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fidi's Introduction

fidi (φίδι) -- Service Mock Application

The goal of fidi (φίδι) is to model some aspects of arbitrarily complex services, and simulate the behaviour of the service business logic (without actually containing any real business logic or complexity) in presence of external stimuli. Each instance of the φίδι (fidi) application can mock a node in the complex, client-server service that it is mocking. Different instances of fidi (φίδι) talk to other instances of themselves, like a snake (φίδι) eating its tail.

Getting Started

fidi (φίδι) should be available in any recent Debian based distribution, and should be installable as any other package. Alternatively, the latest version of fidi (φίδι) should be available on github at


For the packaged version, full HTML documentation lives in /usr/share/doc/fidi/html/. If you are building from source, the documentation lives in ./docs/html/ after the build is finished.

Use documentation is also provided in the form of manual pages. See fidi_lint (1), fidi_app (1) and fidi_request (5). In the source, these man pages live in the ./docs/ directory.


If you are using the pre-packaged version of fidi (φίδι), the prerequisites should be installed already. If you are planning on building it from source, the following packages are required:

  • autoconf
  • automake
  • A C++ compiler able to handle C++17 (gcc version 8, for example)
  • make
  • fex
  • bison
  • doxygen
  • graphviz
  • plantuml
  • libpoco-dev
sudo apt install build-essential autoconf automake gcc-8 flex \
                 bison doxygen graphviz plantuml libpoco-dev


If your distribution already contains fidi (φίδι), you should be able to simply install the package.

sudo apt install fidi

If you want to install from source, please see the INSTALL file for details.

Once you have run make, you can test the newly built package with

./fidi_lint src/input.txt

There is a rudimentary Dockerfile provided, that creates a full Debian Sid based docker image with fidi installed. You can create it from source by running

make docker-image-full

after the build has completed.

Bug Reporting

You can send fidi (φίδι) bug reports to [email protected].



Copyright 2018-2019 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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