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redash-toolbelt's Issues

Data sources migration doesn't work


I executed redash-migrate data_sources to migrate data sources for BigQuery from the hosted redash to the self-hosted redash. In reality, I am able to see the list of data sources on the self-hosted environment. But, the connection tests don't work.

Data-Sources (1)


It seems that redash-migrate check_data_sources looks good.

$ redash-migrate check_data_sources
You have entered 7 data sources into meta.json. Your source instance contains 7 data sources.

Check complete. OK
Saving meta...

Expected behaviors

The migrated data sources work without re-registering the credentials.

Question: Ordering the returned rows like in the UI


When performing the file mentioned here:

I am getting all the needed rows, but I do need to work on it more to sort them as I see in the UI.

My question is, is there is a possibility to get those results already sorted as I see in the UI?


And in the Python script, this is what I'm getting (unsorted like my initial query) :

Thanks for helping me out.

redash-migrate users "could not create user: probably this user already exists but is not present in meta.json"

Under the hood, this is the full error message including the exception:

Could not create user: probably this user already exists but is not present in meta.json 429 Client Error: TOO MANY REQUESTS for url:
   importing: 365880

I can see this kind of error was expected and this comment shows how this can be fixed:
#23 (comment)

However, even after setting RATELIMIT_ENABLED=False in redash (in /opt/redash/env for AWS AMI) I am still getting rate limited with the same message. What did change, however, is how many calls succeeded before getting rate limited. Before disabling RATELIMIT_ENABLED rate limit would kick in after creating 50 users, and after, it would start after creating 100 users.

Query creation at destination failed: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN with `redash-migrate queries`


I can't migrate queries with redash-migrate queries from the hosted redash to OSS redash v10.0.0, even though I was able to migrate data sources, groups, users and destinations. When I tested migrating the hosted redash to a local docker-compose of the redash repository, redash-migrate queries worked. However, it doesn't work on the destination instance in Google Kubernetes Engine.


  • Python: 3.8.12
  • redash: v10.0.0
  • redash-toolbelt: both of 0.1.7 and 0.1.6


$ redash-migrate queries
Import queries...
Query 172644 - OK  - importing
Query 172644 - FAIL - Query creation at destination failed: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url:
Query 173527 - OK  - importing
Query 173527 - FAIL - Query creation at destination failed: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url:

export dashboard example

I didn't see an example that allows exporting a dashboard (much like for export_query). I have made one. I can submit a pull request for it, if you want. It can export the full dump from the redash python handle or a condensed version that just shows the key elements and queries while suppressing a lot of other stuff like position information.

dougstarfish is my github acct.

Move the GDPR script into the repo

  • Update
  • Add the GDPR lookup script
  • Add an entrypoint in pyproject.toml for the script
  • Update PyPi
  • Update blog post to reference the library

export-queries: Include more metadata in the head of the file

The export-queries script was added to redash-toolbelt from an existing script. It writes for metadata to the top of each file in addition to the query text:

  • Name
  • Data Source
  • Created By
  • Last Modified At

It would be nice to write this metadata in a machine readable format (YAML probably). And to write all of the metadata available including:

  • Description
  • Tags
  • Last Executed At
  • Created At

Export users not working

getting the below error while migrating users from redash source version 10 ( on virtual machine using docker-compose ) to redash target version 10 ( on k8s ):

importing: 50
   importing: 51
Could not create user: probably this user already exists but is not present in meta.json
   importing: 52
Could not create user: probably this user already exists but is not present in meta.json

Only 50 users are getting migrated, after that it is giving the above error, tried again by increasing the below env variable which defaults to 50, but that also not worked:

throttleLoginPattern: 1000/hour

can anyone help with this issue ?

Migration Script: convert origin QRDS queries to destination


This issue only applies after #23 merges. When the migration moves objects from an origin instance to a destination instance, the object ID's are reset. For example <Query 45321> in the origin might be <Query 6> in the destination. But queries using the QRDS data source depend on the query ID's not changing.

I propose an additional step in the migration script that examines the text of QRDS queries and substitutes the correct query_id.

-- Before
SELECT * FROM query_45321

-- After
SELECT * FROM query_6

Redash configuration options on hosted redash to avoid out of memory?

I was hoping someone might be able to help me understand what settings were in place on the Redash hosted version, that we'd need to specify on our own version when we move from hosted to self hosted AWS.

I ask because we're running our instance on an AWS EC2 instance and any query that tries to return too much data creashes the whole instance due to out of memory. Apart from moving to kubernetes or something similar, it would be good to know if there was a setting on hosted that stopped these queries finishing.

Note we have already set REDASH_SCHEDULED_QUERY_TIME_LIMIT=120 and REDASH_ADHOC_QUERYTIME_LIMIT=120 and are using instance type r5.4xlarge.


redash-migrate "Script could not proceed because of a problem reading meta.json"

When I run redash-migrate data_sources, I get the following error message:

Script could not proceed because of a problem reading meta.json
Please run redash-migrate init before proceeding

And yes, I did run redash-migrate init and it produced a valid-looking meta.json.

I took a peek under the hood and it turned out this is the exception in the python script:

invalid literal for int() with base 10: '[email protected]'

This is what my meta.json looked like:

    "users": {
        "[email protected]": {
            "id": "[email protected]",
            "email": "[email protected]"

After changing it to look like this, redash-migrate data_sources worked:

    "users": {
        "1": {
            "id": "[email protected]",
            "email": "[email protected]"

But I'm sure something is not right. Why was my "user" not an integer?

Make honor parameter mappings.

The current script refreshes a dashboard's queries using their respective default parameter values. But if the default value from one query is mapped to the others then the dashboard will not appear to have updated.

Unclear how to run the examples

I think the can be more helpful on how to actually make use of the toolbelt.

I cloned the repo, installed poetry, ran poetry install but this failed because the lock file is probably out of date.

Creating virtualenv redash-toolbelt-KQO_4Cgq-py3.7 in /Users/frankie/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Installing dependencies from lock file
Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in pyproject.toml. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.

Because redash-toolbelt depends on click (^7.0) which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.

I ran poetry update and poetry install worked but it took me a while longer to figure out I need to run with poetry run python redash_toolbelt/examples/

If this is the right path I think the lock file and the readme should be updated.

Add "tables in use" example script

Should give a command to see which DB tables that are queried in a Redash instance.


  1. Can only work with SQL-style data sources
  2. Can't be exhaustive. i.e. it won't find tables not introduced with a FROM or JOIN statement (like OUTER APPLY in TSQL).

redash-migrate: show traceback on exceptions

When redash-migrate raises an exception, we catch it so that we can save the meta.json file. Then we print the Exception text to the screen. But the exception text alone is not useful, because it doesn't reveal where the script failed.

Automate PyPi release with GitHub Actions

I already published the initial version to PyPi to reserve the name. The steps to publish are:

poetry build
poetry publish

We need to automate this using GitHub Actions.

Migration Script: Convert csvurl format queries to csv/excel format


The primary users of the forthcoming redash-migrate command are users of Hosted Redash, which includes a data source called csvurl which is not part of the open source version. redash-migrate ignores these data sources and their queries as a result. But we should add a mapper that creates a CSV type data source. It should also convert the queries like so:

-- Plain text format used by csvurl

-- YAML format used by CSV

url: "

`Favorites - ERROR - list index out of range` with `redash-migrate favorites`


When I executed redash-migrate favorites, the errors appeared.

$ redash-migrate favorites
Favorites - OK - Imported 0 queries and 0 dashboards for orig user 364928
Favorites - ERROR - list index out of range
Favorites - ERROR - list index out of range
Favorites - ERROR - list index out of range
Favorites - ERROR - list index out of range
Favorites - OK - Imported 0 queries and 0 dashboards for orig user 365433

redash-migrate doesn't migrate dashboards

I'm trying to migrate all settings of an instance of Redash, but when i run the command redash-migrate dashboards, i get this error:

500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: http://localhost:5000/api/dashboards/edifici Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\.......\examples\", line 1233, in wrapped func(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\.......\examples\", line 752, in import_dashboards d = orig_client.dashboard(dashboard["slug"]) File "C:\.......\redash_toolbelt\", line 85, in dashboard return self._get("api/dashboards/{}".format(slug)).json() File "C:\.......\redash_toolbelt\", line 203, in _get return self._request("GET", path, **kwargs) File "C:\.......\redash_toolbelt\", line 214, in _request response.raise_for_status() File "C:\.......\requests\", line 960, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)

I run commands using the order that commands are shown in the output of the --help option and i'm using redash-migrate version 0.1.9 with 2 instance of Redash version 10.1.0.
Can you help me?

Add an option to skip user sync in destination instance with `redash-migrate users`


When I trid to migrate users with redash-migrate users, it doesn't work because a couple of accounts in destination instance exists. One is the first user when setting up the instance. The other twos exists in both, but they logged in using Google OAuth. The most important problem is the first user doesn't exist in source instance. So, we can't prepare for the account information in meta.json.

  1. Is there any way to skip such users to migrate?
  2. My proposal is to add an option to skip sync of some users.
$ redash-migrate users
Importing users...
CAUTION: Some users are missing from the meta.json.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
ERROR: not all users in meta are present in destination instance.
Saving meta...

The creator of migrated alerts are the account of `redash-migrate`


I run redash-migrate alerts with a test environment from the hosted redash, the creator of migrated alerts are the account of redash-migrate, not the original creators. In the case below, I created the test account to migrate whose name is redash-admin.


Expected behaviors

The creators have to be the same as those in the original environment.

Redash-migrate not migrating queries and dashboard


I am using Redash-migrate to migrate the Redash settings from existing instance to another , though the users , datasources and alert destinations are migrated successfully but it is giving error on queries and dashboard migration:

Queries error:

Query 1201 - OK  - importing
Query 1201 - FAIL - Query creation at destination failed: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url: https://redash/api/queries

Dashboard error

Importing dashboards...
Dashboard sales - SKIP - Already imported
importing: report
403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url: https://redash/api/dashboards
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redash_toolbelt/examples/", line 1233, in wrapped
func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redash_toolbelt/examples/", line 767, in import_dashboards
new_dashboard = user_client.create_dashboard(d["name"])
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redash_toolbelt/", line 91, in create_dashboard
return self._post("api/dashboards", json={"name": name}).json()
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redash_toolbelt/", line 206, in _post
return self._request("POST", path, **kwargs)
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redash_toolbelt/", line 214, in _request
File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 960, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN for url: https://redash/api/dashboards
Saving meta...

The thing to note here is , only one dashboard and one query is migrated here and is giving error for rest of the queries and dashboard.

redash-migrate: command not found

$ uname -a
Linux redash 4.15.0-158-generic #166-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 19:37:52 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ pip install --upgrade redash-toolbelt
Requirement already up-to-date: redash-toolbelt in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: requests<3.0.0,>=2.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from redash-toolbelt)
Requirement already up-to-date: click<8.0,>=7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from redash-toolbelt)
Requirement already up-to-date: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0; python_version >= "3" in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.22.0->redash-toolbelt)
Requirement already up-to-date: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.22.0->redash-toolbelt)
Requirement already up-to-date: idna<4,>=2.5; python_version >= "3" in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.22.0->redash-toolbelt)
Requirement already up-to-date: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.22.0->redash-toolbelt

$ redash-migrate --version
redash-migrate: command not found

Migrated Self Hosted Server Is Bit Slow

Hi, We have successfully migrated to a new server but the new server is working really slow. Queries are taking more time than
How can we decrease the run time of queries on the new server?

Refresh API with date range parameter

If I try get data by date range parameters like below:


i use get_fresh_query_result(redash_url, query_id, api_key, params) api and build params like that :

params = {'p_train_id': 'xxx',
              'p_depature_date.start': '2020-07-01',
              'p_depature_date.end': '2020-07-02'}

but it can not work , i see the request detail it's that:

FROM train_time_table
WHERE train_id = 'xxx'
  AND depature_date >= ''
  AND depature_date <= ''
ORDER BY start_time DESC

how can i build the request params for date range parameters

redash-migrate: some settings are not migrated

In our case, some stuff in the settings were not migrated over.

To be more specific, checkboxes under "Feature Flags" and domains under "Allowed Google Apps Domains" were not migrated.

I don't think this is a big deal, but it might surprise some people.

Update gdpr-scrub to accept multiple email addresses

It's time-consuming to scrub data from a large Redash instance (500+) queries. gdpr-scrub is an O(N) operation. We can drop it to approximately O(1) by allowing it to check for multiple email addresses in the same pass.

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