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wave-apps's Issues

Make setup instructions more inclusive

Current setup instructions require make to be installed. However, this can be a showstopper for windows users which lacks make installation by default.

We could either:

  • Rewrite the instructions to plain python commands.
  • Find OS agnostic alternative to make.

cc @mtanco @geomodular for discussion

Update Makefiles

Some of the Makefiles are dated and include items from when Wave was Q. It's worth cleaning them up so that they only have commands that are helpful and usable today to improve the developer experience.

log4j vulnerability

I used log4j detecor to check the vulnerable apps in my system and found out that wave-apps is using old version of log4j which is vulnerable.

Output- wave-apps/churn-risk/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h2o/backend/bin/h2o.jar contains Log4J-1.x <= 1.2.17 _OLD_

Community apps

Have an idea for a cool small Wave app? Do not hesitate to open a PR. Note that the app should be of a reasonable complexity (beyond hello world) or showing an interesting use case.

Verify and release OSS apps 1.0.0

With the release verification Let's update all the applications to support the Path-based routing reported in this issue.

Credit Risk Read Me updates

  • The read me says that python 3.8 is required, but the H2O AI App Store uses 3.7 - is it incompatible or just untested?
  • Add how to run tests in the read me
  • Add details on the 3 requirements files in the readme

Use Case Updates for Churn Risk

  • Update the churn_predictor class to be dataset agnostic. It should take any required, data-specific features as parameters so that it is easy for end users to use the class for their own datasets.
  • Use the Insurance Churn dataset instead of Telco - H2O has more than one demo application using the Telco Churn dataset and it would be nice to show a different industry.
  • Confirm that MLI is working as expected on a new dataset

Update Tags in OSS Apps

While working on the managed cloud we noticed this warning while uploading the OSS Apps

11:37AM WRN Category field in bundle configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases
11:37AM WRN Keywords field in bundle configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases

Apps are being uploaded under "Other" Tag

Support for Path-Based Routing

Some Hybrid cloud customers will choose to only install apps which use path-based routing (for security and cost-savings reasons) - this feature will be availabe in App Store 0.14.0 and HAIC 22.01.3. To prepare, we recommend updating your app so that it can be used at these customer accounts.


  • Upgrade to H2O Wave 0.20.0
  • Add the following line to your app.toml [Runtime] section: RoutingMode = "BASE_URL"
  • Test that your app works as expected in cloud-dev which has this feature available

How to update data


Thanks for you work, H2O Wave is really good.
I have this code for testing

from h2o_wave import main, app, data, Q, ui
import time
from random import randrange

values_1 = []
values_2 = []

# make some data
for i in range(0,25):
	values_1.append(("CH1", i, randrange(100)))
	values_2.append(("CH2", i, randrange(100)))
async def serve(q: Q):['meta'] = ui.meta_card(box='', layouts=[
      'top', direction=ui.ZoneDirection.ROW, size='385px', zones=[
          'top_left', direction=ui.ZoneDirection.ROW, size='66%'),
      'middle', direction=ui.ZoneDirection.ROW, size='400px'),
      'bottom', direction=ui.ZoneDirection.ROW, size='200px'),
    ])['stats'] = ui.form_card(
        title="Channel Power",
                ui.stat(label=("Man"), value=("Manuel")),
                ui.stat(label=("1234"), value=("1234")),
            ], justify=ui.StatsJustify.BETWEEN, inset=True),
                    ui.mark(type='line', x_scale='linear', x='=date', y='=visitors', color='=site',
                            color_range='$orange $amber', curve=ui.MarkCurve.SMOOTH),
                    ui.mark(type='line', x_scale='linear', x='=date', y='=visitors', color='=site',
                            color_range='$orange $amber', curve=ui.MarkCurve.SMOOTH),
                    fields=['site', 'date', 'visitors'],
                    rows= values_1+ values_2,

Now, i would update the, but it doesnt work and i cant find an example.

from h2o_wave import site, data
import time
from random import randrange

page = site['/demo']
quote = page['stats']

values_1 = []
values_2 = []

i = 0

while True:

	if len(values_1) == 26:
	values_1.append(("CH1", i, randrange(100)))
	values_2.append(("CH2", i, randrange(100)))
	time.sleep(0.25) = values_1 + values_2
	i = i + 1

Thanks for your help.

Update Twitter App

The Twitter Sentiment app works - you search for a key word and very quickly it returns recent tweets and sentiment, this is the full functionality we need for this app. It could use some front and backend polishing:

  • It would be nice if wave run was how you ran this (and all) apps
  • Missing a read me for how to set up
  • A top header bar would be good
  • Change starting word from Trump to AI or H2O or something like that
  • General code review

Currently the twitter credentials are hardcoded for us for testing. Let's add a form element that asks for the user's Twitter API Key, too. The tool tip for this can link to

Improve audio-recording app

Audio recording app is currently pretty barebone - just a single button.

It could use some UI love:

  • Header.
  • Imagery + button.
  • Change of imagery when recording.
  • Footer.

Other ideas for improvement are welcome as well.

Look into Telco Churn Warnings

I get the following warnings in the console when running the Churn application - it would be good to do a code check with these in mind and see if anything needs to be changed.

./src/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

./src/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

./src/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

./src/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

./src/ SettingWithCopyWarning:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

/Users/mtanco/h2o_wave/wave-apps/churn-risk/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h2o/explanation/ RuntimeWarning:

More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).

Churn Risk Menu Change


If you are on an the App Code page #code and change the mode from light to dark you are taken to the home page, but the navigation does not change. This means that if you try to go back to #code it doesn't work.

Clean Credit Usage Data

The Credit Usage Kaggle data uses encodings which can be hard to read, using the Kaggle summary lookup table we can update the data as follows:

# Original Dataset:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

df = pd.read_csv('CreditCard-train.csv')

# Gender (1=male, 2=female)
df['SEX'] =[df['SEX'] == 1, df['SEX'] == 2, ~df['SEX'].isin([1, 2])],
                      ['Male', 'Female', None])

# (1=graduate school, 2=university, 3=high school, 4=others, 5=unknown, 6=unknown)
df['EDUCATION'] =[df['EDUCATION'] == 1, df['EDUCATION'] == 2, df['EDUCATION'] == 3, df['EDUCATION'] == 4,
                             ~df['EDUCATION'].isin([1, 2, 3, 4])],
                            ['Graduate School', 'University', 'High School', 'Other', None])

# MARRIAGE: Marital status (1=married, 2=single, 3=others)
df['MARRIAGE'] =[df['MARRIAGE'] == 1, df['MARRIAGE'] == 2, df['MARRIAGE'] == 3,
                            ~df['MARRIAGE'].isin([1, 2, 3])],
                           ['Married', 'Single', 'Other', None])

# TODO: Rename for consistency
df = df.rename(columns={'PAY_0': 'PAY_1'})

# TODO: change PAY_X to categoricals

# TODO: change target column for consistency
df = df.rename(columns={'': 'DEFAULT_PAYMENT'})

# Change target column to boolean for h2o-3 data typing
df['DEFAULT_PAYMENT'] = np.where(df['DEFAULT_PAYMENT'] == 1, True, False)


Can't run sales forecasting example

I followed the instructions but it is throwing an error:

httpcore.ConnectError: [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 55555)

Examples like churn-risk and shopping-cart-recommendations worked fine.

I'm using a linux server.

Is there anything else to configure?

Make example apps ready for python 3.10

Application dependencies for sample apps are outdated, most of the applications fail when deploying on appstore runtime newer than python 3.8.
Here's the list of problematic dependencies (might have false positives, created with

  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  matplotlib (✗ ambiguos package version)
  wordcloud (✗ ambiguos package version)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.6.0 (✗ ambiguos package version) (✗ ambiguos package version)
  black==20.8b1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8-black==0.2.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-import-order==0.18.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-quotes==3.2.0 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8==3.8.4 (✓ py3 any)
  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.24.2 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.5.2 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  plotly==5.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  siuba==0.4.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  pandas==1.1.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  boto3==1.16.23 (✓ py3 any)
  botocore==1.19.23 (✓ py3 any)
  certifi==2020.11.8 (✓ py3 any)
  click==7.1.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h11==0.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  httpcore==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  idna==2.10 (✓ py3 any)
  jmespath==0.10.0 (✓ py3 any)
  numpy==1.19.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pandas==1.1.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  python-dateutil==2.8.1 (✓ py3 any)
  pytz==2020.4 (✓ py3 any)
  rfc3986==1.4.0 (✓ py3 any)
  s3transfer==0.3.3 (✓ py3 any)
  six==1.15.0 (✓ py3 any)
  sniffio==1.2.0 (✓ py3 any)
  starlette==0.13.8 (✓ py3 any)
  typing-extensions== (✓ py3 any)
  urllib3==1.26.2 (✓ py3 any)
  uvicorn==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o_wave==0.20.0 (✓ py3 any)
  toml==0.10.2 (✓ py3 any)
  loguru==0.6.0 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  numpy==1.19.1 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  plotly==4.10.0 (✓ py3 any)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.7.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  requests (✗ ambiguos package version)
  tabulate (✗ ambiguos package version)
  colorama>=0.3.8 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  future (✗ ambiguos package version) (✗ ambiguos package version)
  ./h2o_wave-nightly-py3-none-any.whl (✗ ambiguos package version)
  tweepy==3.9.0 (✓ py3 any)
  vaderSentiment (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o_wave==0.20.0 (✓ py3 any)
  toml==0.10.2 (✓ py3 any)
  loguru==0.6.0 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.4.1 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  matplotlib==3.5.1 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave==0.25.2 (✓ py3 any)
  mongoengine (✗ ambiguos package version)
  python-jose[cryptography] (✗ ambiguos package version)
  passlib[bcrypt] (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave==0.24.0 (✓ py3 any)
  certifi==2020.12.5 (✓ py3 any)
  click==7.1.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h11==0.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  httpcore==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  idna==2.10 (✓ py3 any)
  rfc3986==1.4.0 (✓ py3 any)
  sniffio==1.2.0 (✓ py3 any)
  starlette==0.13.8 (✓ py3 any)
  typing-extensions== (✓ py3 any)
  uvicorn==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.7.0 (✗ ambiguos package version) (✗ ambiguos package version)
  black==20.8b1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8-black==0.2.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-import-order==0.18.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-quotes==3.2.0 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8==3.8.4 (✓ py3 any)

Add App Usage to ReadMEs

and screenshots as appropriate

I like the Credit Risk Read Me format, would be nice if they were all similar

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