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mount-zip's Introduction

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User Manual
mount-zip 1.0
April 2024


mount-zip - Mount a ZIP archive as a FUSE filesystem.


mount-zip [options] zip-file [mount-point]


mount-zip is a tool allowing to open, explore and extract ZIP archives.

mount-zip mounts a ZIP archive as a read-only FUSE file system, which can then be explored and read by any application.

mount-zip aspires to be an excellent ZIP mounter. It starts quickly, uses little memory, decodes encrypted files, and provides on-the-go decompression and caching for maximum efficiency.

The mount point should be an empty directory. If the mount point doesn't exist yet, mount-zip creates it first. If no mount point is provided, mount-zip creates one in the same directory as the ZIP archive.


--help -h : print help

--version : print version

--quiet -q : print fewer log messages

--verbose : print more log messages

--redact : redact file names from log messages

--force : mount ZIP even if password is wrong or missing, or if the encryption or compression method is unsupported

--precache : preemptively decompress and cache data

--cache=DIR : cache directory (default is $TMPDIR or /tmp)

--memcache : cache decompressed data in memory

--nocache : no caching of decompressed data

-o encoding=CHARSET : original encoding of file names

-o nospecials : hide special files (FIFOs, sockets, devices)

-o nosymlinks : hide symbolic links

-o nohardlinks : hide hard links

-f : foreground mode

-d : foreground mode with debug output


Mount a ZIP archive:

$ mount-zip mnt

The mounted ZIP archive can be explored and read using any application:

$ tree mnt
└── foo

0 directories, 1 file

$ cat mnt/foo

When finished, unmount the file system:

$ fusermount -u mnt


  • Read-only view
  • Instant mounting, even with big ZIP archives
  • Compression methods: deflate, bzip2
  • Encryption methods: AES and legacy ZIP encryption
  • Asks for decryption password if necessary
  • Detects file name encoding
  • Converts file names to Unicode UTF-8
  • Deduplicates files in case of name collisions
  • Unpacks files when reading them (on-the-go decompression)
  • Supports all file types, including named sockets, FIFOs, block and character devices, symbolic links and hard links
  • Supports UNIX access modes and DOS file permissions
  • Supports owner and group information (UID and GID)
  • Supports relative and absolute paths
  • Supports high precision time stamps
  • Works on 32-bit and 64-bit devices
  • Supports ZIP64 extensions, even on 32-bit devices:
    • Supports ZIP archives containing more than 65,535 files
    • Supports ZIP archives and files bigger than 4 GB
  • Supports ZIP format extensions:
    • 000A PKWARE NTFS Extra Field: High-precision timestamps
    • 000D PKWARE UNIX Extra Field: File type
    • 5455 Extended Timestamp
    • 5855 Info-ZIP Unix Extra Field (type 1)
    • 7855 Info-ZIP Unix Extra Field (type 2)
    • 7875 Info-ZIP New Unix Extra Field: Variable-length UIDs and GIDs

File Name Encoding

mount-zip is fully Unicode compliant. It converts the file names stored in the ZIP archive from their original encoding to UTF-8.

In order to interpret these file names correctly, mount-zip needs to determine their original encoding. By default mount-zip tries to guess this encoding using the detection feature provided by the ICU library. It can automatically recognize the following encodings:

  • UTF-8
  • CP437
  • Shift JIS
  • Big5
  • EUC-JP
  • EUC-KR
  • GB18030
  • ISO-2022-CN
  • ISO-2022-JP
  • ISO-2022-KR
  • KOI8-R

For example, when mounting a ZIP containing a Shift JIS-encoded file name, the encoding is correctly detected:

$ mount-zip mnt

$ tree mnt
└── 新しいテキスト ドキュメント.txt

0 directories, 1 file

This system is not foolproof, and doesn't recognize a number of popular encodings. For example, when mounting a ZIP containing file names encoded in CP866, they are interpreted as CP437 and rendered as Mojibake:

$ mount-zip mnt

$ tree mnt
├── äáΓá
└── ÆѬßΓ«óδ⌐ ñ«¬π¼Ñ¡Γ.txt

0 directories, 2 files

In this case, the user needs to explicitly specify the original file name encoding using the -o encoding mount option:

$ mount-zip -o encoding=cp866 mnt

$ tree mnt
├── Дата
└── Текстовый документ.txt

0 directories, 2 files

Name Deduplication

In case of name collision, mount-zip adds a number to deduplicate the conflicting file name:

$ unzip -l
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
       25  2021-10-29 14:22   pet/cat
       21  2021-10-29 14:22   pet
       30  2021-10-29 14:22   pet/cat/fish
        0  2021-10-29 14:22   pet/cat/fish/
       26  2021-10-29 14:22   pet/cat
       22  2021-10-29 14:22   pet
       31  2021-10-29 14:22   pet/cat/fish
---------                     -------
      155                     7 files

$ mount-zip mnt

$ tree -F mnt
├── pet/
│   ├── cat/
│   │   ├── fish/
│   │   ├── fish (1)
│   │   └── fish (2)
│   ├── cat (1)
│   └── cat (2)
├── pet (1)
└── pet (2)

3 directories, 6 files

Directories are never renamed. If a file name is colliding with a directory name, the file is the one getting renamed.

Encrypted Archives

mount-zip supports encrypted ZIP archives. It understand both the legacy ZIP encryption scheme, and the more recent AES encryption schemes.

When mount-zip finds an encrypted file while mounting a ZIP archive, it asks for a password. If the given password doesn't allow to decrypt the file, then mount-zip refuses to mount the ZIP archive and returns an error:

$ unzip -l
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
       23  2020-08-28 15:22   ClearText.txt
       32  2020-08-28 15:23   Encrypted AES-128.txt
       32  2020-08-28 15:23   Encrypted AES-192.txt
       32  2020-08-28 15:23   Encrypted AES-256.txt
       34  2020-08-28 15:23   Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt
---------                     -------
      153                     5 files

$ mount-zip mnt
Need password for File [1] '/Encrypted AES-128.txt'
Password > Got it!
Use the --force option to mount an encrypted ZIP with a wrong password
Cannot open File [1] '/Encrypted AES-128.txt': Wrong password provided

Providing the correct password allows mount-zip to mount the ZIP archive and decode the files:

$ mount-zip mnt
Need password for File [1] '/Encrypted AES-128.txt'
Password > Got it!
Password is Ok

$ tree mnt
├── ClearText.txt
├── Encrypted AES-128.txt
├── Encrypted AES-192.txt
├── Encrypted AES-256.txt
└── Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt

0 directories, 5 files

$ md5sum mnt/*
7a542815e2c51837b3d8a8b2ebf36490  mnt/ClearText.txt
07c4edd2a55c9d5614457a21fb40aa56  mnt/Encrypted AES-128.txt
e48d57930ef96ff2ad45867202d3250d  mnt/Encrypted AES-192.txt
ca5e064a0835d186f2f6326f88a7078f  mnt/Encrypted AES-256.txt
275e8c5aed7e7ce2f32dd1e5e9ee4a5b  mnt/Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt

$ cat mnt/*
This is not encrypted.
This is encrypted with AES-128.
This is encrypted with AES-192.
This is encrypted with AES-256.
This is encrypted with ZipCrypto.

You can force mount-zip to mount an encrypted ZIP even without providing the right password by using the --force option:

$ mount-zip --force mnt
Need password for File [1] '/Encrypted AES-128.txt'
Password > Got it!
Continuing despite wrong password because of --force option

In this case, the files can be listed, but trying to open an encrypted file for which the given password doesn't work results in an I/O error:

$ tree mnt
├── ClearText.txt
├── Encrypted AES-128.txt
├── Encrypted AES-192.txt
├── Encrypted AES-256.txt
└── Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt

0 directories, 5 files

$ md5sum mnt/*
7a542815e2c51837b3d8a8b2ebf36490  mnt/ClearText.txt
md5sum: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-128.txt': Input/output error
md5sum: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-192.txt': Input/output error
md5sum: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-256.txt': Input/output error
md5sum: 'mnt/Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt': Input/output error

$ cat mnt/*
This is not encrypted.
cat: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-128.txt': Input/output error
cat: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-192.txt': Input/output error
cat: 'mnt/Encrypted AES-256.txt': Input/output error
cat: 'mnt/Encrypted ZipCrypto.txt': Input/output error

For security reasons, mount-zip doesn't allow to specify the password on the command line. However, it is possible to pipe the password to mount-zip's standard input:

$ echo password | mount-zip mnt
Need password for File [1] '/Encrypted AES-128.txt'
Password is Ok

Symbolic links

mount-zip shows symbolic links recorded in the ZIP archive:

$ mount-zip mnt

$ tree mnt
├── date
└── symlink -> ../tmp/date

Note that symbolic links can refer to files located outside the mounted ZIP archive. In some circumstances, these links could pose a security risk.

Symbolic links can be suppressed with the -o nosymlinks option:

$ mount-zip -o nosymlinks mnt
Skipped Symlink [1] '/symlink'

2021-10-28 20:05:01 laptop ~/mount-zip/tests/blackbox/data (intrusive)
$ tree mnt
└── date

0 directories, 1 file

Special Files

mount-zip shows special files (sockets, FIFOs or pipes, character and block devices) recorded in the ZIP archive:

$ mount-zip mnt

$ ls -n mnt
brw-rw---- 1    0    6 8, 1 Aug  3  2019 block
crw--w---- 1    0    5 4, 0 Aug  3  2019 char
prw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000    0 Aug 15  2019 fifo
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000   32 Aug  9  2019 regular
srw------- 1 1000 1000    0 Aug  3  2019 socket
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000    7 Aug  3  2019 symlink -> regular
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000    7 Aug 25  2019 symlink2 -> regular
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000   32 Aug  9  2019 z-hardlink1
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000   32 Aug  9  2019 z-hardlink2
brw-rw---- 1    0    6 8, 1 Aug  3  2019 z-hardlink-block
crw--w---- 1    0    5 4, 0 Aug  3  2019 z-hardlink-char
prw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000    0 Aug 15  2019 z-hardlink-fifo
srw------- 1 1000 1000    0 Aug  3  2019 z-hardlink-socket
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000    7 Aug  3  2019 z-hardlink-symlink -> regular

Special files can be suppressed with the -o nospecials option:

$ mount-zip -o nospecials mnt
Skipped Block Device [0] '/block'
Skipped Character Device [1] '/char'
Skipped Pipe [2] '/fifo'
Skipped Socket [4] '/socket'
Skipped Block Device [7] '/z-hardlink-block'
Skipped Character Device [8] '/z-hardlink-char'
Skipped Pipe [9] '/z-hardlink-fifo'
Skipped Socket [10] '/z-hardlink-socket'

$ ls -n mnt
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000 32 Aug  9  2019 regular
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000  7 Aug  3  2019 symlink -> regular
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000  7 Aug 25  2019 symlink2 -> regular
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000 32 Aug  9  2019 z-hardlink1
-rw-r--r-- 3 1000 1000 32 Aug  9  2019 z-hardlink2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000  7 Aug  3  2019 z-hardlink-symlink -> regular

Hard Links

mount-zip shows hard links recorded in the ZIP archive.

In this example, the three file entries 0regular, hlink1 and hlink2 point to the same inode number (2) and their reference count is 3:

$ mount-zip -o use_ino mnt

$ ls -ni mnt
2 -rw-r----- 3 0 0 10 Aug 14  2019 0regular
2 -rw-r----- 3 0 0 10 Aug 14  2019 hlink1
2 -rw-r----- 3 0 0 10 Aug 14  2019 hlink2

$ md5sum mnt/*
e09c80c42fda55f9d992e59ca6b3307d  mnt/0regular
e09c80c42fda55f9d992e59ca6b3307d  mnt/hlink1
e09c80c42fda55f9d992e59ca6b3307d  mnt/hlink2

Some tools can use the inode number to detect duplicated hard links. In this example, du only counts the size of the inode (2) once, even though there are three file entries pointing to it, and only reports 10 bytes instead of 30 bytes:

$ du -b mnt
10      mnt

Duplicated hard links can be suppressed with the -o nohardlinks option:

$ mount-zip -o nohardlinks mnt
Skipped File [1]: Hardlinks are ignored
Skipped File [2]: Hardlinks are ignored

$ ls -ni mnt
2 -rw-r----- 1 0 0 10 Aug 14  2019 0regular

File Permissions

mount-zip shows the Unix file permissions and ownership (UIDs and GIDs) as recorded in the ZIP archive:

$ mount-zip mnt

$ ls -n mnt
-rw-r----- 1 1000 1000 0 Jan  5  2014 640
-rw-r---w- 1 1000 1000 0 Jan  5  2014 642
-rw-rw-rw- 1 1000 1000 0 Jan  5  2014 666
-rwsrwsr-x 1 1000 1000 0 Jan  5  2014 6775
-rwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 0 Jan  5  2014 777

Note that these access permissions are not enforced by default. In this example, I am able to read the file 640 even though I don't own it and I don't have the read permission:

$ md5sum mnt/*
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/640
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/642
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/666
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/6775
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/777

To enforce the access permission check, use the -o default_permissions mount option:

$ mount-zip -o default_permissions mnt

$ md5sum mnt/*
md5sum: mnt/640: Permission denied
md5sum: mnt/642: Permission denied
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/666
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/6775
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  mnt/777

Absolute and Parent-Relative Paths

mount-zip supports absolute and parent-relative paths in file names. Absolute paths are displayed under the ROOT directory. For parent-relative paths, every .. is replaced by UP. Finally, ordinary relative paths are placed under the CUR directory:

$ unzip -l
 Length      Date    Time   Name
--------  ---------- -----  ----
      49  2021-11-02 13:55  normal.txt
      29  2021-11-02 13:55  ../up-1.txt
      30  2021-11-02 13:55  ../../up-2.txt
      40  2021-11-02 13:55  /top.txt
      45  2021-11-02 13:55  /../over-the-top.txt
--------                    -------
     193                    5 files

$ mount-zip mnt
mount-zip[2886935]: Bad file name: '/../over-the-top.txt'
mount-zip[2886935]: Skipped File [4]: Cannot normalize path

$ tree mnt
├── CUR
│   └── normal.txt
├── ROOT
│   └── top.txt
├── UP
│   └── up-1.txt
└── UPUP
    └── up-2.txt

4 directories, 4 files

Smart Caching

mount-zip only does the minimum amount of work required to serve the requested data. When reading a compressed file, mount-zip only decompresses enough data to serve the reading application. This is called lazy or on-the-go decompression.

Accessing the beginning of a big compressed file is therefore instantaneous:

$ mount-zip 'Big' mnt

$ ls -lh mnt/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.4G Mar 26  2020 'Big One.txt'

$ time head -4 'mnt/Big One.txt'
We're going on a bear hunt.
We're going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.

real    0m0.030s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.014s

mount-zip generally avoids caching decompressed data. If you read a compressed file several times, it is getting decompressed each time:

$ dd if='mnt/Big One.txt' of=/dev/null status=progress
6777995272 bytes (6.8 GB, 6.3 GiB) copied, 24.9395 s, 272 MB/s

$ dd if='mnt/Big One.txt' of=/dev/null status=progress
6777995272 bytes (6.8 GB, 6.3 GiB) copied, 24.961 s, 272 MB/s

But mount-zip will start caching a file if it detects that this file is getting read in a non-sequential way (ie the reading application starts jumping to different positions of the file).

For example, tail jumps to the end of the file. The first time this happens, mount-zip decompresses the whole file and caches the decompressed data (in about 13 seconds in this instance):

$ time tail -1 'mnt/Big One.txt'
The End

real    0m12.631s
user    0m0.024s
sys     0m0.656s

A subsequent call to tail is instantaneous, because mount-zip has now cached the decompressed data:

$ time tail -1 'mnt/Big One.txt'
The End

real    0m0.032s
user    0m0.018s
sys     0m0.018s

Decompressed data is cached in a temporary file located in the cache directory ($TMPDIR or /tmp by default). The cache directory can be changed with the --cache=DIR option. The cache file is only created if necessary, and automatically deleted when the ZIP is unmounted.

Alternatively, the --memcache option caches the decompressed data in memory. Be cautious with this option since it can cause mount-zip to use a lot of memory.

You can preemtively cache data at mount time by using the --precache option. The cost of decompression in incurred upfront, and this ensures that any subsequent access to the mounted data is fast.

If mount-zip cannot create and expand the cache file, or if it was passed the --nocache option, it will do its best using a small rolling buffer in memory. However, some data access patterns might then result in poor performance, especially if mount-zip has to repeatedly extract the same file.


On small archives mount-zip has the same performance as commonly used virtual filesystems such as KIO, Gnome GVFS, mc vfs, unpackfs, avfs and fuse-zip. But on large archives containing many files, mount-zip is pretty quick.

For example on my laptop, a ZIP archive containing more than 70,000 files is mounted in half a second:

$ ls -lh
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdegros primarygroup 231M Oct 28 15:48

$ time mount-zip mnt

real    0m0.561s
user    0m0.344s
sys     0m0.212s

$ tree mnt
└── linux-5.14.15
    ├── arch

4817 directories, 72539 files

$ du -sh mnt
1.1G    mnt

The full contents of this mounted ZIP, totalling 1.1 GB, can be extracted with cp -R in 14 seconds:

$ time cp -R mnt out

real    0m13.810s
user    0m0.605s
sys     0m5.356s

For comparison, unzip extracts the contents of the same ZIP in 8.5 seconds:

$ time unzip -q -d out

real    0m8.411s
user    0m6.067s
sys     0m2.270s

Mounting an 8-GB ZIP containing only a few files is instantaneous:

$ ls -lh
-rw-r----- 1 fdegros primarygroup 7.9G Sep  2 22:37

$ time mount-zip mnt

real    0m0.033s
user    0m0.018s
sys     0m0.011s

$ tree -h mnt
├── [2.0M]  bios
├── [ 25G]  disk
└── [ 64M]  tools

0 directories, 3 files

Decompressing and reading the 25-GB file from this mounted ZIP takes less than two minutes:

$ dd if=mnt/disk of=/dev/null status=progress
26843545600 bytes (27 GB, 25 GiB) copied, 104.586 s, 257 MB/s

There is no lag when opening and reading the file, and only a moderate amount of memory is used. The file is getting lazily decompressed by mount-zip as it is getting read by the dd program.


mount-zip records log messages into /var/log/user.log. They can help troubleshooting issues, especially if you are facing I/O errors when reading files from the mounted ZIP.

To read mount-zip's log messages:

$ grep mount-zip /var/log/user.log | less -S

To follow mount-zip's log messages as they are being written:

$ tail -F /var/log/user.log | grep mount-zip

Alternatively, you can run mount-zip in foreground mode with the -f option and read all the log messages on the terminal.

By default, mount-zip writes INFO and ERROR messages. You can decrease the logging level to just ERROR messages with the --quiet option. Or you can increase the logging level to include DEBUG messages with the --verbose option:

$ mount-zip -f --verbose mnt
Indexing ''...
Allocating 16 buckets
Detected encoding UTF-8 with 15% confidence
Indexed '' in 0 ms
Mounted '' on 'mnt' in 2 ms
Reader 1: Opened File [0]
Reader 1: Closed
Unmounting '' from 'mnt'...
Unmounted '' in 0 ms

To prevent file names from being recorded in mount-zip's log messages, use the --redact option:

$ mount-zip -f --verbose --redact mnt
Indexing (redacted)...
Allocating 16 buckets
Indexed (redacted) in 0 ms
Mounted (redacted) on (redacted) in 2 ms
Reader 1: Opened File [0]
Cannot read (redacted): Cannot read file: CRC error
Reader 1: Closed
Unmounting (redacted) from (redacted)...
Unmounted (redacted) in 0 ms


mount-zip returns distinct error codes for different error conditions related the ZIP archive itself:

0 : Success.

1 : Generic error code for: missing argument, unknown option, unknown file name encoding, mount point cannot be created, mount point is not empty, etc.

11 : The archive is a multipart ZIP.

15 : mount-zip cannot read the ZIP archive.

19 : mount-zip cannot find the ZIP archive.

21 : mount-zip cannot open the ZIP archive.

23 : Zlib data error. This is probably the sign of a wrong password. Use --force to bypass the password verification.

26 : Unsupported compression method. Use --force to bypass the compression method verification.

29 : The archive is not recognized as a valid ZIP.

31 : The ZIP archive has an inconsistent structure.

34 : Unsupported encryption method. Use --force to bypass the encryption method verification.

36 : Needs password. The ZIP archive contains an encrypted file, but no password was provided. Use --force to bypass the password verification.

37 : Wrong password. The ZIP archive contains an encrypted file, and the provided password does not allow to decrypt it. Use --force to bypass the password verification.

45 : Possibly truncated or corrupted ZIP archive.


mount-zip started as a fork of fuse-zip.

The original fuse-zip project was created in 2008 by Alexander Galanin and is available on Bitbucket.

The mount-zip project was then forked from fuse-zip in 2021 and further developed by François Degros. The ability to write and modify ZIP archives has been removed, but a number of optimisations and features have been added:

Feature mount-zip fuse-zip
Read-Write Mode
Read-Only Mode
Shows Symbolic Links
Shows Hard Links
Shows Special Files
Shows Precise Timestamps
Allows Random Access
Can Cache in Memory
Can Cache in Temp File
Smart Caching
Decompresses Lazily
Handles Huge Files
Decrypts Encrypted Files
Detects Name Encoding
Deduplicates Names
Can Hide Symlinks
Can Hide Hard Links
Can Hide Special Files
Can Redact Log Messages
Returns Distinct Error Codes



mount-zip is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.


fusermount(1), fuse(8), umount(8)

mount-zip's People


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mount-zip's Issues

libfuse dependency

I'm trying to build this and for reasons have created a Homebrew (on Linux) formula (shared below). The challenge I'm left with is that it can't find libfuse which is because brew installed libfuse v3 (fuse3.pc) and I'm guessing you are assuming v2? I just modified the pkg-config file to present as fuse instead of fuse3 but the API has changed and the compile fails.

What do you recommend?

Brew formula for mount-zip:

class MountZip < Formula
  desc "FUSE filesystem for ZIP archives"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  version "1.0.6"
  sha256 "2882e32175f5dee68ed9243b1e8b66966584af6223795c2169d3b43c39783f3d"
  license "GPL-3.0"

  depends_on "gcc" => :build
  depends_on "pkg-config" => :build

  depends_on "boost" => :build
  depends_on "libzip" => :build
  depends_on "libfuse" => :build
  depends_on "glib"

  fails_with gcc: "5"

  def install
    system "make"
    system "make", "install"

  test do
    system "make", "check"

Option for turning off caching

Right now it's not possible to use mount-zip on systems with a read-only filesystem.

Also, mount-zip would be quite useful to access the contents of big zip files on systems with a disk slow enough that the extraction cost is prohibitive, but some read patterns prompt mount-zip to write to that disk enough cache data as to nullify both the time and space savings that mount-zip could potentially offer.

My most extreme use case is when remote mounting nested zip files from S3. So there is a first mount for the S3 bucket, then a mount for a zip file there, which besides other stuff contains an encrypted zip file, which contains a third zip. So that's 4 FUSE mount layers: s3fs and mount-zip x 3. On this particular system network access is faster than disk access, but the many layers of caching results in much disk space and time waste.

The ability to turn off caching would help toward making this process more efficient, the alternative being to download and extract everything.

Can we get this in debian/ubuntu?

Or at least uploaded to a ppa?

I'd like to recommend the usage of mount-zip to users, but I would prefer not to have to tell them to download the source and install it...

Instructions for installing on Windows

Hi @fdegros, love your persistence in building this to a very high level of quality! Thank you, it's extremely useful.

I'm wondering if you have any interest in creating some documentation for Windows users? To my knowledge, it would be the first open-source tool to mount a zip as a drive on Windows.

Thank you!

Cannot create a cache file with O_TMPFILE on overlayfs

I was trying to replace fuse-zip by mount-zip in my gitlab-ci job because it would have improved performance. However I noticed it is extremely slow, which makes it useless for now in my scenario.

EDIT: I have the same problem locally and it consumes 100% CPU. It is not stuck of frozen, it just progresses very slowly.

  • fuse-zip: 0.7.2 (with libzip 1.7.3, fuse 2.9.9)
    fuse-zip -r -o allow_other "$zipfile" "$mount_dir"
  • mount-zip: 1.0.7 (with libzip 1.7.3, fuse 2.9.9)
    mount-zip -o allow_other "$zipfile" "$mount_dir"

The zipfile is Android's NDK r26b for linux.

To gain space on the gitlab runner I don't unzip it and mount the zip directly.

It is then used to build Qt for Android (ie. it accesses a lot the files in the zip which contains cmake, the compiler (clang), header files, libs...). After configuration stage, approx 10k files are built with ninja.

With fuse-zip, complete "configure+build+install cycle" takes approx 75min for a complete cycle (given that there is ccache also which speeds up things)
When using mount-zip, it didn't even pass the configuration step after 150min. I stopped the job completely at that time and reverted back to fuse-zip.

FYI, I was once using lsof to check if a file is open in that gitlab job (running Debian) and had to change to fuser because lsof was extremely slow compared to it fuser. A single call to lsof took 2-3sec (with network/DNS search disabled) while it was almost instant for fuser. I mention this in case mount-zip uses something similar to what lsof does. However locally I have the same problem.

`/usr/bin/env` reports `File name too long` error on overlayfs since 1.0.8

Hi, we use mount-zip to mount multiple zip archives in the almalinux9.3 Docker image, and then use overlayfs to merge the two file directories.

If we set the environment variable PATH to include the directory merged by overlayfs, any shell script starting with /usr/bin/env will report a File name too long error.

I tested multiple versions and found that this problem may have been introduced starting from 1.0.8. Full test records, undocumented versions were not tested:

mount-zip-1.0.7(libzip-1.10.1) is OK
mount-zip-1.0.6(libzip-1.7.3) is OK
mount-zip-1.0.4(libzip-1.7.3) is OK

Since we need to run in the almalinux-micro image, we package all the so files and run mount-zip by specifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Here are the steps to reproduce:

# host
docker run --user root --entrypoint bash --privileged --platform=linux/amd64 --name=mz -it almalinux:9.3-minimal

# container
mkdir -p /layers /opt/layers

# host
docker cp ./mount-zip mz:/usr/local/mount-zip
docker cp ./node-v20.11.1-linux-x64 mz:/usr/local/node20.11.1
docker cp ./ mz:/layers/
docker cp ./ mz:/layers/

# container
export PATH=/opt/layers/bin:$PATH
/usr/local/mount-zip/mount-zip -o allow_other /layers/ /mnt/a
ls -l /mnt/a
/usr/local/mount-zip/mount-zip -o allow_other /layers/ /mnt/b
ls -l /mnt/b
/usr/local/mount-zip/mount -t overlay -o lowerdir=/mnt/a:/mnt/b overlay /opt/layers
/usr/local/mount-zip/mount-zip --version
npm --version
env: ‘node’: File name too long
├── bin
│   ├── mount
│   └── mount-zip
├── lib
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── mount
├── mount-zip

mount-zip script


LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/mount-zip/lib" "/usr/local/mount-zip/bin/mount-zip" $@

/usr/local/mount-zip/mount-zip --version

mount-zip version: 1.0.13
libzip version: 1.10.1
FUSE library version: 2.9.9
using FUSE kernel interface version 7.19

Build failure due to an effectively zero length array in

I am the maintainer of mount-zip on AUR and I cannot build the tests due to a zero-length array data_central in unix_infozip2() test :

void unix_infozip2() {
const zip_uint8_t data_local[] = {0x02, 0x01, 0x04, 0x03};
const zip_uint8_t data_central[] = {};
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
// local header
assert(ExtraField::parseUnixUidGidField(0x7855, sizeof(data_local),
data_local, uid, gid));
assert(uid == 0x0102);
assert(gid == 0x0304);
// central header
assert(!ExtraField::parseUnixUidGidField(0x7855, sizeof(data_central),
data_central, uid, gid));

In my research, it seems that a putting a zero or negative array length (int arr[0];) is not allowed. In this code the length is not explicitly set to zero but it produces a zero-length array.

The build work outside of makepkg with a bare make so I think that my /etc/makepkg.conf raise the error with optimizations on :

 #-- Compiler and Linker Flags
 CFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mcpu=native -mtune=native -O3 -pipe -fno-plt -fexceptions \
         -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wformat -Werror=format-security \
         -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection \
         -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer"
 LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O3 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now \
 #-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
 #-- Debugging flags
 DEBUG_RUSTFLAGS="-C debuginfo=2"

Operation not supported

I tried mounting from the libzip distribution. It works but shows an error when listing the directory:

# mount-zip  Projects/nih/libzip/regress/  /mnt/                                                                        
# ls /mnt/                                                                                                                       
# ls -l /mnt/
total 1
ls: /mnt//-: Operation not supported
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  2 Feb 27  2012 -

Silence python warning in ``

Please consider this patch

--- a/tests/blackbox/
+++ b/tests/blackbox/
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 import os.path
 import os
+import warnings
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Duplicate name: 'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/There are many versions of this file'")
 dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data')
 tmp = os.path.join(dir, '')

This would permit to silence this warning which is written to StdErr

/usr/lib/python3.11/ UserWarning: Duplicate name: 'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/There are many versions of this file'
  return self._open_to_write(zinfo, force_zip64=force_zip64)

BTW, all output of the test script is written to stderr. Would it be possible to write it to stdout instead when it is informational only and use stderr for errors only?

Create install dir if it doesn't exist yet

When running make install, it fails if the destination dir doesn't exist yet.
Please create the destination dir if required.

install --strip-program=true "mount-zip" "/mnt/packages/git_repos/dpkg/mount-zip/mount-zip-1.0.13/debian/mount-zip/usr/bin/mount-zip"
install: WARNING: ignoring --strip-program option as -s option was not specified
install: cannot create regular file '/mnt/packages/git_repos/dpkg/mount-zip/mount-zip-1.0.13/debian/mount-zip/usr/bin/mount-zip': No such file or directory

Same issue when installing the manpage

Test fails when run as root

running the blackbox tests as root fails with this error (there is no problem when run as a regular user):

INFO:root:Checking '/tmp/tmpglxkaon7'...
ERROR:root:Want error: 21, Got error: 29 in Command '['mount-zip', '/tmp/tmpglxkaon7', '/tmp/tmpta59ago2']' returned non-zero exit status 29.
---------- 1 root   root      0 Apr 12 07:20 tmpglxkaon7

error: ‘zip_file_is_seekable’ was not declared in this scope

$ make
make -C lib
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/marc/mount-zip/lib »
g++ -c  -I/usr/include/fuse -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64  -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-missing-field-initializers -pedantic -std=c++20 -O2 -DNDEBUG -o data_node.o In member function ‘bool DataNode::CacheAll(zip_t*, const FileNode&, std::function<void(long int)>)’: error: ‘zip_file_is_seekable’ was not declared in this scope
  272 |   const bool seekable = zip_file_is_seekable(file.get()) > 0;
      |                         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In member function ‘Reader::Ptr DataNode::GetReader(zip_t*, const FileNode&) const’: error: ‘zip_file_is_seekable’ was not declared in this scope
  296 |   const bool seekable = zip_file_is_seekable(file.get()) > 0;
      |                         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[1]: *** [Makefile:41 : data_node.o] Erreur 1
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/marc/mount-zip/lib »
make: *** [Makefile:55 : lib/libmountzip.a] Erreur 2

i got this error when try to compiling, what can i do ?

Add support also for older versions of libzip?

For now, to have a package that can build mount-zip 1.0.13 on Debian/Ubuntu (which ship libzip 1.7.3) I reverted multiple commits of your code without being really sure if it is correct.

Would you update your code to add for example conditionals (like preprocessor macros, or whatever suits best) on the version of libzip so as to enable or disable support for some features (like LZMA since 1.8.0 or zip_file_is_seekable since 1.9.1)?

Cannot normalize path

I tried mount-zip on some files from the libzip distribution, on NetBSD.
When I try to mount or I see:

# mount-zip  Projects/nih/libzip/regress/ /mnt                                                                 
mount-zip[10666]: Bad file name: 'üéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉ'
mount-zip[10666]: Skipped File [0]: Cannot normalize path


# mount-zip  Projects/nih/libzip/regress/ /mnt/                                                                 
mount-zip[20375]: Bad file name: 'ÄÖÜßäöü'
mount-zip[20375]: Skipped File [0]: Cannot normalize path

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