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xsd-reader's Issues

request for code style configs

  • a .editorconfig file would be handy for ensuring contributors have a consistent line ending/ indentation style (or at least those that use an editor supporting it) - handled in #20
  • having a config file for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer would allow you to have a reasonably well defined code style which if defined as it's own composer package could be shared amongst all of your packages (here's one I made earlier)
    • adding @Symfony with yoda conditions disabled.

If we're going with a php-cs-fixer config, I'd suggest going beyond a base symfony/psr-2 style & browsing the available rules, since there's some rules that aren't part of the "standard" sets, or there might be some rules you don't like (i.e. if you think yoda conditions are weird) that could be turned off.

getDoc() empty for Elements

Assuming an xsd node like

<xsd:element name="bewertung">
		<xsd:documentation>Container für detailierte Bewertungs Parmater</xsd:documentation>

the xsd parser returns always an empty doc for $element->getDoc(). I was able to fix this by just adding
$attribute->setDoc($this->getDocumentation($node)); in Schemareader->loadAttributeOrElementDef() in the else branch after $attribute = new ElementDef($schema, $name);

Is this behavior intended/is there a reason for not parsing the documentation for elements? If not, this would be a nice feature! I generate PHP code based on a given xsd and this would allow for some more useful class docblock :-) (see

I can open a PR if you consider this useful.

Replacement for goetas/xsd-reader?

If this is a replacement for goetas/xsd-reader, please add the following to the composer.json definition so packages that use xsd-reader as a dependency can use the new package.

"replace": { "goetas/xsd-reader": "2.*@dev" }

Spelling errors

you have spelling errors in the SchemaReader.php on line 535-538.
the i's are missing. has to be minInclusive, and so on ...

Having issues finding the default value

So I am parsing out a xsd file and everything is working awesome.

But I don't see anyway to grab the default value.

<xsd:element default="2000" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="port" nillable="false" type="integer"/>

Is there anyway to find that default value of 2000?

Required dev-dependencies


In composer.json, you can find these requires:


Lines 21 to 23 in a434167

"require" : {
"php": "^7.1|^8.0",
"vimeo/psalm": "^3.14"

Shouldn't psalm be a dev-dependency?

Currently, this is pulling in an older version of psalm, resulting in unwanted conflicts.

loadElement xs:choice $element->setMin(0)

i'm currently working on a project with OpenTravel-Data called Alpinebits.

(Sorry, i'm not 100% sure, if i am in the correct project because it could also fit better in the xsd2php project).

I am using xsd2php to generate the classes and the JMS-Metadata.

The problem is that a property has the skip_when_empty: true-Flag in the metadata-file und therefore the property is not serialized.

i checked it and found out that the minOccurs was set to 0 in this if-block:

if ($xp->query('ancestor::xs:choice', $node)->length) {

i think the xpath-query should only check the first anchestor (parent) or am i wrong?


<xs:element name="OTA_ResRetrieveRS">

        <!-- choice: Errors {1} -->
        <xs:element name="Errors">

        <!-- choice: Success {1} + Warnings {0,1} + ReservationsList {1} -->
          <xs:element name="Success"/>
          <xs:element name="Warnings" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:element name="ReservationsList">
                <!-- HotelReservation {0,} -->
                <xs:element name="HotelReservation" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_ResRetrieveRS xmlns="" Version="1.00">

Choise tag in ComplexType

Hello. I have a few problem with parse XSD. The first is SchemaReader Class doesn't have a opportunity to parse totalDigits, fractionDigits restriction. Becouse of that I create own class with almost content. And the second is ComplexType with choise tag parses like sequence, but didn't. Thanks.

Some servers answer with HTTP Status 500 without user agent set

Tried to convert the REQIF definition with xsd2php and got an error which is caused by xsd-reader:

> C:\webserver\php-7.0.8\composer.bat build

C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req>"C:\webserver\php-7.0.8\php.exe" "C:\webserver\php-7.0.8\composer.phar" build 
> xsd2php convert:php reqif.xsd --ns-map=;jfastnacht/REQIF --ns-dest=jfastnacht/REQIF/;src/jfastnacht/REQIF
    XML namepsace: => PHP namepsace: jfastnacht/REQIF
Target directories:
    PHP namepsace: jfastnacht/REQIF/ => Destination directory: src/jfastnacht/REQIF
Reading reqif.xsd

Script xsd2php convert:php reqif.xsd --ns-map=;jfastnacht/REQIF --ns-dest=jfastnacht/REQIF/;src/jfastnacht/REQIF handling the build event returned with an error

Warning: DOMDocument::load( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error
 in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webservices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758

Warning: DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webservices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758

  Can't load the file  

convert:php [--ns-map NS-MAP] [--ns-dest NS-DEST] [--alias-map ALIAS-MAP] [--naming-strategy NAMING-STRATEGY] [--] <src> (<src>)...

PHP Warning:  DOMDocument::load( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error
 in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webservices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758
PHP Warning:  DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webservices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758

  Error Output:                                                                


    Can't load the file  

  convert:php [--ns-map NS-MAP] [--ns-dest NS-DEST] [--alias-map ALIAS-MAP] [  
  --naming-strategy NAMING-STRATEGY] [--] <src> (<src>)...                     
  PHP Warning:  DOMDocument::load(  
  CHEMA/xhtml-datatypes-1.xsd): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! H  
  TTP/1.0 500 Server Error                                                     
   in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webser  
  vices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758                            
  PHP Warning:  DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external en  
  tity "  
  d" in C:\Users\fastnacht\PhpstormProjects\staffgraph-req\vendor\goetas-webs  
  ervices\xsd-reader\src\SchemaReader.php on line 758                          

build [--dev] [--no-dev] [--] [<args>]...

Process finished with exit code 1 at 13:53:33.
Execution time: 16.898 ms.

Composer build script:

"scripts": {
  "build": "xsd2php convert:php reqif.xsd --ns-map=;jfastnacht/REQIF --ns-dest=jfastnacht/REQIF/;src/jfastnacht/REQIF"

Fixed it with a comment on by adding:

$opts = array(
    'http' => array(
        'user_agent' => 'PHP libxml agent',
$context = stream_context_create($opts);


$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
if (!$xml->load($file)) {

Might help someone else with the same problem. This is just a quick and dirty solution if you need it right now.

Seemingly infinite loop

Hi, when I try to use the xsd reader as described in the readme and I try something simple, such as

$reader = new SchemaReader();
$schema = $reader->readFile($xsdName);
foreach ($schema->getTypes() as $type){

the output goes on and on and on. I would think there is an error somewhere in the reader, but can't figure out what it is, having seen this code for the first time an hour ago..

Schemas are valid.
The XSD I'm trying to read is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://localhost:8070/schemas/v1/endpoints/basic/sports.xsd" xmlns:v1="http://localhost:8070/schemas/v1/endpoints/basic/sports.xsd" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:include schemaLocation="../../includes/common/sport.xsd" />
  <xs:element name="sports" type="v1:sportsType" />
  <xs:complexType name="sportsType">
      <xs:element type="v1:sportType" name="sport" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:attribute type="xs:dateTime" name="generated_at"/>

and imports:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:include schemaLocation="urn.xsd" />
    <xs:complexType name="sportType">
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute type="sportUrnType" name="id" use="required"/>
                <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="name" use="required"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:simpleType name="sportUrnType">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:pattern value="sr:sport:[0-9]+"/>

forking out php-cs-fixer config

I've started running static analysis on xsd2php, and as mentioned somewhere back in one of the static analysis issues/prs on this repo you may recall I mooted the idea of the future possiblity of having a shared package for php-cs-fixer configs for the repos. as part of that work I've done a git rebase /filter on xsd-reader to create the composer-ready package

the repo includes a text file that lists the shell commands used to create the repo from this one.

what I'm hoping is that at your convenience you peruse the repo, then we arrange to transfer the repo over to you & we switch xsd-reader to use that package (as well as removing the repositories entry in composer.json on the xsd2php static analysis branch.

looking forward to hearing your thoughts :)

Global/Local element partial interpretation of formDefaultElement="unqualified"

Requests generated by soap-client may have missing namespace prefixes on some elements because of a misinterpretation of formDefaultElement attribute.

Please read this source about how elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault should be interpreted:


Setting this attribute to “unqualified” means all global elements from this schema must be qualified, and all local elements must be unqualified, when used in an XML document.

This article makes a difference between Global and Local elements, but it seems this library doesn't implement this difference.

Here's the WSDL that cause the issue:

It's related to an XSD using elementFormDefault="unqualified" here:

With this WSDL, when invoking IdentifySubject action, the generated request is missing the namespace on IdentifySubjectRequest node, causing a SOAP Fault from the server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
    <ns-4c7934d9:IdentifySubject xmlns:ns-4c7934d9="">

According to the Blog article, as elementFormDefault is set to unqualified in related XSD and IdentifySubjectRequest is a Global element inside the XSD, it should be prefixed.

When importing this WSDL in SoapUI, generated requests are valid with the namespace prefix on IdentifySubjectRequest and SoapUI can consume the web service properly.

I think this issue belongs to xsd-reader more than xsd2php, because xsd-reader could provide the global/local information on parsed elements, so that xsd2php can use this information to generate JMS mapping properly.

Create a new release

Could you create a new release. The getDefault stuff is not available. I would like to not use dev-master in my composer.json

re-enabling code coverage for scrutinzer

back in the static-analysis branch, I'd enabled tests & code coverage to run internally, but it was turned off at your request- we've seen recently that scrutinizer inspections have failed because it was waiting for code coverage from travis.

I've currently got a branch ready for re-enabling psalm tests on xsd-reader, but it's been stuck for 2 hours on the code coverage element.

Any chance we can re-enable tests & code coverage on scrutinizer?

ComplexType mixed="true"

Hi there,

is there a way to determine if a complex type has mixed set to true?

<xsd:complexType mixed="true">

Ability to identify element children either of complex or sequence or etc

Is there a way to identify if the children of the element are from sequence or choice or any other tag.
Right now, I am able to get the children but not the type. Is this in the scope of the project?
Here is an example.
` <xsd:complexType name="Parent">


        <xsd:element name="child1" type="wsg:child1" minOccurs="0" />

        <xsd:element name="child2" type="wsg:child2" />

        <xsd:element name="child3" type="wsg:child3" minOccurs="0" />



Basically, I would prefer If i could get that it's type sequence or choice or something similar.

Keeping the order of a mixed sequence


I'm currently working on a project where a complex type may contain a sequence of mixed types, i.e.

<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <element name="label" type="ns:labelType"/>
    <element name="text" type="ns:textType"/>
    <element name="select" type="ns:selectType"/>
    <element name="checkbox" type="ns:checkboxType"/>

The generated classes nicely group them into different attributes BUT I really need to keep track of the actual order of those in the XML I'm parsing. Is there any way to do this using xsd2php?

Progress Report Callback

This is more of an FYI than an issue or enhancement request, but it's here if you're interested. When testing to figure out the problem with #55 I had needed to add reporting diagnostics to the getDOM method... and I wanted to keep them, so I was about to add it to my local copy, when I ran into an unrelated issue involving getting the namespace data (including the prefix) from the data, and realized I needed to do it on all the imported files.

I realized I could make a more generic reporting mechanism that would let me handle this - there are now several places in SchemaReader.php in my fork of the code where it calls a reporting function, which does nothing unless the caller has set a reporting callback, in which case the reporting function forwards the report to the callback.

This was ideal for my use case - through it, I can now see a progress report, as well as extract all the namespace information from each XSD document as it's imported. I'm not sure if this is worth a PR as my use case was specialized, but it's in steve962@38dea60 if anyone is interested.

Request to support multi language xs:documentation annotations

Currently, if there are multiple language documentation tags in an annotation, they are concatenated together in one single line.
See attached screenshots. I'll submit a PR to resolve this, by adding a line break if there are multiple docs for a node.

Screenshot from 2020-10-16 11-43-55
Screenshot from 2020-10-16 11-44-26

UrlUtils::replaceSuperfluousSlashes incorrectly handles multiple sets

I was trying to parse a complex XSD hierarchy using the NIEM 4.2 standard which uses a number of subdirectories and multiple relative path levels, and it was failing to find many of the files. I tracked the problem down to the src/Utils/UrlUtils.php module, where the static method replaceSuperfluousSlashes() was the culprit. Given a path like:

/home/username/docs/xsd/level1a/level2a/level3a/../../../level1b/somefile.xsd would expect it to return:


...but instead it returns:


I resolved the problem in my situation by adding the following code to the beginning of the function:

        $rp = realpath($abs);
        if ($rp) {
            return $rp;

...but I'm not sure if that's the right fix for every case, since I'm not sure why realpath() wasn't used in the first place.

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