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files.dart's Introduction



This package is deprecated. For a more full-featured replacement, see package:file or similar.


This package defines filesystem APIs that can be implemented for different environments such as dart:io, Chrome Apps, or network filesystems.

The API includes FileSystem, File and Directory classes with interfaces similar to those in dart:io, excluding synchronous operations and constructors.

All File and Directory implementations should not have public constructors, and instances should only be retreived via a FileSystem instance. This ensures that code that uses the interfaces defined here can work with any implementations.

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files.dart's Issues

unused import dart:async

unused import dart:async as Futures and Streams already implemented in dart:core as per Dart 2.1

Hard to understand which well known principles of programming you use.

abstract class HtmlFileSystemEntry implements FileSystemEntry {
  HtmlFileSystemEntry._(this._fs, this._path);

This class is an abstract class.
This class is a public class.
This class with a private constructor.

Public abstract class with a private constructor.

How can be called such programming techniques?

This technique only useful for the static classes.


abstract class Platform {

  static final int foo = 0;

This class is an abstract class (cannot be instantiated).
This class is a public class (cannot be used anywhere).
This class with a private constructor (cannot be instantiated).

What wrong with this approach?

abstract class HtmlFileSystemEntry implements FileSystemEntry {

class _HtmlFileSystemEntry implements HtmlFileSystemEntry {
  _HtmlFileSystemEntry(this._fs, this._path);

Of cource, if you really need HtmlFileSystemEntry interface.


I know that you (possible) like a Dartish way.
But Dartish way (beloved by ahe) are not a right way for the many serious programmers.

This is because, if your HtmlFileSystemEntry is an interface purpose type then it has a wrong design.

abstract class HtmlFileSystemEntry implements FileSystemEntry {
  final HtmlFileSystem _fs;
  final String _path;

  HtmlFileSystemEntry._(this._fs, this._path);

  String get path => _path;

Remeber: I cannot use it as an interface.

// Missing concrete implementation 
// of getter 'HtmlFileSystemEntry._path',
// getter 'HtmlFileSystemEntry._fs'
// getter 'HtmlFileSystemEntry.path'
class MyHtmlFileSystemEntry implements HtmlFileSystemEntry {

If I cannot use it as an interface then why it is a

  • Public
  • Abstract
  • Has a private constructor

Where is a logic?

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