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hpgdaac's Introduction


High Performance Graphing data acquisition and control

A command-line interface between a Raspberry Pi 4B and a WaveShare High Performance Analog-Digital Digital-Analog expansion board (AD: 24 bit, 8 chnl; DA: 16 bit, 2 chnl) used to digitize up to eight channels at up to 500 samples per second while simultaneously plotting data samples as they are digitized, potentially using analog output to generate analog signals, and with options for realtime calculations.


HPGdaac works on the Raspberry Pi 4B (and earlier?) hardware running the 2023-12-05 release of 32 bit Raspsbery Pi OS (Debian 12 (bookworm) kernel 6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v7l) patched with PREEMPT_RT.

  1. Clone source code from github to your RPi, e.g., to your ~/Code/ directory
mkdir ~/Code
cd ~/Code
git clone 
git clone 
git clone  
git clone  
  1. Install the xcb (X protocol C-languange Binding) development sources
sudo apt install libx11-xcb-dev
  1. Install the C library for the Broadcom BCM 2835 (and BCM 2711) processors to rapidly access the general purupose Input/Output (GPIO) interface and the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) interfaces of the HPADDA hardware.
cd ~/Code
tar zxvf bcm2835-1.75.tar.gz
cd bcm2835-1.75
sudo make check
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf bcm2835-1.75
  1. Patch the RPi kernel with PREEMPT_RT using these instructions: PREEMPT_RT-patch-PiOS-20240219

  2. Install gnuplot for simple data plotting

sudo apt install gnuplot
  1. build and install
cd ~/Code/HPGdaac
make clean
sudo make install
  1. configure new window placement with wayfire
echo [place] >> ~/.config/wayfire.cfg
echo mode=cascade >> ~/.config/wayfire.cfg

WaveShare High Performance Analog-Digital, Digital-Analog (HPADDA) hardware configuration

To configure the WaveShare HPADDA expansion board for use with HPGdaac,

  • on the 2x6 pin block,
    • connect 'VCC' to '5V'
    • connect 'VREF' to '5V'
  • on the 2x1 pin block
    • connect AGND to GND
  • on the 1x13 screw terminal block, to help prevent accidentally shorting 'VCC' to a signal lead,
    • mark the 'AGND' terminal with black ink
    • mark the 'VCC' terminal with red ink


HPGdaac is a command-line program for digitizing analog signals while simultaneously plotting data points, sending analog outputs and potentially performing real-time calculations at each time step, in real time. HPGdaac is configured via a test configuration file and a sensor configuration file.

After installation, HPGdaac is run from the command-line using:

HPGdaac <test configuration filename> <digitized data filename>  

The <test configuration filename> and the <digitized data filename> may not contain spaces.

Test configuration file

Users may edit the first line (containing a descriptive title) and the ninth line (summarizing sensor configurations) in their entirety. In all other lines, users may edit text following the colon (:).

Example test configuration file:

Title: data acquisition via HPGdaac
Acquisition Time (duration of test, sec)   :   66.0
Channel scan rate (scans per sec)          :  100.0
Digitization rate 1000, 2000, 3750, 7500   : 2000.0
Number of Channels   [1 to 8]              :   2
Channel Positive Pin [0 to 7]              :   0   2   2   3   4   5   6   7
Channel Negative Pin [0 to 7] or -1        :   1   3  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1
Voltage Range [0.05 to 5.00] (volts)       : 2.5 1.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
ch0: voltage input Vi   ch1: sensor output Vo
Sensor Configuration filename              : snsrs.cfg
Number of Control Constants                : 0
D/A 0 data filename                        : DA-files/chirp0.dat
D/A 1 data filename                        : DA-files/chirp1.dat

With the test configuration shown above, HPGdaac will collect data for 66 seconds, scanning two differential-input channels, 100 times each second, and digitizing each channel voltage in 0.5 milli-seconds (2000 conversions per second).

In this example, Channel 0 measures the voltage difference (V0 - V1) between pin 0 (positive) and pin 1 (negative) and Channel 1 measures the voltage difference(V2 - V3) between pin 2 (positive) and pin 3 (negative).

Pin -1 indicates analog ground.

Channel 0 will measure voltage differences in the range of -2.5 to +2.5 volts.
Channel 1 will measure voltage differences in the range of -1.2 to +1.2 volts.
Sensor sensitivities for each channel are specified in the file snsrs.cfg (see below).

Since realtime calculations often involve user-specified constants, (like a feedback gain, for example) values for up to 16 constants may be specified. See documentation in the Realtime Feedback Control section, below.

Nearly simultaneous writes to the DAC8532 (2 channel, 16 bit) digital-to-analog converter and reads from the ADS1256 (8 channel, 24 bit) enable input-output tests using HPGdaac. One or two user-specified D/A data files contain D/A time series. In these files, an integer value of 0 corresponds to an output voltage of 0 and an integer value of (216-1) (65535) corresponds to an output voltage of +5.000 volts. The output voltage increment is 5/(216-1), about 0.2 milli-volts. Typical time series for input-output tests include frequency-sweep (a.k.a. chirp) of sinusoidal, triangular, or square waves, band limited Gaussian noise, and an impulse. Command-line programs to write such time series data files are provided in the HPGdaac-xtra github repository. As implied by the example <test configuration file> above, it is convenient to save these files in a separate directory, e.g., DA-files.

Sensor configuration file

The <sensor configuration filename> may not contain spaces.

Users may edit the first line (containing a descriptive title) and the eighth line and following lines in their entirety. In all other lines, users may edit the content following the colon (:).

Example sensor configuration file:

  • The Channel column corresponds to the pair of Channel Positive and Channel Negative pins in the <test configuration file>.
  • The Label column is a brief text description of the sensor.
  • The Sensitivity column is the numerical value of the volts-per-physical-unit of the sensor.
  • The V/Unit column indicates the 'physical unit'
  • The DeClip column indicates how the scaling operation will deal with clipped data
  • The Detrend column indicates how the scaling operation will deal with biased or trending data
  • The Smooth column indicates how much the scaling operation will smooth the digitized data
A template sensor configuration file for HPGdaac
Xlabel : "seconds"
Ylabel : "volts"
integrate channel     : -1
differentiate channel : -1
Channel Label             Sensitivity   V/Unit          DeClip  Detrend Smooth
 0      "voltage input Vi"   1.0           "V"          0       4       0.1
 1      "sensor output Vo"   1.0           "V"          0       4       0.1
 2      "sensor 2"           1.234         "mm"         3       3       0.1
 3      "sensor 3"           5.678         "g"          3       3       0.1
 4      "sensor 4"           9.876         "g"          3       3       0.1
 5      "sensor 5"           5.432         "g"          3       3       0.1
 6      "sensor 6"           1.234         "g"          3       3       0.1
 7      "sensor 7"           5.678         "g"          3       3       0.1

Clip Correction Types:

      0:  no clip correction
      3:  fit a cubic polynomial to the clipped region
      5:  fit a fifth order polynomial to the clipped region

Detrend Types:

      0:   none       - no detrending
      1:   debias     - subtract the average value of each time series
      2:   detrend    - subtract the ordinary least squares straight line through the digitized data
      3:   baseline   - subtract a line passing through the fist point and the last point
      4:   first_pt   - subtract the first point
      5:   peak_peak  - make the max equal to the negative of the min

Smoothing level value (a number between 0 and 1)

       0     :  no smoothing
   0 <  < 1  : intermediate smoothing
       1     :  maximum smoothing

After executing the command line ...

HPGdaac <test configuration filename> <digitized data filename> 

... HPGdaac configures the the ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter, opens a window for plotting the digitized data in real time, and asks if the user is ready.
Pressing [enter] or Y [enter] initiates the test. Digitized data is displayed to the screen the instant it is digitized. When the test is complete HPGdaac displays the max, min, average and root mean square of each signal in units of LSB and in the units specfied in the <sensor configuration file>. It then saves the digitized data to the named digitized data file (a plain text file) in which the provided <digitized data filename> is appended by the date and time of the test. The user may then choose to retain or delete the digitized data file.

When the user chooses to retain the digitized data file, HPGdaac creates or appends a Gnuplot script called and an executable shell script file called . Running load '' from within Gnuplot plots the digitized data files. Running shell script scales, de-clips, detrends, and smooths the digitized data in a group of digitized data files.

HPGdaac screen

Digitized data file header and format

Every data file created by HPGdaac contains a standard twelve-line header and columns of space delimited integer-valued data in units of least significant bit (LSB). The WaveShare HPADDA expansion board implements a (8 channel, 24 bit) ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter.
A voltage value of 0 corresponds to a digital value of 0 and a voltage value equal to the measurement range corresponds to a digital value of (223-1) (8388607). The digitized voltage increment for a five volt measuring range is 5/(223-1), about 0.6 micro-volts.

For example, running ...

HPGdaac test.cfg  data123  

... at 3:14:16 on Tuesday March 14, 2023, with the <test configuration file> shown above, results in a <digitized data file> with a header of 12 lines ...

% Tue  Mar 14 03:14:16 2023
% Title: data acquisition via HPGdaac
% Data file 'data123.20230314.031416' created using configuration 'test.cfg'
% 6600 scans of 2 channels at 200 scans per second in 33.000 seconds
% ch0: voltage input Vi   ch1: sensor output Vo
% voltage ranges
%   2.5000    1.2000
% pre-test sample average
%     -564    125294
% pre-test sample rms
%       54        92
%   chn  0    chn  1
      1132    134224
     -1124    203892
   -211952  -7978718
   -166210  -4587630
    -51298  -1844884
      6090   2242276
  • line 1: date-time
  • line 2: line 1 of the test configuration file
  • line 3: the digitized data filename (with the time stamp) and the configuration filename
  • line 4: the number of channel scans, number of channels, scan rate, and collection duration
  • line 5: line 9 of the test configuration file
  • line 6-7: actual voltage ranges from the test configuration file for each measured channel
  • line 8-9: initial offest for each measured channel, averaged over 1 second, in LSB's
  • line 10-11: initial root mean square for each measured channel, in LSB's
  • line 12: header data for each measured channel

The subsequent space delimited columns of data are in units of least significant bit (LSB).
This is the most compact and precise way to represent the digitized data.

Scaling the digitized data file to desired units

The program scale from the HPGdaac-xtra repository uses the <sensor configuration file> to convert the digitized data from units of LSB to the units specified in the named <sensor configuration file>.

Usage ...

scale <sensor configuration filename> <digitized data filename> <scaled data filename> <data stats filename> 

The <sensor configuration filename>, <digitized data filename>, <scaled data filename>, and the <data stats filename> may not contain spaces.

For example, running ...

scale  snsrs.cfg  data123.20230314.031416  data123.20230314.031416.scl  dataStats 

... with the snsrs.cfg being the <sensor configuration filename> shown above, results in the named scaled data file (data123.20230314.031416.scl) with a header of 19 lines ...

% Tue  Mar 14 03:14:16 2023
% Title: data acquisition via HPGdaac
% Data file 'data123.20230314.031416' created using configuration 'test.cfg'
% 6600 scans of 2 channels at 200 scans per second in 33.000 seconds
% ch0: voltage input Vi   ch1: sensor output Vo
% voltage ranges
%   2.5000    1.2000
% pre-test sample average
%     -564    125294
% pre-test sample rms
%       54        92
% sensor configuration filename: snsrs.cfg
% A template sensor configuration file for HPGdaac
% sensitivity: 1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
% clip-corr. :  0                0
% detrending : firstPoint       firstPoint
% smoothing  : 0.100            0.100
%  time         chn  0           chn  1
%  seconds      V                V
  5.0000e-03   2.95856036e-02   6.83738828e-01
  1.0000e-02   2.82409228e-02   7.18620121e-01
  1.5000e-02  -9.74223763e-02  -3.37159777e+00
  2.0000e-02  -7.01580197e-02  -2.45410538e+00
  2.5000e-02  -1.66511536e-03  -7.57470250e-01
  3.0000e-02   3.25408019e-02   1.55045390e+00
  3.5000e-02   3.18899192e-02   1.40107858e+00
  4.0000e-02   1.35447998e-02   6.61691427e-01
  4.5000e-02   9.27710719e-03   8.72385323e-01

   :            :                :

  2.9995e+01   3.40106525e-02   6.96677923e-01
  3.0000e+01   3.28900851e-02   6.81472659e-01
% MINIMUM     -1.04121006e+00  -9.35091591e+00
% MAXIMUM      1.21445441e+00   1.07766724e+01
% R.M.S.       1.90395564e-01   2.30585074e+00

  • line 1-11: a copy of lines 1-11 from the digitized data file
  • line 12: the <sensor configuration filename>
  • line 13: line 1 of the sensor configuration file
  • line 14: sensor voltage sensitivity of each channel
  • line 15-17: columns 5, 6, and 7 of the sensor configuration file
  • line 18: channel numbers for each column
  • line 19: scaled units from column four of the sensor configuration file

The subsequent space delimited columns of data are scaled to the units specified in the sensor configuration file. The last lines of the scaled data file provide the maximum, minimum, and root mean square (RMS) in the scaled units.

In addition to scaling the digitized data to the desired units, the scale program corrects for channel-to-channel skew, and optionally interpolates clipped data, applies some smoothing, and detrends the digitized data.

scale appends the <data stats file> with the summary of the maximum, minimum, and root mean square (RMS) of the scaled data.


... quantitative information to be added soon ...

Realtime feedback control

... quantitative information to be added soon ...


hpgdaac's People


hpgavin avatar


Shashwat Jha avatar Mark Palmeri avatar





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