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pharmate's Introduction


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3.1 Introduction

In this SRS part, we will explain technical details about Pharmate projects considering it score features, user requirements and system requirements.

3.1.1 Purpose

In this document we describe the software requirements for the proposed mobile application, further referred to as the Pharmate. As part of this application we will build a system that gather all stakeholders in one platform to donate unused medicines, where they can register and login.

System Stakeholders

The term "stakeholder" refers to people or groups affected by a software development project. Stakeholders are both inside and outside the organization. Information from stakeholders tells the company or person what features and issues they need to resolve and update by telling them what kind of software and updates are needed.

• Donator: The donor is the person who donates the drugs he / she does not need to those who need and who cannot take the drugs he / she needs.

• Pharmacy: The pharmacy is actually an intermediary. Pharmacies act as an intermediary and control mechanism during drug donation. Pharmacies are intermediaries for the purpose of the drugs and distribution to the people in need. They also check whether the drugs are suitable for donation.

• Receiver: The receiver is the person who cannot reach the drug he needs and who takes the drug from a person who donates the drug. The receiver finds the drug from the application and takes the drug from the intermediary or donor.

• Health Centre: The health centre checks whether the medicines are suitable for donation. As a mediator between the donor and the recipient, it delivers the drug to the needy recipient in the most appropriate way.

• Employees: Employees are those who serve or work in the system, in the application.

• Volunteer: Volunteer organizations determine the people or institutions who need the drug, and ensure that the drugs can reach them in the easiest way. Some examples thereof in Turkey are: Akut, Kızılay, Yeşilay etc.

• Administrator: Person responsible for managing the application or system.

3.1.2 Project Scope

This project is intended to bring unused drugs to needy institutions, organizations and individuals in Turkey. The donations planned to be made in this project will be made in accordance with the directive issued by the world health organization.

3.1.3 Document Conventions

In this section, you will be able to see a table of what are the definitions and abbreviations will be used in our project.

3.2 User Requirements

User Requirements clarify the necessities of clients with respect to what they need from the system. It is commonly written in the beginning times of the approval procedure before the framework is made. They are composed by the framework proprietor and end-clients, with contribution from Quality Assurance. Necessities laid out in the URS are normally tried in the Performance Qualification or User Acceptance Testing. Numerous client necessities manage how a client will collaborate with a system and what that client anticipates. In the event that there is a screen or human machine interface perspective to the system, a client prerequisite might be founded on what happens when the client chooses an activity on the screen. Perhaps with a button press not exclusively does a procedure start, however it additionally changes to another screen and gives a perceptible warning. At the point when user necessities, for example, these are recorded, they can regularly break into numerous framework prerequisites later because of exchanging of screens, the greatest postponements in beginning the procedure, lastly what the following screen ought to resemble.

3.2.1 Login to the system

The system requires users to log in to use all its features, including donating and accessing drugs. Thus, the system will be more organized.

3.2.2 Registering / Adding User

In order to use this system, donors and receivers must be added to the system. A user account is created for this.

3.2.3 Adding Medicine Information

Users who will donate their medicine must upload related information about the medicine to the system.

3.2.4 Searching Medicine

Users can reach information about the target medicine among the other one’s if it’s available in the system.

3.2.5 Requesting Medicine

Users can search for the medicine, if exists show the related information about the medicines will be shown to the users. Since every medicine needed cannot be in the system, the system will set the status of the medicine as request until it found.

3.2.6 Generating Report about Medicines

In the medicine donation system, if the medicine is registered in the system, a report that contains related information about medicines will be created if needed.

3.2.7 Finding best option for receivers

This application is aimed to provide the necessary medicines to the recipients them in the best way. Many factors, such as expiration dates, ingredients, and side effects of medicines, make it possible for recipients to get the most out of it. The classifications are based on name of the medicines, barcodes, and components within the app, and will help the recipient find the medicine most accurately.

3.2.8 Receiving Medicine

This part for users who needs use this system to receive medicine. For this, there are some required information that user needs to enter to system.

3.3 System Requirements

In this System Requirements part, the core functions of the system will be explained with much more detailed related the terms and rules.

3.3.1 Login

The system requires users to log in to use all its features, including donating and accessing drugs. Thus, the system will be more organized. There are some rules and requirements for logging into this system. First of all, the user needs to enter the username and password so they can access the login page that they previously registered. There is a specific format for username and password. The user must enter his / her password and username in accordance with this format. If the username or password entered in the wrong format, an error will be generated which is “Username or password is incorrect.". If needed information’s in the correct format, the user is asked for a verification code that goes to the phone/e-mail that registered in the system. If the verification code is entered incorrectly an error will be generated which is, the "Code is incorrect”. If the verification code is entered correctly, the user can log in to the system

• User must enter username and password correctly.

• User must enter the validation code from his/her mobile number.

• If any information is incorrect there will be an error which is (Username or Password is incorrect).

3.3.2 Registering / Adding Users

In order to use this system, donors and receivers must be added to the system. A user account is created for this. The user account identifies the user and the user account settings determine which records the user can access. We need the following information in order to add users to the system.

Turkish Identification Number (TC No)

• This information is required for Adding User.

• Turkish Identification Number allows system to validate user if he/she is a real person being or not.

• The prescription and related information about the medicines can be checked with Turkish Identification Number, if receiver is eligible to take medicines.


• This information is required for Adding User.

• Name information is needed for validate the information from his/her Identity.


• This information is required for Adding User.

• Surname information is needed for validate the information from his/her Identity.

Mobile Number

• This information is required for Adding User.

• Mobile Number information is needed for Validation Code, which will be used in Login Screen.

• Mobile Number information can be used for reach to user if necessary.


• This information is required for Adding User.

• E-Mail must be ready to use and valid.

• E-mail information is used for Validation Code, if Validation Code for mobile number is not working.


• This information is required for Adding User.

• Address information can be used for reach to user if necessary.

3.3.3 Adding Medicine Information

Users who will donate their medicine(donors) must upload related information about the medicine to the system. To add medicine information user need, enter information;

• Name of the medicine.

• Barcode Number of the medicine.

• Amount.

• Expiration Date.

3.3.4 Searching Medicine

Users can reach information about the target medicine among the other one’s if it’s available in the system.

• Medicines can be searched from logged users.

• If target medicine exists, related information will show in the system.

• If not, nothing has been shown to the user.

3.3.5 Requesting Medicine

Users can search for the medicine, if exists show the related information about the medicines will be shown to the users. Since every medicine needed cannot be in the system, the system will set the status of the medicine as request until it found. To Request Medicine;

• Searched medicine must not be available in the system.

• If requested medicine needs special prescription, related information must be added, and checked from the authorized users from the system.

3.3.6 Receiving Medicine

This part for users who needs use this system to receive medicine. For this, there are some required process below that user needs to complete.

• User needs to enter the prescription number in the system after searching the medicine from the system.

• Afterwards, the prescription will be checked and approved.

• The person in need of the drug and the donor communicate through the validated organization with each other.

• Finally, the admin / organization leader creates the environment for delivery.

3.3.7 Generating Reports About Medicine

In the medicine donation system, if the medicine is registered in the system, a report that contains related information about medicines will be created if needed. To generate report;

• Login to the system,

• Search the medicine,

• If exists system will be show a list of the medicines,

• User will choose target medicine,

• Report will be created.

3.3.8 Finding Best Option for Receiver

This application is aimed to provide the necessary medicines to the recipients them in the best way. Many factors, such as expiration dates, ingredients, and side effects of medicines, make it possible for recipients to get the most out of it. The classifications are based on name of the medicines, barcodes, and components within the app, and will help the recipient find the medicine most accurately. To find best option for receiver there will be process that user need to complete;

• Login to the system.

• Search the medicine.

• If exists system will be show a list of specific points that user can receive the medicine.

• The system will show the nearest points through the map application.

• If not, system will generate a request for needed medicine.

• Same process above will be eligible when target medicine added in to the system.

3.4 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define the general infrastructure of the system with the services provided by the system. They reveal what the system will do structurally and functionally. A part form development, mostly input, output units are requirements for processes. It determines in detail what the system can do and the actions it should take.

3.4.1 Login

The system requires users to log in to use all its features, including donating and accessing drugs. Thus, the system will be more organized. In login screen user will enter the required information. If the information’s are correct user will login successfully and directed to the homepage. If not, an error will be generated that says Username/Password/Validation Code is incorrect. To login the system user will enter the required information;


• Input will be string(text).

• User must enter username correctly.

• Username can contain letters (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9).

• Username cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).

• If the related information about the username is incorrect system will generate an error that says invalid username.


• Input will be string(text).

• User must enter password correctly.

• Password must contain at least 8 characters.

• Password can contain (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9).

• Password can contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).

• If the related information about the password is incorrect system will generate an error that says invalid password.

Validation Code

• If Username and Password information is correct.

• The system will direct user to a screen to enter validation code.

• User must enter the validation code from his/her mobile number or e-mail address.

• If validation code is also entered correctly user will be directed homepage.

• If not, system will generate an error that says invalid validation code.

3.4.2 Registering / Adding Users

In order to use this system, donors and receivers must be added to the system. A user account is created for this. The user account identifies the user and the user account settings determine which records the user can access. We need the following information in order to add users to the system. If related information is entered properly the system create your account and say Account Created / User Added Successfully. If one (or more) of the information is entered in incorrect form system will generate an error that says “An error occurred, please enter your information in correct form”.


• Username must between 4-12 characters.

• Username can contain letters (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9).

• Username cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).


• Password must contain at least 8 characters.

• Password can contain (a-z, A-Z), and numbers (0-9).

• Password can contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).


• E-Mail must be valid and ready to use.

Turkish Identification Number

• Turkish Identification Number cannot start with zero (0).

• Turkish Identification Number must be 11 characters.

• Turkish Identification Number cannot contain any letters (a-z, A-Z) or special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).


• Name cannot start with these characters “Ğ-ğ”.

• Name cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).

• Name cannot contain any number (0-9).


• Surname cannot start with these characters “Ğ-ğ”.

• Surname cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).

• Surname cannot contain any number (0-9).


• Address must contain Country, City, District, Street, Postal Code.

3.4.3 Adding Medicine Information

Users who will donate their medicine(donors) must upload related information about the medicine to the system. If all the information related the medicine is entered properly system will generate a text that says “Medicine Added Successfully”. If one of the information’s entered in incorrect format system will generate an error that says “Medicine Couldn’t be added to the system. Please correct the information and try again”. Even though to information is correct, system will check if the medicine is expired or not. If it’s expired system will generate another error that says “Medicine is expired”.

Name of the medicine

• Name of the medicine must be entered properly.

• Name cannot start with these characters “Ğ-ğ”.

• Name cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).

Barcode Number of the medicine

• Barcode number cannot contain any characters beyond numbers.

• Name cannot start with these characters “Ğ-ğ”.

• Name cannot contain special characters (!#$@-+=_-‘,><.).


• Amount cannot contain any characters beyond numbers.

• Amount cannot be bigger than 20.

Expiration Date

• Expiration date must be added in Date Time Format.

Special Prescription

• If this medicine needs for a special prescription it must be yes.

• If this medicine needs no special prescription it must say no.

3.4.4 Searching Medicine

Users can reach information about the target medicine among the other one’s if it’s available in the system. If medicine is available in the system, related information will be shown for the user. If not system will generate a text that says “No Result”. To search medicines;

• User must be logged in to the system.

• User has a permission to search to medicines.

To use Search Function user can select one of these methods;

• User can search medicines with name of the medicine.

• User can search medicines with scanning the barcode.

• User can search medicines with entering the barcode number

3.4.5 Requesting Medicines

Users can search for the medicine, if exists show the related information about the medicines will be shown to the users. Since every medicine needed cannot be in the system, the system will set the status of the medicine as request until it found. If medicine is requested successfully system will say “Medicine Requested Successfully”. If not, there will be an error generated that says “Medicine Couldn’t Requested”. To request medicine;

• User must search the needed medicine.

• Target medicine must not available in the system.

• The request for the target medicine will be created on the system if the first two conditions are provided.

• If one of the steps above is not completed properly system will generate an error that says “Medicine Couldn’t Requested”.

3.4.6 Receiving Medicine

This part for users who needs use this system to receive medicine. For this, there are some required process below that user needs to complete. To receive medicine;

• Login to the system.

• Search the medicine.

• If exists system will be showing a list of the medicines for user.

• User will choose target medicine.

• User needs to enter the prescription number in the system after searching the medicine

• If the prescription will be checked and approved.

• If receiving request has been accepted system will say “Your receiving request has been accepted. Please contact with authorized organization.”.

• The person in need of the medicine and the donor communicate through the validated organization.

• Finally, the admin / organization leader creates the environment for delivery.

• If receiving request is not accepted system will generate an error that says “Your receiving request has not been accepted”.

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

It is the requirements that determine the abstract features of the system. These abstract features are generally the interface, physical environment, user consideration, reliability and assurance of quality. These requirements play a critical role, especially in terms of software quality. Unless these requirements are met, usability will be insufficient. Security, Efficiency, Availability, Consistency, Simplicity, Modifiability.

3.5.1 Security

System is including many important personal information that users shared with. We have an obligation to protect this data. To protect these data;

• User and personal information is going to be stored in the encrypted databases.

• Personal and other important information can be shown from users who has with permission.

3.5.2 Efficiency

Efficiency is the capacity to abstain from materials, vitality, endeavors, cash, and time in accomplishing something. The intended efficiency in the project is observed in the same direction. This project saves time, money and effort for donors and those in need. The availability of the application keeps efficiency high.

3.5.3 Availability

Availability is that something is accessible. At the same time, the availability of the system is measured as a factor of reliability, and the increase in reliability increases the availability. The system intended for the project will protect the data of individuals and make it available to users for this, system is going to be run on multiple servers for any server error shutdown.

3.5.4 Constraints

There will be limitations for downloading the application, registering, searching medicines and listing the donators addresses. Downloading the application

• This application will be developed for android platform which means, to use it Google Play Store account needed.


• Users must be at least 18 years old. If not his / her legal parents have to be login instead of him / her.

• Registration cannot be made via unverified e-mail or phone number.

Searching Medicines

• The medicines have to be legally on the sale.

• A special prescription is required for some infectious diseases. Red-colored prescriptions are required for drugs and preparations, and green-colored prescriptions for psychotropic substances and preparations.

Listing the donators addresses

• List of the donators can be shown from only validated users. Other users can see the list of pharmacies that has the medicine.


• Donor and receiver can not communicate directly

• Communication is provided from validated organization / admin between donor and receiver.

3.5.5 Simplicity

This application appeals to a wide age segment, for this reason application will be design with simple UI for ease of use to increase usability.

3.5.6 Modifiability

Mobile applications or any application that we use aren’t perfect. They are updated periodically for improving and debugging or any reason. This application will be updated also. To creating easily updated app we need to create this application modifiable.

3.5.7 Working Environment

Working environment is platforms that we will use until the developing process ends. There is a list for definition of these platforms. • Windows Operating System Microsoft Windows, ordinarily alluded to as Windows, is a gathering of a few restrictive graphical working framework families, which are all evolved and advertised by Microsoft. It offers a wide assortment of uses [13].

• Android Operating System

This project will be structured in android working framework. Android working framework is a Linux based, open source versatile programming produced for cell phones. Structured essentially for touchscreens, Android is mainstream among cutting edge gadgets searching for a minimal effort and adaptable working framework. The fact that the Android operating system is so usable is that it is open source. Android uses several methods for power usage and memory management. It prevents applications from interfering in all areas of the system in order to be strong in terms of Android security. Android applications mostly develop by using Java programming language [14].

• Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used in Android application development. Android studio provides the fastest tools for developing high quality, successful results running on any Android device. Android studio includes needed code editor, debugger performance analysis tools. One of its most important features is supported on all android platforms. Editing, compilation and execution processes take place quickly. It also provides customizable APK configurations. Firebase SDK provides built-in support for Firebase Test Lab, Firebase Application indexing, and Google Cloud Platform [15].

• Java Programming Language

Java; is a simple, object-oriented, network-savvy, interpreted, robust, secure, portable, high-performance and dynamic computer language. The Android application layer contains applications developed directly in Java (programming language).Java programming language is an indispensable whole for android. Therefore, it is the most suitable programming language to be used for our java project. Having an interpreted language makes it easy to debug incorrect Java programs. Java can be integrated into almost any major operating system. In addition, the java programming language and platform are designed specifically to ensure security. It provides exceptional functionality to produce custom interfaces in the project [16].

• Database

The database is a sorted out information assortment that is electronically put away and gotten to from a PC framework. Database the executives framework (DBMS) is programming that interfaces with end clients, applications, what's more, the database itself to catch and examine information. DBMS programming likewise covers the essential conceivable outcomes to deal with the database. The aggregate of database, DBMS and related applications can be classified "database system"[17].

• Firebase Firebase is a versatile and web application advancement stage from the Google. It permits you to Firebase Authentication is an assistance that can just confirm clients utilizing customer side code. It bolsters other social specialist co-ops, for example, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter and Google Play Google Games, Apple, Yahoo and Microsoft [18].

• SQLite

SQLite is a software library that gives a social database the board framework. SQLite doesn't require a server to run. The SQLite database is incorporated with the application that gets to the database. Applications cooperate with the SQLite database, perusing and composing legitimately from database records put away on plate. SQLite utilizes dynamic sorts for tables. It implies you can store any an incentive in any section paying little heed to the information type. SQLite permits a solitary database association with get to different database records at the same time [19].

• Visual Studio Code

Although Visual Studio Code is fast, it is a tool that can run on Microsoft, Linux and MacOS. Any operating system must be available to develop with any programming language. Visual studio code is an important tool that can work in operating systems that are needed. It supports many programming languages that we will use thanks to the plugins it contains. With debugging features, it serves to organize and optimize codes on advanced web and cloud applications. Another important feature is that it is free [20].

• Adobe Photoshop

It is the most comprehensive graphic and photo editing software developed. Photoshop CC supports all photo formats, including BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX and TIF. It is also an extremely successful software for importing and editing physical photos. It is one of the software that has adopted the layered working system best. Thanks to the layers, a versatile working principle is provided. Moreover, it offers a lot of alternatives that can be easily customized [21].

pharmate's People


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pharmate's Issues

Şifre Sıfırlandıktan Sonra Sign-In Ekranına Yönlendirilmesi

Uygulamada şifre sıfırlandıktan sonra kullanıcının giriş sayfasına yönlendirilmesi gerekiyor. Yazılması gereken fonksiyonun bir benzeri aşağıdaki gibidir.

Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SignIn.class);

Screenshot from 2020-11-17 11-30-35

AnaSayfa Icin Yeni Bir Tasarim

Anasayfadan daha fazla Activity'e ulasabilmemiz icin 4 tane buyuk buton yerine daha minimal ama daha cok Activity'e erisim saglayabilecegimiz bir tasarim olusturulmasi.

İlaç Bağışlama Ekranında Düzenlemeler

  • Amount kısmının number olarak kullanıcıdan alınması
  • Expiration Date kısmının TimeStamp olarak kullanıcıdan alınması
  • Kullanıcı Special Prescription Kutusunu İşaretlerse SpecialPrescription almak için EditText çıkması. Default olarak o kısmın olmaması gerekiyor.
    Screenshot from 2020-11-17 11-52-01

About Sayfasinin Olusturulmasi

Uygulamayi kullananlarin daha fazla bilgiye erisebilecegi bir About sayfasinin olusturulmasi.
Nasil Ilac Bagislanir
Nasil ilaca erisilir vs.

Organization List Ekrani

SearchMedicine Ekranindaki gibi,Organization bilgilerinin listelendigi bir ekran tasarlanacaktir.

Alert Dialog Eklenmesi

Hata veya herhangi bir mesajda kullanabilecegimiz(TOAST yerine) alertDialog'lar eklenmesi
Screenshot from 2020-12-22 00-30-29

Uygulama için Splash Screen Oluşturulması

Uygulama ve gerekirse menü geçişlerinde kullanabileceğimiz bir Splash Screen yapılması gerekiyor. Uygulamanın logosu halihazırda dosyalar içersinde kullanılabilir durumda.

Ilac Isteme Ekrani

Ilac Listeleme Ekraninda(Search Medicine), Herhangi bir ilaca tikladigimizda o ilac icin Receive Seceneginin Sunulmasi
Misal Parol ilacina tiklandiginda ilacla ilgili daha detayli bilgilerin oldugu bir sayfa acilacak ve bu sayfanin en altinda receive secenegi bulunacak.
Layoutlar arasinda halihazirda receiveMedicine Layout'u mevcut fakat buradaki gibi elle herhangi bir bilgi girmemize gerek yok cunku ilac listesinde halihazirda istedigimiz ilaci secmis bulunuyoruz.
Ilac listesindeki her bir eleman(ilac) layoutlardaki medicineItem isimli layouttur. tiklanma islemi bu item uzerinden olacaktir
Daha detayli bilgi icin Android ListView Click olarak aratabilirsiniz.
Screenshot from 2020-12-11 21-53-41

Request İlaçların Listelenmesi

Anasayfadaki request butonuna basınca önceden search medicine sayfasında request edilmiş ilaçlar listelensin. Veritabanında ki tüm request edilmiş ilaçlar gelmemeli kişinin kendi request ettikleri gelsin.

User Class'ının Oluşturulması

Raporda da yazdığımız gibi bir User Class'ı oluşturup, User ile ilgili bütün bilgilerin bu Class içinden çağırılıp kullanılması.

Örnek User Class

Screenshot from 2020-11-17 11-18-06

Uygulamaya Icon Eklenmesi

Uygulamaya telefon menulerinde gorulecek olan bir ikon eklenmesi gerekiyor. Icon uygulamada halihazirda kullandigimiz logo olmalidir.

Tasarımların Klavye Açılınca Bozulması

İlaç listeleme ya da diğer ekranlarda

  • Sayfaya girildiği anda EditText'lere odaklanması. Bunun kapatılması gerekiyor. Biz tıkladığımızda EditText'lere odaklanmalı

  • Sayfada herhangi bir şekilde klavye açtığımızda tasarımların bozulması(kırmızı kutular listelenen ilaçlar)

Screenshot from 2020-11-17 11-45-10

Organization Class'ının Oluşturulması

Kurum ve Organizasyonlar ile iligli tüm işlemlerimiz için kullanacağımız, User Class'ına benzer şekilde oluşturulacak bir OrganizationClass oluşturulması.

Kullanıcının Kimlik fotoğrafı yüklemden İlaç Bağışı vs Yapamaması

Kullanıcı Edit Profile Sayfasından Kimlik Fotoğrafını Yüklemezse Uygulamının Temel İşlevlerine Ulaşamayacak.
Bu kısım ise "Shared Preferences" kullanılarak yapılabilir.
Default değer olarak, yani kayıt yaptığımız kısımda bu değer "boolean" bir değer olarak false tanımlanır.
Ne zamanki kullanıcı başarıyla fotoğraf yükler, bu değer true olarak döndürülür.
Bu kontroller ise gerekli sayfalarımızda yapılır.
Mesela ilaç bağışlarken
if(fotoğrafYüklendi == false)
Fotograf yukleyiniz
if(fotografYuklendi == true)
Ayni islemler yapilmaya devam edilebilir

ProgressBar Eklenmesi

Uygulamanin herhangi bir yerinde islem yaparken olusan bekleme anini belirtmek icin kullanacagimiz bir ProgressBar ekleme.

Edittext'lere trim,toLowerCase, toUpperCase eklenmesi

Ilaclarin barkod numaralarinda ve isimlerinde bosluk kalmamasi, ve filtreleme yaparken(isme ya da barkod numarasina gore) buralardaki edittextlere trim(bosluklari siler, toUpperCase(tum harfleri buyuk yazdirir)) gibi kontrollerin eklenmesi

Organization Kısmında User Listeleme Sayfası

Organization Homepage'de Organization Listeleme Sayfası yerine User Listeleme Sayfasının Oluşturulması.
Bu sayfada her bir user'a tıkladığımızda bilgilerinin olduğu bir sayfanın açılması.

Uygulamaya giris yaparken Mail Kontrol Edilmesi

Uygulamayi kullanan kisilerin kisiler sayfasindan, organizasyonlarin ise organizasyon sayfalarindan giris yapabilmeleri icin firebase'den mail bilgilerinin cekilip SignIn tusuna basildiginda kontrolunun yapilmasi

Profile Sayfasinin Olusturulmasi

Herhangi bir mobil uygulamadaki gibi, kullanicilarinin bilgilerinin gosterildigi bir profile sayfasi olusturulmasi(isim soyisim,dogum tarihi vb.) ve bu ekrandan kullanici bilgilerinin duzenlenebilmesi(halihazirda bulunan personal information sayfasina da bu ekrandan ulasabiliriz.)

Kullanıcı Bilgilerinin Kontrollerinin Yapılması

Raporda Functional Requirements kısmında da belirtildiği üzere kullanıcıdan aldığımız bilgilerin kontrollerinin yapılması gerekiyor.

  1. TC Kimlik Numarası 14 hane olacak.
  2. İsimlerde sembol rakam vs bulunmayacak
  3. Şifrelerde büyük küçük harf ve rakam bulunması gibi

Screenshot from 2020-11-24 00-37-59

Requested Medicine Sayfası

Organization Sayfasında Requested Medicine'lerden herhangi birine tıkladığımızda bir sayfa açılacak. En son onayladığımızda ise bu ilaç bir nevi Request isteği kabul edilmiş olup, bu listeden silinecektir.

Request Medicine Sayfasinin Yeniden Aktif Hale Getirilmesi

Halihazirda proje icinde bulunan Request Medicine Sayfasinin Ana Ekran yeniden tasarlandiktan sonra aktif hale getirilmesi.
Bu sayfada diger sayfalarda oldugu gibi barcod numarasi ve ilac isminin girilmesi yeterlidir.
Request Tusuna basildiginda;
Firebase'de bulunan(olusturulacak) request tablosuna kayit eklenecek.
Barkod numarasi
Kisinin Ismi ve/veya Kullanici ID'si

Location Sayfasinin Tasariminin Degistirilmesi

Ilac istediğimiz bu sayfaya daha fazla bilgi ekleyebilmemiz için(istenilen ilacın ismi miktarı gibi) sayfanının ScrollView hale getirilmesi gerekiyor.Böylece bütün bilgileri sayfayı aşağı ya da yukarı kaydırarak görebiliriz. Örnek olarak SignUp person sayfası kullanılabilir.

Screenshot from 2021-01-01 01-56-05

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