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azureoptimizationengine's Issues

Work Analytics Workspace workbooks?

looking over the workbooks in the log analytics workspace, two work, but a third doesn't appear to ..
Is this something I need to set and haven't seen in the documentation because I am silly?

This query could not run because some parameters are not set.
Please set: SelectedPerspective, SelectedPerspectiveId


not having recommendations from all subscriptions

I have implemented the AOE for one Azure tenant which has multiple subscriptions, and all the VMs are reporting to a single LogAnalytics Workspace. I already have set up permission for the Managed Identity at Management group scope, but when I'm trying to execute queries against the recommendations, I only receive recommendations from the subscriptions where I installed the AOE.

What I'm doing wrong?

Job failure with date_s exception

Hello ,

Thankx a lot for the new workbooks however few of the jobs have been failing on query to run .
Manual run of the query shows they fail to map "date_s" and LA worksspace dosent have table with a name "date_s"
would be able to help or point in right direction .


No Right-Size data being populated

Hi All,

Hoping somebody can assist me with this. I am having trouble with no information coming through for the VM right sizing (page shows blank) and in general there are less recommendations than expected. Additionally, the Azure Advisor right-sizing recommendations are not present here either (not sure if that is by design or not). I changed the date range to be 1 month and also refreshed many times over a period of 2 weeks

From what I can see, all the subscriptions appear to be visible to the AOE, because I can see some recommendations for each subscription (i.e. Subnets without any IP usage are a waste of virtual network address space)

During the setup, I noticed our customer already had some VMs attached to log analytics workspaces, I can confirm that I added the AzureOptimization_RightSizeAdditionalPerfWorkspaces variable to the automation account and added all of the workspaces to this 2 weeks ago.

Also, I ensured that the Automation App account has reader access to the tenant root group which has reader access to all subscriptions and log workspaces.

Additional Info;

  • I am using the provided PowerBI sample report
  • I Have run the "./Setup-LogAnalyticsWorkspaces.ps1 -AutoFix" for all workspaces
  • There are 10 subscriptions in total, all of which are PAYG
  • The AOE has been running for 3 weeks as of time of writing (15-09-2022)

Power BI File Date Filter Issue

On the 7th Day of a recommendation cycle, prior to the weekly Recommendation runs, the Power BI View filters out the Week Old Data, and does not have new data to replace it with...

This Test Installation within a subscription has a first run on 6/22, second run on 6/29, and todays run has yet to occur
I have verified all the current recommendation data is in the power BI file

Note: I know that I can change the schedule to go after hours or before I start using the views etc, but this introduces a window of time your view will not work if you setup the wrong scheduling.

Deployment failing for microsoft.operationalinsights/workspace

"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"ResourceDeploymentFailure","message":"Encountered internal server error. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20220111T025224Z', subscription id 'a5197234-610b-4f87-8f44-a8665e7e8a9d', tracking id '16690699-2899-45e3-9bb0-2b5e2e9bbcd6', request correlation id '0c2d7113-c7a3-4d05-b2aa-e6565501cf3c'."},{"code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","message":"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://amsweb.amsweb/subscriptions/a5197234-610b-4f87-8f44-a8665e7e8a9d/resourcegroups/arg-syd-platform-mgmt-management/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/law-syd-platform-mgmt-01' does not support the API version '2021-12-01-preview'."}]}

Doubt in logic of metrics exporting

Hi Luke,

Correct me if am wrong, for metrics collection using az monitor command we have option to look back for max 30/90 days to analyse utilisation.
Then why we are exporting daily utilisation to log analytics workspace and analysing average utilisation using kql and variable (look back period).

Support for CSP subscriptions

Discussed in #69

Originally posted by spike28742 March 22, 2023

When I try to deploy I am getting an error that the subscription is not supported. I managed to deploy the solution about a month ago. Are there any limitations why the solution will not work on a CSP based subscription?

Also noticed that the cost recommendations never worked, are there any specific requirements for these to work?

Thanks for your support and keep up the great work on this tool.

Replace Az Advisor right-size target SKUs with customer-defined SKU families

Let's say Az Advisor recommends downsizing to a SKU a customer does not want to use for whatever reason (Reservations policy, performance requirements, etc.). AOE should allow customers to provide a list of allowed SKU families, from which Az Advisor recommendations would be updated to use a SKU from those families instead.

The query on the Azure AD Roles does not return updated data

We have tried to find out why it does not bring the updated information in the workbook: "(Identities and Roles)" of our tenant when we enable it for the first time, however, when detecting that there is no overflow in the database and that the Jobs in the Automation Account -> runbooks are executing correctly and we do not know why it is not updated.

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

Automate remediation for Advisor right-size recommendations

Periodic remediation for Advisor right-size recommendations:

  • Accepts: confidence score and recommendation history thresholds, list of tag name-value pairs
  • Considers: right-size recommendations greater or equal than a given confidence score, being generated at least for a given number of weeks in a row, (optionally) for VMs with specific tags
  • Acts: for every VM meeting the remediation condition, change size to target SKU

Fully customizable naming for all Azure resources

Besides the current possibility of just choosing a naming prefix at deployment time, I also want to be able to choose the naming for all the Azure resources that are deployed as part of the solution (Log Analytics Workspace, Automation Account, Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Storage Account). This is required by enterprise scenarios with an existing naming convention.

Parameter Minimum TLS version of SQL server is defined


After the deployment the parameter minimum TLS version of SQL server is not set/defined.
It generates TLS alerts if you have policies or CSPM in place.


Are you able to set/configure it to TL1.2 during the deployment?

Thank you!

Run-Connect-azaccount to login issue

working in azure us government cloud
Attempting to install via azure cloud shell (powershell)
Running Original script gets...

WARNING: Interactive authentication is not supported in this session, please run cmdlet 'Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication'.
Getting Azure subscriptions...
Get-AzSubscription: /home/blah/azureoptimizationengine/DeployAOE.ps1:142
Line |
142 | $subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "En …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Run Connect-AzAccount to login.

If I make a few Tweaks and add the requested -usedeviceauthentication, it eventually gets to this...

New-AzADServicePrincipal: /home/blah/azureoptimizationengine/Deploy-AzureOptimizationEngine.ps1:54
Line |
54 | … Principal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $Application.Appl …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| The appId 'd5e41e0f-6273-4b73-a335-fc7e960712b6' of the service principal does not reference a valid application object.

Request to add VM Resizing Recommendation instead of Augmenting Advisor

Azure Advisor not giving VM resizing Recommendations as per the docs, we have created few VMs with size Standard D4as v5 (4 vcpus, 16 GiB memory), which was running without any application ( max CPU utilisation < 6%). Still after 3 weeks no advisor recommendation.

As per the doc , we should get the recommendation.

Can you kindly include VM resizing recommendation as well, instead of augmenting advisor.

Certain Recommend runbooks failing to run.

Hi There,

Hoping somebody can assist with this, I have several runbooks failing, these are listed below;


All of these have similar errors, please see two examples below;




Logging in to Azure with ManagedIdentity...

{[AzureChinaCloud, AzureChinaCloud], [AzureCloud, AzureCloud], [AzureGermanCloud, AzureGermanCloud], [AzureUSGovernme...
Finding tables where recommendations will be generated from...
Will run query against tables AzureOptimizationAvailSetsV1_CL, AzureOptimizationVMsV1_CL, AzureOptimizationVMSSV1_CL, AzureOptimizationVhdDisksV1_CL and AzureOptimizationResourceContainersV1_CL
Name : Internal IT (xxxxx) - xxxxx -
Account : MSI@xxxxx
Environment : AzureCloud
Subscription : xxxxx
Tenant : xxxxx
TokenCache :
VersionProfile :
ExtendedProperties : {}
Looking for Availability Sets with a low fault domain count...


-TenantId ‘xxxxx’ contains more than one active subscription. First one will be selected for further use. To select another subscription, use Set-AzContext.

-Query failed. Debug the following query in the AOE Log Analytics workspace: AzureOptimizationAvailSetsV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) and toint(FaultDomains_s) < 3 and toint(FaultDomains_s) < todouble(VmCount_s)/2 | project TimeGenerated, InstanceId_s, InstanceName_s, ResourceGroupName_s, SubscriptionGuid_g, TenantGuid_g, Cloud_s, Tags_s, FaultDomains_s, VmCount_s | join kind=leftouter ( AzureOptimizationResourceContainersV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerType_s =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubscriptionGuid_g, SubscriptionName = ContainerName_s ) on SubscriptionGuid_g

-Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'




Logging in to Azure with ManagedIdentity...

{[AzureChinaCloud, AzureChinaCloud], [AzureCloud, AzureCloud], [AzureGermanCloud, AzureGermanCloud], [AzureUSGovernme...
Finding tables where recommendations will be generated from...
Will run query against tables AzureOptimizationVMSSV1_CL, AzureOptimizationMonitorMetricsV1_CL, AzureOptimizationResourceContainersV1_CL and AzureOptimizationConsumptionV1_CL
Name : Internal IT (xxxxx) - xxxxx -
Account : MSI@xxxxx
Environment : AzureCloud
Subscription : xxxxx
Tenant : xxxxx
TokenCache :
VersionProfile :
ExtendedProperties : {}
Getting Virtual Machine SKUs for the australiaeast region...
Getting the current Pricesheet...
Consumption pricesheet not available, will estimate savings based in cores count...
Looking for underutilized Scale Sets, with less than 30% CPU and 50% RAM usage...


-TenantId 'xxxxx' contains more than one active subscription. First one will be selected for further use. To select another subscription, use Set-AzContext.

-SubscriptionGuid_g, Cloud_s, TenantGuid_g, VMSSSize_s, NicCount_s, DataDiskCount_s, PMemoryPercentage, PCPUPercentage, Tags_s, Last30DaysCost, Last30DaysQuantity | join kind=leftouter ( AzureOptimizationResourceContainersV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerType_s =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project SubscriptionId = SubscriptionGuid_g, SubscriptionName = ContainerName_s ) on SubscriptionId | where isnotempty(PMemoryPercentage) and isnotempty(PCPUPercentage) and PMemoryPercentage < 50 and PCPUPercentage < 30

-Error getting consumption data: Cost Management not available (Cost management data is not supported for subscription(s) xxxxx in the provided api-version. Please use api-version 2019-10-01 or later. (Request ID: e3cb353c-c42b-4b71-afa1-234e815d4481)). 1 of 3 tries. Waiting 30 seconds...

-Query failed. Debug the following query in the AOE Log Analytics workspace: let billingInterval = 30d; let perfInterval = 7d; let cpuPercentileValue = 99; let memoryPercentileValue = 99; let etime = todatetime(toscalar(AzureOptimizationConsumptionV1_CL | summarize max(UsageDate_t))); let stime = etime-billingInterval; let BilledVMs = AzureOptimizationConsumptionV1_CL | where UsageDate_t between (stime..etime) and InstanceId_s contains 'virtualmachinescalesets' | extend VMConsumedQuantity = iif(InstanceId_s contains 'virtualmachinescalesets' and MeterCategory_s == 'Virtual Machines', todouble(Quantity_s), 0.0) | extend VMPrice = iif(InstanceId_s contains 'virtualmachinescalesets' and MeterCategory_s == 'Virtual Machines', todouble(UnitPrice_s), 0.0) | extend FinalCost = VMPrice * VMConsumedQuantity | summarize Last30DaysCost = sum(FinalCost), Last30DaysQuantity = sum(VMConsumedQuantity) by InstanceId_s; let MemoryPerf = AzureOptimizationMonitorMetricsV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(perfInterval) | where MetricNames_s == "Available Memory Bytes" and AggregationType_s == "Minimum" | extend MemoryAvailableMBs = todouble(MetricValue_s)/1024/1024 | project TimeGenerated, MemoryAvailableMBs, InstanceId_s=ResourceId | join kind=inner ( AzureOptimizationVMSSV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | distinct InstanceId_s, MemoryMB_s ) on InstanceId_s | extend MemoryPercentage = todouble(toint(MemoryMB_s) - toint(MemoryAvailableMBs)) / todouble(MemoryMB_s) * 100 | summarize PMemoryPercentage = percentile(MemoryPercentage, memoryPercentileValue) by InstanceId_s; let ProcessorPerf = AzureOptimizationMonitorMetricsV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(perfInterval) | where MetricNames_s == "Percentage CPU" and AggregationType_s == 'Maximum' | extend InstanceId_s = ResourceId | summarize PCPUPercentage = percentile(todouble(MetricValue_s), cpuPercentileValue) by InstanceId_s; AzureOptimizationVMSSV1_CL | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | distinct InstanceId_s, VMSSName_s, ResourceGroupName_s, SubscriptionGuid_g, Cloud_s, TenantGuid_g, VMSSSize_s, NicCount_s, DataDiskCount_s, Tags_s | join kind=inner ( BilledVMs ) on InstanceId_s | join kind=leftouter ( MemoryPerf ) on InstanceId_s | join kind=leftouter ( ProcessorPerf ) on InstanceId_s | project InstanceId_s, VMSSName = VMSSName_s, ResourceGroup = ResourceGroupName_s, SubscriptionId =

-Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'

Feature request

I really like the concept of this, but I would like to deploy this at resource group level and not at subscription scope.. I have been looking around but can't seem to change it, is there anyone from team who can assist?

SQL ingestion failing

Hello the weekly SQL ingestion job starts failing after first run
Looks like the job is consuming all the 400 MB memory allocated to it .does a anyone has any work around ?

Job Name:Ingest-RecommendationsToSQLServer
Logs:The runbook job failed due to sandbox running out of memory. Each Azure Automation sandbox is allocated 400 MB of memory. The job was attempted 3 times before it was suspended. See some common ways to resolve this at

Add a Consumption Usage perspective to cost recommendations

Ths requires:

  • developing a new data collection runbook for Azure Consumption Usage Details
  • add a cost perspective to the recommendations model
  • enhance recommendations runbooks with cost-related properties
  • enhance the Power BI report with a Cost perspective

Cost Growing Workbook not showing any data

Costs Growing workbook is not showing any data. Below error is getting. Any suggesstion

Evolution over time (select growing/outlier cost)
This query could not run because some parameters are not set.
Please set: SelectedPerspective, SelectedPerspectiveId

Top contributing instances over time
This query could not run because some parameters are not set.
Please set: SelectedPerspective, SelectedPerspectiveId

Top contributing resource groups over time
This query could not run because some parameters are not set.
Please set: SelectedPerspective, SelectedPerspectiveId


Hello again,

Utilizing azure us government, with Get-AzConsumptionPriceSheet in Recommend-AdvisorCostAugmentedToBlobStorage

noticed that get-azconsumptionpricesheet returns:
Get-AzConsumptionPriceSheet: Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'

Id :
Name :
PriceSheets : {}
Tag :
Type :

hmnm, ran it with -debug
got a snippit

"error": {
"code": "404",
"message": "Cost management data is not supported for subscription(s) xxx in the provided api-version. Please use api-version 2019-10-01 or later. (Request ID: yyy)"

going to do more research on rights to subscription cost management and azure us government

Update: MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs#38660
Changing the API version to the previous stable release (2019-01-01) allows the filter to work.
This is an example of the full URI:$filter=properties/resourceGroup eq 'dev-rg'

where the -debug of the command reported using
Absolute Uri:

LogAnalytics Custom Tables are not created

Hi, We have deployed this solution as per the documentation and added multiple Log analytics workspaces for VM/VMSS perf metrics. Runbooks are running as per schedulers, but when we check workspace for these custom tables, we dont see them and workbooks are throwing table not found errors.


As result of which, recommendations exporter runbook throwing tables not found (0 records found) message.

Automation Account runbook "Export-PolicyComplianceToBlobStorage" - Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary

The runbook Export-PolicyComplianceToBlobStorage of the Automation Account is failing with an error Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary.
This seems to be related to the Get-AzPolicyDefinition.
I checked it locally on my computer and I saw that some $definitions not having the DisplayName-property.
Regarding to this, the if-clause if (-not($policyInitiatives[$initiative.PolicySetDefinitionId])) with the not-parameter will be $true as it has no value and the script try to add the key/value which already exists.

I was using the code with the following command successfully:

    $definitions = Get-AzPolicyDefinition
    foreach ($definition in $definitions)
        if (-not($policyDefinitions[$definition.PolicyDefinitionId]))
            try {
                $displayName = $definition.Properties.DisplayName
                if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($displayName)) {
                    $policyDefinitions.Add($definition.PolicyDefinitionId, 'NotGiven')
                else  {
                    $policyDefinitions.Add($definition.PolicyDefinitionId, $displayName)
            catch {
                Write-Warning "PolicyDefinitionId: $($definition.PolicyDefinitionId), DisplayName: $($definition.Properties.DisplayName)"

Ability to dismiss or snooze recommendations

For Advisor recommendations, there should be a UI solution for invoking the Advisor API to dismiss/snooze a particular recommendation.

For AOE custom recommendations, we should use the same UI solution, but with our own data model and logic.

Should be implemented in conjunction with #13

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