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go-sev-guest's Issues

Deprecate QuoteProvider Product

As noted in Issue#108, separating the Product collection from the quote collection makes the interface pointier than it needs to be. Keeping this issue open to reference in TODO comments to remove client and verifier uses of Product during the migration to a custom entry in the certificate table.

warning/error when using embedded AMD root of trust

Hey, there is this warning that is a bit annoying when using the embedded AMD root cert:

ERROR: Logging before logger.Init.
WARN : 2024/01/08 11:42:54.739159 verify.go:501: Using embedded AMD certificates for SEV-SNP attestation root of trust

Actually, I think it is perfectly fine to use the certificate that is embedded in this library, and I don't expect the lib to throw a warning (and error) about something that is perfectly fine.

If you think the internal certificate shouldn't be used, I'd suggest to remove it completely and require callers to pass the certificate where needed.

Build fails on GOARCH=386

For some reason, depends on this package and causes build to fail on 32bits architectures:

../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/abi/amdsp.go:105:53: cannot use 0x100000000 (untyped int constant 4294967296) as SevFirmwareStatus value in constant declaration (overflows)

This is blocking the whole build and is a bit problematic.

A way to fix this is to modify

type SevFirmwareStatus int


type SevFirmwareStatus int64

I tested with GOARCH=386 go build ./... and confirmed there are no other issues preventing building this repository.

error querying certificate length: invalid argument

Im getting the below error when trying to obtain the report for the device using GetExtendedReport. What could be causing this?

error querying certificate length: invalid argument

So far Ive done client.OpenDevice() under the /dev/sev path to get the device. Then tried to call client.GetExtendedReport(device, reportData) which returns the above error.

Certificate chain gets overwritten when attesting

Currently, GetAttestationFromReport doesn't allow specifying a certificate chain, and fillInAttestation is private. Does this have any particular reason? Otherwise, one is not allowed to specify a partially present certificate chain (e.g. only ARK) and have the rest filled in. While changing adding an additional parameter to GetAttestationFromReport would be a breaking change, an additional method could be added (e.g. GetAttestationFromReportAndCertChain) to take both a report and a cert chain and fill in only the missing certificates, or the fillInAttestation method could be made public.

// GetAttestationFromReport uses AMD's Key Distribution Service (KDS) to download the certificate
// chain for the VCEK that supposedly signed the given report, and returns the Attestation
// representation of their combination. If getter is nil, uses Golang's http.Get.
func GetAttestationFromReport(report *spb.Report, options *Options) (*spb.Attestation, error) {
result := &spb.Attestation{
Report: report,
CertificateChain: &spb.CertificateChain{},
if err := fillInAttestation(result, options); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil

AMD KDS productName sometimes conflicts with host CPUID

This issue is to track the mismatch between cpuid(1).eax & 0xf and the VCEK certificate extension (productName). AMD EPYC 7B13 has stepping: 1, but the certificate claims Milan-B0, which corresponds to stepping: 0.

Until KDS fixes its CHIP_ID -> stepping/productName mapping, we need to skip the cross-check of stepping values from CPUID and the certificate extension.

Distribute binaries with new releases

We should be able to use Github actions to build the attest/check CLI tools and include them in their own release tarball. While it's not a signed package in a Google-endorsed package repository, it's something to reduce the cost of adoption.

Dependency glog leaks go routine

Using go-tpm-tools/client introduces go-sev-guest/abi as dependency. This in turn depends on glog which leaks as shown below. Sadly, glog is also unmaintained, so there's no way for us to provide a fix. Is it possible to replace glog with klog? The interface seems to be similar.

goleak: Errors on successful test run: found unexpected goroutines:
[Goroutine 19 in state chan receive, with*loggingT).flushDaemon on top of the stack:
goroutine 19 [chan receive]:*loggingT).flushDaemon(0x0?)
	/home/euler/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/glog.go:882 +0x6a
created by
	/home/euler/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/glog.go:410 +0x1bf

New GetRawQuote API fails if hypervisor does not call SNP_SET_EXT_CONFIG

Getting the extended report requires the hypervisor to call SNP_SET_EXT_CONFIG with the cert chain, before the corresponding ioctl can succeed.

If the hypervisor never does so (which is optional) the new GetRawQuote API is unusable, even if a report without cert chain is needed, since the request to get the extended report will fail.

In particular, the following error is returned when the certificate cannot be provided: error querying certificate length: unexpected firmware status (see SEV API spec): 6.
Maybe go-sev-guest can detect this error (INVALID_CERTIFICATE) and fall back to a code path without certificate chain?

Sharp edges when using GetQuoteProto when extended report is not available

Thank you for providing this library!
The verifier needs to know the product name to retrieve certs from KDS. This means it is best to exchange the Attestation proto that already contains this info. Otherwise, we need to hardcode the product name on the verifier side or send report and product name in a custom format.
We have an environment where the extended report is not available.
This means we can either issue reports using QuoteProvider.GetRawQuote and call QuoteProvider.Product and assemble the Attestation proto from that, or we call client.GetQuoteProto and see a large number of warnings:

โ”‚ ERROR: Logging before logger.Init.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            โ”‚
โ”‚ WARN : 2024/02/09 10:03:08.276541 abi.go:861: Warning: Neither VCEK nor VLEK certificate found in data pages                                                                                                                                                                                  โ”‚
โ”‚ ERROR: Logging before logger.Init.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            โ”‚
โ”‚ WARN : 2024/02/09 10:03:08.276791 abi.go:865: ASK certificate not found in data pages                                                                                                                                                                                                         โ”‚
โ”‚ ERROR: Logging before logger.Init.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            โ”‚
โ”‚ WARN : 2024/02/09 10:03:08.276809 abi.go:868: ARK certificate not found in data pages  

I'd be happy to contribute an API that works with only the report (not extended) and contains all the necessary info so it can be used on the verifier side without hardcoding a product name.
Please also note that we have seen some rate-limiting when querying the KDS from the issuer side, so that might not be a great fix for us.

Issue when running attestation on Genoa CPU

I'm currently trying out SEV-SNP attestation on a Genoa CPU, AMD EPYC 9124 16-Core to be precise.
I'm running into issues when verifying the attestation.

Using the following sample code, calling verify.RawSnpReport throws the error could not recreate attestation from report: unknown product name (new stepping published?): "Genoa"

package main

import (
	_ "embed"


var (
	// ask_ark_genoa.cert from
	//go:embed ask_ark_genoa.cert
	askArkGenoaVcekBytes []byte
	// ask and ark pem certificates from
	//go:embed ask_genoa.pem
	askGenoaPEM []byte
	//go:embed ark_genoa.pem
	arkGenoaPEM []byte

func main() {
	// Get report
	reportData := [64]byte{}
	quoteProvider, err := client.GetQuoteProvider()
	if err != nil {
	reportRaw, err := quoteProvider.GetRawQuote(reportData)
	if err != nil {

	// Set up verification
	genoaRootCert := new(trust.AMDRootCerts)
	genoaRootCert.Product = "Genoa"
	if err := genoaRootCert.Unmarshal(askArkGenoaVcekBytes); err != nil {
	if err := genoaRootCert.Decode(askGenoaPEM, arkGenoaPEM); err != nil {
	verifyOpts := &verify.Options{
		Product: &sevsnp.SevProduct{
			Name:            sevsnp.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_GENOA,
			MachineStepping: &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: 2},
		CheckRevocations: true,
		Getter:           trust.DefaultHTTPSGetter(),

		TrustedRoots: map[string][]*trust.AMDRootCerts{
			"Genoa": {genoaRootCert},

	// Verify report
	err = verify.RawSnpReport(reportRaw, verifyOpts)

Looking at the code, a map is used to determine the stepping of the CPU for which the VCEK was issued:


Lines 96 to 102 in f912a0a

steppingDecoder = map[string]*pb.SevProduct{
"Milan-B0": {Name: pb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_MILAN, MachineStepping: uint0},
"Milan-B1": {Name: pb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_MILAN, MachineStepping: uint1},
"Genoa-B0": {Name: pb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_GENOA, MachineStepping: uint0},
"Genoa-B1": {Name: pb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_GENOA, MachineStepping: uint1},
"Genoa-B2": {Name: pb.SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_GENOA, MachineStepping: uint2},

The VCEK I'm receiving from the AMD API simply contains Genoa for its productName certificate extension, so it never matches any of the values in this map.

Replace obsolete dependency

In abi/abi.go & verify/verify.go, the pborman/uuid library is used, but hasn't been updated in 4 years.

It adds little functionality, compared to the google/uuid library. Would it be possible to update the code accordingly ?

Deeply nested SNP Report type


currently the Report type does not parse the nested types it includes. For example the TCB versions included are parsed as uint64 and require another function to parse the included data from the field.

How do you feel about accepting a contribution that would change the existing Report type to a nested type that includes subtypes like TCBParts? It seems to me like this would change the layout of the lib in a few places, hence the question.


Is there a plan to support the legacy SEV report handling?

Hi there,

In addition to SEV-SNP, the legacy SEV also produces a guest report, even though it's coming from the hypervisor. The report from the legacy SEV can be obtained from ATTESTATION ioctl from the hypervisor, and it contains a signature from PEK. Is there a plan to support the validate and verify for the legacy SEV report in this project?

Malfunctioning SEV-SNP device results in nil-pointer exception

Hey there!

If abi.SevProduct() is called in a guest with a malfunctioning SEV-SNP device, this results in the cpuid() call to error with a nil-pointer exception as follows (line numbers based on v0.8.0 this library):

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x411ded9]
goroutine 170 [running]:
external/com_github_google_go_sev_guest/abi/abi.go:810 +0x19*LinuxDevice).Product(0xc00068c580?)
external/com_github_google_go_sev_guest/client/client_linux.go:124 +0xf{0x15728d0, 0xc000c59a10}, {0xca, 0xcb, 0x75, 0x2, 0xfd, 0x96, 0x8, 0x32, ...}, ...)
external/com_github_google_go_sev_guest/client/client.go:180 +0xf9

While I still need to figure out what in cpuid exactly causes this failure (haven't got to read into the spec of CPUID yet), I think an easy approach would be to recover from the panic and return an error in that case that could be passed on to the caller, which would lead to an early failure and thus be my personal favorite. Otherwise, falling back to the DefaultSevProduct might be an option too if the function's signature should be kept as is.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this and I will be happy to implement it!

Implement VLEK support

The VLEK key type was added in the API revision of November 2022 (primarily an AWS-requested feature), but we don't have proper support for the key type in our KDS cert validation or in the change to the 32-bits that include AUTHOR_KEY_EN. This issue should be closed when we have fake SEV device VLEK support, unit tests, cert chain proto representation of the cert type, and ensure that VLEK/VCEK keys are only acceptable for report types that embed that key type in the report.

While we could pun the VCEK field with the VLEK, it's not the cleanest solution. I think I'd prefer separate fields in the certificate chain representation.

Global certificate cache cause flaky tests

In the trust package, there is a certificate cache in the global state:

productCertCache map[string]*ProductCerts

This causes tests with multiple test cases to be flaky, as potential errors are not reached if a successful request was cached before and ClearProductCertCache() was not called. The certificate cache should rather be scoped to an object, implementing GetProductChain() as a method. If you are fine with this, I will implement it.

generating ID_BLOCK

do we have a tool to generate an id block?

unfortunately i can't really figure out the structure from the sev doc.

as far as i understand this

r.IdKeyDigest = clone(data[0xE0:0x110])

is the result of secure processor already doing its thing with the idblock and not the input format

Improve error when fetching certificates

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹

I was trying to use 0.7.0 in order to verify an SNP attestation report on AWS. I know now that VLEK is used instead of VCEK and found #67. I will comment there as well once I played around with it :)

While using 0.7.0 I got a somewhat confusing error. The error I got was timeout while downloading the VCEK. So I wasted quite a bit of time debugging (non existing network issues). What was actually happening is that the library was trying to fetch and AMD correctly responded with 404. Currently everything >300 is handled the same. I think we could narrow down the status code a bit and / or inform users about the underlying error while retrying.

AMD seems to honor the status codes documented in Chapter 4.1. So we could test for HTTP 429 and error early otherwise?

Let me know what you think. I am open to put in a PR as well.

ProductName: Unknown


d.Product() returns product name SevProduct_SEV_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN while I'm using model Milan for sure. Do i need to run a command like snphost import to set CPU id value for my guests?

deprecate functions to be removed

Last release announced upcoming removal of a set of functions from this module. However, those functions are not marked as deprecated in a way that common Go tooling can detect it.


To signal that an identifier should not be used, add a paragraph to its doc comment that begins with "Deprecated:" followed by some information about the deprecation.

About func GetExtendedReport()

Hi @deeglaze, I'm currently trying to embed this repo to my snp attestation workflow. When using GetExtendedReport(), it seems that i should first set ark/ask/vcek on host platform. So I have the following questions:

  1. How to get vcek on host? Since chip_id and tcb_version are required to derive vcek from amd sev kds. As far as I know, they are presented in attestation report, but the report cannot be directly accessed by host.
  2. How to set ark/ask/vcek on host? Is there any tool available now?(I found a rust repo snphost)

Verify guest report

How verify function needs to be run by having the binary report and which files should be provided, can you provide the example command?

Remove KDS clock skew when KDS back-dates certs

I reported the issue that #44 works around to AMD. They said they'll change KDS's behavior, but it may take a few months given everything else going on. Once the back-dating is in, we shouldn't need the skew behavior in PR44. We should keep the API signature changes though.

AMD KDS is queried with wrong TCB version

The library currently uses the CurrentTCB values of a report when querying the AMD KDS for the VCEK certificate, as opposed to the AMD SEV-SNP ABI spec, which says:

The firmware maintains a TCB_VERSION called the ReportedTcb. ReportedTcb is used to derive
the VCEK that signs the attestation report.

vcekURL := kds.VCEKCertURL(product, report.GetChipId(), kds.TCBVersion(report.GetCurrentTcb()))

When ReportedTCB != CurrentTCB, this results in a signature verification error when checking the report's signature with the VCEK certificate's public key here:

if err := vcek.CheckSignature(x509.ECDSAWithSHA384, abi.SignedComponent(report), der); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("report signature verification error: %v", err)

Product unclear from attestation report

When there are more SEV-SNP products than just "Milan", we'll need a way to determine what kind of machine produced an attestation report. This can either be deduced from the guest context at collection time through CPUID, an a priori option at verification time, or some unknown third option where we can determine the product from attestation report contents itself. This will be useful for collecting certificates from the KDS using just an attestation report.

TCB validation logic looks flawed

	min, err := kds.ComposeTCBParts(options.MinimumTCB)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("option MinimumTCB error: %v", err)
	if kds.TCBVersion(report.GetCurrentTcb()) < min {
		return fmt.Errorf("firmware's current TCB %x is less than required %x",
			report.GetCurrentTcb(), min)

This treats the TCB_VERSION as a single number instead of an array of lower bounds for each kind of SPL. This means the accidental position of one SPL can mask a version mismatch in a lower order version. For example, [2, 1] is greater than [1, 3], but you don't want to allow a lower SPL for the number on the right because the number on the left is higher.

We should treat the minimum TCB_VERSION as a piecewise minimum.

Deprecate "Product" where "ProductLine" is meant

There are some confusing field names with respect to what is meant by product, product name, product string, and the new "product line" term. This is an issue to track cleanup TODO comments after a sufficient deprecation period.

Remove self-throttling after 6.1 incorporates x86/urgent fixes

Liunx kernel 6.1 incorporates @pgonda's IV reuse crypto fix, which deletes the VMPCK when the host VMM returns any error. The x86/urgent follow-up to retry commands when throttled to avoid deleting the VMPCK is not in 6.1 yet.

While not a panacea, we can self-throttle in this library as a workaround until that throttling awareness fix is in.

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