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graphql-stitching-ruby's Introduction

GraphQL Stitching for Ruby

GraphQL stitching composes a single schema from multiple underlying GraphQL resources, then smartly proxies portions of incoming requests to their respective locations in dependency order and returns the merged results. This allows an entire location graph to be queried through one combined GraphQL surface area.

Stitched graph


  • Merged object and abstract types.
  • Multiple keys per merged type.
  • Shared objects, fields, enums, and inputs across locations.
  • Combining local and remote schemas.
  • File uploads via multipart form spec.
  • Tested with all minor versions of graphql-ruby.

NOT Supported:

  • Computed fields (ie: federation-style @requires).
  • Subscriptions, defer/stream.

This Ruby implementation is a sibling to GraphQL Tools (JS) and Bramble (Go), and its capabilities fall somewhere in between them. GraphQL stitching is similar in concept to Apollo Federation, though more generic. The opportunity here is for a Ruby application to stitch its local schemas together or onto remote sources without requiring an additional proxy service running in another language. If your goal is to build a purely high-throughput federated reverse proxy, consider not using Ruby.

Getting started

Add to your Gemfile:

gem "graphql-stitching"

Run bundle install, then require unless running an autoloading framework (Rails, etc):

require "graphql/stitching"


The quickest way to start is to use the provided Client component that wraps a stitched graph in an executable workflow (with optional query plan caching hooks):

movies_schema = <<~GRAPHQL
  type Movie { id: ID! name: String! }
  type Query { movie(id: ID!): Movie }

showtimes_schema = <<~GRAPHQL
  type Showtime { id: ID! time: String! }
  type Query { showtime(id: ID!): Showtime }

client = {
  movies: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(movies_schema),
    executable: "http://localhost:3000"),
  showtimes: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(showtimes_schema),
    executable: "http://localhost:3001"),
  my_local: {
    schema: MyLocal::GraphQL::Schema,

result = client.execute(
  query: "query FetchFromAll($movieId:ID!, $showtimeId:ID!){
    movie(id:$movieId) { name }
    showtime(id:$showtimeId): { time }
  variables: { "movieId" => "1", "showtimeId" => "2" },
  operation_name: "FetchFromAll"

Schemas provided in location settings may be class-based schemas with local resolvers (locally-executable schemas), or schemas built from SDL strings (schema definition language parsed using GraphQL::Schema.from_definition) and mapped to remote locations via executables.

While the Client constructor is an easy quick start, the library also has several discrete components that can be assembled into custom workflows:

  • Composer - merges and validates many schemas into one supergraph.
  • Supergraph - manages the combined schema, location routing maps, and executable resources. Can be exported, cached, and rehydrated.
  • Request - manages the lifecycle of a stitched GraphQL request.
  • HttpExecutable - proxies requests to remotes with multipart file upload support.

Merged types

Object and Interface types may exist with different fields in different graph locations, and will get merged together in the combined schema.

Merging types

To facilitate this merging of types, stitching must know how to cross-reference and fetch each variant of a type from its source location using resolver queries. For those in an Apollo ecosystem, there's also limited support for merging types though a federation _entities protocol.

Merged type resolver queries

Types merge through resolver queries identified by a @stitch directive:

directive @stitch(key: String!) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

This directive (or static configuration) is applied to root queries where a merged type may be accessed in each location, and a key argument specifies a field needed from other locations to be used as a query argument.

products_schema = <<~GRAPHQL
  directive @stitch(key: String!) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

  type Product {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

  type Query {
    product(id: ID!): Product @stitch(key: "id")

catalog_schema = <<~GRAPHQL
  directive @stitch(key: String!) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

  type Product {
    id: ID!
    price: Float!

  type Query {
    products(ids: [ID!]!): [Product]! @stitch(key: "id")

client = {
  products: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(products_schema),
    executable: "http://localhost:3001"),
  catalog: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(catalog_schema),
    executable: "http://localhost:3002"),

Focusing on the @stitch directive usage:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
type Query {
  product(id: ID!): Product @stitch(key: "id")
  • The @stitch directive is applied to a root query where the merged type may be accessed. The merged type identity is inferred from the field return.
  • The key: "id" parameter indicates that an { id } must be selected from prior locations so it may be submitted as an argument to this query. The query argument used to send the key is inferred when possible (more on arguments later).

Each location that provides a unique variant of a type must provide at least one resolver query for the type. The exception to this requirement are foreign key types that contain only a single key field:

type Product {
  id: ID!

The above representation of a Product type provides no unique data beyond a key that is available in other locations. Thus, this representation will never require an inbound request to fetch it, and its resolver query may be omitted.

List queries

It's okay (even preferable in most circumstances) to provide a list accessor as a resolver query. The only requirement is that both the field argument and return type must be lists, and the query results are expected to be a mapped set with null holding the position of missing results.

type Query {
  products(ids: [ID!]!): [Product]! @stitch(key: "id")

# input:  ["1", "2", "3"]
# result: [{ id: "1" }, null, { id: "3" }]

See error handling tips for list queries.

Abstract queries

It's okay for resolver queries to be implemented through abstract types. An abstract query will provide access to all of its possible types by default, each of which must implement the key.

interface Node {
  id: ID!
type Product implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
type Query {
  nodes(ids: [ID!]!): [Node]! @stitch(key: "id")

To customize which types an abstract query provides and their respective keys, you may extend the @stitch directive with a typeName constraint. This can be repeated to select multiple types.

directive @stitch(key: String!, typeName: String) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

type Product { sku: ID! }
type Order { id: ID! }
type Customer { id: ID! } # << not stitched
union Entity = Product | Order | Customer

type Query {
  entity(key: ID!): Entity
    @stitch(key: "sku", typeName: "Product")
    @stitch(key: "id", typeName: "Order")

Multiple query arguments

Stitching infers which argument to use for queries with a single argument, or when the key name matches its intended argument. For queries that accept multiple arguments with unmatched names, the key should provide an argument alias specified as "<arg>:<key>".

type Product {
  id: ID!
type Query {
  product(byId: ID, bySku: ID): Product @stitch(key: "byId:id")

Multiple type keys

A type may exist in multiple locations across the graph using different keys, for example:

type Product { id:ID! }          # storefronts location
type Product { id:ID! sku:ID! }  # products location
type Product { sku:ID! }         # catelog location

In the above graph, the storefronts and catelog locations have different keys that join through an intermediary. This pattern is perfectly valid and resolvable as long as the intermediary provides resolver queries for each possible key:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  sku: ID!
type Query {
  productById(id: ID!): Product @stitch(key: "id")
  productBySku(sku: ID!): Product @stitch(key: "sku")

The @stitch directive is also repeatable, allowing a single query to associate with multiple keys:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  sku: ID!
type Query {
  product(id: ID, sku: ID): Product @stitch(key: "id") @stitch(key: "sku")

Class-based schemas

The @stitch directive can be added to class-based schemas with a directive class:

class StitchField < GraphQL::Schema::Directive
  graphql_name "stitch"
  repeatable true
  argument :key, String, required: true

class Query < GraphQL::Schema::Object
  field :product, Product, null: false do
    directive StitchField, key: "id"
    argument :id, ID, required: true

The @stitch directive can be exported from a class-based schema to an SDL string by calling schema.to_definition.

SDL-based schemas

A clean SDL string may also have stitching directives applied via static configuration by passing a stitch array in location settings:

sdl_string = <<~GRAPHQL
  type Product {
    id: ID!
    sku: ID!
  type Query {
    productById(id: ID!): Product
    productBySku(sku: ID!): Product

supergraph ={
  products:  {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(sdl_string),
    executable: ->() { ... },
    stitch: [
      { field_name: "productById", key: "id" },
      { field_name: "productBySku", key: "sku" },
  # ...

Custom directive names

The library is configured to use a @stitch directive by default. You may customize this by setting a new name during initialization:

GraphQL::Stitching.stitch_directive = "merge"


An executable resource performs location-specific GraphQL requests. Executables may be GraphQL::Schema classes, or any object that responds to .call(request, source, variables) and returns a raw GraphQL response:

class MyExecutable
  def call(request, source, variables)
    # process a GraphQL request...
    return {
      "data" => { ... },
      "errors" => [ ... ],

A Supergraph is composed with executable resources provided for each location. Any location that omits the executable option will use the provided schema as its default executable:

supergraph ={
  first: {
    schema: FirstSchema,
    # executable:^^^^^^ delegates to FirstSchema,
  second: {
    schema: SecondSchema,
    executable: "http://localhost:3001", headers: { ... }),
  third: {
    schema: ThirdSchema,
  fourth: {
    schema: FourthSchema,
    executable: ->(req, query, vars) { ... },

The GraphQL::Stitching::HttpExecutable class is provided as a simple executable wrapper around with file upload support. You should build your own executables to leverage your existing libraries and to add instrumentation. Note that you must manually assign all executables to a Supergraph when rehydrating it from cache (see docs).


The stitching executor automatically batches subgraph requests so that only one request is made per location per generation of data. This is done using batched queries that combine all data access for a given a location. For example:

query MyOperation_2 {
  _0_result: widgets(ids:["a","b","c"]) { ... } # << 3 Widget
  _1_0_result: sprocket(id:"x") { ... } # << 1 Sprocket
  _1_1_result: sprocket(id:"y") { ... } # << 1 Sprocket
  _1_2_result: sprocket(id:"z") { ... } # << 1 Sprocket


  • List queries (like the widgets selection above) are more compact for accessing multiple records, and are therefore preferable as stitching accessors.
  • Assure that root field resolvers across your subgraph implement batching to anticipate cases like the three sprocket selections above.

Otherwise, there's no developer intervention necessary (or generally possible) to improve upon data access. Note that multiple generations of data may still force the executor to return to a previous location for more data.


The Executor component builds atop the Ruby fiber-based implementation of GraphQL::Dataloader. Non-blocking concurrency requires setting a fiber scheduler via Fiber.set_scheduler, see graphql-ruby docs. You may also need to build your own remote clients using corresponding HTTP libraries.

Additional topics


This repo includes working examples of stitched schemas running across small Rack servers. Clone the repo, cd into each example and try running it following its README instructions.


bundle install
bundle exec rake test [TEST=path/to/test.rb]

graphql-stitching-ruby's People


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graphql-stitching-ruby's Issues

Issue mapping Enum values to keys in Composer.build_enum_type


First, thanks for writing this, the implementation is very clean and easy to walk through.

I have a case where I'm upgrading a pretty stale version of GraphQL and I've run into an issue with Enums. The project makes use of the value property on Enums to translate between GraphQL Enum "labels" and Ruby values, e.g.:

Enum.value('UNSPECIFIED', 'Unspecified value', value: 'none') will be UNSPECIFIED in the Schema, but if passed as a query argument, will appear as "none" in Ruby.

The issue comes up during introspection, when Composer.build_enum_type attempts to build the enum types.

On this line:
it is constructing a new EnumValue via EnumValue.value, but it passes the value as the first argument, rather than the graphql_name.

In my case, this causes two issues:

  1. Some of my Enum values are not valid EnumValue names, they are Ruby primitives or don't meet the naming validation rules
  2. Those that do pass validation are still detached from their original EnumValue which links the name and value together.

I experimented pretty thoroughly with different approaches to solve this, I was hoping I could achieve it by implementing a custom enum_value_class, but the necessary values aren't passed down. For now, I've resorted to monkey-patching build_enum_type, which gets the job done for my narrow case, but there's likely a better general solution. For my Schema, I don't have overlapping types, so I can reliably pick the first location an EnumValue was seen and pull the graphql_name off of that, which I've done by simply:

enum_values_by_value_location.each do |value, enum_values_by_location|
  # Getting the first location
  location = enum_values_by_location.keys.first
  # Getting the GraphQL name off of it, or falling back to original behavior
  graphql_name = enum_values_by_location[location]&.graphql_name || value
  enum_value = value(graphql_name,
               value: value,
               description: builder.merge_descriptions(type_name, enum_values_by_location, enum_value: value),
               deprecation_reason: builder.merge_deprecations(type_name, enum_values_by_location, enum_value: value))

Any tips or thoughts appreciated, happy to offer any addition info as needed.

Remote errors are not properly propagated to clients

When one of our location returns an error, GraphQL::Stitching::Client doesn't propagate that error and raises no implicit conversion of nil into Array (TypeError) instead at this line:

@executor.errors.concat(extract_errors!(origin_sets_by_operation, errors)) if errors&.any?

This is because that extract_errors!(origin_sets_by_operation, errors) is returning nil.

Looking at the implementation,


This flatten! is the crux. It can return nil, in case the operation did not modify errors_result.

Argument defaults are ignored during composition

From @mikeharty:

I'm not totally clear on whether "default_value" is officially supported in the GraphQL gem, but we are using it and it does work. It appears to be left out of the implementation here:

I've worked around this adding a merge_default_values function into the monkey patch I mentioned above:

def merge_default_values(type_name, members_by_location, argument_name: nil, field_name: nil)
  default_values =
  return nil if default_values.any?(&:nil?)
  if default_values.uniq.length != 1
    path = [type_name, field_name, argument_name].compact.join('.')
    raise ComposerError, "Default values for `#{path}` must be the same."

and I updated the code at the point I linked to conditionally add the default_value via kwargs if it has a value, so that it doesn't default fields to nulls that previously had no default (caused validation issues otherwise)

type = merge_value_types(type_name, value_types, argument_name: argument_name, field_name: field_name)
default_value = merge_default_values(type_name, arguments_by_location, argument_name: argument_name, field_name: field_name)
kwargs = {}
kwargs[:default_value] = default_value unless default_value.nil? && type.non_null?
schema_argument = owner.argument(
  description: merge_descriptions(type_name, arguments_by_location, argument_name: argument_name, 
                                                                    field_name: field_name),
  deprecation_reason: merge_deprecations(type_name, arguments_by_location, argument_name: argument_name, 
                                                                           field_name: field_name),
  type: GraphQL::Stitching::Util.unwrap_non_null(type),
  required: type.non_null?,
  camelize: false,

Support schema visibility controls

GraphQL Ruby supports visibility controls for selectively hiding parts of a schema from view. Stitching should be able to piggy-back on the GraphQL Ruby implementation of the feature to allow portions of the combined schema to be hidden. Visibility controls would make sense as directives structured similar to Apollo authorizations.

Support GraphQL v1.13

There's presently one failing test involving a late-bound type when running with GraphQL v1.13. Let's assess and fix/ignore to expand gem compatibility down to GraphQL Ruby v1.13.

Support foreign key → relation transform

GraphQL foreign keys are commonly handled as Product.imageId is here:

# -- Products schema:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  imageId: ID!

# -- Images schema:

type Image {
  id: ID!
  url: String!

However, stitching wants this schema to be shaped as:

# -- Products schema:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  image: Image!

type Image {
  id: ID!

# -- Images schema:

type Image {
  id: ID!
  url: String!

Rather than forcing services to be reshaped (assuming we even have ownership and are able to), it would be nice if stitching would handle the transformation of key fields into typed relations, such as:

# -- Products schema:

type Product {
  id: ID!
  imageId: ID! @relation(fieldName: "image", typeName: "Image", foreignKey: "id")
  # --> image: Image! // type Image { id: ID! }

# -- Images schema:

type Image {
  id: ID!
  url: String!

Variables with boolean value `false` are overwritten in Request.prepare!

In the Request class, the prepare! method applies default values to variables using conditional assignment:

operation.variables.each do |v|
  @variables[] ||= v.default_value

Unfortunately,false is falsey (obviously), so it is always overwritten with the value in v.default_value (which could be nil or true).

This is critical, I'd think, considering it can flip false boolean values to true if the default is true.

Script to reproduce (run from project root):

require_relative 'lib/graphql/stitching'
require_relative 'lib/graphql/stitching/request'

query = <<~GRAPHQL
  query($a: Boolean, $b: Boolean, $c: Boolean = true) {
    base(a: $a, b: $b, c: $c) { id }

variables = { "a" => true, "b" => false, "c" => false }
request =, variables: variables)

puts request.variables
# {"a"=>true, "b"=>nil, "c"=>true}

Fix is simple, I'll open a PR in a moment with the fix + a test.

Need async executor execution


The Executor currently runs request executions synchronously.

def exec!
  # @todo make this async
  next_ops = { _1[:after_key].nil? }

  while next_ops.any?
    next_ops.each do |op|
      # Each of these "next operations" should be run in parallel...
      # Also, each individual completion should trigger a next round looking for new operations
      # (we do NOT need to await all operations in this round before looking for followups)
      @status[op[:key]] = perform_operation(op)

    next_ops = do |op|
      after_key = op[:after_key]
      after_key && @status[after_key] == :completed && @status[op[:key]].nil?

We need to explore async options for running batches of requests concurrently. We'd ideally align with GraphQL Ruby's async implementation to avoid new dependencies, or match GraphQL Batch. Things to look at:

  • GraphQL Ruby dataloader docs
  • The GraphQL Interpreter, which is what all GraphQL::Schema.execute calls go to. All requests are multiplexed (single execution is just a wrapper for a multiplex of one)... and multiplexing uses GraphQL's built-in dataloader.
  • Might want to talk to @swalkinshaw about how GraphQL Batch gets its async event reactor. Following GraphQL Batch would be a good secondary approach.

All hashes should use string keys

The library does some work using hashes... this is because we want to facilitate serialization and deserialization of critical data structures (delegation maps and query plans). However, right now some parts use string keys and other parts use symbol keys... this is at odds with running JSON.parse on a cached structure and being ready to go.

While symbol keys look nicer, delegation maps have to use all string keys for name matching. It probably makes the most sense to use string keys everywhere. We could also potentially wrap some common structures like boundaries in Structs, but that just adds a step and more object creation, so I'm not sure it's worth it.

Extract batched stitching ids into request variables

At present, executor batching inlines all stitching IDs into their resolver queries:

query MyOperation_2 {
  _0_result: widgets(ids:["a","b","c"]) { ... }
  _1_0_result: sprocket(id:"x") { ... }
  _1_1_result: sprocket(id:"y") { ... }

This is not ideal because it creates high request cardinality, which may defeat some backend caches. It would be generally better if requests stayed consistent when possible and submitted keys as request variables:

query MyOperation_2($_0_key: [ID!]!, $_1_0_key: ID!, $_1_1_key: ID!) {
  _0_result: widgets(ids: $_0_key) { ... }
  _1_0_result: sprocket(id: $_1_0_key) { ... }
  _1_1_result: sprocket(id: $_1_1_key) { ... }

# variables: { "_0_key": ["a","b","c"], "_1_0_key": "x", "_1_1_key": "y" }

Arguments are dropped during composition

From @mikeharty:

# Getting double args sometimes... why?
return if owner.arguments.any? { _1.first == argument_name }

This line causes arguments to be dropped entirely - I haven't dug into the root of why the double args, but if I change that return to be next, my arguments stop being dropped.

I'm testing this against a reasonably substantial (~400 distinct types) schema and with these changes am generating identical schema to without stitching.

Need conditional type checks during execution


Requests are statically planned up front, which means that fragment selections may generate operations forking from types that are not actually resolved. We need to perform a type check after each execution and (recursively?) eliminate child operations that don't actually apply to the resolved type.

Need a Gateway component


The library is organized around composable pieces:

Composer -> Supergraph -> Planner -> Executor -> Shaper

These are intentionally discrete so that parts and pieces of the stitching workflow can be mixed and matched (ie: precompose and caching of supergraph, caching and restoration of query plans, etc). However, this makes the library difficult to use quickly out of the box. We need a Gateway component that rolls up a boilerplate workflow of all the parts and pieces into one unit.

Desired API

Should be easy to build a stitched gateway and use it to execute requests:

gateway ={
  products: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(movies_schema),
    client: "http://localhost:3000"),
  showtimes: {
    schema: GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(showtimes_schema),
    client: "http://localhost:3001"),
  local: {
    schema: MyLocal::GraphQL::Schema

gateway.cache_read do |key|
  $redis.get(key) # << 3P code

gateway.cache_write do |key, payload|
  $redis.set(key, payload) # << 3P code

result = gateway.execute(
  # Same basic arguments as GraphQL Ruby (
  query: ,
  document: ,
  variables: ,


This general workflow is mostly laid out in example/gateway.rb. Use that for reference...

  1. Run Composer during gateway initialization – make sure all location names are input as strings.
  2. Also during initialization, add provided clients to the composed Supergraph. A client is anything that responds to .call(). We should consolidate Supergraph's assign_location_url and assign_location_handler into one "assign_location_client" method that accepts any call-able object.
  3. The Gateway cache_read and cache_write methods should stash the provided procs as instance variables. These are not required to be set.
  4. Add an execute method, the signature should be a subset of the GraphQL::Schema.execute method. When invoking execute:
  • Generate a Document (stitching lib) from the provided document or query
  • Validate the document AST against the Supergraph schema. Format and return any validation errors.
  • Bonus: add a variable hosting routine to normalize the document.
  • If there's a cache reader, then generate a document SHA and request it from the cache accessor. Parse any returned results (currently requires JSON to parse with symbolized keys). If we have a cached plan, we can skip the next step.
  • Plan the submitted request document unless a cached plan was found.
    • If there's a cache writer, then provide the generated plan and the request SHA to the cache writer.
  • Execute the plan with provided query variables.
  • Pass the raw execution result to the Shaper (in progress).
  1. Needs tests.

n+1 / batching


I'm considering using this gem for a graphql-ruby / packwerk project. The idea of having in-process graphql stitching is compelling. I'm curious if you have thoughts about how I could avoid n+1 problems. I don't have a great understanding about how gateways / schema stitching tools handle this in general.

Feat: hoist inlined inputs


Input values embedded into a GraphQL document make that document unique and prevent it from hashing consistently when looking for a cached query plan:

query { 
  product(id: "1") { name }

A nice add-on would be a utility that traverses a request document and extracts input literals and hoists them up to document variables. Then no matter how the request was submitted, it will be subject to plan caching with a normalized body:

query($_hoist_0: ID!){ 
  product(id: $_hoist_0) { name }

# variables { "_hoist_0": "1" }

This normalization would be appropriate to happen in the Document object.

Composer directives for omitting elements

Similar to other composer libraries, there should be some controls for hiding elements in a schema. Specifically:

  • @private: field/argument is treated like it doesn't exist in a location schema.
  • @inaccessible: eliminates the field/argument entirely from the combined schema.
  • @override: prioritize an element from a given location.

Support for multipart form file uploads?

I recently added support for multipart form file uploads in the project where I've implemented this library. I've been debating whether or not it's something that would make sense to incorporate here.

My implementation has deviated pretty far in this particular area; I implemented a custom HttpExecutable in order to swap the client to RestClient (needed a proxy), and to add pre/post-request hook points to manipulate queries and responses. This is also where the multipart form handling happens, I'm using apollo_upload_server-ruby, which does follow the spec, but is a Rails specific implementation.

I say all of that essentially to say, maybe that's where this belongs, in a custom implementation, if needed. I figured I'd get your take before making that assumption. The thought also crossed my mind that maybe there's a plugin-style approach that would make sense. Let me know if there's any interest here, I'm happy to more formally propose a solution if there's an appetite for it, just wanted to gauge whether this feels messy/out of scope first.

Support field-level authorization

It'd be nice to formally support field-level authorization through the query planner, similar to other federation libraries. A few specs:

  • Unauthorized fields are simply filtered out of the request by default.
  • A setting opts requests with unauthorized fields into returning immediately with an error.

It looks like @mikeharty has been doing some auth work in his custom executor. Mike – any chance you could elaborate here with more on how the feature could/should work with what you're already doing?

Batch all queries to a location per execution frame

Right now, many operations may have the same after_key yet all target the same location on behalf of different insertion paths. This results in several requests made to the same service during the same execution frame. We should expand batching to write a single query for all of the different operations being delegated during a given frame.

Plan runtime directives, @skip and @include

At present, runtime directives are completely ignored by the planner. Need to:

  • Extract variables from all runtime directives while planning.
  • Confirm that runtime directives are passed through in subqueries.
  • Make planning operations aware of runtime directives on their root scope, and conditionally run operations when an entire operation can be ignored.

Consider renaming `@boundary` to `@stitch`

The @boundary directive is terminology borrowed from Bramble, and while I like it, it's not necessary to carry it over and is potentially confusing given that Bramble's boundary annotations work differently and are a lot more confusing.

Need Shaper component


Right now, a raw execution result is returned directly. This raw result has many possible inaccuracies:

  • Might contain stitching keys that were automatically added.
  • Might be missing requested fields rather than providing the requested field with a null value.
  • Needs to apply schema nullability constraints to the resolved payload.

We need a final-pass algorithm that traverses the original request, prunes extra payload fields, adds missing payload fields as null, and then bubbles nullability constraints up through the document tree. Same basic idea as the Apollo resultsShaper or Bramble bubbleUpNullValuesInPlace.

There's a dev branch setup for this work here:

Tests run using:

bundle exec rake test TEST=test/graphql/stitching/shaper_test.rb


The user requested this:

query {
  storefront(id: "1") {
    products {

But the raw execution result looks like this:

  "data": {
    "storefront": {
      "id": "1",
      "products": [
          "upc": "1",
          "_STITCH_upc": "1",
          "_STITCH_typename": "Product",
          "name": "iPhone",
          "price": 699.99,
          "nullableField": 1
          "upc": "2",
          "_STITCH_upc": "2",
          "_STITCH_typename": "Product",
          "name": "Apple Watch",
          "price": 399.99

In the above, the user didn't request the stitching keys, so they should be removed. They did request nullableField but a value only came back for one record, so the field is missing from the second and should be added as "nullableField": null. Lastly, we'd need to bubble up errors in place based on schema null constraints.

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