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Getting started with MHCflurry

IEDB database:

One usually tries to train on IEDB 2009 and test on IEDB 2013

Link for IEDB 2009:

Link for IEDB 2013:

Data loading and preparation

df = pd.read_table("data.txt")

loads data into data the frame df


shows you list of the 11 most frequent alleles.


loads HLA-A-0201 data into a new dataframe df_h (in case you are working on allele-specific predictor)


log-transforms the labels into [0,1] values.

Amino acid encoding

  • Index encoding
from mhcflurry.amino_acid import common_amino_acids

if you want to have a look at here is the link:

def amino_acid_encoding(s, maxlen):
    a = 1+common_amino_acids.index_encoding([s],len(s)).flatten()
    return np.concatenate([a, np.zeros(maxlen-len(a),dtype=int)])

transforms peptide sequence string into integer vector, where empty is sent to 0, A is sent to 1 etc All vectors are of same length namely the length of the longest peptide sequence in the list aka maxlen, here it is 15.

df_h['encoded_peptides'] = df_h.sequence.apply(lambda seq: amino_acid_encoding(seq, max_len))

applies it to every peptide sequence in the data frame, where


is the maximum length of all peptides in the data.

  • Hotshot encoding
  • MHC sequence encoding
not sure though how to properly read this one in

  • MHC pseudo-sequence encoding
  • PFR (peptide flanking region) encoding
  • C- terminal encoding
  • N- terminal encoding
  • BLOSUM encoding
  • Conventional sparse encoding
  • 9 mer reduction encoding
  • Peptide length encoding
df_h['peptide_length'] = df_h['sequence'].str.len()

creates a new column with respective peptide lengths.

  • stability (NetMHCstab)
  • cleavage sites of the human proteasome (NetChop)
  • Which one is the best encoding method ? Advantages vs Disadvantages

Training / test split and cross-validation

X_train = pd.DataFrame(list(df_h['encoded_peptides'].iloc[train])).values
Y_train = pd.DataFrame(list(df_h['log_meas'].iloc[train])).values
X_test = pd.DataFrame(list(df_h['encoded_peptides'].iloc[test])).values
Y_test = pd.DataFrame(list(df_h['log_meas'].iloc[test])).values

The choice of variables train and test determine what training / test split one wishes to have.


  • Useful packages to load
from keras import models, layers, optimisers
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Embedding, LSTM, Input, merge, Convolution1D, AveragePooling1D, Activation, Flatten
  • How to compile a bidirectional LSTM in Keras
sequence = Input( shape= (max_len,), dtype='int32')
embedding_dimension = 100
embedded = Embedding(21, embedding_dimension , mask_zero = True)(sequence)

First we have to embed the sequences we wish to use as the input for our LSTM.
Recall that max_len is defined above as maximal peptide length in the dataset.

Note that mask_zero = True cuts out all the 0s and reduces the input integer vector to the largest zero-free subvector. One wishes to cut out the 0s before they get embedded as otherwise they get treated as amino acids and thus skew the result or performance. Also note that when using input vectors of varying length one cannot use a FFN straight away, as it requires to have vectors of same lengths, thats why the methods in Nielsen et al. use either only 9 mer peptides as inputs or some technique that reduces all non - 9 mer peptides to 9 mer peptides, which of course comes at the cost of a loss of information. Here we don't need to worry about having input data that has same length as we are using an LSTM and LSTMs can handle sequences of varying length. So if one wishes to compare the performance of LSTM and say 3-layer FFN one cannot do it directly, but either (a) reduce all peptides to 9 mers, or (b) compare only on 9 mers, or (c) have a FFN for each peptide length and then combine the output each a FFN in some way.

LSTM_hidden_layer_size = 80
forwards = LSTM(LSTM_hidden_layer_size)(embedded)
backwards = LSTM(LSTM_hidden_layer_size, go_backwards=True)(embedded)
merged = Merge([forwards, backwards], mode='concat', concat_axis=-1)

The 'Merge' layer supports a number of pre-defined modes:

'sum' (default): element-wise sum
'concat': tensor concatenation. You can specify the concatenation axis via the argument 'concat_axis', as we did.
'mul': element-wise multiplication
'ave': tensor average
'dot': dot product. You can specify which axes to reduce along via the argument dot_axes.
'cos': cosine proximity between vectors in 2D tensors.

You can also pass a function as the 'mode' argument, allowing for arbitrary transformations such as:

merged = Merge([left_branch, right_branch], mode=lambda x, y: x - y)


dropout_probability = 0.5
after_dp = Dropout(dropout_probability)(merged)

adds some regularisation to out LSTM via dropout with probability 0.5.

output = Dense(1, activation='hard_sigmoid')(after_dp)
model = Model(input=sequence, output=output)

finalizes the model with a single output layer. The choice of the activation function seems to be quite relevant for the overall performance. There are several choices for activation functions in Keras such as: 'softplus' , 'softmax', 'softsign', 'linear', 'sigmoid', 'tanh', 'relu', and 'hard_sigmoid'. see:

model.compile(optimizer = 'Adam', loss='mean_squared_error')

finally complies the model. There are several choices for optimizers:
'Adagrad', 'Adamax', 'Adadelta', 'SGD', 'RMSprop', 'Adam' and 'Nadam'

as well as several choices for the loss function:
'mean_squared_error', 'mean_absolute_error', 'mean_absolute_percentage_error', 'mean_squared_logarithmic_error', 'squared_hinge', 'hinge', 'binary_crossentropy', 'categorical_crossentropy', 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', 'kullback_leibler_divergence', 'poisson', 'cosine_proximity'.

  • How to train LSTM on batch
batch_size = 16
n_epochs = 100
epoch = 0
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
    for batch_idx in range(len(X_train) // batch_size):   
        model.train_on_batch(X_train[batch_idx * batch_size:(batch_idx + 1) * batch_size], 
                             Y_train[batch_idx * batch_size:(batch_idx + 1) * batch_size])
    train_pred = model.predict(X_train)
    test_pred = model.predict(X_test)

Note that by using X_train and X_test, we implicitly use " index encoding " as our amino acid encoding.

  • Evaluating LSTM performance via AUC

You might be confused why on earth I am talking about AUC, as this is only used for evaluating categorical output, whereas the log-transformed binding is continuous. Well, as it seems, there is a conventional binding affinity cutoff of 500 nM that distinguishes "binders" from "non-binders". Thus the definition of the following function:

def measured_affinity_less_than_500(Y):
    IC50 = 50000**(1-Y)
    return IC50 < 500

Note that the function is defined in terms of Y, a numpy array, which has the advantage of being more memory efficient.

The reason we use AUC is merely because it has been used in previous literature, and thus we can directly compare our results to previous results in the literature, and hopefully outperform them.

At the end of the second for loop in the batch training (cf. previous bulletpoint), one can add the following print statement:

print(epoch, batch_idx, roc_auc_score(measured_affinity_less_than_500(Y_train),train_pred), 

this gives you an overview what happens after each epoch. Note that the reason why used measured_affinity_less_than_500 is because roc_auc_score requires as a first argument a categorical 0-1 value, whereas the second argument can be continuous. Don't forget to include:

from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
  • How to add convolutional filter to our LSTM
  • How to add attentional mechanism to out LSTM

netMHC: history & state of the art

  • General overview:

A general overview can be found here:


  • netMHC-1.0

Sensitive quantitative predictions of peptide-MHC binding by a 'Query by Committee' artificial neural network approach. Buus S, Lauemoller SL, Worning P, Kesmir C, Frimurer T, Corbet S, Fomsgaard A, Hilden J, Holm A, Brunak S. Tissue Antigens., 62:378-84, 2003.

  • netMHC-2.0

Reliable prediction of T-cell epitopes using neural networks with novel sequence representations. Nielsen M, Lundegaard C, Worning P, Lauemoller SL, Lamberth K, Buus S, Brunak S, Lund O. Protein Sci., 12:1007-17, 2003

Improved prediction of MHC class I and class II epitopes using a novel Gibbs sampling approach.
Nielsen M, Lundegaard C, Worning P, Hvid CS, Lamberth K, Buus S, Brunak S, Lund O.
Bioinformatics, 20(9):1388-97, 2004.

conventional sparse encoding: 9x20 = 180 features
BLOSUM50 encoding: 9x20 = 180 features
Gibbs sampling: 9 features (optional: for comb II)

conventional 3-layer FFN with 2-10 hidden units

  • netMHC-3.0

Accurate approximation method for prediction of class I MHC affinities for peptides of length 8, 10 and 11 using prediction tools trained on 9mers. Lundegaard C, Lund O, Nielsen M. Bioinformatics, 24(11):1397-98, 2008.

NetMHC-3.0: accurate web accessible predictions of human, mouse and monkey MHC class I affinities for peptides of length 8-11 Lundegaard C, Lamberth K, Harndahl M, Buus S, Lund O, Nielsen M. Nucleic Acids Res. 1;36(Web Server issue):W509-12. 2008

  • netMHC-4.0

Gapped sequence alignment using artificial neural networks: application to the MHC class I system. Andreatta M, Nielsen M. Bioinformatics (2015)

9 mer reduction & conventional sparse encoding: 9x20 =180 features
9 mer reduction & BLOSUM encoding: 9x20 =180 features
deletion or insertion length of the 9 mer reduction
length & composition of PFR (peptide flanking region)
peptide length L: L \leq 8, L = 9, L = 10, L \geq 11

conventional 3-layer FFN with 5 hidden units

netMHCpan: history & state of the art

  • General overview

A general overview can be found here:

  • netMHCpan-1.0

NetMHCpan, a Method for Quantitative Predictions of Peptide Binding to Any HLA-A and -B Locus Protein of Known Sequence. Nielsen M, et al. (2007) PLoS ONE 2(8): e796. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000796

a) conventional sparse encoding for both: peptide and HLA pseudo-sequence
b) BLOSUM encoding for both: peptide and HLA pseudo-sequence
c) sparse encoding for peptide and BLOSUM encoding for HLA pseudo-sequence


conventional 3-layer FFN with 22-86 hidden units

  • netMHCpan-2.0

NetMHCpan - MHC class I binding prediction beyond humans
Ilka Hoof, Bjoern Peters, John Sidney, Lasse Eggers Pedersen, Ole Lund, Soren Buus, and Morten Nielsen. Immunogenetics 61.1 (2009): 1-13

Features: (same as netMHCpan-1.0: only extended to non-human alleles)
a) conventional sparse encoding for both: peptide and MHC pseudo-sequence
b) BLOSUM encoding for both: peptide and MHC pseudo-sequence
c) sparse encoding for peptide and BLOSUM encoding for MHC pseudo-sequence

Model: (same as netMHCpan-1.0)

conventional 3-layer FFN with 22-86 hidden units.

  • netMHCpan-3.0

NetMHCpan-3.0: improved prediction of binding to MHC class I molecules integrating information from multiple receptor and peptide length data sets Morten Nielsen and Massimo Andreatta
Genome Medicine (2016): 8:33


9 mer reduction of peptides & BLOSUM encoding of both peptides and MHC pseudo-sequence:
deletion or insertion length of the 9 mer reduction
length & composition of PFR (peptide flanking region)
peptide length L: L \leq 8, L = 9, L = 10, L \geq 11


conventional 3-layer FFN with 56 or 66 hidden units.


General overview

A general overview can be found here:



Sensitive quantitative predictions of peptide-MHC binding by a 'Query by Committee' artificial neural network approach. Buus S, Lauemoller SL, Worning P, Kesmir C, Frimurer T, Corbet S, Fomsgaard A, Hilden J, Holm A, Brunak S. Tissue Antigens., 62:378-84, 2003.




Reliable prediction of T-cell epitopes using neural networks with novel sequence representations. Nielsen M, Lundegaard C, Worning P, Lauemoller SL, Lamberth K, Buus S, Brunak S, Lund O. Protein Sci., 12:1007-17, 2003

Improved prediction of MHC class I and class II epitopes using a novel Gibbs sampling approach.
Nielsen M, Lundegaard C, Worning P, Hvid CS, Lamberth K, Buus S, Brunak S, Lund O.
Bioinformatics, 20(9):1388-97, 2004.


conventional sparse encoding: 9x20 = 180 features
BLOSUM50 encoding: 9x20 = 180 features
Gibbs sampling: 9 features (optional: for comb II)

conventional 3-layer FFN with 2-10 hidden units



Accurate approximation method for prediction of class I MHC affinities for peptides of length 8, 10 and 11 using prediction tools trained on 9mers. Lundegaard C, Lund O, Nielsen M. Bioinformatics, 24(11):1397-98, 2008.

NetMHC-3.0: accurate web accessible predictions of human, mouse and monkey MHC class I affinities for peptides of length 8-11 Lundegaard C, Lamberth K, Harndahl M, Buus S, Lund O, Nielsen M. Nucleic Acids Res. 1;36(Web Server issue):W509-12. 2008




Gapped sequence alignment using artificial neural networks: application to the MHC class I system. Andreatta M, Nielsen M. Bioinformatics (2015)


9 mer reduction & conventional sparse encoding: 9x20 =180 features
9 mer reduction & BLOSUM encoding: 9x20 =180 features
deletion or insertion length of the 9 mer reduction
length & composition of PFR (peptide flanking region)
peptide length L: L \leq 8, L = 9, L = 10, L \geq 11

conventional 3-layer FFN with 5 hidden units


General overview

A general overview can be found here:



NetMHCpan, a Method for Quantitative Predictions of Peptide Binding to Any HLA-A and -B Locus Protein of Known Sequence. Nielsen M, et al. (2007) PLoS ONE 2(8): e796. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000796


a) conventional sparse encoding for both: peptide and HLA pseudo-sequence
b) BLOSUM encoding for both: peptide and HLA pseudo-sequence
c) sparse encoding for peptide and BLOSUM encoding for HLA pseudo-sequence


conventional 3-layer FFN with 22-86 hidden units



NetMHCpan - MHC class I binding prediction beyond humans
Ilka Hoof, Bjoern Peters, John Sidney, Lasse Eggers Pedersen, Ole Lund, Soren Buus, and Morten Nielsen. Immunogenetics 61.1 (2009): 1-13


Features: (same as netMHCpan-1.0: only extended to non-human alleles)
a) conventional sparse encoding for both: peptide and MHC pseudo-sequence
b) BLOSUM encoding for both: peptide and MHC pseudo-sequence
c) sparse encoding for peptide and BLOSUM encoding for MHC pseudo-sequence

Model: (same as netMHCpan-1.0)

conventional 3-layer FFN with 22-86 hidden units.



NetMHCpan-3.0: improved prediction of binding to MHC class I molecules integrating information from multiple receptor and peptide length data sets Morten Nielsen and Massimo Andreatta
Genome Medicine (2016): 8:33



9 mer reduction of peptides & BLOSUM encoding of both peptides and MHC pseudo-sequence:
deletion or insertion length of the 9 mer reduction
length & composition of PFR (peptide flanking region)
peptide length L: L =< 8, L = 9, L = 10, L >= 11


conventional 3-layer FFN with 56 or 66 hidden units.

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