Peter';
    this.age = 33;
    obj.great = true;

console.log(someobject); // { name: 'Peter', age: 33, great: true }

MAKE(someobject, function(obj) { = 'jComponent';
    obj.age = 100;

console.log(someobject); // { name: 'jComponent', age: 100, great: true }

// The method clones an object instance (deep)
// returns a new instance
// +v8.0.0

STRINGIFY(obj, [trim]);
// The method creates a JSON string from the object.
// {trim} optional argument (default: true) removes empty fields of string
// returns {String}
// +v8.0.0

PARSE(obj, [date]);
// The method parses JSON string (safe) into the new object.
// {date} optional argument (default: true) converts date fields to Date instance.
// returns {Object} or {null} (when the value isn't a JSON)
// +v8.0.0

Device Width

// returns: xs, sm, md or lg

Simple Media Query Evaluator

// MEDIAQUERY(query, [element], fn)
// "element" optional, default: `window`
// IMPORTANT: mediaquery are applied when is the window resized or when is the orientation changed
MEDIAQUERY('(min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1024px)', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // type: xs, sm, md, lg
    // new size

MEDIAQUERY('xs', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // "xs" extra small

MEDIAQUERY('sm', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // "sm" small

MEDIAQUERY('md', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // "md" medium

MEDIAQUERY('lg', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // "lg" large

MEDIAQUERY('xs, md, lg', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // multiple queries
// IMPORTANT: MEDIAQUERY with multiple queries returns ARRAY with ID of all queries because
// the method creates for each query own MediaQuery instance.

Remove media query evaluator:

// MEDIAQUERY() returns ID (Number)
var id = MEDIAQUERY('(min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1024px)', function(w, h, type, id) {
    // type: xs, sm, md, lg
    // new size

// Remove media query listener: "id" must be number


Operations are predefined functions. The operation can be executed automatically in the component attribute e.g. data-component-init="#operation-name".

OPERATION(name, fn);
// Creates the operation.

// Returns the operation.


OPERATION('get.users', function(filter, callback) {
    AJAX('GET /api/users/', filter, callback);

OPERATION('now', function() {
    return new Date().format('HH:mm:ss');

OPERATION('get.users')({}, 'db.users');

GET('#get.users')({}, 'db.users');


Waiter waits for a checker argument and if the checker value returns true then evaluates callback function. Time

WAIT(checker, callback, [interval], [timeout])
// @checker Function or String
// @callback(again) Function (again(sleep) --> is a function and sets new watcher for same condition)
// @interval Number default: 500
// @timeout Number default: undefined

WAIT(function() {
    return window.d3 !== undefined;
}, function(err, again) {
    // err can be timeout
    console.log('OK, D3.js loaded');

    // Re-calls this WAIT again with the sleep time
    // again(1000);

// is same as

WAIT('d3', function(again) {
    console.log('OK, D3.js loaded');

    // Re-calls this WAIT again with the sleep time
    // again(1000);


+v4.0.0 The method KEYPRESS is a great feature for e.g. filters. When a user types a fulltext search then you can create delay between sending data and user interaction.

// KEYPRESS(fn, [timeout], [key]);
// default timeout: 300
// default key: "fn".toString()

var count = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
    if (count++ > 100)    
    KEYPRESS(function() {
        console.log('When count will be great then 100');
}, 100);


Controllers don't know any special features. Their implementation is very simple:

// CONTROLLER returns initialization function.
var controller = CONTROLLER('users', function(patcher, arg) {

    // "this" === controller
    // "patcher" argument can replace only paths
    // "arg" additional init argument

    // Output: users.datasource = 1;

    console.log(patcher('{name}.datasource and {name}.{page}'));
    // Output: users.datasource and users.1
    this.getName = function() {
        return 'jComponent';

// Init controller
// Executes its declaration

// Get controller object

Additional usage

<div data-component-scope="users" data-component-controller="users-controller">
        IMPORTANT: in this element MUST CONTAIN some jComponents, otherwise the scope
        won't be initialized.
    ... A CONTENT ...


    CONTROLLER('users-controller', function(patcher, arg) {
        // this.path    --> scope attribute value
        // this.element --> scope element (jQuery object)
        //    --> controller name

        // OUTPUT: users.grid

        // OUTPUT: users-controller.grid

        // OUTPUT: users.grid

        console.log('SCOPE EXECUTES THIS CONTROLLER');


<!-- OR -->

<div data-component-scope="?" data-component-init="init_function">
        IMPORTANT: in this element MUST CONTAIN some jComponents, otherwise the scope
        won't be initialized.
    ... A CONTENT ...

    function init_function(path, scope) {



// Returns the component (Object) or components (Array) when the element contains
// multiple declaration of components.

$(document).on('components', function(count) {
    // New components are ready.

// Gets all components in an element
$(document).components(function(component, index) {

Special cases

Copy "data-component-path" to nested component


<div data-component-url="/templates/grid.html" data-component-path="grid.datasource"></div>

Component /templates/grid.html:

    The library copies "data-component-path" and replaces "$" in
    a new template.
<div data-component="grid" data-component-path="$"></div>

    COMPONENT('grid', function() {
        this.make = function() {
            // It will be "grid.datasource"

Extending components

  • v5.0.0 offers a great way how to extend existing components:
COMPONENT_EXTEND('component-name', function(component) {
    component.element.append('<div>EXTENDED 1</div>');

COMPONENT_EXTEND('component-name', function(component) {
    component.element.append('<div>EXTENDED 2</div>');




jC.cookies.set('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', expiration);
// {Number} expiration = method sets days for the expiration
// {Date} expiration



// returns empty array (freezed)

// returns empty object (freezed)

// isMOBILE == {Boolean} is a global variable and detects mobile device.

// isMOBILE == {Boolean} is a global variable and detects robot/crawler.

// +v4.0.0 String.prototype.removeDiacritics();
var string = 'Peter Širka'.removeDiacritics();
// --> Peter Sirka

// +v4.0.0 String.prototype.slug();
var string = 'Peter Širka'.slug();
// --> peter-sirka

// String.prototype.padLeft(max, char);
// String.prototype.padRight(max, char);
// String.prototype.isEmail()
// String.prototype.isPhone()
// String.prototype.isURL()
// String.prototype.parseNumber([default]) --> default 0
// String.prototype.parseFloat([default]) --> default 0
// String.prototype.parseDate()   --> returns Date
// String.prototype.parseExpire() --> returns miliseconds
// String.prototype.toSearch()    --> returns string for fulltext search

// String.prototype.format(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...);
var string = 'My name is {0} and I am {1} years old.'.format('Peter', 31);

// Date.prototype.format(format);
var date = new Date().format('dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm');

// Date.prototype.add(value);
var dateA = new Date().add('5 minutes'); // adds 5 minutes to the current date/time
var dateB = new Date().add('-1 hour'); // substracts 1 hour from the current date/time
// supports days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds

// Number.prototype.add(value);
var number = 10;
console.log(number.add('10%'));  // --> 1
console.log(number.add('+10%')); // --> 11
console.log(number.add('+10')); //  --> 20
console.log(number.add('-10')); //  --> 0

// Number.prototype.padLeft(max, char);
// Number.prototype.padRight(max, char);
// Number.prototype.format(decimals, [thousand_delimiter], [decimal_delimiter])
var number = 1000000;
var format = number.format(2);
// 1 000 000.00
format = number.format(2, '.', ',');
// 1.000.000,00
format = number.format(0);
// 1 000 000

// Number.prototype.pluralize(zero, one, few, other)
console.log(number.pluralize('beers', 'beer', 'beers', 'beers'));
console.log(number.pluralize('beers #', 'beer #', 'beers #', 'beers #'));
console.log(number.pluralize('beers ##', 'beer ##', 'beers ##', 'beers ##'));
// The method replaces "#" for number.
// The method replaces "##" for number and applied number.format().

// Array.prototype.trim();
var a = ['', 'A', 'B', '', 'C'].trim();
// ['A', 'B', 'C'];

// Array.prototype.findIndex(fn);
// or
// Array.prototype.findIndex(property, value);
var b = [{ name: 'Peter' }, { name: 'Jana' }];
var index1 = b.findIndex('name', 'Jana');
var index2 = b.findIndex(function(obj) {
    if ( === 'Jana')
        return true;

// Array.prototype.findItem(fn);
// or
// Array.prototype.findItem(property, value);

// Array.prototype.remove(fn);
// or
// Array.prototype.remove(property, value);

// Array.prototype.scalar(type);
// or
// Array.prototype.scalar(type, property, [default_value]);
var arr = [0, 3, 4, 5, 6];
console.log(arr.scalar('range')); // { min: Number, max: Number }
console.log(arr.scalar('distinct')); // +v4.0.0 returns Array with unique values

arr = [{ age: 30 }, { age: 25 }, { age: 40 }, { age: 18 }];
console.log(arr.scalar('max', 'age'));
console.log(arr.scalar('min', 'age'));
console.log(arr.scalar('sum', 'age'));
console.log(arr.scalar('avg', 'age'));
console.log(arr.scalar('range', 'age')); // { min: Number, max: Number }
console.log(arr.scalar('median', 'age'));
console.log(arr.scalar('distinct', 'age')); // +v4.0.0 returns Array with unique values

//, array, [fields]);
var arr1 = [{ id: 1, name: 'Peter', age: 31 }, { id: 2, name: 'Lucia', age: 34 }];
var arr2 = [{ id: 1, name: 'Peter', age: 31 }, { id: 2, name: 'Anna', age: 34 }, { id: 3, name: 'Ivan', age: 26 }];

console.log('id', arr2));
console.log('id', arr2, ['age']));
// Output: { change: Boolean, redraw: Boolean, append: [], remove: [], update: [] }
// Arrays can contain: { oldIndex: Number, newIndex: Number, oldItem: Object, newItem: Object }

// Array.prototype.last([def])
// +v7.0.0
var arr = [0, 3, 4, 5, 6];
console.log(arr.last()); // --> 6
console.log([].last()); // --> undefined
console.log([].last('NOTHING')); // --> "NOTHING"

// Array.prototype.ticks(max, [begin])
// +v7.0.0
// The method can resize the large array to required size
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ];
a.ticks(3); // [2, 4, 6]
a.ticks(3, true); // [1, 3, 5]

// Array.prototype.attr([name], value)
// Creates attributes
// `undefined` and `null` values are skipped
var attrs = [];
attrs.attr('maxlength', 30);
console.log(attrs.join(' '));

// setTimeout2(key, function, timoeut)
// Clears timeout according the "key" (if exists) argument and registers new.
setTimeout2('refresh', function() {
}, 500);

setTimeout2('refresh', function() {
}, 3000);

// clearTimeout2(key)

Arrow function as string

var fn = FN('a => a + 1');
console.log(fn(1)); // –-> output: 2

var fn = FN('(a, b) => a + b');
console.log(fn(5, 5)); // –-> output: 10

var fn = FN('(a, b) => { return a + b }');
console.log(fn(5, 5)); // –-> output: 10

var fn = FN('() => 100');
console.log(fn()); // –-> output: 100

Tangular Helpers

Date formatting:

{{ created | format('yyyy-MM-dd') }}   :: {{ FIELD | format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) }}
{{ created | format('!yyyy-MM-dd') }}  :: "!" converts date to half day hours format (12 hours per day)

YY/YYYY - year
M/MM    - month
d/dd    - day

h/hh    - hours
m/mm    - minutes
s/ss    - seconds
a       - AM/PM

Number formatting:

<!-- price = 1234.567 -->
{{ price | format(2) }} :: {{ FIELD | format(DECIMALS, [SEPARATOR], SEPARATOR_DECIMALS) }}
<!-- OUTPUT: 1 234.56 -->

<!-- price = 1234.567 -->
{{ price | format(2, ',', '.') }}
<!-- OUTPUT: 1,234.56 -->

<!-- price = 1234.567 -->
{{ price | format(2, ',') }}
<!-- OUTPUT: 1 234,56 -->


{{ count | pluralize('no users', '# user', '# users', '#users') }}

### Async

Simple usage:

var arr = [];

arr.push(function(next, index) {
    console.log('FN 1');

arr.push(function(next, index) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log('FN 2');
    }, 1000);

// Array.prototype.async([context], [callback()]);
// context is by default: empty plain object.

// Second another example
var items = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];

// Array.prototype.waitFor(fn_each, [callback]);
items.waitFor(function(item, next, index) {
    setTimeout(next, 100);

Advanced usage:

var arr = [];

arr.push(function(next, index) {

arr.push(function(next, index) {

arr.push(function(next, index) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);

// arr.async([context], [callback(err, response)]);
// context is by default: empty plain object.
arr.async({ counter: 0 }, function(response) {
    // or
    // console.log(this);

+v4.0.0 Middleware everywhere

  • middleware for all setters
<div data-component="your_component" data-component-path=" #MIDDLEWARE1 #MIDDLEWARE 2"></div>
SET(' #MIDDLEWARE1 #MIDDLEWARE2', 'new value');

+v4.0.0 Async loading components

<script async src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script async src="jctajr.min.js"></script>
<script async src="ui.js"></script>
if (!window.jComponent)
    window.jComponent = [];

// jComponent executes each function automatically in `window.jComponent` when the jComponent library is ready
window.jComponent.push(function() {

    // This context will be executed when the jComponent library is ready
    COMPONENT('label', function() {
        // ... 

    COMPONENT('textbox', function() {
        // ... 


Reserved keywords

jC;       // shortcut for $.components
COM;      // shortcut for $.components
MAN;      // shortcut for the Component Manager

// jcta.min.js, jctajr.min.js:
Tangular; // shortcut for Tangular
Ta;       // shortcut for Tangular

// jctajr.min.js:
jRouting; // shortcut for jRouting
jR;       // shortcut for jRouting

// Special {Array} of {Functions}
window.jComponent   // for async loading scripts

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