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hass's Issues

FAO56 sensor value not updating?

The fao56 sensor's value is 0 all the time, but the same sensor as a 'fao56' attribute and that is updated regularly. Is this expected behavior or should the sensor not be 0?

wb_irrigation_rain sensor isn't correct


My sensor wb_irrigation_rain has a value of 5mm while there was no rain today.

The sensor.owm_rain also show no rain for the last 24 hours.

Kind regards,

Any description of tasmota_counter sensor?

Hi, your tasmota_sensor looks promising :)
Would it be possible to add any description?
I've tried to test it, but simple adding of seems to be not the proper way.

Dependency on ADA? has the following imports:
import ada.schedule import ada.temp_sensor import ada.temp

I am only interested in the CWBIrrigation and I do not see why there would be a dependency on ADA in that. Can you remove this dependency or make it optional?

Question and some spelling mistakes

First off, this is really cool! Thanks for taking the time to share your code and write a very clear wiki!

I see you used the

Sonoff 4 ch pro to switch on/off the taps

But how does a relay turn the taps on/off... Im a bit new, but i understand the relays are just the on/off switch. They must be attached to some device that turns the tap on/off. If so, what is the device you use to turn the water on and off?

I know you linked to the Orbit Sprinkler but this doesnt seem like something electronic that can be controlled by a relay.

Unless i misunderstood?

A couple spelling mistakes:

several instances of typo: "liter=litter" (i edited the page)

typo: "use-case"="usec-case" (im new to github - i couldn't, or dont know how, to edit the wiki page)

Also i rotated the image for you (although it could be more clear) for item #3.

Toda Raba!


I know you must be busy, but pictures of your devices for out door irrigation would be a reallly cool addition to this page :)... you can just throw them in anywhere

Please add to HACS

This would be really helpful for easy installation and updates. Thanks!

Please add ESPHOME capes

This would allow esp devices to run relays for irrigation etc based on the algorithmn used by this addon. sends unwanted TrackerNotification

I expect this part of (mandatorily used by wbirrigation) to cause unwanted ios deivce tracking notifications.
Maybe you can confirm this and make it user on/off or tell me how to disable it at all.

class TrackerNotification(hass.Hass):

    def initialize(self):
      self.notify("start TrackerNotification")
      self.listen_state(self.do_tracer_change, 'device_tracker')

    def do_tracer_change (self,entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
        if old != new:
            entity = entity.split('.')[1]
            notify_msg=" {3} tracker *{0}*  *{1}* to *{2}* ".format(entity,old,new,t)

This leads to unwanted output like this (information not needed and unwanted for me personally):


Custom compotent tasmota unavailable

Hi. I am trying to install your custom component, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I copied the folder tasmota to the folder custom_components and added this -

  • platform: tasmota
    name: hot_water_total
    stopic: tasmota_4B0C0B
    id: 2
    max_valid_diff: 2000
    unit_of_measurement: 'l'
    icon: mdi: water-pump
    expire_after: 300
    value_template: "{{(505360 + (value * 10)) | int}}"

to the my configuration.yaml file. After restart, in states sensor.hot_water_total - shows unavailable

On the other hand, this component works fine.

  • platform: mqtt
    name: "cold_water"
    state_topic: "tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / SENSOR"
    value_template: "{{value_json.COUNTER.C1}}"
    json_attributes_topic: "tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / SENSOR"
    json_attributes_template: "{{value_json.COUNTER | tojson}}"

I started the mgt_dump service and this is what we have:

tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / SENSOR, {"Time": "2020-08-02T11: 05: 20", "COUNTER": {"C1": 9, "C2": 311, "C3": 53}, "ANALOG" : {"A0": 4}, "DS18B20": {"Id": "021618547BEE", "Temperature": 33.3}, "TempUnit": "C"}
tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / STATE, {"Time": "2020-08-02T11: 06: 20", "Uptime": "0T07: 23: 12", "UptimeSec": 26592, "Heap": 26, "SleepMode" : "Dynamic", "Sleep": 250, "LoadAvg": 37, "MqttCount": 1, "Wifi": {"AP": 1, "SSId": "Igor", "BSSId": "D0: 54 : 2D: 01: 24: 70 "," Channel ": 1," RSSI ": 62," Signal ": - 69," LinkCount ": 1," Downtime ":" 0T00: 00: 03 "}}
tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / SENSOR, {"Time": "2020-08-02T11: 06: 20", "COUNTER": {"C1": 9, "C2": 311, "C3": 53}, "ANALOG" : {"A0": 4}, "DS18B20": {"Id": "021618547BEE", "Temperature": 33.3}, "TempUnit": "C"}
tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / STATE, {"Time": "2020-08-02T11: 07: 20", "Uptime": "0T07: 24: 12", "UptimeSec": 26652, "Heap": 24, "SleepMode" : "Dynamic", "Sleep": 250, "LoadAvg": 26, "MqttCount": 1, "Wifi": {"AP": 1, "SSId": "Igor", "BSSId": "D0: 54 : 2D: 01: 24: 70 "," Channel ": 1," RSSI ": 70," Signal ": - 65," LinkCount ": 1," Downtime ":" 0T00: 00: 03 "}}
tele / tasmota_4B0C0B / SENSOR, {"Time": "2020-08-02T11: 07: 20", "COUNTER": {"C1": 9, "C2": 311, "C3": 53}, "ANALOG" : {"A0": 4}, "DS18B20": {"Id": "021618547BEE", "Temperature": 33.3}, "TempUnit": "C"}
MQQT works!

Home Assistant version 0.113.2

What am I doing wrong?

Accumulator behavior

I am trying tu use accumulator to count "ON time" of the heater.
It works, but in the weird way:
If I restart hassio, accumulator starts accumulate, does not matter the state of the switch (relay) in the time of hassio restart.
It simply counts in both cases ie. relay is ON or OFF after hassio restart.
If it is OFF I have to manually ON and back to OFF again to stop counting.

Switch configuration:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "heater_b"
    command_topic: "cmnd/bathroom/power"
    state_topic: "stat/bathroom/POWER"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"

Accumulator config:

  - platform: accumulator     
    name: bathroom_clock
    entity_id: switch.heater_b
    state_on: 'on'
    state_off: 'off'

Is there any way around hot to make it working properly?

Error from component wb_irrigation.sensor

Hi Haim

I receive this error all the time, and it doesn't make any sense. Any idea what it means and how to handle it?

2020-04-07 12:00:00 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.wb_irrigation.sensor] wbi_raw_data {'coord': {'lon': xxxxx, 'lat': xxxx}, 'weather': [{'id': 800, 'main': 'Clear', 'description': 'clear sky', 'icon': '01d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp': 15.91, 'feels_like': 7.72, 'temp_min': 15, 'temp_max': 16.67, 'pressure': 1032, 'humidity': 26}, 'visibility': 10000, 'wind': {'speed': 8.2, 'deg': 140}, 'clouds': {'all': 0}, 'dt': 1586253600, 'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 6878, 'country': 'AT', 'sunrise': 1586233220, 'sunset': 1586280795}, 'timezone': 7200, 'id': 2771940, 'name': 'xxxxx', 'cod': 200}

mqtt configuration for homeassistant in docker

@hhaim @theunreal hi guys, thanks for the great project. I am new to homeassistant. Trying to follow your guide and set up a pulse sensor water meter. I have flashed a wemo D1 mini with Tasmota. Now I need to integrate it into my homeassistant 0.95.4. I have homeassistant, mosquitto, grafana, influxdb, etc. all running in docker containers under docker-compose. Mosquitto is accessed with login/password for each client. How do i configure the wemo and your custom-components/ to work with my setup? Thank you

schedule class generates error when run_daily fires an event

thanks for this great project!
As a first step I tried to use the schedule class for a simple switch.
So I implemented a class

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import datetime
import schedule 
class ScheduleTest(hass.Hass):

def initialize(self):
    self.log("start scheduleTest {0}".format(str(self.args)));
    self.sch = schedule.Schedule(self,
def on_schedule_event(self,kwargs):
    self.log("event occured" )

and initiated it as

 module: simpleSwitch
 class: ScheduleTest
    - { mode: c, start: { t: "11:19:00", d: 7}, end: { t: "11:20:00", d: 7} }

So I'd expect a "event occurred" msg in my log file.

Whenever run_daily fires (in this case 11:20:00 on sun) an event I got the message (in error.log)

Unexpected error during exec_schedule() for App: simple_schedule_test
2020-09-06 11:20:00.169493 WARNING simple_schedule_test: Args: {'name': 'simple_schedule_test', 'id': '29f9b8d5fcec4692a7e336576f353119', 'callback': <bound method Schedule._cb_event of <Schedule with 1 rules>

'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 7, 9, 20, tzinfo=), 'interval': 86400, 'basetime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 7, 9, 20, tzinfo=), 'repeat': True, 'offset': 0, 'type': None, 'pin_app': True, 'pin_thread': 0, 'kwargs': {'interval': 86400, 'constrain_days': 'sat', 'rule': , 'state': 'off'}}
2020-09-06 11:20:00.169958 WARNING simple_schedule_test: ------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-06 11:20:00.170932 WARNING simple_schedule_test: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/fiedel/appdaemon/lib/python3.8/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 181, in exec_schedule
await self.AD.state.set_state(
File "/Users/fiedel/appdaemon/lib/python3.8/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 472, in set_state
old_state = deepcopy(self.state[namespace][entity])
File "/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 146, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)

TypeError: cannot pickle '_thread.RLock' object

2020-09-06`` 11:20:00.171552 WARNING simple_schedule_test: ------------------------------------------------------------

2020-09-06 11:20:00.172243 WARNING simple_schedule_test: Scheduler entry has been deleted

2020-09-06 11:20:00.172565 WARNING simple_schedule_test: ------------------------------------------------------------

I'm running Appdaemon (Version 4.0.5) in a virtualenv with, as you can see, python 3.8.

Initializing the app works fine:

2020-09-06 11:18:59.594615 INFO AppDaemon: Found 1 total apps
2020-09-06 11:18:59.599411 INFO AppDaemon: Terminating simple_schedule_test
2020-09-06 11:18:59.600421 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing app simple_schedule_test using class ScheduleTest from module simpleSwitch
2020-09-06 11:18:59.602966 INFO simple_schedule_test: start scheduleTest {'module': 'simpleSwitch', 'class': 'ScheduleTest', 'schedule': [{'mode': 'c', 'start': {'t': '11:19:00', 'd': 7}, 'end': {'t': '11:20:00', 'd': 7}}]}
2020-09-06 11:18:59.605594 INFO simple_schedule_test: event occured
2020-09-06 11:19:00.161988 WARNING AppDaemon: Logged an error to .homeassistant/conf/logs/errors.log
2020-09-06 11:20:00.171914 WARNING AppDaemon: Logged an error to .homeassistant/conf/logs/errors.log

I'd love to integrate this app but to be honest I'm a little bit lost at this stage.

Thank you for tips, hints, comments


WBI: muanal notification when irrigation starts automatically

When the irrigation is triggered automatically, I receive the corrent notification, but I also get the manual start notification.

Example of the logs:
2020-04-05 07:00:00.208066 INFO wb_irrigation: irrigation event for p1
2020-04-05 07:00:01.170713 INFO wb_irrigation: 07:00:01 irrigation time tap p1 timer 15 min
2020-04-05 07:00:02.629552 INFO wb_irrigation: turn on by user p1 30 min
2020-04-05 07:00:02.776351 INFO wb_irrigation: 07:00:02 irrigation time tap p1 manual 30 min
2020-04-05 07:15:58.068002 INFO wb_irrigation: irrigation stop for p1 on

Basic setup with smart switch

Is it possible to use this Weather based irrigation solution to toggle an smart switch? I have a very basic setup for my sprinklers, just a smart switch that will turn on/off my water pump. I was looking for something like this and it’s all I want, but I need to be able to set an other action.

Can you give me some directions to get started? I installed the component, I see all the sensors, but I can't find a way to include my smart switch.
So I want/need to be able to start the water pump (smart switch) when the ev_day (or fao56?) reaches a certain value at a certain time. Turn off the switch after x minutes. I guess another value must be updated with the amount of water that is used to update the ev_day (or fao56?)?

Also a small suggestion, maybe rename some off the sensors. If you are new into this, ev_day, fao56, p1, wp1,... doesn't say much. If you give this a more user friendly name, people will understand it more easily.

Thanks in advance!

Water_monitor integration not working

During my config checking got

Configuration invalid
Integration not found: water_monitor

here is my setup I used

in configuration.yaml
variable: !include variable.yaml

module: heat_app
class: CWaterMonitor
sensor_water_total: sensor.water_total
sensor_water_leak_detector: variable.water_leak_detector
#sensor_water_bursts: variable.water_bursts
sensor_water_bursts: variable.water_usage_bursts
watchdog_duration_min: 50
watchdog_leakage_ticks: 3
max_day: 2000
max_burst_l0: 400
max_burst_l1: 600
taps_switchs: [ switch.wbi_p1] # when one of them is enabled move to burstl1 ''

in sensor.yaml

``- platform: tasmota
name: "water_total"
stopic: ECS
id: 1
max_valid_diff: 2000

unit_of_measurement: 'l'

icon: mdi:water
expire_after: 300
value_template: "{{ ((0 + (value))|int) }}"

  • platform: tasmota
    name: "water_total_norm"
    stopic: ECS
    id: 1
    unit_of_measurement: 'l'
    icon: mdi:water
    expire_after: 300
    value_template: "{{ ((0 + (value/400.0))|float)| round(2) }}"

in variable.yaml
value: 0
restore: true
friendly_name: 'water leaks detector'
unit_of_measurement: "l"

value: 0
restore: true
friendly_name: 'water usage bursts'
unit_of_measurement: "l"

Custom component tasmota stop working

Hello, after upgrade HA to 117 version custom component tasmota stop working

2020-11-22 23:45:21 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for tasmota which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
2020-11-22 23:45:21 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration tasmota: No module named 'custom_components.tasmota.config_flow'
2020-11-22 23:45:21 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration tasmota: No module named 'custom_components.tasmota.config_flow'

These are errors in the server log file.

Maybe due to the fact that they added integration

New Integrations

We welcome the following new integration this release:

    Advantage Air, added by @Bre77
    Gree, added by @cmroche
    Profiler, added by @bdraco
    Ruckus Unleashed, added by @gabe565
    Tasmota, added by @emontnemery
    Xbox, added by @hunterjm

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