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ticklecharts's Introduction

ticklEcharts - chart library

Tcl wrapper around Apache ECharts (JavaScript library).

Photo gallery

Dependencies :

huddle package from Tcllib

Usage :

package require ticklecharts

set chart [ticklecharts::chart new]

$chart Xaxis -data [list {Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun}]
$chart Yaxis
$chart Add "lineSeries" -data [list {150 230 224 218 135 147 260}]

$chart Render

Basic line chart

# Initializes a new 2D Chart Class
set chart [ticklecharts::chart new]
✔️ Argument available :
args Type Description
-theme str set the default theme for chart instance (default custom) possible values: vintage,westeros,wonderland,dark
# Initializes X axis with values
$chart Xaxis -data [list {Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun}]

⚠️ Important -data property should be a list of list [list {...}]

# Initializes Y axis
$chart Yaxis
# Initializes line series
$chart Add "lineSeries" -data [list {150 230 224 218 135 147 260}]

Here -data corresponds to the Y values. (:warning: -data property should be a list of list)

# Export chart to html
$chart Render
✔️ Arguments available :
args Description
-title header title html (default value : "ticklEcharts !!!")
-width container's width (default value : 900px)
-height container's height (default value : 500px)
-renderer canvas or svg (default value : canvas)
-jschartvar variable name chart (default value : chart_[ticklecharts::uuid])
-divid name container's ID (default value : id_[ticklecharts::uuid])
-outfile full path html file (output by default in [info script]/render.html)
-jsecharts full path echarts.min.js file (by default script)
-jsvar variable name js (default value : option_[ticklecharts::uuid])
-script jsfunc (default value : 'null')
-class specify container's CSS (default value : "chart-container")
-style add inline style (default value : width:'-width'; height:'-height';)
-template file or string (default value 'file': html/template.html))
# Demo
$chart Render -width "1200px" -height "800px" -renderer "svg"

Data series :

-data (y values only) :

# Example for lineseries
$chart Add "lineSeries" -data [list {150 230 224 218 135 147 260}]
$chart Yaxis

-data (x, y values) :

# Example for lineseries
$chart Add "lineSeries" -data [list {Mon 150} {Tue 230} {Wed 224} {... ...}]
# Mon = X value
# 150 = Y value
# And now -data in Xaxis method can be deleted and written like this :
$chart Xaxis
$chart Yaxis

-dataItem :

# Example for lineseries
# Additional options are valid... see ticklecharts::lineItem in options.tcl
$chart Add "lineSeries" -dataItem {
                                {name "Mon" value 150}
                                {name "Tue" value 230}
                                {name "Wed" value 224}
                                {name "Thu" value 218}
                                {name "Fri" value 135}
                                {name "Sat" value 147}
                                {name "Sun" value 260}

dataset (class) :

set data(0) {
        {"Day" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun"}
        {"value" 150 230 224 218 135 147 260}

# Init dataset class.
# Note : Starting from version '2.6', it is possible 
#        to add several 'source' for the same class like this :
# > [list [list -source $data(0) -sourceHeader "True"] [list -source $data(1) ...]]]
set obj [ticklecharts::dataset new [list -source $data(0) -sourceHeader "True"]]

# Add 'obj' dataset to chart class. 
$chart SetOptions -dataset $obj
# Add line series.
$chart Xaxis
$chart Yaxis
$chart Add "lineSeries" -seriesLayoutBy "row"

Useful methods :

  1. Get default options according to a key (name of procedure) :
# e.g for series :
$chart getOptions -series lineSeries
# e.g for axis :
$chart getOptions -axis X
# e.g for global options :
$chart getOptions -globalOptions ; # no value required
# get all options for 'title' :
$chart getOptions -option title
# output :
 id                -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type str|null    -default "nothing"
 show              -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type bool        -default "True"
 text              -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type str|null    -default "nothing"
 link              -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type str|null    -default "nothing"
 target            -minversion 5  -validvalue formatTarget            -type str         -default "blank"
 textStyle         -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type dict|null
   color                -minversion 5  -validvalue formatColor          -type str.t|jsfunc|null -default $color
   fontStyle            -minversion 5  -validvalue formatFontStyle      -type str               -default "normal"
   fontWeight           -minversion 5  -validvalue formatFontWeight     -type str.t|num.t|null  -default $fontWeight
   fontFamily           -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type str               -default "sans-serif"
   fontSize             -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num.t|null        -default $fontSize
   lineHeight           -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num|null          -default "nothing"
   width                -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 100
   height               -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 50
   textBorderColor      -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type str|null          -default "null"
   textBorderWidth      -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 0
   textBorderType       -minversion 5  -validvalue formatTextBorderType -type str|num|list.n    -default "solid"
   textBorderDashOffset -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 0
   textShadowColor      -minversion 5  -validvalue formatColor          -type str               -default "transparent"
   textShadowBlur       -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 0
   textShadowOffsetX    -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 0
   textShadowOffsetY    -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type num               -default 0
   overflow             -minversion 5  -validvalue formatOverflow       -type str|null          -default "null"
   ellipsis             -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                   -type str               -default "..."
   # ...
 subtext           -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type str|null    -default "nothing"
 sublink           -minversion 5  -validvalue {}                      -type str|null    -default "nothing"
# following options voluntarily deleted... 
  1. Delete series by index:
$chart Add "lineSeries" -data [list {1 2 3 4}]
$chart Add "barSeries"  -data [list {4 5 6 7}]

# Delete bar series :
$chart deleteSeries 1
  1. Gets json data :
$chart toJSON

Javascript function :

  • Add a javascript function to json :
# Initializes a new jsfunc Class
ticklecharts::jsfunc new {args}

This function will be able to be inserted directly into the JSON data and will also create a new type jsfunc.

# Demo
set js [ticklecharts::jsfunc new {function (value, index) {
                                return value + ' (C°)';

$chart Xaxis -axisLabel [list show "True" \
                              margin 8 \
                              formatter $js \
                              showMinLabel "null" \
                              ... ]

# 'json' result :
"axisLabel": {
  "show": true,
  "margin": 8,
  "formatter": function (value, index) {
                          return value + ' (C°)';
  "showMinLabel": null,
  • formatter (Accepts a javascript function most times):

    • For basic format, formatter supports string template like this :

    formatter '{b0}: {c0}<br />{b1}: {c1}'

    • Use Tcl substitution e.g.:

    formatter : {"{b0}: {c0}<br />{b1}: {c1}"}

    • Use ticklecharts::eString class e.g.:

    formatter : [new estr "{b0}: {c0}<br />{b1}: {c1}"]

    • (Deprecated) Use list map to replace some Tcl special chars e.g.:

    formatter : "<0123>b0<0125>: <0123>c0<0125><br /><0123>b1<0125>: <0123>c1<0125>"

    Symbol Map
    { <0123>
    } <0125>
    [ <091>
    ] <093>
  • Add a js script, variable... in html template file :

# Initializes a new jsfunc Class
ticklecharts::jsfunc new {args} -start? -end? -header?  

Combined with Render method and -script flag, you can add a js script (jsfunc class) to html template file.
For this add :

  • -start : To place your script at the beginning of the file.
  • -end : To place your script at the end of the file.
  • -header: To place your script in the file header.
# Demo
set js [ticklecharts::jsfunc new {
                                var maskImage = new Image();
                                maskImage.src = './logo.png';
                                } -start
set header [ticklecharts::jsfunc new {
                        <script type="text/javascript" src="tcl.js"></script>
                    } -header
$chart Render -outfile demo.html -title demo -script [list [list $js $header]]
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="echarts.min.js"></script>
    // -header script...
    <script type="text/javascript" src="tcl.js"></script>
    <div id="main" class="chart-container" style="width:900px; height:500px;"></div>
        var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'), null, {renderer: 'canvas'});
        // -start script...
        var maskImage = new Image();
        maskImage.src = './logo.png';
        var option = {
            "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
            "color": [
            "maskImage": maskImage,

Performance :

Since version 2, some huddle/ehuddle procedures can be replaced by functions written in C with help of critcl.
Critcl package should be available and this command ticklecharts::eHuddleCritcl should be set to valid Tcl_boolean value.
You may be processing important data and if you want to gain speed, this command can be useful, below how to use it :

package require ticklecharts

# load critcl package
# compile & replace...
# Note : A warning message may be displayed on your console
# if there was a problem compiling or loading critcl package
ticklecharts::eHuddleCritcl True

source examples/candlestick/candlestick_large_scale.tcl ; # dataCount set to 200,000
#             | This run (Mac Os Core i7)
#    pure Tcl |   25354915 microseconds per iteration 
#    critcl   |    6338728 microseconds per iteration (≃5x faster)

Note : No advantage to use this command with small data...

Global variables :

package require ticklecharts

# Set theme... with variable
# Or with class : ticklecharts::(Gridlayout|chart|timeline|chart3D) new -theme "vintage"
set ::ticklecharts::theme "vintage" ; # default "custom" 

# Minimum properties...
# Only write values that are defined in the *.tcl file. (Benefit : performance + minifying your HTML files)
# Be careful, properties in the *.tcl file must be implicitly marked.
set ::ticklecharts::minProperties "True" ; # default "False"

# Output 'render.html' full path to stdout. 
set ::ticklecharts::htmlstdout "False" ; # default "True"

# Google API Key 
# Note : To use the Google map API 'gmap' a valid key is required.
set ::ticklecharts::keyGMAPI "??" ; # Please replace '??' with your own API key.

# Set versions for js script.
# Note : Num version (@X.X.X) should be defined in js path. If no pattern matches, the script path is left unchanged.
set ::ticklecharts::echarts_version "X.X.X" ; # Echarts version
set ::ticklecharts::gl_version      "X.X.X" ; # Echarts GL version
set ::ticklecharts::gmap_version    "X.X.X" ; # gmap version
set ::ticklecharts::wc_version      "X.X.X" ; # wordcloud version

 # Verify if a URL exists when Echarts version changed.
set ::ticklecharts::checkURL "True" ; # default "False"

Note : All the above variables can be modified in the ticklecharts.tcl file.

Examples :

See the examples folder for all demos (from Apache Echarts examples)

line and bar mixed

# line + bar on same canvas...
package require ticklecharts

# init chart class...
set chart [ticklecharts::chart new]

# Set options :
$chart SetOptions -tooltip {show True trigger "axis" axisPointer {type "cross" crossStyle {color "#999"}}} \
                  -grid {left "3%" right "4%" bottom "3%" containLabel "True"} \
                  -legend {}
$chart Xaxis -data [list {"Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun"}] \
             -axisPointer {type "shadow"}

# Uses Tcl substitution for 'formatter' property...
$chart Yaxis -name "Precipitation" -position "left" -min 0 -max 250 -interval 50 \
                                   -axisLabel {formatter {"{value} ml"}}
$chart Yaxis -name "Temperature"   -position "right" -min 0 -max 25  -interval 5 \
                                   -axisLabel {formatter {"{value} °C"}}

# Add bars...
$chart Add "barSeries" -name "Evaporation" \
                       -data [list {2.0 4.9 7.0 23.2 25.6 76.7 135.6 162.2 32.6 20.0 6.4 3.3}]
$chart Add "barSeries" -name "Precipitation" \
                       -data [list {2.6 5.9 9.0 26.4 28.7 70.7 175.6 182.2 48.7 18.8 6.0 2.3}]                    

# Add line...                    
$chart Add "lineSeries" -name "Temperature" \
                        -yAxisIndex 1 \
                        -data [list {2.0 2.2 3.3 4.5 6.3 10.2 20.3 23.4 23.0 16.5 12.0 6.2}]

$chart Render

line, bar and pie layout

# demo layout line + bar + pie...
set data(0) {1 2 3 4 5}
set data(1) {2 3.6 6 2 10}

set js [ticklecharts::jsfunc new {
                function (value, index) {
                    return value + ' (C°)';

set line [ticklecharts::chart new]
$line SetOptions -title   {text "layout line + bar + pie charts..."} \
                 -tooltip {show "True"} \
                 -legend {top "56%" left "20%"}    
$line Xaxis -data [list $data(0)] -boundaryGap "False"
$line Yaxis
$line Add "lineSeries" -data [list $data(0)] -areaStyle {} -smooth true
$line Add "lineSeries" -data [list $data(1)] -smooth true

set bar [ticklecharts::chart new]

$bar SetOptions -legend {top "2%" left "20%"}

$bar Xaxis -data [list {A B C D E}] \
           -axisLabel [list show "True" formatter $js]
$bar Yaxis
$bar Add "barSeries" -data [list {50 6 80 120 30}]
$bar Add "barSeries" -data [list {20 30 50 100 25}]

set pie [ticklecharts::chart new]

$pie SetOptions -legend {top "6%" left "65%"} 

$pie Add "pieSeries" -name "Access From" -radius [list {"50%" "70%"}] \
                     -labelLine {show "True"} \
                     -dataItem {
                      {value 1048 name "C++"}
                      {value 300 name "Tcl"}
                      {value 580 name "Javascript"}
                      {value 484 name "Python"}
                      {value 735 name "C"}

set layout [ticklecharts::Gridlayout new]
$layout Add $bar  -bottom "60%" -width "40%" -left "5%"
$layout Add $line -top    "60%" -width "40%" -left "5%"
$layout Add $pie  -center [list {75% 50%}]

$layout Render

Currently chart and options supported are :

  • Global options :
  • title
  • legend
  • grid
  • grid3D
  • xaxis
  • xaxis3D
  • yaxis
  • yaxis3D
  • zaxis3D
  • polar
  • radiusAxis
  • angleAxis
  • radar
  • dataZoom
  • visualMap
  • tooltip
  • axisPointer
  • toolbox
  • brush
  • geo
  • parallel
  • parallelAxis
  • singleAxis
  • timeline
  • graphic
  • calendar
  • dataset
  • aria
  • globe
  • Series :
  • line
  • line3D
  • bar
  • bar3D
  • pie
  • scatter
  • scatter3D
  • effectScatter
  • radar
  • tree
  • treemap
  • sunburst
  • boxplot
  • candlestick
  • heatmap
  • map
  • parallel
  • lines
  • graph
  • sankey
  • surface (3D)
  • funnel
  • gauge
  • pictorialBar
  • themeRiver
  • custom (see note below)
  • wordCloud

Note custom series : This series contains a lot of Javascript codes, I don’t think it’s interesting to write it in this package.
If you are interested, please report to the github issue tracker.

License :

ticklEcharts is covered under the terms of the MIT license.

Release :

  • 08-Feb-2022 : 1.0
    • Initial release.
  • 12-May-2022 : 1.9.5
    • Add candlestick chart.
    • Add candlestick examples.
  • 26-May-2022 : 2.0.1
    • Replaces some huddle/ehuddle procedures by C functions, with help of critcl package.
    • Incompatibility : -render flag renamed to -renderer (flag option to set canvas or svg renderer).
  • 03-Jan-2023 : 2.9.2
    • Code refactoring.
    • Update LICENSE year.
    • echarts-wordcloud.js is inserted automatically when writing the html file. Update wordcloud examples to reflect this changes.
    • Cosmetic changes.
    • Add global options (useUTC, hoverLayerThreshold...)
  • 04-Feb-2023 : 3.0.1
    • Bump to v5.4.1 for Echarts.
    • Add Echarts GL (3D)
    • Add bar3D, line3D and surface series.
    • Add bar3D, line3D and surface examples.
    • ::ticklecharts::theme variable is supported with ::ticklecharts::minProperties variable.
    • Incompatibility :
      • render method is no longer supported, it is replaced by Render method (Note the first letter in capital letter...).
      • getoptions method is renamed getOptions.
      • deleteseries method is renamed deleteSeries.
      • gettype method is renamed getType (internal method).
      • Rename basic theme to custom theme.
      • theme.tcl file has been completely reworked.
      • Several options are no longer supported when initializing the ticklecharts::chart class, all of these options are initialized in Setoptions method now.
      • To keep the same Echarts logic, some ticklEcharts properties are renamed :
        - -databaritem is renamed -dataBarItem.
        - -datalineitem is renamed -dataLineItem.
        - -datapieitem is renamed -dataPieItem.
        - -datafunnelitem is renamed -dataFunnelItem.
        - -dataradaritem is renamed -dataRadarItem.
        - -datacandlestickitem is renamed -dataCandlestickItem.
  • 04-Mar-2023 : 3.1
    • Code refactoring.
    • ::tcl::unsupported::representation Tcl command is replaced, in favor of 2 news class :
      • ticklecharts::eDict (Internal class to replace dict Tcl command when initializing)
      • ticklecharts::eList (This class can replace the list Tcl command see line_eList.tcl to know
        why this class has been implemented for certain cases...)
    • (list.d) accepts now null values. (set property [list {"string" 1 "null"}] -> JSON result = ["string", 1, null])
  • 22-Mar-2023 : 3.1.1
    • Support array for dataset dimension (with ticklecharts::eList class).
    • Adds a new method RenderTsb to interact with Taygete Scrap Book (see demo next link).
  • 02-May-2023 : 3.1.2
    • Adds new Add method for chart and chart3D classes (To reflect this changes some examples + README file have been updated).
      e.g : To add a pie series you should write like this : $chart Add "pieSeries" -data ... instead of
      $chart AddPieSeries -data ... (Note: the main method is still active)
      • Note : Probably that in my next major release, I would choose this way of writing to add a series...
        To ensure conformity with other classes (Gridlayout, timeline)
    • RenderTsb method has been updated :
      • New argument -evalJSON has been added (see this file for detail).
      • This new minor release allows to load an entire JS script instead of https:// link.
    • Adds a trace command for series (The goal here is to find if certain values match each other).
      Currently only supported for line series.
    • Adds a new command ticklecharts::urlExists? + global variable ::ticklecharts::checkURL
      to verify if URL exists (disabled by default) when the num version changed. Uses curl command (Available for Windows and Mac OS)
    • Fixed a bug for the multiversion property, when the num version is lower than the -minversion property.
    • pkgIndex.tcl file has been completely reworked.
    • Cosmetic changes.
  • 16-May-2023 : 3.1.3
    • Adds a new class ticklecharts::eString to replace a string.
    • Invoke superclass method for chart3D, timeline and Gridlayout classes.
    • Fixed a bug when the keys have a space critcl::cproc critHuddleDump.
    • dataset class support ticklecharts::eDict class for -dimensions property.
    • Keeps updating some examples to set new Add method for chart series.
    • Cosmetic changes.
  • 24-Jun-2023 : 3.1.4
    • Update all examples with new Add method for chart series (The main method AddXXXSeries is still active).
    • A new argument -template for Render method has been added. This new argument can be used to
      replace the html template file template.html with a string. See this file for detail.
    • A new property -dataItem has been added for item data, to replace this writing
      -dataXXXItem (XXX refers to name series). All examples have been updated (The main method -dataXXXItem is still active).
    • (list.d) accepts now this class ticklecharts::eString
    • Fixed a bug with the superclass method for timeline class.
    • template.html has been updated.
    • Cosmetic changes.
  • 08-Jul-2023 : 3.1.5
    • Fixed a bug introduced with version 3.1.2, when Render method's argument have spaces in options.
    • Cosmetic changes.
  • 26-Sep-2023 : 3.2

ticklecharts's People


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