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porcupine's Introduction



Porcupine stands for Portable & Customizable Pipeline. It is a tool aimed at data scientists and numerical analysts, so that they can express general data manipulation and analysis tasks,

  1. in a way that is agnostic from the source of the input data and from the destination of the end results,
  2. such that a pipeline can be re-executed in a different environment and on different data without recompiling, by just a shift in its configuration,
  3. while maintaining composability (any task can always be reused as a subtask of a greater task pipeline).

Porcupine provides three core abstractions: serials, tasks and resource trees.


A SerialsFor a b encompasses functions to write data of type a and read data of type b. Porcupine provides a few serials if your datatype already implements standard serialization interfaces, such as aeson's To/FromJSON or binary, and makes it easy to reuse custom serialization functions you might already have. A SerialsFor A B is a collection of A -> i and i -> B functions, where i can be any intermediary type, most often ByteString, Data.Aeson.Value or Text.

SerialsFor is a profunctor. That means that once you know how to (de)serialize an A (ie. if you have a SerialsFor A A), then you can just use dimap to get a SerialsFor B B if you know how to convert A to & from B. Handling only one-way serialization or deserialization is perfectly possible, that just mean you will have SerialsFor Void B or SerialsFor A () and use only lmap or rmap. Any SerialsFor a b is also a semigroup, where (<>) merges together the collections of serialization functions they contain, meaning that you can for instance gather default serials, or serials from an external source and add to them your custom serialization methods, before using it in a task pipeline.

The end goal of SerialsFor is that the user writing a task pipeline will not have to care about how the input data will be serialized. As long as the data it tries to feed into the pipeline matches some known serialization function. Also, the introspectable nature of resource trees (more on that later) allows you to add serials to an existing pipeline before reusing it as part of your own pipeline. This sort of makes Porcupine an "anti-ETL": rather than marshall and curate input data so that it matches the pipeline expectations, you augment the pipeline so that it can deal with more data sources.

Resource tree

Every task in Porcupine exposes a resource tree. Resources are represented in porcupine by VirtualFiles, and a resource tree is a hierarchy (like a filesystem) of VirtualFiles. A VirtualFile a b just groups together a logical path and a SerialsFor a b, so it just something with an identifier (like "/Inputs/Config" or "/Ouputs/Results") in which we can write a A and/or from which we can read a B. We say the path is "logical" because it doesn't necessary have to correspond to some physical path on the hard drive: in the end, the user of the task pipeline (the one who runs the executable) will bind each logical path to a physical location. Besides, a VirtualFile doesn't even have to correspond in the end to an actual file, as for instance you can map an entry in a database to a VirtualFile. However, paths are a convenient and customary way to organise resources, and we can conveniently use them as a default layout for when your logical paths do correspond to actual paths on your hard drive.

So once the user has their serials, they just need to create a VirtualFile. For instance, this is how you create a readonly resource that can only be mapped to a JSON file in the end:

myInput :: VirtualFile Void MyConfig
	-- MyConfig must be an instance of FromJSON here
myInput = dataSource
            ["Inputs", "Config"] -- The logical path '/Inputs/Config'
	        (somePureDeserial JSONSerial)

somePureDeserial :: (DeserializesWith s a) => s -> SerialsFor Void a
dataSource :: [LocationTreePathItem] -> SerialsFor a b -> DataSource b


A PTask is an arrow, that is to say a computation with an input and an output. Here we just call these computations "tasks". PTasks run in a base monad m that can depend on the application but that should always implement KatipContext (for logging), MonadCatch, MonadResource and MonadUnliftIO. However you usually don't have to worry about that, as porcupine takes care of these dependencies for you.

This is how we create a task that reads the myInput VirtualFile we defined previously:

readMyConfig :: (KatipContext m, MonadThrow m)
	         => PTask m () MyConfig
  -- The input of the task is just (), as we are just reading something
readMyConfig = loadData myInput

This task reads the actual physical location bound to /Input/Config and returns its content as a value of type MyConfig.

So PTasks can access resources or perform computations, as any pure function (a -> b) can be lifted to a PTask m a b. Each PTask will expose the VirtualFiles it accesses (we call them the requirements of the task, as it requires these files to be present and bound to physical locations so it can run) in the form of a resource tree. PTasks compose much like functions do, and they merge their requirements as they compose, so in the end if you whole application runs in a PTask, then it will expose and make bindable the totality of the resources accessed by your application.

Once you have e.g. a mainTask :: PTask () () that corresponds to your whole pipeline, your application just needs to call:

main :: IO ()
main = runPipelineTask_ cfg mainTask
    cfg = FullConfig "MyApp" "pipeline-config.yaml" "./default-root-dir"

Running a Porcupine application

Once you have built your executable, what you will usually want is to expose its configuration. Just run it with:

$ my-exe write-config-template

if your main looks like the one we presented previously, that will generate a pipeline-config.yaml file in the current directory. In this file, you will see the totality of the virtual files accessed by your pipeline and the totality of the options^[Options are just VirtualFiles, but they are created with the getOptions primitive task, and their values can be embedded directly in the configuration file] exposed by it. You can see that by default, the root ("/") of the location tree is mapped to ./default-root-dir. If you leave it as it is, then every VirtualFile will be looked for under that directory, but you can alter that on a per-file basis.

Once you're done tweaking the configuration, just call:

$ my-exe run

and the pipeline will run (logging its accesses along). The run is optional, it's the default subcommand. Any option you defined inside your pipeline is also exposed on the CLI, and shown by my-exe --help. Specifying it on the CLI overrides the value set in the yaml config file.

Philosophy of use

Porcupine's intent is to make it easy to cleanly separate the work between 3 persons:

  • The storage developer will be in charge of determining how the data gets read and written in the end. He will target the serials framework, and propose new datatypes (data frames, matrices, vectors, trees, etc.) and ways to write and read them to the various storage technologies.
  • The scientist will determine how to carry out the data analyses, extract some sense out of the data, run simulations based on that data, etc. He doesn't have to know how the data is represented, just that it exists. She just reuses the serials written by the storage developper and targets the tasks framework.
  • The devops work will start once we need to bump things up a bit. Once we have iterated several times over our analyses and simulations and want to have things running in a bigger scale, then it's time for the pipeline to move from the scientist's puny laptop and go bigger. This is time to "patch" the pipeline, make it run in different context, in the cloud, behind a scheduler, as jobs in a task queue reading its inputs from all kinds of databases. The devops will target the resource tree framework (possibly without ever recompiling the pipeline, only by adjusting its configuration from the outside)

Of course, these people can be the same person, and you don't need to plan on runnning anything in the cloud to start benefiting from porcupine. But we want to support workflows where these three persons are distinct people, each one with her different set of skills.

Walking through an example

Let's have a look at example1. It carries out a very simple analysis: counting the number of times each letter of the alphabet appears in some users' first name and last name. Each user data is read from a json file specific to that user named User-{userId}.json, and the result for that user is written to another json file named Analysis-{userId}.json. This very basic process is repeated once per user ID to consider.

Let's build and run that example. In a fresh clone and from the root directory of porcupine:

$ stack build porcupine-core:example1
$ stack exec example1 -- write-config-template

You will see that it wrote a porcupine.yaml file in the current folder. Let's open it:

variables: {}
    users: 0
  Inputs: {}
  Outputs: {}
  /Inputs/User: _-{userId}.json
  /: porcupine-core/examples/data
  /Outputs/Analysis: _-{userId}.json

The data: section contains one bit of information here: the users: field, corresponding to ranges of user IDs to consider. By default, we just consider user #0. But you could write something like:

    users: [0..10,50..60,90..100]

Meaning that we'd process users from #0 to #10, then users from #50 to #60, then users from #90 to #100.

You can alter the YAML and then run the example with:

$ stack exec example1

And you'll see it computes and writes an analysis of all the required users (although it will fail if you ask for user IDs for which we do not have input files). Have a look at the output folder (porcupine-core/examples/data/Outputs by default).

Then you see the locations: section. Look at the /: location, it's the default root under which every file we be looked for and written, and example1 by default binds it to porcupine-core/examples/data.

Let's have a look at the other two lines:

  /Inputs/User: _-{userId}.json
  /Outputs/Analysis: _-{userId}.json

You can see here the default mappings for the two virtual files /Inputs/User and /Ouputs/Analysis that are used by example1. Wait. TWO virtual files? But we mentioned earlier that there were many user files to read and just as many analysis files to write? Indeed, but these are just several occurences of the same two VirtualFiles. You'll see in the code of example1 that the task conducing the analysis on one user doesn't even know that several users might exist, let alone where these users' files are. It just says "I want a user" (one VirtualFile, to be read) and "I output an analysis" (one VirtualFile, to be written). But more on that later.

You can also notice that there is no difference between input and output files here. The syntax to bind them to physical locations is the same. Although the syntax of the mappings probably requires a bit of explaining:

  • The underscore sign at the beginning of a physical location means we want to inherit the path instead of specifying it entirely. It means that the path under which we will look for the file is to be derived from the rest of the bindings:
    • /Inputs/User is "located" under the virtual folder /Inputs
    • /Inputs isn't explicitly mapped to any physical folder here. However, it is itself "located" under /
    • / is bound to a physical folder, porcupine-core/examples/data
    • then /Inputs is bound to porcupine-core/examples/data/Inputs
    • and /Inputs/User is bound to porcupine-core/examples/data/Inputs/User-{userId}.json.
  • As you may have guessed, the {...} syntax denotes a variable, it's a part of the file path that will depend on some context (here, the ID of the user that is being analyzed).

Let's know have a look at the code of example1 (types have been eluded for brevity but they are in the source):

userFile = dataSource ["Inputs", "User"]
                      (somePureDeserial JSONSerial)

analysisFile = dataSink ["Outputs", "Analysis"]
                        (somePureSerial JSONSerial)

computeAnalysis (User name surname _) = Analysis $
  HM.fromListWith (+) $ [(c,1) | c <- T.unpack name]
                     ++ [(c,1) | c <- T.unpack surname]

analyseOneUser =
  loadData userFile >>> arr computeAnalysis >>> writeData analysisFile

We declare our source, our sink, a pure function to conduct the analysis, and then a very simple pipeline that will bind all of that together.

At this point, if we were to directly run analyseOneUser as a task, we wouldn't be able to make it run over all the users. As is, it would try to access porcupine-core/examples/data/Inputs/User.json (notice the variable {userId} is missing) and write Outputs/Analysis.json.

This is not what we want. That's why we'll declare another task on top of that:

mainTask =
  getOption ["Settings"] (docField @"users" (oneIndex (0::Int)) "The user ids to load")
  >>> arr enumIndices
  >>> parMapTask_ (repIndex "userId") analyseOneUser

Here, we will first declare a record of one option field (that's why we use getOption here, singular). This record is also a VirtualFile we want to read, so it has to have a virtual path (here, /Settings). The field is created with docField (notice that the extension TypeApplications is used here), and, as we saw earlier in the yaml config, it is named users and has a default value of just one ID, zero. oneIndex returns a value of type IndexRange, and therefore that's what getOption will give us. But really any type could be used here, as long as this type instanciates ToJSON and FromJSON (so we can embed it in the YAML config file).

getOption's output will thus be list of ranges (tuples). We transform it to a flat list of every ID to consider with enumIndices, and finally we map (in parallel) over that list with parMapTask_, repeating our analyseOneUser once per user ID in input. Note the repIndex "userId": this creates a repetition index. Every function that repeats tasks in porcupine will take one, and this is where the {userId} variable that we saw in the YAML config comes from. It works first by changing the default mappings of the VirtualFiles accessed by analyseOneUser so that each of them now contains the {userId} variable, and second by looking up that variable in the physical path and replacing it with the user ID currently being considered. All of that so we don't end up reading and writing the same files everytime the task is repeated.

So what happens if you remove the variables from the mappings? Let's say you change the mappings of /Outputs/Analysis to:

  /Outputs/Analysis: ./analysis.json

well then, this means that the same file will be overwritten again and again. So you definitely don't want that.

However, you can perfectly move the variable any place you want. For instance you can reorganize the layout of the inputs and outputs to have one folder per user, with inputs and ouputs put side to side:

├── 0/
│   ├── Analysis.json
│   └── User.json
├── 1/
|   ├── Analysis.json
|   └── User.json
├── 2/

The configuration to take into account that new layout is just the following:

  /Inputs/User: Users/{userId}/User.json
  /Outputs/Analysis: Users/{userId}/Analysis.json

In that scheme, the Inputs/Ouputs level has disappeared, and the VirtualFiles specify their paths explicitely.

Specific features

Aside from the general usage exposed previously, porcupine proposes several features to facilitate iterative development of pipelines and reusability of tasks.

Options and embeddable data

To hammer a bit on porcupine's philosophy, our goal is that there should be the least possible differences between a pipeline's inputs and its configuration. Every call to getOptions will internally declare a VirtualFile, and is only a thin layer on top of loadData. That means that a record of options passed to getOptions will be treated like any other input, and can perfectly be moved to a dedicated JSON or YAML file instead of being stored in the data: section of the pipeline configuration file.

Conversely, any VirtualFile that uses the JSONSerial can be directly embedded in the data: section. Don't forget in that case to map that VirtualFile to null in the locations: section, or else the pipeline will try to access a file that doesn't exist.

Location layers

Repeated tasks and VirtualFiles

Location accessors

Control logging

Porcupine uses katip to do logging. It's quite a versatile tool, and we benefit from it. By default, logging uses a custom readable format. You can switch to more standard formats using:

$ my-exe --log-format json

Create a custom serials bank

Adding pipeline wrappers

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