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This one has developed significantly. Instead of Religion, it's going to be Ritual, and the description is roughly:

This non-weapon proficiency represents training in religious, spiritual, mystical, martial or traditional rites allowing characters to draw upon their inner strength or various forces in the world to perform amazing feats. In order to perform a ritual, characters must make some kind of sacrifice, which is often material or personal. Certain rituals require specific materials, and many rituals strain the body or mind, inflicting damage or reducing fatigue of practitioners.

Perform Ritual

In order to perform a ritual, a character must meet the prerequisites necessary to perform that ritual. Often, special materials, a certain number of ranks in the ritual non-weapon proficiency, or membership of a particular class (or spellcasting class) are required.

Example rituals with requirements:

Warpaint: You apply war paint to yourself in anticipation of battle.
Requirements: Ritual: 1 rank; war paint. Class/Kit: Barbarian, Shaman, Berserker or Ranger only.
Cost: 1 war paint
Bonus: +1 Melee damage, +1 saves vs. spells for 1 turn

Practice: You take a round to perform a few deadly maneuvers with your primary weapon.
Requirements: Ritual: 1 rank; Class/Kit: non-Barbarian, non-Berserker or non-Ranger warriors only.
Cost: x fatigue
Cost: 1 war paint (20 gold?)
Bonus: +1 strike/damage for 1 turn

Bless Water: You give a moment of thanks to your deity as you bless a vial of water.
Requirements: Ritual: 1 rank; Class/Kit: non-evil cleric or paladin
Cost: 1 vial (20 gold?) Does d6/rank damage to undead and evil outsiders.


  • Craft healing kits that can be used with healing skill (herbs degrade after a day or so).
  • Higher levels, can create herbal brews/drugs that enhance drinker (i.e. in lieu of creating a healing kit)
  • Assists with treating poisons and diseases (in conjunction with healing skill) ie characters are better with them if trained in both healing and herbalism
  • Use poison (as assassin) at higher ranks
  • Craft potions if spellcaster

New Status: Bleeding

Caused by numerous items (i.e. bladed weapons, maybe on crit)
x damage per round. Cured by any and all healing spells

Treat wound to Healer's Kit use

Replace treat wound innate with depleting a potion like item that can be used to treat wounds based on heal skill
Should work for herbalists as well

Prob just have effects for healing based on heal and treat poisons etc based on herbalism


Heal (Wisdom)

Requirement: Cure/Inflict Bonus: Ability to cast any Cure Wounds or Inflict wounds spells.

This skill represents training in the medical arts. Individuals trained in healing are able to quickly diagnose and treat various injuries and sicknesses, whether caused by blade, poison or disease. This skill is most commonly taken by clerics and priests. While they can invoke the power of their faith to heal the sick and wounded, they often also study the more mundane, but natural sciences to heal their flock so they do not bother their deity with lesser illnesses and wounds. Warriors’ violent occupation also leads them to study the healing arts. Occasionally, characters from other professions will learn this skill, though they are typically not as skilled in the healing arts as a priest or warrior.
This skill has a natural synergy with herbalism, and herbalists are able to create more effective remedies if they are trained healers (see the herbalism skill for details). Conversely, healers trained in herbalism are more effective at treating diseases and poisons.

Treat Wounds
The healer can treat the injuries of <PRO_HISHER> allies on the fly. When <PRO_HESHE> uses this skill, <PRO_HESHE> heals 1d3 points of damage per point <PRO_HESHE> has in Heal, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. In addition, creatures that receive treatment from a healer heal at an increased rate. This ability is not magical, and it can only help a patient so much; it will only be effective on a single individual once per day.

The healer can make use of this ability 1 time per day if they have at least 1 rank in heal. This ability can be used an additional time per day for every two additional ranks <PRO_HESHE> has in heal.

Treat Affliction
Healers that are also trained in herbalism can use <PRO_HISHER> treat injury ability to treat poisons, and diseases, as well as wounds. This ability is not always effective, however, and the chance that the healer will successfully treat a poisoned individual is 50%, +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism. Diseases are much more complicated than poisons, and so the chance of success is only 40% +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. Healers untrained in herbalism cannot treat disease or poison.

Treat Injury
This ability allows you to heal your allies, and possibly poisons and diseases if (and only if) you are trained in herbalism. Also, creatures under your care heal at an increased rate as per the table below.

  • Heals 1d3 points/rank you have in healing, plus your wisdom modifier.
  • Treat Poisons: 50% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.
  • Treat Disease: 40% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.

Increased Healing Rate:
1 rank: 1 hit point per 16 turns.
2 ranks: 1 hit point per 8 turns.
3 ranks: 1 hit point per 4 turns.
4 ranks: 1 hit point per 2 turns.
5+ ranks: 1 hit point per turn.

Cure/Inflict Bonus
Healers that can also cast cure spells (any spell with the word “cure” in it’s title) are more capable with those spells if they are also trained in healing. Practitioners heal an additional 2 points per rank they have in healing when using any cure wounds spells. This bonus only counts up to the level of the spell, however. That is, for example, because Cure Light Wounds is a 1st level spell, it only allows the caster to apply 1 rank of healing to the spell, and thus can only heal an additional 2 points of damage. Similarly, priests can use their skill in healing to better hurt their opponents with inflict spells if they are trained in heal. They inflict additional damage equal to the the amount they would heal for a spell of the given level.

The Paladin can also apply this bonus to Lay on Hands.


## Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use
Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.

Craft Alchemical Items
Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)
Tanglefoot Bag 2 Ranks - Immobilizes target
Thunderstone 2 Ranks - Deafens targets
Flashpowder 3 Ranks - Blinds targets
Smokebomb 3 Ranks - Creates concealing smoke effectively rendering the user invisible for a short period
Portable thief 4 Ranks - Applied to a lock, it expands and breaks it open
Flask of Sunlight 5 Ranks - Creates a flash that repels/destroys undead

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts upon impact, covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage, and again takes 1d4 damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 1d6 fire damage +1d6 fire damage per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Tanglefoot Bag
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When the alchemist throws a tanglefoot bag at a creature, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target if they do not make their save. Entangled targets are unable to move for a number of rounds equal the number of ranks the character has in alchemy if they do not save vs. paralysis (with a penalty equal to creator's intelligence modifier). Targets that save see their movement halved for 1 round. As it is only necessary to hit the target for the bag to be effective, the alchemist gets a +4 bonus to hit.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target must save vs. paralysis or is rendered immobile for 1 round/rank. Targets that save move at half speed for 1 round.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the mixture on themselves, and becoming immobilized for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A thunderstone is a normal looking stone that emits a loud burst of sound when it hits a hard surface, potentially deafening any nearby creatures. Creatures within 15' of the burst must save vs. wands or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are deafened for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Deafened spellcasters have a 50% chance to miscast any spells, and any affected creature suffers a -1 penalty to weapon and casting speed.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the stone deafening themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

Flashpowder Bomb
A flashpowder bomb is a tightly packed glass jar filled with various substances that ignite in a blinding flash when exposed to air. Creatures within 15' of the explosion must save vs. wands or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are blinded for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Blinded creatures suffer a -4 penalty to armor class & hit attack rolls and they cannot target creatures with any abilities outside of melee range.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the bomb, blinding themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A smokebomb is a chemical mixture of various substances that produce a concealing poof of smoke when slammed on the ground. This effectively renders the user invisible for 3 seconds, allowing them to escape

    Using this item renders the user invisible for 3 seconds.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of blinding themselves with the chemical mixture for 3 rounds.


Concoct Elixir
Requirements: Must be a Spellcaster or have the Concoct Elixir HLA


  • Set snares (+10%--15?--to set snares: implement something like 'trap revisions' which gives auto success but options based on total skill level)
  • Boni to detect/disable traps and open locks
  • Craft and use Mechanical devices: advanced crossbows, bombs, tech ammo,


Persuasion (Charisma or Strength)

Requirements: None

This nonproficiency is the practiced use of rhetoric in order to persuade, intimidate or otherwise get others to do what you want them to do.

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Characters can use Persuade in order to intimidate opponents.

Rangers gain a bonus to demoralize favored enemy (allow one rank).

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Note: Barbarians and Half orcs use str instead of cha for intimidate type checks.


Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use
Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.

Craft Alchemical Items
Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)
Tanglefoot Bag 2 Ranks - Immobilizes target
Thunderstone 2 Ranks - Deafens targets
Flashpowder 3 Ranks - Blinds targets
Smokebomb 3 Ranks - Creates concealing smoke effectively rendering the user invisible for a short period
Portable thief 4 Ranks - Applied to a lock, it expands and breaks it open
Flask of Sunlight 5 Ranks - Creates a flash that repels/destroys undead

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts upon impact, covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage, and again takes 1d4 damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 1d6 fire damage +1d6 fire damage per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Tanglefoot Bag
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When the alchemist throws a tanglefoot bag at a creature, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target if they do not make their save. Entangled targets are unable to move for a number of rounds equal the number of ranks the character has in alchemy if they do not save vs. paralysis (with a penalty equal to creator's intelligence modifier). Targets that save see their movement halved for 1 round. As it is only necessary to hit the target for the bag to be effective, the alchemist gets a +4 bonus to hit.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target must save vs. paralysis or is rendered immobile for 1 round/rank. Targets that save move at half speed for 1 round.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the mixture on themselves, and becoming immobilized for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A thunderstone is a normal looking stone that emits a loud burst of sound when it hits a hard surface, potentially deafening any nearby creatures. Creatures within 15' of the burst must save vs. wands or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are deafened for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Deafened spellcasters have a 50% chance to miscast any spells, and any affected creature suffers a -1 penalty to weapon and casting speed.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the stone deafening themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

Flashpowder Bomb
A flashpowder bomb is a tightly packed glass jar filled with various substances that ignite in a blinding flash when exposed to air. Creatures within 15' of the explosion must save vs. wands or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are blinded for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Blinded creatures suffer a -4 penalty to armor class & hit attack rolls and they cannot target creatures with any abilities outside of melee range.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the bomb, blinding themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A smokebomb is a chemical mixture of various substances that produce a concealing poof of smoke when slammed on the ground. This effectively renders the user invisible for 3 seconds, allowing them to escape

    Using this item renders the user invisible for 3 seconds.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of blinding themselves with the chemical mixture for 3 rounds.


Concoct Elixir
Requirements: Must be a Spellcaster or have the Concoct Elixir HLA

Skills & Proficiencies: Components Overview

Skills & Proficiencies

This mod aims to increase player options by adding or modifying skills, non-weapon proficiencies, or skill like 'pseudo-skills'. Additionally, this mod introduces modifications to other skill-like abilities, and allows more or less 'talented' characters by giving bonuses or penalties to different abilities based on their attributes or other talents.

Special Note: EEex

This mod does not require EEex , but many of the components will either work best with EEex installed, or will unfortunately be dependent on EEex (because there is no other reasonable way to implement the component). As such, I encourage you to click on the link and install EEex if you are able.

Components Overview

Skills & Proficiencies: 101-106: Main Component

This group of components deal with the main theme of this mod: non-weapon proficiencies. However, proficiencies can (and have been) implemented in different ways in this engine, and so the user needs to decide which version works best for them.

The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.

Known Issues (Main Component):

Skills & Proficiencies: 201 - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes

This group of components modify special abilities, especially 'skill-like', special abilities or make attributes (especially non physical attributes) more meaningful by granting modifiers to abilities and skills based on the characters attribute scores. For components that convert certain abilities to skills, see the following section (Expanded Skills).


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Abilities and Attributes):

  • 201: Attributes: Illusion immunity for high int: This component changes Shadow Creatures to Illusory creatures allowing players to bypass the normal limits on summoned monsters (i.e. they will be able to summon the maximum plus any creatures summoned by these summon spells.)

Skills & Proficiencies: 2001 - ???: Expanded Skills

Heavily inspired by OlvynChuru's epic thieving mod, and largely impossible without OlvynChuru's contributions to EEex, these components seek to expand rogue skills in some way, whether by allowing choice where there wasn't choice before, by expanding what a player can do with their skills (or both), or even restricting a skill or skill-like ability in some way.

This group of components adds (thief-like) class skills to the game or modifies class skill points to be distributed differently, or allows other classes to perform them where possible.


These components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Note: Skill Point Distribution

Many of these components give skills to classes that either already have at least one skill, or that do not normally have any skills at all. In any case where a given kit or class has exactly one skill, they will gain points to that skill at a set rate by level. However, wherever a given kit or class gains two or more skills, or where they gain at least one skill where they already have at least one skill, they can distribute skills as a thief. This rate is set by class or kit, and does not change by the number of skills that they have, so the character may have to specialize. The rate at which kits or classes gain skill points is determined by the table below. Note that any mod kits will have the same skill point distribution as the base class if they are not specifically mentioned (let me know if there are any kit mods that need special attention).

Also, magic item creation skills do not count toward this limit.

Thieves actually gain a few more skill points if they gain access to any of the new offered skills. If they gain even a single skill described in this section, they will gain skill points at the increased rate below:

Kit/Class Single Skill Skill Points at 1st Level Skill Points gained per Level
Ranger (all) See Stealth 30 15
Base Fighter 5/Level 20 10
Barbarian 8/Level 30 15
Berserker 5/Level 20 10
Kensai 5/Level 20 10
Wizard Slayer 8/Level 30 10
Defender 5/Level 20 10
Base Thief NA 50 30
Shadowdancer NA 35 20
Assassin NA 50 20
Bounty Hunter NA 50 25
Swashbuckler NA 50 30
Base Bard See P. Pocket 30 20
Multiclass Thief NA 50 30
Skald See P. Pocket 20 10
Jester See P. Pocket 30 20
Blade See P. Pocket 20 10
Monk (all) NA 10 15
Druid (all) 4/level 15 10
Mages (all) 1/level 0 5
Cleric (all) 1/level 0 5

Single Skill: Skill advancement if (and only if) the class has a single skill.
Skill Points at 1st Level: Skill % at first level iff they can distribute points.
Skill Points gained per Level: Skill % gained each level after first iff they can distribute points.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Skills):

  • EEex expanded skills in BGEE: These components may not work properly in non-SOD BGEE. This is an EEex issue, and cannot be fixed on my end (er, I don't know how to fix it).

  • Thief Skills: Use Scrolls:

  • 'Component 1901: Use scrolls - 10th level' will not display for a character created in Throne of Bhaal. The skill will display upon level up, however.

  • 'Component 1902: Use scrolls - no level requirement' is likely overpowered. Use at your discretion.

Skills & Proficiencies: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation

This group of components deal with magic item creation and recharging. These components allow players to create scrolls, potions and wands, and they allow players to recharge wands. There are a number of different creation subsystems for each, and users can install different subsystems for different items. These components can also interact with the proficiency system (see below for details).

This component adds new magic items, and item creation.
The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and B_Kits. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

Known Issues (Magic Item Creation):

Skills & Proficiencies: ??? - ???: High Level Abilities

This group of components deal with high level abilities, either adding new HLAs, modifying existing HLAs, or both.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (High Level Abilities):

Skills & Proficiencies: 6001 - ???: Limitations

This group of components actually reduce player ability in some way. They are intended to be installed with the above enhancement components, in order to preserve some kind of balance. However, they can be installed without the bonuses, or not at all as you prefer.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Limitations):

Proficiency Descriptions


Characters can now learn something other than how to fight better. Characters can spend proficiency points in other proficiencies referred to as Non-Weapon Proficiencies (sometimes just called “skills”, though there can be a distinction--see below) as well as Weapon Proficiencies. That said, even Weapon Proficiences have additional functionality.

Proficiency Tables

Characters must select both weapon proficiencies and non-weapon proficiencies from the same pool. As such, characters receive many more proficiency points than in vanilla. While this may seem to be a boon, characters will soon discover that they will have to make hard choices as they level up.

Proficiency Overview

Proficiency Equipment Short Description
Simple Club, Dagger, Staff, Sling, Dart Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Varies
Sword Longsword, Short Sword, Wakizashi, Ninja-to, Scimitar Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Unarmed/Misc. Unarmed, Unarmored, Touch Spells Defense Bonuses (unarmored), Combat Bonuses (unarmed; Touch Spells)
Axe Axe, Throwing Axe Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Greatsword Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Polearm Halberd, Spear Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Knockback
Blunt Mace, Hammer, Morning Star, Flail Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Daze
Bows/X-bows Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbow Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Armor Armors (all) Repair and Construct; Defensive Bonuses; Effective use of Armor and Shields
Endurance Recover Stamina and HP; Bonus Hit Points
Heal Treat Injury; Treat Affliction; Cure Bonus
Herbalism Treatments, Remedies Craft Medical Items; Craft Potions; Use Poison
Alchemy Acid, A. Fire, Tanglefoot, etc. Construct Unique Items; Craft Concoctions
Implements Wands Use wands; Recharge Wands; Craft Wands
Persuasion Conversation Options; Demoralize Opponent; Feint
Spellcraft Scrolls Use and Create Scrolls
Standard Fighting Styles Varies Unchanged

Proficiency points by class

Class 1st Level Rate Multiclass 1st Level Rate
Fighter 8 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage 6 1/3 lev
Ranger 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Cleric 7 1/3 lev
Paladin 7 1/4 lev Fighter/Thief 7 1/3 lev
Thief 6 1/3 lev Fighter/Mage/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Bard 6 1/2 lev Mage/Thief 6 1/4 lev
Cleric 6 1/3 lev Cleric/Mage 5 1/4 lev
Druid 7 1/3 lev Cleric/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Shaman 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Druid 7 1/3 lev
Monk 6 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage/Cleric 6 1/4 lev
Wizard 4 1/4 lev Cleric/Ranger 6 1/4 lev
Sorcerer 6 1/3 lev

Max Rank by Level

1st Level 3rd Level 6th Level 9th Level 12th Level 15th Level
2 3 4 5 6 7

Proficiency Maximums by Class and Kit

Weapon Proficiencies

Warriors Simple Sword Martial Arts Axe Greatsword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor
Fighter 6 6 2 6 6 6 6 6 5
- Barbarian 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
- Berserker 6 6 2 6 6 6 6 1 5
- Kensai 7^ 7^ 5 7^ 7^ 7^ 7^ 0 0
- Wizard Slayer 6 6 2 6 6 6 6 6 6
- Defender 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 5
- Warmain° 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5
- Savage° 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 1
- Marksman° 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 2
Ranger 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- Archer 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1
- B. Master 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 1
- Stalker 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Paladin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- U. Hunter 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- Cavalier 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3
- Inquisitor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- B. Guard 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Rogues Simple Sword Martial Arts Axe Greatsword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor Ranged
Thief 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Assassin 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Swashbuckler 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 1
- B. Hunter 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- S. Dancer 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Delver° 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Bard 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Blade 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Jester 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Skald 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

° New (optional) kit
^ See individual class or kit description for further details.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Warriors End Heal Herb Alch Imp ? ? Spell Per ?
Fighter 5 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Barbarian 7 5 4 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Berserker 7 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Kensai 5 3 0 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- W. Slayer 5 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 7 ?
- Defender 7 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Warmain° 7 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Savage° 5 5 6 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ?
- Marksman° 5 5 1 0 0 ? ? 0 5 ?
Ranger 5 5 5 3 1 0 ? ? 0 ?
- Archer 5 5 5 3 1 0 ? ? 0 ?
- B. Master 7 5 5 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ?
- Stalker 5 5 5 3 1 ? ? 0 0 ?
Paladin 5 5 2 1 1 ? ? 0 5 ?
- U. Hunter 5 5 2 1 1 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Cavalier 5 5 2 1 1 ? ? 0 5 ?
- Inquisitor 5 5 2 1 1 ? ? 0 7 ?
- B. Guard 5 5 5 4 1 ? ? 0 5 ?
Rogues End Heal Herb Alch Imp ? ? Spell Per ?
Thief 2 1 5 3 4 ? ? 5 5 ?
- Assassin 2 1 5 5 4 ? ? 5 5 ?
- Swashbuckler 2 1 5 3 4 ? ? 5 5 ?
- B. Hunter 2 1 5 3 4 ? ? 5 5 ?
- S. Dancer 2 1 5 3 4 ? ? 5 5 ?
- Delver° 2 5 5 3 5 ? ? 5 0 ?

° New (optional) kit

Proficiency Descriptions

Special Note: Non-Weapon Proficiencies and Attributes

Non-Weapon Proficiencies are associated with various attributes, and often that ability influences how effective the character is with that proficiency. Attributes typically affect proficiencies based on the following table:

Ability Score Bonus
16 +1 or +5%
17 +2 or +10%
18 +3 or +15%
19+ +4 or +20%


Alchemist: mage kit. Transmutation specialist. Can create unique alchemical items and can gain 7 ranks in alch. Penalty?

Save Bonuses for exceptional attributes

 COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~.[^abcde]*\.SPL~ ~override~
	  READ_BYTE 0x001C type //Spell type
	   PATCH_IF type = 1 BEGIN   //wiz spells
            READ_BYTE 0x0025 school //school type
	     PATCH_IF school = 6  OR  //If invoker school (I think)
                      school = 7  OR  //necromancy
                      school = 4  OR  //enchanter
                      school = 5  BEGIN  //illusionist
	     READ_STRREF 0x50 ~sv_des~  //save description
               PATCH_IF ("%sv_des%" STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP "Saving Throw: None" != 0)  BEGIN   //if spell text does NOT contain this phrase:  Saving Throw: None
                READ_LONG  0x0034 level //spell level
 	        READ_LONG 0x0008 name //spell name
	        READ_LONG 0x0050 desc //description
	        READ_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
	        READ_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
                READ_LONG  0x64 abil_off ELSE 0
                READ_SHORT 0x68 abil_num ELSE 0
         INNER_PATCH_SAVE cus1 ~%cus0%~ BEGIN
          REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~SPWI~ ~B_M~  //standard mage 'prefix'
         INNER_PATCH_SAVE cus2 ~%cus1%~ BEGIN
          REPLACE_TEXTUALLY CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH ~SPWM~ ~B_A~  //what are these? 'prefix'
PATCH_IF school = 6  BEGIN //another check for just evocation --dex vs damaging schools
  GET_OFFSET_ARRAY ab_array 0x64 4 0x68 2 0 0 0x28
  PHP_EACH ab_array AS int => ab_off BEGIN
    GET_OFFSET_ARRAY2 fx_array ab_off ITM_V10_HEAD_EFFECTS
    PHP_EACH fx_array AS int => fx_off BEGIN
      READ_SHORT fx_off fx_type
      READ_ASCII fx_off + 0x14 item
      PATCH_IF fx_type = 12 BEGIN    //opcode 12
        READ_LONG fx_off + 0x24 save
          PATCH_IF save > 0 BEGIN   //save not 0
             LPF cd_apply_batch STR_VAR array_name = b_dex_evoc_arrays_sr END  //dex apply spl
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_ls% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~ls_9~ resource = EVAL ~%cus0%~  END     // dex less than 9, immune to base spell
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_gr% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~gr_14~ resource = EVAL ~%cus0%~  END     // dex greater than 14, immune to base spell
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_ls% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~ls_6~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%A~  END     // dex less than 6, cast splA (-2)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_6~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%B~  END     // dex = 6, cast splB (-1)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_7~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%B~  END     // dex = 7, cast splB (-1)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_8~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%B~  END     // dex = 8, cast splB (-1)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_15~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%C~  END     // dex = 15, cast splC (+1)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_16~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%D~  END     // dex = 16, cast splD (+2)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_17~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%E~  END     // dex = 17, cast splE (+3)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_18~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%F~  END     // dex = 18, cast splF (+4)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_eq% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~eq_19~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%F~  END     // dex = 19, cast splF (+4)
             LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR  multi_match = 1 parameter2 = %dex_gr% probability1 = 100 probability2 = 0 STR_VAR match_resource = ~gr_19~ resource = EVAL ~%cus2%G~  END     // dex greater than 19, cast splG (+5)
           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%A.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = (0 -2)          //
             END      //
        END  //%cus2%A.SPL not in game

           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%B.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = (0 -1)          //
             END      //
        END  //%cus2%B.SPL not in game
           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%C.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add =  1          //
             END      //
        END //%cus2%C.SPL not in game

           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%D.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = 2          //
             END      //
         END //%cus2%D.SPL not in game

           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%E.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = 3          //
             END      //
         END //%cus2%E.SPL not in game

           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%F.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = 4          //
             END      //
         END //%cus2%F.SPL not in game

           COPY_EXISTING ~%cus0%.SPL~ ~override/%cus2%F.SPL~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0008 ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0034 level //spell level
             WRITE_LONG 0x000c ~%name%~
             WRITE_LONG 0x0054 ~%desc%~
             WRITE_SHORT 0x007E target //Target-check
             WRITE_SHORT 0x0080 range //range-check
               INT_VAR savebonus_add = 5          //
             END      //
         END //%cus2%G.SPL not in game
      END   //save not 0
      END   //opcode 12
      //other opcodes?  111 doesn't seem to apply (any require saves???)
      PATCH_IF fx_type = 111 BEGIN
        PATCH_PRINT "%item%"  //test
    END   //pnp_each
        END //pnp_each
        END //evocation check
PATCH_IF school = 4  OR //enchanter --vs A LOT of different kind of effects...  
         school = 5  OR //illusionist (fear, ...)
         school = 9  BEGIN //another check for just necromancer --wis vs fear
  GET_OFFSET_ARRAY ab_array 0x64 4 0x68 2 0 0 0x28
  PHP_EACH ab_array AS int => ab_off BEGIN
    GET_OFFSET_ARRAY2 fx_array ab_off ITM_V10_HEAD_EFFECTS
    PHP_EACH fx_array AS int => fx_off BEGIN
      READ_SHORT fx_off fx_type
      READ_ASCII fx_off + 0x14 item
      fx_type = 5  OR       // opcode 5 (Charm)
      fx_type = 24 BEGIN    //opcode 24 (Horror)
        READ_LONG fx_off + 0x24 save
          PATCH_IF save > 0 BEGIN   //save not 0
          END //save not 0
      END //opcode check (fear, sleep, 
  END// Mind affecting schools (enchant/illusion/necromancy)
             END //end description no save
            END //(nec, illusionist, enchant, evocation) school check

        END  //wiz spells
      END   //source size

Adding Splstates

Kjeron's code:

OUTER_SET new_ids = ~-1~
  COUNT_2DA_ROWS 2 rows
  FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
      READ_2DA_ENTRY i 1 2 state_label
          PATCH_IF ~%state_label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%label%~ BEGIN
              READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
              SET new_ids = state_id
           END //state_label
  END //For Loop
        OUTER_FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
            OUTER_SET $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0
        END //outer_for
    ACTION_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL ~~) BEGIN FAIL ~Missing Spell State label~ END ELSE BEGIN
    ACTION_IF ((~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~ ~) = 0) BEGIN FAIL ~Spell State label cannot have spaces~ END ELSE BEGIN
            COUNT_2DA_ROWS 2 rows
            FOR (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) BEGIN
                READ_2DA_ENTRY i 0 2 state_id
                SET $occupied_spell_state(~%state_id%~) = 1
            END //for
            FOR (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BEGIN
                PATCH_IF $occupied_spell_state(~%i%~) = 0 BEGIN
                SET new_ids = i
                SET i = 256
                    PATCH_IF new_ids <= rows BEGIN
                        INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
                    END ELSE BEGIN
                        INSERT_2DA_ROW new_ids 2 ~%new_ids% %label%~
                 END //occupied spell state
            END //for
PATCH_IF (new_ids = ~-1~) BEGIN PATCH_FAIL ~No available Spell States~ END
END //end function




Set Natural Snares: Gain set snares in natural environments. Like set snare, but only works in natural environments

Hunting: +10% bonus to set snares/rank in natural environments for first 4 ranks (then +5%/rank). +5% to hide/move silently per rank.

Awareness: +5% detect traps/illusions per rank in natural environments.

Move Bonus: Bonus to movement rate in Natural environments.

some deets

Hunting (Dexterity)
Requirements: Hunter: Can only make effective use of find traps and detect illusions skills if they have the requisite skills.

This skill represents training in tracking and taking down game. This skill is also useful, however, for taking down any target. Characters gain a number of combat bonuses (see below), they can set natural snares (see below) and craft special (and normal) ammunition (see below).


The character gains a +1 bonus to damage for every rank <PRO_HESHE> assigns to this skill to ranged damage rolls. In addition, Hunters learn to be aware of their surroundings. For every two ranks a character has in Hunting, <PRO_HESHE> receives a +1 bonus to saves vs. breath, and a +5 bonus to find traps and detect illusions (only useful if they have such skills). A character that has four ranks in hunting gains a +1 bonus to AC.


Endurance (Constitution)

Requirements: None

Training in endurance allows characters to recover stamina and hit points by taking a break.

Second Wind

Upon using this ability, the character takes a moment to catch <PRO_HISHER> breath. When <PRO_HESHE> does this, <PRO_HESHE> recovers a number of hit points equal to 25% +10% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in Endurance to <PRO_HISHER> hit point total. Additionally, <PRO_HISHER> fatigue level is reduced by 50% +10% per rank (maximum 100%)<PRO_HESHE> has in endurance. This ability cannot be used in combat.

<PRO_HESHE> can use this ability one time per day. <PRO_HESHE> can use this ability one additional time per day if <PRO_HESHE> has 5 ranks in Endurance and <PRO_HESHE> can use this ability a third time if <PRO_HESHE> has 7 ranks in Endurance.

Animal Handling

  • Includes 'wild empathy'.
  • Allows one to acquire and 'train' animal companions.

Skills & Proficiencies: Proficiency Descriptions

Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create elixirs.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.

Craft Alchemical Items

Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)
Tanglefoot Bag 2 Ranks - Immobilizes target
Thunderstone 2 Ranks - Deafens targets
Flashpowder 3 Ranks - Blinds targets
Smokebomb 3 Ranks - Creates concealing smoke effectively rendering the user invisible for a short period
Portable thief 4 Ranks - Applied to a lock, it expands and breaks it open
Flask of Sunlight 5 Ranks - Creates a flash that repels/destroys undead

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts upon impact, covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage, and again takes 1d4 damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 1d6 fire damage +1d6 fire damage per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Tanglefoot Bag
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When the alchemist throws a tanglefoot bag at a creature, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target if they do not make their save. Entangled targets are unable to move for a number of rounds equal the number of ranks the character has in alchemy if they do not save vs. paralysis (with a penalty equal to creator's intelligence modifier). Targets that save see their movement halved for 1 round. As it is only necessary to hit the target for the bag to be effective, the alchemist gets a +4 bonus to hit.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target must save vs. paralysis or is rendered immobile for 1 round/rank. Targets that save move at half speed for 1 round.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the mixture on themselves, and becoming immobilized for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A thunderstone is a normal looking stone that emits a loud burst of sound when it hits a hard surface, potentially deafening any nearby creatures. Creatures within 15' of the burst must save vs. wands or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are deafened for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Deafened spellcasters have a 50% chance to miscast any spells, and any affected creature suffers a -1 penalty to weapon and casting speed.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the stone deafening themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

Flashpowder Bomb
A flashpowder bomb is a tightly packed glass jar filled with various substances that ignite in a blinding flash when exposed to air. Creatures within 15' of the explosion must save vs. wands or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are blinded for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Blinded creatures suffer a -4 penalty to armor class & hit attack rolls and they cannot target creatures with any abilities outside of melee range.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the bomb, blinding themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A smokebomb is a chemical mixture of various substances that produce a concealing poof of smoke when slammed on the ground. This effectively renders the user invisible for 3 seconds, allowing them to escape

    Using this item renders the user invisible for 3 seconds.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of blinding themselves with the chemical mixture for 3 rounds.


Craft Alchemical Item

Description CONTINUE

Concoct Elixir

Requirements: Must be a Spellcaster or have the Concoct Elixir HLA

Endurance Proficiency (Constitution)

Requirements: None

Endurance represents training to withstand heavy exertion and physical punishment. It is probably the quintessential proficiency of warriors, though a smattering of other classes can specialize in endurance. Characters trained in endurance can go farther, faster, and for longer periods than others. This nonweapon proficiency allows characters to take a ‘break’ to recover hit points and stamina, and even, at higher ranks, have a chance to purge their bodies of poison and disease. In addition, characters receive bonus hit points equal to 3 hit points per rank.

Second Wind

Upon using this ability, the character takes a moment to catch <PRO_HISHER> breath. When <PRO_HESHE> does this, <PRO_HESHE> recovers a number of hit points equal to 25% +10% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in Endurance (max +50% at 5 ranks), plus <PRO_HISHER> constitution modifier to <PRO_HISHER> hit point total. Additionally, <PRO_HISHER> fatigue level is reset to 1.

At 6 ranks, the character can try to purge their body of deleterious poisons when using Second Wind. The chance of success is 60% plus <PRO_HISHER> Constitution modifier.

At 7 ranks, the character can try to purge <PRO_HISHER> body of disease when they use Second Wind. <PRO_HISHER> chance of success is 35% plus <PRO_HISHER> Constitution modifier.

This ability cannot be used in combat or when enemies are present.

Effect: Heals 25% of target's max hit points, +10% per rank, plus Constitution Modifier.

Chance of Success:
Poison (6 ranks) 60% + Constitution Modifier.
Disease (7 ranks) 35% + Constitution Modifier.

This ability can be used one time per 24 hour period, if the character has 1 or 2 ranks in endurance. If <PRO_HESHE> has 5 ranks in endurance, Second Wind can be used once per 16 hour period. If <PRO_HESHE> has 7 ranks in endurance, Second Wind can be used once per 8 hour period.

Second Wind

Upon using this ability, the you take a moment to catch your breath, recovering a number of hit points equal to 25% +10% per rank you have in Endurance to your hit point total. Additionally, your fatigue level is reset to 1. This ability cannot be used in combat.

You can use this ability one time per day if you have 4 or fewer ranks in endurance. If you have 5-6 ranks, you can use this ability once per 16 hour period. If you have 7 ranks in endurance, you can use this ability once per 8 hour period.

Heal (Wisdom)

Requirement: Cure/Inflict Bonus: Ability to cast any Cure Wounds or Inflict wounds spells.

This skill represents training in the medical arts. Individuals trained in healing are able to quickly diagnose and treat various injuries and sicknesses, whether caused by blade, poison or disease. This skill is most commonly taken by clerics and priests. While they can invoke the power of their faith to heal the sick and wounded, they often also study the more mundane, but natural sciences to heal their flock so they do not bother their deity with lesser illnesses and wounds. Warriors’ violent occupation also leads them to study the healing arts. Occasionally, characters from other professions will learn this skill, though they are typically not as skilled in the healing arts as a priest or warrior.

This skill has a natural synergy with herbalism, and herbalists are able to create more effective remedies if they are trained healers (see the herbalism skill for details). Conversely, healers trained in herbalism are more effective at treating diseases and poisons.

Treat Wounds

The healer can treat the injuries of <PRO_HISHER> allies on the fly. When <PRO_HESHE> uses this skill, <PRO_HESHE> heals 1d3 points of damage per point <PRO_HESHE> has in Heal, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. In addition, creatures that receive treatment from a healer heal at an increased rate. This ability is not magical, and it can only help a patient so much; it will only be effective on a single individual once per day.

The healer can make use of this ability 1 time per day if they have at least 1 rank in heal. This ability can be used an additional time per day for every two additional ranks <PRO_HESHE> has in heal.

Treat Affliction

Healers that are also trained in herbalism can use <PRO_HISHER> treat injury ability to treat poisons, and diseases, as well as wounds. This ability is not always effective, however, and the chance that the healer will successfully treat a poisoned individual is 50%, +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism. Diseases are much more complicated than poisons, and so the chance of success is only 40% +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. Healers untrained in herbalism cannot treat disease or poison.

Treat Injury
This ability allows you to heal your allies, and possibly poisons and diseases if (and only if) you are trained in herbalism. Also, creatures under your care heal at an increased rate as per the table below.

  • Heals 1d3 points/rank you have in healing, plus your wisdom modifier.
  • Treat Poisons: 50% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.
  • Treat Disease: 40% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.

Increased Healing Rate:
1 rank: 1 hit point per 16 turns.
2 ranks: 1 hit point per 8 turns.
3 ranks: 1 hit point per 4 turns.
4 ranks: 1 hit point per 2 turns.
5+ ranks: 1 hit point per turn.

Cure/Inflict Bonus

Healers that can also cast cure spells (any spell with the word “cure” in it’s title) are more capable with those spells if they are also trained in healing. Practitioners heal an additional 2 points per rank they have in healing when using any cure wounds spells. This bonus only counts up to the level of the spell, however. That is, for example, because Cure Light Wounds is a 1st level spell, it only allows the caster to apply 1 rank of healing to the spell, and thus can only heal an additional 2 points of damage. Similarly, priests can use their skill in healing to better hurt their opponents with inflict spells if they are trained in heal. They inflict additional damage equal to the the amount they would heal for a spell of the given level.

The Paladin can also apply this bonus to Lay on Hands.

Herbalism Proficiency (Intelligence)

Requirement: Brew Potion: Spellcaster or Brew Potion HLA

This skill represents training with identifying and using various natural herbs and plants to prevent and treat various illnesses. Herbalists are always on the lookout for rare and exotic plants, and they can always whip up a concoction that they can use to treat various illnesses and produce various effects. These concoctions denature if they are not used within a short period of time. Additionally, herbalists can create magic potions if they can cast spells, or posses the ability to cast spells, or has the Brew Potions HLA.

This skill has a natural synergy with heal, and herbalists are able to create more effective remedies if they are trained healers. Specifically, herbalists concoctions heal their target a number of hit points equal to 2x <PRO_HISHER> ranks in healing. Conversely, healers trained in herbalism are more effective at treating diseases and poisons. (See the heal skill for details).

Prepare Concoction

Herbalists gather numerous natural medicines in their travels that can be combined in numerous ways when the occasion calls to heal the sick, benefit recipients, or even harm enemies. These items degrade quickly, and last a maximum of 1 hour per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism. A herbalist can prepare one concoction per day per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in Herbalism, plus <PRO_HISHER> ranks in intelligence.

Concoctions cannot be prepared in combat. However, once prepared, a concoction can be employed in combat.

The herbalist can create the following concoctions based on proficiency:

Rank Concoction Name Effects
1 Rank Tonic* Remove Fatigue
1 Rank Tincture* Intoxicates target, mild regeneration
2 Ranks Anti-Venom Slow Poison
2 Ranks Repellent Protection from Insects/Swarm Spells
3 Ranks Stimulant I +2 Spd, +1 bonus to hit/AC, for t turn
3 Ranks Pheromones Charm Beasts/Animals within 5-ft.
4 Ranks Panacea* Cure Disease
4 Ranks Courage* Immune to Fear
5 Ranks Poison Weapon Poison Weapon
5 Ranks Rage Similar to Enrage
6 Ranks Remedy* Remove Paralysis and Hold Person
7 Ranks Stimulant II Similar to Haste

Implements (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Nature Lore (Wisdom)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Persuasion (Charisma or Strength)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Religion (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Spellcraft (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Survival (Wisdom)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Tumbling (Dexterity)

Requirements: Cannot use this proficiency if wearing armor heavier than Studded Leather

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.


Gain bonus to AC by rank as per the below table.

Rank Total AC Bonus
1 Rank 0
2 -3 Ranks +1
4 -5 Ranks +2
6 Ranks +3
7 Ranks +4

Escape Artist

Avoid certain spell effects (web, entangle...)

Proficiencies: Use & Associated Skills

Possible Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Orig New Uses Associated Skills Bonus
B.Swd Simple Dagger, Dart, Throwing Knife, Club, Staff
L.Swd Medium Blades Longsword, Short Sword, Katana, Scimitar
S.Swd Unarmed/Misc. Unarmed, Spell Attacks
Axe Axe Battle Axe, Greataxe^, Throwing Axe
2HSwd Greatsword Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword
Katana Polearm Halberd, Spear
Scimitar Blunt Mace, Hammer, Morning Star, Flail
Dagger Bows/X-bows Longbow, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow
W.Ham Alchemy Craft Alch items, Create Magic Item (Powders, Concoctions)
Spear Athletics & Tumbling (unarmored) - Applied Force, Escape Artist Dodge
Halberd Endurance Second Wind - Bonus Hit Points
Flail Heal Treat Wounds Treat Wounds -
Mace Herbalism Create Remedy, Create Magic Item (Potions), Use Poison Use Poison -
Staff Implements Craft Magic Items (Wands) - Use Wands
X-Bow Nature Lore/Survival Gather,
L. Bow Performance
S. Bow Persuasion
Dart Religion
Sling Spellcraft Craft Magic Items (Scrolls) - Use Scrolls
Club Armor Armors - Wear Armor, Armor Bonus

^Added by various mods


Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.
Craft Alchemical Items
Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)
Tanglefoot Bag 2 Ranks - Immobilizes target
Thunderstone 2 Ranks - Deafens targets
Flashpowder 3 Ranks - Blinds targets
Smokebomb 3 Ranks - Creates concealing smoke effectively rendering the user invisible for a short period
Portable thief 4 Ranks - Applied to a lock, it expands and breaks it open
Flask of Sunlight 5 Ranks - Creates a flash that repels/destroys undead

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown it, the glass bursts open covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Alchemy
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 2d2 per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Alchemy
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).

Tanglefoot Bag
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When the alchemist throws a tanglefoot bag at a creature, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target if they do not make their save. Entangled targets are unable to move for a number of rounds equal the number of ranks the character has in alchemy if they do not save vs. paralysis (with a penalty equal to creator's intelligence modifier). Targets that save see their movement halved for 1 round. As it is only necessary to hit the target for the bag to be effective, the alchemist gets a +4 bonus to hit.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target must save vs. paralysis or is rendered immobile for 1 round/rank. Targets that save move at half speed for 1 round.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Alchemy
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of droping the mixture on themselves, and becoming immobilized for the full duration (with no save allowed).

Nature Lore

Nature Lore

Wild Empathy: Charm Beasts (Survival?)

Give use at 1, 3, 5 and 7 ranks. Charms with penalty equal to wisdom or charisma (whichever is higher) of character (replaces standard druid ability which they do get for free as normal). Can charm 'beasts' at 4+(?) ranks, allowing them to charm animal like beasts and magical creatures such as wyverns, etc. (or maybe stuns or fear effect?) But, the beast gets a +4 bonus to save (minus the cha/wis penalty). Creatures can only be affected by wild empathy 1x per day.

At 6+ ranks, plants can be affected (with a +6 to save).

Gather Herbs: Able to gather ingredients for Herbalism/Alchemy skills (and/or that may work as remedies on their own) Not sure about this one tbh. Maybe this can act as a 'buff' of sorts to herbal concoctions and alchemical mixtures (I kinda like that, even if its going to be a pita to implement).

Augment Summoning: Summoned animals stronger. Effectively gain a +1 to HD/thac0/saves per rank the summoner has in Nature Lore.

Stronger Animal Form: Druidic shapechanging forms (and animal/elemental forms granted by certain spells) are stronger if cast by someone knowledgeable in nature lore. Specific bonuses??? Bonus to str (+1 per 2 ranks), ...

Woodland Stride: Bonus to save vs. impediment spells, poisons and vs. traps. (+1/rank)

Old list

Proficiency Overview

Orig Proficiency Equipment Short Description
B.Swd Simple Club, Dagger, Staff, Sling, Dart Combat Bonuses; Varies
L.Swd Medium Blades Longsword, Short Sword, Wakizashi, Ninja-to, Scimitar Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
S.Swd Unarmed/Misc. Unarmed, Unarmored, Touch Spells Defense Bonuses (unarmored), Combat Bonuses (unarmed; Touch Spells)
Axe Axe Axe, Throwing Axe Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
2HSwd Greatsword Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Katana Polearm Halberd, Spear Combat Bonuses; Knockback
Scimitar Blunt Mace, Hammer, Morning Star, Flail Combat Bonuses; Daze
Dagger Bows/X-bows Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbow Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
W.Ham Acrobatics Escape, Dodge,
Spear Endurance Recover Stamina and HP; Bonus Hit Points
Halberd Heal Treat Injury; Treat Affliction; Cure Bonus
Flail Herbalism Treatments, Remedies Craft Medical Items; Craft Potions; Use Poison
Mace Alchemy Acid, A. Fire, Tanglefoot, etc. Construct Unique Items; Craft Concoctions
Staff Implements Wands Use wands; Recharge Wands; Craft Wands
X-Bow Survival
L. Bow Nature Lore
S. Bow Spellcraft Scrolls Use and Create Scrolls
Dart Persuasion Conversation Options; Demoralize Opponent; Feint
Sling Religion
Club Armor Armors (all) Defensive Bonuses; Effective use of Armor and Shields
Standard Fighting Styles Varies

New Status: Dazed

Caused by blunt weapons.

Cured whenever paralysis is cured...

Slow effect (usually 1 round)

Thief skills for regular joes

Monks: Pick locks, disable traps, detect illusion (hear noise). (1e ad&d)
Barbarians: Hide in Natural Surroundings, Detect Illusions, Tracking, Set Natural Snares (1e ad&d)
Rangers: Set natural Snares, Hide in Natural Surroundings, Tracking,
Bards: Lock Picking
Wiz slayer/Inquisitor: Detect illusions


  • Use Scroll (limited by attributes, alignment and rank level--lev = rank)
  • Emulate Spell (allows one to scribe a spell that is not currently memorized. Costs fatigue depending on spell level, max level = rank. Involves replacing scribe scroll with invisible monster that sets a variable)

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Groups (similar to Baldurs gate--but different!) Not compatible with other weapon group tweaks.
  • Special effects with critical (edged bleeding, spears knock down, blunt stun, etc.)
  • Can repair/build weapons one is proficient with


//ALTER EFFECT MACRO_________________________________________________________________
  // defines what we're going to check
  INT_VAR check_globals       = 1      
          check_headers       = 1
          header              = "-1"
          header_type         = "-1"
          multi_match         = 999
          debug               = 0
  // variables for finding the effect to match
          match_opcode        = "-1"   
          match_target        = "-1"   
          match_power         = "-1"   
          match_parameter1    = "-1"   
          match_parameter2    = "-1"   
          match_timing        = "-1"   
          match_resist_dispel = "-1"   
          match_duration      = "-1"
          match_duration_high = "-1"   
          match_probability1  = "-1"   
          match_probability2  = "-1"   
          match_dicenumber    = "-1"   
          match_dicesize      = "-1"
          match_savingthrow   = "-1"
          match_savebonus     = "-11"
          match_special       = "-1"
  // variables for the new effect
          opcode              = "-1"   
          target              = "-1"   
          power_add           = "-1"   
          parameter1          = "-1"   
          parameter2          = "-1"
          timing              = "-1"   
          resist_dispel       = "-1"   
          duration_add        = "-1"   
          duration_high       = "-1"
          probability1        = "-1"
          probability2        = "-1"   
          dicenumber_add      = "-1"   
          dicesize_add        = "-1"
          savingthrow         = "-1"
          savebonus_add       = "-11"
          special_add             = "-1"
  // same for match and new STR_VAR
  STR_VAR match_resource      = "SAME"
          resource            = "SAME"
  // set variables and offsets based on the file type
  SET alter = 0
    READ_LONG   0x6a fx_off   ELSE 0
    SET counter_offset = 0x70
    SET abil_length    = 0x28
    SET fx_type        = 0
    SET min_size       = 0x72
    PATCH_IF (check_headers = 0) BEGIN
      SET abil_num = 0
      READ_LONG   0x64 abil_off ELSE 0
      READ_SHORT  0x68 abil_num ELSE 0
    READ_LONG   0x6a fx_off   ELSE 0
    SET counter_offset = 0x70
    SET abil_length    = 0x38
    SET fx_type        = 0
    SET min_size       = 0x72
    PATCH_IF (check_headers = 0) BEGIN
      SET abil_num = 0
      READ_LONG   0x64 abil_off ELSE 0
      READ_SHORT  0x68 abil_num ELSE 0
  PATCH_IF ("%SOURCE_FILE%" STRING_COMPARE_REGEXP "^.+\.cre" = 0) BEGIN // creature effects treated like they're a single, global loop
    SET abil_off = 0 // basically prevents the ability effect loop
    SET abil_num = 0
    READ_LONG  0x2c4 fx_off ELSE 0
    SET counter_offset = 0x2c8
    SET abil_length = 0
    READ_BYTE 0x33 fx_type ELSE 2
    SET min_size = 0x2d4
    SET check_globals = 1
    SET min_size = "-1" // kill macro as the file type is not recognized
  PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE >= min_size) BEGIN // sanity check
    FOR (index = (0 - check_globals) ; index < abil_num ; ++index) BEGIN // we start at -1 for global effects
      PATCH_IF (index < 0) BEGIN // if loop through globals needed
        SET abil_fx_idx = 0  // start with effect 0 since we're in the global loop
        SET abil_type = "-1" // basically, ignore header type checks for global loop
      END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise normal ability
        READ_SHORT  (abil_off +        (abil_length * index)) abil_type
        SET counter_offset = (abil_off + 0x1e + (abil_length * index))
        READ_SHORT  (abil_off + 0x20 + (abil_length * index)) abil_fx_idx
      READ_SHORT counter_offset counter // fx_num on global loop, otherwise abil_fx_num
      PATCH_IF (((abil_type = header_type) OR (abil_type < 0) OR (header_type < 0)) AND // only look on the right header types, if specified...
                ((header = index) OR (header < 0))) BEGIN                               // and only on the right # header, if specified
        SET local_multi = multi_match
        FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < counter ; ++index2) BEGIN
          // read the variables from the current effect
          READ_SHORT (fx_off        + (0x08 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_opcode
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x02 + (0x0a * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_target
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x03 + (0x0d * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_power
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x04 + (0x10 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_parameter1
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x08 + (0x10 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_parameter2
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x0c + (0x10 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_timing
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x0d + (0x47 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_resist_dispel
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x0e + (0x12 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_duration
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x12 + (0x12 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_probability1
          READ_BYTE  (fx_off + 0x13 + (0x13 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_probability2
          READ_ASCII (fx_off + 0x14 + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_resource
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x1c + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_dicenumber
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x20 + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_dicesize
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x24 + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_savingthrow
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x28 + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_savebonus
          READ_LONG  (fx_off + 0x2c + (0x14 * fx_type) + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type)))) o_special
          // match ALL these variables, if specified
          PATCH_IF (((match_opcode        = o_opcode)        OR (match_opcode < 0))        AND
                    ((match_target        = o_target)        OR (match_target < 0))        AND
                    ((match_power         = o_power)         OR (match_power < 0))         AND
                    ((match_parameter1    = o_parameter1)    OR (match_parameter1 < 0))    AND
                    ((match_parameter2    = o_parameter2)    OR (match_parameter2 < 0))    AND
                    ((match_timing        = o_timing)        OR (match_timing < 0))        AND
                    ((match_resist_dispel = o_resist_dispel) OR (match_resist_dispel < 0)) AND
                    ((match_duration      = o_duration)      OR (match_duration < 0))      AND
                    ((match_probability1  = o_probability1)  OR (match_probability1 < 0))  AND
                    ((match_probability2  = o_probability2)  OR (match_probability2 < 0))  AND
                    ((match_dicenumber    = o_dicenumber)   OR (match_dicenumber < 0))    AND
                    ((match_dicesize      = o_dicesize)      OR (match_dicesize < 0))      AND
                    ((match_savingthrow   = o_savingthrow)   OR (match_savingthrow < 0))   AND
                    ((match_savebonus     = o_savebonus)     OR (match_savebonus < "-10")) AND
                    ((match_special       = o_special)       OR (match_special < 0))       AND
                    (("%match_resource%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "%o_resource%" = 0) OR ("%match_resource%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "SAME" = 0))) BEGIN
            // lazily re-use code
            SET base = (fx_off        + ((abil_fx_idx + index2) * (0x30 + (0xd8 * fx_type))))
            // overwrite the cloned effect with the new variables, if specified
            PATCH_IF (opcode >= 0)        BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (base        + (0x08 * fx_type)) opcode        END
            PATCH_IF (target >= 0)        BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x02 + (0x0a * fx_type)) target        END
            PATCH_IF (power_add >= 0)     BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x03 + (0x0d * fx_type)) (power_add + o_power) END
            PATCH_IF (parameter1 >= 0)    BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x04 + (0x10 * fx_type)) parameter1    END
            PATCH_IF (parameter2 >= 0)    BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x08 + (0x10 * fx_type)) parameter2    END
            PATCH_IF (timing >= 0)        BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x0c + (0x10 * fx_type)) timing        END
            PATCH_IF (resist_dispel >= 0) BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x0d + (0x47 * fx_type)) resist_dispel END
            PATCH_IF (special_add >= 0)   BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x0e + (0x12 * fx_type)) (duration_add + o_duration) END
            PATCH_IF (probability1 >= 0)  BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x12 + (0x12 * fx_type)) probability1  END
            PATCH_IF (probability2 >= 0)  BEGIN WRITE_BYTE  (base + 0x13 + (0x13 * fx_type)) probability2  END
            PATCH_IF (dicenumber_add >= 0) BEGIN WRITE_LONG (base + 0x1c + (0x14 * fx_type)) (dicenumber_add + o_dicenumber) END
            PATCH_IF (dicesize_add >= 0)  BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x20 + (0x14 * fx_type)) (dicesize_add + o_dicesize) END
            PATCH_IF (savingthrow >= 0)   BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x24 + (0x14 * fx_type)) savingthrow   END
            PATCH_IF (savebonus_add >= "-10") BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x28 + (0x14 * fx_type)) (savebonus_add + o_savebonus) END
            PATCH_IF (special_add >= 0)   BEGIN WRITE_LONG  (base + 0x2c + (0x14 * fx_type)) (special_add + o_special) END
            PATCH_IF ("%resource%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "SAME" != 0) BEGIN
              WRITE_ASCIIE (base + 0x14 + (0x14 * fx_type)) "%resource%" Grammarsalad/Proficiencies#40
            // update the tracking vars
            SET alter += 1
            PATCH_IF (local_multi < 2) BEGIN  // kill loop if we only want one match
              SET index2 = counter
            END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise bump vars and keep going
              SET local_multi  -= 1
          END // end patch_if for a matched effect
        END // end of the for loop through effects
      END // end patch_if for matched/specified headers
    END // end loop through effects on ability
  END // end ability loop
  // spit out some info if debug is set
  PATCH_IF (debug = 1) BEGIN
    READ_LONG 0x0c strref
    PATCH_IF ((strref > 0) AND (strref < 200000)) BEGIN
      READ_STRREF 0x0c name
      READ_STRREF 0x08 name
    PATCH_IF (alter = 0) BEGIN
      PATCH_PRINT "  Warning: No effects altered on %SOURCE_FILE% (%name%)"
      PATCH_PRINT "              ~%SOURCE_FILE%~   ~override~ // %name%, %alter% effect(s) altered"


  • Bonus damage to ranged attacks
  • Bonus to detect illusions and traps
  • Bonus to saves vs breath and AC

Homebrewery Readme

<style> .phb#p1{ text-align:center; } .phb#p1:after{ display:none; } </style>


(aka Mundane)

##### A mod for the Enhansed Editions of Baldur's Gate I and II and Icewind Dale I

##### Grammarsalad ##### Version 0.05.06 (2019-05-27)


The purpose of this mod is to enrich the playing experience by helping players further develop their characters and NPC's, through the implementation of 2e style non-weapon proficiencies and differentiated mundane equipment (inspired by d&d sources, but also games like Battle Brothers).

The goal is also to free up play space to allow players to more feasibly use the party of their preference by opening up options for all characters through the use of skills. Don't want a priest, but need the essential healing they offer? Train one of your warriors in the Heal nonweapon proficiency. Don't want (or have) a mage, but want some of that battle control? Train in alchemy and implements.

This mod aims to expand the proficiency system in Infinity Engine games, allowing characters to do things like treat injuries and antitoxins with varying degrees of effectiveness. But this mod does not merely add ‘non-weapon proficiencies’. This is a top down revision of the proficiency system that allows characters to do things with their weapons previously impossible without specific magical weapons. Skilled characters can stun enemies with their blunt weapons, cause grievous bleeding wounds with their bladed weapons, and so on. (may have room for 3 more non-weapon profs…)

Engine and Mod Compatibiltiy:

Install Proficiencies either before or after the following mods:
  • Faiths and Powers
  • Spells and Magic
Spells and Magic should be installed after the following mods to minimize conflicts:
  • Spell Revisions (v4 beta or later) (?)
  • IWDification (?)
  • More Style for Mages (?)
  • Tome and Blood (?)
  • Deities of Faerûn (?)
Spells and Magic should be installed before the following mods:


If you encounter a bug while using this mod, please post on the mod thread on the Beamdog forums, or in the issues thread on github (links located below). While reporting bugs, please provide your WeiDu log, the game, and the game version.

Known Bugs (and plans for the future)


Known Issues



Special Thanks

This mod would be nothing without the numerous modders, testers and users in the BG community. I can't hope to thank them all, but I'll try to remember everybody. (Please bonk me on the head if I haven't mentioned you, and I will rectify the situation asap).

Subtledoctor: Man, what can I say. He has contributed so much to this mod, directly and indirectly, that I can honestly say that much of the best work in this mod is his.

Aquadrizzt: Much like Subtle, Aqua has helped me with this and other mods in so many ways, both directly and indirectly.

Kjeron: Kjeron is just a Weidu Wizard. This mod would be nothing without his insight and countless suggestions.

Raduziel: Raz has contributed a number of spells to this mod. Just a great guy.

Requiem and Mordeus: For Inspiration and Resources.

IchigoRXC: Ichi has graciously created a number of spell icons for this mod (and Faiths and Powers)

Pecca: For allowing me to include his amazing Spontaneous Casting mod as a component in Spells and Magic.


I would also like to thank the following people for their assistance with, and contributions to, this mod.

  • Wisp and aVENGER, for their Scribe Scroll component in aTweaks (, which was essential in the creation of the various Crafting components.
  • Anyone who contributed to the mod discussion on the forums, played earlier versions of the mod, or otherwise helped with the creation and development of this mod.
  • The creators of the tools I used while developing this mod, without which this mod would not exist.

Feedback and Suggestions

The following people have been patiently giving me feedback on this and other mods for years.

Tools Used and other resources

  • WeiDu, by Westley Weimer, the bigg and Wisp
  • Near Infinity, by Jon Hauglid and Argent77
  • The Infinity Engine Data Structures Project (IEDSP), maintained by igi and lynx
  • WeiDu Highlighters, by Idobek and cmorgan
  • ConTEXt, by ??
  • NotePad++, by Don Ho
  •, for this readme you are looking at:


These mods and resources have inspired me. Check them out:


Tome and Blood:
Scales of Balance:
Spell Revisions:
Faiths of Faerun:
Deities of Faerûn:


d20 Pathfinder SRD:
**Countless 2e pdfs purchased at drivethrurpg:

My other mods:

Faiths and Powers:
Spells and Magic:


# Component Overview

What follows is a short description of each component offered by this mod. More detailed descriptions (i.e. specific spell and ability descriptions offered by this mod) can be foound below.

Main Component Name: Subcomponent Range 101 - nnn



Main Component

Characters must select both weapon proficiencies and non-weapon proficiencies from the same pool. As such, characters receive many more proficiency points than in vanilla. While this may seem to be a boon, characters will soon discover that they will have to make hard choices as they level up.


Max Rank by Level

1st Level 3rd Level 6th Level 9th Level Level 10+
2 3 4 5 7

Proficiency points by class

Class 1st Level Rate Multiclass 1st Level Rate
Fighter 8 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage 6 1/3 lev
Ranger 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Cleric 7 1/3 lev
Paladin 7 1/4 lev Fighter/Thief 7 1/3 lev
Thief 6 1/3 lev Fighter/Mage/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Bard 6 1/2 lev Mage/Thief 6 1/4 lev
Cleric 6 1/3 lev Cleric/Mage 5 1/4 lev
Druid 7 1/3 lev Cleric/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Shaman 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Druid 7 1/3 lev
Monk 6 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage/Cleric 6 1/4 lev
Wizard 4 1/4 lev Cleric/Ranger 6 1/4 lev
Sorcerer 6 1/3 lev


Proficiency Maximums by Class and Kit

Weapon Proficiencies

Class/Kit Simple Sword Miscellaneous Axe Great Sword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor
Fighter 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5
- Barbarian 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
- Berserker 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 5
- Kensai 7^ 7^ 5 7^ 7^ 7^ 7^ 0 0
- Wizard Slayer 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5
- Defender° 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 5
- Warmain° 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5
- Savage° 5 0 3 0 0 5 5 5 1
- Marksman° 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 2
Ranger 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- Archer 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1
- B. Master 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 1
- Stalker 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Paladin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- U. Hunter 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- Cavalier 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3
- Inquisitor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- B. Guard 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
° New (optional) kit

^ See individual class or kit description for further details.

Class/Kit Simple Sword Miscellaneous Axe Great Sword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor
Thief 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
- Assassin 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
- Swashbuckler 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1
- B. Hunter 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
- S. Dancer 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
- Delver° 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
° New (optional) kit

^ See individual class or kit description for further details.


#### Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Class/Kit End Heal Herb Alch Imp ??? ??? Spell Per ???
Fighter 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
- Barbarian 5 2 3 0 0 0 5
- Berserker 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
- Kensai 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
- W. Slayer 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
- Defender° 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
- Warmain° 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
- Savage° 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
- Marksman° 5 5 1 0 0 0 5
Ranger 5 5 5 3 1 0 0
- Archer 5 5 5 3 1 0 0
- B. Master 7 5 5 3 1 0 0
- Stalker 5 5 5 3 1 0 0
Paladin 5 5 2 1 1 0 5
- U. Hunter 5 5 2 1 1 0 5
- Cavalier 5 5 2 1 1 0 5
- Inquisitor 5 5 2 1 1 0 5
- B. Guard 5 5 5 4 1 0 5
° New (optional) kit

^ See individual class or kit description for further details.


## Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use
Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.
Craft Alchemical Items
Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown it, the glass bursts open covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalt equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Alchemy
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 2d2 per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Alchemy
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).



Magic Item Creation and Additional Magic Items

Note: The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and B_Kits. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

This component adds new magic items, and item creation.


Persuasion (Charisma or Strength)

  • Intimidate, bluff and diplomacy
  • haggling with merchants(?)
  • half orcs use str instead of cha for intimidate type checks

Proficiency Descriptions

Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.

Craft Alchemical Items

Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4 acid per round Burns for 1 round, + 1 round/rank
Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d2 fire/rank 5' rad (save 1/2)
Tanglefoot Bag 2 Ranks - Immobilizes target
Thunderstone 2 Ranks - Deafens targets
Flashpowder 3 Ranks - Blinds targets
Smokebomb 3 Ranks - Creates concealing smoke effectively rendering the user invisible for a short period
Portable thief 4 Ranks - Applied to a lock, it expands and breaks it open
Flask of Sunlight 5 Ranks - Creates a flash that repels/destroys undead

Acid, Makeshift
Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts upon impact, covering the target with burning acid. On the first round hit, the target takes 1d4 acid damage, and again takes 1d4 damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands (with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus) to prevent further damage.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
    For a number of additional rounds equal to the number of ranks of alchemy of the creator save vs wands or take 1d4 points of acid damage
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift
The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When thrown, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 1d6 fire damage +1d6 fire damage per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus).

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1d6 points of fire damage per rank (save vs. wands half).
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist's fire on themselves (suffering full damage with no chance to save).

Tanglefoot Bag
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When the alchemist throws a tanglefoot bag at a creature, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target if they do not make their save. Entangled targets are unable to move for a number of rounds equal the number of ranks the character has in alchemy if they do not save vs. paralysis (with a penalty equal to creator's intelligence modifier). Targets that save see their movement halved for 1 round. As it is only necessary to hit the target for the bag to be effective, the alchemist gets a +4 bonus to hit.

    THAC0: +4
    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Target must save vs. paralysis or is rendered immobile for 1 round/rank. Targets that save move at half speed for 1 round.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: Miscellaneous
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the mixture on themselves, and becoming immobilized for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A thunderstone is a normal looking stone that emits a loud burst of sound when it hits a hard surface, potentially deafening any nearby creatures. Creatures within 15' of the burst must save vs. wands or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are deafened for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Deafened spellcasters have a 50% chance to miscast any spells, and any affected creature suffers a -1 penalty to weapon and casting speed.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 2 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the stone deafening themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

Flashpowder Bomb
A flashpowder bomb is a tightly packed glass jar filled with various substances that ignite in a blinding flash when exposed to air. Creatures within 15' of the explosion must save vs. wands or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Saves are made with a penalty equal to the intelligence bonus of the crafter. This item need not strike a creature to be effective, and there is no to hit role necessary.

    Damage: See Combat abilities
    Combat abilities:
    Nearby targets must save vs. wands or are blinded for 5 rounds +1 round/rank. Blinded creatures suffer a -4 penalty to armor class & hit attack rolls and they cannot target creatures with any abilities outside of melee range.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of dropping the bomb, blinding themselves for the full duration (with no save allowed).

A smokebomb is a chemical mixture of various substances that produce a concealing poof of smoke when slammed on the ground. This effectively renders the user invisible for 3 seconds, allowing them to escape

    Using this item renders the user invisible for 3 seconds.
    Speed Factor: 1
    Proficiency Type: NA
    Type: One-handed
    Weight: 0
  • Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 3 ranks in Alchemy.
    Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of blinding themselves with the chemical mixture for 3 rounds.


Concoct Elixir

Requirements: Must be a Spellcaster or have the Concoct Elixir HLA

Craft (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Endurance (Constitution)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Heal (Wisdom)

Requirement: Cure/Inflict Bonus: Ability to cast any Cure Wounds or Inflict wounds spells.

This skill represents training in the medical arts. Individuals trained in healing are able to quickly diagnose and treat various injuries and sicknesses, whether caused by blade, poison or disease. This skill is most commonly taken by clerics and priests. While they can invoke the power of their faith to heal the sick and wounded, they often also study the more mundane, but natural sciences to heal their flock so they do not bother their deity with lesser illnesses and wounds. Warriors’ violent occupation also leads them to study the healing arts. Occasionally, characters from other professions will learn this skill, though they are typically not as skilled in the healing arts as a priest or warrior.
This skill has a natural synergy with herbalism, and herbalists are able to create more effective remedies if they are trained healers (see the herbalism skill for details). Conversely, healers trained in herbalism are more effective at treating diseases and poisons.

Treat Wounds

The healer can treat the injuries of <PRO_HISHER> allies on the fly. When <PRO_HESHE> uses this skill, <PRO_HESHE> heals 1d3 points of damage per point <PRO_HESHE> has in Heal, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. In addition, creatures that receive treatment from a healer heal at an increased rate. This ability is not magical, and it can only help a patient so much; it will only be effective on a single individual once per day.

The healer can make use of this ability 1 time per day if they have at least 1 rank in heal. This ability can be used an additional time per day for every two additional ranks <PRO_HESHE> has in heal.

Treat Affliction

Healers that are also trained in herbalism can use <PRO_HISHER> treat injury ability to treat poisons, and diseases, as well as wounds. This ability is not always effective, however, and the chance that the healer will successfully treat a poisoned individual is 50%, +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism. Diseases are much more complicated than poisons, and so the chance of success is only 40% +5% per rank <PRO_HESHE> has in herbalism, plus <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier. Healers untrained in herbalism cannot treat disease or poison.

Treat Injury
This ability allows you to heal your allies, and possibly poisons and diseases if (and only if) you are trained in herbalism. Also, creatures under your care heal at an increased rate as per the table below.

  • Heals 1d3 points/rank you have in healing, plus your wisdom modifier.
  • Treat Poisons: 50% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.
  • Treat Disease: 40% +5%/rank you have in herbalism, plus your wisdom modifier %.

Increased Healing Rate:
1 rank: 1 hit point per 16 turns.
2 ranks: 1 hit point per 8 turns.
3 ranks: 1 hit point per 4 turns.
4 ranks: 1 hit point per 2 turns.
5+ ranks: 1 hit point per turn.

Cure/Inflict Bonus

Healers that can also cast cure spells (any spell with the word “cure” in it’s title) are more capable with those spells if they are also trained in healing. Practitioners heal an additional 2 points per rank they have in healing when using any cure wounds spells. This bonus only counts up to the level of the spell, however. That is, for example, because Cure Light Wounds is a 1st level spell, it only allows the caster to apply 1 rank of healing to the spell, and thus can only heal an additional 2 points of damage. Similarly, priests can use their skill in healing to better hurt their opponents with inflict spells if they are trained in heal. They inflict additional damage equal to the the amount they would heal for a spell of the given level.

The Paladin can also apply this bonus to Lay on Hands.

Herbalism (Wisdom)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Implements (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Nature Lore (Wisdom)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Persuasion (Charisma or Strength)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Spellcraft (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Survival (Wisdom)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.

Religion (Intelligence)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use

Outlines and describes a particular use of a given proficiency.



Armor Proficiency

  • Allows one to effectively use armor (unprof can use armor but with hefty penalties). Use still limited by class unless universal use component is installed

Components overview

Skills & Proficiencies

This mod aims to increase player options by adding or modifying skills, non-weapon proficiencies, or skill like 'pseudo-skills'. Additionally, this mod introduces modifications to other skill-like abilities, and allows more or less 'talented' characters by giving bonuses or penalties to different abilities based on their attributes or other talents.

Special Note: EEex

This mod does not require EEex , but many of the components will either work best with EEex installed, or will unfortunately be dependent on EEex (because there is no other reasonable way to implement the component). As such, I encourage you to click on the link and install EEex if you are able.

Components Overview

Skills & Proficiencies: 101-106: Main Component

This group of components deal with the main theme of this mod: non-weapon proficiencies. However, proficiencies can (and have been) implemented in different ways in this engine, and so the user needs to decide which version works best for them.

The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.

Known Issues (Main Component):

Skills & Proficiencies: 201 - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes

This group of components modify special abilities, especially 'skill-like', special abilities or make attributes (especially non physical attributes) more meaningful by granting modifiers to abilities and skills based on the characters attribute scores. For components that convert certain abilities to skills, see the following section (Expanded Skills).


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Abilities and Attributes):

  • 201: Attributes: Illusion immunity for high int: This component changes Shadow Creatures to Illusory creatures allowing players to bypass the normal limits on summoned monsters (i.e. they will be able to summon the maximum plus any creatures summoned by these summon spells.)

Skills & Proficiencies: 2001 - ???: Expanded Skills

Heavily inspired by OlvynChuru's epic thieving mod, and largely impossible without OlvynChuru's contributions to EEex, these components seek to expand rogue skills in some way, whether by allowing choice where there wasn't choice before, by expanding what a player can do with their skills (or both), or even restricting a skill or skill-like ability in some way.

This group of components adds (thief-like) class skills to the game or modifies class skill points to be distributed differently, or allows other classes to perform them where possible.


These components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Note: Skill Point Distribution

Many of these components give skills to classes that either already have at least one skill, or that do not normally have any skills at all. In any case where a given kit or class has exactly one skill, they will gain points to that skill at a set rate by level. However, wherever a given kit or class gains two or more skills, or where they gain at least one skill where they already have at least one skill, they can distribute skills as a thief. This rate is set by class or kit, and does not change by the number of skills that they have, so the character may have to specialize. The rate at which kits or classes gain skill points is determined by the table below. Note that any mod kits will have the same skill point distribution as the base class if they are not specifically mentioned (let me know if there are any kit mods that need special attention).

Also, magic item creation skills do not count toward this limit.

Thieves actually gain a few more skill points if they gain access to any of the new offered skills. If they gain even a single skill described in this section, they will gain skill points at the increased rate below:

Kit/Class Single Skill Skill Points at 1st Level Skill Points gained per Level
Ranger (all) See Stealth 30 15
Base Fighter 5/Level 20 10
Barbarian 8/Level 30 15
Berserker 5/Level 20 10
Kensai 5/Level 20 10
Wizard Slayer 8/Level 30 10
Defender 5/Level 20 10
Base Thief NA 50 30
Shadowdancer NA 35 20
Assassin NA 50 20
Bounty Hunter NA 50 25
Swashbuckler NA 50 30
Base Bard See P. Pocket 30 20
Multiclass Thief NA 50 30
Skald See P. Pocket 20 10
Jester See P. Pocket 30 20
Blade See P. Pocket 20 10
Monk (all) NA 10 15
Druid (all) 4/level 15 10
Mages (all) 1/level 0 5
Cleric (all) 1/level 0 5

Single Skill: Skill advancement if (and only if) the class has a single skill.
Skill Points at 1st Level: Skill % at first level iff they can distribute points.
Skill Points gained per Level: Skill % gained each level after first iff they can distribute points.

Known Issues (Expanded Skills):

  • EEex expanded skills in BGEE: These components may not work properly in non-SOD BGEE. This is an EEex issue, and cannot be fixed on my end (er, I don't know how to fix it).

  • Thief Skills: Use Scrolls:

  • 'Component 1901: Use scrolls - 10th level' will not display for a character created in Throne of Bhaal. The skill will display upon level up, however.

  • 'Component 1902: Use scrolls - no level requirement' is likely overpowered. Use at your discretion.

Skills & Proficiencies: 3001-????: Thief skills for regular Joes

This group of components give thief skills to non-thief characters (as much as possible). For the most part, it does not give all thief skills to all characters, but where thematically appropriate or where there is a reasonable pnp precedent, I will try to implement it (let me know if you have any ideas!) Many of these skills are limited in some manner, and a few of these components even limit current skill usage. For example, the Hide in Natural Surroundings components only allow a character to hide outdoors. That's useful, to be sure, but less useful than the thief skill.

The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Thief skills for regular Joes):

Skills & Proficiencies: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation

This group of components deal with magic item creation and recharging. These components allow players to create scrolls, potions and wands, and they allow players to recharge wands. There are a number of different creation subsystems for each, and users can install different subsystems for different items. These components can also interact with the proficiency system (see below for details).

This component adds new magic items, and item creation.
The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and B_Kits. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

Known Issues (Magic Item Creation):

Skills & Proficiencies: ??? - ???: High Level Abilities

This group of components deal with high level abilities, either adding new HLAs, modifying existing HLAs, or both.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (High Level Abilities):

Skills & Proficiencies: 6001 - ???: Limitations

This group of components actually reduce player ability in some way. They are intended to be installed with the above enhancement components, in order to preserve some kind of balance. However, they can be installed without the bonuses, or not at all as you prefer.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Limitations):

EEex skill extensions

New possible rogue skills:

Climb Walls: Implement via dialog. (athletics???Acrobatis???) Might give AC/spell save bonuses for high values

--		["stat"] = 25, --Necessary?  Probably.  Maybe use a custom stat (need to check in dialog, etc)
		["name"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's name: Climb Walls (Climb? Athletics? Acrobatics?) 
		["description"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's description.
		["opcode"] = 110, --Will this work?  Empty opcode...
		["visibility"] = 3, --Whether the skill will appear alongside other skills in the character record screen.
						-- 0: Always show
						-- 1: Show if character can put points in skill
						-- 2: Show if skill != 0
						-- 3: Show if skill != 0 and character can put points in skill
						-- 4: Don't show
		["class_include"] = {4, 9, 10, 13, 15}, --All thieves (bards??) 
--		["kit_include"] = {0x4008}, --Any non thief kit???
--		["kit_exclude"] = {0x400C, 0x4021}, --Exclude Barbarian for Dual/multi class (i.e. qdmulit barbs)
--		["stat_exclude"] = {{34, 10, 2}, {38, 9, 2}} --Not nec (str requirement?) 
 --The syntax is similar to a SPLPROT.2DA condition, and it accepts all the relations (0 - 11) that SPLPROT.2DA does.

Use Scrolls: How??? That is, how to implement, tie it to the EEex feature? Investigate. Require int of 9 and make it so that thieves can use at least lev 1 if they put 1 point into the skill.

Likely can tie it to level, so thieves can get access at 10th level:

--		["stat"] = 25, --Necessary?  Probably.  Maybe use a custom stat (need to check for actual scroll use)
		["name"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's name: Use Scrolls
		["description"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's description.
		["opcode"] = 113, --Will this work?  Empty opcode...
		["visibility"] = 3, --Whether the skill will appear alongside other skills in the character record screen.
						-- 0: Always show
						-- 1: Show if character can put points in skill
						-- 2: Show if skill != 0
						-- 3: Show if skill != 0 and character can put points in skill
						-- 4: Don't show
		["class_include"] = {4}, --SC Thief only right now (unsure about stats of multi thieves)  
--		["kit_include"] = {0x4008}, --Any non thief kit???
--		["kit_exclude"] = {0x400C, 0x4021}, --Exclude Barbarian for Dual/multi class (i.e. qdmulit barbs)
		["stat_exclude"] = {{34, 10, 2}, {38, 9, 2}} --First class level less than 10 (I think)--single class only??? Dual Class??? Also, min int of 9 just like a mage.  Maybe require certain lore/read lang levels???
 --The syntax is similar to a SPLPROT.2DA condition, and it accepts all the relations (0 - 11) that SPLPROT.2DA does.

Grrr, where are my notes on this? Requires 4 custom stats.

Level 10 stat: Required to put ranks in skill. Set by thieves at level 10.
Mage stat: Stat required to use mage scrolls. Automatically set for mages, sorcerers and bards. Values of 1 allows level 1 scrolls up to 9 allowing level 9 scrolls inclusive. Mages sorcerers and bards (though allow for bards to only have access to up to lev 6 scrolls) have max value. Each 10 points in Use Scroll increments the value of this stat by 1 for thieves (so, 10 points allows lev 1 scrolls, etc.--if zero lev scrolls in game (from magic and spells) then 1 point allows thieves to use those--maybe the values of this should be 0-11 (for poss cantrips and 10th level scrolls).
Priest stat: For cleric spells. Set to max value for clerics (and optionally for paladins). Probably not druids (though, if druid scrolls are added, will need another stat). Increments by 1 for every 15 points in use scroll stat (except gets a value for use with lev 7 scrolls at 99).
Use Scrolls Stat: Sets priest and/or mage stats depending on value.

Optionally, should include priest scroll component from S&M.

Bardic Knowledge: Maybe just lore, and maybe just allow bards to add to it... (can be used instead of various int checks), but also grant a bonus to Lore. Bards should start with a non-zero boni and thieves should be able to use it (because, why not?)

		["stat"] = 25, --Check in dialog, etc.  (perhaps in place of certain attributes, esp intelligence and wis) 
		["name"] = 9459, --Strref of the skill's name: Lore
		["description"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's description.
		["opcode"] = 21, --The opcode that will be used to modify the skill.
		["visibility"] = 4, --Lore already shows up
						-- 0: Always show
						-- 1: Show if character can put points in skill
						-- 2: Show if skill != 0
						-- 3: Show if skill != 0 and character can put points in skill
						-- 4: Don't show
		["class_include"] = {5}, --Bards only (though, maybe also thieves???)  
--		["kit_include"] = {0x4008}, --Could easily add certain kits...
--     	["kit_exclude"] = {0x400C, 0x4021}, --Prob not necessary (though, there is the Blade)
--		["stat_exclude"] = {{38, 16, 2}, {39, 14, 2}} --Not nec
--The syntax is similar to a SPLPROT.2DA condition, and it accepts all the relations (0 - 11) that SPLPROT.2DA does.

Performance: Bard only. Gives access to advanced songs, n stuff

		["stat"] = ##, --Need to check for change bard song effect (and maybe instrument use) 
		["name"] =####, --Strref of the skill's name: Performance
		["description"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's description.
		["opcode"] = ###, --The opcode that will be used to modify the skill.
		["visibility"] = 3, --Whether the skill will appear alongside other skills in the character record screen.
						-- 0: Always show
						-- 1: Show if character can put points in skill
						-- 2: Show if skill != 0
						-- 3: Show if skill != 0 and character can put points in skill
						-- 4: Don't show
		["class_include"] = {5}, --Bards only 
--		["kit_include"] = {0x4008}, --Could easily add certain kits...
--     	["kit_exclude"] = {0x400C, 0x4021}, --Prob not necessary (though, there is the Blade)
--		["stat_exclude"] = {{38, 16, 2}, {39, 14, 2}} --Not nec
--The syntax is similar to a SPLPROT.2DA condition, and it accepts all the relations (0 - 11) that SPLPROT.2DA does.

Read Languages: ??? Maybe Read/Speak languages? Gives a chance to communicate with monstrous creatures?

--		["stat"] = 25, --Necessary?  Yup.  Use a custom stat
		["name"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's name: Read/Speak Languages (Linguistics?)  
		["description"] = ####, --Strref of the skill's description.
		["opcode"] = 118, --Will this work?  Empty opcode...
		["visibility"] = 3, --Whether the skill will appear alongside other skills in the character record screen.
						-- 0: Always show
						-- 1: Show if character can put points in skill
						-- 2: Show if skill != 0
						-- 3: Show if skill != 0 and character can put points in skill
						-- 4: Don't show
		["class_include"] = {4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15}, --All thieves and bards
--		["kit_include"] = {0x4008}, --Any non thief kit???
--		["kit_exclude"] = {0x400C, 0x4021}, --Exclude Barbarian for Dual/multi class (i.e. qdmulit barbs)
--		["stat_exclude"] = {{34, 10, 2}, {38, 9, 2}} --Not nec (Int requirement?) 
 --The syntax is similar to a SPLPROT.2DA condition, and it accepts all the relations (0 - 11) that SPLPROT.2DA does.

Bartering: ???
Can I change prices 'on the fly' through dialog (or lua)? Can I use the stat value as a variable for % to activate a particular response?
Can I make a particular merchant 'remember' a result? Can I make certain merchants harder or easier? (based on wis score or familiarity with PC/reputation?)

Packrat: ????????
Can I do anything with stat 71 Encumbrance? Seems unlikely. Wouldn't adding to that stat just increase encumbrance? And, a negative result would be bad. But, maybe a custom stat could lower encumbrance by a percentage????

What about 47 moralrecoverytime?

'Missing' Proficiencies



Awareness: bonus to Breath Saves, Find Traps/Detect Illusions

Hunting: Bonus to ranged Damage AND/OR bonus to hide/move silently and trap while outside of city areas

Move Bonus: Bonus to movement rate (Endurance?) Natural env ony?

Set Natural Snares: Able to set traps in nat environments

Wild Empathy: Charm Beasts (nature lore?)

Concealment: Bonus to stealth in natural environments

Craft Ammunition: Crafting Special Ammos (craft arms and armors?)

some deets

Hunting (Dexterity)
Requirements: Hunter: Can only make effective use of find traps and detect illusions skills if they have the requisite skills.

This skill represents training in tracking and taking down game. This skill is also useful, however, for taking down any target. Characters gain a number of combat bonuses (see below), they can set natural snares (see below) and craft special (and normal) ammunition (see below).


The character gains a +1 bonus to damage for every rank <PRO_HESHE> assigns to this skill to ranged damage rolls. In addition, Hunters learn to be aware of their surroundings. For every two ranks a character has in Hunting, <PRO_HESHE> receives a +1 bonus to saves vs. breath, and a +5 bonus to find traps and detect illusions (only useful if they have such skills). A character that has four ranks in hunting gains a +1 bonus to AC.

Set Natural Snares

When the character reaches 3 ranks in this skill, they can set natural snares. They gain a +20% bonus to set snares (+20% for each additional rank), and they gain the special ability to set natural snares. Set natural snares work just like set snares, except it is only effective in outdoor environments.

Craft Ammunition

Hunters can craft normal, and (at high rankings) advanced ammunition for any ranged weapon:

Ammunition Type Bonus/Penalty Requirement (ranks) Types Cost
Standard Ammo None (1) all  
Sharp +1 dam (2) Arrows, Bolts, Darts  
Weighted +2 dam, -1st (2) Stones  
Piercing +2 strike (3) Arrows, Bolts  
  • Includes 'wild empathy'.
  • Allows one to acquire and 'train' animal companions.
  • Set Natural Snares
  • Alertness: This skill represents alertness. Each time the character puts a rank in to appraisal, they receive a +1 bonus to saves vs. breath, and a +5 bonus to + <PRO_HISHER> wisdom modifier bonus to find traps and detect illusions (only useful if they are a thief). A character that has four ranks in alertness gains a +1 bonus to AC

Animal Handling (Charisma)

Requirements: None

Animal Handling is the skill of getting animals, and, in some cases, other beasts, to do what you want them to do. Animal Handling is useful for calming down hostile animals in the wild, training your own pets and beasts as war machines or thieves, or even adopting a wild beast as a companion.

//Bastard sword--> Simple Weapon Probable stref 25000, 25024 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25000 @700105
STRING_SET 25024 @700106
//Long sword--> Sword Probable stref 25001, 25025 (description)--BGEE
STRING_SET 25001 @700205
STRING_SET 25025 @700206
//Short sword--> Martial Arts Probable stref 25002, 25026 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25002 @700300
STRING_SET 25026 @700301
//Axe--> Axe Probable stref 25003, 25027 (description)-BGEE
//Two-Handed--> Great Sword Probable stref 25004, 25028 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25004 @700503
STRING_SET 25028 @700504
//Katana--> Polearms Probable stref 25005, 25029 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25005 @700603
STRING_SET 25029 @700604
//Scimitar (etc.)--> Blunt Probable stref 25006, 25030 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25006 @700704
STRING_SET 25030 @700705
//Dagger (etc.)--> Ranged Probable stref 25007, 25031 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25007 @700804
STRING_SET 25031 @700805
//War Hammer --> Armor prob stref 25008, 25032 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25008 @700904
STRING_SET 25032 @700905
//club --> Ranged Fighting Style(was Alchemy--Prop)
STRING_SET 25009 @705000
STRING_SET 25033 @705001
//Spear --> Endurance stref 25010, 25034 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25010 @702000
STRING_SET 25034 @702001
//Halberd --> Heal stref 25011, 25035 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25011 @703000
STRING_SET 25035 @703001
//Flail --> Herbalism stref 25012, 25036 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25012 @704000
STRING_SET 25036 @704001
//Mace --> Alchemy (was randed)
STRING_SET 25013 @701000
STRING_SET 25037 @701001
//Staff --> ??? stref 25014, 25038 (description)-BGEE Magic Implements
STRING_SET 25014 @706000
STRING_SET 25038 @706001
//X-Bow --> ??? stref 25015, 25039 (description)-BGEE Mechanics
STRING_SET 25015 @707000
STRING_SET 25039 @707001
//Longbow --> ??? stref 25016, 25040 (description)-BGEE Nature
STRING_SET 25016 @708000
STRING_SET 25040 @708001
//Short Bow --> ??? stref 25017, 25041 (description)-BGEE Read Magic
STRING_SET 25017 @709000
STRING_SET 25041 @709001
//Dart --> ??? stref 25018, 25042 (description)-BGEE Persuasion
STRING_SET 25018 @710000
STRING_SET 25042 @710001
//Sling --> ??? stref 25019, 25043 (description)-BGEE
STRING_SET 25019 @711000
STRING_SET 25043 @711001


Mundane mod: General idea to reduce magic dependency/christmas tree characters
Ultimate goal is to make it possible to go through the game without a single magic item

	- General items: 
			- Get rock: anybody can pick up a rock and throw it
			- Braciers: +1 defend vs. melee attacks

	- Reduced magic: Low level magic items converted to high quality mundane items
		- Masterwork weapons: + x to hit and damage (perhaps different sorts of modifications)
			- General: special materials (mostly to hurt unique creatures)
			- Blades:
				- Sharp Blade: +1 dam
				- Serrated blade: +3 dam/-1 spd(?)--tends to get stuck
				- Balanced: +1 spd/hit

			- Blunt weapons: 
				- Weighted: +1 dam/spd
				- Heavy: +5 damage/-1 hit/-2 spd

			- Special Arrows/bolts:
				- Hunters Arrow: +1 dam
				- War Arrow: +2 Hit/Damage

			- Sling Bullets:
				- Heavy: +1 blunt dam
				- Sharpened: +1 pierce dam
			- Bows: 
				- Compound: +1 hit/damage--Higher str req
			- Crossbows:
				- Repeater: +1 attack--uses smaller arms that do less damage (or -1 hit--less accurate)
				- Heavy: Long pause; x2 damage or more; min required str
			- Slings?

		-Masterwork Armors:
			- Reinforced: +x AC and/or resistance/-x dex--based on armor type
			- Fitted: Smaller penalties to dex
		- Masterwork items: 
		- Thieves tools
			- Masterwork lockpicks: +x% to pick locks
			- Padded boots: +x% to move silently
			- Black cloak: +x% hide in shadows
			- Toolkit: +x disarm (though also detect) traps

	- Many monsters lose protection from nonmagic items (excepting ghosts and similar)
		Though perhaps even ghosts will be hittable with special material weapons

Final Proficiency and Skill List (to be plugged into Skill Descriptions when finalized)

Possible Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Orig Now Possibility 1 Possibility 2 Possibility 3 Possibility 4
AXE - -
B.Swd Simple Simple (including unarmed) Bastard Sword Large Sword
L.Swd Medium Blades Axe Longsword Small Sword
S.Swd Unarmed/Misc. Blunt Short Sword Bow
Axe Axe Greatsword Axe Spear
2HSwd Greatsword Medium Blades Two Handed Sword Blunt
Katana Polearm Polearm Katana Spiked
Scimitar Blunt Bows & Crossbows Scimitar Axe
Dagger Bows/X-bows Dagger Missile
W.Ham Acrobatics Alchemy Athletics War Hammer Armor
Spear Endurance Athletics & Tumbling (unarmored) Handle Animal Spear Alchemy
Halberd Heal Endurance Mechanics Halberd Athletics
Flail Herbalism Heal Performance Flail Endurance
Mace Alchemy Herbalism Tumble Mace Heal
Staff Implements Implements Staff Herbalism
X-Bow Survival Nature Lore X-Bow Implements
L. Bow Nature Lore Persuasion Longbow Nature
S. Bow Spellcraft Religion Short Bow Persuasion
Dart Persuasion Spellcraft Dart Religion
Sling Religion Survival Sling Spellcraft
Club Armor Armor Club Tumbling
EXTRA2 - Unarmed
EXTRA3 - Light Armor
EXTRA4 - Medium Armor
EXTRA5 - Heavy Armor
EXTRA6 - Alchemy
EXTRA7 - Athletics
EXTRA8 - Endurance
EXTRA9 - Heal
EXTRA10 - Herbalism
EXTRA11 - Implements
EXTRA12 - Nature
EXTRA13 - Persuasion
EXTRA14 - Religion
EXTRA15 - Spellcraft
EXTRA16 - Survival
EXTRA17 - Tumbling

Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Kit and Class Availability

Prof Warrior Priest Rogue Mage
Simple Ftr(6), Brb(2), Ken(2), Def(4), Rest(5) All(1) All(1) All(1)

Hand to Hand

Effective fighting unarmed and/or unarmored

  • Mostly for monks, kensai and fighter/wizards and fighter/druids. But useful lightly armored fighter types, as well (can stack with light armor)

Racial Bonuses

Half-Orcs: Str boni for Demoralize

Elf: +1 Prof Swords and Ranged

Halfling: +4 saves vs. fear; +2 AC, no 2 handed weapons

Dwarf: +1 Armor Prof

Human: Bonus Proficiency (cannot raise a prof above 2 ranks)

Half Elf: Bonus Proficiency (cannot raise a prof above 2 ranks)


  • Use Wands (tier limited by rank level)
  • Recharge/craft wands (see emulate spell for non-casters)

Will also create more cleric wands

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