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avro's Introduction

Native Haskell implementation of Avro

Binaries Hackage

This is a Haskell Avro library useful for decoding and encoding Avro data structures. Avro can be thought of as a serialization format and RPC specification which induces three separable tasks:

  • Serialization/Deserialization - This library has been used "in anger" for:
    • Deserialization of avro container files
    • Serialization/deserialization Avro messages to/from Kafka topics
  • RPC - There is currently no support for Avro RPC in this library.

Generating code from Avro schema

The preferred method to use Avro is to be "schema first".
This library supports this idea by providing the ability to generate all the necessary entries (types, class instances, etc.) from Avro schemas.

import Data.Avro
import Data.Avro.Deriving (deriveAvroFromByteString, r)

deriveAvroFromByteString [r|
  "name": "Person",
  "type": "record",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "fullName", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "age", "type": "int" },
    { "name": "gender",
      "type": { "name": "Gender", "type": "enum", "symbols": ["Male", "Female"] }
    { "name": "ssn", "type": ["null", "string"] }

This code will generate the following entries:

data Gender = GenderMale | GenderFemale

schema'Gender :: Schema
schema'Gender = ...

data Person = Person
  { personFullName  :: Text
  , personAge       :: Int32
  , personGender    :: Gender,
  , personSsn       :: Maybe Text

schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person = ...

As well as all the useful instances for these types: Eq, Show, Generic, noticing HasAvroSchema, FromAvro and ToAvro.

See Data.Avro.Deriving module for more options like code generation from Avro schemas in files, specifying strictness and prefixes, etc.

Using Avro with existing Haskell types

Note: This is an advanced topic. Prefer generating from schemas unless it is required to make Avro work with manually defined Haskell types.

In this section we assume that the following Haskell type is manually defined:

data Person = Person
  { fullName  :: Text
  , age       :: Int32
  , ssn       :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

For a Haskell type to be encodable to Avro it should have ToAvro instance, and to be decodable from Avro it should have FromAvro instance.

There is also HasAvroSchema class that is useful to have an instance of (although it is not required strictly speaking).

Creating a schema

A schema can still be generated using TH:

schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person = $(makeSchemaFromByteString [r|
  "name": "Person",
  "type": "record",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "fullName", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "age", "type": "int" },
    { "name": "ssn", "type": ["null", "string"] }

Alternatively schema can be defined manually:

import Data.Avro
import Data.Avro.Schema.Schema (mkUnion)

schema'Person :: Schema
schema'Person =
  Record "Person" []  Nothing
    [ fld "fullName"  (String Nothing)                        Nothing
    , fld "age"       (Int Nothing)                           Nothing
    , fld "ssn"       (mkUnion $ Null :| [(String Nothing)])  Nothing
     fld nm ty def = Field nm [] Nothing Nothing ty def

NOTE: When Schema is created separately to a data type there is no way to guarantee that the schema actually matches the type. It will be up to a developer to make sure of that.

Prefer generating data types with Data.Avro.Deriving when possible.

Instantiating FromAvro

When working with FromAvro directly it is important to understand the difference between Schema and ReadSchema.

Schema (as in the example above) is just a regular data schema for an Avro type.

ReadSchema is a similar type, but it is capable of captuting and resolving differences between "writer schema" and "reader schema". See Specification to learn more about schema resolution and de-conflicting.

FromAvro class requires ReaderSchema because with Avro it is possible to read data with a different schema compared to the schema that was used for writing this data.

ReadSchema can be obtained by converting an existing Schema with readSchemaFromSchema function, or by actually deconflicting two schemas using deconflict function.

Another important fact is that field's values in Avro payload are written and read in order with how these fields are defined in the schema.

This fact can be exploited in writing FromAvro instance for Person:

import           Data.Avro.Encoding.FromAvro (FromAvro (..))
import qualified Data.Avro.Encoding.FromAvro as FromAvro

instance FromAvro Person where
  fromAvro (FromAvro.Record _schema vs) = Person
    <$> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 0)
    <*> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 1)
    <*> fromAvro (vs Vector.! 2)

Fields resolution by name can be performed here (since we have reference to the schema). But in this case it is simpler (and faster) to exploit the fact that the order of values is known and to access required values by their positions.

Instantiating ToAvro

ToAvro class is defined as

class ToAvro a where
  toAvro :: Schema -> a -> Builder

A Schema is provided to help with disambiguating how exactly the specified value should be encoded.

For example, UTCTime can be encoded as milliseconds or as microseconds depending on schema's logical type accordig to Specification:

instance ToAvro UTCTime where
  toAvro s = case s of
    Long (Just TimestampMicros) ->
      toAvro @Int64 s . fromIntegral . utcTimeToMicros

    Long (Just TimestampMillis)) ->
      toAvro @Int64 s . fromIntegral . utcTimeToMillis

ToAvro instance for Person data type from the above could look like:

import Data.Avro.Encoding.ToAvro (ToAvro(..), record, ((.=)))

instance ToAvro Person where
  toAvro schema value =
    record schema
      [ "fullName"  .= fullName value
      , "age"       .= age value
      , "ssn"       .= ssn value

record helper function is responsible for propagaing individual fields' schemas (found in the provided schema) when toAvro'ing nested values.

Type mapping

Full list can be found in ToAvro and FromAvro modules.

This library provides the following conversions between Haskell types and Avro types:

Haskell type Avro type
() "null"
Bool "boolean"
Int, Int64 "long"
Int32 "int"
Double "double"
Text "string"
ByteString "bytes"
Maybe a ["null", "a"]
Either a b ["a", "b"]
Identity a ["a"]
Map Text a { "type": "map", "value": "a" }
Map String a { "type": "map", "value": "a" }
HashMap Text a { "type": "map", "value": "a" }
HashMap String a { "type": "map", "value": "a" }
[a] { "type": "array", "value": "a" }
UTCTime { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis" }
UTCTime { "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-micros" }
LocalTime { "type": "long", "logicalType": "local-timestamp-millis" }
LocalTime { "type": "long", "logicalType": "local-timestamp-micros" }
DiffTime { "type": "int", "logicalType": "time-millis" }
DiffTime { "type": "long", "logicalType": "time-micros" }
Day { "type": "int", "logicalType": "date" }
UUID { "type": "string", "logicalType": "uuid" }

User defined data types should provide HasAvroSchema / ToAvro / FromAvro instances to be encoded/decoded to/from Avro.

avro's People


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avro's Issues

Decoding maps with blocks that start with a negative number is not handled.

According to the Avro spec, blocks can start with a negative number, which requires special handling:

If a block's count is negative, its absolute value is used, and the count is followed immediately by a long block size indicating the number of bytes in the block. This block size permits fast skipping through data, e.g., when projecting a record to a subset of its fields.

The implementation of getArray deals with this correctly:

getArray :: GetAvro ty => Get [ty]
getArray =
  do nr <- getLong
      | nr == 0 -> return []
      | nr < 0  ->
          do _len <- getLong
             rs <- replicateM (fromIntegral (abs nr)) getAvro
             (rs <>) <$> getArray
      | otherwise ->
          do rs <- replicateM (fromIntegral nr) getAvro
             (rs <>) <$> getArray

getMap, however, doesn't handle this case:

getMap :: GetAvro ty => Get (Map.Map Text ty)
getMap = go Map.empty
 go acc =
  do nr <- getLong
     if nr == 0
       then return acc
       else do m <- Map.fromList <$> replicateM (fromIntegral nr) getKVs
               go (Map.union m acc)
 getKVs = (,) <$> getString <*> getAvro

This is an easy fix, but I don't have time to implement it right now, so I'm opening an issue to keep track of it. API breaking change

Hello! adds a new field to the TN constructor in Data.Avro.Schema.TypeName.

This change breaks downstream users of that constructor - would you be open to making a new release called 0.4 (no code change, just version bump), to match the PVP convention? and maybe even further, marking and as deprecated?

I'm not blocked on this personally, but it would likely help other users.

Nullable unions doesn't compile

I'm trying to express an optional union type, and fail.

Given this schema:

  "name": "test",
  "type": ["null", "string", {"type": "map", "values": "int"}]

It crashes on compile with this error:

Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
      Avro type is not supported: Null
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Data/Avro/Deriving.hs:463:25 in avro-
    Code: deriveAvroWithOptions

Without "null" in the union type this works fine.

'toAvro' does not work well in the presence of 'NamedType'

When implementing toAvro, sometimes you need to inspect the corresponding schema. However, if the original schema uses NamedType to reference other types (for example, in the implementation from HasAvroSchema), this is also what you get as argument. But at that point you have completely lost any context about what that NamedType is!

My suggestion is to make an invariant that toAvro is never called with a NamedType. The algorithm should ensure that any NamedType is resolved (or an error is issued if it cannot be found) before calling toAvro.

Release version of package with JSON module

Do we need anything else before we can release a version of avro to Hackage with the new JSON module exposed?

I believe I made some backwards-incompatible changes to how schemas are parsed (to match the Avro specification), so the new version should be or something.

Decoding of Avros with `codec = deflate` doesn't obey spec

The spec states

The "deflate" codec writes the data block using the deflate algorithm as specified in RFC 1951, and > typically implemented using the zlib library. Note that this format (unlike the "zlib format" in RFC 1950) does not have a checksum.

Now, when I try to decode a container with codec = deflate I get

Header error: Header checksum failed

Which is an error message from pure-zlib. But according to spec neither header nor checksums should be serialized and instead the raw format defined by RFC 1951 should be used.

`deriveAvro` example doesn't work


I just started testing this library and the deriveAvro example doesn't seem to work:

  • person.avsc
  "type": "record",
  "name": "Person",
  "fields": [
      "name": "name",
      "type": "string"
  • MyModule.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}

module MyModule where

import Data.Avro.Deriving

deriveAvro "schemas/person.avsc"
  • Stack resolver 13.26

I get this compilation error:

    • Couldn't match expected type ‘GHC.Exts.Item
                                      (f0 (Data.Text.Internal.Text,
                                           Data.Avro.Types.Value.Value Data.Avro.Schema.Type))’
                  with actual type ‘(Data.Text.Internal.Text,
                                     Data.Avro.Types.Value.Value Data.Avro.Schema.Type)’
      The type variable ‘f0’ is ambiguous
    • In the expression:
        (Data.Text.pack "name" Data.Avro.ToAvro..= p_1_alvH)
      In the second argument of ‘Data.Avro.record’, namely
        ‘[(Data.Text.pack "name" Data.Avro.ToAvro..= p_1_alvH)]’
      In the expression:
        (Data.Avro.record schema'Person)
          [(Data.Text.pack "name" Data.Avro.ToAvro..= p_1_alvH)]
8 | deriveAvro "schemas/person.avsc"
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

However this compiles fine with deriveFromAvro

Is there something I missed? I may very well have done an error 😅


deriveAvro / parse schema error

derriveAvro fails when a primitive type is defined as an object, i.e. :

  "name": "CREATETIME",
  "type": {
    "type": "long",
    "connect.version": 1,
    "": ""

According to Schema Declaration (

A Schema is represented in JSON by one of:

  • A JSON string, naming a defined type.
  • A JSON object, of the form:

{"type": "typeName" ...attributes...}

where typeName is either a primitive or derived type name, as defined below. Attributes not defined in this document are permitted as metadata, but must not affect the format of serialized data.

  • A JSON array, representing a union of embedded types.

So in the example type given it should be parsed as a primitive long and the additional fields ["connect.version", ""], captured as metadata or ignored.

It looks like the Nothing case at

case logicalType of
falls through for non primitives.

Make logical types extensible

{ "name": "Decimal", "type": {
      "type": "bytes", "logicalType": "decimal", "precision": 7, "scale": 2

As per Avro specification, logical types are optional for codecs to implement.
This library implements "basic" logical types, but they are hard coded into the library.

It would be nice to be able to make logical types extensible so that users of the library would be able to provide their own logical types.

Currently, Java and even .NET implementations allow "registering" new logical types.
We ought to be able to do it, too ;)

Fails to build with Eta

I'm trying to build the avro- with Eta and it fails with the following error:

[16 of 17] Compiling Data.Avro.Deriving
src/Data/Avro/Deriving.hs:335:74: error:
    Not in scope: ‘e’
    In the Template Haskell quotation
      [| ($(mkText k), $(mkDefaultValue v)) e |]
335 |         mkKVPair (k, v)         = [e| ($(mkText k), $(mkDefaultValue v)) e|]

I've made the following change to the line to

mkKVPair (k, v)         = [e| ($(mkText k), $(mkDefaultValue v)) |]

Will this maintain the original intent?

Strange decoding error when deserializing Avro blob

This is more of a request for debugging assistance than a bug report. I think.

I'm trying to decode RDK-B messages that use this schema:

The actual blobs that I'm trying to decode I can't provide in this report. If it'd help, I might be able to try reproducing the issue with QuickCheck.

When I do a decode on a blob that's supposed to have this schema, I get:
Error "Unexpected value when decoding for 'Double': Record (...), where the (...) is the entire record, AFAICT, that’s been decoded. What’s particularly weird about this is that there’s no use of double anywhere in the schema. I can provide the -ddump-splices TH output, but there's no reference to Double anywhere in the generated code, either.

Where should I start in trying to debug this?

avro- failed to build in Stackage Nightly

/var/stackage/work/unpack-dir/unpacked/avro- error:
    Duplicate instance declarations:
      instance (Lift k, Lift v) => Lift (HashMap.HashMap k v)
        -- Defined at src/Data/Avro/Deriving/Lift.hs:29:10
      instance (Lift k, Lift v) => Lift (HashMap.HashMap k v)
        -- Defined in ‘Data.HashMap.Internal’
29 | instance (Lift k, Lift v) => Lift (HashMap.HashMap k v) where
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Add a benchmark suite

Performance matters when serializing and deserializing large amounts of data with avro. It would be great to have a benchmark suite to measure and track performance:

  • how long it takes to serialize/deserialize Avro.Value to binary
  • how much memory the package uses (including just the memory efficiency of Avro.Values)

This will help us make informed decisions about the performance of the package going forwards.

Cannot resolve read/write schemas when NamedType fields are 'renamed'

  "type": "record",
  "name": "A",
  "namespace": "blah.contract.v2",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "id",             "type": "long" },
    { "name": "geo",
      "type": ["null", {
        "type": "record",
        "name": "Geo",
        "fields": [
          { "name": "source",
            "type": {
              "type": "record",
              "name": "Endpoint",
              "fields": [
                { "name": "ccs",   "type": {"type": "array", "items": "string"} }
          { "name": "dest", "type": "Endpoint" }


  "type": "record",
  "name": "A",
  "namespace": "blah.contract.v2",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "id",             "type": "long" },
    { "name": "geo",
      "type": ["null", {
        "type": "record",
        "name": "Geo",
        "fields": [
          { "name": "dest",
            "type": {
              "type": "record",
              "name": "Endpoint",
              "fields": [
                { "name": "ccs",   "type": {"type": "array", "items": "string"} }

i.e. The original has source and dest but I only want to decode dest so I remove source but leave the type definition in the remaining dest field.

The error produced is:

Unexpected value for 'blah.contract.v2.Endpoint': Error "Can not resolve differing writer and reader schemas: 

(NamedType "blah.contract.v2.Endpoint",
	Record {name = "blah.contract.v2.Endpoint",
		aliases = [],
		doc = Nothing,
		order = Just Ascending,
		fields = [
			Field {fldName = "ccs",
				fldAliases = [],
				fldDoc = Nothing,
				fldOrder = Just Ascending,
				fldType = Array {item = String},
				fldDefault = Nothing

I removed some potentially sensitive information from these texts but if there looks like something is missing I can provide full dumps.

Clarification on encode - encodeContainer vs decode - decodeContainer

Hi there!

I'm trying to get familiar with the library, and as an example I tried to expand on the README example and take a Haskell Data structure, encode it to Avro, write it to file and decode it from the file into the original Data structure again.

My first try was using the encode and decode functions and writing/reading to a file, but it produced invalid Avro (tested with avro-tools.jar)

So I decided to try the encodeContainer / decodeContainer functions instead and that worked, then I started to look into "why" that worked and found the following:

Avro includes a simple object container file format. A file has a schema, and all objects stored in the file must be written according to that schema, using binary encoding. Objects are stored in blocks that may be compressed. Syncronization markers are used between blocks to permit efficient splitting of files for MapReduce processing.

As I've been using Avro only through high level interfaces such as Spark/Hive before I was unaware of the "Object Container Files" specificity, and that records were organized in "blocks".

Does that mean encodeContainer and decodeContainer are the only suitable functions for dealing with files ? (because they deal with blocks), and encode / decode are only suitable for exchange of Avro messages through HTTP requests ?

Are we actually using hpack?

Right now, we have both a .cabal file and a package.yaml file in the repo. This is redundant and can cause problems—for example, #71 only updated the .cabal file, so the repo does not build with hpack any more. This was not caught by our CI which, presumably, just uses the .cabal file directly.

Ideally, we should only have one or the other. I propose getting rid of package.yaml altogether and sticking to a normal .cabal file.

Serialise to JSON

Is JSON encoding for serialisation supported? I've found some JSON related code in the library, but it seems mostly related to schemas. If I understand correctly, the JSON encoding is similar for serialisation and field default values, so maybe there's a way to reuse that? There doesn't seem to be a way to get a DefaultValue via ToAvro however.

The issue tracker link on Hackage does not work.

The issue tracker link on Hackage currently points to but should point to instead (avro vs avro.git).

I believe you can submit a revision to fix this—probably a better option than waiting for a new version of the package.

Drop support for GHC 7.10.x

I am thinking of dropping support for GHC 7.10.

Please let me know if you think supporting 7.10 is still important.

Avro and lazy decoding

I am not actually starting any work on this now and opening this issue as a discussion point.

The problem is that the decodeContainer has the following signature:

decodeContainer :: BL.ByteString -> Either String (Schema, [[T.Value Type]])

which means that in order to return the result it must know whether there was an error or a success for the entire structure. Which means that the value in Right is fully traversed before it is returned and that [[T.Value Type]] is never lazy.

It comes all the way from

getContainerWith :: (Schema -> Get a) -> Get (Schema, [[a]])

which decodes and decompresses the bytestring and then calls runGetOrFail once for the whole structure in this block (wrapping the result back to Get to hide its crime):

case runGetOrFail (replicateM nrObj getValue) bytes of
    Right (_,_,x) -> return x
    Left (_,_,s)  -> fail s

I am not very familiar with Get, but If we somehow could call runGetOrFail on each chunk separately, then we could be "lazier".

Or we can go all the way and have an error case as another constructor of Value so that we could lazily decode the structure without forcing the full traversal on it (which Either Error a does).

Does anyone else think it is worth improving and can offer their thoughts on the subject?

@newhoggy , @TikhonJelvis ?

Deconflicting occurs on full name, rather than baseName

I think the avro specification changed around 1.10 to be more flexible in resolution.

It now reads:

both schemas are enums whose (unqualified) names match
both schemas are fixed whose sizes and (unqualified) names match
both schemas are records with the same (unqualified) name

I think the current name checks can be relaxed a little. I would also note that the java implementation doesn't appear to check names at all on deconflicting a top level record.

`buildTypeEnvironment` doesn't work properly with maps

buildTypeEnvironment on older versions of the package doesn't handle maps properly.

case ty of
        Record {..} -> mk name aliases namespace ++ concatMap (go . fldType) fields
        Enum {..}   -> mk name aliases namespace
        Union {..}  -> concatMap go options
        Fixed {..}  -> mk name aliases namespace
        Array {..}  -> go item
        _           -> []

This case should also recurse on Map {..}:

    Map {..} -> go values

This leads to errors on schemas that define a named type in a map and then refer to it:

  "name" : "Foo",
  "type" : "record",
  "fields" : [
      "name" : "bar",
      "type" : {
          "type" : "map",
          "values" : {
            "name" : "Bar",
            "type" : "record",
            "fields" : []
      "name" : "bar2",
      "type" : "Bar"

Decoding an object with this schema will result in an error about the type "Bar" not being in scope.

It looks like I actually fixed this in my namespace PR (although I don't remember doing that explicitly). The minimum we can do to fix this is release a new version with that PR included (it has already been merged on master.)

This bug isn't specific to namespaces, so it might be worth releasing bug-fixes for older versions of avro on Hackage as well.

Does not compile on `ghc-8.8.1`

Building library for avro-
[ 1 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Codec  ( src/Data/Avro/Codec.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Codec.o )
[ 2 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Decode.Lazy.LazyValue ( src/Data/Avro/Decode/Lazy/LazyValue.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Decode/Lazy/LazyValue.o )
[ 3 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Decode.Strict ( src/Data/Avro/Decode/Strict.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Decode/Strict.o )
[ 4 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Types.Value ( src/Data/Avro/Types/Value.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Types/Value.o )
[ 5 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Types  ( src/Data/Avro/Types.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Types.o )
[ 6 of 28] Compiling Data.Avro.Schema ( src/Data/Avro/Schema.hs, dist/build/Data/Avro/Schema.o )

src/Data/Avro/Schema.hs:523:3: error:
    ‘fail’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘Monad’
523 |   fail =
    |   ^^^^

{To,From}Avro (Either a b) are Left-biased when (a ~ b)

Avro does not distinguish between Left and Right branch

>>> toAvro (Left "str" :: Either Text Text)
Union (String :| [String]) String (String "str")

>>> toAvro (Right "str" :: Either Text Text)
Union (String :| [String]) String (String "str")

so converting back from Avro gives a Left regardless of the original constructor

>>> fromAvro (toAvro (Left "str" :: Either Text Text)) :: Result (Either Text Text)
Success (Left "str")

>>> fromAvro (toAvro (Right "str" :: Either Text Text)) :: Result (Either Text Text)
Success (Left "str")

Add toEncoding/fromEncoding methods to ToAvro/FromAvro.

Right now, we always use Value as an intermediate type for encoding and decoding Avro values.

Using an intermediate type like this for larger amounts of data is expensive. On an internal project, I found that using an intermediate representation like Value was about 3x slower and used about 40× more memory than going directly to/from normal Haskell types generated by TH.

Aeson has the same problem, with similar time/space overhead for using Aeson.Value on large inputs. Aeson solves this problem by having a toEncoding function as part of ToJSON that generates a bytestring directly rather than going through Aeson.Value.

We should add similar toEncoding and fromEncoding methods to ToAvro and FromAvro, and generate implementations for these methods for our TH types. I recently implemented this for some slightly different TH types on an internal project at Target and the logic was a lot simpler than I had thought—in fact, the logic to go directly to binary turned out to be simpler than going through an intermediate type! This change also removed a massive memory leak and improved serialization performance significantly.

Why use entropy

Hi @TomMD,

Just a question. I see that you use entropy package for generating "The 16-byte, randomly-generated sync marker".
Can you explain why entropy and why "standard" random cannot be used?

fails to build with aeson-2.0

avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match expected type ‘A.Key’ with actual type ‘Text’
avro                      >     • In the second argument of ‘(.:?)’, namely ‘("order" :: Text)’
avro                      >       In the first argument of ‘(.!=)’, namely ‘o .:? ("order" :: Text)’
avro                      >       In a stmt of a 'do' block:
avro                      >         order <- o .:? ("order" :: Text) .!= Just Ascending
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 526 |     order <- o .:? ("order" :: Text)    .!= Just Ascending
avro                      >     |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
avro                      > 
avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match type: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >                      with: Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap A.Value
avro                      >       Expected: A.Object
avro                      >         Actual: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >     • In the first argument of ‘A.Object’, namely
avro                      >         ‘( toJSON mp)’
avro                      >       In the expression: A.Object ( toJSON mp)
avro                      >       In a case alternative: DMap mp -> A.Object ( toJSON mp)
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 650 |       DMap mp          -> A.Object ( toJSON mp)
avro                      >     |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
avro                      > 
avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match type: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >                      with: Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap A.Value
avro                      >       Expected: A.Object
avro                      >         Actual: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >     • In the first argument of ‘A.Object’, namely
avro                      >         ‘( toJSON flds)’
avro                      >       In the expression: A.Object ( toJSON flds)
avro                      >       In a case alternative:
avro                      >           DRecord _ flds -> A.Object ( toJSON flds)
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 651 |       DRecord _ flds   -> A.Object ( toJSON flds)
avro                      >     |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
avro                      > 
avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match expected type ‘A.Key’ with actual type ‘Text’
avro                      >     • In the first argument of ‘(.=)’, namely ‘typeName ty’
avro                      >       In the expression: typeName ty .= val
avro                      >       In the first argument of ‘object’, namely ‘[typeName ty .= val]’
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 653 |       DUnion _ ty val  -> object [ typeName ty .= val ]
avro                      >     |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^
avro                      > 
avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match type ‘Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap’
avro                      >                      with ‘HashMap Text’
avro                      >       Expected: Result (HashMap Text DefaultValue)
avro                      >         Actual: Result (Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap DefaultValue)
avro                      >     • In the second argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely
avro                      >         ‘mapM (parseAvroJSON union env mTy) obj’
avro                      >       In the expression: DMap <$> mapM (parseAvroJSON union env mTy) obj
avro                      >       In a case alternative:
avro                      >           Map mTy -> DMap <$> mapM (parseAvroJSON union env mTy) obj
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 777 |           Map mTy     -> DMap <$> mapM (parseAvroJSON union env mTy) obj
avro                      >     |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
avro                      > 
avro                      > /tmp/stack-e0cde8ed4b1cb895/avro- error:
avro                      >     • Couldn't match type: Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap A.Value
avro                      >                      with: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >       Expected: HashMap Text A.Value
avro                      >         Actual: A.Object
avro                      >     • In the second argument of ‘HashMap.lookup’, namely ‘obj’
avro                      >       In the expression: HashMap.lookup (fldName f) obj
avro                      >       In the expression:
avro                      >         case HashMap.lookup (fldName f) obj of
avro                      >           Nothing
avro                      >             -> case fldDefault f of
avro                      >                  Just v -> return v
avro                      >                  Nothing
avro                      >                    -> fail
avro                      >                         $ "Decode failure: No record field '"
avro                      >                             <> T.unpack (fldName f) <> "' and no default in schema."
avro                      >           Just v -> parseAvroJSON union env (fldType f) v
avro                      >     |
avro                      > 780 |                     case HashMap.lookup (fldName f) obj of
avro                      >     |                                                     ^^^

Design deriving types for n-ary unions for n > 2

I see in the README and here that deriving data types for n-ary unions is currently not supported. I assume this is because for n > 2 it is not clear what data type to generate.

In Scala's avro4s they use something akin to GHC.Generics :+: to represent n-ary unions, with the common usage being users specifying their own sum type and the compiler ensuring the shape of the sum type matches the generic shape. I was wondering if a similar approach can be done in Haskell?

API for writing containers incrementally

I am constructing huge AVRO containers that I have to upload in multiple chunks. To help the use case It would be great if we had an API that let's you write containers incrementally:

  :: (ToAvro a) 
  => Codec
  -> Schema -- ^ Writer schema
  -> ByteString -- ^ Sync bytes
  -> (Builder -- ^ Container header
       , [a] -> Builder -- ^ A function to feed a's and turn them into valid container blocks

This allows to consume from a streaming source and fill buffers incrementally.

I can contribute if you think it'd be worthwhile.

Defaults for Union types are not encoded/decoded correctly

@TikhonJelvis I have bumped into an issue where default values for union types are not encoded/decoded in Schema in a way that they can be respected by decoding functionality.

For this schema:

        "type": "record",
        "name": "Inner",
        "fields": [
          { "name": "id", "type": "int" },
          { "name": "smell", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null }

the expected Haskell representation would be:

  { name = "Inner"
  , namespace = Nothing
  , aliases = []
  , doc = Nothing
  , order = Just Ascending
  , fields = 
      [ Field 
          { fldName = "id"
          , fldAliases = []
          , fldDoc = Nothing
          , fldOrder = Just Ascending
          , fldType = Int
          , fldDefault = Nothing
      , Field 
          { fldName = "smell"
          , fldAliases = []
          , fldDoc = Nothing
          , fldOrder = Just Ascending
          , fldType = Union {options = Null :| [String], unionLookup = <function>}, fldDefault = Just (Union (Null :| [String]) Null Null)}

Note that the fldDefault is annotated with its type of Union Null String.

However the current implementation gives me this:

  { name = "Inner"
  , namespace = Nothing
  , aliases = []
  , doc = Nothing
  , order = Just Ascending
  , fields = 
      [ Field 
          { fldName = "id"
          , fldAliases = []
          , fldDoc = Nothing
          , fldOrder = Just Ascending
          , fldType = Int
          , fldDefault = Nothing
      , Field 
          { fldName = "smell"
          , fldAliases = []
          , fldDoc = Nothing
          , fldOrder = Just Ascending
          , fldType = Union {options = Null :| [String], unionLookup = <function>}, fldDefault = Just Null}

Which doesn't annotate the union type for the default value.

Looking at the code I see that it has been done deliberately.
Is there anything that I am missing or should we fix the type annotation back?

JSON parsing/serialization for Avro types

Is there a convenient way to read/write types with FromAvro/ToAvro instances as JSON rather than Avro's binary format, using the corresponding Avro schema?

This would be particularly nice with the types generated by deriveAvro as it would let me easily support both formats.

If there's no easy way to do this as is, what would adding that to the library look like? Would a good option be to move from Avro.Value to Aeson.Value?

I'm up for implementing a PR if it isn't too tricky :).

HasBigDecimal 0.2 does not provide getScale and getValue

Building library for avro-                                                                                                 
[ 8 of 21] Compiling Data.Avro.Schema.Decimal                                                                                       
/var/stackage/work/unpack-dir/unpacked/avro- error:                                                                                                      
    Not in scope: ‘D.getScale’                                                                                                      
    Module ‘Data.BigDecimal’ does not export ‘getScale’.                                                                            
28 |         new = if ss > D.getScale d                                                                                             
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^                                                                                               
/var/stackage/work/unpack-dir/unpacked/avro- error:                                                                                                      
    Not in scope: ‘D.getValue’                                                                                                      
    Module ‘Data.BigDecimal’ does not export ‘getValue’.                                                                            
29 |                  then D.BigDecimal (D.getValue d * 10 ^ (ss - D.getScale d)) ss                                                
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^                                                                                 
/var/stackage/work/unpack-dir/unpacked/avro- error:                                                                                                      
    Not in scope: ‘D.getScale’                                                                                                      
    Module ‘Data.BigDecimal’ does not export ‘getScale’.                                                                            
29 |                  then D.BigDecimal (D.getValue d * 10 ^ (ss - D.getScale d)) ss                                                
   |                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^                                                       
/var/stackage/work/unpack-dir/unpacked/avro- error:                                                                                                      
    Not in scope: ‘D.getValue’                                                                                                      
    Module ‘Data.BigDecimal’ does not export ‘getValue’.                                                                            
33 |           else Just $ fromInteger $ D.getValue new                                                                             
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^           

Question relative to integer types encoding


Just a question: the Quickstart documentation states that the Int and Int64 Haskell types are matched with the long Avro type. However, in Data.Avro.Encode, Int and Int64 use avroInt instead of avroLong for their EncodeAvro instances. Is that normal?

Schemas with default values for fixed and bytes fields do not parse.

A schema containing a record with the following field:

{ "name": "binary",
        "type": {
          "type" : "fixed",
          "name" : "FixedField",
          "size" : 1
        "default": "\u0000"

will fail to parse because parseAvroJSON does not handle parsing JSON strings into Fixed or Bytes values:

Could not resolve type 'string' with expected type: Fixed {name = "FixedField", namespace = Nothing, aliases = [], size = 1}

The same problem for a field with type "bytes":

Could not resolve type 'string' with expected type: Bytes

I can encode Avro inconsistent with my schema

I just ran into a (more complex) bug which mostly reduces to the fact that if I have:

import qualified Data.Avro.Types as T
import qualified Data.Avro.Schema as S

newtype Foo = Foo Double

instance HasAvroSchema Foo where
  schema = pure S.Long

instance ToAvro Foo where
  toAvro (Foo val) = T.Double val

instance FromAvro Foo where

The problem is caught at decode time, and in a non-obvious way, not encode time and in an obvious way.

Is this intended, or is it an oversight?

Types redefined in schema of generated avro

There are some types that are redefined in the header's schema after encoding with encodeContainer

The smallest case I have found to recreate this issue is with the following schema.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "TwoBits",
    [ { "name": "bit0",
          { "type": "enum",
            "name": "Bit",
            "symbols": [ "Zero", "One"]
    , { "name": "bit1",
        "type": "Bit"

Data.Avro sets the following as the writer's schema after encoding with encodeContainer

  "name": "TwoBits",
  "type": "record",
  "aliases": [],
    [ { "name": "bit0"
      , "type": 
          { "name": "Bit"
          , "type": "enum"
          , "symbols": ["Zero", "One"]
          , "aliases": []
      , "aliases": []
      , "order": "ascending"
    , { "name": "bit1"
      , "type": 
          { "name": "Bit"
          , "type": "enum"
          , "symbols": ["Zero", "One"]
          , "aliases": []
      , "aliases": []
      , "order": "ascending"

My understanding is that types should not be redefined due to the following statement in the spec

A schema or protocol may not contain multiple definitions of a fullname. Further, a name must be defined before it is used ("before" in the depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the JSON parse tree, where the types attribute of a protocol is always deemed to come "before" the messages attribute.)

Names and namespaces are not handled correctly.

I see three separate problems with how names are currently handled:

  • a namespace of Nothing is semantically the same as Just ""
  • name and namespace should be unified into TypeName because we should never compare names without considering the namespaces
  • namespaces should be inferred following the rather ugly rules in the Avro specification

The first issue is a problem because Nothing /= Just "" even though they mean the same thing. Using Text instead of Maybe Text would remove this weird edgecase while also making the code simpler (including some of the Template Haskell code I'm working on).

The second issue is that equality between names in Avro is defined on the "fullname" (ie name + namespace). The easiest way to make this work in the Haskell code is moving namespace into TypeName:

data TypeName = TN
  { name      :: Text
  , namespace :: Text

The third issue is something that should be handled when parsing or validating schemas: we need to infer namespaces following some tedious rules laid out in the Avro protocol:

In record, enum and fixed definitions, the fullname is determined in one of the following ways:

  • A name and namespace are both specified. For example, one might use "name": "X", "namespace": "" to indicate the fullname
  • A fullname is specified. If the name specified contains a dot, then it is assumed to be a fullname, and any namespace also specified is ignored. For example, use "name": "" to indicate the fullname
  • A name only is specified, i.e., a name that contains no dots. In this case the namespace is taken from the most tightly enclosing schema or protocol. For example, if "name": "X" is specified, and this occurs within a field of the record definition of, then the fullname is If there is no enclosing namespace then the null namespace is used.

References to previously defined names are as in the latter two cases above: if they contain a dot they are a fullname, if they do not contain a dot, the namespace is the namespace of the enclosing definition.

Adding code to infer namespaces sounds like a real pain. I think it would be reasonable to fix the first two issues and punt on the third one, at least for now—people can always work around this by always specifying explicit namespaces for named types.

Addressing these issues would involve some pretty broad breaking changes to the library. I'm happy to work on it at some point, but I'd love to hear thoughts about whether it's even worth doing and what the best approach would be.

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